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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 19, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 19, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. May 19, 1938 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Three Why take chances on a weak bat- Have it checked now at the Service. It-- Irwin Sauter, of Lyle, was in Goldendale Thursday attending the transportation meeting. SPecial regular $1.29 clocks, high 98 cents, at McKee's. lt-- A. R. ~IcNeil, of Lyle, was In I~01~Sndale Thursday to attend the transportation meeting. Cecil Allyn this week started pre- fer construction of a resi- along Upper Main street. SPencer--we create a design es- for you. For appointment Call 326Y5. It Star Theatre O THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 19 and 20 Feature !! --- ALSO -- YOU MR. MOTe" with Peter Lorre AND FOX NEWS SATURDAY ONLY May 21 -Day Special-$1 S adults will be ad- tted for $1 be- CHARLIE CHAN AT CARLO with Warner Oland --ALSO--- A Musical Comedy The GIRLS" with Patricia Ellis $UNDAY and MONDAY May 22 and 23 --Ahd-- Selected Short Subjects ~SDAY & WEDNESDAY May 24 and 25 Select? Short Subjects COntlnu- us Show Saturday After 2p.m. William Luce, of Bingen, was a business visitor in Goldendale Thurs- For Quality cement and cement pouringwork call Dean Gillen- waters. Equippedfor all types of work. lt-- R. E. Jackson, of Portland, arriv- ed last Thursday and is spending the week with his sons, R. A. and Oren Jackson. C. H. Morse, of the Federal Land Bank office in Spokane, was a busi- ness visitor in Goldendale last week. Very special, regular Coty face l;o~vder $1.00 and 25 cent air spun tester, only $1.00 at McKee's. It-- Otto Bushaw, of Los Angeles, for- mer Kltckitat county resident, was in Goldendale during the past week. V. G. Peterson, of Hermiston, of- ricer of the Federal Land bank, was a business visitor in Goldendale last week. Spencer--we create a design es- pecially for you. For appointment call 326Y5. It Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mensln- ger, of Portland, `were in Goldendale last Saturday visiting at the home ot Miss Mabel Whitney. Menstngers operate an antique shop in Portland. George Hutton, state insurance commissioner's office inspector from Olympia, was a business visitor in Goldendale Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaidera, of Pendleton, were brief visitors in Goldendale last week. While here they visited Mrs. Katdera's parents, Mr. and !Mrs. G. S. Richardson. F~r hire taxi service--night or day. Service Garage call 905. Night phone 1524. 7tf~ Mrs. C, M. Ryman, Miss Mabel Ryman and Mrs. Smith were up from White Salmon Saturday to at- tend the school band festival and also visiting with friends. For modern, economical refriger- ation buy Zenith! Dean Glllen- waters distributor. It-- Mrs. Earl Pace and two daugh- ters, Verna and Donna, were in Goldendale Sunday visiting with Earl Pace. Miss Eunice Fosklt and Don McMeachen, also of Sunnyside, accompanied them. Special $1.00 lavender body pow- der and 50 cent lavender toilet water, only $1.00 at McKee's. lt--- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Strata and family were up over the weekend from their home at Ridgefleld, Washington, to visit with Mrs. Stram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wlndom. Mr. Windom has been very poorly of late. For Quality cement and cement pouring work call Dean Glllen- waters. Equippedfor all types of work. It--- Mr. and Mrs. Harry DaM, of Gold- endale, were the winners of the prize dance contest held in conjunc- tion with the 20-30 club carnival dance at Klickitat last Saturday. The cup will be on display at The ,Sentinel office later. Don't forget the big Klickitat County Hunters and Anglers dance i at Blockhouse Saturday, May 28. Thompson's orchestra. It-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brtdgefarmer, and son Bobble, and Mrs. William Richardson, spent Sunday in Everett visiting with the Eldon Hlnshaw family. They returned to Goldendale Sunday evening. For modern, economical refriger- ation buy Zenith!Dean Gillen- waters distributor. It-- Miss Alice IHowland, and Mrs. Ruth Rutledge represented the Gold- endale Business and Professional Women's clt~b at the state conven- tion of the organization in Pasco last Saturday and Sunday. Very special, 2-pound box Joan Manning candy, nothing better, 98 cents at McKee's. lt-- Carl Taylor, of the Portland live- stock market agency firm of Clark- Taylor and Hoarde, was in Golden- dale several days last week visiting friends and calling on customers. While here he attended the recent session of the Klickltat Stockmen's Association. Our lubrication jobs are guar- anteed. Take no chances. Specify Island Service. 1t-- Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hobbs, son, Bill, and daughter, Mrs. MeFetridge, of Dallas, Oregon, spent a few days! !~st week with their son and faro- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs is running a machine shop and reports a nice business in his line. If you ~tre pleased with your shoes let us keep them wearable. Up-To. Date Factory Methods . . . Plus First Quality Materials. WIERMAN'S SHOE SERVICE across the street from the b~kerT Dr. Milton R. Davies Dent~try Old State Blnk Bldg.. Ooldevdale Phone 1177 Walter Sletten, J. C. Penney man- ager, was a visitor in Yakima last Friday. Charles Miller, of Bingen, was in Goldendale on business Monday. J. Karjala, of Klickitat, was a business visitor in Goldendale Fri- day. For your Spencerfoundations call 326Y5. It Harry McGowan, of Lyle, was in Goldendale Thursday attending the qchool transportation meeting at the auperintendent's office. Esther Cain, of The Dalles, `was in Goldendale last week visiting friends. E. I~. Wolf, of Husum, attended the school transportation meeting in Goldendale last Thursday• Leo F. Brune, of Dallesport, `was a business visitor in Goldendale Thursday. While here he attended the school transportation mee~tlng at the superlntendent's office. Mrs. IZenry Culver, of Arlington, spent the past "week in Goldendale visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crooks. Special $1.50 hair clipper, high grade, only 99 cents at McKees. It-- Martin Collins, of Yakima, was in Goldendale on business Monday. William H. Canthers and Lenore M. Huls, both of More, Bergen, were issued a marriage license by the Klickitat county auditor's office Thursday. Lawrence L. Schneider, state liquor inspector, "was a business vis- itor in Goldendale last Friday. R. D. Brittain, of Yakima, direc- tor of the Blue Bird drive for the Washignton State Children's Home society, was a business visitor in G oldendale Saturday. Quality products, service that pleases--make the Island Service station the motorists choice. It--- Martin VanAelst this week took delivery on a new Allls Chalmers wheel tractor and Case mower, through the Maurer Brors. agency. Chesley and Celesta Higdon spent Sunday at White ~almon, visiting at the home of Mrs. C. M. Ryman and Miss M~bel Ryman. Don't forget the big Klickitat County Hunters and Anglers dance a~ Blockhouse Saturday, ,May 28. Thompson's orchestra, lt--- Mrs. Bertha Wither spent the weekend In Yakima visiting `with her daughter who is attending school there. For Quality cement and cement pourln'g work call Dean Glllen- waters.Equippedfor all types of work. lt-- FlemIhg Byars,son of W. F. Byars, was in Goldendale Sunday visiting friends and relagives. He made the trip here with the Ellens- burg baseball team of the Yakima Valley league. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brewer, of Centralia, were in Goldendale sev- eral days early this Week visiting Mrs. Brewer's mother. Mrs. Joe Stultz, and other relatives. They left Goldendale Tuesday for Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jarrett, of Walla Walla, were in Goldendale over the weekend visiting at the Smith home. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett. Link Huot and J. D. Fuhrman, Oak Flat school directors, were in Goldendale last Thursday attending the school transportation meeting at the county school superintendent's offic0. Ira E. Shea, of Cheney, state Grange deputy, was at Blockhouse Sunday attending the annual Hunt- ers and Anglers picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Austin, of Portland, were at Blockhouse Sun- day attending the annual Hunters and Anglers picnic. Austin was for- merly superintendent of the Center- ville school system. William White, S. R. Beattie and Walter 0meg, all of Hartland, at- tended the school transportation meeting in Goldendale last Thurs- day. For modern, economical refriger- ation buy Zenith!Dean Glllen- waters distributor. It--- Frank Rasmussen, of Roosevelt, represented the Oak Grove school district at the school transportation meeting in Goldendale last Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt, of San Fran- YOUR HOME STORE -------- PRESENTS ------ STRIKING BARGAINS In Quality Brands ------- FOR THREE DOLLAR DAYS 2 - 79c Shirts Blue Chambray Sanforized Only ....... I0 prs. Socks Post & Police Bear brand seamless Only ....... 4 yds. 39c Organdy 4. 500 Sheet Pk. Kleenex 8 oz. "Test" Overalls Spring Back... Sanforized Only .............. $ $ $ Days 8 oz. Pyke Overalls Waist Band . . . Sanforized Rivited Only .............. $ $ $ Days 2 Pairs. 69c Gloves Horse Hide Splits 2 - 69c Polo Shirts Only .............. $ $ $ Days $3.95 Sport Jackets $ All Wool Worsted. Belt Back Only .............. $ $ $ Days 2-75c Neckties Washable Beach Cloth Only .............. $ $ $ Days 2 Pairs $1.00 Overalls Mens Bib . . . 220 Denim Only .............. $ $ $ Days Play The Leaders In... STAR BRAND OXFORDS FREE FOR ALL for TWO DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of $5.00 to $6.00 Oxfords. $ $ $ Days "Days" Winners 2 for I on $5 to $6 Trousers Hart-Schaffner Marx SWEEPSTAKES for SEVEN DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $35.00 Suit. $ $ $ Days for SIX DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $30.00 Suit. $ $ $ Days for FIVE DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $25.00 Suit. (Alterations Extra) $ $ $ Days Ladies Coat and Suit DERBY for FOUR DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $18.50 Suit or Coat. $ $ $ Days for THREE DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $13.50 Suit or Coat. $ $ $ Days for TWO FIFTY IN MERCHANDISE For A DOLLAR BILL to each purchase of a $10.50 Suit or Coat. (Alerations Extra) 39 & 45c Waffle Cloth 36 inches wide 4 yards ............ $ $ $ Days 25c - 29c White Goods 36 in Flaxen Batiste Dimity 5 yards ............ $ $ $ Days 65c Brassieres t Long Line 3 for ............... $ $ $ Days 98c Chiffon Hose "Munsing" Knee High 3 pairs for ......... $ $ $ Days 69c Girls Polo Shirts Assorted Colors and Sizes 2 for .............. $ $ $ Days 12 Turkish Towels 15 x 30 in. Assorted Borders Only .............. $ $ $ Days 25c Turkish Towels Double Thread. 18 x 36 5 for .............. $ $ $ Days 9c Bleached Musolin 36 in. Wide 15 yards for ........ $ Friday -- Satu rday -- Monday California, were in Goldendale Men-ireturned to Goldendale ~aturday. day, While here they are visiting] Mrs. M. A. Warner, of Appleton, with Mrs. Gardner's father, R. L. ]attended the meeting on school White, of Kllckitat. ] tranl~portat~n held in Goldendale Mlss Doris Dayton, of Grandvlew, [last Thursday. was In Goldendale Sunday visiting] Mrs. Eugenla Clark and C. F. Cro- friends, l'ffut, both Wlshram school directors, For your Spencer foundations I attended the school transportation call 326Y5. lt lmeetlng in Goldendale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hlekell of[ L.D. Roberts, of Blckleton, repre- Wapato, and Mrs. Frank Adams and Isented the Willow Creek school dis- family of Kllckltat, spent the week-[trlct at the transportation meeting end in Centervllle with .Mr. and Mrs, 1 in Goldendale Thursday. Zachary Nlemela. Mrs. Adams Is aI Bertha M. Rogers, of Alderdale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nlemela. l attended the school transportation I~: the afternoon they attended the lmeetlng in Goldendale last Thurs- fish feed at Blockhouso. ~day. Special Johnston $1.50 aluminum Harold Sorensen, of High Prairie, 1 Don't forget the big Kllckltat box of candy, finest grade, $1.26 at was a tbuslness visitor in Goldendale County Hunters and Anglers dance McKee's. It-- Saturday. at Blockhouse Saturday, ,May 28. I--l T mmpson s orchestra R. A. Conboy, of Cedar Valley, at- F.G. Blair, of Kllckltat, was at . It--- tended the school transportation business visitor in Ooldendale Satur- Miss Lois Schroeder and Norman meeting in Goldendale Thursday. day. I Knox drove to Chehalls Sunday. P. B. Attwall, contractor for the Clyde Simpson, of Hood River, i They returned to Goldendale Sunday White Salmon gymnasium was a was in Goldendale Saturday for the l evening. business wsitor in Goldendale Satur Mid Columbia band festival • "I " ~ • i Mrs. Gracie M. DeMars, Seattle, day.. I Homer Morrison, of the Indian and Mrs Lulu M Mauer, Bremerton Mrs. George Goss, of Maryhill, ]education department in Olympia, i arrived Monday to be in attendance was in Goldendale last Thursday at-lwas in Goldendale on business tast at the, funeral n¢ th~v ~t~, .T a i .................... , tending the school transportation week ~ ............ ~-- "-'~'~ ...... • murn~, ~uesuay tnls W~K. meeting held at the county superln-] AI Matsen, of Bickleton, this week ...... tendent s office, took delivery on a new side delivery -~.~.- A ......... .__~_ . Mr. and Mrs. Val Bearson, of hay rake and hay loader The sale I$~T qUALITY MATER- I Hood River, were in Goldendale Sat-was made through th; ~Iaurer IALS, plus prompt, neat I urday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Brothers Feed Store workmanship , ! M. E. McAllister. Don't forget th;" bl~ KllekttatAt Reasonable Pric~ ! William Weir, former Glenwood County Hunters and Anglers dance Modern Shoe Shon i school principal, Was a business via-at Blockhouse Saturday, ,May 28 ...... it" i ~m lqum_mer ltor in Goldendale Saturday. Thompson s orchestra. It-- , ,, , _J ilf ;ii(