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MAY 03, 2017 -- S
Here is a great opportu-
nity to celebrate Cinco de
Mayo right here in Glen-
wood. The Glenwood Pub-
lic School Employees group
(PSE) is hosting a Cinco de
Mayo dinner on Friday, May
5. Proceeds from the dinner
will fund the PSE scholar-
ships awarded to Glenwood
graduates each year. Dinner
will be served in the school
multipurpose room from 4
p.m. to 7 p.m.
The mouth-watering menu
includes adult plates of three
carne asada tacos, rice,
beans, dessert, and beverage
for $9 and child plates of one
taco, rice, beans, dessert, and
beverage for $5. Senior citizen
plates are available for $7. If
you would like to purchase
single dinner items, the carne
asada tacos are $2 each and
quesadillas are $2.
After you've enjoyed the
delicious dinner and helped
to support a very worth-
while cause, head on over to
the Grange Hall for the last
Women's Club bingo night
until fall. Bingo begins at 7
p.m. and there will be lots of
prizes and refreshments. We
hope to see a lot of Cinco de
Mayo celebrators out for both
Teacher Appreciation
Week begins Monday, May
8. If you get a chance, let the
Glenwood teachers know how
much you appreciate all they
do for the students and the
The Camas Prairie Pioneer
meeting will be Sunday, May
7, at Pioneer Memorial Com-
munity Church. There will be
a potluck lunch after church
services, followed by an inter-
esting program on
historic barns in
the Glenwood val-
ley. Hazel Parsons News
will give a pres-
entation on her Glenwood
Uncle Barlow, who Homemakers
helped build the
Ziegler barn: The
Ziegler family has offered to
allow the attendees take a
visit to that historic old barn.
Bob Guinn is retiring from
the Glenwood Fire Depart-
ment after 35 years of volun-
teer service as a firefighter,
EMT, and paramedic. Bob
also serves as a fire commis-
sioner and will retain that
position. To honor his many
hours of community service,
the fire department invites
the public to help celebrate
Bob's retirement at the Glen-
wood Fire Hall at 6 p.m. on
May 10. Please come out that
evening to wish Bob well,
shake his hand, give him a
hug, or send him a card of
thanks for all he has contrib-
uted to the Glenwood com-
munity. We are very thank-
ful for Bob's many years of
service on our behalf. Thank
you, Bob. Enjoy your well-
deserved retirement.
Invitations are being sent
out to Glenwood students and
their families for the annual
Awards Banquet taking place Pioneer Memorial Commu-
on May 17. Families and nity Church willbe serving
grandparents are welcome the ladies of the community
to attend. If accompanied by a wonderful Mother's Day
an adult, fifth grade and up Brunch. All ladies are invited
are invited. The cost is $5 per to attend and brunch will be
person or $20 for served at 8:30 a.m.
an immediate fam- The airstrip at Mt. Adams
ily larger than four Lodge at the Flying L is now
members. Pleaseopen for guests who wish to
RSVP to the school fly in and stay at one of the
office by May lodge's cabins or room. Reser-
12. The menu isvations are required. Contact
chicken, potatoes, Julee at Mt. Adams Lodge for
salad, green beans, more information.
roll, and dessert. The 22nd annual Fire Vic-
The Glenwood Homemak- tiros Auction is coming up on
ers scholarship in the amount May 12 and 13. Proceeds from
of $500 is open to any senior this auction are used to aid
graduating from Glenwood victims offiresin the Center-
High School who plans to ville and Rural7 fire districts
attend a two-year, four: and the City of Goldendale.
year, or vocational school. There is still time to donate
The Linda Spies Memorial items for this very worth-
scholarship, for $1,000, is while cause. The committee
also available to a Glenwood is requestingany big-ticket
graduation senior. The same item donations, such as a load
criteria apply to both scholar- of hay, load of gravel, loads of
ships. Completed applications firewood, cars, trucks, motor-
should be mailed to Kay Carr, cycles, boats, and campers.
PO Box 91, Glenwood, WA They also always accept
postmarked no later than household items such as fur-
May 10. niture, appliances, dishware,
The Glenwood School andcookware, as well as lawn
PSE is hosting the annual and garden items. You may
Mother's Day Tea on May 12 take any donation items to the
at 1 p.m. in the school mul- Rural 7 Fire Hall located at
tipurpose room. This is a 327 W. Brooks in Goldendale.
very special event not only Please do not donate clothes,
for mothers and grandmoth- older TVs, pianos, or organs,
ers of Glenwood High School as they don't sell. For more
seniors. All women in the intbrmation, please contact
community are invited and Carmen Hook Knopes by call-
encouraged to attend, ing 773-4323 or texting her at
On May 13, the men of 261-2350.
The Twin Bridges Museum
has changed their opening
date to coincide with the
resurrection of the old Lyle
Pioneer Days; the schedule
is for Saturday, May 27, from
10 a.m, - 5 p.m. at
the Lyle Park. The ,'~:
museum is join-
ing the celebra-Lyle News
tion to bring you a
a.m. to 10 a.m. at
great day of recall- Idildredlukens
ing the past and/ -"
into nity Center. The
our pioneer faro- Lyle Lions will join
ily's lives and is other Lions Clubs
in search of photos of local across Washington and
military family members to Idaho in raising funds for
honor our own. the Northwest Lions Foun-
The photos willbe scanned dation. A special donation jar
and returned to you. Along will be available to collect the
with the photo, please include separate d°nati°n" The funds
the name, date, branch of collected will help support
service, and a brief military sight programs--wovide free
background of the service health screenings for vision
personnel for the display, loss, glaucoma, diabetes, high
The Pioneer Days celebration blood pressure for children
will link old with the new-- and adults; provide grants to
from the traditional parade patients who cannot afford
to a modern bounce house, sight loss treatment such as
it looks to be a great day to cataract surgery, magnifying
invite out-of-town family and equipment, prosthetic eyes;
friends and bundle them all provide grants to non-profits
up in the family jalopy, that provide computers, and
If you wish to participate software for Braille instruc-
in either the museum efforts tion. This great First Satur-
of preserving the past, or day Breakfast is a good way
celebrating a day of the to er0oy a delicious breakfast
bygone days, your chance is while supporting the less
to attend their regular meet- privileged.
ings. The museum meets in Remember, Lyle School
the museum basement every holds a registration event for
second Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. incoming pre-kindergarten
The Pioneer Day Committee and kindergarten students
meets each Monday night at on May 4. This is for parents once again taken pride in our
the Activity Center at 6 p:m. and students registering for little community. Norma and
There are so many rea- the 2017-18 school year. Grad- children have cleaned up the
sons to support our local uationis June 3 (Saturday) at little triangle at the corner
Lions Club. On Saturday, 2 p.m. Also, the school year of Fifth and SR14. It looks so
May 6, the Lyle Lions will is extended through June 19 much better with a little TLC.
sponsor "White to make up most of the snow I'm sure both residents and
• Cane Awareness days they had this year. (The those traveling through Lyle
Day" along with its state has given them a waiver appreciate seeing the tiny
monthly pancakefor a few of those days).Ques- : garden, And along that sub-
breakfast from 7 tions? Deb Stenberg, (50g) "ject; there has been a"clean
365-2191. up" at the south end of the
A big thank you goes to the Activity Center, which gets a
Brashers family who have nod of appreciation.
ORll IOPEI)IC S[ ]~.(; I':RY
SerenityHealthAcupu ncture corn
Proceeds go to the construction of our new shelter.
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Rebecca Nelson, ARNP. Annie Stone; AI~NP
Kayla Elliott, PA-C : Louissa Borden, PA-I~
Alvin Massenbun
Congratulations to Goldendale
FFA livestock judging teams
Goldendale Middle dall, placed seventh. GMS
School (GMS) Blue Team, Gold, consisting of Taylor
consisting of Tiana Watson, Fahlenkamp, Sara Hiebert,
Natalie Schroder, Delaney Micaela Gutierrez, and JT
Kindler, and Jasper Ran- Cahill, placed ninth. GHS
dall, placed fifth and earned Two, consisting of Alexis
abanner at the Goldendale Miller, Morgan Coyne,
FFA livestock judging corn- Nathen Priddy, and Ashlyn
petition. Goldendale High Muzechenko, placed 15th.
School (GHS) Team One, ": Taylor Fahlenkamp placed
consisting of Cassie Kay- ninth and Curtis Kayser
ser, Curtis Kayser, Lene placed llth individually
Riggers~ and Joseph Ran- outofg0.
Local schools claim achievement awards
A dozen schools from the - for English Language Arts
ESD 105'south central Wash- Growth
ington region are among the Bickleton Elementary
recipients of the eight annual and High School - for Math
Washington Achievement Growth
Awards, which the Office of Cle Elum-Roslyn Elemen-
the Superintendent of Public tary School - for Closing the
Instruction (OSPI) describes Achievement Gap (Students
as "the state's highest honor" with Disabilities)
for its public schools. The 280 Moxee Elementary School-
schools across the state that for Math Growth
are receiving the award this Pioneer Elementary School
year will be honored during a - for Closing the Achievement
ceremony on Wednesday, May Gap (Students with Disabili-
3, at the Auburn School Dis- ties)
trict'sDlympic Middle School. Union Gap School- for Eng-
Award winners are selected lish Language Arts Growth
on calculations based on stu- Wapato High School - for
dent test scores collected Extended Graduation Rate
statewide over the previous Apple Valley Elementary
three years. These scores School- for Math Growth
measure student proficiency Summitview Elementary
in math, English language School-forEnglishLanguage
arts, science, student growth, Arts Growth
and college and career readi- Wide Hollow Elementary
ness. Schools must have at School- for High Growth and
least a 95 percent participa- for Math Growth
tion rate on state tests in order McKinley Elementary
to be eligible for the award. School - for Closing the
The 12 schools from the Achievement Gap (English
ESD 105 region receiving the Language Learners)
Washington Achievement Hilton Elementary School-
Award are: for Closing the Achievement
Goldendale Primary School Gap (Low Income Students)
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