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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 19, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 19, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington Thursday, ! • ii 3 / !:i LEGAL NOTICES NOqt'/C~E TO @REDPI~ItS No. 3 In N~e 6u~xior Comet of the Staeve of Washington for K~tc~tat County. In the matter of the estate of Minnie Ritz~chke, Deceased. Notice Is ~eceby given, that the un~er~lgne~l has been al~pointed and qualified ~ administrator ot the ~mtate of Minnie R2tssohke, d~cea~l, and that all persons having claims aga4not said decaased are required to serve ~he ~tme on ~he administreto~ ~t his residence, southwest of Can- tervllle. Wash., or u~pon F. A. Smith, algorney of record for said estate, et Goldendale, Wash.. and file with the clerk of ~he above named Conrt, to- get.her wRh proof of suoh service, wt~in six months after the date of the ~'st publication of this notice, or the emma will be forever ~zLrred. Date ~f first publication: April 28, 1938. WII~I~A~M RITZS~HKE, administra- tor of the estate of M4nnie Rit, s- [ P. O. Office and Office Address: [of Vhe Superibr Court of said County 30"3 N. E. Birch St., Camas, Wash-|and Sta~e her final account and re- ~ngton. A28-M19t4---[port and petition for distribution as |such executrix; and that Wednesday, Notice of H .e~in~ on Final Aceount~the 8~h day of June, 1938, e,t 10:30 and Petition ~or Distribution |o'clock A. M., at tbe couTt room of . ~ "our said Superior Oourt at Golden- r~o. P. 162 dale, in said Coun~ty, has been duly In the Superior Court of the State of appoin~ed~ by our Superior Court for Washington for KlickP~at County. the Settlement of the Final Account, In the matter of t"ne estate of Samuel at which time the Court is asked to L. Jackson, deceased*, settle such report, distribute ~h~e Notice is %ereby given that Final property to t~he heirs or persons en- Account and Petition for Di~rlbution titled to the same a~d discharge hhe have been duly filed In the aboTe executrix. estate matter and that Che Coua-t has Witness, The HeN. J. E. StI~ONE flxect Wednesday, the 1st day of Judge of the said Superior Court qualified as executor of the estate of George R. Mitchell, decca.sad, and tha~t all persons having claims against said deceased~ are required to serve the same on the undersigned execut- or at hl~ resid~ence, or office in Gold- endale, Wash., or upon F. A. Smi, th attorney of record for said estate, et Goldendale, Wash., and file with t'he clerk of the above named Court, together with proof of such service, within six months a.fter the date of the first publication of ,this notice, or the s~me .will be forever barred. Date of first publication, May 19, 1938. R. M. SPOON, Executor of the estate of George R. Mitchell, deceased. F. A. SMITH, Attorney for estate. 33hursday.All of them were given ctn "o. k." Mrs. L. A. Babcock and~ son, Byron, spent Tuesday evening visiting Mrs. Asher and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck and son, Dick, visited Mr. Pecks paren~ts at R~ckaway a couple of days last week. Mxs. J~mes Peck who has been visiting her mother at Walls W~lla t+he past two weeks, Game home last Wed~nesday. ~)R SALE---Span of fiarna Choice of three spans. F~OR S.kLE--~15 head of weaned pigs, Isaacson. Centerville, $5 i::)r head. Alvin Rand,all, Cent- b~)lt SALE-~Fine Jersey erville. 203 tanned hear hide, 1928 - I Ford sedevn. Write Mrs. IoOR SAI,I,Y--20 acres, close in; fair Jaekel. buihltngs; price $650. Good chick- en ~,anch. Wtll trade for 7~_n FOR SALE OR TRADE property. Knosher Agency.~ ranch, ~d'jolning FOR SALE OR TRADE---120 acres of improved I~nd near ~oldendale. Will trade for residence property. C~ll Sentinel. 203 ~aOR SALE---Plymouth sedan, run less than 5000 miles. $375 cash. Phone 1203. 203 F~OR SALE OR TRAD~--.Extr~ fine gon, ~out 16 acres in modern dwelling. Low cash, or will trade for town property. Knosher Goldendale. -- Wanted --- HELP ~ANTEI)----=Two men oars, free to itravel, saleS ington Highways In the matter of the estate of Frank County Commissioners. "~ ~ Cerveny, Deceased. Dated at Goldendale, Washington, ~. q~ ~|,~ lUo,,a.~, NOTICE is hereby given ~h~t May 7, 1938. M12-26t3-- " Esther E. Cerveny, the Executrix of The Dallas the estate of Frank Cerveny, deceas- ed,, has rendered an.& pre~ented for No.-----------------~68 settlement to, and filed wlffn the clerk r [)O] la;~ In the Superior Caurt of the State of Washto on for t0kttat County Chas H. Pridham and (~rleelda Prld- hem, hu~oand and wife, Plaintiffs. VS. ~ll Unknown He~rs of Atex~tnder Miller, Deceased; All Unknown Heirs of Maggie E. Le~r, Deceas- ed ; Also all pereons or ~aarties un- known, if any, having or claiming *to ,have any right, title, or inter- FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY est in, or lien upon the real estate d~serib~d in the complaint herein, De fe n da nts. STATE OP WASHINGTON to the • ~ove named d~fendants: YOU end each of you ~,re hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty days after the 5hh day of May, 1938, exclusive o~ ~ld first da~e of p~tMlca- chke, decea~d. Pnstofflc~ a~dress, Goldendale, Washington. May 19J9t4- F. A. SMITH, Attorney for E~¢~sr~e• Postoffice a~Idress Goldendele, of May, 1938. • " " ~B~ V~n~n A,,. 0% ~-~o~, ~a ** GEe M BAKER County Clerk ate a telephone llne or system along - ----- --- , By R. M. SPOON, Deputy County the county roads or high ays which No. 5874 Notice of HearlmK on Fill Report, Clerk and Cl~trk of the Superior are hereinafter de scribe(t,.w~hi_c.h pub- ~d PetJtion for Distribution , Court nc hzgnways are situated ~n Knckitat In the ~Superior Court of the State of -- '~WARA) & WARD Attorney~ for Es- County, Wa~hington, and are not! Washington, for Kllckltet County. a ' M5 M26 within ~ne nmlte o~ any mcovpors,teu~ No. ,. 118~ ) tate, . | Herrlette E. Sunderland, Plaintiff. cbty or town" which highways are In ~he ~p~,*ior Cou~t of the State of t t ' vs. Charles N. Bickle, Fanny E. Bickl,e, Weshin~'~on In ~nd for the County. NOTICE 'iN) C~REDI'I~)RS more part cularly descrio od as fol-, Of Kllekt"tat. "( No. P. 2011 ( lows, to-wit: Maudif living,E" HfsloPand ifanddeceased,WilbardtheS°per'un- • ...h,~ ~o**Ar ,~ ~h= ==~o+o o~ A--a~ ~ Beginning at the Southeast corner C Tllton, ~. In the Superior Coart of the State of~ or ~ectmn I~: T.wp. ~ ~ortn,_Rge. 11 known heirs of those .deceased; Che ~r~,-,-- ~- ,.-...k- -,-^_ *ha" - ~'~-'~' t Washington for Kllekitat Count,, ~ ~ast anu ~o,owmg ~n a P~ortneester- unknown hetr~ of Samuel T. Davis h ~ t te f ly di ectio along t e North s de of Re~rt and Petition for DisWibutlon In ~the matter of t e jo.n esta o I .... : .... and Edgar E. :Pierce, both decoas- r c rue recently construcr.e~ pinionsed; also all other perso~s or par- has been filed with the clerk of the Alfred Pascal andI one Pus al ...... f " ,.~,,v~ ,~,~ ~,,,~ hv ah,~ a~-Ini~-( Plot bo~h decease& [~ap t~. u. Keen.a, a e stance o~ ap- ties unknown cb~imlng any right, ........................ ham-) NoHce Ls that John proximately ~ mile Thence along ¢~tor de ~)onta non o1 the above ,hereby given, )"h ..... =" ..... title, estate, lien or. interest in • ) a. tnted~ an ~ v e sou~n sme o~ t~ermanen~ ~gn- plaintreel estateh, erein, the corn- ed aerate; that the Court is asked to R. M.cEwen hae been ppod w w settle ~uch ceport, distribute thai qualified as administrator with Willi,?YhNOL12~ k~nhas~ ~he Mt. Ad,~me The Sta.te of Washington to propealty to tl~ daeirs or persons on-Ia, nnexed and admmlstre~tor of the[~hr%u.-"~."C;e'c+"l:'~'~'l'~'~w,-'~ ~"'l~o=,"~" Charlo~. N. Blckle, Ftanny E. Bickle, CRied ~o the same, and discJaarge the)joint estate of Alfred .Pascal an~)~j~.~ ~ ~,~',' ~,,...,~':,,~' ~'~"2 M~aud' E. Hlslop and Wlllard Soper, ~a~ Adm4~i~rator de bonis non, end~Irene P~scal Plot, both deceases, ann (~:_*- _~r~.O~,_p,,',_.'-"-tt-~'-~..- '- iS living, and if decea~ed~, the un- ,~..., ~-..~-~-,.~o.. +~.~ ~,~.~., -~ ~ ~u ner~ons holdln~ claimsa.~alnst/r~o ~neaste ty ulrectlon tnrougn sec- ~a~ vv~*~, t.~ o~ ~s v. ~--- ~* -- '~ -~ / H,,~ l~ "I ~ a d "~ rOW~ ~ ~'~.+h known heirs of those deceased,; the June, 1935, nt 11:00 A. M., in thel~id esta, te shall serve the same on~ .... *~,., ..... : ~,- v .... ~ .... tt~e lZ East en~ continuing ~n a Oom't Roo~n of our eatd Superior mid adimln4strator or his attorneys,]r,,~r~h,~o~t,~r~," a,~::~,+~,,,, +h ..... h ~,~ unknown heirs of Samuel T. Davis Cottrt lm~ :been flxe~ as the time and McEwen & Broogs, at ~he~r offme,~i" -',~'*.'- ?:2~.2 .... ~"-". ~r~:""..~'" ~2%- and Edgar E. Pierce, both deceased; for the bearing of mioh final Goldendale, Washingtou, an& file the]~°ns ~a, ~b, "l:Wp. e.No ~n, ttge: 12: also all or'her persorm or p~rties un- ,....^., ,,.~ ..~H,., ~am~ *o~et)h~r with nroo~ or such ! ~JasL to rue lnterseotlon oI tne t~len- kn,~wn claiming any right, title, es- ~'~d/thie 2~th day of April, 1938. service,- witch the clerk of the above ] Tod-~ b ~y B~nd Road in the S~.~ ta.te, lien or interest in the real estate Ol~O. M. BALKER, County Clerk. (named court within slx moutl~ fromlO~ .t~ouon ~, Twp. 6 I~ortn, ttgo. iz described in ~the complaint herein, By R M. SPOON, Deputy I d~te of filet pttbltcation of this notice ( r_~s~. .. ....... D:= fendants. -- ~f~ ~r ~*~r~ .~h ..... ,.. ~,~ ,h.~ ~-me snell roe forever ~ed'! ,~ne ~oara oz ~ounty uommm~lon- You are hereby summoned to ap- .....•atd Administrator de bonls non.) 1938.Date of first pU~DIICaUOn, may 12, | have.fl~e~ June2, , 1938, "~,~ht"~lourl; e no po:rfirst pu(blicationWi~hln 60 daY.of thisaftersummons,'the deteto_Of ~a~z ~ M~i]WEN Administr~tor lof 10:00 o clock A. M. at the Corn- wit: within 60 days after the 19th , ' ~,,t~xw.~ & nn~'t~KS Attorneys for [ ssloner's Chambers in ,the Court day of May, 1938, and defend! the m -- . ~m~ ~ ~u [)'estat-'" e"Ool~°~ele, 'Washtngt'on [House in Golde~dale, Washington, as above entitled action in the above | ~-d~Jlfll~i~ $1~-|-h~ i.~|i~ ]) ' M12-A2t4 [the time e, nd place for hearing said named court and serve a copy of I " !"- - J .......... |) petition and e~ppllcatton for fran~hdse, ~our answer or other pleading on the I --- . |/Notice of Hem-in~ Flmal Account and and any and all persona tn, terested undersigned, a~t~rney for plaintiff, I r.~ _.. ~..~.. I[ l~porYt~--~ Petittou for are hereby notlfie& to appear at said a.t his add~ess hereinafter set forth; [ ~ ~ ~1[ ild~ I) r~-i~*~on time and place to show c~use, if any and In c~se of your failure eo to do, I -- -- |I In ProV'~'-'~)a--tethey have, or file writ, ten obJectlonl judgment will be rendered against .....I NI .HT AND DAY _ERYICE.q ,,|~ __ why said' franchise should not be~you~ according to the demands of t'he m m~ ~,~ P lag~ gran:ted as pca.yed for. complaint, which ha~ been filed with | C~lllt~t~ ~on and Wash- ]tin the Superi'or'Courtof the State of GEe. M: BA.KER, County Clerk and tl)e clerk of the ~bove named court. ! [ w._ .or --. o--t. o. 0no --.o o. tain a Judgment and decree of t~he ~.bove named court decreeing the plei.ntiff to be the owner of the here- inafter descrLbed real property in said county and state, and quieting title thereto in plaintiffs e~nd forever barring you, and eagh ~f you, from any right, title, interest, lien or es- tate in and to said~ ree~ property, or any part thereof, adverse to pla,intiff, said real property being situated in Klickib~t County, Washington, and described as follows: The eas.t 20 feet of lot 13, all of lot. 14 and the west half of lot 15, in block 16, in John J. Crolden's First Addition to ~ne Town of Goldendale, W~shtngton; and all of lots 12, 13 and 14, in block 16 in John J. Gold- en'e Secon, d~ Addition to the Town of Croldendale, Washington, ~ccord,ing to the pl~.ts of said additions now of record in t'he office of the counCy auditor of Klickttat County Wash- t ngton. F. A. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Postoffi~e Address: Goldendale,Kllckitat County, Washington.M19J23 te-- Mary Go~s went to Portland Fri- young Guernsey milk cow, Just ence helpful. E. J. day a,fternoon returning Monday.,fresh. Maurer Bros. Feed Store, Hiway Auto Camp. Ca*bin Mrs. I-I~rold Barrett and son,call 232. 203-- 8:30 p. m. Frank, went 'to Portland Friday and F'OR"-~AI.tE~53 acres slx mll~ir~1~l WANTED --~'--'-'--~our-r"---'-oom'-"--~ visited~ her parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Asher and son, Stan- White S,a.lmon on a good gravel town. Must have electric li lay, drove to Vancouver Sunday.rae~(t and in a good section, 40 city wat, er. Will pay cash. morning, returning Monday evening. I a~res cleared:, good buildings Agency, G~Idend~ds, Mr. and Mrs. ,George She,ne ofspring water into house. Family ~~ Arlington calla& on M,r. end Mrs. E. orchard, berries. Make a good home ~r and suitable for dairy farm. Price du£ts, write Clm.rles F. Mit W. Peck and Mr. and Mrs. Gess ~t- $2400. Reasonable terms, 5 per trlet manager, Blngen, W urday e~fter noon. Mr. Montgomery and Mr. More- cent ir~terest. C. E. Crooks, Gold- ~v~N~l~E~)~__-~t~o~s~--~ head. of Goldendale are doing some end~le, Wash. 203-- sheep. Highest market p~l needed repaim on the school .house. Miss Helen Plasses visited in ~OR S~16 inch wood, pine or for feeder pigs. M. M. fir, $5 per cord delivered in Gold- Phone 316Y5. Aug. Goldendole l~riday end Saturday. endale; sligh~y higher tor outside t~nald Brown and Miss Helen city limit deliveries. Gall Maurer WANTED--Young man with ¢ ~,ales and service. Work sale: theErtcke°nweekend°f Portlandat ,the R. drove.L. M~DonaldUP for Brothers, phone 232. 193-- commission while traintn~ home. Mrs. Brown is helping at the ~ manager. Address X, The Junction ~Servlce ,Station and Miss sulky plow, walking plow, weeder, dale Sentinel. tSrickson :is a niece of Mrs. McDonald. 2 wwgons, road scraper. Mrs. J.A. - .......... ..... Wilson, Centerville, W~sh. 193 ~'ANTED---Housework, exper BICKLETON SHOCKED r, OR S~Work horse, weight ,Gall at ~entinel office. ~'-E WANT--Hogs, beef, lanai BY DONOH0'S DEATH ~bout 1350. Eig)ht years old. Fred veal, and feeder pigs. Also Ratherdt, Route two, Goldendale, Wepay highest c.a~h market: BICKLETON -- (Special to The Washington. 183 Goldendale Mes:t Co. Sentinel) --Btckleton friends receiv- ed the sad news, Sun.d~ay Inorning l~'Olt S,~J~E--Iron or wooden 50 gal• K][j'~~-- ~] that Donald Donaho, son of Mr. and b,a,rrels. Good quality. Price $1.25 ERS, Phone 102. Su~ts Mrs. A. W. Dons)he was killed in a iron barrels, 75c wooden barrels, motor accident late S~turd~y evening sail GoldendMe Bakery, phone order--Royel Tailors end in Oakland, Calf,fornla. Donald was 112. 193-- City Woolen Mill lines, t'~ prices. West of Ford GeragS, a senior at the Polytechnic Engineer- ~'-~'R-~3-6- 4--tt~be---~neeralendele. ing school in Oakland. Mr. A.W. ~ectrlc Radio. table model. Wern- Donaho le~t for California Sunday. on Ol~en, Goldendale. 193 Funeral ,~rran~gements have not 'been made as this news goas to press. FOR SALE---72 acre ranch in the L4X~T---Two~,,wo~,----bay mares two lWr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins, Mrs. Hood River Valley, 20 acres in i branded 101 on right hil Nellie Collins and P. J. Miller were East Fork Irrigation. timber for l sorrel mare nine years, dinner guests of Mr. and Mxs. R.M. wood, 6 raom house with l Fergust)n Sunday. basement, electricity and spring! circle I on left ship. Wil Ranald~ Fergueon accompanied ,by w~,ter, other buildings. Will trade l Im~te, Goodnoe Hills. a .friend, Verne Comstock, of Wash. for stock ranch in the Lyle, Wash., -- - ~ ~O~ Re--~.t L. ington State cell.age, spent the week- district six ,to 8 miles out.---C. E.. end at the home of hls p~rents, Mr. and M~rs. R. M. Fergu~on. ,Crooks, Gol.d*endal~ee, Wa#h. 193-- F~)R RENT---Furnished Miss Hazel Burdett was the lunch- TRU~~ ~~ ~ Mrs. H. O. Allyn, call con guest of Mr. and Mrs. (?has. Jen- books at The Sentlnel. Bound In,~ ...... ~en Saturday• book form, origlnalo dupli.te andl The Girl Sexmt program scheduled triplicate. Keep on the safe side: for Sa~turday will be postponed until of the Iaw--hsve a bill of lading. !~'i~3N YOU 8HIP IdV Wednesday, May 25th in the high Portland, consign Chem to school auditorium. e I Misses Audrey Jansen and Verniece hospital i,n Yakima Frid +y. ~ Taylor a.nd Hoard Comn iss Five carloads motored to Golden-l Truck or e~rload shipment~ Carter, who are students at the El- d~le Saturday where the Blckleton~ len~burg Normal spent the weekend .bared, under the direction of Clma. E. I immediate a,ttention. " at their homes here. Scott, participated in the Band Fe~t-:RIDING HOI~ES---Persons e~ Mr. an.d, Mrs. James FowIer of iva~r and Mrs Charles Jansen were riding can rent sad~lle hO~ 'l~acoma were weekend guests et ~he day or hour at the John. home of Mrs. F~wlers parents, Mr. hosts" at a dinner honoring J~mes raueh on Little Klickttat 6| ~nd, Mm. W. G. Faulkner. Mr. and l~rs. G~don Hickey and Jansen V~d~ne~day evening. Covers n.ortheast of C~ldendalO. Mr. and b~rs. Fred Doern and son, were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drury, phone 3106. Bobby, of Portland, motored to the Jensen, lV~r. and Mrs. A. M. M~tsen, -- .... (-~ALL I~OR BI~-"" Roy Hosfelt n~n~h Sunday ~f last Mr. and~ Mrs. Alfred Jensen, Mr. end week. Mrs. Hlckey, a sister of Mrs. Mrs• Fred Zum.walt, My. and Mrs. The City of ~ale .will Hosfelt and Mrs. Doern, ~ daughter, I-I~rry MoCredy, Mrs. Anna Brown for marking streets ~bidder remained for a *two weeks visit. Mes- and Mrs. C. J• Jansen. nish yellow street paint sue srs Hickey and Doern returned to Miss Lois Larsen. who is a~tend- usually used for that kind Portland that o~sning, ing business college in Yakima was and, perform the laibor, unc John Weir of Maibton was the a weekend guest of her aunt and supervision of the Street Co~a weekend~ guest at the home of his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zumw~lt. Bids to be opened~ at regular daughter, Mrs. Fred,' Lasley. Mi~s Hazel .Bu,rdet~ of Kennewick, i meeting, Juno 6. ~t Mrs. Alfred Jensen and daughter, former high school teacher here, i IPlan and plat can be seeu ON ALL... paints, enamels, varnishes, tlon, and defend the above entitled suit in the Court aforesaid and, serve a copy of your Answer or o~her ap- paint brushes, kalsomine and poa~,ce upon the undersigned at- torn.eys for the plaintiff~ at their post office ad, d~ress ~elow stated; and linseed ,,~'-a in ease of ,'our f~llure so to do Judg- ment will be t~tken against you ac- cording to the demands of the com- plaint herein which is on file with tbe Tru Clerk of said Court. 'lqhe obj~t of this suit is to have plaintiffs adjudged the owners of and ~ ~helr title quieted to the following described real estate located ~tn Build. Materials Kllckitet County, Weshington, to- wit : A one. acre truct in the east half of ~he northwest quarter of Sac. 21, Two. 4 N. R. 16, East of the Willa- m,e~te Meridian, particularly describ- e~d' as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of enid see• 21, 10 rods east of a point midway between the northwest and the nort2aeest corners of said northwest quarter of said sac. 21; thence soul, h, 30 rods, more or le~s, to the north line of Broadway Street in the Town of Goldendale, Washington; ~hence east- orly along the north line of said Broadway Street 88 feet; thence north 30 rods, more or less, to the north line of said see. 21; thence in less, to the point of ,beginning. And to have ~he Defendants a~d~ each of them excluded from any ! "s'r l,S ! right, title, or interest, or lien upon said described ,real estate and for sudh other and further relief as the Cot~rt may deem equl,bable. .......... WARD & WARD, Atforneys for CaED[T [ Plaintiffs, Office and Post Offlce Address, Goldendele, Wa~blngton. M5-J9t6-- _ .......... ' Not~ of H~ring I,~Inal Ace~m,t and Report and Petition for Distribution To youin .¢arh redicproml lY o.P 9 3 mad without /nconvcn/¢nc. , we Xn Vhe Suportor Court of the State of Washington for Kltckit~t County. In Probate The PION . q STA BAWK In the m~tter of the es~e.te of Rose E• Warner, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Dewey Schmid~, executor and Dorothy Schmid, executrix, of the estate of Rose E. Warner, deceased, ~hae rend~ ered and presented for settlement to, :and filed ~wlth the clerk of the Super- ior Court of said County and Sta~e heir final account end report and for distribution as suc'h ex- and executrix; and tha~ Tues- day the 14th d~y of June, 1938, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the court room of our enid ~Superior Court at Golden- d~.le, in said County, has been duly l~ppointed by our Superior Court for ~he Settlement of the Final AcCount, a~ which time t~he ,Court is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons an- tried to Vh~ same and discharge the executor and executrix. Witness, The HeN. J. E. STONE, Judge of 'the said Superior Court, end the seal of said Court affixed this 13t~h day of M~ty, 1938. O, E0. M. BAKER, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court. .... " = ~ ~$~$" . .......... #,,,, .... #~ ~*- R, ,M. 0PEON, Deputy. M~olly Lou, were luncheon guests of ,was the guest of Mr. and~ Mrs. Milner Clerk's office. RF~OLUTION Mr. and Mrs. C. W• Ramsey In Gold- I_~rsen last weaken4. H.W. end~le Tuesday. Mrs. William Duryee of Golden- 20t2--- Mrs. C. J. Jansen entertained Mrs. dale Is visiting at the A. D. Mason "~IIEN IN SEATJPLE ! Chris Jansen and sons, Ronald and home. Richard, ~t lunch Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andersen were HOTEL CALEI Dayton Glover 'was in town on entertained at dinner a~t the Jacob 7th Ave., bet. Union & business Mon.d~ay. Johnson home Sunday• All modern conveniences & Jame~ Jensen arrlved~ Saturday to The high s~hool seniors le~ Sat- Rooms with detacfned visi, t with relatives for a few days urd~y for Yakima, w,here Don Giles ba th, dally .......... 0 prior to his departure on a trtp to ~,nd Kenneth Jensen entered In the Rooms wit~ prlvate*~l.~ Europe. ~e leaves Thursday for inter~holastic track me~t there. Ira- bath daily '~ Spokane, where he will join a party mediately following the meet the .---W]~'~L]~ "I~)~/E~., $6 of eiffh,t hundred of the Danish boys~tccompa~iod by John Harris roo- d ~ i Brotherhood. tore to Seattle on a s ght seeing Announcements were received by"sneak." They returned home la~e "- friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Monday evening, hill Ferr~ l£rcankau of th~ birth of a son, Berry ' ~,,,,,,,...~ ,,. Altan, born in Alameda, California, Sell it through the Want A4s. May 10th. Connecting Link fOF [5. Mr. and Mrs. H. Giles were dinner 97 and Columbia Rtve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Got- H hway fredson Sunday. Mr. er~,dl Mrs. George Juris and chtldlren and Miss Saart, Mr. and Mrs. --- New Low Truck 1938 wen adopted, and Vherefore was A~fred Matsen and ~r~bert, Junior uot included in s~id ~buclget, bu~t re- McCredy, Mr. and Mrs. Churls Jen- mains in th,e hands of ~he City sen and children, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Treasurer. _ ..... Larsen and daughters and t~eir O~ NOW BE IT R~VIgD, that it guest, Miss Burdett, enjoyed a picnic GOLDENDALE LODGE F. & A. is the sense of this ooay, ah members dinner on Pine Creek Sunday. ~ NO. ~| present, F. L. Branton, S. P. AllisonI /~r. an@ Mrs. Alfred Matsen enter- _ A _ STATED COMMt Hll /~' '.~ an@ H. L. Lewis, voting in theaffirm- I tatned Tuesday w~th a shower com- a.tire, that the said,.$3,961.49. ,be, and plimenting Mrs. Harry Chambers. ~1~ ~¢" EV£S~ FIRSL ~ ND ~,u," ~'\ THURSDAYS ...~ ~me City-,Teasurer :is nere~Dy mscruct- Mrs. Lydia MoCredy of Seat¢le ar- ed ,to transfer end credit said amount rived Friday for ~ v~Q¢ ~,~+h h~. ,,~,, . C.H. K~osa£s,~-$! :s~, the Current Exp ense Fund , ......... .~. ~v,,, to re- Noble and ~rother, Edward Flow,ev. OUR place money spent for truck, i~ho is ~the house guest ~f Mr. and street work and eng]neermg on sew- Mrs. Flower. HERMAN C. ROLDFF er projects ....,S. F. Ganders and Chas. Jeasan LIVESTOCK AUCTmONEER "A' Slgned: J.G. AI~_YN,Ma~ m~de a business ~trip to Spokane Sun- AMBITION u~0 ~UR.,TURE A.O F,R,_ "~ INERY SOUGHT AND SOl-V . ayor..d~ty. AND EXCHANGED It-- H. W*.~MORT, Clerk• Mr. and Mrs. E.. Flower were --~ hosbs ~t dinner Sunday. Their guests GOLDENDALE0 W&SHIHST0~ NOTI(~E O~: SALE OF REALincladed Mrs. William I)arlanda~d t~'a'na~ son, Glen of Goldendale, Mr. and We have realized our greatest MC EWEN & Bi~00~ _----~-----=. ~__ Mrs Gl~enn Glass and children, Noble ATTORNEYS.AT.LRW ~, No P 19b~ .. T: . • •. - • . , .....~vl,~reuy, Lyle Woods and Miss In the Super'mr ~ourt o~ the t~t~te or l Powell of More Oregon and +~heir ambition. To be known as one eGOS NORYH OF POSIO~lq Washington, for Kltcgitat Coua£y house ~uest M.r~' Lydia ~-,~ GOLI)EIMDALE, WASI4/II{tTOII e ests " ~' ' " ~ "~ "~'~'~'~" In the matter of th ~ .te of Ru~usi The annual JuLnior Prom given in efficient, courteous and J R. McEW£N Z.O. eR C Coombs, I)eceaseu. the Gran-e hall "~ri .... reb iveu i ' ~ r a~y eyeing was Notice is ~he y g that in ac- a big ~uccess. A~ttractive arrange-conscientious. To al- cordance with an order of the above ' ' ments of tu/lps and spring flowers F.A. ~|TH were used about the refreshment ways be thought of ATTORNEY.AT-LAW .~; booth, where Miss Phyllis iM~tsen and ON~ DOOR NOSTtt OF posTOF~I June Jensen served punoh. The hallas true and trust- ~o~e,~L~. and stage were arflet/celly d~aped with the high school colors under At a regular sess~ion of the Golden- dale City Council, ,held in the city of- fio~ on May 16, 1938, it was moved and seconded that an emergency exists in tlm~t 1the City of Goldendale Is short of funds as provided by the 1938 budget for the completiou of im- provement of certam streets in ~he city, now ,being constructed by WPA l~bor, and~ that ~the a~ore~ld~ improve- merits .are very necessary because of the impassable condition of the streets, and that the present being tq~e [best time to accomplish the work, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, ~that in as much as the s,um of $3,961.49, ~s a cash b ala.n,ce, remained tn ,the hands of the City Treasurer at the close ell business on Decemner 31, 1937, an amount that Gould not have been an- ticipated ,when the annual budget for entitled court made and entered herein on ,the 17th day of May, 1938, Freeman R. Gr~w, Executor of .the above entitled, estate, wil] offer for sale at pu*blic auction at the front door of ~t'he County Courthouse at Goldendale, Klickitat County, W, aSh- tnffton, at the hour of ten oclock ~n the forenoon on Saturday, the l lth day of June, 1938, the following des- cribed real estate: Commencing 66 ~eet south 2" 7' wes~t of the southwest corner of Block 33 in Central Addition to the town of Goldendale; ,thence south 2° 7' ~west 100 feet; ~hence sout~h 89" 21' east 100 ~feet; thence north 2° 7' east 100 feet; thence norbh 89° 21' west 100 feet to the place of begin- ning,the same being in ~he south half of the nerthe~st qtmxter of Sac. 20, Twp. 4 N., Range 16 E., W. M., in Klickitat county, washington. Beginning at a point sot~h 89° 21' east 166 feet distant from t'he south- east corner of Block 39 in Golden's Central Addition to the town of Gold- endale, Washington, e/~cord~ng to the plat af said edd,Rlon on record fn the office of the county auditor of Kllck- itat County, Washington; ~honce shaded lighths. .Crafts orchestra of Sunnyside furnished the music. Fred I~sley was rushed to the Pr~ser ~hospital Monday with an at- tack of appendicitis. Mrs. Ja& Dodson fi,nderwent a major operation at St. Elizabeths worthy E C. WARD THURMAN E. WARD ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW DARCH .DING S0kD(ND&kE, C W RAMSEY ATTORNEY-AT.LAW OARCH IIU |L.O|Ne GOL.D£N DALE, |1 0 L1 Ii ~t kh ( 1 0 :( :l :l Lb :! :( I 1 i 0: I: t north 2° 7' east I00 feet; thence south 89° 21' east 100 feet; thence s°uth2°7'westl00fe~tt°then°rt)h' M l W Chap line of c 9treat in said town of Gold- er e . man endale extended; th~ence north 89° 21' west 100 fee~ to ~he point of be- OR- WILLIAM H. WE~d' ginning. Funeral Director 0ENTIST That said propePty will ~be sold to GOLD£NDAL£, WAS.ql the hfghest and ~)est bidder, or bid- OFFICE PHONE 7Zl . ,ders, for cash in hand, ~he Executor reserving the right ~o reject any or WM. CHAPMAN," Manager =~ all bids and~ said sale to be su~bJect to PIONEER STATE BANg 1 confirmation by the Cou:r¢. Ambulance S 'vit INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Dated at ~Goldendale, W a~h:tng~on,Office 1508 Night 1602 SOLO£NnALE WASHIHGTO~ i thls 17th day of May. 1988. FREEMAN R. (~l~W, Executor. PNOM| 71 C. W. RAM'SEY, Attorney for Estate. eFF|C£ |N P'ON££S ST&T[ May 19JSCA--- - --