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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 17, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 17, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON MAY 17,2017 --7 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KLICKITAT JUVENILE DIVISION NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WASHING- TON TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN And TO: Unknown Biological Father and/or anyone else claiming a paternal interest in SAVAN- NAH LEE, dob 03/15/17, dependency petition #17-7- 00013-6 filed 03/17/17 (nat- ural mother Sequoya Raine Cook). A Dependency Petition was filed; A Fact Finding hearing will be held on this matter on: June 13, 2017 at 10:00 a•m. at Klickitat County Supe- rior Court, Juvenile Division, 205 South Columbus, Gol- dendale, WA 98620• YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13•34•030(6). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE• To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at (509) 773-7475. To view information about your rights in this proceeding, go to www.atg:wa•gov/DPY. aspx. DATED this 18th day of April, 2017• Renea Campbell, Klickitat County Clerk By: Michelle Kartes Deputy Clerk (1902,2001,2101 ) SMALL WORKS RO~ER RCW 39.04 !5~,~ > pr£y~ps that school districts est~l~sh a SMALL WORKS ROSTER of Qualified Contractors who wish to receive bidding infor- mation and be considered for performing work on pub- lic works projects, estimated to cost less than $300,000. Applications are now being received by the Centerville School District No• 215 Pur- chasing Dep~i~'tment, 2315 Centerville Hwy, Centerville, WA 98613 for contractors who wish to be placed on the District's Small Works Roster for 2016-2017. In order to qualify, the follow- ing requirements must be met: Registered contractor in the State of Washington. Be able to provide Payment and Performance Bonds. Pay Prevailing Wage Rates. Comply with federal, state and local laws regarding non-discrimination and af- firmative action. Interested contractors may contact the Purchasing De- partment at (509)773-4893 for an application form. (1905,2002) CALL FOR BIDS Centerville School District Exterior Brick Restoration Project Centerville School Centerville School District #215 is accepting bids to complete an Exterior Brick Restoration project. All bid- ders must submit application to be part of the District's Small Works Roster pursu- ant to RCW 39.04.155. Pro- ject details and Small Works Roster applications can be obtained by contacting the district office at 509-773- 4893 or email; rose@center- Dr. Mark Mansell Superintendent of Schools Centerville School District #215 dale, Washington (1907,2004) PUBLIC NOTICE KPUD BOARD OF COM- MISSIONERS WATER & SEWER RATE HEARING May 23, 2017 3:00pro Included on the May 23, 2017 agenda of the regular meeting of the Klickitat PUD Board of Commissioners will be discussion on proposed revisions to the Water and/ or Sewer Rates for the sys- tems owned and/or oper- ated by KPUD as follows: Lyle, Glenwood, Rimrock, Ponderosa Park, Wishram, Bickleton, Roosevelt, Klicki- tat and Cliffs• Public comments and dis- cussion will be heard begin- ning at 3:00pm in the Board Room at the Goldendale of- rice of KPUD located at 1313 South Columbus, Golden- dale, Washington. If you have any questions or would like further informa- tion, please contact Kathy Loveland, Executive Assis- tant at 509/773-7606; 800- 548-8357, or kloveland@ klickpud•com (1908,2005) (1906,2003) KLICKITAT COUNTY FAIR BOX SEAT BID NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Klickitat County Fair KPUD Commissioners' Joint Board is accepting bids for Session box seats in the grandstands The Klickitat PUD Commis- for the 2017 Fair & Rodeo• sioners will be attending a Each box will be furnished joint work session with the with six (6) chairs and require Klickitat Board of County a minimum bid of~$75:09• Commissioners'on- Please note that the lay0'ut Date: Tuesday, May 23, changed from last year. B0x 2017 Number' 17 will be offered up "nine: 11:00am first to the grand marshal's Location: Klickitat County family and will be offered to Commissioners' Chambers the public if the family elects 205 S. Columbus, Golden not to purchase. Prospective bidders can contact Dan- ielle Olsen at either (509) 261-1422 or Treasurer@ to re- quest a box seat map. Maps will also be available on the Website (www•klickitatcoun-• Written sealed bids (only 1 box seat per household will be awarded) are to be mailed to Klickitat County Fair, c/o BOX SEAT BID, P.O. Box 223, Golden- dale, WA 98620. Bids must be postmarked no later than June 13, 2017. Bids will be opened and awarded at the regular June Fair Board meeting, Tuesday, June 20, 2017, held at the Klickitat County Fairgrounds at 7:00 p.m. (1910,2006,2102,2201 ) Beginning of Review Notice Certificate of Need Applica- tion Description of Proposal: Ap- plication to establish a Medi- care and Medicaid certified hospice agency in Klickitat County Estimated Cost: $0.00 Applicant: Inspiring Hospice Partners of Oregon dba Heart of Hospice Public Hearing: No pub- lic hearing will be held un- less requested. To request a hearing, the request must be in writing and include the name, address, and signa- ture of the person making the~. requesL Deadline for requesting a hearing is 5:00 p,m. on Thursday, ~June 1, 2017. Faxed requests will not be accepted. If a public hearing is sched- uled, the hearing notice will be published in the Gold- endale Sentinel at least 15 days before the date of the hearing• com. Reference 20916 Public Comment Period: if (2009) no public hearing is held, the IN THE SUPERIOR CON Program must receive COURT OF THE STATE OF written comments by 5:00 WASHINGTON pm, Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Faxed comments will IN AND FOR THE COUNTY not be accepted. OF SNOHOMISH Send public hearing request JUVENILE COURT or written comments to: SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- Mailing Address Department TION of Health Certificate of Need TERMINATION Program Mail Stop 47852 THE STATE OF WASHING- Olympia, WA98504-7852 TON, TO WHOM IT MAY Physical Address Depart- CONCERN, ANDTO: ment of Health Certificate Terrance George, Alleged of Need Program111 Israel Father of Jacob Thunder Road SE Tumwater, WA Shopbell, b.d• 11117/09, 98501Anticipated Decision Termination Petition 17-7- Date: August 21, 2017 00261-31 filed on March 15, If you have any questions 2017. or would like additional in- formation, please call Peter Unknown' Biological Father Agabi with the CON Pro- of Jacob Thunder Shopbell, gram at (360) 236-2959. b.d. 11117/09, Termination For additional information Petition 17-7-00261-31 filed or details, log into the CON on March 15, 2017. website: A Termination Hearing will hsqa/FSL/certneed/, be held on Monday, July (2007)17, 2017, at 9:00 a•m. at Snohomish County Juvenile PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Justice Center, 2801 10th Klickitat County Public Eco- Street, Everett, Washington nomic Development Author- 98201. ity Board You are notified that a peti- The Klickitat County Pub- tion has been filed in this lic Economic Development matter requesting that your Authority Board will meet at 6:00 P.M• on May 23rd at the parental rights to the above- Klickitat County Courthouse named child be terminated. Commissioner's Chambers, You have important legal 205 South Columbus Ave- rights and you must take nue Room 101, Goldendale, steps to protect your inter- WA ests. This petition could Director: David McClure result in permanent loss of (509) 773-2481. your parental rights. THE (2008)ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDU- ALS ARE SUMMONED TO PUBLIC NOTICE APPEAR at said hearing AT&T Mobility proposes to regarding your child. If you collocate a 3-foot diameter fail to appear at the hearing, microwave dish antenna on the court may take evidence the roof the Lyle Secondary against you, make findings School gymnasium at 625 Keasey Ave in Lyle, WA• AT&T invites comments on the impact of the proposed undertaking on properties listed or' determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Please respond within 30 days of this notice to: Adam Escalona, Adapt Engineer- ing, 615- 8th Ave. S•, Se- attle, WA 98104. 206-654- 7045, adamee@adaptengr. of fact, and order that your parental rights be terminated without further notice to you. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Ter- mination Petition, and/or to view information about your rights in this proceeding, go to www•atg• SONYA KRASKI, Clerk of the Superior Court; DEBBIE J HORNER, Deputy Clerk (2010,2103,2202) CLASSIFI Announcements Instruction Financial Announcements & Notices LOOKING FOR A VENUE FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR EVENTS IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE? The Underwood Community Center and Park is just 5 minutes from the Hood River Bridge in Underwood, Washington. The historic Underwood School gymnasium building is located on Schoolhouse Road in Underwood. The facility offers the gym with a stage, mstrooms, and a separate meeting room with kitchen. For outdoor events, you'll find a covered picnic area with barbecue, playground, tennis court, horseshoe pits, basketball court, baseball/soccer field, gazebo and horse arena. The facility is handicap accessible with ample parking. For information on renting visit the website: underwoodcommunlty .org. Additional Info: 509-972-6400/ THE CASCADIA DIRT CUP will return to Hood River May 20th to host the 2017 Post Canyon Enduro. The Cascadia Dirt Cup is an enduro mountain bike race series and donates proceeds to local trail groups. The Post Canyon Enduro proceeds will go to Hood River Area Trail Stewards. FOUND: Large, black, long haired cat. Methodist Road. 541-386-6035 leave mes- sage. LOST: PRESCRIPTION Glasses in Walmart park- ing lot Wednesday after- noon on 5110117. In a black, nylon, sock-like soft case. $50 reward. 541- 374-8305. GOLDENDALE PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER Free pregnancy self-tests, pregnancy and parenting education and supplies, post-abortion support. Center Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 a.m,- 3:30 p.m. Tuesday noon - 5:00 p,m. 120 W. Allyn, 509-773- 5501. MID COLUMBIA Model Railroaders. HO scale. Call for meeting times and location. 541-420-0369 Support Groups AA MEETINGS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS: 12 Noon, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 240 NW Washington Street, White Salmon, WA THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. SUNDAYS: 8 p.m. Umpqua Bank, 73 NE Estes Avenue, White Salmon, WA Come join us for meetings- CAM-ANON MEETING Alcoholics Anon. Golden- Family & Friends dale meetings at the United Support Group Methodist Church; Mon., 8 St. Mark's Episcopal Church p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8 11th & Eugene, Hood p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1- River 800-344-2666. Mondays 6:30pm,7:30pm DO YOU HAVE GRIEF and Loss Group HURTS, meets monthly at Klickitat habits, hang-ups?Valley Hospital. Come and Attend Celebrate Recovery learn ways to heal and help a faith-based 12 step others heal from loss. program, every Tuesday Sponsored by Klickitat Val- night at Hood River Alliance ley Hospice. Call 773-0380 Church at 2650 W• Montello for further information. (off Rand Rd). NA Meetings every Dinner provided at 6:15 pm Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at and large group meeting the Casa Guadalupe at 7:00 pro, House, 1603 Belmont, Childcare is provided, Hood River, OR. For more info. call 541-436-0852 NA MEETINGS Goldendale FAMILY Alzheimer's/De- Father's House Fellowship mentia Support Group: 207 S. Klickitat family members and Monday: 6-7pro friends caring for indMdu- Wednesday: 6-7pro als with Alzheimer's dis- Friday: 6-7pro ease or a related dementia Open to non-addicts. are invited to participate in For more info, our Dementia Support-call Kathy S.@ 360-850- Group. Come and gain 8832or Matt S. @ 360-850-9840. support and insight from others who are going thru NAMPOregon or have gone thru this jour- National Alliance on ney. Join us monthly in a Mental Illness caring environment to dis- cuss your challenges and NAMI is the largest questions. Meeting held the education, support and third Wednesday, every advocacy organization on month, at 3:00 pm at Flag- mental health in the nation. Stone Senior Living at 3325 The Mission of NAMI AL ANON FAMILY GROUPS Columbia View Drive. For Oregon is to improve the (support for family and more information about our quality of life of persons friends of alcoholics) group, contact Karen Wil- with mental illness and of meets Mondays at noon son at 541-298-5656, All their families through New location: Welcome! support, education and Riverside advocacy, Community Church Family Caregiver 317 State St. Thp Dalles. Ruth Wells Room Support Group 1st Thursday of every month from 6 to 7:30 pm Tuesdays at 7pro Are you caring for a at One Community Health St. Mark's parent, Center, 1040 Webber 11th & Eugene spouse, or adult child? Street. Hood River Who is caring for you? AL-ANON FAMILY Hood River. GROUP This peer support group 4th Saturday of every For family & friends of will help you learn about month from 10 to 11:30 am alcoholics, caregiving, how it impacts at Hood River Public Every Thursday from you, and how to cope with Library, 502 State St. 6-7pm, at the United the challenges of caring for MethddistChurch, 109E. " another adult. Working to establish a Broadway, Goldendale. NAMI Oregon affiliate in the 3rd Thursday of the month Gorge. We welcome you to ALCOHOLICS 10:30am - 12:00noon join us for education and to ANONYMOUS Hood River Adult Center share your thoughts and 24 Hour Hot Line 2010 Sterling Place ideas. 1-800-999-9210 Hood River Mid Columbia Mtg. Info Any local questions call www.district14- Call 541-387-6404 or email 541-340-9431, anna.williams3@providen NAMI Oregon Support to learn more. Line: 800-343-6264 NARCOTICS MENTORS ANONYMOUS Big Brothers Big Sisters of meeting-Tuesdays & the Columbia Gorge, a pro- Thursdays, from 7-8pm at gram of The Next Door, is Father's House Fellow- looking for volunteer ship, mentorsl Youth in the pro- 207 S. Klickitat. gram come from every OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS community in Hood River, Meets every TuesdayKlickitat, and Wasco 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Counties. These youth are Immanuel Lutheran between the ages of 6 and Church 14 and would benefit from 9th & State St. (305 9th) having a consistent, posi- Hood River, OR. Live adult role model. If you Contact Liz 541-386-7160 would enjoy spending PARKINSON'S Supportabout 8 hours a month be- Group: 1st Wednesday of ing a friend to a child, you every month, 2pm @ Wa- can be a mentor! For more ter's Edge, 551 Lone Pine information contact Kateel Blvd., 2nd floor. For more in Wasco County at information, please contact (541)399-0259 or Emily in Chad @ 541-340-0142. Hood River and Klickitat Counties at (541)490- Providence Hospice 9979. of the Gorge Children and Teens Grief MARKETPLACE Groups ........ for families that have experienced the death of a parent or sibling. First and Third Thursdays 6-7 PM in Hood River. 10" SEARS Craftsman Pizza dinner and gas cards radial arm saw, on lock- provided, able, wheel stand, in great Contact Colleen Ballinger condition. $150 OBO 541-296-3228 to register, 541-296-5255. RECOVERING COUPLES2014 Ford E-series metal ANONYMOUS bracket seat bases for the Meets 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10 am. front passenger and driver 216 Cascade St. Ste. 26 side seats, $100. Contact Hood River Jeremy 541-645-0059 SOARING EAGLES 30" DIRT Scoop Reversible Daily Support Groups for 3 point hitch, 1/3 yard, Money Management: 6pm $425 cash. 541-352-3523. Alcohol: 7pm 34 BOOK SET on Home Abortion: 8pro Repair & Improvement by Narcotics: 9pro. Timelife pub. 1980. In good 323 W. Darland, Golden- condition $100. Call 509- dale. Bring your own beverage. 261-1941. "I-.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds 4 studded snow tires, on Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. rims, almost new, at Riverview Comm. Bank. 175/65R/14 $200. OBO 509-773-5301. 541-993-8807 T.O.ES. (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank, 773-5411. ALL WEATHER Subaru Outback rubber cargo mat. Heavy-duty to protect area from mud and rain; makes cleaning an ease. Fits Out- back from 2010-2016. Used, excellent condition. $25 971-217-0521 Board Member ANDERSON window, 3' x For Columbia Gorge 6'. Excellent condition Education Service Dis- $100. Call 509-773-1990. trict - Zone 2. CGESD serves the school dis- ANTIQUE Sofa & Chair. Art tricts in Wasco and deco style. Usable but Hood River Counties. needs to be recovered. Must reside in Wasco $350. 541-806-1626. County voting precincts APARTMENT size electric 1, 5, or 7. Obtain more information at: range, almond color with stainless steel top, excel- or call 541-298-5155. lent condition, $245. 541- 806-1626 ARMOIRE, pine, 4 doors, 1 drawer, from Pottery Barn, like new, originally $1800, sell for $495. 541-806- 4238. Text for pictures. LUMBER 75 pieces, about 1 truck load, plywood + Tri Ply + particle board, 5 full sheets, $20. 541-993-6127 The Dalles. LOVEsEATS, two, nearly new, deep red. $150 each or both for $200. 509-531-4514 BRAND new Graco paint MAYTAG Washer. At least sprayer with roller wand, 20 years old, but works used once. Paid $800. will fine. $50. 541-806-6283. sell for $400. 541-993- MEN'S Schwinn 28" OR2 7881 street bike in mint condi- BUCKETS full of hardened tion, mirror & flasher, $275. cement with augers in- Like new. 541-'980-4154. stalled, (9), $50/all obo. MOTOR for1996 Acura ln- 541-490-8075 tegra, 4 cyl. not V-Tech, CHRISTMAS VILLAGE, 13 139K miles, AT, $450• 541- lighted assorted buildings, 380-1166 lots of extras! $150. Text NEED extra clothing for pics. 541-490-9075 space? This armoire might COKE Machine, 1960s and be the answer. Burgundy, 1 works. Perfect for your big drawer, shelf & hanging shop or party room. $400. rod. $75. 541-993-9651 541-490-3156. OAK dining room table with CRAFTSMAN Miter Saw, 8 4 chairs on wheels. $100 OBO. 509-774-8159. 1/4", 1.5 HP. Good running condition. $35. 541-399- PATIO Table with umbrella 9206. slot, 66" x 40", comes with 4 chairs & cushions. $50. 541-490-0056. CRAFTSMAN Abrasive La- ser Trac Chop Saw, 14". Good running condition. RECLINER ROCKER $95. 541-999-9206. CHAIR, Brown leather. $150. CRAFTSMAN Cordless 360-844-6065 Oscillating Tool w/ blades and bag, 12 volt. Good run- 13eautiful, brand new, tan, ning condition. $35. 541- leather armchair, never 399-9206. used, paid $1000/sell for $500. Elegant and perfect DYSON vacuum. Model for anyroom. DC-25. All Floors-ball type. 609-892-8115 2 on-board attachments. Get your Spring Cleaning SAMSUNGBD-P1590Blue done righfl Great deal at Ray disk player with $225. Call Jim 541-296- remote$35. Call 2141 x111, M-F, 10 a.m. to 509-773-6022. 5 p.m. SMALL drop leaf oak table, FIFTH wheeltallgateoff'07 with 2 chairs, very good Chevy PU. Excellent con- condition, $75. 541-806- dition. $250. 541-490-4391 5047. FISHER Price electric 4 SOFA, Retro. Gold fabdc wheeler. Excellent condi- with brown inlaid wood on arms and base. Good Con- Lion, $100. 541-386-1489 dillon and no odor, $300. FORD pickup clutch as- 541-490-3156 sembly, fits 4X4, 10" disk, STEEL Fence Posts. 26 at new in the box, $75. 541- $2 each. Used. 541-354- 980-4989. 1748. FRONT & REAR chrome STURDY firm decorative bumpers off '68 Chevy Ca- never used, solid white maro. Good condition, $50 wood, captains chair w/ each. 541-490-4391 olive green & striped GENTLY USED Fred upholstery, perfect for any Meyers recliner. Excellent room. $495. 360-210-5003 condition, $75 OBO. Call TIRES: Los Schwab Carli- Frank at 509-772-2990. sle USA Trail, 2, 570 - 8/8 GREEN cheekConure par- high speed boat trailer rots, (2). 1 year old, $250/ tires, tubeless, brand new pair. 541-806-2627 NEVER been on the ground, retail $170, sell for JACUZZI bath tub, brown. $120. 509-493-2663• Excellent condition $100. Ca11509-773-1990. TWIN bed includes mat- tress, box springs, Holly- ' wood frame & oak "bookcase" headboard. Ex- cellent cond. $100. 541- 354-1680