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MAY 13, 2004
"onal fund to
first schol
elegant idea -
school graduate
or Lakeview - or
day soon,
the thirteenth
187o, I, Joshua
in Goodnoe
ueath all my
the cash value
~as to constitute an get the princi-
fund for the pal together,
~ckitat County." you never
settler Brown, 133 touch it," as
months ago this Grabenhorst
$2ooo-odd dol- described the
invested at 3system. As a
Local historian Homer
Townsend found out about
Brown and discussed the old
pioneer's concept with
Goldendale School
Superintendent Ian
Grabenhorst. It happened that
Grabenhorst, when he worked
for the Fossil school district in
Oregon, had helped start just
such a fund -
two of them, in
"Once you
and Carl Conroy - then others,
decided to make it happen
here. The Goldendale
Educational Fund (GEF), with
Joshua Brown as its mascot,
was founded in 1995.
"For nine years we've been
planting seeds," said Miller.
The non-profit group's goal is
to create an irreducible fund of
Education fund meeting
The Goldendale Educational
Fund board of directors' annual
public meeting will be held on
Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Columbia River Bank
meeting room, 202 W. Main St.
$6 mil-
to fund
60 stu-
year. The
h a s
rod (compounded result, every
ay it would be Fossil High School graduate elected not to seek
today who wants to go to col- donations but to keep it per-
from that lege can do so at the fund's sonal, building the fund
c for one student's expense, through gifts and bequests,
more Joshua In Goldendale-sized towns, Miller said.
mean fivemore the math just works out: There is a long way to go, but
Goldendale Interest to pay every graduate's those seeds are beginning to
tuition grows from an attain- sprout.
bequest was able bankroll, just a few million Marcelle Montgomery, co-
~tads of time.dollars, founder of the Goldendale
though, resurfaced Grabenhorst and, at first, Senior Center and beloved to
and this time,two other local education- many local seniors, died in
get it. minded citizens - John Miller 2002, leaving GEF $22,500 in
gold and silver coins and cash.
Her will specified that interest
from the money go to a woman
pursuing an education degree
and planning to become a
Rather than wait until the
full $6 million was raised
before carrying out
Montgomery's wish, GEF's
board of directors decided to
create its first scholarship. This
year, $250 will go to a
Goldendale High School gradu-
ate seeking an education
The board sees it as a way of
raising awareness about the
fund. "Some people don't know
about it," said Miller. But of the
$6 million, he added, "It's just a
matter of time."
Miller, Grabenhorst, Conroy
and fellow board-members
Loft Anderson, Cheryl Woods,
and Nancy Johnson of
Columbia River Bank (the
fund's investment advisor)
have invited anyone with an
interest in the fund to attend its
annual public meeting on May
20 (see box). Questions can he
directed, said Miller, to any
board member, or to a person-
al accountant or attorney.
Photo by Dan Richardson
electronic sign made a temporary debut
in downtown Goldendale. The sign, or one
expected to soon replace the town's aging,
message sign at the corner of Columbus
.Main Street.
golf tourney for.
ip on Sunday
Golf Club Survivor contest at the club.
Its annual Lowell Unlike most days of golf,
, p Tourn- the Sunday tournament is
'Weekend. , designed to help more than
will be played one's handicap and blood-
at 9 a.m. pressure: The tournament
tee-off, raises money to provide at
Course pro Jody least one scholarship each
year for a graduating senior of
individual stroke Goldendale High School.
~25 entry fee Bellamy notes that those
who cannot play can still
the top lO donate to this worthy cause.
of the day corn-
annual Sole -- Staff Report
Community colleg
holarships available
Summer is approachingble. Money awarded can only
and with it comes the summer be applied to tuition. Money
class schedule at thefor books and fees must come
Columbia Gorge Community from elsewhere in the stu-
College (CGCC). dent's budget.
The Office of Student' Applications can be picked
Services is now accepting up from and should be hand
applications for the Summer delivered to the Student
Term Foundation Services office no later than
Scholarship. noon on May 27. When
Funds for this scholarshipreceived, the application will
come from the CGCC be reviewed for completeness
Foundation, whose fundtotal and an interview will be
varies from year to year and scheduled.
so does the overall amount Interviews are held with
awarded, two members of the CGCC
"We try to give to-as many board and Burger. The board
people some" assistance, said wants to know about an appli-
Pam Burger, scholarship cant!s future plans and what
coordinator. She said many kind of hobbies he enjoys.
applicants receive money to "This is not just a need based
cover at least one three-credit scholarship," said Burger,
class. Occasionally an excep- "It's also about potential and
tional student will get money motivation."
to cover all their tuition, said For information, call Pam
Burger. Burger at (541) 506-2248
Anyone planning to take
classes this summer is eligi- -StaffReport
Grown with love/
* Perennials • Annuals * Roses
• Bedding Plants
* Berries • Shrubs • Shade Trees
Directions to Dandy Valley
Go to Rlmrock Rd., Just east of the
truck scales on Hwy. 97. Go 1.5 miles
up Rimrock Rd. It's only 3 miles from
town & worth the short trip.
Ron & Virginia Falter
174 Rimrock Road * 509-773-3373
do stump grinding!
ErdmanFuneral Home
& Cremation Service
3oo W. Broadwa); Goldendale
Funeral Home we understand that
be just as difficult as losing
to say goodbye in
ways and we are
our families with any of those
can arrange for burial in the
Mt. View Cemetery of either
or cremated remains
we carry urns and caskets
designed for pets. We
also help design a
reflects your sentiments.
We are here to help•
"Erdman Funeral Home
and Cremation Service.
103 E. Main St. Goldendale WA 98620 (509) 773-5100
The Art Guild of Goldendale has opened The Golden
Art Gallery. We are a non-profit organization with
membership gro@ing eveFy day.
The goals of the Art Guild are:
1. To promote our local economy and help to
unite the community.
2. To develop community recognition and pride.
3. To develop tourism in the town of Goldenale.
4. To promote a location for local artists to show
and sell their artwork.
5. To promote all media, facilitate art communication,
encourage art education, and stimulate the com-
munity with exhibits and shows.
We are offering Patron Memberships!
Open donation for any amount .... Thank you!
[] Friends of the Guild $100/year ..... 5% purchase discount
Business Supporter $150/year. ...... 5% purchase discount
[] 14 Carat Gold Club $250/year. ..... 10% purchase discount
[] 18 Carat Gold club $500/year. ....... 15% purchase discount
[] 24 Carat Gold Club $1000 / year. .... 25% purchase discount
I wish to support the arts with a donation to
The Golden Art Guild!
Name Phone(__).
City. State Zip.
Contributed photo
The legendary James Brown, in concert at the
Legends Casino in Toppenish recently. Goldendale
freelance photographer Alex Hallak, who runs Express
Photo, snapped this shot.
302 E. Court St.
Phone: 509-773-6953 * Cell: 5o9-25o-II79
FG01dendale Dental Center"
Keep Your Natural Teeth For Life:
XVith today's technology and g(xxi home
care you should have your natural teeth
for life. Natural teeth allow you to eat and
speak properly and be socially acceptable.
Regular check-ups and exams can p~
vent unnecessary pain and loss of teeth,
which can result in Ix)or chewing ability;,
unsightly smiles, irritabilitT, missed school
and employment and creates ix)or per-
Dr. Fetch
Dr. Lyle Ferch, D.D.S.
Office: 617 E. Collins Drive, Goldendale • 773-5545
Hours: Mon. - Wed. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
, We welcome new patients! , j
brow offering pump service!
173 Cahill Road
Goldendale • WA
(509) 7734147
Read to ChiMren
Winner for April
Nikki Burns reading to Josie and Logan Quantrell. Photo by Cindy
Quantrell. The Quantrells won a gift certificate to Reno's Pizza.
Oeaalline for this month's entries is May 31.
Sentinel will choose a winner and run the photo
The Sentinel next month. The rules are simple:
Take a photo of someone you l~aow
reading to a child and send it in.
You may drop your entries off at The Sentinel,
117 W. Main Street, or email them to