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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 19, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 19, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. Thursday, May 19, 1938 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Klickitat valley's pre-eminence In the production of quality beef was BOOSTS KLICKITAT BEEF Portland insurance agent and a fre- S intend ents quent Goldendale visitor, last week uper iL' a letter to friends here, termed Neet At Olympia a locally produced beef roast, "Tl~e attested to again when D. E. Beard, finest I have ever eaten." Mrs. Sue Morehead, county school F4`÷~4"il'*~4'÷@'['~'~'4`4`4`g'4`°*,'~b'~°:°÷~@~°~¢'@4`~u@~g*~$~ superintendent, was call,ed to Olympia ........ 4, today to attend a meeting of state Al/l " IUkT T|I I S t ,,ho,,io,i0ialsconce ingedu--tion- k_Y2. ]k V J.k • taxation problems for ,the coming • • • year. Special prices this month only on all $ S niey F At ,ood, s te school r~T~1~v~'lrw ~7~Tw~ ~ww~ ~ superintendent, summoned Mrs. ; I"LI~I~ILVAI~IA IIK~ ÷ Morehead, along with the school sup-: ~ 0----------- i erintendents from every county in ~ .L Washingt, on, to appear in Olympia t THE SERVICE GARAGE i Thursday morning: ou. .... -- • Lyle SchoolNotes • • • Let Him Make Your Old Car Look Like New And Your New Car Newer GRADUATION NEXT WEEK Baccalaureate services will be held at 8:00 p. m. Sunday evening, May 22, at the M. E. church. Miss Esther Wellwe of Yakima will give the sermon. 'Graduation exercises are schedul- ed for Wednesday evening, May 25. Mr. Chandler, assistant secretary of Washington Educational Association is to be the speaker. Five high school boys graduating are Wesley Anderton, Jim Curl, Carl Coleman, Bill MeLeod, Clarence Ensley. The eight eighth graders are June Parks, Vlvian Dickerson, Helen Jane Fuhrman, Joyce Korthase, Emery Lasen, Earl Tanner, Albert Hatha- way, and Richard Gray. Attendance in high school is be- coming better. Maybe, its because it is so near the end of the year. Last Friday the Seniors took their ~neak. They went ~o Sandy river and reported a good time. (That is what ~ll their talking was about.) Lyle received their basket~ball trophy last week. It sure is a beauty ~nd you should see it. Lyle had little trou~ble defeating Centerville last Thursday. This Fri- day they play Trout Lake here, The school pictures were taken last week. Pictures were taken of the boys in their basketball and football suits. It looks like Lucllle Dlckerson, P~ette Dean, and Moyno Payno are Or Your Money Back. or will be the only ones to haves perfect attendance in the high school. We wonder how they do it. Could it be the beautiful spring O weather that has turned certain people to poets. It i~ coming close to exam time. All Work Done at THE SERVICE can hear the big sighs when GARAGE• Your car called for and is mentioned. Friday the grades won from Gold- delivered endale ~tnd Klickitat. Henry Tutbill, Helen Jane Fuhr- man and Yivian Dickerson will go to Goldendale Tuesday for the spell- ing contest from Mr. Kilbourne's roe m. Miss Miller is ~back after being ~bsent Friday. Mrs. Kilburne took her place during Miss Miller's ab- sence. Those going to the spelling con- test from Miss Miller's room are Jessie Yohey, Elizabeth Tuthill, Col- leen West, Carroll Johnson, Billy West, and Mary Lou Cody. Alma Russell tied with ,Mary Lou for third place, but lost out in the last test. Ruby Johnson of Yakima was a visitor last Friday. Wallace Tlppery left the primary room last week. L" BUYS THIS $79. Rayon Velvet Davenport And Chair The name BILTwELL assures you the finest in overstuffed furniture. Extra thick, bal- loon style cushions. Latest pattern and color. The usual BiltweH guaranteed construction S. P. Allison, Proprietor "Buy at The Home for the Home" Bingen Man Held For Burglary Second degree burglary charges ~were field against Carl Nystrom, of Binges, in Klickitat county Superior court la-s't Thursd~ay. Nystrom, pend- ing trial this week, is being 'held in the county jail. He is charged with breaking in:to a warehouse (~wned~ by Earl S. Coo at Bingen. The ¢~lleged burglary took place last April. WOMAN'S CLUBS HOLD MEET AT KLICKITAT KL, ICKITAT-- (,Special to The Sentinel)---Hello folks--you almost didn't get any news this week. Your ~eporter spent Monday in Portland shopping, instead of staying in Klickitat and newsing. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Niemela are the parents of a baby girl, born at the Klickitat hospital Tuesday the tenth. We understand that the little lady has been named Twilah Luella ---and excuse us if the spelling is wrong. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey motored to Portland, Sunday. Mrs, Clark, who is Mr. Jeffrey's aunt and has been visiting with the Jeffreys, went down with them and will remain at her home in Vancouver. The Jef- frey children spent most of the day having a grand time at Jantzen beach. The members of the Fish and Game club entertained a number of teen age girls at their meeting Monday night. The girls were in- formed as to some of the m~any mysteries of trout angling. (Would- n't some of the "pops" be mortified if their young daughters became so interested in fishing that they could beat their old dads at it). (Accord- ing to some of the wives it Would- n't be so hard to do at that!) Mrs. Bob Greame and Mrs. Hazen cooked the dinner that was such a popular feature of the evening. Bill Woods, Mr. Drexel, Hyan Loeschen and his nephew Don Hunt- er, all went to Seattle on business I Saturday, all returned In good spirits Sunday evening. Reverand and Mrs. Schramm and Mrs. Loeschen motored to Portland Sunday to attend a concert. Miss Marvel Parriott spent the weekend in Portland. We understand that the repair- tng of the road from Pitt to Klick- ttat has been postponed until late fall so the constructi~,x work won't nterfere with the trucking of boxes out of Klickitat during the fruit R~,ason. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Burnett save been out of town for several weeks. Mr. Burnett is working in Portland temporarily for the Gas Ice Corporation, but will probably be back in Klickitat next week. Fred Ogden has become a prop- erty man or somethlng, He is buy- ing a little house out in Hutchins- ville from Dewey Thomas. The Klickitat Woman's club held its Guest Day meeting in the club room Wednesday of last week. There was a potluck lunqheon served in the club room at noon. During the luncheon a Mothers' Day present was presented by the club women of Kliekitat to Mrs. W. Hogg, the; elt~b's oldest mother. After the meeting an interesting afternoon's entertainment was presented by Mrs. Neils and her committee. The meet- ing was attended by guests from White Salmon, Camp Seven, Lyle and Goldendale. Margaret Saunders doesn't believe in letting a good thing die from lack of local support. She has the: mumps. The Klickitat P. T. A. held its annual election of o'fflcers Monday evening of last week. The new offi- cers elected are: Mrs. Roy South- mayd, president; Mrs. H~ubert Ms- gee, first vice-president; Mrs. John Monroe, second vice-president; Miss Jenny Fields, secretary-treasurer. The new officers were installed at the meeting, and plans for the P. T. A. senior banquet discussed and committees appointed for the event. Dewey Thomas is in the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland due tc the unfortunate affair of last ~'eek, and will have to remain there for at least a month. Mrs. Marvin Howland has been confined to her bed for over a week due to a very severe cold. We wonder if the Klickitat Wom- an's clubs, Chamber of Commerce and various other organizations wouldn't be interested in pooling their resources and hiring a swim- ming pool director for the summer. The pool in the river by Howlande is "not only very Popular with the children" but also very dangerous for unsupervised children to swim in. Mickey. Truck drivers get Your Bill of Lading blanks at The Sentinel of- fl¢~. All ready made up into books with original, duplicate, and tripli- cate. it---- LARGE CROWD ATTENDS I day. smMr'all and Mrs. Louis Welsh and SAFETY FIRST MEETING . ~ daughter Hazel, and Mrs. .. Agnes Stanley and daughter, Pa- WISHRAM---(Special to The ~en-ltricia Lou, were Goldendale shop- tineD--Wind and more wind. Will it never end? Mr. and Mrs. Lester John and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Huber were The Dalles shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fr~ Bailey motored to Bend last Saturday. Mrs. Alvin John entertained her curd club Tuesday. Al Chambers was in Portland Sat- urday on business. Ray Lewis and family moved to Bend, Oregon, Friday. There was a ",Safety First" meet- ing Tuesday night. Quite a crowd turned out. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin John and wee uaUghter, Sharon Lee, spent a few days in Goldendale as guests of Mrs. John's mother, Mrs. Jim Johnson, formerly of Wishram. Mr. and Mrs. Ganguin and son Alvin of Goldendale, spent Sunday as guests of their daughter, Mrs. Ed Johnson and family. Mrs, Louise Bailey and niece of Vancouver spent the weekend as guests of her husband. ~uests at the Louis Walsh home over the weekend were Mr. Walsh's sister Margaret and Marie, and also a brother and friends. Mrs. Roy Cochran had as guests for a few days, her daughter, Nora and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heath of Vancouver are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy of Bend, Oregon, spent a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc- Grath. Tom Kady of Spokane, a retired brakeman, visited friends in town the past week. Mrs. Dwight Cochran and wee daughter, Janet, have returned from !a month spent as guests of her par- ents in Independence, Oregon. Mrs. Howard Babcock and son Jimmy, are spending a few weeks visiting her parents in White Fish, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Waldorf were Portland shoppers last week. Mrs. Bertha ~rooks who was taken down wth a slight paralytic stroke a few weeks ago was taken to Oda, Wash. by her niece where she can be cared for. John Johnson who works on the trip track, has been on the sick list for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and children returned from a few days spent at Ocean Park Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rayburn and children spent the past weekend at the home o£ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tobin, near Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes and fam- :ily took in a show in Goldendale Friday. ,Mrs, Pete Wilson, Mrs. John Wobb and son Elwin Howard, mo- tored to The Dalles on business Sat- urday. Roland Leabo, engineer on the switch engine in the yard, motored to Vancouver, Saturday. Mrs. M. S. Lee had as her guests over the weekend her daughter and three children o! Salem, Oregon. Mrs. Jack Henderson is in Bend visiting her husband who is work- ing on the switch engine there. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wolfer of Portland were visiting friends over the weekend. Mrs. Bernard Lantry and Wee daughter, Mary Lee, are visiting at the home of her folks in Portland. Also at the home of Mr. Lantry's parents. Mrs. Nell Gallagher, Don Severns and Mr. and Mrs. George Rayburn wer~ at Hood River on business, Saturday. Tommy Delaney, young son of Mr. and Mrs, Tim Dclaney broke his left arm Just above the wrist, last Thursday evening while playing at the school &,rounds. Pete Wilson was rushed to The Dalles hospital Wednesday evening with a ruptured appendix. Mrs. Tim Delaney and Dick D~ laney accompanied by Charles and Bill Dubs, were The Dallee shoppers Saturday. Dec Rainey, engineer on the S. P. & S., broke his arm while fishing ne~/r the McCoy ranch at Hartland. George Rayburn and Harry Sev- erns motored to Bend last week. Mrs. Nell Gallagher and daugh- ter Mrs. George Rayhurn were in White Salmon, Saturday. Bill Dube purchased a second- hand Chev. Mrs. Abney and Mrs. Chu. Clark were in I,yle Sunday visiting Mrs. Clark's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Bond return- ed from a few days in Portland, Tuesday. Nadine Rose spent the weekend in Portland. *Mrs. Bernice Jackson and daugh- ter Joyce, of Goldendale were guests of Mrs. Alvin John for a few days. i Warren Thomas, Bud Henderson Elwtn Howard and Julius Egashira took in a show at The Dalles Sun- pers Saturday. Many of" the Wishram children took the Mantoux tests for tuber- Page Five culosis in Goldendale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walsh and daughter Hazel, and Miss Marie Welsh of Portland were in Golden- dale on business Monday. TO CLEAD CEMETERY State Fire Marshal Inspects Schools School 2)uilding in all but three Klickitat county districts, were in- spected last week by E. L. Smith. ~ta|e deputy fire marshal from the insurance commissioner's office in Olympia. I While Smith's report on s~fety i ~onditions now exi~.lng in various I Klickit,~t sclmols wee not made pub- lic, Mrs. Sue Morehead, county sup- Monday, May 23 is the date set to i erintendent intimated that individual clean up the Pleasant Valley ceme~ !districts, will in many cases, receive tory. All interested please come. I spt~qflc instructions from the state in- Basket dinner at school house at I surance commissioner's office. noon.---~Igned: Committee. i The majori, ty of Klickitat county come. !schools were given 'trigh safety rat- Signed Committee. !ings by the state inspector~ Goldendale Hardware TOMATO JUICE SET Consisting of Pitcher and 6 Gla~es Regular $1.35 Value for only .... ORANGE JUICE SET Consisting of Pitcher and 6 Glasses Regular $1.35 value for only ..... O'CEDAR SPECIAL This set consists of $1.25 O'Cedar Dust Mop and a 25c bottle of O'Cedar Polish Both for only .................. JOHNSON'S SPECIAL DEAL Consisting of 1 Pint Johnson Self Polish Wax and Applicator $1.25 value for only ............ ill I Illll[ II i,m, Friday, Saturday, Monday, May 20-23 Red&White TOMATO JUICE FROM THE FIRST PRESSING OF SUN RIPENED TOMATOES 16 3 for 25c cans for only ...... SOAP FLAKES Quick Arrow 7 Large 25c pkga Biscuit FLOUR Red & White 4 Pkg-_ .... Cascade SODA CRACKERS" 2 lb. Boxes for tl BEANS Small White 20 lbs. .... Mart COFFEE IF YOU PAID $1.00 A POUND YOU COULDN'T BUY A BETTER COFFEE for only ......... Any Grind Red White Food Store ?i~il