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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 9, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 9, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight TeaChers Exchange Federal Wheat Ideas, Programs Loans R( At Meeting Here .... --.w. ~eoeral wheat loans totaling Kliekitat county teac-~---'--~ers matched $160,562.30 were liquidated by May experiences with instructors from 1, L. W. Ternahan, Kliekltat county Yakima, Benton and Kittltas county agr~cultulus~ announced tins weeK. here Saturday at a district curricu- The loans liqmdated included all lum meeting held in the high school that were made on Klickitat ooun- auditorium ty s 1939 wheat crop, he said. This meeting, the first of its kind A total of 167 individual loans ever held in Goldendale, w~s attend- were included in the group• Loans ............. were made on 23 819 bushels of eu uy a large number o~ l~llCKlta~ ..... , T. "-ms 1 wheat in farm storage and 233 075 county teachers. ~)r. E. E. ~t e- ' ' son of lhe Central Washington Col tbushels of wheat in warehouse stor- lege of Eduction at Ellensburg, al-!age. j though he arrived late, was in charge 1 ~"- ~ ~'~ of the session, j Livestock IuD Mrs. Ruth Ledbetter, principal ofI ITF.!l rq the Goldend~ale primary school, had[ Wlll mer ;snow i !i!i¸!:ii¸ i ~iI THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--G°ldendale Washingt°nBlckleton Man ' ............ wISHRAM WOMANHURT ' ~- ............................ ] ..... C-O0-~]}-~'00D S Helen Arrests Made WHEN CAR E W / The American Legion Auxiliary pher, was in Goldendale on basin"I I OV R URNS • /will hold a cooked food sale at S. Tuesday. ~i Over Weekend/M. l~ ~ .... R N R~SON~ S :, '~el'orter'~ Held In Jall/w Bates Grocery Saturday, May 11. Mrs. Cladys Metheny, of ~| ----------- I WISHRAM -- (Special) -- Mrs. . ~ /The sale will begin at 9:30 a.m. Francisco, arrived in Goldend~ Waiter Bundle, 21, was fined i Curtis had the misfortune last Tues-Edgar Sanders, of Bickleton, was t this week to spend several days ~ " 1 ' day to lose control of her car and go $150 and costs in E L. Whitehi 1 sI ~. ~,;,~....~.. ,.~ arrested on a carnal knowledgeI Mrs. Sybil Kelley, of Roosevelt, itlng with 'her aunt,Mrs. A.~~_ • char e I°ver the llank on tit .... s ..... ~ -~- Justice court Monday on a g tween George Coffield's ranch and charge by Sheriff C. R. House lastreturned to her home last week Coley. _~ThD" of driving without a state opera-IA~ser~acSb~l:~adfhter l~eck hurt and Friday. In lieu of $2500 bond San- after ,_q)ending some time in Golden- Mr. and Mrs. Herman HaP~ -~I • _ . • . . ~ er nlrefl lienre- ~ . tor's license and being under the in- I ceb,(,d a hack injury (,ersis bmng held in the county dale at the home o,f her parents, left last week for Vancouver, WaS~~ fluence of liquor. James MeGuire,I Joe Schuitz received painful in-jail pending his arraignment before Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vincent• Mrs. where he was transferred bY1~lI~'~ 31, arrested with . Bundle was sen-. ~heJUrieSgott°outllis oflefthishandcar SundaYwhile itwhenwasil Judge J n. Stone in superior court. • Kelley was under a physician's care Bonneville project. J~'U~ teneed to 30 days in the county ]all still'in motion tie tins been off work Sanders was taken before Justice of while in Goldendale. Mr• and Mrs. M. E. McAllistarl~ "! on a charge of riding in a machine since, t:ie and his wife were returu- the Peace E. L. Whitehill for hear- Judge J. E. Stone, of Kelso, ar-turned last week from San Fr~ l~' with Bundle whi.le under the influ- !!~g fl:on~ Vancouver Mo.nday, where ing last week. rived in Goldendale Tuesday to pre- i cisco where for the past three w~| |~ re:l~:e:fa:lc:2;B?:hebdv]e~TTe ?- S!!!)~i!!i~'mie(~:'i(~rillltlsa(()~:~gr(~)(~s~:~:2s BALL TO BE GALA AFF side ,over the superi,or court jurylhe has been taking treatmentS.1 1L' rests were made Saturday by Sheri'ff M r. and .Mrs;. ¼eonar(l f~'o(~ds at- Planls are r~,i~idfly taking, s/~hal)e term in pr°gress here this week" / Mrs" Clara Tefft and s°u' (~!~ .. ~. ~ .......... Itended a f'~u~eral for Wo~):l's " , Jim Hall played at the dance in[Tefft and Mr. and Mrs. McMann~| " t~. tt. ~oUse ann ~agar n. ~anneio, l uncle in ito(M !(iver \Vednesd,.~ ~- for the Senior cla,~s ball which is ~,Vasco Saturday following the Mid- all of Los Angeles, are .expected ~ county ~rosecutor. Bundle is servingI Mrs. Stanley Lewis c~,~t,~r{ [:'ed to be held at the high school audi- Columbia ,band festival held there, arrivein Goldendale Friday to. • wit ~ ~ bridg, 1 ~i { v \V" ( , ~ (l ¢ ~ l hi~ sentence in the county jail .... . " ':; ~:" '~"- truism ........ " ~ing • , rrmay evemng lviay 1o. Sidney Cryor, of Seattle, and Paul spend several weeks visiting ~Marion Scheel, 18, of Goldendale, i ~h' a~d Mr< ~{.,~ ........ ,'l (')c'i ,'d Tripple, of Mount Vernon, right-of- relatives. Mrs. Rankin is the !!ii ;/ii/!~ a prominent place on the program. 1 Miss Ethel May McConnell, Orchardi The Central Klickitat County 4,H tIeights teacher, gave an interesting Livest~ock club will exhibit two reg- report on special projects carried out iistered calves at the annual Spokane by students in her school. I Junior Livestock show being held Other teachers who spoke at the I this week. Ted Elmore, leader of the meeting were: Miss Nora Waite and ll°cal 4-H chfb left Tuesday for gpo- Miss Olsen, of BueneE Mrs. Floralkane ~vlth the cattle. O'Neil, of Ellensburg; Miss Dilly, of Kelth Kay~er, who will exhibit a . ~Shorthorn calf, Stewart Basse, own- Lower Naches, Ray D. Green, Kit-I titus county school suuperintendent;ier of an Angus calf, and Jack Mrs. Sue Morehead, Klickitat county lDavenp°rt' president of the club, ae- superintendent. !companied Elmore to Spokane• They Among the teachers from Klick-Iplan to return Saturday. i~at county omside Goldendale whoI attended were: .Mrs. Wesley De-! arria e Licenses Weese ,of Hartland; Mrs• RiIa Thane, ] Howard Watson, 24, of Goodnoe of Oak Grove; Mrs. Jewel Edmison, Hiils, and Maerae Straight, 19, of Cliffs; Mrs. Itenry Klatt, M,_~.ryhill; ~Oregon City, at C~(>ldendale May 8. Mrs. Ida B. Wade, Goodnoe Hills; Paul W. Richardson, 22, of Eu- Mrs. M. Bowen, Bristol; Ebben gene, and Louise V. Fleming, 23, o~ Kinsey, Crofton Prairie; Ralph Portland, at Goldendale May 8. Brown, Spring Creek; Mrs. Clifford! Arthur O. Flemi~ng, 26, of Kelso, Becks, Woodland; and Mr. and Mrs. i and Ida May Tuthill, 18, of Lyle, at Earl Smith, of White Salmon. i Goldendale May 9. rlNcY PElitJ Ruby Brand Crisp 8oda Crackers cons II mwu 35' Coffee Lp. SmC~S~,~ 14' r, dgemont T. 2-lb. Box was arrested Tuesday hy John are st)end in*, ,( n e time iv ~;' ~m with ~'~-*,~ ...... ~ ........ - _ ." . ,. ~; , , .' * %" - ... x~.eos~ U2kl~b ~'ay payers for tie ~.onneville pro- o2 Mrs. Tefft and Mrs McMannUS. Gulden state patrolman on a charge , a , ' transact business in t ortland sever- The city of Goldendale recentlyjeer, were in C~oldend,ale on business Mrs. Jewel Edmison, Cliffs te of speeding in a 25 mile zone. After al days before returning home. purchased and installed refus~ cnn.~ this week. er was in Goldendale Saturday ilt before Justice White- Mr..~,nd Mrs. Tim l)elaney and son . . • pleading gu y I oren drove to Sin•a*, Oregon Snt" al Br¢~3ks Memorml park on the Tom Storey and Otto Bnndamour, business. I hill his operator's license ~vas sis • ' • ...... both of Ya 1 wat~ I ' ~ - urday evenings. Mrs. Delaney and Satu~ highway. The park is owned • k'ma, were in Goldendale 2dr. and Mrs. Dean Gillen pended for 30 days and hts car im- Loren will remain there to visit her 1 v tbe city on witness duty this week were in Portland last week on bu l"ounded for the same -erl,od of !folks for a week or sn. Mr. Delaney .... ~. . ~ ~ " I ~, ~" ~ ~vcl~n r~oward Yakima court re hess !returned home Sunday e~ening ~ ......... " . , -I " It~m°- Alvin John and Mrs. O. E. John e seetmn Saturday. porter, is in Goldendale this week t Mr. and ,Mrs. Wes DeWeese, • • were shopping in Tbe Dalles Friday Mrs. Schultz received word that . , • • 0~ ! Riley Dooley, of Centervflle, was ~.. h ............... I()~ the special term of court. Hartland, were m Goldendale • al[ernt)on. (21 ~o11, ~.Mllirles l~elllletI~, was ( onDn- I [arrested Saturday mght by John! The lasI of the card 1)arties sport- ed to the hospital for a week Carl Tayolr and Mr. Franzen, of the weekend• Gulden on a charge of disorderly sored by the Mothers club was beldFrancis Murphy and Alvin John~ Se.lah were in Goldendale on wit-I ~Mr and Mrs Ray D Green I i Wednesday evening Womens high inwere in Gold n "" , . " ! ' • " " • " conduct. He was fined $5 and costs !pinochle was won by Mrs. Itfluler ~ian~, fronl ~ da!e++F~'id~y,e~e~nng: heSS duty thls week• Ellensburg, were In Goldendale in E L. W:hitehlll's justice cot t. Eri(kson Nadean Rose won second ~t Blockhous-" c-*--~ ............. Henry Russell of Yak]ma and W urday for the curriculum meetil , high and Mrs Harold Rayburn low , .. - ,~. ~ ,.. .. _ ...... ., Bessie Bramard. of Vancouver' .I. Trescott of Seattle were in Gold- ~reen is Klttltas county school J I ~ --- , i ~. E. donn won nlgu tor ale nlen m I visited over the weekend at the -- ' ' ' Cars Damaged !p!nochl and Harohl Rayburn second lClar~ home t;nas, i endale this week for the court term. pertntendent. I ~ i high. w~th M)~. J,a.ckson low. Bud [ Mrs. Gilbert Wright and daughter i Trescott is an attorney assisting [Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith $ ~__=j__,_& l~a~:~s a~'ew ~ne sour p~'lze. ~'°rlGwendolyn, visited over the weeken(1 John RMcEwen with the defense daughter of White Se~lmon were _t~M~,l~lUt~llt t)rlage .urs. lernune won mgn. uniy with her n, rents Mr ~,n ~,.~ ¢) a ' ' ' ' ........ o- z- , ........ .,~ ...... ~, one ba,ble of br]d~e was played. Cof- Hemnl " i o~ the Brock case. Goldendale on business SaturdaY. Cars driven by Ralph Con'~oy, of Cedar Valley, and Laura Lamb, of Goldendale, were damaged in an ac- cident at the intersection of Broad- way and Colu,n~bus avenue Monday afternoon. fee and cup cakes were served. Mrs. Cha~:les Clark, daughter,] J.P. Tonkoff and George Twohy, [ Ardith Rayllurn has been off work Valoris, and father, Mr. Jackson,! for over a week with the flu. Mr. and drove to Vancouver Monday for theI Yakima attorneys, were in Golden- Typing pa, per et a remarkably 10¢* Mrs. Rayburn and children spent a day. ~dale this week ~or the court term. price at Tho ~ntlnel. tf~ few days in Portland. where Mr. Ray- burn consulted a raih'oad doctor. Mr. ,and Mrs. Dale Monahan were out of town on business one day last week. Dwight Cochran came into town Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. John were in White Sahnon on business Friday. ~Vm. Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs Green and son. Raymond, stopped at the R. N. Robertson home a few: minutes \Vednesdo.y on their way home from Seaside. George Raylmrn is working in the yards in Mr. Engstronl's place for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis drove to Portland Tuesday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Schultz re- turned Tbursday evening, but the Curtis' stayed down for Mrs, Curtis to receive medical ,attention. Ruth Huber is working at the Curtis home. Fern Cocbran and Mrs. Floyd Powell, of Goldendale, were in town Thursday. Gee. Nickersou. of Goldendale, transacted t)usiness in town Friday Mrs. I. F. Lester. of Lyle, 1)rought Mr. Lester in to work Friday after- • ¢ noon. to ,a.ttend the funeral of his father-in- ~2o ~.,c~ R.. o~.~on wa~ on, o, tow,~ ~.,~,y y qll~c law. Mr. and Mrs. Abney and Mrs. 46-t~. ID Lloyd Wolfe also attended. • Mr and Mrs Gus Brebn, were in Goldendale shopping Thursday. Van Camp's Mr. and Mrs. ttarold Rayburn and children shopped in Goldendale last LIFEIUOY WHITE rJNG Toiio~ 8oo@ ~ Cake cQn| Prices Effective Friday and Saturday ORANGES, 150 size, dozen ........... 29c CARROTS, fine quality, 2 bunches ...... 9c. CABBAGE, solid heads, per lb .......... 3c ASPARAGUS, local, 2 lbs ............. 15c FRESH STRAWBERRIES EVERY MORNING . . . Lowest Market Price SAFEWA Y GUARANTEED SAFEWAY, knowingly will not be undersold. We will meet all adver- tised prices with quality. BRANDED STEER BEEF SALE Wednesday o.fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gas Brehm were out of town shoppers Friday. Mrs. Ed Johnson has been enter- taining company this week Valoris Clark took her grandfath- er, Mr. Jackson, to Lyle Thursday. iMr. and Mrs. R. C. Chittester were in Goldendale Thursday evening. Mr. ,and Mrs. James Huskey and children were in Muster over the weekend visiting relatives. Bill Bowers, of Portland, who has lived here for a number of years between runs on the raih'oad has taken his pension. He and Mrs. Bowers drove in Tuesday and moved Mr. Bowers things to Portland, where he will make his home now. The census takers h,ave been go- ing the rounds in our town the past week. They are staying in the house just vacated by Bill Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Itilmer Erickson spent the weekend out of town. Mr. Veneman drove to Portland Friday evening..Ioyce Moothart and Betty Ramey accompanied him and visited with Joyce's sister and family, Mr. and iVh-s. John Burr. Bruce tIemm went as far as Washougal with them where he visited his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Wright. Mrs. "Wright has rec- ently moved to Caress from Wish- r~.m. where she resided with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. ttemm and family• Mr• and Mrs. Leonad Woods are entertaining company for a few days. ~Mrs. Ed Ashbrenner is in Vancouv- er with her mother, where she will spend some time. Jack Hayes and Fred Huber were in The Dalles Thursda.y evening• Mrs. Roy Coehran had company from Portland Friday. She and her daughter, Louella, returned to Port- land with them. Mrs Mike Manford is traveling back ~tnd forth from here to Port- land quite often to see her husband, who ts confined in the St. Vincent's hospital there. We hope he will im- prove rapidly. Gee. Bunn spent from Saturday until Monday in Yakima with his family• Mrs. Dora Wilson accom- panied him and visited her sister in Yakima. Mrs. Joe Schultz a.nd Ruth Huber were in Goldendale on business Sat- urday morniug. Mrs. Gee. Schaer drove to Port- land to visit her daughter Sunday, but in the meantime her daughter and family drove up here to visit Mrs. Schaer. Evidently they passed on the road. Mrs. E. E. Christean is entertain- ing her mother, brother and sister- in-law, of California, for a few days. Mrs. W. F Webb and daughter, Lillian, weut to Portland Sunday af- ternoon. Mrs. Leonard Woods was elected Beef Roasts, lb .... 17c Something new and different for a Sunday meal Welsh RABBITS, P/z lb. iv., lb. 19c Morrells BACON, pound .... 13c Blade Ccts By the piece PORK ROASTS, pound ..... 10c PORK CHOPS, each ......... 3c 2 lbs ..... 25c MINCED HAM, 2 lbs. ....... 25c LEG O' MUTTON,• MUTTON CHOPS, Sirloin Steaks ,lb.. 23c Ground Round, lb. 21c Pearl SHORTENING, 4 lbs. 29c co, Superintendent of the American • . Union Sunday School on Sunday 1-Lb. morning• Fred Chittester visited at the R. C. Chittester home Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. John, Lester Smith and Mrs. R. N. Robertson shop- )ed in Goldendale Saturday• Gilbert Abner was in Goldendale m business Saturday. Fred Huber end two friends spent Sunday and Monday visiting his folks at Vancouver. Albert Brehm went to work on "The Breakfast of Champions" CLEANSER, can ........ 5c Nesles MILK, 3 cans .... 20c Sun Brite RAISINS, 15 oz., 3 for .. 25c CORN, 303 can, 3 for .... 25c s & w Seedless" Ida Dell Pancake FLOUR, 9 lbs. 59c PEAS, :]03 can, 3 for 25c Spe ' Lindy Spry Shortening, 3 lbs... 49c COOKIES, dozen ........ 5c Butter Milk SYRUP, 5 lb. pail 34c Staleys Golden CORN FLAKES, 3 for ... 20c Albers Swedish BREAD ....... 21c Bergman's Union COFFEE, 3 lbs .... 35c LIVER, 2 lbs... ....... 15c Fresh Side Pork, lb... 10c Frankfurters, lb. ..... 15c PORK CHOPS, lb .... 16c CALF BRAINS, lb .... 4c FREE DELIVERY ,SERVICE PHONE 1152 GOLDENDALE THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS I DON'T TAKE CHANCES.... Buy Goldendale Meat Co's. inspected Meats and be sure of the best, and real eating pleasure. Every piece is absolutely guaranteed .... And... WE SELL HAMS, pound ......... 18c Fine Quality Thrifty Sliced Bacon, lb.. 10c Fresh Pork Shanks, lb .... 6c Stewing Beef, lb ......... 5c Fresh Crabs, each ...... 10c Fresh Halibut, pound .... 12c O Sliced. A fine lunch meat YOU WILL ENJOY GOLDENDALE MEAT COMPANY'S GRADE A STEER TENDER, DELICIOUS . . . EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED TO PLEASE FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fancy Pink GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for ..... 10c Large Size ORANGES, dozen ......... 25c ASPARAGUS, 2 bunches ............ 15c APPLES, 10 pounds ................. 23c LEMONS, dozen ................... 15c CARROTS, large bunches, each ........ "Home of Klickitat VaHey's Finest Inspected Meats"