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MAY 13, 2004 ¢
from the editor's
that Habitat for Humanity calls "sweat equity." To
that people for whom they're building housing help
project not (only) in dollars, but in their own labor.
is, with some hands-dirtying hard work a person can build
place to live.
works for towns, too.
guild and the Chamber of Commerce's volunteer com-
sweat equity into our community. Between the two
picked up garbage, planted flowers and, this weekend, set
planters downtown with flowers and miniature trees.
anything hugely complicated in all this, or years of com- A few months ago, neither of these volunteer groups
But they're here now, and the town's a better place for their
in it.
of sweat equity, one of the projects a city can do to beautify
ge and increase its quality of life is to cultivate a
(city and community) has done this somewhat in
with the World War II park and the swimming pool.
a matter of time, though, before someone realizes the Little
is an apple, so to speak, that would shine with a bit of pol-
, the creek flows by the pool through some empty land. To an
eye, that's just some sod, sprinklers and a couple of picnic
from being a crown jewel of a park.
D Dan Richardson
mess for mushroom hunters
this a fine mess?" I thought. "Just a few more and I'll have
makes mushroom hunting so different from other experi-
With mushrooms, the bigger the mess
for lunch and dinner -- and lunch The
day. Self control goes out the win- Back
comes to mush-rooms. I just keep FOI~
they're gone.
in the days when everyone hunted ¢2004 Roger Po,d
least it seemed that way. There was
at school who claimed his family found 300 morels the
Weekend. This made the rest of us jealous, of course, so we tried
s kid to tell us where he found them.
we'd say. "Those fingers will prob-ably straight-
know it."
) in the Midwest, where mushroom hunting was generally con-
a few acres of Woodlot. Imagine my surprise when I moved west
morels grow in the mountains around here.
of mushroom habitat, and some folks will even tell you
their morels!
insane to me. I still sneak into the woods, dodg-ing behind
my back-trail.
certain mystique to mushroom hunting no matter where you
look for certain types of vegetation, a particular slope, and
for mushrooms is almost always on a mild slope, a severe
flat spot. The sun is critical, too. I don't think I've ever found
in a spot where the sun is directly overhead all day.
is true of vegetation types. We always looked in the mayapple
a kid.
mayapples have anything to do with morels, except they
the same time in that part of the country. That's why it's
idea to look around the mayapples. If you don't see any
the morels aren't up yet.
paw-paw trees in those days. Again, this has little to
but a person who doesn't have any toilet paper is
for paw-paw trees.
my morels in the state of Washington. I've found a cer-
bush that seems to attract them.
what kind of bush this is -- if I hadn't grown up in Ohio.
hunter won't tell you anything.
knows that morels tend to appear in multiples: Two,
small area. It's always a good idea to
Carefully when a single mushroom is found.
suggest mushroom hunters get down on their knees to get
This won't help your vision, but a little prayer is
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School violence is community's. Let's make no toler- for petition signing. Anyone inter-
ance mean no tolerance. Let's pro- ested in assisting the Grange in
something we tect our children, obtaining signatures, should con-
should all address Roseann Gilbert tact me at 773-9122 or stop in at the
Goldendale Grange hall.
To the Editor: Lucille Bevis
Has anyone thought of what led Come sign The Oepu~, Washington State
up to the Columbine school mas- People's Choice Grange, Klickitat County
sacre? Right here in our own town
we have a principal and supefin- To the Editor: Abortion is about
tendent who took no action when a Since Governor Locke vetoed the life, not control
student yelled out, "I'm going to legislative bill regarding how the
kill someone!" and starting beating people vote in the Washington, the To the Editor"
another student on a school bus. Washington State Grange has filed I am writing in RE: Eric Olsen's
And a school bus driver who was with the Secretary of State, The letter that appeared in the May 6
more concerned with the student
People's Choice Initiative, 1-872. issue of The Sentinel. Those who
that did the beating rather than the This initiative will institute a support abortion on demand
student who was beaten, modified blanket primary system, including partial birth abortion
I watched the a video of the vio- in which voters will not be restrict- may not like the fact that President
lence and thought, Would it take ed to choosing among the candi- Bush signed the partial birth abor-
me visiting my son's grave to dates of only one party in a primary tion ban, but it needed to be done.
mak~ the people I trust my kids to election. Voters will also not be A partial birth abortion, other-
every day to take action?
Are we as a community willing to required '¢o declare party affiliation wise known as a D&X abortion, is a ~
when registering. The initiative gruesome procedure in which the
lose oar children to a senseless act? would implement a top-two system unborn child is delivered feet first
Or shoudl we insist that those peo- in which the two top vote-getters in and the back of the skull is punc-
ple we trust our kids to every day a primary election advance to the tured when the unborn child is just
take action when a violent act hap- general election regardless of party, inches away from birth. Yes, it
pens, not days lafter after a parent This system will be almost identi- needs to be outlawed!
says, "Hey, something is wrong eal to the blanket primary system Abortion is nothing but the con-
with this picture." which has been in place for nearly venient killing of innocent unborn
This principal and superintend- 70 years, children. It doesn't matter if it is
ent decided to treat a concerned Protect your fight to vote for any males or females standing in a
parent as if their concerns were not candidate and keep your name and photograph, believe me females
necessary, because they had made voting record private from political including my own morn and the
their decision and we're not to ask parties by signing the 1-872 peti- bulk of my female relatives, stand
why. tions, behind the decision. It is not about
There is a school board meeting All Grangers have petitions and bodies, it's about human life. The
on May ~7 at 7:30 p.m. I will be the Goldendale Grange, E. Darland entire reversal of Roe versus Wade
there. Will you? Street, will be open on Thursday, is 30 years overdue!
Violence in our schools is not May 13, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and darrodSwearingen
one person's concern, but an entire Tuesday, May 17, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Goldendale
A letter from Iraq: Don't give up on our mission
Editor's Note: This guest col-They are betting on our per-
umn is a letter that a US Marine cieved weakness as a thoughtful, Guest Column
lieutenant recently sent to the Joint considerate people. Unfortunately 1st. Lt. Robert L. Nofsinger
Chiefs of Staff. It has been slightly our media only serves to further Ramadi, Iraq
edited to fit the available space, their cause.
In an industry that feeds on rat-
It seems that despite the tremen- ings and bad news, a failure in Iraq support can only be brought to Iraq
dous and heroic efforts of the men would be a goldmine. When through the military. And we are
and women serving here in Iraq to American media takes a quote from doing it, if only the world wilA let us!
bring much needed peace and stabil- an Iraqi doctor as the gospel truth If the American people believe we
ity to this region, we are losing the over that of the men and women that are failing, even if we are not, then
war of perception with the media are daily fighting to protect the right we will ultimately fail. That is why I
and American people, to freedom of press, you know some- am asking for your support. Don't
Our enemy has learned that the thing is wrong. That doctor claimed buy into the pessimism and apathy
key to defeating the mighty that out of 600 Iraqis, that were that says, "It's hopeless," "rhey hate
American military is by swaying casualties of the fighting, the vast us too much," '~rhat part ofthe world
public opinion at home and abroad, majority of them were women, ehil- is just too messed up," "It's our fault
We are a people that cherish the dren and the elderly, anyway," "We're to blame," and so
democratic system of government In the history of man, no one has forth.
and therefore hold the will of the spent more time and effort, often to Whether you're in middle school,
people in the highest regard. We the detriment of our own mission, to working at a 9-5 job, retired, or a
love to criticize ourselves almost to be more discriminent in our target- stay-at-home morn you can make a
an endless degree, because we care ing of the enemy than the American huge difference! There is nothing
what others think. Our enemies see military. The Marines and soldiers more powerful than the truth.
this as a weakness and are trying to serving in Iraq have gone through When you watch the news and see
exploit it. extensive training in order to limit doomsday predictions on our efforts
When we ask ourselves questions the amount of innocent casualties over here, you can refute them by
like, "Why do they hate us?" or and collateral damage, knowing that we are doing tremen-
"What did we do wrong?" we are Yet, despite all of this, our media dous good. Spread the word. No
playing into our enemies' hands. Our consistently sides with those who one is poised to make such an amaz-
natural tendency to question our- openly lie and directly challenge the ing contribution to the everydaylives
selves is being used against us to honor of our brave heroes fighting of Iraqis and the rest of the Arab
undermine our effort to do good in for liberty and peace, world than the American armed
the world. What we have to remember is that forces. By making this a place where
How far would we have gotten if peace is not defined as an absence of liberty can finally grow, we are mak-
after the surprise attacks at Pearl war. It is the presence of liberty, sta- ing the whole world safer. Your
Harbor, we would have asked, "why bility, and prosperity. In the face of efforts at home are directly tied to
do the Japanese hate us so much?" the horrendous tyranny of the for- our success. You are the soldiers at
or "How can we change ourselves so mer Iraqi regime, the only way true home fighting the war of perception.
that they won't do that again?" peace was able to come to this region So I'm asking you as a fellow fight-
Here in Iraq the enemy is trying was through force. That is what the ing man: Do your duty. Stop the
very hard to portray our efforts as American Revolution was all about, attempts of the enemy wherever you
failing and fruitless. They kill inno- Have we forgotten? are. You are a mighty force for good,
cents and desecrate their bodies in Freedom is not free and peace because truth is on your side.
hopes that the people back home will without principle is not peace. The God Bless and Semper Fidelis.
lose the will to fight for liberty, peace that so-called peace advocates