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MAY 03, 2017 --9
MT, HOOD, OR, Canton Wok Fisheries HOOD RIVER INTERN K I N D E R G A R T E N
• 2014 COLEMAN HOUSES 3br Home Part-time experienced wait- Technician DISTILLERS TASTINGCompany: Northern Wasco TEACHER
Dutchman forRent On 4,6 Acres tess bartender & kitchen
Camping Trailer. 3.0 Acres Cherries helper needed at Canton Recruitment ROOM ASSOCIATE County People's Utility Dis- position: Centerville School
- " Water Rights Wok. Call 541-296-6500 The Confederated Tribes Hood River Distillers, Inc is trict (NWCPUD) District is accepting appli-
31'long PUBEISHER'S NOTICE Shop 824sq/ft, 12 ft Ceiling and ask for Kelly or applyin of Warm Springs Branch of seeking an outgoing, re- Location: The Dallas, Ore- cations for a fulitime, allday
Very clean, lightly used All real estate advertising in person at 310 E. 2nd St., Natural Resources Hood sponsible, and gon Kindergarten teacher for
trailer, this newspaper is subject Lean-To Shed 423 Compensation: $14 hour the 2017-18 SY. Applicants
The Dalles. River Production Program self-motivated individual to Application Deadline: Open must have a valid Wash-
is currently recruiting for a
Comes with new to the Fair Housing Act 6725 Highway 35, Mt ~ Fisheries Technician lit po- join our awesome team in Until Filled, First Appll- ington State teaching cer-
mattress, that was only which makes it illegal to ad- Hood, OR 97041
used 1-2times since vertise "any preference, Listing #: 17497589 BARTENDER sition. We are seeking a the Hood River Tasting cant Screening Men- tificate with minimum Kin-
purchased, limitation or discrimination Part time, SB Harris, LLC self-motivated, multi-tel- Room. The Tasting Room day, May 1, 2017 dergarten teaching en-
$25,000 OBO based on race, color, relig- Tim Thigpen, MBA dba The Vault Bristre and ented individual with strong Associate serves as the The PUD is seeking a sum- dorsement. Position is
mer intern to work on an open until filled.
Catl341-490-9424ion, sex, handicap, familial Real Estate Broker Lounge. Contact Annie at craftsman skills. Primary face of Hood River Distil- enterprise system project. BUS DRIVER:
status or national origin, or Oregon First 541-296-3070 to schedule duties entail fish facility and Mrs for retail This opportunity is suitable Centerville School District
Hunk's Auto Sales suchan intention,preference,tO makelimitationany (971Lic)OR320-9696 & WA interview, administrative office oper- and industry visitors. This for an IT or Business stu- is accepting applications
or discrimination." Familial
Buy/Sell/ConsignRV's, status includes children EMPLOYMENT upkeepati°ns' maintenanCein addition to andes, role's primary function is to dent, but wemayconsider for a School Bus Driver.
Needed for general dentist sistance with fish culture educate patrons about the other areas of focus. Applications may be ob-
Utility Vehicles. under the age of 18 living ..... .... ' " office. Front office expert- tained at the school or with parents or legal cus- ence helpful (Dentrix). Pos- operations. This is a per- history, process and quality Project work will include E m a i I :
541-296-5854or todians, pregnant women Clerical, itive outlook and strong manent full time position lo- of the Hood River Distillers system end-user testing, rose@centervilleschool.or
541-993-0109 and people securing cus-
tody of children under 18. Office work ethic a plus. Empha- cated in Parkdale, Oregon. brand and products with a and Standard Operating g call 509-773-4893. Open
sis on exceptional patient Salary $37,700 to $42,500 secondary function of corn- Procedures (SOP) docu- until filled.
This newspaper will not care. Candidate must be DOE Annually. To get the pleting retail sales. This mentation. If time allows, Applications may be ob-
Trailers knowingly accept any ad-
~DWashington State certified, full job description and job part time position primarily this position may also pro- tained through the schools
vertising for real estate Please send resume to application go to http://
2014 LANDSCAPING which is in violation of the White Salmon Dental Care, www.warmsprings- covers Friday thru Sunday vide support to the finance website, at the school or
dump trailer, 6'x12', large law. Our readers are here- PO Box 2080, White Sat- Applications ac- shifts with the ability to oc- department, call 509-773-4893. EmaU:
job box, shovel holders, by informed that all dwell- men, WA 98672 or email cepted through May 19, casionally work a week This position is budget for g Centerville School is an
10,000 Ib axles, ramps, ings advertised in this 2017. , day. Tasting Room hours up to 90 days of full time Equal Employment Oppor-
newspaper are available on
electric brakes, like brand an equal opportunity basis. ~ ~~ are 12:00-6:00 pm. Apple- work. tunity
new, $4500. 541-993-6412 To complain of discrimina- needed to assist adults w/ cants must be 21 years of Employer.
CARGO Trailer enclosed teen call HUD toll-free at 1- developmental disabilities. Now seeking experi- age and have an OLCCPlease submit resume and
6'x 6"x 10', electric brakes
on I axle, new tires. $2100.
800-669-9777. Thetoll-frse CUSTOMER SER-
telephone number for the VICE
hearing impaired is 1-800- REPRESENTATIVE
927-9275. TRAINEE
THE DALLES: Nice 3 bed- Klickitat PUD is now ac-
room, 2 bath available, nice cepting applications for a
yard, quiet neighborhood, full-time Customer Service
2011 PJ tandem axle,No Pets allowed. $1275 Representative Trainee.
swing gate/spreader gate, mo/$1000 deposit - Car- This position is responsible
loading ramps, power up/ bage/Landscaping paid. for providing courteous and
efficient cashiering and re-
down cycle, pendant dump Please call 541-298-7015 ceptionist services that will
No exper, needed. F/T w/ enced applicants for the Server Permit. To apply, cover letter to:
benefits. following work to start please submit a cover letter Cyndl-Gentry@nwaece.cem
DO you like to drive?
Do you like being your
own boss? We have just
the right pert.time job
for youl We are now tak-
ing applications for Motor
Route delivery people.
Pick up applications at
The Dallea Chronicle at
Full Sail Brewing Company
has an opening for a mote-
Landscape Installer: Have
knowledge of landscape in-
stallation. The ideal candi-
date will be self-motivated
with an eye for detail and
be familiar with the opera-
tion of small equipment
such as; skid steer, exca-
and resume to
or PO Box 240,
Hood River, OR 97031.
for a full description.
Northern Wasco County vated, energetic, experi-
PUD is an Equal Opportu- enced Lead Line Cook to
nity Employer work in our high-volume,
newly remodeled restau-
JANITORIAL rant that is located in beau-
SUPERVISOR tiful Hood River, OR. As a
Lead Line Cook, you will be
Relay Resources has an responsible for supporting
immediate need for 1
the kitchen leadership team
Janitorial Supervisor in the in managing the back of the
controller. $4000, 509-314- for more info. give an accurate flow of in- 315 Federal St. vator, walk behind trench- HOUSEKEEPER Hood River area. The work house activities in the ab-
0415. formation between the er, chain saw etc.
PUD and its customers. Landscape Maintenance: Job schedule will be Monday-
KAR Kaddy/dollie, $800/ High school diploma, or EXECUTIVE includes mowing, string Biggs, Oregon. 40 unit Friday, daytime/earlyswing SousSenCeChef.°f sUrFer aChefcompleteand
ORe. 541-993-0183 or GED, plus 3 years of cleri- ASSISTANT trimming, edging, pruning hotel. 20-32 hours shift hours with occasional job description and to apply
541-298-8124. LOOKING FOR A cal experience, preferably Hood River County Sher- and weed removal, weekly. Includes week- travel to the Portland area. go to our website at https://
with financial transactions iff's Office is seeking an in- These jobs require physical end work. Experience Rate of pay is $20 per hour
VENUE or equivalent combination with benefits. If interested mentL Resumes and cover
Vans FOR INDOOR OR of education and expert- dividual who is exception- labor in varying weather preferred but not re-
OUTDOOR EVENTS IN ence. The ideal applicant ally well organized and apply online at letters may be uploaded on
THE COLUMBIA RIVER will be able to demonstrate possesses a strong knowl- conditions. A valid driver's quired. Start at $12 the application form.
1999 TOYOTA Sienna GORGE? excellent customer service edge of administrative level license and a minimum 2 hourly, increase for per- -- __
XLE, low mileage, leather, The Underwood skills through their ability to clerical work to include ac- years' experience in land-
130K miles, good mainte- Community Center andcollect cash, issue re- counting, payables, and re- scape & irrigation installs- formance/experience. JOURNALIST/ LEGAL
nance, $3500. 541-993-Parkisjust 5 minutes ceipts, greet customers, ceivables.Exceptional tion industry required. PHOTOGRAPHER ADMINISTRATIVE
and answer the telephone• knowledge of Word and WAGE: DOE Call or email:
9321 from the Hood River Experience in Outlook, Excel with strong customer Submit applications/re-541-739-2501 Seeking newspaper KIIckltat County
Bridge in Underwood, Word and Excel preferred• service and phone skills, sumes to journalist/photographer
In search of Washington. The Applications and a detailed West District Court
historic Underwood job description are avail- Preferred applicant would flioffice01 or for weekly newspaper in White Salmon, WA
15 PASSENGER Schoolgymnasium able online at possess some knowledge 710 E. 2nd St, The Dallas. -- the beautiful Columbia
VAN building is located on and of law enforcement proce- ~ River Gorge. Major beat Full time, non-exempt.
Schoolhouse Road in at the Goldendale Klickitat dures and/or governmental IMMEDIATE to include general Salary $15.68/hour,
2010 or newer Underwood. The facility PUD Office. Please submit processes and be bilingual @ coverage. We're a small
Contact offersthe gym with a your written application to in Spanish. Salary range OPENINGS: generous benefit pack-
team that requires the age.
507-820-0871 stage, restrooms, and a Klickitat PUD, c/o Human $3338 - $4470 with full ben- ability for a hardworking
Resources, 1313 S. Co- efits, including retirement. Looking for independ- person to have the op- First review May 5,
separate meeting room lumbus, Goldendale, WA Applicants must complete
with kitchen. For 98620, or by fax at (509) Sheriff's application. Re- ent portunity to participate 2017, open until filled.
outdoor events, you'll 773-7449. Position is open quest job packet through contractor(s) to deliver in many areas of the
find a covered picnic until filled. HRC Human Resources,NOW HIRING IN BIGGS at the Hood River Newsnewspaper and the Visit
area with barbecue,E.O.E. 601 State Street, Hood Riv- Grand Central Travel Cen- and free classifieds website and social me- for details and application
playground, tennis ~ er,OR. 97031.Fax# dia. Strong photo skills or call the Personnel De-
court, horseshoe pits, required, plus the ability partment, 509-773-7171.
basketball court, ASSISTANT/ (541)386-9392 or obtain @ tar located at the junction Tuesdays and Fridays
Rent baseball/soccer field, RECEPTIONIST, of HWY 97 and 1-84, Exit on motor route in the to be organized and
Fluent in English and Span- Closing date: May 31,2017 104. Cashiers, Fuel Atten- Hood River Valley. meet deadlines. Profi-
gazebo and horse ish (verbal and written) for at 4:00 p.m. Hood River dents, Subway Sandwich Please call 541-386-1234 or cient in software apple-
arena. The facility is Hood River law firm from County i~9~.~_r.~ p,~ Artists Wait Staff and Cook OPERATOR
Beth-El Shalom senior" handicap accessible mid-May to September. positions'avaiiable~Apply in stop by the Hood River cations. ,
News office at 419 State Immediate opening for
with ample parking. For Varied work, including im- EXPERIENCED House person and ask for a man- Pre-employment drugloader operator at Dalles-
Citizens Center ir~ormation on renting migration. Experience pre- Painter. Pay DOE, ., ager;no phone calls St. between 8 a.m. and 5
screening required. Full port, WA quarry. Prefer two
APARTMENTS visit the website: ferred. Mail resume to CCB#64844. p,m. Monday through
FOR RENT underwoodcommunity PO Box 457, Hood River, 541-298-5467. please, time position includes years experience on load-
Now Accepting .org. Additional info: Oregon 97031 or small resume ~ Friday. Must have salary and benefits, er, but would consider
509-972-6400/ to ~ reliable vehicle, valid training the right applicant.
Applications undenvoodcc@gmail,com~~ted Worker sought for sea- JOB OPENINGS driver's license andSend resume, writing and Wages depending on ex-
1&2 Bedroom Apartments sonal/possible full-time Seasonal jobs positions motor vehicle insurance photo samples to perience. Health insurance
to~t help. Experience with irri- vary 1-5 months, and pass drug test.ebakke@whitesalmonente for permanent employees.
Rentba~onincome. Advertising Sales gation, fencing, cattle and or The Enter- James Dean Construction,
Income Limits !The Dalles Chronicle is hay-making helpful. Wage Isobrero@hoodrivernews. prise, PO Box 218, White Inc. is and EOE. Call 509-
and Occupancy GOLDENDALE seeking a dedicated,range $17-$25 per hour de- Oregon Child Development corn Salmon, WA 98672. 493-8417 for a job applica-
Requirements Apply Room for rent on 5 acres, friendly, customer-service pending on experience. Coalition is now hiring for tion.
oriented, self-motivated in- Call 541-656-1499. it's summer Head Start
Older female preferred, dividual to join our team. ~ programs in The Dalles,
Small pet ok, house privi- Duties will include adver- Odell, & Parkdale.
App~~cet~~nscenbe~eges~R~n~$4~~/m~~1st&tising~specia~pr~j~cts~andwant~df~rseas~na~~p~s- 634872195
picked up at: the Leasing last + $200 deposiL Back- other office duties. Starting sible full-time position. Ex-