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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 11, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, April 11, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Page Seven ---For Sale-- SAt dE __ Registered Hereford Ils, service age Graves Brothers, Qdnoe Hills • 153 _ SAI~----Two Guernsey milk vs. ~reshened in February. ! one 3198, Lee Darland. 113 S~Ludwig piano in good lddtion. Will sell che~p. See K Ray Hoffeditz. - lt-- SAIAE---,Hamilton B each--~V-~c- ~a Cleaner and attachments. In L Condition $15. R. L. MCDon- , aVy ihTP'G e 306x, S~_N-~Two registered I, sland '~ey bulls, one solid color, 4 me. One broken color i me. old. a , ' :d J. Chamberlain, Route 1, box ), Washougal, Wash. 153-- )~tSESSED PIANO BARGAIN--- have a very good cot~ge size ~o to be repossessed in the vic- :Y- You take over balance on ~ll monthly payments, or, we t discount for cash. Address J. Smith, adjuster, Baldwin Piano re, 1u£1 SW Washington, ~>ort- I1, Oreg.. on_~. 153~ SAIAE OR TR:kDE~40 acres of timberland in Eastern Klick- County. Near road. Easily ac- ible. Will sell for cash or :able paper or will take ear of fi value, Ford Chevrolet or sOUth preferred. For further ~i~ lva:r~ oW: ~. e gM~:: ~a tHi~ o~Iu?td~ NOTICE OF SALE O~ P~3AL PROPERTY No. P. 2063 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. t In the matter of the Estate of John J. Miller, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu- WANTEIN--Fat ~aogs, cattle, and ant to an order of the above named sheep. Highest market prices paid Court, the undersigned administrator for feeder pig& M. M. Hooter, of the estate of the above named de- phone 316Y5. April 1940 ceased will on Saturday the llth day W-E-~~ of May, 1940, at the hour of 10 veal, and feeder pigs. Also bides, o'clock a. m. at the front door of the We pay highest cash ma,rket prices. County Courthouse of Klickit~t Coun- Goldendalo Meat Co. 5Otf-- ty, Goldendale, Washington, sell the hereinafter described real property WANTFA)-~Highest prices paid for belonging to the estate of said deced- cattle, sheep, fat hogs, veal and eat at public auction for cash, sub- stock cattle. Write Bud Heeley & ject to confirmation of the above Son, Toppenish, Wash., Route 1. named court. Phone 232 or 462, Goldendale. 146 ~Said real property being described, --Lost-- _ follows: The East Half 6E~) of the North- east Quarter (N~E~) of Section 8, IA}~IT---~Black suitcase containing Township 4 North, ~Range 18 East, barber tools, between Crawford's Willamette Meridianin Klickitat Grove and Wishram. Reward. County, Washington. Leave at this office. It Dated this 5th day of April, 1940. C. E. CR(~O~S, Administrator of the --'-tV|l ellan~[~usIA-*SC-||- -- - -----~- above no.reed estate. McDWEN & BROOKS, Attorneys for Estate, Goldendale, Washington. IA)OK--List your goods for corn- All-M2t4~- munity sale to be held on April 28, Goldendale, Wash. See Herme.n ~~ C. Roloff, Auctioneer• 152--~~ING ON PETITION " PmWARD---I wii Vi;- formation as to who stole my two Before the Board of County Corn- large steers last fall• This will hold missioners of Kllckltat County, good on any of my cettle in the Washington. future• Signed O. E. Shlppey. 156In the matter of the vacation of County Road• NOTICE---Have d~wn payment on Upon a petition filed for the vaca- new Ford, any model. Will snort- tion of a certain county road describ- rice. Snqulre Sentinel. c ed as follows: Commencing at a point on the ~o south line of the south west quarter EI~. Phone 102. Suits made to of the south east quarter of section order--Royal Tailors an4 Oregon ten Twp• 5, north range 15 ~;. W. M. City Woolen Mill line~. Popular said point being approximately 500 i~rtces. West of Ford Garege, Gold- feet east of the southwest corner of endale, tf--the said southwest quarter of the barred. GOODNOE HILLS RECORDS Sy /Pierce home. joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Alll)ritton were ,Sunday afternoon, April 7, Mrs. Da.te of ~first publication, April 11, RECORD RAINFALL FIGURE valley callers Saturday night. Frqnk Talhuan and sons Jimmy and 1940. JOHN R. MoI~WEN, administrator Last week, Charles Port, Cecil Delbert, were divm~v ?.vests at the with will.annexed of of ~OODNOE HILLS---Rainfall in Johnston, Mr. and ~irs. Joe Thomp- Ed Mattson hm::v. Ill the ;H~ernoon lusty ~. lviorris, accessed. The Hills measured six inches dur son and son, Gary, of Bates, Oregon, Mrs. Mattson served tee. a~d cake. McEiWl~N & ~P~OOKS, Attorneys for in,~ Febuarv and MJarch This w°/" visited with .Mrs. Thompson's sister Elam Binn~" and /a~:lily were also Estate. Postoffice address Golden- ---r--'r s al -- -* .... ? Mrs Sy Pierce and family 'present. • ' ve y u lu ttu , as our average annual " . ." dale, Washmgton. All-M2t4 rainfall i~ anlv 7~, i.oh~s. • Mrs. IWa,ul Mtller and chtldren wereMr. a,ad Mrs, Owq ' c . ~S~" --'A']e'tt'er~fron;'ffa;["[)]ego reports m town2dneMday last ~teek. . ,Redmond. Oreeon, .i,!e Jaisk~?n~ o~ o~,,o~.:,,r,,, " Charlie Baggarley as being enrolled ;.. . =.. ~o~e 't lvtafvet aye!the home of Mrs. Marie Binns this l~J[~Ja aunt, at at • - i~ ~laof~qt, ol now llVlnff In L$lCKleton where iVtl• ] week No~39 lennginf:U!i,~?n¢~hs.2ou~ s.: des[royet: or Marvel ,s workmg on the road. i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gately and Lad- ..... "~. " ~ ~. ...... sublnarine will follow this course In idle G(~dd, trd were ill Seattle on 1tusk- in the ;~uperlor ~,~ourt oi ~ile D,~a~:e e[ 1 "'" hess last ~ k ~xr~h~.¢.~.. e.,, rx~ob~,,~ ~ ..... ~,, a "ecent target shooting competttton ROOSEVELT DEFEAT,q ~ .s , 'e-. ,:- ...... ~ .... L%. .... ?,c,~ ,2v~:.o~. Charlie was one of the six making ....... -- ! H~rold Harmer arrived home front xn~nemartsteri)Orcetd~eestate ot ±vlaxy the highest record. RAILROAD TEAM 18-17! China. Ite has a thirty-day leave .." /:" . ;' ". F"" . .... The Hixon Brothers are shearing ----------- i fro[u tlle navv. tie intends to go to ~otlce is nereuy given that the an- • ~ ~'" : s lile " ,~,.~,,~ ~,.~.~h._~,,~. ~¢h ~n~ ~,~ sheep for Andy McOrae, Wllford Rf~.~v~L'r M~ ~,~,~,h .... a i (,a ffornla ~() ~ ttme next week. He .... "~"~"~.?"""::~7~'~:L--'~_': .... ~.L'- lmrie E ~E Brashear Gas Becks and~-.~-~'~' ~L--~-_'•L"~ ~"'L'" ~."U!is now visiting his father. uexea oi the estate oI the aoove n~lll- .re ' " "1 +1." ' #~ l~llllly, ~U~t 'a3iniis ~llo talnlly 1"1111 I ¢~ ~xr ~1 .1~ ,~,~A A1 ~,~*,~an a~r • ed deceased in accordance with an°~rs•:~.eea~°~etle~S f~gn"~hld^rw__~ Hanson and family visited D'onald l in "~;ot*d;n~i.'~l'e'~Sa~2.d~.~on'~isln:~se. order of the above n~med court of ~ ........ ~',o h.~÷h a~.... a ~.oexxr°~u BOIl.IX at the old Clark place Sunday i ~i', --~ ~, ~ • ..... '~ ........ ~-~',-" • ha .,~*i*l~a -'"t*"l" "ill o- ,,,.a..v. ~.~,ys ,~txx i,i,'. ~xxu l, xt'o. vv. a~l ............ " I A*t'. at u All'), aOllli i3t:ti8O|l wt./t2 111 L"? "~Y''C.~"~7.,~'. .... %~'. " ..-~"hnrie are on the sick list. _ ,±vtarma ~ru~os has been Visiting[ Goldondale Salurday. ~afuruay, the ijtn any ot ,~viay, z~ao, E E ~Brashear is planting Black her sister and brother-m-law in~ Monday April 8 the Stitch and a~^~nenouf o~,~oo'ciocK, akm: at tie (Locust," Chinese Ehn and Caragana Kooseveh. I Chatter club of R()osevelt had its £IOllL llOOl Ol- Lltl:~ ~O~l~llO~ Ill • R • " • • z~,~,o~ r~,,,,,~,, ~-~-~ol~ uro~ trees on his place east of the store, ose ann Frances Kelly visltedlmonthly meeting at G~ace S~nders. • ~*': ..... Z","."~C "~.'~'~','""~Y' ,,2o,7 Also some Russian Olives These their mother and father-in-law, Mr IMiss Helen Brondt was there and region:soLtile ne~:e~natter 2esc2"tse2 trees make & fine wind break', and Mrs. ~. E. Kelly. "] ta~ked on the goals of 4-H. After ,~,: ~,,,yyr~ ~ v-~-~ ?p .... L" X"" Mrs. A. J. Jacroux and family were ~Miss Helen Clark and Mrs. C. A. [the nteeling (Mrs. Sanders served a cask Subject tO connlntatlOn ot the ~ _ ' . r~ ." .. visitors at the Goodnoe Hills store Moore were visiting the James Clark delicious lunch. aoove nameu cou t towtt" home St n • ~" -"" If f •he"'o "h" st ~'uartrecently. Mrs. Jacroux, sr., was one 1 d~y to Tuesday. They re-, .Is.ok Sanders took care of the west rta ~o tj z~ rt we ~..~- of the visitors and recalled how she turned to Medical Springs Tuesday. !sheep Basil I-Ianner is herding while er ann the ~outneast t~uartel ot the T 1 ~B sll oo s )1 o is t .. ~ g- .... ,~_ r^.. oohad taught school in the old school he 'aih'oad gang played a close a.'~" t k a she 't v,~cation t v i ±~oltnwe t %~UalLelOI ovt:t~u~ ~ I " " " "*= " "~ ""-"~" ~'- ~'a "house more than 20 years ago. game of basketball with Roosevelt ~ his brother, Harold. Yownsn~p ~ i~ottn r~ange 11 ~; st ~, ,~.. x~r~,~....~,~ -~M....~a~... ~. ~rl~c~ Robert /mrie, who is studying at high school ~rlday. The score was[ A new windmill has been erected ........... the Soa.ttle untverstty has been pledg- 7 to 18 in favor of Roosevelt. n place of the Runyau pump house. lttg~t L;ounty, Washington .......... i; ....... ed for two of the fraternities thi~ The dance at Dot proved to be tt. Blanche Clark and Clark Seely _~.~a~e~ tnlSt~naay o~ ~p.rt.~, ~v~v. year. ~ very successful affair. • ivi:dted the Carl Seely home Sunday. j(~rir~ r¢ tvtcn~wx~¢,~ Aautmtstrator ' .. •., ' ., ~.¢ . I Mrs. Clarence ttolter and children Marjean Clark was a weekend .... witn will annexeu ot the aoove • • ..... ..... ~ ^.,~,_ were visttors at the W. G. Doughty guest of Lila Woods• 1 Revel ann Underw_o_o d _oP rtable McEaWE~q~ ~OCtI~S Attorne- s for l home last week. I !Melvin Clark now has a Chevrolet it writ -~ --1---- w eat ..... ~.' "- --~:- i The Almond trees ntade a beauti- i pickup. Iype ors. ~ma t aon paym . ,~state ~ostor~tce auuress ~omen- ful sho~it "his " "- ~ Mt~s ~nna Ma Ant ............ ~ ~r..~.~...~.-.. '^~a~÷~l ' lg t sprlng. Tney were l ~ - , e unason, trom iDamnce in small monthly peym@nts. • • ite a y covered with blooms. We • O'egon was a weekend guest iInaulre at The f~otdendala ~entlnel ' ~t expect a bumper crop this year. ]of Virginia Binns. I ..... BICKLETON PEOPLE Abe Hanson is drilling a well for The carnival March 30 was welll ..... ................ I E. E. Brashea.r. Mr. Hanson has just attended and a good time w~s en-i Sell it through the Want Ads A'I'I'I~IND lJ~J'l' 1)AI~U~-~' finished drilling for Andy MoCrae t t ~ [ " ' BIOI~LI~TON----~Miss Harriet Got-GOV CLARENCE D MARTIN fredson called on Catherine Frestrup I ..... ~, ......... " ...... Thursday evening. V1511'5 NIAI~IIIJLI~ IVlUbl~iUI¥1 CAlf B.~AINS---~odel A $40; Model A Truck, A Coupe, $85; Model pc, $115. Benny's Auto Ser- ~ho te 1002. lt-- L Full blooded Brown Swiss, soy and Guernsey• Deston Rus- , phone 8085. 143 [S~ilk cows, Guernsey Jerseys. ~'irst,. second and ~d calves all double tested. G. Wilson, Goldendale. 143~ SALE--Hatching eggs. White at, exhibition and egg contest ~k. Also Buff Cochin Bantam. Ce $I for 15. August Berggren, rhill, Star route.- 143 SALE--Two tons of bundle dat hay, Chas. Hilbner, rout~ endale~ • SALE . OR . TR~I)E -~ Young h spirited saddle horse. Erick lser~, L~rle, Wash• 133~ SALE--1939 F 14 ~n- tractor used approximately 300 ~rs. Year old ,Case side delivery also 10-20 International condition. Grange 133 plow; spring 4-section; 2 .wheel tractor tor. Inquire ~tt the Bingen ~e Shop, Bingen, Washing- _ lZ4 }~Steek e,~ttle for pasture, ~ head per month. Can handle tend oi' more. 15 hundred acres )unch grass• F. H. Thompson, ~', Wash. 11~ ?El)~--Get your lawn mower lad new before the Hobo grind- Comes in. Also saws filed and ~ned. J. H. Allyn shop. 132 lED--Wood cutters, Mrs. E. N. llpert, phone 3013. 10tf--- TO BUY---Christmas trees for 10 season in Klickitat county. make down payment. Sell ~rs before our orders are all ~d. Write oz" call.S.E. Aatkins, ~te 1, box 8, Goldendale. 143 DR. MILTON R. DAVIES DENTIST t~°~ae Phone 1464 Office 1172 Geldendale Washington DR. WILLIAM H. WEST DENTIS~ 0~lce phone 72:2 Res. 342 ,,~ldendale, Washington McEWEN & BROOKS ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW 0~le I~or North of Postoffice ~Goldendale, Washington cEWEN Z.O. RROOKS C. O. GARMIRE ATTORNEYS-AT.I~AW Darch Building ~.~dendale, Washington F. A. SMITH ATTORNEY.AT-I~W ae Door North of Po~toffieo' Goldendale, Washington southeast quarter; thence in a north- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rasmussen FREF,~If excess acid causes you westerly direction to the north line and children were Sunday dinner MARY~H,IbL--Mrs. Goss, Mrs. pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigos- of said southwest quarterof the guests ofMr. a.nd Mrs. Everett Catherine Barrett and Mrs. tIelen tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat- southeast quarter. Schrantz. in ause s ins et free t Barrett d~ove to The Dalles last g, N a, Ga Pa , g • The reason of said petition is tha Quite a number of the Bickleton Thu~sda- rfte~noon' Sample, Udga, at Allison's Phar- suchrtion of said road is useless as ..... 1,~ ottended the a .... ~,. r~+ ~, " Y " . m F8-A25 • • Governor CI~ once D Mart n visit icy. a part of the general road system. . urday evening ......... " • . .~ " ~ r.q" r,.~ ~I~I=~EBY ORtI~E}RE~D tlmtl ~,o n ...."Z ~o~, ~,oa . a~ the lviarynttt lvtuseum last lnurs- OAIED O1~ TI-IANKt~-We wish to e - "h~ hearth~ u"on said --etition is[. "~; ........... day a ter oo . ~ s p v party 'wetlnesu~y 112 honor ot ix_lag • press our thanks to our neighbors ha~ohv fl~d a~ ~nril 22rid at thel ............. Mrs. Claude Mtller left Thursday s -v.'.~-, .......... r - r-aget S Dlrtlltl0~y. i'nose present were ' "1 t and friends for the many present h--r -f Te,~ o'-l.ock A M 1940I ~_ ---~ ~..o ,~,~¢, ~ ..... ~ .... ~ I for The Dalles where she wt 1 nake and good wishes given to the trip- ~ ~* ,~o,, - - il 1 40 ] .... • ...... ~ ~ ........ ~, ~,~ ~,~ I her home for the corn ng year Dated th ...... . ..f A~,r , 9 • ~vtr~. ~.~o.~ .... ~ ...... ~u," ............. • Iets.--Mr. and Mrs Pete BreAsT. A M MtAfI~SEN Chairman of Board ............... I Mr. and M~s. G. B. Clendenmg of • • , ',Mllner r~. t~arsen ±vlr. ann ~vlrs. Al-~-- n uxer v'sit ""h ir -a ht r .................................. ission r ' • va co "t eu t e o ug e l~bM]gR KA~I-~OLZ, Comm e. fred Matsen Mr and Mrs King • ' CARD OF THANKS---We wish to ex- ~ m IIFMTTITf O.~,~,~to*tr~w~r I ~. - -- ', "-- • ~'~-, .... IMrs. Lucius Babcock and faintly for, • " n to ~'" ~ ........ ' ,~,,.~....oo~ ...... r'aget Mrs.Anna l'~elson ann r~..~.. ' press our sincere apprec~a.tio . , ' . a few days last week. for their (!Seal) Attest. JOI-IaN A. M~LEtR, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosster of[ ] our friends and neighbors ~ ~o,o ~,_~,. ~.,, ~,..~ra ............. ' _ Floyd Bartmess and Miss Vehna kind words of s m ath and many ~xx-~o~-- ,~r. ~,~ ~,~ ,~. MaDton ~.VlI'. ano Mrs. l%lng t-aget anulM~l]~r w~vo ~n~t~ ~f Mr nnfl M~ 1 y p y ................. ]~. ":, ........ _. ............................ r~., r n extended ~vxrsAnna ±Netson were lUncheon beautiful floral offe i gs CALL FO~ KLICKITAT COUNT](]' • ......... i Lloyd McDonald last Wednesday ev-i ~* guests ot Mrs ~eolge ~viatsen r'rmay us during our recent bereavement. .......... ~r~•l~ • • " : • I ~n*"-,,s. w~ttt~ The church offtcers elected at the , The ,Lehto Children. It "" n 1 mee'" re r-sin i James Peck suffered a broken leg i congregatm a tmg we o u ..... ...... --- - ----'--~--- " ~i ...... '. .~ - I whfle at. the skating rink m The~ CARD O~F THANKS---We wish to ex-! ~enpo.l ~os: up to anu ~ ed and instatleu at cnurcn .~sunuay. I I'~ll,~ /n~t V~r~dn~dnvi • n .......... ~ " i)Istrlcts lnClUUl g press our sincere appreciatlon to .^. ,4o7I Mr. and Mrs. M..,E. Larsen andMr. I ~"~u~s~s at the R L McDowald home ! our many friends and neighbors ~ ....................... ~,,~, and Mrs. A~tre~ ~vtatsen were ~un-i~,~, ~nrsd~v ew'ni~ were" Mr attdi ~DI ........... *' " o • • i for their kind words of sympathy ~ ....................... ~,,~day dinner guests of Mr• and Mrs. l~r,~ ~.,~,a M-Dona~ Mr nnd M,'~ and many beautiful floral offerings ~uz ....................... ~ Chris Jonson. !w*"~'~"~,m,~ rar'.~a"-~f,.~'~'-~r-n'io~ f our z03 1999~ The Good Will society had a cook I .................................. ' extended us in the loss o .................................. mother Mrs Jennie Whitney-- ~11 ................... __65_3'ed food sale at Faulkner's store last l~A~Y.'d°ho~:c°~v~d ann~ ~r:. ~e~lI ' ' It 214 .......... ~015 Saturday afternoon It was quite Asher' ~ .... t The family. --" 215 ..........• ............ 2.454 successful and it was estimated they Mr" and Mrs I C Robison attd, "~RS 2117 [[[~i[i~[[ .............. 5,229 made over $16. .... ~ ..... ~.'.,.~ ~'~lT~ ...... ,"~,,~. 'oei _ 21'9 ....................... 1282 ,Mrs. Alfred Jenseu shopped in ,~ih~'~'/~'-w~.'/-~ l~;.(a~'~,~v'~'i In the ~uperior Court of the ~tate ot 220 Y~kima Saturda" ~ ......... - ' - ............... " ......... 1 ~" ors at the home of Mr attd Mrs• Washington for Klickitat County. 2'21 ....................... 1^85 Gayle howell, of Alderdale, spent, r.,~,- mm~o- In the matter of the estate of Lester 1 ....................... the weekend with Orpha and Audrey "~mn~e~and" Jerrme Brooks of I. Blanchard, Deceased. 9 ....................... 1358 Jensen. .... i Goldendale hired Jim Pecks launch Notice is hereby given, that the ~ ........................ ~ ~o Mrs Anna ~rown ann ~eona ann . , undersigned has been appointed and 27 .................... 10961~,.~"~,.~,~ ~n ..... a A,~r~,~,. ~, to take them to Mtllers Island last ~n " "" 512 ...... "'~%~""~/ ~.~ "~ ...... Tuesday, where they spent the week has qualified as Administrator of the ov ....................... i were m ~aKtma ruesQay. ~.~t~.~. e.. t,~a~.~. °arrow heaas and estate of tester I. Blanehard, de- 38 ..................... ~. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jonson a.nd, ..... "~ -r *~- ~slana until Wrida-" 2845 ~"'P~' ~'~ ~"~ ' ~ " ceased, and that all persons havtng 44 ....................... ]Mrs. Hazel Jensen attended the fu- ~. cain- claims against said deceased are re- 49 ....................... 27 neral of Mrs. M. R. ~Mathews, of ,~.~ ,~,~,. ~...h~..~ s,~,,* -~,,n quired to serve the same on the 54 ........................1952[White SahnonThursday. Mrs. Math-day'w~th~"er s~s~er'~'~i'~r~. I~st'er Rob-" administrator at his residence, M~a'y- 62 ....................... 715 ews was 96 years old and w~s an aunt ~-~n ' " hill, Wash•, or upon McEwen & 63 ........................2546iof Mrs. Jonson. "~"Harold Barrett and Stanley Asher Brooks, attorneys of record for said 65 ....................... . ~81 ,Spring vaca.tton is over and the were home from the steel gang for estate, at Goldendale, Wash., and 66 ....................... 1~o~0 college students have returneu to ~,,naa- file with the clerk of the above named 71 ....................... 729 their respective schools• ~"~, ~.~h~, m~d Tuesday Court, together With proof of such74 .......... Mr and ,Mrs Eric Frostrup and .~.,.i.,,~ h.m hnart fa'l te Mr ' • • . • . ...,..'.....~, .r~n ......... t u . • service, within six months after the 86 ....................... 541 Catherine were in Yak~ma Wednes- l~amblenwas a nenhew of Sherman date of the first publice.tion of this 91 ....................... 21~ day. . ....... i Hamblenand had t)een staying with notice, or the same will be forever~a ....................... u ~ .mr. ann ~vtrs. t~. v. ~curantz were h~ nnol~ th|.q winter for his health -- 2087 ........................ " barred. 94 ......: ................. in Sunnyside on business Monaay.i~'1,h, A]hart .Tn~kol who has been 4 ~v~ ................... Date of first publicatiqn: April 1,1, 101 ................ ' ....... 89 Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Hosfelt met l~., ~..,,~, A .... ~,~ .h,~ ',~.~ two years I dministrat- 102 ....................... 87 their daughters, of Portland, in ~m~ h~ma Tn~r]~v ft~P :~. v|sit with L?]R ~LANC~H~I~D, Building l~lnds Goldendale Saturday. They are Mrs. ~.~"~o,",~,"~ ....... - ........... or of the estate of tester I.302 ..................... 158 Hazel and family and Mrs Drun and "'~/ff.'_~%~- ....... a~ ........... s~ ~t 2~20 ....................... o8ison, Bobby. They had dinner to:ithe Babcock home Sunday. Blanchard, deceased. -~,x~.,'s ,,,~u~ ,,,,~ ,~ ,.,--~, ~.-~ ~ .* Mc]~WF, N & BROO~S, Attorneys for .o%..; .;----. ;--/. •4/;-; " " • .~ gether in ~Hen ann i Mrs. G. A. Jaeroux, Alfred Jacroux, Estate. Postoffice address, Golden- white '~a~mou xrr~. ±watnt.... ~o Bill Hazer are spenulng the we~K i~ ~i]m~ T~runer and Mrs G A t Is ric ' - ' ~'~ ............... dale, Washington. All~M2t4--- Public UtilvitYdDsi t t No. 1.._ 120 with Mr. and Mr~ Ho~eIt. . Jacroux jr all of Goldendale visited The aDO e e CrlDeU warrants are Mr. and Mrs. L~ten ~nougrass ann at the Goss'heme Sunday 7~t ~ ~ B~ntlnel. payable at the office of the County children exe spending the week with ,,, " ff'reesurer of Klickitat County on or Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ingrain. ......... ~. ....... after Friday, April 12th, 1940, upon Charles E. ~cott was in Goldendale! ALJO~[Ct~AI.d~ ~ti~.~L which date interest will cease, except .Monday on school business. TEACHER CALLED HOME on warrants previously called, upon 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van~Nostern G H. KNOSHER REAL ]]ffJPA~E AND INSURANC~ Phone 162 Goldendale C. E. CROOKS ItEAL - INSURANCE State Bank Bldg. Phone $82 Goldendale, Washington PIONEER STATE BANK INSUBAN(TE DEPABTM]B~IT Goldendale, Washington, phone 72 Office in Pioneer State Bank GOLDENDALE LODGI F. & A. M. NO. 31 Stated Communications Every First and Third Thure~lay C. H. KNO~H~R, Secretary FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES A]m]RI~ NO. ~115 Me~ts Every Tumdalr Evening at 8:0-0 p. m. All Visiting ~glee Welcome ,, ,,, LOUIS LEIDL POt~ NO. 116 XMERICAN LEGION Meet~ ~very Flreg and Third Monday Eack Month Legion Hall, Goldendale HERMAN C. ROLOFF IA~ AU~I~ION ~EI~ Used Furnit~tre and Farm Maeh- inery Bought, Sold and Exchanged Goldendale, Washington PHILLIPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1502 - 1503 which interest has already ceased. ~tted at Goldendale, Washington, this 9th dlay of April, 1940. J OS. BiOYD, lt-- Treasurer Kliekitat County. Notice of Hearing ~lnal Account and spent the night with Mr. and Mrs., Ike Van Nostern, of Yakima Tues- day. Mr. emd Mrs. Harold Naught had dinner Thursday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carter. Ed Carter, of Sunnyside, was a C. W. RAMSEY ATtORNEY.AT-LAW Dareh Building ~.~d endale, Washlngton EDGAR H. CA NFIELD ATTORNE Y.AT.LAW Brooks Building ~Oidendale, Washington C MARYHILL FERRY e~aecting Link for U. S. 97 and Columbia River Highway tq~W LOW TRUCK RATES bEAN GILLENwATERS I*LUMBSNG and BUH~ING ~aeral MATERIAI~ Contractor Phone 692 Goldendale - Washington ~LD~RDALE --Everyone wear their hard-time clothes and come to the Hardtime dance at Alderdale Sat- urday night, April 2.0• Prizes will be awarded to the man and woman wearing the best hardtime outfit. SEE THE Porter and family. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold ,Seely and Mrs. Fred Allen motored to Whtte Salmon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Allen's grandmother. ,Sunday, Frank and Bill Marvel, and State her ,final account and re- Mrs. Crider was a business visitor!Clark Seely and Blanche Clark visit- port and petitton for distribution as in Sunnyside Saturday. ~ ed with 4~r. and Mrs. Oaxl Seely and such Admtnistratrix; and that Fri- ~King Paget gave a talk on Sings- family. day, the 10th day of May, 1940, at pore, China, at Grange last Thurs- Phyllis Churchill, who has been 1:30 o'clock P. M., at the court room day evening, seriously ill in The Dalles hospital, of our said ~uperior Court at Golden- Mrs. Glen Yarnell and Willis and returned to her home ~Saturday. dale, In said County, has been duly ~sabel, were ~unday guests of Mrs. Mrs. Sy Pierce and son, Tom, Clary appointed hy our Superior Court for Calvin Crider. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marvel, the Settlement of the Final Account, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seely, l.~ona and at which time the Court is asked to settle such report, distribute the RoFel nnd Undorwood Portable Darrel and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seely were supper guests at the Hale property to the heirs or persons on- tTpowrlters. Small dow~n payment, home Sunday, titled to the same and discharge the balance In small monthly patients, and Charles Haskins, of Bates, Ore- Admlnlstratrix. Mr. Baker, ~lvtn Eandicott, Tom Wttness, The I~(IN. J.E. Inquire at The Goldendale Bentlnel. gon, spent a few days visiting at the Judge of the said ~uperior Court and the seal of said Court affixe~ this 9th day of April, 1940. R. 'M. ftPOON, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court. 11 u ml Hydraulically "Controlled ickers, See the hghtweight, 4-wh, el, all-purpose 2-plow tractor and its v:heed , s i:p ements with fingertip hydraulic controisl See This New Tractor You Buy! Report and Petition for weekend zuest of Mr. and Mrs Carl iMrs. Artz was called to her home Distribution Carter. - " in Mabton last week on account of • ~Io~01~,~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carter and Ed the illness of her mother• Mrs. Cole- Carter were ~Sunday dinner guests of man, of Mabton, taught her school In the ~uperlor Court of the ~tate of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Naught. It was children while she was away. Washington for Klickitat County• Mr. Naught's birthday• Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and In Probate .Mr. and Mrs. Martin Copenhefer Jimmy and Miss Martha Grubbs were ~ ) 'In the matter of the estates of Allenguests of his parents, Mr• and ~unday visitors at the Bill Andrews Bonebrake and Letltla Bonebreke, A. ~I. Copenhefer, of Golden- home. both deceased. John Allinger, of Bickleton, was a Notice is hereby given that Adria dale ~Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donohue and Erma, i~Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. M. ~leeper, the Administratrix of the and Vern ~ooney were guests of Mrs. estate of Allen Bonebrake and Let-! Donohue's mother, Mrs. Striae, of itia Bonebrake, both deceased, has rendered and presented for settle-i ~ranger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott were meat to, and filed with the clerk of ,Sunday evening guests of Mr. and the Superior Court of said County l Mrs. Donohue. t I,, I I I You will find the post man a most l~fcE~WE~ & ,]~R~OI~S, Attorneys for Estate, Goldendale, Wash• A11M,2 efficient go'-bctwecn" when you NOTm E ax) CREmates. make bank deposits by mail. He will bring In the Superior Oonrt of the State ot Washington for Klickitat County. your deposit quickly and safely to the In the matter of the estate of Mary bank, saving you many steps and much E. Morris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the I I, I II II1111 I II valuable time. If you find it inconvenient to undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Mary FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... in Pine and Fir come in person, remember you can always E. Morris, deceased, and that all per- sons having claims against said de- Exquisitely surfaced on our modern, high-speed planers I&NK BY M IL ceased are required to serve the same on the administrator with will annexed at his residence, Goldendale, DRAINBoARD STOCK Washington, or upon McEwen & Brooks, attorneys of record for said estate, at ~oldendale, Wash., and ~le with the clerk of the above named J. NEILS LUMBER COMPANY Court, together with proof of such service, within slx months after the Kliekitat - Washington date of the first publication of this notice, or the same will be forever