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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 19, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 19, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2--APRIL 19, 2017 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CITY from Page 1 and chair rental costs for the meeting of the animal shelter upcoming Oregon Trail Rally. task force was productive. The April 21 - 23 event fea- "We've got a building design tures an awards banquet that in plan [and are] moving will draw an estimated 300 - ahead pretty fast," Knopes 400 people; hence the need for said. City Administrator tents, tables, and chairs. The Larry Bellamy said the plans city, county, and chamber are slated for architectural of commerce have agreed to rendering, and hopes they split the cost three ways. will be ready for display at a The council also approved Dogs of the Gorge fundraiser the formation of a tempo- dinner on May 5. rary committee to oversee In response to public ques- the SOGO project--Goodnoe tions about the hypothetical Station Development's slated Nestle water-bottling plant, assessment and renovation Mayor Michael Canon said of the Mount Adams Care he has completed a report on Center property. Goodnoe the subject. The report isn't a and the city are currently in decision, but a comparison of the midst of contract negotia- pros and cons. tions. "There's a list of reasons Council member Guy Thi- not to accept it, and a list of erault announced the motor- reasons we could accept it. cycle rights group A Broth- One outnumbers the other by erhood Against Totalitarian quite a bit," Canon said. The Enactments (ABATE) and next step is for the council to the Goldendale Motorsports review the report. At present, Association (GMA) will be there's no timeline for when cohosting a fundraiser for that will happen. the American Legion. The Canon reminded the coun- evening, dubbed Hot Rods cil and attendees that this and Harleys, will take place Saturday is the city's Cleanup June 30. It kicks off at 5 p.m. Day. "I hope the emphasis with a motor cruise, followed will be to help your neighbor. by a prime rib dinner at 7, and If yourneighbor is elderly a musicalperformance by the [and needs help with their band Bad Motor Scooter at 8. cleanup], give them a hand," Tickets are $25 each and can Canon said. Coupons for tab be purchased through GMA. ing a free load to the transfer Council member Carmen station will be available at Knopes said last Monday's city hall. TOWN from Page I more hearings with input ers, and is waiting to hear an from affected parties--includ- articulated strategy on Syria ing healthcare providers, and Afghanistan. Lukewarm on Trump However, when asked if she Throughout the one and would call for an independent a half hour session, Herrera investigation into the Trump Beutler walked a figura- administration's alleged Rus- tive tightrope on the issues, sian ties, Herrera Beutler reflecting the diverse politi- said that while she would cal leanings of her district, support "any and all efforts" She opposed President Don- to uncover the truth, she ald Trump on several points, believes the current inves- including proposed cuts to tigation is sufficient for the Meals on Wheels, National time being. Institutes of Health, and "If these agencies unearth salmon-run rehabilitation evidence, then I'm happy to and protection, move forward. If [the current Additionally, she said she investigation] isn't working, would hold the president to we'll call for an independ: his word-onfund ng hisinvestigation. Right now,, posed wal! it e process is w0rkingas it from Mexieo,.not U.& taxpay,- ,should." READ from Page 1 or just holding a pen, activi- County has 15. focused on older children for fun," Studebaker says. ties that develop motor skills. To address underservedand teens. The "Connect Lyle School District will Talking with your child populations, some binsCard" initiative works with host the pilot program for is one of the most impor- contain reading materi- schools to distribute special Klickitat County, which is tant ways to help them build als translated into Spanish cards to students, granting expected to launch this fall. vocabulary and understand and Russian--the two most library access regardless of language, widely spoken non-English typical library-card stand- Studebaker has been work- Playing is how children languages within FVRL's ing. ing closely with Lyle schools learn, and how they learn service area. "Maybe they have bills, or to get all pieces in place. She how to learn. The program is funded they're blocked, or for some praises the hard work and Singing is a good way to through the FVRL founda- reason they can't access cooperation of school staff. inspire the imagination and tion--a fact that's integral to library materials. We want "The teachers and admin- help children learn things, its mission, to make sure students have istration at Lyle are beyond For example, one of the first "If we had to track every the resources they need to amazing," Studebaker says. songs children learn is the single book, [the program] support their education," "It's wonderful to work with alphabet, wouldn't be possible. The Studebaker says. Together, those skills pro- idea is to leave the books The goal is to get those people who care so much vide a w.ell-rounded oppor- there for people to use," cards into the hands of 100 about the success of the stu- tunity for children to access Studebaker says. percent of students, teachers dents. Sometimes it can be language. By accident--or not--aand para-educators. But new hard to do a big new project. The bins are located pri- book might go home with a cardsarejustpartofalarger They really made it a pleas- marily in waiting rooms person. Because the program strategy, ure." of healthcare and social is funded through donations "We're going to the school The age range for Connect services facilities, like the and not tax dollars, FVRL and working with the teach- Card will be different for dif- Department of Social and can be less restrictive with ers to help students have a Health Services (DSHS); and the materials, deeper understanding of the ferent parts of district. For Women, Infants, and Chil- Connecting to schools library resources they have, Lyle, it will be K- 12. dren (WIC). Of 45 total bins Studebaker is also spear- and how those can support Jess@GoldendaleSentinel. for the district, Klickitat heading an FVRL project their education and reading com Travis Alert Act headed to the governor's desk After a unanimous vote Monday in the state Senate, the Travis Alert Act passed its second-to-last hurdle before becoming law. House Bill 1258, other- wise known as the Travis Alert Act, would assess the resources necessary to improve the Enhanced 911 program so that informa- tion pertaining to an indi- vidual's disability or spe- cial needs can be available to first responders before they arrive to the scene of an emergency. It would also require the Department of Health -- in concert with other agencies -- to review existing procedures and create a training program for first responders, provid- ing instruction for how to best respond to emergencies involving persons with spe- cial needs. The act is named after Travis King, a 12 year- old boy with autism from Wapato, Washington, FINALLY: Travis King and his mother sit with Rep. Gina McCabe (left) watch Senate proceedings on the Travis Act. first responders the critical nor signs this bill into law." tools and information they Following passage of the need to effectively help indi- bill, the Senate stood to rec- viduals with specialneeds in ognize Travis and his morn, emergencies,"saidRep.Gina Threasa, as they watched McCabe, the bill's sponsor, debate on the Travis Alert "It's been an honor work- Act from the Senate galler- ing with the King family on this legislation. I can't wait ies. to celebrate one final time The bill now heads to the governor's desk for his sig- nature before becoming law. "The TravisAlert Actwill With Travis and his parenfS bethe first'step ingiying in olympia when the gover- SUNSET from Page 1 member was absent). That recommendation will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners, who will make their decision at a public meeting yet to be scheduled. If the Board chooses to accept the recommenda- tion as is, the repeal will go into effect without further deliberation. However, if the Board should choose to reject or request changes to the recommendation, the matter will once again be the subject of a public hearing, Linbad said. Like The Sentinel on Facebook. , . • : r Victims Fund 22nd Annual Auction & Yard Sak Fri, May 12:4 - 7pm Sat, May 13: 8:30am - 4pm It's time to turn yottrjank into 'TRFASUP.Ef tmi can ALL be soM ber ¢J ose m nee Items may be dropped off at 327 W. Brooks. We do not accept clothing donations. For more information p ase contact: Carmen Knopes: (509)261-2350 or Rural 7: (509) 773.4246 n,mrty car ng ffieads, ourwonderfa[ careg'tvers, those who seat cards and flowers, those who called and visited, ] am grateful. KLICKITAT Victims Fund is pleasd to announ wejust dona aUy as as the PtLSH OF A BUTTON[ Shop Smile Select Klickitat Valley Fire Victims Fund and SHOP AWAY!! WKO.High Cascade Mill,, Douglas Fir White Fir Pine Jeremy Beddingfield 541-399-393: Norm Byars 541-490-2940 Mill: 509-427-8413 2022 Wind River Hwy • RO. Box 8 Carson, WA 98610 2017 HOME, GARDEN & SPORTSMAN'S SHOW - KLICKITAT COUNTY FAIl, GROUNDS All major credit cards accepted CITYoF GOLDENDALE CLEAN-UP DAY Saturday, April 22, 2017 Sponsored by Republic Services, Klickitat County Senior Services & City of Goldendale City of Goldendale residents allowed ONE FREE pickup truckload of garbage when coupon* presented to the Goldendale Transfer Station. Remember to cover your pickup load Saturday, April 22, 2017 9:00 am - 5:00 pm *Coupons available at City of Goldendale (City Hall), starting April 10, 2017. Take this opportunity to get acquainted with the Goldendale Transfer Station where you can drop off RECYCLING FREE OF CHARGE (including newspaper, cardboard, cans, bottles, and appliances). Contact Republic Services at 773-5825 for more information. 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