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May 13, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Goldendale schools' jazz ensembles
play at Reno's Pizza, 6 p.m.
Volunteers needed - Goldendale
Artists' Guild and the Goldendale Area
Chamber of Commerce's town pride commit-
tee will hold a second work party, distribut-
ing half-barrels to local businesses and filling
them with plants, 8 a.m.
Regular potluck meeting of Widowed
Persons' Service, x p.m. at the Columbus
Avenue Baptist Church. for more informa-
tion, call 773-5856.
Infant CPR, free for any parent or family
member, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the conference
room at Klickitat Valley Hospital. For more
information, call 773-4022, ext. 119.
Return to Romania -- a slide show pre-
sented by Dr. Jim Ogden, 7 p.m. at the
Goldendale Community Library.
Community meeting -- STOP (Services-
Training-Officers-Prosecutors), a program to
increase the safety of women and make the
criminal justice system work more effectively
for them, will be held at 5:30 p.m. at
Goldendale City Hall. For more information,
call Programs for Peaceful Living, at 773-
61oo, or the Goldendale City Police, at 773-
Jaycees bingo, 7 p.m. at the new
American Legion building, corner of Grant
and Broadway streets.
Questions for Congressman Doc
Hastings? A member of Hastings' staff will
be at Goldendale City Hall, lzo3 S. Columbus,
from lO a.m. to noon.
Goldendale Educational Fund annual
meeting, appointment of directors, and elec-
tion of officers, 6:30 p.m. at the Columbia
River Bank. The public is invited.
Jaycees yard sale, S a.m. at the new
American Legion building, corner of Grant
and Broadway streets
Photo b
The grounds of the Wishram School glow this time of year with colorful
and green lawns. That's thanks to the 60 or so students who, together with
of ESD 112 Americorps volunteers, spent time this spring and last diggin(
ing, and tending beds on every side of the school. In the sunshine Friday,
sixth graders laid railroad-tie terraces (which doubled as a math project) in
flower garden. Third and fourth graders including (ABOVE, LEFT TO
Darnell Luke, Austin LaFrenz, James Gladish and Paige Shields worked on
terfly garden - extra colorful to attract the beautiful insects. High
to boom-box tunes beneath Wishram's high cliffs. Leading the
Assistant Principal Paul Pickette, were Title One teacher Joan Chantler
school's 2004 Americorps reading teacher, Sondra Storm.
JUDGE BRIAN ALTMAN Poss. of Marijuana/Poss. of Drug own arty w/I 2 wks., no contact order Daniel Ernest Cavazos: DUI (1/1/02); jail/245 susp., each count; concurrent jail 2 yr. bench prob., NSV.
MARCH t7 Paraphernalia (3/16/04); not guilty plea, w/victim, civil standby to get personal complied w/treatment, removed from time; 5 yr. prob., 2 yr. active/3 yr. bench, Randy Calvin Upton:
Lila Mae Jack: Driving While CAA, bail $1,000. property, $1,500 bail set. active probation, placed on bench prob. EHM completion; 4 yr. lic. revocation, 1 (12/4/02); 3 probation
Suspended 3 (3/6/04); not guilty plea, Lowell Prevo Miller: DUI/DWLS2 Tyson Adam Higgins: Carrying for remaining 3 yrs. yr. liD when license reinstated, $50/mo. committed; 30 da
CAA. (5/18/01) probation violation warrant; Weapon Without Permit (2/26/04); 24 Virginia Lee Effinger: DV Assault time pay, community service or collec- jail-count 2; 20 days
Nohe Mendoza: Viol. Special Fuel denial entered on probation violation, me. stipulated order of continuance filed, 4/DV Harassment (11/4/03); Change of tion. utive jail, credit 15 daYS
Trip Permit (3/10/04); not guilty plea, def. CAA; Poss. of Marijuana/Poss. of Drug $100 court costs, $250 city inv. fund, 24 plea to guilty to Assault 4 (DV, no Victor Howard Miller: Make False Assault 4 (8/14/02); 3
sworn in, found indigent, CAA. Paraphernalia (5/18/01) probation viola- me. bench prob., NSV. fines/fees, 365 days jai1/275 susp., cred- Statement to Public Servant (9/26/03); tions found committed;
Mitchell Craig Pizer: Harassment tion warrant; denial entered on probation Augustin Luna Salazar: Assault 4 it 90 days served, no firearms allowed, change of plea to guilty, fined count 1; 20 days
(3/1/04); not guilty plea, def. sworn in, violation, CAA. (2/14/04); $2,500 bail set, placed into No Contact Order remains in effect; $1,000/$500 susp., $200 drug fund, jail-count 3; consecutive
found indigent, no contact w/victim or Jason Oliver Nunn: DV Assault 4-2 custody, remain on pre-tdal monitoring. Count 2 Harassment (DV) dismissed per $150 CAA fees, 90 days/89 susp., 2 yr. days served
witnesses as per city motion, CAA. counts (3/15/04); not guilty plea, hire Raymond Paul Mathews Jr.: Make plea negotiation, bench prob., NSV. Kristen Ashlie Wendy C
Stedin Jaque Wahchumwah: Litter own atty., NCO entered, $2,500 bail. False Statement to Public Servant Gary M. Fievez: No Valid Oper. Larry J. Quain: DUI/Dnving While 4 (3/9/04)in custody;
Over 1 Cu. Yd., Uninc. Area (8/1/03); not MARCH 22 (12/13/02); def. failed to appear, $1,000 License we ID (12/14/03); $250 bail for- Suspended 3 (1/27/04); def. failed to guilty, fined $1,000/$750
guilty plea, def. sworn in, found indigent, Willard Cloud Jr.: Driving While warrant, feiture to NVOL (Criminal). appear, $2,500 warrant.CAA fees, 365 days
CAA. Suspended 3 (1/3/04); change of plea to Daniel Knstopher Phillips: Protection Gary James Foss: Driving While Richard Ralph Roberts: Driving While bench prob., NSV.;
Lance Gordon Wingert: Ddving While guilty, fined $1,000/$1,000 susp., $100 Order Violation (10/21/03); change of Suspended 3 (12/30/03); Def. failed to Suspended 3 (12/19/03); change of plea add to current time pay;
Suspended 3 (2/23/04); not guilty plea, CAA fees, $102 TPC; 90 days/30 susp., plea, fined $1,000/$900 susp., pay $50 appear, $1,000 warrant,to guilty; fined $1,000/$750 susp., $65 probation violatior
def. sworn in, found indigent, CAA. cr. 60; 2 yr. bench prob., NSV; $25/mo. court costs, $250 city inv. fund., $100 Joseph John Lotion: Assault 4 CAA fees, $102 TPC, 90 days susp. jail, days jail, concurrent jail
Mitchell Craig Pizer: Harassment; not time pay. CAA fees; 90 days jail/80 susp.; 2 yr. (10/20/02); $500 bail forfeiture to
guilty plea, def. sworn in, found indigent, Vince Arthur Crowe: DWLS 1/Escape bench prob., NSV; No Contact Order amended charge of Disorderly Conduct.
city's request for no contact w/victims 3 (9119101); change of plea to guilty to remains in effect. David Damon McConville: Driving
and witnesses granted as conditions of Escape 3; fined $5,000/$4,000 susp., Michael James Wahchumwah: DV While Suspended 3 (5/19/03); in cus- MOB~I~ .=.,~~J.LJ
release, CAA. $100 CAAfees; 365 days/185 susp., cr. Assault 4 (12/11/03); change of plea to tody, dismissed per state motion pur- i AFFORDABLE DEN'
Lisa Rae Parsons vs. Jacob time served, 2 yr. bench prob., NSV; guilty, fined $5,000/$5,000; pay $50 suant to plea negotiation;DV Assault 4
Sabourin: Harassment(3/2/04); orderfor concurrent jail-time, court costs, $100 city inv. fund, $180 (5/19/03); change of plea to guilty to June Is' - 4" at Goldendale Head
protection from unlawful harassment Jason Lee Johnson: Assault 4 CAAfees; 365 days/360 susp., credit for amended charge of Assault 4; fined 920 Schuster Avenue. ,., ',
granted for one year. (5/29/03); formal PV heanng, $5,000 bail days served; ordered attend Victim $5,000/$4,700 susp., pay $100 CAA .....
Alex Welkins Looney: Poss. of set; has completed anger mgt., continue Impact Panel (DV); Self-help support fees, 365 days jail/340 susp., 24 mo. * Exams • X-Rays • Sealants •
Manjuana/Poss. of Drug Paraphemalia on pre-tnal monitoring,.group, complete sobriety; 5 yr. probation, bench prob., NSV; No Contact Order °Treatments ° Fillings , Extractit
~!03)',' fines to collection, PV denial, Scott Anthony Marlow: Assault.. 4 # yr,, tdveB ?¢~ be~ obtain DV,'p~' extinguished, $25/m0.; time pay. ~. ,,,.,* Dentures (Please inquJre ~er .more in]
pre-tnal monitoring, CAA; Obstruct Law (10/27/02); Def. PR'd w/conclitlonS of petrator evaluation and is attending Phillip William Merrifield: DUI~ " To make an appointment, please
ENorcement Officer (4/3/02); fines to paying at the rate of $50/mo. if working treatment; No Contact Order extin- (8/2/03); dismissed; def. dismissed.
collection; Minor Poss. and/or or work straight through on work crew, guished; DV quarterly review headngs Lowell Prevo Miller: DUI/DWLS ~~=~ 866-503-3337
total $580. ordered. (5/18/01); def. admits PV allegation, PV
Consumption (4/29/02); fines to collec-
tion; Minor Intoxicated in Public MARCH23
Place/Make False Statement to Public Martin Andrew Taylor: DV Assault 4
Servant (1/25/03); denial on PV entered, (3/22/04); not guilty plea, city amended
CAA, $10,000 bail, pre-trial monitoring; charge to two counts Assault 4 DV; hire
APRIL =oo4
Susan Jepson vs. Anil
Elizabeth Nystrom vs.
Charles Nystrom.
Dustin Spies vs. Serena
Nakia Yeager vs. Tracy
Tania Keith vs. Jeffery
Jeannie Cummings vs.
Dennis Cummings.
Lee Eikanas vs. Patricia
Ben VanLaar vs. Carolee
Veda Thiel vs. Douglas
Susan Svensson vs.
Patrick Scallon.
Sonja Christensen vs.
Gary Christensen.
Lowell Smith vs. Joann
Urgent news for people who have used
High 69, Low 35
High 71, LoW 37
Reach your customers
with one call.
Few Showers
High 71, Low 41
Few Showers
High 71, Low 41
Mostly Sunny
High 72, Low 41
High 72, Low 4z
~urt~y of The W.~ather Channel
a[ www.weatneLeom
Terry Lee Arthur: DUI (12119/00);
denial entered to PV allegation; CAA;
formal PV heanng set.
Leo Lee Bums: DWLS 3 (3/1/02);
motion to refund bail denied; bail poster
to bdng verification of def's incarceration
to court for reconsideration of motion.
found committed, deferred prosecution
revoked, fine $2,778 count 1; $250 cunt
2, pay $130 CAA fees; 90 days/0 SUSlL
each count; Poss. of Marijuana/Poss. of
Drug Paraphernalia (5/18/01); commit-
ted, fined $1,000/$750 susp., each
count, pay $250 drug fund; 365 days
B - Breakfast roll fruit, TUESDAY, MAY 18
milk. B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit,
L - (primary) French toast, milk.
ham, hash brown, fruit, milk. L - (primary) Soup and
(middle) Enchiladas, corn, sandwich, veggies, pears,
salad, pears, milk. cobbler, milk. (middle)
FRIDAY, MAY 14 Chicken fried steak, mashed
! :i
B -Oatmeal, juice, toast, potatoes with gravy, green
milk. beans, orange wedge, milk:
L - Chicken burger, french WEDNESDAY, MAY 19
fries, orange wedge, cookie, B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit,
milk. milk.
MONDAY, MAY 17 L - (primary) Pizza, green
B - French toast, fruit, beans, veggies, bread,
milk. pineapple, milk. (middle)
L - Chili cheese nachos, Corn dog or potato bar, veg-
salad, breadsticks, apple- gies, bread, peaches, milk.
U.S. Cellular.
is your direct connection to
U.S. Cettutar participates in the Federat Universal Service Fund
by offering specia[ tow rates on wire[ess ptans to quatified
and Native American individuaLs. To find out if you qualify for the
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Scientists reporl that elevated mwMlanel~ exposure from
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ehallm, dimotted facial e:~pre~ton, 1o~ of equlllbtqum,
decreased hand a~[lllW, ~ w~, Joint I~m, loss
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mu~ies and tremor. If you have exl)erielwed any of these
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to evaluate your potential dahn. We practice law
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* • , .
I ~, (.OLI)BEI~[G & OSBORNE ~ The Postal Service invites parties interested
I :~/ I -8(~9-TilE-EA(;LE ~ lease/sell land OR lease an existing buildi
I : '~ ~"~..":;,LL'k ( I -a00-843-:1245) ~ I
.......... ww.IaOOtheea~le.(:oln ~l~U~',lp"- I Main Post Office within the community c
The preferred boundary area is within 1/4 mile of
Post Office in Bickleton, WA.
The site desired is from 15,000 to 18,000 sq. ft.
offer an existing building with a minimum
square feet on a minimum site size of 15,000 s(
be 20 years with two 5-year renewal optior
space in its "as-is" condition. Existin[~ buildin~
Federal Handicapped Accessibility Standards
pancy or be capable of being modified to meet
Reach 1.5 million Washington newspaper must own or control the site and must state the
readers for as low as $995 per adl One The Goldendale Sentinel posal is submitted by an agent for the owne,
phone call reaches up to 74 markets with 117 W. Main, agent's exclusive authority to sell the subie(t
incredibly low rates, Ask for free quote Goldendale WA 98620 accompany the proposal. Subject property rn'us t 1
4tO | On "2X2 Special/" (509) 773-3777 100-year flood plain. The owner shall be respor si
• necessary to obtain zoning prior to purch ase, h
Member of W~ New~ Po~sh~sAr~atlon Postal Service. The Postal Service reserves the ri
with any and all respondents.
8:35 a.m. to 9 a.m., Mondays through Wednesdays
Talk show suggestions? Comments? klck(~gorge, net
May 13 & 14 Hotline! Call 773-3300
May 17: Goldendale Area Chamber of Commerce
May 18: WSU Extension Office, Learning Center & 4-H
May 19: Tractor Club
Solicitation packages can be obtained at the
Main Post Office
For additional information, call or write:
John C. Waiters, Project Manager
United States Postal Service, Western Facilities
8055 E. Tufts Ave, Suite 400, Denver,
Telephone (303) 220-6526
Offers mailed or hand delivered must be recel~
address above before 4:00 p.m. May 20,