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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 9, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 9, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 9, 1940 * THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Seve , NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN FO~SURE OF TAX IKENS NAM.E OF OWNER--Description Acres TotalDuelNAME OF OWNER--Descrlption Acres TotaIDu.e C()MJMI,T'I~E~E. . iTaxes & int.) i (Taxes ~ int.) I By C. C. KIN~ Chairman• C~SE NO. 6131 , ~ I I Dated this 22nd day of April 1940 ~.,, _ TO%%NSltIP 6 NORTH, RANGE 10 E. W.M. M.C. Hazen----Wb,SE~; Sec. 32 ..................... 8,0 29.071 '1~,) " ~ULe b'~perior Court of the State of Washington, for Klickitat County. !Edward Abeling---NtNE~; S~NE~, Sec. 35 .......... 120 35.07I "''-- ~')KITAT COUNTY, a municipal corporation existing under and by vir- G..R. Sibley---SSNE~; SENW.~ ; NES\V~, See. 29 ...... 160 1076.16I ~(~11TW~l-rlp a "~,~ieq, n ............ ~, ,[ ! NOTICE.OF LEAKING OF W£ATE :rUe r~elson A. uerttula--SWNW~ NWSW~, Sec. -z.~ .......~o l~v.OOl .............. ~ ......... "~'~ ~" ..... :*-" ; SHORE LANI)S : of the laws of the State of Washington, Plaintiff. /Mebel Z• Watson---Lot 3; NENW~, Sec. 26 ....... 79 95 6.541 : TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 11 E. ~'. M. ]A. L. Bunnell Estate---SWSW~ less T. L. 2 & 3 & R-W I To All """ --~-'~-- ~ -" • vs. Sec.26 ' 2477 1018 wnom it ~vlay (;oncern Tnls W A Davis--SENW• Sec 9 40 13 86t ....................................... lis to Certify, That the following des- ~na Cooper, F. J. Chappell, Klickitat Camp No 127, W. O. W., M. M. W "S "Bates et al--T~x Lot" 3 in'S]~SW~'Sec'9 ........ 20 170:681 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, R~NGE 18 E, W.M. Icrihed lands, situated in Klickitat Warner, N. B. Brooks, Mrs. Ardies Pierce, M. A. Bull• Robert Imbrie H." S: Garlock--S~NE~, Sec. 12 . . . . . '...." . ~ i i 80 25.73 i John J Miller--E.~NE~ Sec ~ 80 8.09 / County, Washington, will be offered ~,sa L. Smith, Mrs. Rosa Brooks, G.. E. G. uinan, Thomas j. F. Duffy Tax Lot 1 in NINE , §ee. lS ............ 10 3.161 " • ....................... it or lease on Tuesday the 4th day of ~; ~tange, M W. Caven et el, Charles ~stes, F. ~. ~orms, (~. C. (~lauaen, Fannie B. Bryan---S~VNE~" NWSE~ Sec. 26 .......... 80 287:00 I TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 18 E. W.M. ] June, 1940, ~t ten o'clock a. m. iu "~rk Levy & Company F. R. Davenport Sophia Jussila et el, O. E. Li- ' ' I F. E. Giebner----NW~ of Lot 2, Sec. 30 .............. 10.13 .81 Ifront of the (ourt House of Klickitat atta, J. H Abshier Martha E. Sawyer, J. H. Cook, Mabel M. Johnson, U. TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 11 E. W.M. I A. G. Corbett---SW~ of Lot 2, Sec. 20 ............... 10.13 .80 t County, at pflblic ,~.uction to the high- ~,Buck Tel Bros. 'Frances Wonacott, O. F. Lawson Estate• Helen K. i L. E. Flye Estate---SENW~; NES~, Sec. 30 ........ 80 6.48Iest bidder zor a term of five years. .a~ anso~, Au~usto Johnson, F. L. Brant Burt Reed, Frances Surbaugh, C. M. L. Criss--Lot 4, Sec ................... 1 .......... 3896 2203 John F Niemela---~SWNW~ ; N. SW ~ , SW~W~, Sec .... 34 160 5558 Each~ bidder will be~ ~e" quired to de- Thornton, ~W W Walker, A. L. Pritchett, E. D. L. Sperry, George W. Watt--Tax Lot 1 in Lot 3, Sec. 4 ......... 17 19.36 ................... __ ........ [posit a certified check, certificate of ~l~lia T. Shay• F. E. Miller, Wm. Waddle & G. W. HuRt, Fidelity Timber John Goodlnan--SWNE~, Sec. 4 ................... 40 151.74I ..... TO~V~ItlJ'~.NO~TH, J~:~NGE i9 E. W. ~M. ^ ^^ldeposit payable to the County Audit- ~mPany, G. R. Sibley, Nelson A. Gerttu!a, W. A. Davis, j. IT. Duffy--Lot 3; Tax Lot 3 in Lot 4; N~SENW~ Sec. 566.09 42.651Ma.r~na ~awyer__~w)~m~w ~, ~ec. ~ ~ .~= ........... ~ ~. ~.~lor, or cash, equal in amount to the w, S. I~ates et el, H. S. Garlock, J. F. Duffy, Fannle B. Bryan, M. L. Criss, Ed Hayes----Tax Lot 2 iu W~NW~, Sec. 5 ............ 2:5 16.28 } Jonn ~-. =awaras---bo~ z less it-w, ~ec. ~o .......... a.aa ]the nrs~ year's rental of such land in ~orge W. Watt John Goodman, Ed Hayes, I~ L. rFhompson, E. D. Pitt- I. L. Thompson----SWSW~, Sec. 5 ................... 40 42.84I TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RINGE 20 E W M ]accor(la.nce with his bid. together ~ta, J. A. Ellsworth et el, J. B. Hicken, Carrie H. Blackwell, T. C. Build- E. D. Pittman~Lots 3 & 4, Sec. 6 .... ~ .............75.72 92.18 I James Luginbuhi S~S~ Sec 3 ' : .... 160 156 43!with $2.00, the statutorv fee for is- • ~-& Investment Company, E. F. Naffin, Chaffin Johnson, Kurt E. Fuhs, J. A. Ellsworth, et al--Tax~ ~ Lot~ • 5B in SESW~, Sec 7 . 1.52 24 95 ~ Jam~s~ ~u~muuu~--~ ~v ~,~-'-" ...... ~,~7"~,~ ~.,,~ec. "(a~ ................. ................ o,~a o~o..,~'~° Isuing a lease. " . J. MeDaniel, Ida M. Corn J. R. Maurer Estate, L. G. Seaton, E. B. I. L. Thompson--N).~:NW4,. Sec. 8 .................. 40 35.91August Rztter--E~SE~," " Sec. 10 .................. 80 705.~9 No improvements shall be placed I~ndln et al Dais M Crooker Orin L. Thomas, J. B. Pritchard, J. T. & J. B Hicken--~E~NE~, ~ec. '~ ......................~u 23.29 . .. ~ ~ " '~, ~ oo on State Lands excent bv written ' Y "" ' ,~ ~ 54 61C. M. Sulliva~ NESV~}, S~. 20 .................... ~, o.oo • ~ '- .~ ........ ~ry J. Davis, Reliance Management Corp., E. S. Peer, R. H. Carrie E:. Blackwell--E.~SE4. Sec. 10 ::_:~:..-.. • : ~.. 80 -'~- ~ J~m~s L~inh-hl---~,~" I.~ .~ 1~ R-w. L~ ~ 1~ permission of the Commissioner. ~Tnolds,. j. H .... ~issen W E Sulhv~n, Mrs. John Sanderlin, J L. Gil- T. C. Buuo~ng .&. investment, vL w wa,.... ~ec. ~.. o ~"'"~uo [_-..,R W. NW~•...E~,~¢- E.~N~ ..... we. Lot 2' l_ss- _...• ,W W ~ec." 24..293.02 321.63 No lessee shall without, the wrztten a~in, William Schweighoefer, James S. Pennington, Diamond B .Ranch E. F~.Naffln~Tax ~ot 3)j~ ~]~.~ec;..l.~ . ;... ~... .~ .'~o ] consent of the ComnHssioner remain ~mpan . Far nd eor e Silva A. W Kerrid e, Louis bur-wnanln jonnson--lN~D~Dw~l~h' ~2S.~w~Ea, ~ec ~5 ~u o ~5~ - • ri~T~ Ra~¢-'~.' ,),~ ~ ~ X~ l in nossession f th~ land ~ imh~-,~r,~ y, Edith F Mc la . G g , • g , ,~ ~ .~, ,~ . ~ TO~NSHIP 6 N ....~.~., ......... 1~ ,~ ,. ..... .~. ~ o ........... . ....~ ..... - ~ltz, L. M. Wilde, R. P. Long et el, C. Hall Estate, Mrs. ~. F. Hall, E. F. Kurt E. Fuhs-~--E.~E:~NESE~. Sec: .3 .............. 10 ,2",°31Lebanon Nat'l. Bank--Lot 1, Sec. 3 ................. 40.62 11.651ments after the expiration of the ~dl, Mamie A. Akin, J. J. Laing, ~Lea C. Miller, Core B. _L: J. Mc~aniem-=-w~ESE~; .Sec. 23 ................ ~ . ~2"~ 1 I lease. ~l ,ville, Maud,~. ~.~.~. ~-~r~an, ...u~ L. Harris, J. F. Dully., Emma E. Crabtree. et Ida m. corn---~w~, ~ec 2¢ ................ av xxv.oo ~ . TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,. RANGE. 21 E. W.M. t A,ulication._~ No. ,')3'24_. @~tal ........................ ith~' ........... uf~,,, ;~w~t'~m,~n~,~rv~]~" ..... r~ida~a,~TontzDOnet Sal.. NorriSpeter, AU~taack,gusta ME.. LJ" RG. Maurersee~ton__SEiNE ~ ". . Est--N\VSE t. ~ . ..... NESE~ -:.~.Sec', See28 ,. 33 . ........... 4080 15431.75~10"29151 Arthur& 4Sc°ggms-'-"Sh°re, Sea ...................... 20 Lands in front of L )ts• 1 2 3' 5 2 02 II ~The shore lands('°T Lease)of the second clas~ KI--J" ~Iolberger, George J. Hoffman, Sarah L. MeMUlan, Chet Grover, E. C. LiBlw. wro ~er ~~J~z, ~ aLun~!n~)'e-~-al~wN~v~"~SeVe(~33;) ............. 4~ 7"94i TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, R~NGE 21 ]E W M Iowned by the State of Washington, , zm, F A Jewell, Fred Anderson; John A. Beauchamp .... -_ -~-~ ~_ ~-~.~" ~ "~ ......... .. ~'oo ~ ...................... ~ ~ • -.,;, .... situate in front of. adjacen~ t0 or ~'nrv ~oh~• ot .] w m ~l*ohire Charles Martin Cinder- urln 1~. Tnomas Tax ~ot 0 In ~, ~ec. ~o ........ ~ ~u.oolr~eury w., 25 ............~.v oo.~ ~h,,**.,= --on *ho ~-o* .~.. e~,~t .¢ _ ........... , ..... ......... ~ ~E ~ c 3 4 1~ 61 .......... ~, -v ....... el • _ J B. PTitchard--E.~ Lot 1 & l~.,S NE~, Se . 6 ....... 1.95 ,. " °~ .~ ....... ,In Proctor Estate ZebV. Taylor, Simcoe Lumber Corn - I T ~r~H~P-~ ~ ,r~ ~t~ '~c ,)~ ~ ~ Ilot 1, section 5, township 2 north ~1 ' 0 r$ N S .....)1{'11.. I,.,~ ~, ( ...... M ay, Waiter Klatt August Jusstla, Edla Nugent, Katie C. Counts• R. M .... • •- - " E ' " ~. • ....... range 16 east, W. M. x~zth"" a f]onl-" ' ~._, , ................... T()I~NSHII o N()RTIL RANGE 11, • ~.M. I William Howe--EtNE~, Sec. 30 ................... 80 15.57~ ......... , • waead. Heinrich Company of Canzornla, ~tn 1~. J~IIIS, ~YllleS Pa.c~on- I age OZ ~.~)'l lineal erie.iris nlore or ~.~[1, W. F Siewert J• S• Shaver, George E Hoeftein, Lee H. Rhodes, j. T• & Mary J Davis--'W.~E~NWNW~; W~NWNW~, [ TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANCE 22 E. W.M. less Rental, $10.00 per ant'ram. Term J.¢ Phillips et al H. C• Richardson Estate, John B. Shorett, Sec. 9 ....' .......... " .......................30 33.17I Emil J. Soderstrom--NWSENW~ Sec. 15 ............ 10 1.92iFive (5) years. xt. M Sudon Frederick G Hartley, Henry Bugnon, L. E. Brown, Fawiy Reliance Managmt Cur p--SESE~ Sec. 1] 40 6 61 Thomas Thompson--NE~ Sec ')'6 160 14 33 l~Ofl~E" Lessee must be a citizen of ~¢rpora~ion,' Dr. W. C. Trowbridge, J. G. Allyn, Fred J. Voight, E. C. Reliance Managmt. Co'rp•~SWSW~ less Tax Lot 4, [ ' i ................... " l the United States or have declared, • zost Estate, M. C• Hazen, Edward Abeling, Mabel Z. Watson, A. L. Bun- Sec. 12 .................................... 39 _ 7.05] ..... TO WNSHII" 6 NORTH, IL~NGE 22 E. W. M= , ~^ l in good faith, his intention to become a~[1 E • Giebner- A ~G Cor~ett, L E Flye Reliance Managmt Cur --NWNW~: SWNW~ Sec 13 80 18 78 ~. ~. r~o~erts--~ ;~ec ~1 ~v ~ ~U!such Chanter 50 Laws 1~')1 state, John J. Miller, F• E. • • .... P .... • "• I ' ................... .--- ,- .... '.~ tare, John ,F_. Niemela.. Martha S~wyer, John F, Edwards, James Lug- Reliance Managmt. ~C°rp'--N~NE~. , Sec~ .......... 14 80 243.10 ~ L. E Roberts---N~W~ • .... W,~SE~ Sec. 12 ..... 160 24 331 NOTE'. --- Recei-ts.. for ........ ,~n,~|ts ~)Uh banon National Bank Arthur E S Peer NWSE~ Sec z3 40 7 13 a i 1, August Ritter• C M Sullivan, Le • , • .... ; ' ........................ I ~ ,~-, ,, ~ made with applic t ons to may ~oggins, Henry C Richardson William Howe Emil J. Soderstrom, R• H• Reynolds~NEN\V:~;~ W2NW~,~ ~ Sec. 25 .......... 120 36~ •25 ............... TOWNSHIP~ ~-~-~5 NORTH,~. .~RA~(" =~ ,2.}, E. IV. ,)~I ~a a~ be used by applicant only as cash on _alnmasThompson.. L. E. Roberts.. . P. A. Norman, Hans ,Kaufm~n, G. W. R. H. Reynolds--NENE~,. __ • Sec.~ 26 ............... ,40 .75 ! Ha,s ........... K~uf ....... SWSW~, S~. 14 ................... 40 2.53 date of leasing. ~f~trr, T.. p Bannsgaard, Pauhne Dabney, A. R. Noren et el., Defendants. J- ~ Nissen S=N~: Sec_ ,9 . . . .. ................. 160 84. ] rz W 'C*arr ~aW~ -q,~c 20 ~60 u2 a~ Witness my hand and seal of of- " 23.521~ ~ "" " ~'~---~"~' ~ ............................ -- w m ~ulnvan--m~r~w~m.~ ~ec. ~ .............. zo a" I 7 • • ~ , 1 . .~ rice affixed this 2 th day of April T P Bannsgaard N~NW¼ SENW~ Sec 35 10 757 • ~E STATE OF W~SHI~GTON to the above-named defendants, and j F. Duffy--S}NWSW} Sec. 34 ................... 20 ....... , ............ t19a0 each and all of them and all persons unknown, if any having or claiming Mrs. John Sand-erlin---SENE~; NESE~; W~SE~ S~c. 34160 27.18I T~*~'~,~.) . ~n~. ,~ a~:u ,~¢, ~, u: ~[ t - " ALHE~RT c M,ARTI~ ~aave any right title or interest in and to the real property hereinafter ......................................... { ........................................ /Commissioner of Public'I~n--ds of'the ~ribed• ' , x~)~,~ v ±~uz~n, ~x~ ~, ~. ~. ,,~. Pauline Dabnev---NESW~ Sec 03 40 4 81/ Stete of Washington M2-30tS-- " J L Gilham----SESW~ Sec °0 • 40 33 78' " ''l ' c 3 ..... " ............. 318 12 1 "/ ' ' ..... ~ ....... , ............. I A. R. Noren et al---Sb Frac., Se . I ................. 6.38 ---~ i~,.You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Klickitat .County, a William Schweighoefer--SWNE~, Sec. 32 ............ 4,0 29.311 } Notice of Hearing Final Account and ~zcipal corporation organized and existing under and by wrtue of zne_ ~ ~ ~ __ _ { YOU, A~D EAX~H OF YOU, ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the plain-{ l~port and Petition for ~of the State of W~.shington, is the owner and holder of Certificate o.~ TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 12 E. W.M. I tiff herein, Klickitat County, State of Washington, will apply to the Superiort Distribution ~ta~quency No. 34, issued to it by the County Treasurer of said county ann James S. Pennington--Tax Lot 3 in SWSW~, Sec. 1 .... 9 20.03 I Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County for a judgment fore- [ ~-a and dated the 10th day of April, 1940, pursuant to the laws pertain- Diamond B Ranch Company--Tax Lot 3 in Lot 2, Sec. 2. 30.98 8.96~ closing its lien for t~es and interest against the pieces and parcels of land, I In the Superior Court of the State of _to delinquent taxes, upon the land, lots, and real property situateu m Edith F. McFarland---E~SWNW~; SENW~; NWSWNW~, _ .... !lOts and re~l property iu this Notice and Summons h ereinabove described] Washington, for Klickitat County. ~ckitat County, ,State of Washington, hereinafter in this J~ot|ce ann ~um- ~Sec. 2 ...................................... 70 a~.'~o ! and you, and each of you, are summoned to appear zn the aoove en~zzled j in l~ro~)ate ~as Particularly set forth and described, and as described insaid Certi- George Silva--Lot 1, E~ Lot 2, Sec. 3 ............... 58.67 17~.35~, court within sixty days after the date of the ~first pubticatmn of this Notice[ No. P. 2105 ~:aum~:~fentc':5~eC)rhii i~da:~efitiea:~ey:h~rs~h~/hCtfetl°oet~lS:~)nwe3 L~uW" Ku:i£dgsT~'W~NL~tec~lc~e~" 5 ................... ii"21 !i'3i ~ud, S~eth~e~r~'~ti~t~y:°tofstts~leathdtascp:tbuYldi~:°tJ~!srt:!~i:ll!he':i! Po°~'yAo~r:~f~i~40~ iln'~:iAc~elY~s?Z~e0Je~!ye!i:::e °t~::°~::;: 9 real re erty in- ' ' ' 1 . ~hldes said taxes, interest, and in some instances, fire protection. R. P: Long, et al---Si~SWSE~, Sec;. 12. :.: .. ;....:... 10 ~. 10.8"681 to do so judgment will be rendered in this action foreclosing the lien of the{o. Allyn the executor of the estate : . ........ R.P. Long et al--NENE~' Less rex ~ot 12, ~ec. ~ .. ~.~ ~.~'~{plaintiff for such taxes, interest and costs against the several pieces anulof Roset'ta MJ Allyn, deceasedl has ~l~a~nat the several pieces and ..p~ce!s of Lane, lots ann . ~P LPe .... ~ L. _M. Wilde:--N~NW~. S e c: 13.~ . .: .; ; .-.--. • • 2. • • -:. 80 zl.~$ [ paroels of land, lots and real property in this Notice and Summons above t rendered ~.nd presented for settle- .t~_ and described in said Gertmcate oz l~nnquency ann me a~w ~_~ C. Hall ~s~aLe---7.~~v~W~; ~..r~w~w~, ~ec. ~#( ..... I set forth and described in the several amounts shown to be due ag~a.lnst each ment to, and ~iled with the clerk of h3~E OF;~y =zi:::: ADDITION TO GOLI)~r~Js°~lD~.~ ~ImiyU~..Y,ANTO~s~?;:~:? ..... ::).R.T .H: .R.A.N.G.E :2. E..W. ;~00 217"35 ~~le~; olf~pr~gi~e~hK~r~ii~::~!! ISu;st:~reCa:U~tatGf~ollrd~d~ied::~n~ r.. • --" ' , ....................... -- g - , .~ .... " {of the l~inal Account at which time ~e~ 61 J J I.~ing---SlSSE¼ -Sec. 14 .. 40 21.21, laintiff, at his office and post office address below sta~ea +h~ ~ .... + ~ ~o~-,-~ ~' ~,~f,~ s,,~h ,.,~ ~ a Cooper---~t 6, Block 8 ................... $ • • • . .... ....................... ~ ~ P . • ~ ................................... - ..... J 403 Lea C Mfllel~SESENW~ Sec. 18 .................. 10 7.59 r • • Chappell---Lot 16, Block 8 ....................... . ~ ~ ~ ~ port distribute the p opezty to the Core B. Newlle----NESENW~; E~E~SWSE~, Sec. 18 ... 20 9.161 I~DGA.R H. CA2~,FIELD, . 1heir8 or persons entitled to the same ~: CHATFIELD, S FIRST ADDITION TO GOIA)ENDALE Meade E..DeanuTW:~W.~SESE~., So.c= 18 ............. 10 20.641 ....... Prosecuting Attorney and Attoz~neyfOraflaint~c~l~it~, [and discharge the executor. • "~ek=lt~t Camp No. 127, W.O.W.---E. 30 3-4 of Lot 14, ,, ,, J. F. Duffy--E~SE~ Sec. 20 .................... 80 27 99 County Washington. A11M23t7--1 t,,,~,,,~ ,e ~,~ ~M ~,,,,,~,'~-r P-,,-t BI ~.~ ~ ~ ~ 20 25 54 ~ ------------~ ock 1 .................................... EmmaE:Crabtree_et al__~SESW~, Sec. 2 ........... ,. ,,'~, t -~-----,~. a ,, ~w,-~,-~r'~r~ , 1940 I and the seal of s~,id Court affixed ~. ~. ~aKer---'rax ~o~ ~ m ~v4, ~ec. ~ ............. ~ ~'~ ~ ' this 7 h da of 19 ~ GOLDEN'S CF~NTHA~L ADDITION TO GOId)]~]DAI~ilHelen Baker--W NW R-W, Sec ......... 7O.57 39.71{ LL L ((seal) .... !, ,, o-" i I.~ ~, .....x, ~, .~ ,,+ ~ ~ ~ a' ,,e ~ la nlock 39 177 Don S. Norris---Tax Lot 1 in W~SE~, Sec. 25 .. ...... 46.50 229.47 t ---------- ~oun~y AU(lZ~or ann ~x-u~o ~lerK{~,. ~-;- ~.f=,~,,,,~:~-~ ,-~;.+ .... • ,,~,um~-,, ~ v, ,-,,,, ~o, .......... ' -- " Au~u M mith Tax Lot 8 in NWNW • Tax ~.ot 9 in { ~ ~ o[ ~oara Az~±~az~z--I ,~,~,~ u, ~,,¢ ,.,,~v.~,,,,- .,.,,~,~. .......... ~ a,~r~,r~ ~ (~)IA)][~ID.~E .... UN~IM~ Sec~--26 . . "...~'. ......... 2 2.03]Notice of Hearing on Final A"ccountI --~ --::~IF.A;.OM~J~H, Attorney for Estate, ~,L~L, .......................... Jenn4e Em en er " S~S]~N~=~ " S'WNW~ Sec 27 " 60 9 49 and Petition for Distribution / ~t'lu~ "1~ u~J~'lx#l~ ~omenuale, wasn. M9-30t4---- ~l P g --~ ' ......... ']~. Brooks---Lot 12 Block 17 ............. 70.21 Ida ~ontz et e.1---~SENW-~, Sec. 29 ................. 40 301.15 ~ ~ --------- -~ , "''" _ ..................... .-~ ........... ] .No. P. 1999 :~ In ~he Superior Court of the State of "-'co o~taSe °~rv~aSnlo~gthnxh'a~ lies GOLDEN S ~ ADDITION TO (~4)l~aRl~ 'xx~w~rzz~ o NORTzt, K~ ]2 E. ~. M. }In the Superior Court of the State o~[ Washington for Klickitat county, tcruz p~l~mnia ,~ i N 3. . 2. ,, " " " P---~ ' ~; ~ ' ~;''" ' " ....... I of the said final account and petitio i ~BE~' JUSSILA eAmtnistrator ell ........ ; ~iJ ............ , ~ .......... ~uv o~.o-, f_.. dis+ribution at which time andl +~,~ ~,.~. ~¢ ~..~.+ j Nu~ent/smn ann the place ot tne proposer~ Twp ~ ~WO~, e it,, ~. w. ax. ' "~ ~ ' ~'~ ...... ~ ~" ~"'~"~ " ~' l in h o "~ . Cavan, et el---Tax Lot 73 in N~E~, Sec. 24 .... 353.06 }place,,~.~,~+,,,~ ~ ,~,~ ~,,a~lY person interested~rtmay~nn,file{ ~aand Edla L. Nugent both deceas-I usets.°n~fi e, ~ e fficeof ~eState ~: IRR]EGULAR TRACTS WHITE SA.I~ON • TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, ,L%NGE ,4 E. ,V. M. pe~tion"fortdistrlbuti'on, orPmay a-p-, M:E~rEN & BROOKS Attorneys for,Werai?lnrgtmZl~,otOga~th:reWiutheSdU~h,h..,,ou~-~, ,,--,,,-.~u,,~, u~, ~,~. • - _ .... Henry Beebe et al NW of Lot 1, Sec 7 10 20 3 13 pear at said time and place and estate Postoffice address Golden-{ - q Y • ~: ']~ 3 North, e xx, ~ W M W -- ~ - " ................ h ' Any person nrm or corporation wp. __ .l~_.n~ .- ~- ~ -~,',_" . T. Wiltshire--~SENE:SE~, Sec. 7 ................. 10 3.14 present his objections t crete. { dale, Washington. A 2'5~M 16-4tl ." " ~" :-'~1" be i ......... ~S Estes Tax Lot 31 in ~W~W~, Tax 1~o~ ~zi xn T E one/ wuose rlgn~ wz ~ njurzOUSzy a~ >:~ --- " " - 23995 Charles Martin--N~NWNE~, Sec. 13 ................ 20 4.45 Witness, The HeN. J. E. S O~, ~'--------~ ' 1 " ~i~ L,WI~w. ~, Sec. 19 .... -: -'" "" "- -''" :- ......... 468"87 Cinderella Proctor Est~te--S~NENENE~; SENENE~; of the Judges of said Court, andl STATE SOIL CA)NS~RVATION Ife.cted by said appiicationomay file ~( ~orrzs--~i-ax l~ot 38 in ~l~w~ o[ ~ec. }v . .;; .~=~ " E~SENE~, Sec 33 35 21.86 the seal thereof hereto att¢~ched[COMMITTEE OF WASHINGTON {with tne ~ta~e .~uperws.or o~ r~yarau- ::i:,~.. ~orris----Tax Lot 65 in NDSW~, Sec. IV tunmwaeu ,~ ~ ............................ this 16th. d'av of Anril 1940. } - ______ {lics, e~ ulympla, wasnmg~on, su(~n ~i ~lf interest) .................. -... - - ........ ~'~ TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, ItANGE 14 E. W.M. R M ~SP~:~, Clerl~ o'f the said { Notice of Hearing Upon Organisa, tion[ objections or represe.ntatmns, .In uladden rrax Lot 67A in SWSW~, Sec. ~ .......... { ",e,,~'~-~r ~ourt of Pro,,osed Eastern Klickttat! writing as ne may aeszre to maze, ~ 120 ~,-v ...... " • s ~: ....... ...~ {Zeb V. Taylor--~SWSE~; E~SE~ Sec. 19 ............. 64.98~ ~ ~-aW~M, XW~ Attorney for said] Countv ~oil Conservation District.[within thirty (30) day after date GRANDVIEW ADDITION TO Zeb V. q'aylor---~SW~SW~ Sec. 20 ..........~ ........40 12.88,~o+o+~ Al~.M16t4-- Embracin~ Ira.no1 Lvin~ in Klicki ]of last publication, which date Is ,_, .......... ~a~.~N Simcoe Lumber Company--N~NE~; SWNE~; E~NW~, ------------tat an,~ v~ ~.-~o~ ~ash |May 23 1940. JEWlffI~S ]~ Sec.35 ...................... 200 101.50 NOTICE TO OP,~gA)ITOR8 { i ~ [ Witness my hand and official seal • , nton. 1 A " Lev ~o::L~ott21::j:k2 361 ~li~:SiI~c :3!:R:H! R~.~[ ::, : ~ M4 :: wth~sStmUnaPg:~inr°NfC~t~I~elt:eC°3sfktitat~Z S:2jn~ , ~i~oclmeRgEi:i!~3i t~l!tjcnYo!ls~]dar this 30th d~y of Apri,. D., 1940. ~] l)av:n Ioc~NGE.N .......... .... 153.49 Walter Klatt . . 0 11 29 ~l~alnf]~ErLlics" j~ U, S. OENTERV~ August Jussila--Lot 1; Lot 2; E~ Lot 3, Sec. 5 ...... 104.66 145.69 H..Clau.ssen, Deceased. "'--" the ington, a petition signed by'at least NOTICE OF ROAD (~)NSTRUCTION J~a, et dinette~ t~ ~, ?B~IocYckt 2,.Bl.°?k. 2.... 2t.84~ rSO~}h~a A. JuUsSSll: e~t a~l~:XL~o~t3k41~nN~WNN~V~, Sec. It :0.83 31.78~S~Uo~~xljj~!a~ ~5~lo~zL:~h:~!rl~iin~r~:!~L~iw°si ~~n~cd~at!t~,~OeUtsYntF:~:y~li~i:(~f " BUKFOR1)'S ADDITION TO CENqfl~R~ TO%VNSI%IP 4 NORTH, RANGE 15 E.W. . estat ..... rsons "-av .... 1aims of the State of Washington, 1939 ......... B Z Corner Glenwo~ ann that au pe u ~u~ c (~. B. 343 requesting the establish- mmeu ~na~ ~ue - - 9 & 10, Block 1 ..... 3.79 K~tie C. Counts---Tax Lot 7 in SWSE~, Sec. 9 ........ 1.5,0 15.70 against said deceased are required to ment of the E~stern Klickitat County Ro~l be improved by the construc- 1 to 11, Block 2 ................. 27.57iEdla Nugent---W~SW~, Sec. 32 ........... ......... 80 78.59 serve the same on the executrix at Soil Conservation District and tion of a Light Bituminous Surface ~ her. residence, east of Goldendale, WHERE,AS, the lands sought to be Treatment as County Road ,Project CK)ODNOE HIL]~ TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 15 E. W.M. Wash., or upon F. A. Smith, attorney included in the said district by said No. 40. , 3.68R. M. Lawhead-~NWSW~, Sec. 4 .................. 40 9.76 of record for said estate, at Golden- petition comprises lands in Klickitat The County Road Engineer s Esti- 3.92Hetnrich Company of Calif.--NESW~, Sec. 4 ......... 40 9.28 dale, Wash., and ~file with the clerk and Yakima Counties described sub~ mate of Cost of said work is $11,- ~eth L. Ellis---SWSE~, Sec. 8 ......................40 9.41 of the above named Court, together stantially as follows: 280.00 as follows: Mlles MeConnell---,S~SW.~; SE~, Sec. 19 ............. 200 20.06 wlth proof of such service, within All of the territory in Klickitat 16.3 Miles Prep & Finish 72.47 W.. ~. Siewert---E~NW~; W~N,E~, Sec. 21 ........... 160 22.04 six months after the date of the first County lying east of the Rock Creek .Roadway at $125.00..$ 2,037.50 J. S. Shaver----~N~NE~; S~NE~ & SENW~ less Tax LOt publication of this notice, or the C~nyon and also the Glade area in 2~80. rPon SC-1A FOB i, 2, 3, 4, & 5, Sec. 22 ........................ 40 12.59 same will be forever barred• adjoining Yakima County which lles Klickitat at $8.50 .... 2,380.0~0 34.30 George E. ~Ioeftein--~S~SESWSE~, Sec. 25 .......... 5 3.90 Date of ~first publication: April within the Columbia watershed. 280. Ton Heat & Dist. 482.47 18th, 194,0. NOW, THER~E!FO~R.E, notice is SC-1A at $5.30 ...... 1,484.00 Sawyer---~F. F. No. 5, Lot 1 .............. F. No. 8, LOt 16 . .~ ...... . ............ ORIGINAL LI'I M. Johnson---Lot 4, Block 5 ............... .. FIRST ADDITION TO LYLE 4, Block 8 ........................ 24, Block 18 ............... ...... 13 to 16, Block 22 ................. ~.73 ROOSEVEI2]P Wonacott---~S|,E~ Block 14 ................ 2.73 ~st.---,Lots 3 & 4, Block 23 ............. 55 Est:---~Lot 3, Block 2.6 .................. 55 4,-Block 26 ................ 8.65 Est.--~ts 5 to 8, Block 26 ............ 2.17 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 10 E. W. M. Swanson---N~N~NW.KE~, Sec. 1 ............. 10 $ 12.37 ~SI N~S~ ~ SbN]~NV~SE~, Sec. I ... 16 4.73 ~N~ SE~; NWNWSE~, Sec. 1 ...... ,~ 8.20 Lot 18 in See. 2 ............ 5.96 Surb~ugh----E~SWSE~, See. 13 ...............20 1097.13 ~ornton--Tax Lot 4 in W~SW~ less 1.03 acres 4orthweste~n Electric Co., Sec. 14 ........... 8.37 364.83 7diker--Tax Lot 11A in N'W~E~, Sec. 14 ...... 5 20.53 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 10 E. W. M. ,Pritchett~-Tax Lot 8 in NWNE~, Sec. 13 ........ 14 5.36 z~. Sperry-~EbW~SESE~, Sec. ~0 .............. 22.07 TO~FNS]HD[P 5 NORTH, RANGE 10 E. W. 1~ y----NF-~WSW~, Sec. I ................. 10 16.55 NWSWSW~, Sec. 1 ............. • ......10 16.56 & G. W. Huitt---~WSWSW~. Sec. 1 ...... 10 16.57 Co.--SWNW|; ~; S|I~V~, Sec. 23 160 99.08 TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 16 E. W. M. Lee H. Rhodes--~Tax Lot 2 ~n W~,SE~; E~SE~, Sec. 9 .. 152 65.83 J. Phillips et el---Tax Lo~ Z in SWNE~, Sec. 14 ....... 6.96 .70 R. M. Lawhead---Tax Lot 11-8 in SWNE~, Sec. 21 ...... 25 1.87 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 16 E. W. M. H. C. Richardson Estate---E~SW~ less Tax Lot 1; W~SE~, both less R~W, Sec. 23 ....................... 144.03 John B. Shorett---NE~SESE~, Sec. 23 ................ 10 77.01 1.11 John B. Shorett--W~NWSW~SW~, Sec. 24 ........... 5 1.94 R. M. Spoon--NES.E~ less R-W, Sec. 30 .............. 30.34 11.65 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH, RANGE 16 E. W. M. Frederick G. Hartley---~E~W~,~ Sec. 28 ................... 160 39.67 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 17 E, W. M. Henry Bugnen---Lot 3, Sec. 4. ..................... 39.61 15.10 L. E. Brown---N~N~SENWL ~ec. 4 .................. 10 3.49 Fairly Corporation---NWSl~SW~; S~SESW~; SWSW~, ~ec. 10 (land only) .......................... 70 26.77 Dr. W. C. Trowbridge---S~N~E~; N~SE~, Sec. 11 ...... 160 30.88 J G. Allyn-- ;SWNW ; NWSW , 12 ...... 160 104.90 Fairly Corporation---NW~ Sect, e . 14 .................. 160 53.25 J. G. AIIya---SENE~; E~E~, Sec. 20 ... ............ 120 17.27 Fred J. Voight---E~NE~, Sec. 26 .,~ ................. 80 38.03 E. C, Trust Estate--~Nt~SW~, Sec. 27 ............... 40 5.~4 I.~NORA C. (R~USSE~ ( executrix of the estate of John H. Claussen, deceased. F. A. S~TH, Attorney for estate. Postoffice address, Goldendale, Washington. Apr 18-Mey 9-4t-- Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, State of Washing- ton, will, on the 14th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 11 o'clock A, M., on said day, hear the petition of J. E. Peterhans, et el, asking for the vacation of the following described road of Klickitat County: A road which enters the Lyle-~lenwood Road from the west in the 1VE~ of NE~ of Section 24; thence extending in a southwesterly direction through the north half of the ~W~ of said Section 24; thence through the SE~ of Section 2'3 and ending on the Ap- :pleton Hill, all in Township 4 nbrth range 12 E. W. M. Signed thin 22nd day of Apru, hereby given that a public hearing 215. Ton MC-2 FOB Klick- will be held pursuant to the said peti- ita.t at $12.30 ....... 2,644.50 tion, on the question of the desirab- 215. Ton Heat & Dist. tlity and necessity in the interest of M~C-2 at $7.60 ...... 1,634.00 the public health, safety and welf~e 600 Cu. Yds. Min. Agg. in of the creation of such district; on~ place at $1.50 ........ 900,.00 the question of the appropriatel Subtotal ............--$1~ boundaries to be assigned to suchl district; uponthe propriety of the minous Cement SC-1A ~ 1,596.00 petition, and of all other proceedin~rs Contract Portion Bitu- taken under the said Act; and upon all questions relevant to such in- quiries, r/'he public hearing will be held by the State Soil Conserva- tion Committee on the 7th day of M~y. 1940,.beginning at 10 o'clock A. M•, at Grange Hall in Bicklet0n, in the County of Klickttat, Wash- ington. All persons, firmsand corporations who shall hold leoat or equitabl~ title to any lmnds lying within the limits of the above described ter- ritory, and all other interested partied are invited to attend and will be giv- e~ opportunity to be heard at the time and place hereinbefore specified. ~TATE SOIL ~RVAfPION minous Cement MC-2.. 2,042.50 Force Account ........ 7,441.50 Engineering .......... 200.(~0 Total ............... $11,28~0.00 Approved this 2nd d~y of May, 1940. A. M. M~%TSE~N, S. F. WN~K, Board of County CommissionerSi ~Klickitat County. State of Wash; Attest: JOHN A. MIIA~E~R, lt-- Clerk of Boar4. Royal and Underwood Portable typewriters at The Sentinel o~[lce, • i