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April 22, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free at
215 Musical 275 Misc. for Sale 290 Livestock325 Farm & 340 Apadment 340Apartment
,, in /zawen & Supplies Orchard Equip. Rentals/WA, Rentals/WA.
60 record ,,O,O00,.,O yearod .------------.
Searching for old Ham- player in nice wood cab[- chestnut. Papers. $700.
mond console organs & net. $150. 509-493-2957 With one ton hay included
Will pay cash & haul. 541- chine in cherry cabinet. 0sed-onc-e~20-04 Travva-
490-1773. $125. 509-493-2957 long alum 24 ft G.N horse/ 113 PTR/AngIo Blade, 6 ft.. $31011
MARTiN-mandolin. 1920~ ONA-NG~ors~several stock combo. $12,900. •3PTPJAngteBlade,5ft..$237
style A, Nice condition.
$750, 541-.386-6239. reconditioned, RV type 509-767-1539. |3 PT 25 Gal. Sprayer, boom &|
gensets for sale. Also buy-
Z~1~lr ~ ~'~"A =-----t A--J--Rainiering non-working(509) 773-7.1 units! 295Pro& =3|handgUnpTBox ......................... Scrapersft..,. w/Riper=$838|
Supplies |Shanks, 4-8 $314 to $717I
F.~t ~rb~l~ ~ |Finish mower 3 PT Right s~don
............... .... 6.drswer underdrssoer, heater, 6 week old Chihuahua fe- =and rear discharge, 4 ft. to 7='
HONDA F210 garden tiller, mattress, $200. Gida 24" Huff)' male. $250. 541-298-2822. |ft ....................... $801 to $2641|
Like new. Sticker price18-apd, bike, like new. $40.
$599, Sac[rice $275. 509.369-4872, Blue Heeler purebred pup-
pies, working parents.
541-352-5506. SOLAR GEAR, used. Call 509-767-1539.
Rainier for details:
225Build (509) 773-7841. FREE to good home: Black
& white neutered male dog.
....... Square dancing petty coat. 541-386-5251.
'' $15. 541-298-2454.
20 ft. HOPS poles, $5 ea., FREE[ Half Rottweiler/Half
we load. 509-773-2202. Wood and brass commer~ German shepherd. 10 mo.
cial clothing racks, old. 509-493-3943
46 ft engineered roof truss- $30 & up, approx. 10.
es, (24) never used. $g0. 541-386-5605 Gorge Mobile Equine
ea. (lot OBO). 541-544- Veterinary Services
3333. Mlsc. Wented Emphasis on quality pre-
, ventive health care, den-
tistry & nutrition at your
$$ For Direct "rv or Dlshnst- home/farm. Lori R. Heir-
work recelvere. 541.296.5560,
PleNe leave message, man, DVM 509-427-0055.
706 S Columbus
Inventory Reduction. Sizes
starting at 30x40, 40x60,
60x100. Other sizes avail-
able. 28 colors to choose
from• Authorized Inde-
pendent Dealer.Call Mark
of Lupin Construction.
shakes. $100. 509-493-
1359 (leave message.)
,, i i , , i .... i i
8" JOINER. 1 1/2H motor.
$100. For more details call
ONAN Generators, several
reconditioned, RV type
gensets for sale. Also buy-
ing non-working units!
Rainier (509) 773-784t
NICE Lrg. handmade dog
$$ for Old Military Itemo, house w/metal roof. $30.
watches, collectlblsa, jewelry, 509.493-3507
elc. 5094934483.
Looking to buy ammunition, Wasco County Animal
re-ldading supplies, military Shelter
memorabilia, guns & gun 541-296-5189
parts. Gun books, and oth- Open Mon-Fn 12-4
er misc. gun accessories. (Closed Noon-l)
Please call 541-296-3777 River Road, The Dalies
Rotary Mowors, Post HoleI
Diggor. 6" to 12","
13PT. .................... $497 to $~3ol
I Plus ............ Tractors, Loaders,I
Cultivators, Pine Straw Racks"
& More! |
: XMk I
=Scootie" Scooter. Break=
down for transport. $750.
I (509) 773.2222 I
Ib-- == i--, i,-- JI
Approx 2700 sq ft Shop/
Retail space. Dual roll-up
doors in rear, Off-St. park-
ing, heated with AC, good
location on W. 2nd, The
Dalies. 54 1-296-2682.
CAMAS bldg. for office/re-
tail. 1902 SE 6th Ave.
$1400 mo. 360-896-9606.
Purebred Shih Tzu pup- Get results fast by placing
pies. 1 F, 2 M. $300-$400.
A(~..~L'rURE your ad in the Gorge Clas-
1st shot. 541-386-4821. sifieds, your ad will appear
Livestock & Supplies ""290 Purebred Pit bull, neutered in every paper in the gorge
Pets & Supt~ies ..... 295 7 mos. Brindle. shots, area, reaching over
Pasture Rentals .... 300 $100. 541-298-1781. 115,000 readers each
~tables & Kennels ..... 305 RABBITS, mini lope, week. Call us at the Gold-
Hay, Feed, Straw'""'~310 6 wks.$15ea. endale Sentinel, 773-3777
Food, Meat & Produce""315 360-837-3940. or toll-free at 1-888-287-
Plants & 3777.
Nursery Stock .... 320
Farm & Omhard 305 ~ & HOOD RIVER Heights
Equipment .......... 325 Ken Retail/office 2389 sq ft.
Parking. $1100/mo.
Healing Winds Therapeutic 541-386-2864/386-2292
& Suppl .gC r ldat:
Crosswinds Stables, 12414
N.E. 212th Ave. Brush
2002 AQHA grey filly, Prairie, WA. 360-~54-5387;
broke and started on cattle. 360-944-9969. $5 off lesson,
Peppy Sand Badger and w~w.geo¢lfies.¢om/
Docs Prescription, $3900.
or trade cow/calf pairs, healingwlnd~,001
=,-'r~,,~,,w,~t'l Ji~la ~ 4-H & FFA Suffolk lambs.
..... ~ ~ 4--H/FFA Fair market
lambs. Suffolk cross. $85
Ceramic molds & aea, 541-387-3211.
pqudng table. $400 OBO.
dstoset up a oYOO" ,
• 4 meres, colors (3 your
ones). All super gentle.
N~ Norwood 30" 8 her- Bathe, wash, load good.
hess workshop loom. $750 509-364-3472.
2200 sq fl retail. Avail 5/1.
$2,200 me. 54 1-490-5955.
HOOD RIVER. 2835 sq ft
Office lease. 9 offices,
conference, reception, lob-
310~'~380-0558/503-281-8495bY' $2700 + NNN. 541-
S~ HOOD RIVER. Retail/office
space. 600+ ft. Off St.
HAY FOR SALE parking, desireable Heights
Standing in 80-acre field, location. Drive by 101
Alfalfa&grass. For details 12th St. Unit
cell 509-493-2161 541-3~. 1662. ~ i r
HONDA 2speed, self-pro-
pelled lawn mower. $75.
firm. 541-386-8836. Ed Hotly-Gtenwood.
Okferwoddng 38"4 8 yr old big Tri-Paint geld.
OaR/P'/~ @
harness Lecierc loom. Greenbroke, all tack..,._._,_.__.NU,"~vStO~k
Needs work. $150 OBO. $2000. Must seet
541-386-8836 541-993-3639 FREE horse manure corn-
~T5 J~. ~ ~ Beau6ful re9 AQHA 4 yr geld-post. We load, U haul.
......... , ,, ,, Ing. Black w/star & ~cks. 541-386-1668
16H. Pleasures, leeds, cllp=~ MILESTONE NURSERY
100 sq ft "Antique Buff" Jump=, would be great barrel Native Plant Sale
ledge stone, $450. 509- proop=ct Must aall by May. Apt. 30- May2
767-2009 296.1919 days, 298.499f eves. Hwy. 14 & 7th. Lyie, WA
24' COMMERCIAL grade
ladder. $250 new, sell for BLUE Silkie Bantam
$99. 360-835-5863. Rooster, $3. 325 ~
30+ gallon aquarium wlth 360-835"7512. ~Eq~.
filter and fish. $100. 541- CALVES FOR SALE ' ' '' ....
296-.4877. Vaccinated, wormed, and Donahue 25 ft G.N. fiat,
readytogo heavy duty, drop down
6' COMMERCIAL Spanish Hauling available rear, good cond. $3950.
cader Humidor, $1500. 509-773-5437 509-767-1539.
~JE T0 C,000 ~EI ..... ......
CANOPIES, 50 large can- 2 pair of African geese. Call :
epics in stock. Call any- 509-538-2488
time. 503-296-3761. Brace BusinessRentals''''""3;~0
Brothers Towing, 1119 W. JUSTIN HILL ~SHOEING Apartment
2nd St., The Dalles, OR 509.773-5864 Rentals/Oregon ...... ."'335
97058. Apartment
Dati/Espre$1m food van, 20 K/WI FENCE CONTRACTORS Rentals/WA ...... 340
ft. Has freezer, re/rig, ~1-993.~4S4. Condo Rentals ..... 350
steam table, register and ALPACA TOURS 4-Ptexes/OR ...... 355
much more. For photos Set up your own personal- Duplexes,
email to:ized tour. 4806 NE 316th 4-Piexes/WA ..... 360
Iovernycountry@peoplepc Ct., Camas. For appt. 360- House Rentals/OR"""'365
.com. $12,500. 834-7470. House Rentels/WA """"370
509-427-4290, Senior Housing ....... 372
Electronic Cash Register POA bay roan gelding. 3 MobileHomes/OR"'"""375
with Scanner. $150.00, yrs. $850. 541-296-1862. Mobile HomesNVA""""380
$500 new. 541-386-.5605. REG. Half Arabian gelding. Mobile Home Spaces "'382
Rentals Wanted """"''"385
For Sale, 751 Series Bob- Energetic 16 yrs. Well- Rentals to Share "'''""390
cat. 600 hrs, $12,250. 25 ft trained. Travel and trail Room Rentals "'""""395
Whiteman concrete power exp. For exp. dder. $2000. RV Site Rentals .... 397
scread, $4150. 509.395.932~ Vacation Rentals ""''""400
Sheep manure. Delivered Bed & Breakfast" 405
For Sale. Giuseppi Armani in 8-9 ton loads. $40 ton. StomgeSpaca""""""410
Figurines. For more in/o, Miac. Rentels ...... 415
541-296.0244". 54 1-567-9486/561..8496, --
OFFICE/retail for rent. Ap-
prox. 475 sq.ft $350/mo.
1313 Belmont, Ste. C, Hood
River, O1~ 541-922-5933.
mcoe H: -
-Quiet Neighborhood
Bedroom Units
On-site laundry
A United Builders
Rental Property
Golden Arms and Golden Sands
are the place to livel
Golden Arms Aoartments
1, 2, 3 bedroom units
Rent & deposit based on income
W/S/G paid, Laundry & playground
Very close to shopping & schools
Golden Sands Apartments
Fantastic Value!
1 Bdrm., 1 be., $280/mo., $150 dep.
W/S/G paid; Close to downtown; laundry;
extra storage; HUD vouchers accepted.
1/2 Off first full month's rent
Ask About Move-In Specials/
Inquire at:
509B E. Main, Goldendale, WA 98620
Phone: 509-773-5828
Fax: 509-773-3153
TTY: 1-800-833-6388 for hearing impaired
GK Equal Housing Opportunity
le area in a
PREMIER Goldendaie of-
lice/retail space on Broad-
way. Several sizes from
All real estate advertising in
this newspaper is subject
to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to ad-
vertise "any preference,
limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, relig-
ion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or
an intention, to make any
such preference, limitation
or discrimination." Familial
status includes children
3 BI)RM. House
• Fenced Yard
• Gas heat & hot water
• New Carpet &
• W/D Hookups
• W/S/G pd.
Avail. May !
$550/mo., $350 dep.
The Dallea 1 Br basement
/urn studio apt. No S.D.D.,
no pets. $375 + $200 non-
re/. dep. 541-298-7190.
"rite Dallea 1&2 Bdrm apts.
W/SIC pd. No pets. HUD
okay. 509-395-2772.
The Dalies 1 Bdrm, W/S/G
pd. 511 Liberty. $400 +
dep. 541-296-8123.
The Dalles 1 Bdrm, clean,
quiet, nice yd, view, AC, no
pets. W/S/G pal. $425.
+ $150 fee: 541-980-8640.
The Datlem 2 Bdrm, W/S/G
pd, W&D. $625. $250 dep.
541-296-5067. Avail 5/8/04
2 BDRM: W/SIC paid.No
pets. Clean, great view.
LYLE. 1 & 2 bdrm apts.
Nice neighborhood. $350
roD. + dep. 509-385.-6863.
HOOD RWER. 2 bdrm in
quiet 4 piex. Long term.
HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, W/
D hookup. W/S/G. No
smoking/pets. $525 +
deps. 541-490-5589 or
HOOD RIVER. Lrg 2 bdrm
near dntn. Rv/Mt. view. dw,
w/d, deck., NO petMsmok~
ing. ~B-~HF3az-~auM
HOQD RIVER. Remodeled
)ur community offers a quiet, well-main. 2 bdrm, I bath. Avail 5/15.
tained housing environment second to none! $850.541-386-1713,
We offer residents a family atmosphere with a
playground, NC, W/SIC paid, onsite laundry facil-
ity and a terrific view.
If quality, comfort, peace and quiet is what you're
looking for; Three Mountain Village Apartments is
Accepting applications for 1,2 & 3 bdrm. apts.
Call (509) 773-3344 or stop by: 613 W. Collins,
Goldendale, WA.
Applications are also available at DSHS. Sec. 8
Program Restrictions apply. EHO
TTY: 1-800-833-6388
under tha age of I~ ,ving --'","
with parents or legal cus-
todians, pregnant women ~OR, j
and people securing cus- ;' , ,,
tody of children under 18, *'rhs Dallea Ig studios, Furn HOOD RIVER. Nice quaint
This newspaper will not & unfum.WISIG pd, HUD 1 bdrm, frplce, G/W includ.
knowingly accept any ad- ok. $365. 541-296-8805, $490.503.-665-5090.
vertising for real estate 541-993-8805, HOOD RIVER. Furnished 1
which is in violation of the
law. Our readers are here- HOOD RIVER. Great location bdrm, No smoking/pets
nego. $650 me. includes
by informed that all dwell- 1 bdrm, $465. Avail. now. utilities. 541,-386-6008.
ings advertised in this IsUlast/ciean dep, No
newspaper are available on smoking/pets. 541-386- ODELL. Clean/modem stu-
an equal opportunity basis, 4506 after 5, 541-386- did in pristine setting. 7 MP
To complain of discrimina- 9462. on Dee Hwy. 360-6~T294.
tion call HUD toll-free at 1- HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm. 1st/ PARKDALE 3 apts. avail.
800-669-9777. The toll-free last + cleaning dep, No Incls. all utils. No pets.
telephone number for the pets. Refs. Long term. $475-$600. 541-352-6304.
hearing impaired is 1-800- $430.541-386-1845, The Dallsa 1 Bdrm, W/S/G
927-9275. HOOD RIVER. 1 Bdrm. pd. $395/mo, $250 dep. No
The Dalles office suite avail, Cascade St. Yr. lease, pets, HUD approved.
located downtown. $225/ $425 me. 541-490-2522. 541-298-7015.
me, incl HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm. w/ The Dallsa 2 Bdrm town-
utifilk~s.541-296-9331. Mt. Adams view. $450. Call house. $495/mo, $300 dep.
for appt 541-386-1617. No pets. 541-298-7015.
360 Duplexes,
2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth., 2 BDRM.,
dishwasher, carport. $460/ modeled,
me., $300 dep. 773-2218.
3 bdrm., 2