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April 18, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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April 18, 1940 |
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Thursday, April 18, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Page Three
August Kuhnhausen, Glenwood
nlerchant, was in Goldendale last
l~riday on business.
Jess Coffieid, proprietor of the
~ML Adams Inn of Bingen, was a
Ed Powell, of Klickitat, was in
Goldendale on business Saturday.
C. E. ,Crooks was in Trout Lake
on business late last week.
Goldendale visitor last Thursdey. a couple of days there on business, nesday.
Charles Thornton, of Underwood, Follow the crowds to BlockhouseI Howard SheLttuck, of Portland,
dance, Sat. night. Good music, tf--- was in Goldendale and Bickleton the
Week.Was in Goldendale on business last O.L. Murry, of Portland, brother-lpast weekend visiting friends and
in-law of R. M. Spoon, is visiting at lrelatives.
Here's a hint for Mother's day. See the tSpoon home in Goldendale for a Here's a hint for Mother's day. See
the new Zenith refrigerator at Dean few days. the new Zenith refrigerator at Dean
Glllenwaters ~ lt~s" Jeff Smith, of North Bonneville, Gillenwaters. lt---
M. and Mrs. Bill ~.uter and M " and his grandson, A1 Smith, of Stev-I ,Mr. antl Mrs. Wee DeWeese ,of
Lee Darland were in Portland on enson were Goldendale business ~Iartland, spent the weekend in Gold-
business last week. visitors over the weekend, l endale visiting at the home of her
Charles Clary received a building Elsie Medler, Emma Shearer, June] father, W. F. By,re.
Pernait for the construction of a 4Spencer, Selma Watkins and LeoI Miss Rae Russell, of the Home
" WOOdshed on his property in block Watkins, of Wasco, attended theI Economics department of the State
three of termiual addition, golden anniversary observance off College of Washington, was in Gold-
Call Ross B.iggs for Radio Sere- the Goldendale Rebekah lodge Sat-/endale on business last Saturday.
ice and tubes; phone 1262. It-- urday night, i Mr. and Mrs. Mile Wood drove to
C~eorge Flower, Clarence McCredy John W. ~tatts, John Mark and White Salmon Sunday where they
and George ,McCredy were in Gold- ,George Mark, all of White ~almon, lattended the baseball game between
endale Thursday night to attend the were in Goldendale one day last week the Camp Goldendale team and a
~neeting of the "Dad Leidl's Sports- on business. While here George Western Klickitat nine.
teen's club. ,,^ Mark filed a petition for citizenship. L.W. Ternahan and Miss Helen
Hunters & Anglers dance, may 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest I-I. Struck, of Brondt, of the county agent's office,
Follow the crowds to Blockhouse Appleton, were in Goldendale on were in Yakima last ~Friday for a
dance Sat night Good music, tf--lbusiness Thursday. While here they meeting with representatives of Yak-
E. C. Cole took delivery on a neW ltook delivery on a new Chevrolet ima, Kittit~s and Benton counties.
~hevrolet though theHudson Ser- from the Hudson :Service station. Dan Roe, of The Df~lles, was in
Vice station last week. I L.V. ~McWhorter, of Yakima, and lGoldendale early this week. He is
~l~reston Warwick accompanied ~omer Morrison, of the Indian edu-/ block~aan for the J. I. Case mach-
~eorge Klein and C. W. Ttamsey to cation depextment in Olympia, wer~lip~rr, Y company in this area.
Vancouver last Wednesd,zy eveningI in Goldendale on business last Wed~ 'Zale~:Iall and family this week
and attended the Masonic ceremoniesi nesday. I moved into the house formerly own-
there when Klein received the Knight
"Pemplar degree, w Goldendale's Odd ~ellows lodgeIed by W. A. Layman on Broadway.
~Work is now unfd~rway on the ne will entertain I. O. O. :F. members She purchased the property recently.
residence on Eas~treet being con- from Bickleton, l~abton, Toppenish, Mrs. Mary Blinn, of Prairie City,
Structed by Pete Jensen. Joe Linden ~Sunnyside and Yakima here April Ore., was in Goldendale last week
is in charge of the construction. The
Sew residence is located in the block
horth of the old grammar school.
The Portland Oregonian available
~ro~n Frederick Oltmanns. Call phone
434 for daily delivery to your own
I~O~ae in town or at Confectionery
~tores. tf
FRI.-SATUR. April 19-20
Color Cartoon~-"Ants in The
SUN.-MON. April 21-22
She was looking for new FIELDS
to conquer . . . and he was out to
tame the wild WEST!
Short Musical--"International
2,3. The occasion is a regular lodge
• ,-isitation nighS,
Vern Hays left Sunday for Hills-
bore, Oregon, where he will take over
wisiting her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Blinn.
Mr. and ~Mrs. Ve!mer J. Gardner
and son returned Saturday after
Hunters & Anglers dance, May 4.
Call Ross Biggs for Radio Serv-
ice and tubes; phone 1262. lt---
Mr. and ~Mxs. Merle Chapman ac-
companied by iV~r. and Mrs. Sam D.
Cox, all of Yakim~, were in Golden-
dale Saturday night to attend the
golden anniversary celebration of the
Leah Rebekah lodge.
Follow the crowds to Blockhouse
dance, Sat. night. Good music, tf--
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wtlkins and Mr.
axed Mrs. Art ~efever and family left
this week for ~VIauptn, Oregon, where
they will spend, the summer. Ray
Wilkins will operate a logging con-
cern near Maupin.
Do You Know that 68 persons in
the United States get hurt or laid up
every minute--~17 by accident ~nd 51
by sickness? April 22-27 is Accident
and Health Week. You need Accident
!and Health insurance. Knosher In-
surance Agency. lt--
W. F. Byars and his daughter-in-
law, ,Mrs. Nesbitt Byars, of Arling-
ton, Ore., drove to Salem a week ago
last weekend where they visited with
her son, Billy Byars, who is attend-
ing the Willamette University there.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Willis Randall, of
Prineville, Oregon, stopped in Gold-
endale the weekend of April 6 for the
Neighbors of Woodcraft anniversery
and installation. While here they
were guests at the home of Mrs. Etta
The Seattle P-I delivered to your
home or at McKee's Pharmae~ or
call Harold Weise, agent, tf
with relatives in Seattle.
,Chuck Green and Jimmy Merril
returned last Thursday from St.
Paul, Minn., where they spent the
past month working at the factory
of Maier Spray company. They plan
to remain in this vicinity for the
next few months.
U. S. McConnell, U. S. Oep~rtment
of Agriculture veterinarian, was in
:Goldendale several days last week
making routine tests of dairy herds.
I-[e was stationed in Goldendale fo a
short time about three years agO. Mc-
Connell now works out of the Olym-
pia office of the state department of
Here's a hint for Mother's day. See
the new Zenith refrigerator at .Dean
Glllenwaters. lt--
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brubaker, of
Portland, aerial" survey expert, were
in Goldendale Friday enroute to
Yakima where he will make aerial
maps of the Roza project area. While
here they were guests at the Hotel
Mrs. Martha Clarence returned to
her Crofton Prairie home last week-
end after spending the past four
months in Kirkland, Wash., visiting
with her son, Glen Clarence, princi-
pal of the school there. He returned
to Goldendale with her Friday and
spent the weekend here. before re-
turning to Klrkland.
The Oregon Journal delivered to
your home or at Confectionary etores
and Allison's Pharmacy. G~orge Lay-
man, agent, tf---
TUESDAY April 23
I.hre lauglm ~...
~h~a ~ "d~ad man'°
Relglnald OWEN • Donald MEEK |
And Selected Short Subjects
WED.-THURS. April 24-25
The screen's supreme romantic
actor in Rudyard Kipling's un*
for e r v
g ttable sto y.
50e size.--NOW ..............................
50c size--TWO FOR ........................
50c size--TWO FOR .......................
10c--3 BARS and BOUQUET LOTION .......
200 FACIAL TISSUES FREE ...............
POpeye Cartoon---"Its a Natural
Thing To Do"
Musical-- Here s Hal"
60c size
Always a Registered
Pharmacist in Charge
Mr. and Mrs. S. ~Swanson, of Klick-
itat, were in Goldendale shopping on
George Cox and son, Everett Cox,
both of Klickitat, were in Goldendale
on business Saturday.
N. B. Matsen purchased a new
Plymouth coupe though the Wilson
i Implement company last week.
Harry Mesecher purchased a new
Plymouth pickup through the Wilson
Implement compauy last week.
Dewey Barnes, of Portland, repre-
sent(~tive of the Pacific Woolgrowers,
was in Goldendale on business early
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stewart and
son were in Portland on business
several days last Week.
Mr. R. D. Sunderland spent sev-
eral days in Portland last week vis-
iting with her daughter.
Roy W. Lungberg, Watkins man,
has appointed V. E. Harlow as his
a~sistant to canvass town of Gold-
endale as they are entitled to better
service than they have been receiv-
ing. Mr. Harlow will work out of
the main store here at Goldendah
an.d will establish a city route from
now on. He also will keep the stare
open evenings for your convenience.
Sale on all Coats, and Suits at
Dress~vell Shop. It--
Last week Dean ~illenwaters
poured a cement basement for N.
Linde's new home at Klickitat.
'Miss Louise Rudolf ,of Spokane
and Missoula, Montana, and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Crosby and son G~ordon,
of Portland, were weekend guests a~
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Mrs. William Dealy and Mr. and
Mrs. M. R. Coonse ,an~ family, all
of Prinev~lle, Ore., were in Golden-
dale last week for the fortieth anni-
versary of the Neighbors of Wood-
craft. While here they were guests
o*f Mre. Etta Hardin.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, former
Croldendale residents,, moved here
from Presser recently and have
rented the Wade house at 321 West
Court. He is employed at the Maur-
er Brothers Feed store. Miss, Louise
Porter, Goldendale teacher, who for-
merly resided in the Wade house
has moved into the Shepard apart-
Mrs. Ernest Seibold, Miss Elsie
Seibold and Miss Harriet Crooke ac-
companied by ~Mrs. Alfred Boysen, of
i Klickitat, and Mrs. Einar Andersen
of Goldendale, were Portland vie-
itors a week ago. Mrs Andersen
remained in Portend until Satur-
day visiting with ~latives, The rest
of the group returned to Goldendale
Thursday night.
Ernest Henderson, range mange-
ment supervisor with the Camp Gold-
endale Soil Conservation Service, re-
turned last weekend from Pendleton,
Oxegon, where he attended a meeting
of ~S.C.~. officials. Mrs. Henderson,
who accompanied him as far as Pen-
dleton, went on to Logan, Utah to
visit with relatives.
W. R. McI)owell, of Toledo, Wash.,
with Tom Gray, of Centralia, were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim ,Gray last week. Mr. Gray is the
father of Jim ~r~y and McDowell is
an uncle. M(~I)owell ,older Golden-
dale residents will remember, oper-
ated a plumbing shop in Goldendale
between 190,8 and 1910. He y~as
connected with the *Fraser hardware
company here and later operated
shop of his own. While in Goldendale
he did much of the plumbing work
for the ~Sam Hill property at Mary-
New Spring Dresses, $1.95, $2.95
at Dresswell ShaP. It---
According to word received in this
city today, Clayton J. Roloff, son of
Mr. and Mrs. ,Herman C. Roloff, fol-
lowing graduation from the Boeing
'School of Aeronautics ,~ division of
United Aid .Lines, located at Oak-
land airport, Oakland, California, is
now employed at the 'North Ameri-
can Aviation Corporation plant in
Inglewood, C)alifornia. While at the
Boeing school Roloff was enrolled in
the aircraft sheet metal course, ma-
joring in aircraft construction. Boe-
ing school was one of the first gov-~
ernment approved- aviation schoolsI
in the United States and its hangars
~djoin those of United Air Lines
western division headquarters on the
Oakland airport.
"A Good Ptam To Eeat" I
Banquet Room Available
Opening of
Shoe and
formerly of Yakima, Wash.
Jim Brazelton was in White Sal-
mon Sunday visiting with friends.
Dan Harrigan, of Seattle, was here
on business last weekend.
Dean Gillenwaters was in Roose-
velt le~te last week on business.
Roy W. Lundberg, Watkins repre-
sentative, will be working out of
Goldendale, Klickitat, Wishram, Bin-
gen and White Salmon this comtng
Miss Laura I~err, of Seattle, is vis-
iting during the week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mn~. Clyde Kerr and
family. She ~vill return to Seattle
this Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Divers and son Frank-
lin and her brother, Vernon Short,
spent the weekend in Portland vis-
iting with their ,sister, Mrs. Leo
Ward McEwen, of Bingtn, was in
Goldendale on business last Satur-
daGeorge- Klein drove to Seattle on
btusiness Tuesda)~. He returned to
Goldendale the same day.
W. L. Plummer returned to Port-
land last week after spending the
past few weeks in Goldendale work-
ing on his house.
Daryl gpalding, who for the pabst
several weeks has been driving de-
livery wagon for the Star Market,
is now working regularly at Hamil-
ton's Texaco Service.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
and family returned to Goldendale
Sunday from Portland. Shirley P~an-
~en recently underwent an appendi-
~citis operation at a Portland hospi-
tal and Mrs. Hansen had been stay-
ing in Portland with her daughter
during her convalescence.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Westfall, of
Toppenish, and Mr. and Mrs. Lentry,
of Presser, were in Goldendale last
Sunday visiting friends.
Miss Verna Pace returned to her
home in Sunny~side Sunday after
spending a week in Goldendale vis-
iting with her father, Earl Pace,
and sister, Mrs. Carl Grending.
Mrs. O. R. Applegate, accoan~panied
by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Applegate and two
children and Miss Jean Beach, all
of Albany, Ore., spent several days
last weekend in Goldendale visiting
with relatives. Mrs. Applegate is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ham-
ilton and is a sister of Mrs. C. E.
Crooks, Mrs. Minnie Watson and O.
L. HemAl.ton.
New Spring Dresses, $1.95, $2.95
at Dresswell Shop. It--
Sale of the 1000 acre Walker
Brothers farm near Blockho,use to
J. A. Mellon, of Philadelphia, Penn.,
was announced this week by ~d-
ward A~beling, local real estate
agent. The Walker Brothers ranch
was formerly o~vned by the late
Timothy Ward. The Pennsylvanit
man made a special trip to Klickl-
tat county to see the land before
purchasing. Mellon, w~ho plans to
move here with his family in the
near future, formerly was in the
cattle business in Montana and once
owned a plantation in Cuba. An-
other part of the farm, 280 acres in
size, was recently sold to M. F
Ward, former owner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Camplan and
Mr. Smith, all of Portland, were in
Goldendale on business Tuesday.
Mrs. l~ose Franzen and Mrs. Bob
Taylor, both of Lyle, Were in Gold-
i endale on business
Frank Tanner, of Lyle, was in