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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 18, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 18, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ten uo .SuT.qs h 'orepuoprop---,i iIj2q iS l'rlCINIffCFIOD ffI Thursday, April 18, ALDERDALE SLATES Frank Churchill ranch during lamb-El Wayne were Sunnyslde callers Sat- HARDTIME ing. urday. FROLICIIClarey Porter, Dora and Imogene Mrs. Carl Seely, Mr. and Mrs. ALDER DALE--~Don't forget the Pierce were visitors at the Hale Harold Seely, Mrs. Robert Glasco, hardtime dance at Alderdale, Satur-lhome Wednesday evening. day, April 20. Come in your oldI Leona Seely assisted Mrs. Robert clothes e~nd join in the fun. First lGlasco over the weekend cooking for and second prizes will be given tot the shearing crew. gon, was in Alderdale Thursday. Mrs. Art Lowell and Gayle were visitors at Carl Seely's Thursde.y. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. IIenry Teeter, of Yakima, were visitors at the Glasco home Tuesday. Mrs. Cy Pierce, Mrs. Bertha Rog- ers and Mrs, Bob Simms motored to Hermiston on business Friday. Dona.ld Miller returned home last week. He has been working at the WISHRAM TRAINMEN TAKE 'TICK' SHOTS \VISHRAM--(Special to The Sen. Mrs. Robert ,Marvel and Mrs. Carl tinel)--On Wednesday evening the Nygaard called on Mr. and Mrs. women members of the American Claude Woods Wednesde~y. !Union Sunday school gave a shower George Davis returned to his homei for Mrs. Ed Ashbrenner at the home in Cleveland Iast week. He has been i of Mrs. Willis ~Ve~b*b. After an eve- working at the IGlasco sheep camP]ning spent in playing games a the man and woman dressed the Mr. end Mrs. Art Lowell and Gayle most hardtime, were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley Scharrad, of Willows, Ore-i Miller Saturday evening, during lambing. i lovely lunch was served. Many ,Mrs. Artz, the primary teacher, IFrank Allen is working at ClydeI loveiy gifts were given Mrs. Ash- and Mr. Parker, the high school pro- A.llbritton's doing chores. J I brenner. those present were: i fessor, were unable to teach school Clarey Porter and Dora Pierce were ~ Mrs. O. E. John, Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Monday on account of the flu. in Sunnyside Sunday. ] 1)aul Williams. Mrs. Wm. Rose, Mrs Sylvia Pierce was ~n overnight! Winston Churchill and Bud Miller Leonard V¢oods Mrs Carl Krauspe, f guest of L,eona 8eely Thursday. spent Friday evening at tile Glasco i Mrs. Gee. Schaer, Mrs. Dora W'ilscn, Mrs. Fred Allen and children mov- shearing camp. i Mrs. H. M. Johnson, Mrs. Jim Mills, d Saturday Only GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for ... 10c Coachellas CARROTS, 2 bunches ...9c BANANAS, 3 lbs ...... .19c Golden Ripe RHUBARB, 4 lbs ........ 10c Field Grown New POTATOES, 5 lbs. 17c Schafter Whites New Crop SPINACH, 3 Ibs ......... 14c Airway Pound .....12c 3 lbs ........ 35c Pound ..... 21c 2 lbs. ....... 39c 4 lbs. ....... 77c Local PORK & BEANS, V. C., 303 tall, 2 for 19¢ BLEACH, White Magic, Vz gal .......17e LUX FLAKES, large pkg ............ COMFORT TISSUE, 4 for ........... Hershey CANDY BARS, 5 for ........ CHEESE, pound ................... CORNED BEEF, Lib., 12 oz. tin ...... TUNA, White Star, No. Vz size, 2 for.. SALT, Maximum, large pkg ........... COOKIES, N. B. C., fcy., pkg ......... 23e LIMA BEANS, Seaside, 3 for ........ TOMATOES, Standard, No. 2 ½, 3 for.. " Glenn Aire Sugar Bel e 3 for Fancy MACARONI, 3 lb. cello .............. 19@ BEANS, Red or white,'3 lbs. 19e; 5 lbs. 29c RICE, Blue Rose ..... 3 lbs. 19c; 5 lbs. 29c CORN FLAKES, Albers, pkg .......... OATS, Albers, large package ......... 19¢ MATCHES, Searchlight, carton ....... 19¢ MARSHMALLOWS, 1 lb. cello pkg .... PEPPER, cello bag, pound ........... 19¢ TEA, Cant. Or. Pekoe, Vz lb. 25c; 1 lb. 49e SOAP, Su Purb Gram, 24 oz. pkg., 2 for PEACHES, Castle Crest, No. 2Vz, 2 for 29e PEARS, Harper House, 2 for ......... 35¢ Harvest Blossom, 49 lb. sack .... $1.35 Red Arrow, 49 lb. sack .......... $1.09 Drifted Snow, 49 lb. sack ........ $1..69 Gold Medal, 49 lb. sack ......... $1.89 SAFEWAY IS GOING TO FEATURE BRANDED STEER BEEF AT THESE LOW PRICES . • • Also at Money-Back-Guarantee on ALL Prime Meats. LIVER, Ib ........ 4c Ib .......... 15c Medium CRABS, each .. 10c Pork SAUSAGE, 2 lbs... 25c Dill PICKLES, quart ..... 4c Spring Fryers, lb ........ 29c Dry Picked HENS, lb.... 17c OYSTERS, pint ........ 10c STEAK, lb .......25c spending some time with his folks, I OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. Moothart. ! Mrs. John Barr, of Portland, spent George Cleveland Brokaw was the weekend with her parents, Mr. born April 2, 1854 in Chautauqua and Mrs. Moothart. Mrs. Barr's son!county, New York, and passed away has spent the past few weeeks vts ]April 7, 1940 at 9:45 p. m. at his home in Goldendale from a stroke. '22He8came~ to Goldendale October , 77 and lived on a farm two land a half miles north of town with Ring his grandparents. Rev. Hagar, of Portland, conduct- ed services at the American Union Sunday school Sunday evening. Pollyanne Sewing club met with Mrs. Margaret Chttte~ter Tuesday of this week. Carl Hawkins stopped at the L. E. John home Sunday evening on his way back to work. Teddy Williams and a friend of ROUND STEAK, lb .... 29c !son, Miss IIele'.1 Skar, Mrs. tI. M. Alvin John. -- I Johnson, and Mrs. Wm. Rose spent !Wednesday afternoon in Goldedale fat the home of Mrs. O. K. Jackson. I The Ladies Auxiliary met with 'Mrs. Alva Wilson on Thursday eve- ning. The first social given by the Mothers' club was held in the do- mestic science room of the new school on Thursday afternoon. A good ,sized group of ladies attended. Mrs. Platt Hopkins entertained the Thursdaynight Pinochle club this week ather home. Loraine Rayburn was in Golden- dale" on business Thursday. "Dutch" Brock, of Golde.ndale was in town several days thin week. Marion Hudson, of Cr~ldendale, was in town on business Friday. Bobble Skar, of Vancouver, spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Skar. He came up to attend the Prom. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Manford had out-of-town visitors on .Friday. Mrs. Joe Schultz, Ruth Huber and ~on Johnnie, and Mrs. Vincent Brehm and daughter Suzy ~ere in The Dalles Friday. Lyle Spencer, of Sprague River, Oregon, spent the past week visiting his ~vife and daugh.ter at the William Harp home. The Spencers returned to Sprague River on Thursday. Ruth Huber and Mrs. Vincent Brehm have been 111 the past week. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. John, Mrs. R. C. Chittester and Mrs. R. N. Robert- son and children were in The Dalles on Thursday. Frank Fenton, of Goldendale and J. H. Albro, of Yakima, were in town on Thursday. They are both associated with the Farmers Auto- m~bile Insurance. Mrs. Charles Bennett has been quite ill the past week. On Wdnes- day hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenkins, of Cascade Locks, came up and took her home with them so that she could be near her doctor. Ray Chittester was in Goldendale on business Wednesday. Many of the trainmen are taking the tick shots to be prepared for the tick season. Bill Bowers returned this week from Portland where he has spent the past ten days. Mrs. Leonard Woods spent a few days out of token the last of the week. Mrs. Ed Schultz returned this week from Montana where she has been visiting hr daughter. Mrs. Cunningh~m and daughter Eleanor and Mrs. McCulloch and daughter Marion were in The Dalles on business Thursday. Sam Marlow was in The Dalle~ Thursday. MI~. Dora Wilson has been ill the! past week. Orville C~chran has spent the past week in town. Orville workea on the steel gang for a while. Charles Rayburn and daughter Loraine were in Klickitat Saturday. The Junor Prom Saturday night was a huge success. Many couples from Goldendale attended. The Mothers' club served a lunch at 11:30. Music was by Mercy Grof of Hood River. Loraine Rayburn and Dale Mona- ban ~ere married in Goldendale Sunday afternoon. Valoris Clark and Francis Murphy stood up with them. Mr. and Mrs. AI Mona han and Charles Rayburn were the only others present. We wish them much succes~ in their new home and busi- ness in Kliekltat. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crandall and Sharon John were in town visiting Friday evening. J i m Johnson brought them down from Golden- dale. O. E. John and Alvin John were in Goldendale Saturday evening. Lawrence Allison, of Goldendale, spent Saturday evening at the Gee. Cunnlngham home. Leo Cunning- ham and a friend also spent the weekend with his folks and attend- ed the Junior Prom. Mrs. Carl Krauspe entertained her sister a few days the past week. O. E. John reported back to work Monday after being off ~'ork for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Moothart and two daughters, of California, are OBITUARY Mm. Jenn4e Elizabeth Whitney was born December 29, 1849, in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and died April 4, 1940 at h~:horne in Goldendale, Washington, ~t the age of 90 years, three months and six days. .She is survived by one son, Fred N. Wh4tney; two. daughters, Mabel L. Whitney and Stella M. Eoff, also seven grandchildren and four great grandchild,run. geh was one of the few remaining pioneers, coming here in the year 1864 and was the first school teach- er in Kl4ckitat coun.ty. She starte~ teaching In 1868 at thA age of 16. his parents. In 1878 he took up a homestead and started farming. Due to ill health he moved into Golden- dale in the fall of 1931. July 20, 1884 he was united in marriage to Lizzie Robertson. To this union were born three girls and three boys. He is survlVbd by his widow, two daughters, May Petzen- berger, of Portland, and Fay White, of Goldendale; two sons, George Ray and Peter Bryant, both of Golden- dale; two brothers, C. O. and I. N. Brokaw, and ane sister, Flora Le~ fever, all of Goldendale. The pallbearers were Otis, Edwin and Orvil White, Allen and Merle Hamllik, all grandsons, and Eugene White, a friend. He will be greatly missed by the ones who knew him. Among the Goldendale people who attended the Wtshram high school junior prom last weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lear, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Niekerson, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hudao.n, Mr. and Mrs. Ortis Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk MeKee, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Allison, jr., and Law- rence Allison. They reported a mar- velous dance and fine music. Pro America Meet IPrank Burns, Seattle governor on the Republican is scheduled to speak befor~ Kllckitat ~ro America at its meeting in the Monday evening. The begin at 8:00 p. m. Mrs. G. F. Neils, of compare the respective Hoover and Roosevelt. MrS. Morehead, will speak on phases of communism and Mrs. J. ~-I. Abshier will questionnaire on the Congress United States. r/he public is to attend the meeting, Mrs. Abeltng, president o.nnounced. A Royal ,Port.Die ad~d mu~h to u students complete line at The Sentinel. LEMON JUICE CHECKS RHEI PAIN QUICKLY If you suffer from rh~ thritis or neuritis pain, try simple inexpensive home reci thousands are using. Get a of Ru-Ex Compound today. with a quart of water, add the of 4 lemons. It's easy. No all and pleasant. You need tablespoonsfuls two times a ten within 48 hours--sometim~ enight--splendid results are ed. If the pains do not and if you do not feel better, will cost you nohting to try sold by your druggist under solute money-back guarantee. Compound is for sale and mended by ALLISON'S \ PEAS, No. 2 can, 3 for ... 25c CORN, No. 2 can ....... Yamhill Brand Casmos Ivory Flakes, large 21c TOMATOES, 21/2 ...... Dundee SMACKS, each ........ 13c Edgemon Matches, two 6-box ctns. 25c String BEANS, can ..... 10c Dundee. No. 2 cans PEACHES, 2V2 size .....18c tt & D Brand Salad Dressing, quart ... 20c Challenge Brand Swift HAMS, lb. 18c Whole or Half LIVER, 2 lbs. .... .... 15c SALT PORK, lb ...... 6c PORK STEAK, 2 lbs. 25c One 10c Krispy Cracker One 10c Hydrox Cookies FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1152 SERVICE GOLDENDALE THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS Lowest prices..., largest stock.., finest quality meats less at THE Fresh LARD, pound .... 6c HAM PATTIES, 7 for ... 25c Fresh Ground VEAL, lb. For a Delicious Veal Loaf CORNED BEEF, lb ..... 10c Made from Swift's Tender Hams Sugar Cured BREAST OF VEAL, lb.. 10c AND MANY MORE MONEY-SAVING BUYS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FRESI] LARGE WEINERS, lb... 15c FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK Finest Cure ..... ble ...FruitsandVegeta s... NEW CABBAGE, pound .............. 3@ JUICE ORANGES, 4 dozen .......... 25¢ TOMATOES, Cal. No. 1, 2 lbs. for ..... 19@ NEW POTATOES, No. 1 grade, 4 lbs... ASPARAGUS, 2 bunches ............ ONIONS, 10 pounds for ............. "Home of Klickitat Valley's Finest Inspected Meats"