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May 9, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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May 9, 1940 THE GOLDEN'DALE SENTIl EL--Goldendale, Washington Page Three
the Goldendale couples Twelve Goldendale Masons drove
drove to Toppenish Sunday for to Yakima Monday evening to at-
inter-city golf match were: Mr.~ tend the special communication con-
Mrs. Fred Lear, Mr. and Mrs. i ducted by officers of the Miriam
l~IcKee, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. I Masonic lodve of Vernon, B. C.
Mr. ,~nd Mrs. Marion iThose who made the trip included:
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Terna- George F. Nlckerson, G. A. Jacroux,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gimlin A. L. MacBlaine, F. F. Fenton, Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Mile "Wood.
~rs. Anna Bullack, of Portland,
Week su'ffered a stroke and is
in a critical condition. Her
Mrs. M. W. Chapman, of
has been in Portland with
[or the pa,st week. Tuesday M.
stopped in Goldemdale
rOUte to Portland. Mrs. Charles
sister uf Mrs. Bullock, ac-
him to Portland•
~ll it through the Want Ads.
Good Place To Eeat"
uet Roc m Available
May 10-11
Tad Wedgwood last ~eek pur-
chased a new pickup through the
Ntckerson Motor company.
Paul Schilling, Crofton Prairie
rancher wh,o moved to this county
last year from Oregon, was in Gold-
G. Anderson, John A. Miller, J. S.
Hoagland, F. R. Grow, R. A. Brown,
A. R. Youngquist, and C. H.
Captain B. O. Garrett and Lieut-
entant Farrell, of the Vancouver
office of the CCC, ~ere in Golden-
dale on business Monday.
Mr. an~ Mrs. Zaqhary Niemela
drove to Yakima Saturday on busi-
ness, and spent Sunday at W~pato
vi,siting their nephew, Lorence
Hiekell and family, returning home
Sunday evening.
Mrs. R. A. Jackson drove to Sun-
nyside Tuesday for her mother who
will ,~pend the~ summer with Mr.
and Mrs. Jackson at their Rock
Creek home.
See Dean Gillenwaters for buys
on cedar shingles, asphalt and com-
position roofing. He'll Save You
i Money. lt--
1 Jess Wherry, of Dot, is seriously
i ill at St. Elizabeth's hospital in
i l Yakima following a major operation
] he underwent least week.
Lyle Ternahan, county agent, was
in Bickleton Tuesday for the county
soil conservation district meeting.
! Mr. and Mrs. George Dube and
daughter June, of Wishram, ~ere in
Goldendale on bueiness several days
this week.
James Mobley returned to Oregon
to work after spending the past
week: 'inl GoldVndalo visiting with
friends and relatives.
Mr,~. C. E. Hones received a pain-
fully injured hand when she caught
her fingers in a washing machine
wringer Monday morning.
Victor Mobley visited with his
endale on bu,~iness Monday. He is
operating the Walker ranch in the
Crofton Prairi~ section.
Cliff Dean, paper salesman from
The Dallos, was in Goldendale on
business M,o:nday.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Meachem, of
Portland, were guests at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Davies last
Mr. and Mrs. John Splawn and
family, of White Salmon, spent Sub-
day in Goldendale visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gone Splawn.
August Hanson drove to Glen-
wood on business Monday of this
The condition of Mrs. Joe Allyn,
who for the past three weeks has
been taking treatments at Block-
house for arthritis, is much improv-
ed. She returned to her home in
Goldendale this week.
Mrs. S. P. Allison returned from
Portland Sunday where she has
been nnder a physician's care for
the past several weeks. S. P. Allison
and Floyd Bartmo~s were in Port-
land Sunday with her. While there
they .attended the ,Seattle-Portland
coast league baseball game.
Chuck Green returned late last
~veek from Spokane where he has
been contacting Eastern Washing-
ton and Idaho ~heep ranchers.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Spoon and
daughter Muriel accompanied by
Charles E. Skiller, of Wood'burn,
Ore., and 0. L. McMurry, of Port-
land, ~pent Sunday in Bickleton vis-
iting with friends.
Mr .and Mrs. Walt Townsend ac-
companied by Miss Betty Layman,
Miss Eileen Bradford and Miss
Helen Brondt, drove to Yakima Fri-
day afternoon and returned the
same evening.
We want to hire a man or ~voman
well acquainted in thi~ community,
for spare time work as our cr0n-
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Maillle and
daughter, Mrs. T. R. Brown of Bend,
were Yakima visitors Sunday.
Dance to Brem Brown and his
orchestra at Blockhouse Saturday
night, lt--
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ward, of
Portland, spent the weekend in Gold-
endale visiting friends and relatives.
,Mrs. Mildred Owen, of Hood River,
home economics expert for the Pa-
cific Power & Light company, was
in Goldendale on business several
days last week.
Mrs. Max Maurer and Miss Jean
White spent Saturday in Portland on
Lowell Shattuck, of Bickleton, was
in Goldendale Saturday for the an-
nual meeting of the Klickitat County!
Livestock association.
Mrs. Yates Hickey, of ,Spokane, was
in Goldendale late Is'st week visiting
with friends. Mrs. ~ickey, the former
Margaret DeVoir. wa~ an instructor
in Goldendale high school a few
rears ago.
The Oregon Journal delivered to
tour homo or at Confectionary stores
Lnd Allison's Pharmacy. George Lay-
man, agent, tf---
Dr. Thomas Meade spent the
weekend in .Seattle and Auburn. His
mother, Mrs. George Meade, who has
been visiting in Goldendale for the
past week returned to Auburn with
F. E. Childs, of Husum, was in
Goldendale for the Klickitat County
,Livestock association meeting Satur-
,0. P. Kreps, jr., of ~[~aurel, was in
Goldendale for the annual meeting
of the county livestock association
Saturday. Kreps is president of the
Pat ~Hetherton, of the Washington
State Planning council, was in Gold-
endale last Saturday to speak before
the annual meeting of the Klickitat
County Livestock association.
The .Sentinel week received a
letter from Clint Paull, former Gold-
endale auto salesman, renewing his
subscril)tion to The Sentinel. Mr.
• ALAN HALLE • GUINN 'Biz Bey' WtttlAS$
I bIICHAB. CUHIZ • A WAR14ER DRO$.-Fi[st Haft Pictwe
prey by t~bert m.,~,ner" t,~4k by Max Ste~
y Bakers"
of the Pasteboards
May 12-13
Car toon---"Kit tcns Mittens"
May 14
Masters and
His Grches~ra
iZi('~ l>arisienne'~
[RS. May 15-16
Feature I
- Edward Arnold
)-A-Long Cassidy
Itecl--Unusual (X*cupations
coming !!l
May 22-23
at 2:00 P. M.
75c, incl. tax
Show ....8:00 p. m.
$1.15, incl. tax
eats reserved for evening
father, J. C. MoLbley on Sunday and
returned to Grass Valley, Ore., the
,~ame evening.
Mrs. Verna Drum~n and family,
formerly of Cliffs, visited at the
Mrs. Eva Radcliffe home recently.
Perry B. Woodall, Toppenish at-
torney, was in Goldendale on busi-
ness Tuesday.
Ira Tuttle, of Toppenish, was in
G.oldenda~e this w~ek on ,business
and visiting with his daughter, Mrs.
tIarold Dingmon.
Mi,ss Evelyn Radcli'ffe underwent
a major operati,on at St. Elizabeth's
hospital in Yakima Monday. Mrs.
Fred Gunderson (Myra Schuster) of
South Bend, Wash., is nursing Miss
Radcliffe, who is doing as well as
could be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markgraf and
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schneidler, of
Glenwood, Were in Goldendale on
business Monday. They reported that
the condition of the Leidl grade is
n,ew much improved.
Mrs. Crede Watson, who under-
went a major operation last week
in The Dallas, returned Monday eve-
in The Dalles, returned home Mon-
day evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Smith drove over to The Dalle~ for
Mrs. Watson.
Eleanor Burton filed suit for di-
vorce from George R. Burto~ in su-
perior court here last week. In the
complaint she charged cruel and in-
human treatment.
The condition of Mrs. A. G. Long,
,,of Wahkiacus, who has been seri-
ously ill with pneumonia for the
)ast week is now much improved, i
Her daughter, Mrs. Marie Gaylord,
of Seattle, who was here last week
returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vincent are
now living in their home at Gold-
endale again after spending the
spring at their lambing c~mp on
Rock Creek.
SPECIAL! As a Special Introduct-
ory Offer during May, we are of.
fertng a 85c value for 49c. Specia~
two bars Lavander Complexion
Soap and bottle Mary King Hand
• Lotion for only 49c.
"Wait For Watkins---It Pays"
Wanted Old Coins!
COIN BOOK 50e, plus postage
Yakima, Washington
Good Work go
hand hand at
WIERMAN'S Shoe Repair
fidential reporter. Cash paid for
each report. Additional earnings and
)ermanent, full time employment
possible. Address letter of applica-
tion to Commercial Credit Aecept-
I-~ollywood, Calif. lt--
Leo A., publisher of the
Harney County American, and Bob
Burks, both of Burns, ,Oregon, were
in Goldendale on business Saturday.
Dance to Brem Brown and his
orchestra at Blockhouse Saturday
night, lt--
R. L. Clark and son, both of Port-
land ,were in Goldendale Saturday
for the Klickitat County Livestock
association meeting. Clark is a mem-
ber of.the commission firm of Bodine
& Clark.
K. P. Cecil, superintendent of the
Columbia national forest, and K. C.
Langfield, ranger for the ,~orest
Service at Guler, were in Goldendale
Saturday for the stockmen's meet-
Con S. Maddox ,animal husband-
man with the Washington State Col-
lege extension service, was in Gold-
endale for the stockmen's meeting
Miss Shirley Vasey, of Portland,
is spending the week in Goldendale
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Vasey recuperating from
a recent appendicitis operation.
See Dean Gillenwaters for buys
on cedar shingles, asphalt and com-
position roofing.He'llSave You
Money. It--
Mr. and Mrs. ~. L. Vasey and
daughter Ann, of Bend, spent several
days last week visiting at the ~. R.
Vasey home in Goldendale.
Mrs. F. A. Halste~d, of Duluth
Minn., left Tuesday for her home
after spending several days in Gold-
endale visiting at the home of her
brother, E. R. Vasey.
The Seattle P-I delivered to your
Some or at McKee's Pharmacy or
Paull is now operating a laundry
plant in Winslow, Arizona.
Mrs. Chrissie ~Roe returned last
week from Blockhouse where she
has spent the past month taking
I read it in The Sentinel.,
,0. B. Read, Portland sawmill
architect, w~s in Goldendale over the
weekend on business.
W. G. Doughty ,of Goodnoe Hills,
was in Goldendale on business Mon-
day. He reported that crops and gar-
dens are maturing rapidly in that
See Dean Glllenwaters for buys
on cedar shingles, asphalt and com-
position roofing. He'll Save You
Money. lt--
Mrs. H. W. Bates was in Portland
several days early this week on busi-
W. F. Byars and Howard Miller
drove to Toppenish Sunday where
they visited friends. While there
Byars visited with William McGowan,
pioneer Toppenish merchant and
rancher. McGow~n recently observed
his sixty-ninth birthday.
A. T. Byars was in Portland Mon-
day on business. He returned the
same day.
J. L. Geschwint returned from S~.
Elizabeth's hospital in Yakima Mon-
day. Mrs. W. D. Pierce and Buster
Geschwint drove to Ya~kima to bring
him home.
Peter Beierle recently was issued
~a building permit for the ,construc-
tion of an $800 residence bulldin~
on lot Ii, block 3 in Hopkins addi-
Johnny Cahill returned late last
week from CalifOrnia where he has
been working with a sheep shearing
crew. He plans to leave in a short
time for Montana and Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Dugger and
daughter Jessie, returned last week
from a month's trip throUgh Oregon
call Harold Weiss, agent, tf and California. They traveled as far
• Ned Phillips, of Lower N~ches; C. ] south as Fresno.
F. Breneman, of White Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore return-
Donald Lear, of Stevenson; John ed last Saturday from Portland
King and ~enry Thorsett, both of where they spent the past week on
Olympia, were in Goldendale last
week conducting the special secon-
dary education survey of Goldendale
high school. Ted Sheplm~l, of Center-
ville, also assisted with the survey.
Jeff .Smith, of North Bonneville
was in Goldendale Thursday and Fri-
day of last week on business.
I read it in 'l~e I~ntinot.
Mrs. ,George Krausher, of Walla
Walla, and Mrs. Marion Smallen-
berger, of Utica, New York, spent
several days in Goldendale last week
visiting with Mrs. Krausher's daugh-
ter, Miss Irene Krausher.
~Iiss Doris Roberts, of Portland,
spent several days the past week in
Goldendale visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Roberts. She was
accompanied here by Miss Dorothy
MeKean ,also of/Portland.
The Portland Oregonian available
from Frederick 01tmanns. 0all phone
434 for daily delivery to Four own
home in town or at Coxf~etlonary
Dr. E. E. Samuelsen, of Ellens-
burg, instuctor at the Ellensburg
state normal school, wes in Golden-
dale on business Saturday.
Dance to Brem Brown and his
orchestra at Blockhouse Saturday
night. It---
Lemon Juice Recipe Checks
Rheumatic Pain Quickly
If you suffer from rheumatic, ar-
thritis or neuritis pain, try this
simple inexpensive home recipe that
thousands are using. Get a package
of Ru-Ex Compound today. Mix it
with a quart of water, add the juice
of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at
all and pleasant. You need only 2
tablespoonsfuls two times a day. Of-
ten within 48 hours--sometimes ov-
ernight--splendid results are obtained
If the pains do not quickly leave and
if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will
cost you nothing to try, as it is sold
by your druggist under an absolute
money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Com-
pound is for sale and recommended
by... 192
, "~
29 size . . . with 3 l angers,
shoe tray! Striped canvas . .
sturdy, water.repellant. Post
handles ........... .~[~.95
Other cases front $1.98 up
• Hosiery by Munsingwear
comes in both lively and
muted shades to accent the
new feminine styles in shoes
and frocks. Beautifully
sheer and "looking-glass"
clear in just the right weights
for Daytime... for Sports
.. for Evening Wear. In
all the newer shades.
Sizes to 101/
Gift Wrapped Free
• ,on-Hag, ,,on-Htretch
slip scientifically sized
[or sleek fit--brassiere-
top, double diaphragm,
pull.proof shadow
panel--and no ironing/
at only
• Blush
• White
• Bhck
• s Navy
Hall dh'z~
Of cloud-soft two bar tricot rayon, these
panties reflect the scientific sizing perfec-
tion and utisfactory service that is only
Goldett~'s. Lace trim and ribbon besding
for extra charm. Now sanitized to
tle~7 handling bacteria. Yet only
Sizes $ to 7 • * * Blush and White
A New
Choose from Sheer Printed Batiste
with lace trimming, or more serv-
iceable Percales in a number of the
popular styles; also the new
Oil Silks that are so gay and color-
Priced From
39c to 59c
Washable Sheer
Crisp Batiste, Beautiful Colors in
Flo er Prints, Lace Trim. Flatter-
ing Styles. Brand New ....Just
unpacked. Sizes 12 to 42.
A Happy Choice for Mother
Wrisley and 18th Century
Toilet Sets. Esquisitely scent.
ed, soaps, bath powder, sachet
and cologene in attractive gift
priced from 49c to $1.95
For new spring costumes
with dressmaker flair
in the right colors for your
new costumes, gloves wlth
crisscrou tucking add a
new note of distinction...
shirred top imparts that
expensive look. Both Ha~
GIo fabdcs--choice $1.00.
Water, Cologne
Lovely gift bottles that are
sure to please mother.
49c to 98c
New styles in cut glass
Novelty designs and shapes
49c to 98c