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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 3, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 3, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Q 6 --- MAY 03,2017 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CALENDAR OF EVENTS W. Burgen. (509) 773-4487. • A.B.A.T.E. Legislative Ongoing Events motorcycle rights organiza- tion 6:30 p.m. social, meeting at 7 p.m. at the Goldendale First Kids Stuff American Legion. Open to First & Third Mondays public. ,Rainbow Girls meeting at First Tuesday 210 S. Columbus. Dinner at .Klickitat Republicans meet 6:30 p.m. open to the public at 6:15 p.m. at the Dallesport with meeting following. (509) Community Center. 773-4567 .Soroptimist International of Every Wednesday Goldendale business meet- .Community Grace Brethren ing 12-1 p.m. Dedicated to Church has an AWANA pro- helping women and youth in gram for children 4th to 6th our community and world- grade from 3-4:45 p.m. wide. Guests and new mem- Third Wednesday bers welcome. Location var- • Learn and Play preschool ies. Call Naomi at 773-6091 age older siblings welcome for information. 2:00 p.m. at Goldendale Pri- First and Third Tuesdays mary School .Leah Rebekah Lodge 22 at First and Third Fridays Odd Fellows Lodge, 301 NW • Goldendale morns group/ Second Street, 7:30 p.m. play group from 9:30-11:30 Second Tuesday a.m. at Goldendale Commu- .Klickitat Republicans meet nity Grace Brethren Church. at 6 p.m. Rotating meeting For more information, call locations. May will be at the Jennifer at (503) 703-1330. Dallesport Community Cen- ter. Second and Fourth Tues- Support Groups days Every Monday .Intei:national Order of Odd- .Narcotics Anonymous meet- fellows meeting at 8 p.m. at ingin Wishram from 3-4 p.m. the Goldendale Oddfellows at 425 Main St., across from Lodge. the post office. Newcomers Every Wednesday welcome. .Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. at M0ndaysthru Fridays the Simcoe Cafe in Golden- .Narcotics Anonymous, 7 dale. p.m., Monday thru Friday at First Thursday Father's House Fellowship, .Masonic Lodge, 210 S. Colum- 207 S. Klickitat in Goldendale. bus. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. open Every Tuesday to the public with meeting • Take Off Pounds Sensibly following. For more infovma- (T.O.P.S.) meets in the River- tion, visit goldendalefreema- view Bank meeting room at 9 or call (509) 773-5785. a.m. For more information, .Mid-Columbia Public safety ca11(509) 773-5878 Activity League (MCPAL) • Domestic Violence Victim's meeting at various locations. Support Group 10:30 a.m. at For more information, call Programs for Peaceful Living LeAndra (509i 250-0539. for more information please Second Thursday call 509-773-3100 .Goldendale Motorsports Second Wednesday Association meeting at the • Alzheimer's Association American Legion, at 6 p.m. Caregiver Support Group at for dinner, meeting at 7 p.m. the Goldendale Senior Center, Every Thursday locatedat 115 E. Main, from .Goldendale American 10:30 a.m. to noon. Legion Bingo 6:30 p.m. Call Every Thursday Gary for more info: (509)250- • T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds 0993 Sensibly) meets from 6-7 p.m. First and Third Fridays at the Riverview Bank in Gol- .Java Talk, community dis- dendale. Phone (509) 773-5878. cussion group, 8 a.m. Golden Second Thursday Chinook Coffee House, W. • Goldendale Community Main Street, Goldendalefirst Support Group for School and third Fridays. Food. Anyone interested in Every other Sunday the quality of food our public .Goldendale Women's Hurl- school students get. Meet at dle 11 a.m. at the: Goldendale the Goldendale United Meth: Chamber of Commerce 903 odist Church at 6:30 p.m. E Broadway. Come join us • Coalition for Preventing in being pro-active in your Abuse in Klickitat County community and local govern- (formerly Klickitat County ment. You don't have to be a Drug Awareness Team and womantojoin, all is welcome, Relationship Abuse Preven- no dues or fees. Next meeting tion Program) meeting at March26,2016. Pete's Pizza from noon to 1 p.m. Everyone is invited. • Weight Loss Support Group- Hobbies and Crafts Free-at the Water's Edge in Second Tuesday The Dalles. Please call Jen- .Goldendale Photo Club nifer at 541-993-4853. meets at 6 p.m. at Golden Photo, 105 W. Main. Anyone with a passion for photogra- Community phy welcome. (509) 772-2717. Every Monday Every Thursday • Yoga at the United Method- ,Bowman Creek Fiber Arts ist Church 109 E Broadway, Guild meeting from 10 a.m. to Goldendale from 6-7:30 p.m. 2 p.m. in the basement of the Please call Jill Kieffer RN GoldendaleGrange. Spinners Instructor to pre-register and weavers welcome. (541) 490-3704 Every Friday First Monday .Yarn Benders meets from 10 • American Legion meeting, 7 a.m. to noon at Golden Chi- at the Legion building, nook Coffee. Open to all who 108 N. Grant. knit or crochet--from begin- First and Third Monday ners to experts. • Lyle Lions Club Meeting. Potluck at 6:00 pm. meeting at 6:30 pm. Contact (509) 365- Animals and Out- 2921 for more information, door Second Monday Second Tuesday • Book Talk book discussion .Klickitat County Search and groups for adults at 11 a.m. Rescue general meeting and and 6:30 p.m. at the Golden- training at 6:30 p.m. at the dale Community Library, 131 KPUD meeting room. (509) 773-4455. Tod Marshall talk about fast "White Cane Awareness • Columbia Basin Goat Guild poetry, share other people's Day" with Special Donation class. Contact Mary to reg- poems, and read a few of his Jar from 7-10 a.m. at the Lyle ister for more information, own. Lions Community Center (509) 261-1991. May 8 Senior Meals at noon. Corner Every Wednesday .Adult Book DiscussionofbthStreetandHwyl4. •Sorting Practice at BC Mello llamThis month's book is: May 6and7 arena--by reservation only. Elephant Company ,Highland Midwife Birth ser- 176 Horseshoe Bend Road, .Adult Book Discussionvices is holding a weekend Goldendale. (509) 250-0726 6:30pm This month's book is: class at 114 W Main Street, First Thursday Pioneer Girl Goldendale. This class is • Columbia Basin Goat Guild May 9 for hospital and home birth- meeting at2p.m. Open to any- .Parent to Parent of Klicki- ing couples, addressing full one interested in or has goats tat County is presenting a aspects of pregnancy, labor (509) 261-1991. , three week social skills class and births. Please call Kelly for teens and young adults Martin at (952)212-8634 on the autism spectrum and .Cascade Singers and Cas- Learning their families. We will be hav- cade Youth Choir pres- Tuesday and Thursdays ing fun getting to know one ent "Blessings on Earth" fea- • Family History Center, another through practicing turingNative American flute located at the corner of N. socials skills and creating a player James Greeley May Columbus and McKinley is video of what we've learned. 6 and 7 at Zion Lutheran open Tuesday and Thurs- Ifyou are between the ages of Church, 10th and Union day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 16 and 25 please come join us Streets, in The Dalles. The Wednesday from 1-4p.m. and at 5-7 pm. concert, rescheduled from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Parents are asked to attend last winter, includes Native plus more. Appointments so they can get to know one American music and world available outside these hours, another and gain support music expressirig thanks for Open to the public. (509) 250- from other parents and the blessings received and hope 3095 coordinator of Parent to Par- for blessings to come. Per- Second and Fourth Tues- ent, Donna Tiffan. formances are scheduled Sat- days A Game Club will meet imme- urday, May 6 at 7 p.m. and • Simcoe Chapter ofToastmas- diately following the class at Sunday, May 7 at 3 p.m. Dona- te~s meets at noon at Christ 6:00 pro. Pizza and beverages tions gladly accepted at the the King Lutheran Church. will be provided, door. May 10 May 9 For the Guys .Family Storytime llam.Lyle Lions Community Cen- ter Senior Meals at noon. Cor- First Saturday ner of 5th Street and Hwy 14 • Men's breakfast at Colum- Upcoming Everyone is welcome! bus Avenue Baptist Church, May 5 .Kindergarten Registration locatedat 815 N. Columbus, at .Dogs of the Gorge "Taco- at the Goldendale Primary 8 a.m. (509) 7?3-5075. Bout the Shelter' Dinner from School from 8:30 a.m. to 6 • Men's breakfast at Commu- 4-7. The guest speaker is p.m. Please call 509-773-4665 nity Grace Brethren Church, Larry Bellamy, at the Gold- for appointment. Must have: located at 1180 S. Roosevelt at endale Senior Center (115 E Birth Certificate, Immuni- 8 a.m. (509) 773-3388. Main St). Dinner starts 5 pm. zation Record and Child you Second and Fourth Satur- Adults are $5 and kids 6-12 are registering. Child must days years are $3 kids under 5 are be five years old by August • Men's Breakfast at Gold- free. 31.2017. endale Nazarene Church, May 5-6 May 10 located at 124 W. Allyn at 8 ,Goldendale FFA Plant Sale! .Water's Edge Mindfulness a.m. The Sale will be held in Meditation 7-8:30 p.m. 551NE front of the Goldendale High Lone Pine, The Dalles, OR for For the Ladies School CTE Building (behind more information please call First Tuesday the main building of Golden- 541-506-5788 • Soroptimist International of dale High School) from 9 a.m. May 12 Goldendale business meet- to4 p:m, Friday, May 5th and May 12th KICK OFF YARD ing 12-1 p.m. Dedicated to 7!$.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday SALE!! 4 pm - 7 pm. NO helping women and youth in may6th. Proceeds will ben- EARLY ENTRY! May 13th our community and world- efit students' FFA activities. AUCTION & YARD SALE 10 wide. Guests and new mere- May 6 AM AUCTION START!! • Goldendale Farmers' Mar- Containers are filling up! bers welcome. Location var- • ket Opening Day! Find the Donations from businesses ies. Call Naomi at 773-6091 for information, most delicious and nutri- will be starting to come in. Second Wednesday tious farm-fresh foods every We always have a treasure • Order of Eastern Star No. Saturday at Ekone Park in trove of goods! Last year 1 Evergreen meeting at 7:30 Goldendale, 9 am to 2 pm, we raiged over $25,000 dol- l at the Goldendale Masonic May through October. Spe- lars. Remember this money Lodge 210 S. Columbus cialty vegetables and fruits, stays in our Community! It Fourth Wednesday local meats, delectable baked serves Fire Victims in Rural • Order of Eastern Star No. 1 goods and preserves, origi- 7, Centerville Fire and City Evergreen Dinner at 6:30 p.m. nal art, and handcrafted gift of Goldendale! As always. open to the public with meet- items. Live music and kid's Food, Fun and a Great time! ing following at 7:30 at the programs. Fun for everyone! Cash, Checks and Credit Email goldendalefarmers- Cards accepted. Please share Goldendale Masonic Lodge 210 S. Columbus. for more this event!! Let this become a First Saturday information, record year! Remember the • Goldendale Aglow meets at .Lyle Lions Pancake Break- yard saleis by donation, noth- 10 a.m. for fellowship meeting at Ayutla's (509) 773-0496. Goldendale Library This Week May 3 • Art Time 3:15pm A new project each meeting -- cre- ate something special to take home. May project is create a marble maze! Sup- plies provided by the library. Kids younger than 8 must be accompanied by an adult caregiver. Teen volunteers needed, contact the library for more info. May 3 • Tod Marshall -- Washington State Poet Laureate. 2-4 pm Adult Poetry Writing Work- shop: Discuss the trials and tribulations of writing poetry with the poet laureate. Please register in advance as space is limited,, or 509-773-4487. • 6-7 pm Poetry Reading: Everyone is invited to hear EAST DISTRICT COURT April 24, 2017 BLAYLOCK, JORDAN A: DWLS 3RD DEGREE Amended to: No Valid License W/ID: (01/25/2017): Amended Charge: Committed: Fine $250 BLISS, LOLAH RAENAE: BURNING WITHOUT BURN PERMIT: (07/03/2016): Dismissed per Stipulated Order of Continuance LOVENBURG, MARK ALAN: DUI: Amended to Negligent Driving First Degree: (04/08/2017): Guilty Plea Amended Charge: Jail 90 days/88 suspended: Fine/Fee $345:24 Months Probation PACHECO, ELBERTH HERNAN: DWLS 3RD DEGREE: (04/17/2017): Guilty Plea: Jai190days/83 suspended: Fine/Fee $ 0:12 Months Probation PHILLIPS, JAMES ROBERT: ASSAULT 4TH DEGREE: (07/14/2016): Probation Violation: 30 Days Jail SHAW, JOHNNIE BYRON: FUGITIVE WARRANT: (03/27/2017): Dismissed SHAW, JOHNNIE BYRON: DUI: (08/06/2011): Probation Violation: 180 Days Jail WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER DANIEL: 1) RECKLESS DRIVING 2) DWLS 3RD DEGREE: (04/10/2017) Both: Dismissed per State Motion ing is priced! May 13 • Spring Gun Show and Sale 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Golden- dale Masonic Hall at 210 S Columbus Ave in Goldendale. Admission is $2 per person and you can rent a table space for $20. Please call Steve Hinze at 509-773-3292. May 15 • Lyle Lions Club meeting. Pot- luck at 6 l~m. and meeting at 6:30 p.m. please call 509-365- 2921 for more information. • Water's Edge Borderline/ Pre-Diabetes 5-6 p.m. 551 NE Lone Pine, The Dalles, OR for more information please call 541-506-5788 May 16 • Lyle Lions Community Cen- ter Senior Meals at noon. Cor- ner of 5th Street and Hwy 14 Everyone is welcome! Primary/Middle School Lunches Wed: Hot Dogs or Vegetarian Beans Thurs: Teriyaki Dippers with Brown Rice Fri: Chicken Burger Mon: Deli Sandwich or Veg- etarian Beans Tues: Spaghetti and Bread Sticks High School Lunches Wed: Soup & Sandwich or Beef Nachos Thurs: chili Cheese Dog with Baked Fries or French Toast & Sausage Fri: Chicken Stir Fry or Bur- rito Mon: Taco or Enchilada • Tae$: Chicken Burger or Span- ish Casserole SENIOR MEALS Senior Meals for Thursday Noon May4 Chicken Enchilada Casserole Senior Meals for Tuesday Noon May 9 Sloppy Joes Call Mt. Adams Transportation Service for Transportation to meal sites: Goldendale, 509-773-3060; White Salmon, 509-493-4662 ISundse: 5:48 AM Sunset: 8:t2 PM %rL# Thursday: May 4 ",Y~ Day Time' Sunny, High 82 E~ening: Thunder/Rain, Low 56 Sunrise: 5:46 AM Sunset: 8:.14 PM Sunrise: 5:44 AM Sunrise: 5:39 AM Sunset: 8:16 PM Sunset: 8:20 PM .~(~ Sunday: May 7 • "T" Day Time: Sunny, High 63 Evening: Clear Skies, Low 42 Sunrise: 5:42 AM Sunset: 8:18 PM ~l~Fdday: May 5 ~. i "(3.- Monday: May 8 Day Time: Cloudy/Windy, High 65 -,- Day Time: Sunny, High 69 Evening: Cloudy, Low 40 Evening: Clear Skies, Low 46 Sunrise: 5:45 AM Sunrise: 5:41 AM Sunset: 8:15 PM Sunset: 8:19 PM Movies at The Dalles Now Playing: Gifted (PG-13) 101 Minutes LAST WEEK Showtimes: May 2:1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20, May 3: 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, May 4: 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20 Chips (R) 100 Minutes LAST WEEK Showtimes: May 2: 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:40, May 3: 1:30, 4:15, 7, May 3: 1:30, 4:15 The Fate of the Furious (PG) 160 Minutes Showtimes: May 2: 1, 3:45, 6:40, 9:30, May 3: 1, 3:45, 6:40, May 4: 1, 3:45 The Circle (PG-13) 110 Minutes Showtimes: May 2: 1:15, 4, 6:50, 9:20, May 3: 1:15, 4, 6:50, May 4: 1:15, 4, 6:50, 9:20, May 5-10: 1:30, 4:20, 6:40, 9:10 Coming Soon: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (PG-13) 137 Minutes Showtimes: May 4: 7, 8, 9:45, May 5-7: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, May 8-10: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 Guardiands the Galaxy Vol. 2 in 3-D (PG-13) 137 Minutes Showtimes: May 5-7: 12, 9:45 Guardians of the Galaxy i.n 3-D (PG-13) 122 Minutes Showtimes: May 8-10:1 The Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 124 Minutes Showtimes: May 5-7: 12:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:45, May 8-10: 1:15, 4:10, 6:45, 9:20