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v,. Domestic violence team
¢1 M. Bryson shar mission to help
2, of her.
~e, Ariz'., died at her Her parents, three sisters, her stop circle of violence
~.5, 2oo4. husband, John, and one grand-
I~as born Sept. 26, 1921, son, preceded her in death.
;l~l~l)ring, Texas, and had Survivors include four daugh- ~ , i!: The Goldendale Domestic Domestic Violence Impact Panel.
~-0~lTexas, NewMexico, ters, SoniaEvans, of Ridgefield, ~!~ .... ~ , Violence Task Force Team A victim impact panel is a sched-
Oregon, Washington, Sheryl Bell of Lodi, Calif., Dixie (GDVTEF) held its first Domes- uled gathering of a pre-selected
~..j~g and Arizona. Groves, of Quartzsite, Ariz., and Ill,~,.. tic Violence Impact Panel on group of domestic violence vic-
;-~rlr~n was a homemaker. Debra Jones, of Oregon City, &,~&,~(~... March 23. The attendance was rims who share their stories on
~l~a~l to sew, crochet, and Ore.; 11grmadchildren,26 great- ove,whelming, with 21 people, how they survived with a group
~ ~ in addition the task force team of domestic violence offenders.
- [~:r, making almost all of grandchildren; two great-great
~ ,l°tl~,~; crocheting afghans grandchildren and one sister, i/~ .... ~ and speakers, attending. The purpose of the panel is not to
),~. The GDVTFT consists of the cast blame upon the attending
i~iF°~ildren. She collect- Nell Clay, ofHobbs, N.M.
~p"~ll,~es, dolls and pigs. A memorial service was held %.ii::iI . Goldendale city attorney, Klick- offenders, but rather to show the
~Al'i~_10ved, the desert,, and April 9 in Parker, Ariz. !,!i!~, ney,itat CountYwashingtonPrOsecutingDepartmentattOr-of actionsimpact upon°f domestiCvictims, violence
flying her family around Corrections, Goldendale Police While such presentations are
Department, Programs for often difficult for participating
David Michael Liddell Peaceful Living and Klickitat speakers, they are willing to
z~_~Michael Liddell, 52, of Charles E. and Julie Liddell, County Adult Probation Services. endure the prolonged pain of
~"J~e, died March 29, 2oo4. Richard, LolaandAmberLiddell, The mission is to create a sharing their stories hoping to
'~'dS bortl March 5,1952, in andson, Derek; four sons, Davey, community aware of andprevent this kind of harm from
~1o. Liddell worked at Michael, Dallas and Aaron Lid- responsible for abolishing happening toothers. Thepartic-
~s'¢~jp and Doubravski dell; two daughters, Christi and domestic violence with a goal to ipating victims experience
fity.~g, and also worked as a Hana Liddell; twostep-children, promote victim safety and per- momentaD' relief when the
' • • Contnbuted photo petrator accountability, offenders are moved to make
Cathy Evans (RIGHT), of Goldendale, met country singer One of the greatest ways to statements of remorse because
Ricky Van Shelton in Jackpot, Nev., on Friday, Apd116, when pre~ ent others from experiene- of the victim s stories.
ing the tragic pain is to stop the If you or someone you know is
she attended his concert. Evans' cousin is a member of Shel- circle of violence. When an a victim of domestic violence,
ton s band.
offender is sentenced, and if you may call the GDVTFT at
orderedby the court, the offend- (509) 250-o315.
gr pfo ed
New cattle ou rm - . ..
Ranch sort, ng
ct In response to a growing aware ofthenewgroup. Kayser meeting on
and Clark le ureon debateovertradepolicyandcat- said that he and others had no
;~=~, u~:t"'a ryhill I¥11Ul fie market issues, Washington interest in joining the WCP, Tuesday, April 27
ay at Ma useum state cattle ranchers have formed though.
a second organization to lobby The pmblem,is what it'sgoing An organizational meeting ]
for the Larrie Knags memorial I
~~ by Clark when the for and protect their interests, to do polifically,' said Kayser. It's ranch sorting for the 20041
fij't~t~.ahil(lVlu'seum of Art Corps of Discovery traveled The Washington Cattle Pro- a simple equation, two groups Klickitat County Fair will be [
e~ta lecture by lewis through thearea, ducem (WCP) is new on the scene equal two voices lobbying for the held at Ayutlas Mexican restau- [
"~" ~r~3o p.m., Schafroth will this month and has already same ear and attention from the rant on Tuesday April 27 at [
~am derate 3D-minute hike ga~, ed a membership of 75. same segment of the legislature,
~om the Overlook to view sever- We are a rancher-driven he said. Kayser is not sure where 7:3opm. I
Any persons wishing to help I
~~0rps,doeumented organization,' said Ted Wishon, the WCP is coming from but feels or be a part ofthis special event I
~'ntheareh."OnApri122, vice president ofWCP. The focus that issues before a committee .'l,I'l
• ~ • ", ~ "
~~ke-d'~across of WCP will be on theneedsof could be split as policy is vetted. Rowl,,.,,u will is invited to attend. Formore I
~. .. . information call Bonnie Bradley [
~~an h erethe.m ,use urn, now the men and women who pro- Kayser sees this scenario, "Well • ~i
"~:Zohonor duee for the cow-calf market, my constituents are saying one serve in Bmzd
Their general feeling is that the thing and this group is saying
~the Columbia River, a related program each year and Washington Cattlemen's Associ- another, which is correct?' Brunt Rowland, a 2003 grad-
(~ ~_ 1 ation is more focttsed on the pro- Lee Engelhardt, a Moses Lake uate of Goldendale High School,
~~walk w}'l] cussing and meatpacking side of cow-calf producer and founder
the industry and less concerned of WCP, told the Yakima Herald is currently serving on a mission
for the Ch~ch of,lesus Christ of,
~fi-om~eCorpsj0~. withtheirneedspolifically, last ..veek, "ff it doesn't p, utaprof- Latter-day Saints.
~articipan~ should wear appro- Neff Kayser, a Klicldtat Coun- it in, the cow-calf man s pocket, Rowland will be working on
'~r~l,~e pn'atesh_oe_sandpants. _-- . ty eattleman and past president of we re not going to focus on the his two-year mission in the Brazil ASSEMBLY OF GOD
~aryhill Museum of Art is the Washington Cattlemen s issue."
Association, said that he and -GregSkinner Porto Alegre North Mission. He New Llte /Ume=bly of God
is the son of Dean and Karen
~~. ~'~opi~ofhis located on the I_ewis and Clark ~o~k~,~,~," ~,~,~;,~,~.~v~
al~~ay, Washington Scenic other K]ickitat cattlemen were Rowland, of Goldendale.Ms~,.w~".l~ ~,ty~b:~°o~,~v/~i'~
_¢y ~tlhe will be pleased to Route ~4,just went of US 97 and ~ p;~%~,,,~,,~%~o,~,./~.M,F~p.,O~,~. ".~Y~I
• 1 -I • 1 •. 11 101' III I V, ~ervlte onthannel I 1 I
,,~,,._ ~s open dany, memmng aun n- . ......
a~[~-'~e~alsohasal.ewis days, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., I KLCK A.M. 1400 • 773-3300MORNING TALK SHOW SCHEDULE l[ BAPTIST [I
it~trVerlook, loeatedona throughNov ks.Generaladmis- I ~ ~ ~1~ ~ Ii ~i~ .n~ 8:35 a m. to 9 am, Mondays through Wednesdays I[_.c*l~.b"A;;~..~.~Y~t'.~.'a."c' II
it=~_, Y on the southeast side sion is $7, senior $6, and chil- I [iil~ Ill f'~= | i']IA~] " l[ ~'"~:','~;~i'o'~'~,;b~'r~'~'~'.~.'~":s~,',~ ,,:~ [I
~ a,m Morning Worship I I a,m Sunday
~.Itindudesinter- dren ages six to ,6, $2. I IP'! II fr IF,#' April 22 & 23 Hotline! Call 773-3300
.. ~ . - : p .: y ~. g
that share obser [ 11 ~ ~, s,.,~..d, ..... 7 p,
I I! LI Apri126:DianaHousden, Klickitat County Auditor 11 " ~' " 11
• "~ ~ ri I • - Bible Baptist Church of Goldendale
' .... ,, .- -_ ,^,. I II \lh Itl , Ap 27" Search and Rescue do. gtra,n,ng - - ..
i''~[ vour absentee DallOI DV/~grll ZO I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .......... |1773.4929. L. parish PlumhJee. Pastor. Sun. It
iv le I ~ "" ~ A rll Z~ 12, O
Jl~.. I p :con talc Help rrogram II day: Sund;~v ~:hool loam. Mo,'ningWorshlp II
ll]~'~tll~]'~-ll-. ~ " ." ~ - • ~ | Talk show suggestions? C)~mments? kh'klagotve net -- II Service I I a m.. Sunday Evemng Service fl
"ll~l,.,."utUl ariPnt~v" lnl~ IV ere vWISI1 I o IIl~m Wednesday Sen, lte7pm Nur'~ezy,'Ser
ots__..~..Den~z anmebrmanner, vot may _ , • - • ....... "'11
011L' ~ ,o • • vice Provided "Families Walkln In The Old
(t~l~:~or the special elec- to pick up an absentee ballot at ' II
s~a~eldTuesday, Apri127 the Auditor's Office during the I[a ", ....... ,, II ......... II
• ~Yt • . . ........................................ t.~, r,u~,st.
~lls~'~Y}.O request absentee week prewous to the election. II ............ -__ .............. (I II II
t. ~til t" g BOX 11511110 N Main .~o~s,.,,.,,~ (o~.~,,..1. ,.,.,.,wm,.m
~s~..'~0ti 26. For more informafion, callthe l[ " " " [I l[ ...... : "" ." 11
e[~] '~% ballot is reeeived in elections det)amnent at 773-231]. II White Salmon, WA 9867 2 II II
~ql -" - I/~~~._.d~_-_~A :c,,a ..,-, ,',,,',,r ............... IIII..... tng7:3Opm Eve°fHolyDavs73Op,m;|l
z~lp~.~.._ I/~~|~1 3uy-,+yj-.~uo6 r/~A 3USt-495-41UY IIl[H°b't)ays9........ dL~alty.Massk~o,t.--Sat, gll
• i ~ I1Z~~l~Z~ I'- I II II a.m except Tues 7 pro, CCD Classes, II
".,l~'~il • l~ '~"~='l~"~""*-'~g'"'~"~'l I/ I~;:.~,~1 #~ i II |lKlndetgarten through 6th grade, wed, II I~i -" ~-ttttlV I .......... IIW~,.'~il~.~/ .......................... ,-,., IIIIc''" ........ ~0~M,=S~,u,l~y ....... ~11
'~'e:~.u.~7~ I~ l} 5 Goldendale, WA 98620 }1"II ..... o o"-'-" II
t 09_773.3757 FAX 509-773-6965 .~ c.~,,.~t~,.=,s,~t~.
~e~t t _OE R V I N |; I I"n'mruam'r''nr""ur~'° . ~ t/ ............................................. a II,,~o~." ........ ,,.o.,o~M.,o~,,.o,,,o,.ll
,~'~11~ I I~,---*~'~ 11 ¥ l IN II • 14~ I~-i~llM/~- /~l~tl O~,..~,.t " I Hi • • II II773-3388 SundaySeh°°19:3Oa'm': Morning li
~(s~E-~ I~ li "kltat Count Sen, " " " IIIlW-' ...... "~""~'~ll
~ Khc Y or Serwces would hke to thank the forty- eight ~,~:630 - :800 p.m, Wednesda~v8 atthe G(~n,
businesses t ugh out the county, mctudm8 Hood Rwer, The Dattes, ....... ,,oo,:o0 ,= ,... ==..
:i IP"" "2.V."L.,.o,.=,.=,.,,I I/ and Cascade Locks, that helped in honorin8 our volunteers at our II II " ' " II
~l,~,,,vn~rne"l~eek,]:SU--UiUll .l Annual Banquetn ks tApril 16. Once. again, our volunteer Banouet was a oreat = II II u,t~,= II
I ET~,.,.~LSU.,S..N~QET.~ I II success, tha o the businesses hsted below that donated items as II ...... II
"'~l.lll).r~_ " -/'-~'v~o1 lbPUl LIP~ MIND IRI I l/ .. ......... I..--~. .... I1 11773-5750 ~,V~r~hlpServtceSunday ll:COam, II
L tSl spm,, szl • I I ..... I1 glrl:s to uu, vutunLee~. [I ....... , .... II
I IrHE L MO ., I I/ We also want to thank the many volunteers who ave over 15,937 II II r rnoomr II
• r ' • • • IJ=lted Methodt=t
.~~~"w]-m,-e~°'ce I IHOME ON THE RANGE .."= i II hours of the] time through th~s past _year since the _Drewous Volunteers II .... II
v==- -*~ - --~*a L*Ht'~Pn ~ m • F~d• -Tue~flyl~4~" 4:45" -6:~g- -" • =" [! I| 73 4461 or 773-4462 WorshlpSa,m &
Ak,/~q~24;~="- I [ Fad•y'Tuesa'Yl:4~4'"':~! I/ Banauet. II ,~,o:,o ...... .~,,,,,,..~.,.,o., .... .o.-~/I
'-lr~3tlt,..- .... ;" .. I I P~e,--ot4,-, P~r~am~c I I/ - - II||A~allableatm:3Oan~Calltheeh"rehf"rr~gu-/|
.Ji~-"LANRPrr,~,, ~4[~u I• ,.,.~oo~,~ ,....,,,,,~, .... • I/ r---- .............................................................. II"=~=~"~"~"~ .... t,. ,=
t~-2%~:'Yu~" I'~~ Ill mNC~N: -]11 II II
I Fd & Sat 6:50 9.'20,S~n- Tue6:~oj I/ ~ Jason You'n ' s S" n "- '
~ll-."a'haa'._~tat°,soupor I I .................... - ...... ~JlII- ~ II II a, Sunday:-"day~h°°lg:aoll
I.,,,,- ,,,,,,^,,,-,~ " I l/ ~ ~ II Ili a.m. Worshlpaerv|ce 10:45a.mWedneaday II
II i Sunday-~elday4:207:~l il | ..... ~..~u,..rl, o, I| |1 li
"!'~.~0 II IWHOLEI"EN~RDS(~-,s)---"] I1 t The Sternwheeler & Columbia Gor~e Cruise ] tlII WOODtam)v Jsrmam II
' -- " "~=" --" " .................. ' .... " " =' -- " ~;~ i II II 62? Woodland Road, Goldendale. Worship
',Ji~0~a' (509) 773.6909 I I Fr~ay.Tu~dny4:~ II| ]IIlie....... Sunday IO:30 ...... W¢(lne.dayat II
P~ ""'~._~G01dend.1.- " " i ....... II [ " " ! II 117:0o pro. Woody Low'lace, Pastor, 773.9119. II
~..~ 4~Ai~ ~ .,~ I] Angelo s P,zza, Carquest Auto Parts, Clark s Floral, Iii II ~~"~.~- II
ne tone , ~.,.~.~,c~
~'~! I[ Cor rs Coffee, Dandy Valley Farm & Nursery, Gee s [[ [[~,~..,~,~,~.~o,~[I
Ilit Family Restaurant, Hair Affair, Hands on Nails and 14~ir I II
~,lr~,~;t~L_ ~:~ 1 II ~ " "=''" ~11 II Morning Worhshlp Service at II:OO a.m,, |11
]~:~Uo~',~T~m~'e. I II .ooo RIVER" II
a taste of elegance"III Port of Hood River, Safeway, Sprint, Wal-Mart III II FELLOWSHIP II
)'11~ - " - iil IIil 207 s. KltckttatAve,, Pa~torSleveJohn~n, II
t II li 773-4719, Sul~day wol~hlp fla~lc ~llbh" III
I~ ~ • -- i il [ "- "~" o II I|Fellow~hlpll;3Oam Wedne~day Prayer at 711
~[ ]d~ ~fHr~l=v MaY 8 I Ill ]'lie IDALLES. II| |lpxnHomeRroup~;vallable III
The Art Box, Hazel Phillips Travel, Oil Can Henry s '."
II/ W"'~ S'~MO~" 1 11 II ~ .~ II
'~~ [.llllll.l~U ..}~l.,,,~, I I[ tBelle's Diner, Hi-School Pharmacy, Mark's Automotive Service [I I[ • ~ [I
Pl~a~e RSVP. I lit McDonald s, The Creamery, Vanguard Nursery, II II II
"1["%,_. -- ......... I I1 White Salmon Thriftway, Elkhorn I IIII II