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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 19, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 19, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'O LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 19, 1938 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Seven FOOT BARLEY IS GROWN AT CLIFFS feet tall, ~eexdless barley by James Jeter at Cliffs en display in Goldendale es an example of the of agriculture crop this can produce. to Jeter ,iJhe barley t)lanted last January, less tour months ago. The tall is on display in the win- Of the Abeling realty office. through the Want Ads. / IT'S TIIJE that De~flnes How Long Your I,enses Will Serve You chy Dr. C. Johnston has h ,~ thorough ~tudy of the system of eye diagnosis. why Dr. Johnston gives a Examination instead~ of exra,mination. ~es give greater ~atisfac- remain suited to ~he ~nger. JOHNSION 208~ East Yak a Yaklma, Washington Obituary i George Robert Mit(~imll wws. ~born Oct. 28, 1852 in Muscatlne, Iowa, and died May 5, 1938 in Goldendale near w,hich place he ha.d' lived, since 1903. He wa6 85 years, six months and seven days of age. In February, 1877, he was united in marriage to M~ra Isabelle Steven- son who preceded him in death 12 years ~go. To this union were born i nine children: George of Ellensburg, i Wash.; Emma J. w~ho died in Nov., 1925; Robert C. who died in Feb., !1937;William S. of Lyle, Wash.; Ralph A. who died in M~.y, 1930; , Mrs. Lois Trotman of Bremerton, Wash.; Glenn B. of Ellen,~burg, and Mrs. Faye Divers, of Goldend'ale. Besides his children he leaves 27 g~ndchildren, 18 great grandchil- dren, ~nd one gre,a.t great grandchild. He joined the Methodis,t (~hurch at an early age and continued in that ,belief the remainder of his life. He ~was a mem~ber of the Grange since early man, ho~d, lmvlng joined in the East and~ ~lso belonged to ,Crr~ange number 49 in Goldendale. Be)sides his immediate family heI leaves a half-sister in the East, see-I eml nieces and nephews, and also ai ~host of friends in this community and wherever he h,as li~ed. Funeral services were held Sunday, May 8 from ,the Chapman chapel in Goldend,ale, witil Opal Benedict (~f Centervllle, officiating. Interment followed in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. RESOLUTIONS On Easter morning the Grim DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY O , > - FLOUR and FEED .@ Reaper, ,death, again entered our Pioneer Association ~nd called our esteemed sister, Agn,es Struthers, and although we mourn her passing, we realize that our loss is her gain, as she had been au invalid and suffered many long months end is now wi,th her Saviour in .the land where there is no more doa,th or suffering or pain. Be it resolved ,that our Associa- tion extend to ~he bereaved family our deepest sympathy, an&a copy of these resolutions be sent to the fam- ily and a copy ,be pl~ced on the minutes of our Association. Mr. Hornibrook. Mrs. Locy, Mrs. Green. RESOLUTIONS V~hereas .the Supreme Ruler has removed ~from our midst our brother G. R. M3.tchell0 WB p~use to pay tribute to his memory, Therefore be it resolved that we, the Pioneer member~ send a copy of t~hese resolutions to the family wi,th our symI~thy, and a copy tm placed on our minutes. Mr. Hornibrook. Mrs. Locy, Mrs. Green. OBITUARY KLICKITAT COUNTY'S COURT NEWS Ralph Henry is brought before the court and being arragned, pleads guilty to information charging him with the crime of Burglary in the Second Degree, when he did on May let and 2nd, under two counts, win fully, unlawfully and feloniously break and enter the Klickitat Valley Grain Growers' Warehouse in Gold- endale, in which property was kept for storage, and the same being thB property of the estate of Hal H. Cole, deceased. It is adjudged and decreed by the Court that he be punished therefor by imprisonment in the State Reformatory for a term of not more than 15 years. Horace White, Ray Gately and H. B. Bennett are appointed by the Court to appraise the property of the estate of James Luginbuhl, deceas- Co. W~ of SE~, NESEi and SENEI of Sac. 34-5-17. WI)--Ralph M. Mackey and wife to Orant Jackson Dorland and wife, 4 acre~ in creek bottom west of Mill Street, Goldendale. IH"H " Tuberculosis League Lists $235.49; Trout Lake, $30.25; Roose- velt, $8.25; I)allesport, $5.75; Good~ nee tillls, none; Alderdale, $5.76; Appleton, $7.75; Bingen, none; Cen- terville, $15.23; Glenwood, $15.25; Juniper(5.~nyon, $4.00; Bickieton, $34.05;Maryhill, $5.72; Laurel, ;4.35; Cliffs, $2.85; Klickttat, i[$27.00; Husum, none: Lyle, $9.23; Camp Seven, $5.83; B. Z. Corners, $3.20; o.nd Wishram, no returns. Drive Returns Ore o. Jest.el delive,ed to i Your home or at Confectionery stores In their anntml report filed here and Allison's pharmacy. George Lay- this week the Klickitat county Tu- ,~au. agent, tf--- berculosis League listed a total of 11[r " , f~! / ~ 15523.I3 received through the oale of I" women s um~s 1o Christmas seals in the county. The [ Estimates Furnished ..... I report wee filed by MleB Esther Trow-| Meet At L le bridge, of Ooldendale, county al[ A. J. LENOIR ___ Y t sale Chairman. I Painting- Paperhanging Ethel Romig Fuller, noted north- , Money taken in by the county I Decorating west writer and resident of Portland, ~luberculosis league is used for!! ~wlll address ~he district Federation M~ntoux skin tests, X-rays and ed'u- lot Women's clubs ~hen they convene catlonal work. There are no com- ~~*"- for their spring meeting Friday, May pens~ted tuberculosi~ workers in • 20, at Lyle, announced district presI- Klickitat county. dent, Ma's. B. M. Heaman, in White The County Tuberculosis league Salmon last w~ok. announced that It has an allowance Her talk will q~e the ,high light of carried in its budget for sending a | ~O$¥1~I$~T@OMIIJ I thB session which will contort elec- delegate .to the state convention to I B~avae|bay la$t lo~I tton of officers, 10 sel~rate depart- be ,held in Olymp~., June 2, 3, 4. ~~-crank fast*r-- • men,t institutes and a fine exts dis- ThB following list, taken from the ~~/" play of craft and hand:work. Fine annual report, shows the amount Arts department chairman, Mrs. R. received ~by the league from e~ch f'l _____ L. Heaman, White Salmon, who is district in Klickitat county: Whltel The Service mxage FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN TOWN PHONE 992 I "WE lAKE TO HEAR IT RING" I)aniel D. Duffield wee born near ed. Albany, Oregon, June 26, 1877. His H.B. Bennett, Homer H. James parents Thomas G. and Sarah J. and G. E. Freeman are appointed DuffiBld .were ,early plonBers of Call- by the Court to appraise the prop- fornia. "Phey came to Oregon in 1871, erty of the joint estate of Alfred moved to Klickitat county in 1879 Pascal and Irene Pascal Pint, both ,and settled four miles southeast of deceased. Goldendale, ,the old schoolhouse of Upon petition duly filed, It is or- No. 12 being on the northwest cor- dered that the administrator de her of their f~rm. Here I)aniel grew to manhood and was educated in the public schools. Later he went to Lincoln county, Washington, then to t, he East and Canada. At the beginning of ,the World War he enlisbe~d in the transporta- tion service of Ca.n~tda ~nd served three years and~ eight months in FrancB. He died in Portland, Ore- gon. May 5, 1938 being 60 years, .bonis non of the estate of Rufus A. Byrkett, deceased, be and he is authorized to borrow the sum of $250.00 with ~hich to pay the costs ot maintenance of the minor heir of decedent, the costs of mainte- nance of the property belonging to the estate, and the claims filed against the said estate. Order is entered which fixes the date of June 8th as the time for responsible for the display lhas an- S a 1 m o n, $112.17 ; Goldendale, Goldendale, Washington nounced a number of cash awards to be given the most outstanding articles +':":"~~~'~'~"l"I"~4'~"~l'~'-~".~,'4~":'~'g'4~~ entereek Innovation of the mid-morning session, which, is set for 10 a. m. will be the series of ten department in- stitutes discussions headed by the in- dividual district chairm~n. The first g~ five in alphabetical order have been all voted first place to be alte~,,,,ted by the remaining five for the latter period. The e~essions were decided upon as an outgrowth of discussion held at the recent board, meeting in V~hRe Salmon, Officers to be elected on Y~clday to fill expiring terms are c~rresponding secretary, and second vice-president. Nomination reported ~by .the nomlnat- I0 montilS and nine d~ys old. He leaves three sister, Mrs. Scott Warwick of Goldendele, Wash.; Mrs. Joseph Miller, Benton City, Wash.; Mrs. T. D. Ada~ns, Newberg, Ore.; ,three broVhers, Thomas Duffield, Port Angeles, Wash.; George Oaf- field, Portland; and James Duffield, address not "known. He was a mem- ber of ~the Presbyterian church and d~id many kind deeds. 000 hearing on the final account of the executrix of the estate of Frank Cerveny, deceased. The inventory and appraisement filed in the matter of the estate of Jacob Schmid, deceased, shows the valuation of the property of the! estate to be $1375.00 The inventory and appraisement filed in the matter of the estate of Dorothy Stunts, deceased, shows the valuation of the property of the es- tate to be $200.00. The inventory and appraisement filed in the matter of the estate of Minnie Ritzschke, deceased, shows the valuation of the property of the estate to be $7417.00. The inventory and appraisement filed In the matter of the estate of Marie Wyers, deceased, shows the valuation of the property of the estate to be $2164.80. The State Tax Commission files warrants which show that it has judgments against the following parties for unpaid excise taxes: Monzlngo Lumber Co., tn the sum of $3.38 together with interest, and A. H. LeLay in the sum of $13.20, to- gether with interest. ing bo~rd were Mrs. W. H. Klickitat, and Mrs. Brooks IAving- ~ton, Gle~wood~, as c~ndido.tes for the respective offices. The nominating board is composed of ~the president of each affiliated club. Two delegates will also be named to represent ~he district at the state convention in Walla W~la June 12 to 15. Contri'bu,tions to the Found~tlon Fund will be solicited and a report on eo-opera~tion with war veterans will also be given ,by those commit- tee chairmen. An a~ard of $1 will be made to the Mugrada clu~b of Goldendale by the district press chairman, Mrs. R. I. Parrott, Glenwood~, as contributing the most pr~ctios.l program in the district 1937-38 Program Building Contest. Week's Realty News WD---R. Lauterbach and wife to Ira B. Hyde ~l& wi~e, I~t 3, Block: D, Lautorba~h's Add. to White Sal- mon, $800. WD---Ira E. Hyde and wlfe to red Brog, hatf interest in above. , Easement Doed---N. P. Ry. Co. to The Secretary of State flies her certificate ~'hich shows that C. H. '1KHckitat Log and Lumber Co. Lot Knosher haB been reappointed as a l7, Jec, 1-5-13. Notary Public for a. term dndtng QC---Forne C~l~m'borlin .to Herbert June lgth, 1942. William E. Vlnton Is brought be- fore the Court on a charg~ of in- sanity. Upon being duly examined he is found to be insane and Is com- mitted to tbe Eastern Washington State hospital. Final decree of divorce is entered In the case of Louella Hougey vs. Art Hougey. What Others Say MAYOR LANGLIE O. K. SAVE FOR ONE ITEM ASter ~hearing M,~Lyor-elect I.,anglie of Seattle, a s'hort time ago we came i Chamberlin, E~EISDSW~ Sac. 7-3- 19. County Treasurer's Deeds---To J. Nails Lum{ber Co., in Sac. 20-4-13; Sac. 2o5-12; Sac. 2 and 12-5-13; Sac. 27-6-11; S~c. 16--6-12. To S. F.I G~ndem, Lots I to 18, inc. Block 19, Bickleton. To W. M. Locke, lands in Sacs. 19 and 29-4-11, To D. M, I~y- man, ~E~W~ and W~SE~, Sac. 4-5- 15. To O. P. Kreps, NENW.~ of 8oc. 11-5-11. To J. O. Ally~, trot on west side of North (M)ldendalB west of county ro~4, WIN---Frank !P. and~ Leslie M. Egar to Christian Science Socl, ety of ~lmon, Lot 6, Block B, Lauterbach's First Add. to White Salmon. In Your Choice of Type Faces and to the conviction that Seattle is InI Deed--R-- Warner estate to for some very excellent l.eadershtp, lEugene V. Warner, tract In Sac. 22- Sizes Of D .,, And i but for one point we would differ 6-10. $200. TWO --a~,er ,nve,o ,es with him seriously. I Sheriff'~ Deed---To F~deral Land That point is one the d~vt~ton of I~mk, sottth 22 acre~ of NENE~, ~,nd gasoline tax money. There is an ini- the S[ of the I~E~ of Soc. 19-3-12. tla.tive fathered and mothered in Seattle hhet would turn 20 per cent over to cities instead of tbe present 10 per cent, "out Mr. I~anglie would go even farther and m~ake tt a t, hlrd. No city in WaShington .gains more from a state highway system than Seat, tie. All roads lead to Seattle, end the benefit thB reet of us gain along the way Is secondary to the benefits that accrue to Seattle. In the long mm even Seattle would lose 'should construotlon of ,highways stop and our state lose millions of federal money now ma~tc,hing ours in conetruction. Seo~ttle may need some help other than wha, t she c~n d~) for herself by adopting busine~ methods in city government, but ~h~t help should not come at the expense of the state ,highway syst~m.----(~heh~lis Advocate. Sell it throug*a ~he Want Ada $1387.2~. WD---Ira ~hong and wife to Joseph Gro~hong and ~wi,fe, tract in Sac. 11-4-10. QC--~reta G. Read to Gee. A. Read, tract in Sac. 19-3-11. QC---H~zel Blayloek to D. M. Lay- man and wife, N~ of ,the SE~ of Sac. 15-5-15. WD--D. M. Stanohtff to Homer I. Spencer, E~ ~S~ of Sac. 21-6-i0. QC--Hon~er I Spencer and wife to Effie M. Dean, E~SWSE| and SW! SW~E~ of Sac. 21-6-10. WD---Bertrand Nordby Read and T. W. Norc~by to Homer I. ~pencer, NW~ of Sac. 28-6-10. QC---Homer I. Spencer and wife to Effie M. Dean, above d~cribed tract. WD---Artltur U. Jones end wife to Wade H. Dean, SENW~ of See. 22- 6-10. $500. WI)----GreeX Western Insurance Co. OO See These Machines On Display In Our Window LIKE MOTHER MAKES GOLDENDALE BAKING COMPPANY ROLLS, like all oth- er products of this home-owned bakery contain the same nutricious, tasty food materials that used to make Mother's cooking your favorite food. That's why so many housewives now insist on Goldendale Goldendale Bakery pastries, and Gold Krust Bread IF IT'S GOLDENDALE MADE . . . IT'S THE BEST GOLDENDALE BAKING "HOME OF GOLD KRUST BREAD" WELTER AND SEIBOLD CO.¸ OF COURSE THEIR GOOD !ll l! Goldendale people have learn- ed to ask for Reliance Ice Cream because it's always good. That is why so many confectionaries and soda foun- tains ,now insist on Reliance Ice cream for all uses. ........ DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, NUTRICIOUS ............ That's Re ce RELIANCE CREAMERY AND COLD STORAGE PLANT EINAR ANDERSEN, Prop. Whatever your machinery or implement needs may be It will pay yo~ to see the "NEW OLIVER" LINE ON DISPLAY AT THE GRANGI~ SUPPLY ASLO LET US FIGURE WITH ~OU ON THA~r PAINT JOB Before purchasing get our Cooperative Pri GRANGE SUPPLY CO. Goldendale - Washington