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,. th!ngs Tractor
pull planned, page 2 Golf tourney, page 3 High school sports, pages 14-16
! tO reaD in ...................
Price 50¢ Thursday, May 13, 2004 • Goldendale, Washington 98620-9526 One hundred and twenty-fifth year --- No. 20
Friday night
'~ vas accidental, Starks' two sons, 16 and 18, house sometime after 9 p.m.
r 'ntly caused by were not at home at the time of He thought at the time that
}' the fire, officials said. maybe the noise was loud
t] ne lantern; The fire started between music. It wasn t. Looking out a
Y 9:0o and 9:30 p.m. The flames window, Tabor saw flames
' pected back grew hot erupting from
'e enough to [ 1 Starks'trailer.
o is week explode a five- Friends have established
:]' p o u n d a bank account for thewere' T hflamese r e
c ~t RICHARDSON propane tank / benefit of Starks' two sons, i shooting 20
It tin,~elPublisher about2omin- ages 18 and 16. Thefeet high,"
utes into the account is at Sterling said Tabor.
,teven Starks appar- fire, according Savings Bank, 201 West I 'Thewhole
!l] ~ed over a kerosene to Goldendale / Main Street, Goldendale. / trailer was
"¢ ~g a fire that swept Police Chief t ...... J engulfed.'
l-~ issingle-wide mobile Dave Hill. According
il~ day night. 'Boom!" was how one neigh- to Hill, another neighbor had
43, was killed in the bor described it. rushed to the trailer and bro-
flll~e-40o block of West Neighbor Gene Tabor said ken a window in an attempt to
saY, re, in Goldendale. he heard a noise outside his aid Starks, "but the fire was too
hot for them to approach the
Besides igniting the propane
tank, the heat of the fire melted
large holes in the metal siding
of the trailer. This was the third
mobile home destroyed by fire
in the past year.
Goldendale police alerted
the Olyanpia-based state fire
marshal's office; the police
investigate any untimely death
in the city. A fire marshal
investigator responded to the
scene in the early hours of
Saturday morning. The fire's
exact cause has not yet been
determined, according to the
See FA TAL FIRE, page 2
Photo by Dan Richardson
Starks' single-wide, which fire gutted on Friday night. John
Steven Starks was killed in the accidental blaze,
ity 't ban
• e trai
Goldendale city
council has a year to
strike city ban on sin-
gle-wide homes
News Reporter
those reasons are tantamount
to discrimination.
The city of Goldendale was
not alone in its thought:
Before 199o only 19 states
allowed manufactured hous-
ing in residential districts
other than trailer parks. It is
the placement restriction that
the state now says discrimi-
The 58th Legislature of nates through limitation of
Washington state passed a affordable housing choices.
law that will require The introductory para-
Goldendale to revisit a deci- graph of a 2OOl paper (writ-
sion made by the city council ten by three professors at
in 2000. Virginia State University and
SB 6593, prohibiting "dis- the University of Georgia)
crimination against con- titled "Not a Trailer Anymore:
sumers' choices in housing," Perceptions of Manufactured
goes into effect on July 1, Housing" reads, "The reality
2005 and wilI effectively is that two out ofeve~, lo new
supersedeGoldendale home starts are manufac-
MunicipalCode (GMC) tured housing and the new
15.44.o5o. That code chapter owners represent all age
bans single-wide manufac- groups and every economic
tured houses inside the city status and lifestyle."
limits unless placed in a trail- In 1999 alone, 348,671
erpark, manufactured homes were
The code does not ban a shipped, according to the
double- or triple-wides placed paper.
1~ Photo by Greg Skinner on a residential lot, said Larry The effort to change the
~ase (LEFT~ comforts ittle sister Elli Case at last Thursday's annual health fair in the Gotdendale High School Bellamy, Goldendale city trailer image came in x98o
• " " Morns, the girls' grandmother, administrator, when the Manufactured
Elh Was reacting to nurse Mary Beth O'Brien drawing blood from Dmnne
Festnval comnng back to county nn July The city council banned Housing Institute successful-
.... ~- ~ --~ single-wides in effort to make ly lobbied Congress to man-
the city more attractive, to date ~hat the term "mobile
h s = • • reduce the appearance of a home' be replaced in govern-
town slipping into degrada- ment literature with the term
tion, and to protect the value "manufactured housing."
I,~°eaix Festival is one that goes beyond the !ower
~l(ha.Way from its creative rea!m and stale
ickitatCounty: environment of a classic
~tirae the multi-clay rave. West and his partners
~Usic festival set fire hope to provide a safe place
~.Was the summer that encourages participants
~V~S. Year, the fringe (there are no spectators;
~'~ is scheduled to everyone who attends must
~ through 5 on a participate) to create elabo-
t~.'aere parcel in rate art projects and
autonomous, musical stages
~hseries of extrava- along with 'dancing, revelry
l~reographed fire and costumes. ,
~i~'Lu electronica - West wouldn t tell The
Sentinel the exact schedule of _
~111~ie -- the festi- ........... i.:.,..~,,,~,
r~i~i~t ell day and night events and performers until
II~a~dUration of cyclical all the T s are crossed on the
]t~ renewal reminis- permits, but the special use
°1~-'= Phoenix m h
~i|ereason for th~t~ele- permit filed with Klickitat Photo by Greg Sk nner
County lists PyroSutra, a PyroSutra, a fire-oriented performance arts group, is sched-
I[~es~-t is in its fourth lurid fire troupe that has per- uled to play at this year s Phoenix Festival.
!~," the brainchild of formed throughout the
~t',~st a~ world, as the main act to per- 12 stages. Post Intelligencer, has drawn
~| ~o.-u a group of form daily. In years past, the Phoen',LX crowds of as many as a,ooo
~. ~t Coast raversDuring its last appearance Festival, called the state s people. West said he hopes
f~'~, to the Ba Area.
~F*a is t~ hold a~ event in Klickitat County, in largest renegade teehno to attract 1,50o this year.
Wahkiacus, the festival had music festival by the Seattle -- Greg Skinner
,,, ati°ners save " " "n need "
young gnri's Infen r-drowning
,~ ill~'~hy found the little girl face found she wasn't breathing. ., mp ~ rought a pump they used to
We sort of t g- , ...... ,, ~ •
~i~g, ~eSWimming pool, not " a teamed her to me suck the water out of the child s lungs
........ ~ .... ;a nwaras, wno lney cleared the pool, En~ards
'l~e-ra Enwards first thought side oI me puo~, ~,,,,~ E ~ .t.,~ *,;..1 .... 11,~.-1
i; are ray own kids?"was nearby when ,hrig tounu ~-~s ...... :,,:,~u. . . , .
~l¢~h.x~ay.U~.. Liz Ihrig called the She was about two and a,al~, erson thaitLn:PPt~n:~ts° tast. Its amazmg
~? ~tt~o~ee'Tah resort in Oregon " x~r~.~...~,oments anothe P " he girl. She was in the
~,~,uay to make sure. was"admini'stering CPR, then a pool right place at the right time."
~t~ ,,.'_'~ "- not the kind of excite-
t~. "a~lt Anyone would have done the same,"
_ Ihrig said.
~- on spring break," said
i~ alid E ~ ~ Ihrig said she saw images from the
incident in her mind for quite a while,
~[~]qale(~, awards, both from
]~"~rk~,~-aWards and Ihri's hus- Dave Enwards but they're not there so much any
% .~t the g more.
at PUD) we
Rah.N ' re with their first thought Ihrig and Enwards know that the
of adjacent homes and prop- Steve Johnston, a city
erty, said Goldendale Mayor councilman who lived in a
Mark Sigfrinius. Supporters mobile home from the age of
of the ban call that protecting 8 to ~8, voted in favor of the
home values; academics call city's ban after some amend-
those reasons NIMBY (not in ing back in 200o. But nowhe
my back yard) syndrome, believes "It is discriminating
Bellamy said the ban was to deter the option."
put in place to encourage site Johnston said the argu-
built homes. "It worked, it is ment back then was to clean
working," said Bellamy. "It's up the town -- that if you
about standards." went down a street with sin-
Washington, along with a gle-wides it looked like trash.
growing number of academics You can find just as many
and the Manufactured
Housing Association, say See TRAILERS, page 9
Photo by Sam Lowry
On Saturday, a group from the Artists' Guild and the Goldendale
Area Chamber of Commerce's town pride committee raced to
deliver plants and planters to Goldendale businesses that
[~y i ' requested them, but ran out of time. City councilman David
ee-Tah over spring was: ,,Where g rl s mother was at the pool that day, Rising (ABOVE, RIGHT) and Ken McKune unloaded planters at
but they didn t get the chance to talk The Movie Shop on So. Columbus Ave. They'll need help again
fig saw e.crowded swimming are my own with her. this Saturday, when they will distribute more half-cask planters,
I't~i~th,ll~:: cle~,.., the. At formfirst she°f a small_~ ldd~9,, --~
q "W~ter soil, bark dust, .flowers and miniature trees. Volunteers should
th°u~oht -- Sam Lowry call 773-5100 or 773-3400, or come to the comer of Columbus
r ~t ~,e. faking, or playin a_ and Main at 8 a.m.
~r up and