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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 18, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 18, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iII ii~ i i ii: / !iii Page Two I--- SOCIAL A_ CTIVITIES --. G--ertrude Coffield, Gerald Fenton Head E?stern_____Star For Colmng Year Newly elected offic(.rs of Golden-I ress; Nell Lawler, associate conduct- deAe's Evergreen chapter number one ress; May Root, secretary; Fay N~th, ................ treasurer" Nora Ledbetter chaplain; O£ Lne U, E. ~. weFe liistall~o,at ' ' . Bess Niva, marshal; Adria Sleeper, colorful and impressive ceremonies ........... organist; ±vlaxlne x~apgoo(1, Auau; held in the Masonic temple last Wed- Jean Braddock Ruth; Marcella nesday evening. Smith, Esther ; Martha Davies THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldend Ie, Washington ........ : ....... - Thursday, April 18, are having a series of services each~DESS]~ItT-BRIDGE HELD during the afternoon. Honors went present the book review, on the re[ : ] . evening~, beginning at 8:00. Claude A. A~ ALLISON HOME!I Forsythet° Mrs. Mm'mnand MrsHUds°n'EinarMrS'Andersen,R°bert I cently published "ff-~eil Hunger." Gmld of Yakima, is to do the preach-Peach blossoms bloomed in theI " " I TATTER DAY ~S lug. ,Friend if you are interested in I Early American living room of the] with an addition prize for Mrs. Fred ] GOLF CLUR LUNC~0~ J • Taylor 1 R. R. Harem, Superintendent what your status will be in the world E. C. Allison, jr., home last Friday! " I Officers for the current year ~,3 At Kllckltat, Washington lhat follows this life, come and study ~ afternoon when Mrs. Clifford Pike! ~ be elected by the Woman's golf cl~| Vaerc Sunday school 10:00 a. m. In these le, ssons from God's word• If/and Mrs. Allison entertained with a BOOK CLUB at their luncheon Friday Mrs M!~[ Prid~ club rooms at Klickltat. you have any Bible question, we will ldessert-bridge party• Tiny roundIMrs Lloyd Case will entertain[Wood, president, announced ,tl~ be ~lad to help you get a Bible mirrors centered the small tables, re-Imembers of the Mucrada book group week. The luncheon will be heldit| 'ML HOLY TRINPI?Y CATHOLIC answer, flecting smallvases of the pink[ at her home at 508 East Chatfield the clubhouse and 'will begin ~| Gold "(~ome now and let us reason to-lblossoms. ]street next Wednesday evening, I 12:45• Mrs. Einar Andersen is h0st"t C1 Rev. l~t~ick S. Lyons, Paste! gether, said Jehovah." Isa. 1:18.] ,Five tables of bridge were in playlApril 24. Miss Maxine Welter willtess for the day. ~ was Schedule of Me~sses First, Third and Fifth Sundays 9 Gertrude Coffield was installed worthy matron succeeding Florence Jackel. Gerald Fenton was installed worthy patron of the O. E. S. chapter for the second year. Lela Ramsey presided at the installation and Bess Niva officiated as installing marshal. When Mrs. Niva was installed as marshal she was escorted to her chair by Marie Fry. Edna McKenzie acted as installing chaplain and iFrances Abshier was the installing organist. Other officers installed were: Grise]dt~, Hill, asso- ciate malr~m; A. T. Byars, associate patron; Elizabeth Kayser, couduct- Martha; Wills Anderson, Electra; Betty Abshier, warden; and D. F. Tebi)s, sentinel. Following the installation cere- monies Mrs. Clark Richards, who came here from Eugene, Oregon, to be present at the event, presented her mother, Mrs. Coffield, with a beautiful hand made gavel of myrtle wood. Mrs. Richards is a former member of the Goldendale O,. E. S. chapter. Following the installation cere- monies, which were attended by a large number of persons, refresh- lllents were served. P. E. O. Sums Up Activities At Twentieth Anniversary Gathering :In observance of the twentieth an-I te, r. niversary of the founding of chapterI In addition $633 has been expend- A. M. of the P. E. O., members metI ed in a local educational fund for the at the Centerville home of Mrs. Gee. I Geldendale and Centerville schools. Garner last Thursday for a birthday! A sum of $78.50 has been expended brunch. ' '.~:r local charities• Besides these Twenty years of activity in educa- functions the local chapter of the P. tional work by the local P. E. O. sis- E. O. has aided in the support of a I terhood was summed up by Mrs.I natmnal sponsored junior women's Douglas Ledhetter. Mrs. Ledbetter, i college in Missouri and a P. E. O. in her report, said the local chapter i memorial library in Mount Pleasant has an education*a.1 fund of $281.98. I Iowa, Loans to four different girls for col-t The anniversary program was un- lege educational work, totalling der the direction of Mrs. John CoG $1050 have been made by the chap-] field. WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION BIRTHDAY PARTY IS WILL MEET THURSDAY HELD AT KLICKITAT Mem,bers of the Goldendale Worn-Mrs. Norman Elsner entertained art's association will elect officers 18 guests Monday afternoon, April for the CO,ling year st their regular 15, celebrating Mrs. C. R. K~yle's April meeting here Thudsday after- ! birthday' Each guest received a noon. This meeting which is ached-idainty Httle cor~age. uled to begin at 2:30 p. m., Aprili Many beautiful gifts were pre~ 18, will be held in the clu,bhouse. I sented to Mrs. Kyle, one she espec- a. m. St. Mary's Church, Wishr~m, First, 2ralrd end l~l~fth Sundays, 11 a. m. GRACE LUTHERAN 'CHURCH Klickitat, Washington Eugene R. Schr~m,m, pastor Sunday scho,ol .......................... 9:30 a. m. Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. Radio service .......................... 1:30 p. m• Mutual network, convenient station, KITD Yakima "We preach Christ and Him Cru- cified." J ~3 THE METHODIST CHURCH C. J. Hall, minister SUNDAY STRVICES: Church school 10:00 a. m., Ser- mon: "Jesus the Christ," ~by the minister. 7:00 p. m. Youth meet for worship. WEEKDAY ACTIVITII~S : Choir practice Tuesday 7:00 p. m., 7:30 p. m., Prayer group. Wed- nesday 2:30 p. m., Ladies Aid social, Mrs. Vasey, chairman. CHURCH OF CHRIST Centervllle, Wash. Opal B. Wlidanen, pastor Lord's Day Services 10:00 Bible school, superintend- ent, G. C. Marriott. 11:00 Lord's Supper and sermon, "Wait For the Promise." 6:45 C. E. groups. 7:30 Song service and sermon, "Judgment." Week Day Service 8:00 Wednesday Bible study. No- 'tire the change in the hour. 8:00 Tuesday, April 33 the young ..:i" :'::!::-. '" , Lo VALUES FOR FRIDAY-SATURDAY-MONDAY Sugar, cane, 10 lb. bag ..... 55c 100 pound bag ........... $5.29 Dep. Flour, 49 lb. bag ..... $139 Bakers Chocolate, 1/2 lb. bar. 15c Fig Bars, fresh fruity, lb ..... 10c Beans, Red Mex., 5 lb. bag.. 25c Rel. Coffee, tri-cut, lb. can..25c West Best Coffee, 2 lbs ...... 45c Big Value Coffee, 2 lbs. .... 35c Fairway Coffee, 2 lb.. ...... 25c Dog Food, North Star 5 pound package ..... Come in and pick up these amazing savings that prove the ecenomy of self service shopping. And, see how easy it is to fill your entire order . . . to examine and compare .... to choose exactly what you want . .. to shop as leisurely or as quickly as you wish. Nan right now to be here this week for your share of the savings. Mrs. George Lawler, president of i ially treasures, a myrtle wood vanity people present "Mrs. Tubbs of the Woman's association study club, !made by Mr. Elsner. Shantytown" in the high school is arranging the program for the l~ High score in pinochle went to gymnasium. A comedy-drama in day. Theme of this program will be!Mrs. Belva Bennett, and low score three acts. Proceeds go toward "A~merlcan Citizenship." Mrs. C. R. !to Mrs. Rem Huntington. building a fireplace in the new addi- House will present several vocali tion planned for the church. numbers and Mrs. Deston Russell] ~,AS~ STAR ~.~E'I~N(~ 8:00 M~y 10 a sacrifice service ' ~ , wet or dry, Z cans - will render muical selections. Members of Evergreen chapter will be held to increase the build- Mrs. Howard Lewi~ is hostess for inumber one o.f the 0. E. g. will hold ing fund. As each gives an o'ffering the afternoon, a regular meeting" at the Masonic a sltp will be given with the name ~ , [ • :l 4 oz, ~ :~ fO~ ~15 [ , o of item or thing sacrificed i temple Wednesday evening, April • HONORED AT PARTY 24 at 8:00 p. m. Newly installed | !: iR, 3 lb m - - In honor of her cousin, Mrs. R. i]officers of the chapter will preside FIRST BAPTIST CHUB£H M. Fox, of Seattle, Miss Mary Nes-]at the meeting. Rev. C. E. Hanes, pastor bitt entertained with a bridge party ' ~ '~ " " p: ~t 2 I~C " ~l' IZ at her home last Friday evening. ! BRIDGE PARTY Due to the f~ct Rev. Hanes oldendale the I has accepted an invitation to con Mrs. Fox was in G ' past Mrs. G.eorg, e Lawle~r entertained week wsihn ~elatives I e 1 duct a class at the rally of the Cen ",''g'. ". hr dupicate bridge club at her ' - 0 ,Ik rge Ca,s - - - °- I homeMonday afternoon tral Baptist Association, B. Y. P. U. i] .... j soclettes meeting at Cashmere, Wn., COOKED FOOD SALE on April 21 the Rev Maurice Wag Mem~h.ers of the Mucrada club] TUBERCULOSIS LEAGUE [ ' " - ner, a student at the Western Bap will holds cooked foodsale Satur- The April meeting of the Kllcki- . . - • h, Tall cans - - - da A ~1 o0 at Bates ,~ I u tlst Theological seminary ~n Port y, p" ~ • .... C "ocery. The i tat county Tuberculosis I~ag e was l land has been engaged to conduct cooked food sale ia scheduled to!held at the home of Mrs Lowell ! , bJ , ',it I a 'ge ' ckage - open at 10:00' a.m. ~Smith Tuesday evening this week. i the preaching services at the Gold- ...................................................... endale Baptist church at 11:00 a ~*~e~`~b¢~`~i`-~e~e¢~.~`~¢°÷*~°~°~.~e~-l`~~~~~m and 7:30 ,p. m. It is h.~ped that a 1 • 1 1 • 1 | I ~ I llllll 1 ~ ~ ~'~~'~~' ~ ~ !' ~ :~ good congregation will be present at I I| " I l| ll%i *~ both cervices. Grandlube Motor Off, Pure I IWhite King Gran. Soap, giant ....43c :~ ~"~VV JL Ileal. • ~"'~l..~l.1...~l :~ 10:00 a. m. Bible school. Penn., 2 gallon can . I) )C i White King Toilet Soap, 3 bars ...13c • I* .I. 11:00 a. m. Preaching service by 4~ Rev Maurice Wagner 25 PRIZE REGISTERED * " " " , n "n ourRel. Sauer Kraut, Ige." ' i 6:30 p. m. Thira sess'o 1 21)2 10c I Durkee's Salad Aide, qt. jar ..... 29c • I-ll _Rl l ( Rr R RI-IORTI-IORNS And $ School of Ml.ions whichmeets in :~ ~[three separate departments: Adu t, Chocolate Drops, Old Fash., lb .... 10c I Durkee's Mayonnaise, qt. jar ..... 39c j: r~K~.~a.~ r~l~,~ B. Y. P. U., and Junlor-Ilnter- B • H 1 mediate. ULSS ROM T E CALGARY BULL SALE, FROM i 7"30p m Preaching service Rev. Egg Noodles, 1 lb. pkg. cello ......17c [Tomato Sauce, Span. style, 3 cans 10c to2 YEARS OLD ~ Maurice Wagner. Loyal Luncheon Meat, 3-4 lb. can.. 22c [Cheese, American full cream, lb... 17c :~ ~ • ~ ~'~ ~ ~r ~ , • ....... .I.] 6:30 p. m. Thursday church ban- quet and annual business meeting Z aoppemsn oams Iaru, April 19, 1940 ±l . Corn Meal, wh. or yellow, 9 lb. bag 25c IKraft American Brick., 2 51c ¢ SALE START Pn 'MPTLY AT 1 30 " "" Come worship and serve withus. :~ ~ 1~O : 1~. DI. iIThere is a welcome here. Union Window Cleaner, 12 oz. bet. 25c I New West Tomato Juice, tall, 4 for 25c TOPPENISH, WASHINGTON ÷1 Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cam ....... 21c I Sun Gold Flour, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.19 WALTER HALL, Owner V.T. Smith, mtnlster Bible study ................10 : 0 0 Preaching ................. 1 1 : O0 Breaking Bread ............ 11:50 I Evening service .............8:00 • Hint For Mother's Day • SEE THE NEW LAUNDRY ON DISPLAY AT It's designed to take the work out of washday Wednesday service .......... 8:00 Ladies Bible study Friday .... 2:00 Teemhers Training class Friday. 8 : 00 Beginning Monday, April 22, we HAIR STYLES... That Com- bine Youthfulness With Flattery Let us figure out the hair style that is most becoming to COTTAGE CHEESE 2 Ibs. ....... 27c LARGE WEINERS, 2 Ibs. ........ 27c Nice Fresh Picnic HAMS, Ibs.... 14 /2c LUNCH MEAT, pound ...... ,... 17c RADISHES and Green ONIONS, bunch ....... No. 1 Shafter White NEW SPUDS, 9 pounds ...... 25c PEAS, 2 pounds ...... 19c COLUMBIA RIVER ASPARAGUS, 2 pounds .... 17c yOU. Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber PHONE 272 $2 ORDERS DDLIVERED FREE WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF GOLDENDALE Shop at West Dependable and notice the difference in quality and price i~!ii~ i~ i~ "i~