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fED 1879
The Largest Paid Circulation In Kiickitat County Of Any Paper OI3 F~-th
Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, May 19, 1938
Vol. 59. No. 20
ARGAINS I wo'o 'w'o o
Army monoplanes circled and
last Friday, one of tile pilots,
Lieutenant Kelleher, of
the reserve Army air corps wes
Retail SttoYr In'lYe merely ,waving an aerial greet-
ing to his mother, M~s. A. P.
Of County
will realize one hundred
o~dt of every dollar and then
Friday, Saturday and Mon-
Goldendale retail znerchattt~
their first Doller Dey~ s~les
20 Goldendale merchants are
in offering special dollar
for shopper;s of th,e local
area. The Dollar Day event
result of oareful planni,ng by
in an effort to make
,d~y sale a real money say-
for shoppers.
Many Bargains
Goldendale Sentinel is ;
WitCh adverti,sements of these
~.y bergains. Regardless of~
,buyer desires h,e is assuredI
it on sale in Go ldendale ati
,0.y o u .y.nd NEW
merchonts, through i
in this issue eli
invite Klickltrat conntyl
to vlei, t this city during t~he
Lieu~tenant Kelleher, who in
his working 'hours is an officer
of the state patrol in Seattle,
left Boeing field Fride.y morn-
ing and after dipping low over
Yakinm, Golden,dale, The Delles,
and Spokane, landed at the
home airport in Seattle again
just three ,hours after baking
Lieutenant Kelleher talked
to his mother Friday evening
.by long distance ~telephone from
Seattle telling her of the trip.
The plenes flown Iby Lieutenant
Kelle'her and Captain Scott,
were the new low-wing Boeing
monoplanes recently purchased
by the Uni,ted States Army for
pursuit squadron work.
Like Is
Freed On Bond Goldendale F~Buildmg Ap-
-- propriation Of $75,000 Passes
Like, 39-year-~ld Klickitat House Of Representatives
~1 :, charged With second de- ----'----
! sault for an alleged attack! With the passage of the $3,|54,-
ty Thomas, of Kllckitat, last 000,000 relief Public works program
wa~ released on $2500 bond bill through the House of Represent-
-~*-atives last week,-Goldendale came
was arersted by Sheriff C. R. one step nearer to re~tlization of a
last Saturday for an alleged new $75,000 post office and federal
on Dewey Thomas at Klicki-
Tuesday night. Thomas is in
Samaritan hospital in
sufferng from severe head
assertedly received in the
with Like.
charging Like
degree assault was filed
clerk of the Klickitat coun-
court by C. W. Ramsey,
prosecutor, Monday after-
According to information received
from Louis B. Sch~vellenbach, Wash-
tngton's junior United States Sena-
tor, the Ooldendale post office ap-
propriation is included in an allot-
ment of the pubblic works program
Othe~ Promised
Goldendale's is one of 34 in the
state included in program, Senator
KlickRat county Legionnaires with
the aid of Portland's Mayor
Josel~h Carson ~will meet at Stone-
henge, America's fir,st World Wax
memorial, Sund,ay evening, May 22 to
inaugurate the first Sunset Pilgrim-
if'he program which will include
th,~ full military memorial services
of ,taps and pr~,entation of the colors
will be staged un.dler the direction of
Kllckitat county's t&ree Americmn
Legion posts located at Ooldendale,
W~hite ~Selmon and Lyle.
MAyor To Talk
Me~yor Carson, of Portland. him-
self a veteran, will be the principal
epeakel' at the Memorial services. The
Sunset Pilgrimage will being at 5:00
p. m. ~unday evening.
Legion.naires and~ ,l~heir femilies
from all sections of Klickltat county,
the Yakima v~lley and the Mid-
Columbia section of Oregon have
been invited to take part in thB Pil-
i grimage.
i ~Situated high on the hills above
Lhe Columbia river near Marylhill,
Stonehenge is one of the most unique
war memorials tn the world. Built
by S~muel Hill as ~n ,exact replica o,f
the ancient Druid sacrificial a~sembly
place located on Salis~bttry plain in
i England, Mary~ll's Stonehenge is
~t becoming one of the re~l tourist
attractions of tht~ ste~.
The services Sunday will be the
first coanty-wide World War memor-
ial .service held here since 1918 when
~he Stonehenge monument was ded-
icated. At that time the dedlca~tion
services were held on July 4. While
Sun,set ,Pilgrimage to Stonehenge an
annual event for tl~e Sunday preced-
Ing ,the Memoriel d~y weekend. Gold-
endale's Louis Leidl American I~gion
post has named Z. O. Brooks, Dr.
Willlem H. West an.d~ E~ Kaiser as a
com~mittee to represent them in ar-
ranging t~h~e ,Sunset Pilgrimage. White
Salmon's I~v'~n Childs Legion post i,s
represented by Frank Hetler, C~rl
Twidwell and Jim Anthon.
Ston,ehenge, built by Samuel Hill
as a memorial to Kllckitat county's
war dea~, is inscribed with the names
of 12 soldiers ~nd sailors who gave
,t~heir lives for ~heir country in 1917
and 1918.
New Court House,
Hospital Sought
Applications for two federal pub-
lie Wo~ks projects, an $80.000 court
house building and a $40,000 county
general hospital were filed by the
Klickitat county board of commis-
sioners with the PWA office in
Portland last week.
the war was still at its height in The Memori,al services at Stone-
~'ence a group of guest speakers, l henge will ,follow (x picnlc lunch to
including the lets Prof. F~dmond S, I be held at the site of the monument.
Me~ny of the University of Washing- The Sunset Pilgrimage has been pub-
ton, met ~t M~ryhlll and dedicated licized throughout this county by
the Stonehenge memorial. I Legionnaires so that a large crowd
It is the intention of KllekRat is ,expected to be at Maryhlll for tl~e
county Legion officials to make the services.
Two five-year-old Klickitat
boys, Dimitri Millerop and Bob-
by Sager, were rescued from
the ~swirling waters of t~e
Klickitat river Monday morn-
ing by the quick thinking of
Mrs. C. M. McConkey.
Becoming frightened when
their play ride in a row boat
drawn up at the shoreline be-
came real as the craft swung
out into the current, the two
boys jumped over the side in an
attempt to reach shore. Attract-
ed by the frantic calls for help
of Kenneth Mlllerop, another
five-year-old who was still In
tbe boat, Mrs. McConkey arriv-
ed in time to see the two boys
desperately clinging to the side
of the boat.
She pulled the boat, and
badly frightened boys back to
shore with the long mooring
rope which fortunately was still
tied at the river bank. The
Millerop boys are the sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Millerop
while Bobby Sager is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sager.
Thomas, witness of the
told officers the a'ffair
from an argument over
Crash Victim
was receved here this week
death of Donald Donaho,
youth, in an automobile
In Oakland last Saturday.
the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
of Bickleton, was a
in a diesel engineering
Calf ferns.
of the accident were
His father left frame-
for Oakland upon hearing
~n's death. Donaho is a
of Biekleton high school.
ils Logging
ahons Seen
_ --.------
ts of the J. Neils Lumber
four Goldendale busine~
John R. MclPwen, Home~
P. Allison, and Howard~
~chwellenbach said. Other cities in
Judge J. E. Stone Will Deliver
Commencement A d d r e s s ;
Bratton Valedictorian
Judge J. E. Ston~, of Kelso, Super-
ior court judge for Klickitat county,
will be commencement speaker at
Goldendale high schools thirty-nin~th
annu,at graduation ceremonies ~lere
June 3. Judge :Stone'~ topic will be
"The World Owes You A Living.'"
Twenty-eight seniors will receive
diplomats at the commencement ex-
ercises to be held in the high school
auditorium. Bobble Bretton. son of
Mrs. Grace Brattou. will deliver the
valedictory add~ees, using ~ hhs
topic, "The Boy Scout in the Com-
m u n i.ty."
Spalding Salutatorian
Jimmy Spalding, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M.~ IL Spalding, will spe~k on
"AVhleties and The Town," for ~hl~
salutatory ~ddress. Rev. C. E. Hanes,
G-oldendale Baptist minister will do-
liver the invocation ar~d~ benediction
at the graduation ceremonies.
Rev. c. J. Hall. Goldendale Metho-
~ddst minister, will deliver the bae-
oaulaure~vte address Sundey evenly,
M~ty 29. The Baccalaureate pr0gr~n
will be held in the high school aud-
itorium. Special music wIH be given
WES Office Man Commencement horus.bY the gl. and
• • I I
To Vlslt County Dates Set By H~h Sehool Future Farme? oa~, RoU mated
-- 4 I 1. / t~ / • 1 L~rotlp Will Spotlsor l~VeRt;t Musical nurn[bez~ of the commence-
Representatives of the Washing-! rllgn ~cnools[ Many Prizes Offered iment program will be arranged by
ton State Employmen~ Service wilt ---.----- --- i Mis~ Lois Schroeder, class advisor.
be available to residents of Klickitat l Commencemenl dates for four Goldendale high school's Future t Both the commencemerrt end has-
county for registration and rein-,Klickitat county high schools, Farmers of America will parade iCalaureate programs will begin a¢ g
their livestock and their ability to p" m.
terviews on Thursday, May 26.Bickleton, Roosevelt, Alderdale and
the I~yle, were announced this week by
Residents o~ Goldendale and
O 1Mrs Sue
Eastern p rt'on of the county may i • Morehead, county super-
contact our representatives in Gold-I'
The applications were filed with endale on this date in the commis-I Lvle's commencement will be held
the Portland office of PWA at the siGner re ..... next Wedn - " "
..... f s' om at the ~ourt ttousei essay evening, ~ay 25 at
~equest of feueral puunc works o
' " between the hours of 8"30 and i the high school gymnasium Joseph
ficials who desired each county to 11 30 ....... ~'" ~" Chan'ler ..... "
. I : a. m ttesmen~s of wnxte ~a~- u state ou~cm~ for the
list possible future public wor~s men " " .... [ .... '
I , t~ingen, byte and the western wasnmgton Education Association,
projects. 1End of Klickitat county may con- has been named as commencement
"~ [tact these representatives at Bingen speaker.
Missing Stock l in the Welfare office between the ! Alderdale students will graduate
bourn of 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. the evening of May 27. A commence-
Reports Asked "' ment speaker has not been named at
the area slated for new post office
buildings are: Kennewtck, Grand- BeeausB of recent thefts of cattle
view, Wapato and Cle Elum. Gold- end horses reported in Klickitat and
Yakima counties, Sheriff C. R.
House this week asked county resi-
dents to report all missing stock to
the sheriff's office immediately.
Prompt reports of stolen or miss-
ing stock make recovery much more
likely, Sheriff House pointed out.
endale's appropriation for a federal
building was listed at $75,000.
Dr. H. H. Hartley, Goldendale
post master, said he had received no
information from Washington re-
garding the proposed lmilding here.
Senator Schwellenbach's statement
regarding the Goldendale post offtce lH~ also asked that Klicktat county
building was quoted in Yakima and
Seattle daily newspapers.
Mechanic Fined
On Driving Count
Charles Kirby, former Goldendale
residents who report missing stock
~,otify the sheriff's office immediate-
ly if the stock are found.
Tavern Operators
Session Is Called
mechanic, just can"t seem to keep
irt on ' Tavern operators in the Golden
out of trou~bble. Friday the th e -i ' "
th he Was fined $50 for drunken'dale district will meet at the court
driving and had his license revoked house l~ridey afternoon, May 20 a!
for one year. Saturday the fourteen- 2:30 p. m., to discuss regulations end
th he was arrested by state patrol- policies, l.~wrence L. Schneider,
men at Ellensburg on a similar state liquor inspector announced
charge. This week he started serving l early t!h~ts week.
a six month Jail sentence and isI He rry Boklhe, chief liquor in-
faced with a $300 fine. ,specter for Yakima, will be in &old-
,Charles Kirby, Goldende]e me-
chanic was fined $50 and costs and
taken on an inspection hiB opem,tor's license revoked, by
the Klicktat company's log- Justice of [he Peace A. T. Byars,
following e conviction on a drunken
escorted by W. H. Rath- . .
ca£Po~rit::nd:tt'er:lt;it drKltn~ nw::g:rrested by Ed Kerge,
nio " ters The- ]deputy sheriff, after the mechanic s
se r zores y
• , maOhine had gone off thB Satus high-
the JNeils company's .......
• way ~etween ~o]aenaale and Top-
penish. Kirby was sentenced by
Byars, Ieriday mornin, g.
Monday, May 23 Is the date set to
clean up the Pleasant Valley ceme-
tery. All interested please corns.
Basket dinner at school house at
noon.----~lgned: Committee.
Signed Committee,
Keep in line wRh coming sports
events by reading The Ooldendale
Sentinel sport pegs.
endale to conduct ~he meeting. An
evening meeting of tavern operators
in the Western Klickitat area hes
,been tent~tively set for White Sal-
mon at 7:30 p. m. tariday night. The
Whi.te Salmon meeting will ,be held
in the Firemen's hall.
Box Car Gunman
Draws Sentence
Kltckltat county's box car gun-
man, Robert Harrtngton, arrested at
Wishram a month ago by Sheriff C.
'R. House for shooting a freight car
full of holes, was sentenced to Walla
Walla penitentiary on a first degree
esBault charge last week.
Harrington was turned over to
Benton county authorities because
the shooting occurred in that coun-
ty. He confessed to first degree as-
sault and ~as s~nienced at Presser.
Laura Kerr ,of Goldendale, under-
went an operation for appendicitis
at the St. Elizabeth's hospital in
Yakima Tuesday evening.
May 19---Masonic state(! commun.
May 20----Basebatll, Oaks vs. 1~.
wards Furniture Co., Portlan@
M,a~ 21--Junior Livestock Show.
May 21--Senior Ball.
M~y 22---Church services.
May 2~---L~gions Sunset Pilgrim.
age to Stonehenge.
May 2.%---IAo]ts club, Mac's cafe.
May 24----Chamber of C'mnmerce
this time. Graduating students at
Alderdale are: Dean Bass, Charles
Allbritton, Ruth Simms, and Myrtle
Roosevelt's commencement pro-
gram will be held Saturday eve.
ning, May 28. A Goldendale speak-
!or, not yet named, Will deliver the
commencement address at Roose-
Commencement at Bickleton high
school will be held TuBsd, ay evening,
iMay 31. Members of the Bickleton
graduating class are: Donald H.
Giles, Kenneth D. Jonson, Norman
L. Lester, Gayle Lowell, Arthur E.
Mains, Jr., Arnold E. Nygaard, and
!Max E. Slater.
Mrs. Bertha Treat entertained
noon luncheon, Mac's sate. members of her bridge club Tues-
i .... ' day afternoon.
125 C hool S ....
rack Grade Sc pellers
Take Trick Words in Stride At Bee
It took advanced spelling books, Bruce, of Camp Seven, were second
trick words and nearly two hours and third.
of time to determine the division Silver Dollar
~'tnners in Klickitat county's grade
school spelling contest staged in the
Goldendale high school auditorium
Tuesday night.
More than 125 students from 30
of the 47 grade schools in the coun-
ty entered the contest. Each school
was limited to three entrants in
each of the divisions. George B,rock,
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brock
took first place in the third and
fourth grade division. Jessie Yohey
and Elizabeth Tuthill, both of Lyle,
finished second and third.
In the fifth and sixth grade divi-
sion Carol Johnson, of Lyle, was
first; Kenneth Waggoner, Bickleton,
second; and Leonard Schmld, of
Trout Lake, and Lawrence Barrett,
of Cliffs, tied for third.
Barbara Netls, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gearhart Nells, of Klickl-
i tat, was first in the seventh and
i eighth grade division. Dorothy
Toomey, of Kltckitat, and Bobbte
Polished silver dollars wrapped in
celophane were awarded as prizes.
First prize winners received $5,
second prize winners, $3, and third
prize ~lnners, $2. The prizes were
furnished through the cooperation
of Goldendale merchants.
Mrs. V. F. Larse, of the county
superintendent's office and Lloyd H.
Prtebe, of Centervtlle, pronounced
the words for the spelling contest.
Members of the committee in charge
of the event were: Miss Dorothy
Wilson, ~of Centervllle; Mrs. Ger-
trude DuBois, B~lch; Mrs. Charles
Scott, Bickleton; Mrs. Homer Silver,
Goldendale; Miss MargaretMay
McConnell, Orchard Heights.
Approximately 400 persons at-
tended the spelling contesL Mrs. Sue
Morehead, county school superin-
tendent said the county spelling
contest cup, now held by Orchard
Heights school, was not awarded in
this match.
judge livestock here Saturday fore-
noon, May 21 in this county's first
junior stock show. The livestock
show, to be held on Upper Main
street, beginning at 10:00 a. m. will
feature the work of students in co-
cational agriculture.
J. Arthur Johnson, agricultural
Instructor at Ellensburg, will be the
official Judge of the local stock
show. The show will allow the boys
an ~opportunity to demonstrate their
skill in showing, fitting and Judg-
i ng livestock.
ManyAid Show
The following individuals and
firms have contributed to the spon-
sorln& of the livestock show: J. C.
Penney company, Lodbetter & Wal-
lace, Maurer Brothers, Pioneer
State Bank, Relidnce Creamery,
Home Furniture, Goldendale Meat
company. Edward Abeling, Lawson
Lumber Mill, James Jaekel, A. M.
Matsen, Clyde Story, Ray Densley,
H. A. White and son, Harvey Mc-
Pherson, Dr. H. I~. Hartley, A. C.
Vincent, R. A. Jackson, E. K. Foltz,
S. F. Ganders, Walter D. Norris,
William Schuster, Wilford Imrie,
I'aul Johnson, and The Goldendale
The rules for the contest follow:
Judging contest: Each boy taking
vocational agriculture classes will
be required to take part in the judg-
ing contest as part of his regular
class work. He will be required to
judge one class in each of beef,
dairy, swine and horses.
Projects Display
Fitting and ShoWing contest: Any
Future Farmer member may select
an animal belonging to any of the
above five classes and fit and show
in this contest. The boy does not
have to own the animal he shows.
Awards will be based on the appear-
ance of the animal and the ability
oi the boy to show the animal to
its best advantage.
Supervised Project contest: Those
boys carrytng livestock projects may
compete with each other in their
respective classes. Awards will be
based on project record books, judg-
ing ability, herdsmanshlp and show-
The 1938 graduating cla~s roll fol-
lows: Wilton Clary, Verna Culver.
Betty Fr~ley, Marie Hall, Louise
Klatt, Edna I~ayman, Catherine I~-
fever, Jea~ ~redgewood, Hugh
Adams, Robeet A~nderson. Hale Ben-
nett, Dean Bi~by, Robert Bratton,
Robert Cahill. Clark Cain, George
Crevling, Frank Divers, Earl E~dgar,
Joe Dres.~el, Lyle Hel,fer. I-I~old Rill.
l~obert Imrie. l~red Lefever. George
RyaLs, Henry Scbroeder, D~nnie Sea-
singer, Jimm y Sl~.Iding ~nd Art
Andrew Frantz
Sent To Monroe
Because he failed to observe tha
terms of his suspended penitentiary
sentence, Andrew Frantz, Glenwood
CCC youth, this week was commit-
ted to the state reformatory at Mon-
roe. Judge J. E. Stone in Kllekitat
cotrnty Superior court Tuesday re-
voked a recent 15 year suspended
sentence given Frantz on a grand
larceny charge.
Frantz Who was originally sen-
tenced for stealing tires at Glen-
wood was brough into court a asc-
end time for allegedly stealing gas
at the CCC camp in Naches where
he was employed.
Goldendale Masons will meet with
the Trout Lake Masonic order at
Trout Lake Sattu'day evening, May
21. They will confer the third de-
gree upon a Goldendale candidate.
The degree work will be in charge
of the Trout Lake lodge. All Gold-
endale .Mascns planning to attend
are asked to notify the secretary,
C. H. Knosher.
for sustained logging oper-
the late logging methods:
at Camp Seven.
M~mbers of the Goldendale golf
club are urged to atten~l~ a business
meeting of ,the org~nlm,tion Thurs.
d~y evening of th~ week at 8 o'clock
p. m., accorcRng to an announcement
made this week by Tom Ric~hardson,
secretary. The meeting will ]se held
in his barber shop on Mein street.
Chet House starting to walk off
with t~he wrong hat. l~Y~mk Lain.
hart getting a painful lesson at
trick horseback riding. Budkl~
~htts~ hanging up ~is band uni-
form for the year. Lloyd Prtebe
pronouncing ~word~ at a spelling
bee. Bill Schuster signing his
hence left handed. Itudy
counting out change. Art Stmm
scratching his name off a petRlon~.
P. D. Preshe¢ erecting another
building. Mike H~lee walking
to work.
~oft White
•.... ...... 69
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