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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 19, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 19, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT• REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED• Ma 19, 1938 The Churches Church Leaders ,~kODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH C. J. Hall, Minister Y ACTIVIAIES K day church school 10:00 a ~0ur goal is to learn to live to- ~Qr as Christians. ~:O0 a. m., "John Wesley After ~agate Street Experience." ~At 7:30 the Leaguers will have ~Lmeetlng in the church audl- ~'~,m -~ worship service followed k:"~ an address on "How They Live ~matra,' illustrated With lan- Ulldes. - ACTIVITImS: 7:30 p. m. Choir YAKIMA V. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington WINNER OF SPORT MEMORY TEST i Page Nine SPRING CREEK OPENED THROUGH CLUB'S local INFORMATION: the nation's biggest g state, is now near- Slate Meetings NAMED T W0S --- For correctly identifying every WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, individu,al in The Sentinel I P S Pullman, Mcy l 1---Religious leaders [ G U S picture series 'Sport'C Memory from all parts of the ~tate will gath- Test," Miss Elva Riley this week er at the State College of Washing- a • • wee ~warded ~ free three year's ton July 25 to August 6 to att~end the subscription to this newspaper donomlnatlona11938 Summer InstltUteand for Rural : C~Sd,-rm~c~Take;~~i as first prlze In the contest. Religious Loaders, Di.rector Paul H. Laud'is announced today. Henry Miller, of Centervllle, who missed only one name in All ministers, Sunday School swp- erintendents ~nd other religious lead- I .the series of five group pictures era are Invited to abtend ~t~hi~ inter-I was a~vaeded a safety razor as non.soctarlanl second prize. The five pictures school. Nationally known speakerB :~e*sk~=aCkv;;le~~ ran in The Sentinel lest fall, will be on the program. PrOblems °fl:~?=/Tatthrda;?C;hd -were of Goldendale high school und town team football, besket- t, he rural 0httrch, the church end ball and girls basketball clubs. adult education, problems of rural The oldest picture In ~he series dated ~oack to 191"6 while the newest was of a 1927 football eleven. ACTIVITY Through the efforts of the Klickibet Hunters and Anglers ACORNSl club SpringCroekfarmershave MEE OAKS ~reed to open ~heir property to fishermen on ~L trial baals be- ----,--- Goldendale ~ttitss Team~ ginning immed~la,tely. Edward's Furniture Baseball Accordin~ to William Lay- • Club To Face Southpaw Slants • man, president of the clwb, the I Of Raise Hunters and Anglers will post each of the farms opened to Not content with one tough game fishermen with signs reading, a week in their own Yekima Valley ~'We have secured permission league, Ooldendale's Oaks will pl~y or you to fish here. Be consid- lafst year's Oregon semi-pro che,m- crate of the owner's property ptonsh~p base+ball nine in a game end privacy. Report unsports- here Friday evening. munlike conduct to the Klicki,ta,t Playing under the Ed,w~rd's Fur- With Orville Richardson pitching Hunt,era end Anglers elwb." niture company t~mer this year, t~e Oregon chfamplons boast a potesat roster of stars. Included in the line- up of the former ReIM,ble Shoe club, are such men as Johnie Bt.ancone, Oregon State baseball and grid luml- dry. This is a result of option elections. There meet was held at Yakma.Bobble you~ch, socia~ control, practical rural icahill' Goldendale handyman, took dconomlcs and rural sociology will seconds in the high Jump, broad bo some of the topics +d~scussed. jump, and both hurdles. J ill Cahill, Vincent Dressel, Sam Her- Truck Parking net VandeVanter, and Brown quell- iiiii The A. H. Cleon house, located on Spring Creek, was destroyed by his best game of the year the Oaks The move to open posted were Invincable until the seventh inning, property to fishing was tnstltut- Reiss, who relieved Richardson at ed by the lace/ sportsmens club the first of the seventh, had trouble here last month so Chat large in finding the plate and accounted i fishing areas might not be clos- a fled for the district elimination definite revulsion to public rl ne~• $ 11 I 11i ..................... re- th-ee "~I ........ ' e~l from the state game depart- nery; Herb Lahtl former Coast Q I~. "~-,,nk~-~ a-l-in" and tor'e[ItlOn laolea meet at xazma zor next ~aturuay nre "l~lesaay, May 17. M. ic. Palmer r r ~ £eusl)urg rums. , ........... ' ..... . o, ,.,.u ~- u. . s ........... ". "-" o ...... I merit s reptammg program, te~tguer; L:napple King l~Tan~i~ ale ~rlnktn- b" women in • ~omenuam coppea zne relay. Donas was resialng n the place at tne Grab ~Earl,, Lead • hi - • ¢ - ' " " ~ : ~ " - +i of the fire ....... ~ ~ l gn coach; an~ Art Par[er one- |t and taverns where in -re- Goldendale's controversial truckGiles, of BickIeton, won voth thet me . The vuuamg wa Ooldondale got off to an early l ........ time Hood "iv r ~ ~ " ' - " ' ~ re b Insu , ' ~ e boy vane pleyea In ~i ..................................... mile and half mile runs. Grandview, cove d y rance through the lead in the first inning when Rich- Z0 ~0 Club 9 .................................. L ~zton says they ~,*ere never lJ~-~ms qu~,~+uu w=v tau~eu for au- • ..... l ~ ,vasue ~,,up~.y for sever~i L other two weeks b,, the cit-- ~oun Easton. Mabton, Tieton, Btckleton, A~enng agency, ards singled, stole second advanced/ ....... cil at its regular session Monday Benton City, and Lower Naches an- Judge J. E. Stone, of Kelso, at,- I to third on an error, and scored on! iubmer ,es ............. ~ese and other post-repeal evils[ in de d e- ~ ~.e game ts sxatea to oeg~n a~ ~ ........ evening The council was -'resented tared teams in the meet. rived Col n ale Tuesday to pr i a pa~ed ball that filled the basses• I --- --- 5 .... i ......... [~ tm taken as respons]nle, in part ..~ " ....... y ..... side at the regular Superior court ~, Lewis then singled to score Dahler 1 C-amr T am _°°_ u a,l [~ ~e~t fo~ --,ha* is ,,nmistakabl~ a w~n a petition oearlng tne names . = ....... "~ r ...!-..8+ men en opoprtum~y to see the entire + ' ~ -- " " " "" s(M~slon nero. . and Austin came home on ~ Gottnl@ • D dry swing."(Christian Herald, of Main street business men ask- 4[ !' _ ..................... + _ . ------'-- contest. During the afternoon ~re- marrti*gv ~censeWas ls~ueal gUlsteal ~, la~a ~ Ing that the truck parking ordi- ' • !' ~dff~,#~ ~ I ~ • ! "lhe 20-30 Club stepped Into their cedin~ the ~'ame ~'~-~ ~a~ .... .....: ,nance be repealed. ~ ~i~~ L_ Rudolph J. Camp and Lois M. Weet,In the fiftl, canto the Oaks ac-i full stride for the first time this nouncementswlll~be'm=ieo=;p~ hi ..... " i r n both Df W te Salmon, by the KIlck counted for five more runs to clinch season b winnln m m el ]W~vm ,a'~wvm f,~rr, f,~r , The truck park ng O dins ce ~"#~ ]~D~'~~~ . "[ I Y" g fro Ca p G d-land stetlons KGW and KOIN w --~ ~v~ ,~u~,v-- arab.,, ttat county auditor's office Monuaythe eonteat Richardson started the~ • ' ~ -~" ~.' "Ray ,~ w. ........... makes it unlawful for trucks more ~r"~.~, "~ ~ " ~" _ "i • endale 25 to 4• Two regulars were gardin~ the same ..... ~..~ ....... I than 18 feet Ion~" to hark along '%" - - ~~ E.L. Douglas, of the federal farm llnntng o'ff with his first hit of the l missing from the Club lineu- buti .... ~ .... "~ ~- .... ~ ~ ~" i ~ +! i m~tnager ~. ~. ~eoInaver ass SOt c~edlt ads nistratlon office In Yak sense a sin le t lze w on [.19:00 ~ m l~thl~ aPh, nl q~he Main street from Colun~bus avenue ........ - < n, g . S e r as safe ! their positions were capably filled yet announcM hie starth,~, U--,,.n e,.~- bl~ .................. • or to Grant. W.B. Nickerson was in Bickleton lma was in t~oluenaale on ous|ness an error, Richards ray,~d_~.... out an i~ ~Y'- Rob'hi son ann- W'c-~ Kman; twa ~ ~he game but will probably'-° ..... ~.start...- g~ School ts a great influence f ~.h~ ~, ........ +~ ~* ~+ ..... io- sis on business Monday early this week• Mrs George Gober, infield single, Kennelly was safe on lfin~ ,,r^o-~*o ,m. ..... ~, ..... ~.~a I ........ ~..~t a ........ D~.. a .... ,...f l cussed the advisablty of enactment C.E. McBride, of Blckloton, was of the same office was in uolaennale a fielders choice th:~t~ Richardson isled as a breather in preparation forI Richardson r~ular aborter Cr.r +h,~ [~erica ~to o,~, .... ~ ~o. ,,¢ ..... M of an ordnance requiring the 11cons- a business visitor in Goldendaleue a y a d W unesaay. .I beat out at the plate. Austtn singled I the three coming games with The Oaks will be *h- .~-~ .... ~=~ ..... the church and its Sunday ~ir, g of all bcycles and bicycle riders. Tuesday. Carl Laudenbach, son-ln-law oz. I over second and Richards came I Dalles, Waste, and The Reliable I bar of the teem ~01 along side the home as the i The bicycle ques.tton will :be discuss- Mrs. Ions V• McCredy, of Blckle- Mr. and Mrs. John. H. C.offield, a.nat home on another double steal..Shoe Store team of Portland respec-] " , _ ~t~a+ + ......... ~ ..... a ~. +he i cd further at a later meeting, ton was a business visitor In Gold- former high SChOOl coach, at .t~om- Lewis then doub'ma to drive in t~voltively• When the Camp boys crossed c~rn~¢ o~m~- ~ .- ,,,.,u=.~ ~u, ~,,.,, ...... , .'. .. _ '_ endale, was recently appoxnteo VlCe lruns i~. .... ,~._ , ..... ~._~_ ._ .~._ ~-.. t _ . ~,~,,v~, ~vx.~v~ ~ o~ America today." an(Isle ~aturuay. -.,~,.._, .t ,~.+..~,;~ ,.,~.h ..~,.,d • -- ...... ~ uomv pxa~ ~uur ~,a~ x- tar ,~-~ I Senmrs of Goldendale high school ~11:00. n. ....... m. mur.,.~+ ...... wu,,u,p"~" ~,a^"" '~,.~[U~e][l[~'L----J------L ][~![~-- J_. ,'~ Mrs. Joel McKune, of Kltckitat ......... Mr ann ~rs Larry ~oagson, ot I 111; ~ ~ard i tuning it appeared as though theII ~staged trelr annual "sneak" Wed- [~e'hinE m~rvic+ Sermon theme" Y was a business visitor in Goldendale .." ." ....... I Goldendale scored runs in the Club had a real ball game on their t,esdav The class w|+h thmtP ,,t ..... " I | n a ~ , "" -- .............. 4~+~t- o YaKtma, were m uolaenoa e ~u u y ~0W To B~ x~ .... ~.~ T~SUs " i "~-- II~|~AL I--~D.,. J Tuesday . .. sixth and eighth innings• Ellens-+hands. It seemed to be the scare visor Miss Lois Sehroeder nicnicked = ---.vJ --, ~- • , mrs ' • " ~:0- ...... ' IO ~l~t £ I~U M~ and Mrs Tommy Richardson vlsittng at the nome of Mr. ann . " I burg counted single tallies In the alone that started an avalanche of n ~-;~, p. m. t'reacmng serwce at [ ..... John H Co'ffleld Mrs Hod'~on m a' ear North Bonneville. ~khou~,~ ~h~.~ hv C ~. W~n~ : -----'------ and son were Portland visitors Sun-. • . s~ ....]second and sixth and ended theirI base hits, stolen bases and freei_ 7 - " ~rom a list of candidates including daughter of Mr and Mrs uoutem o i ' L~:00 ~.n--~'~'~"-'-~..-~, ~'~. --.~" ~'_. ~.~-~';h°.o+--.- I • . ." " ,i day. " " oraon" "l sc r ng fn the seventh with throeI passes that lasted for nine Ddll fnn- i ~ I Vincent Dressel ]V~iles (Buddy)Mat~ I Lyle W Ternahan and G + ~ted £.uests of the Enworth] " ' "' Mrs Edward A beling returned to " ' . ]runs. Most sensational play of the[lugs. Gifts of mercy were unthough [ ~tle a~ fho Mr l~. ~hur~h - Jean, Eugene Jaderq.uist and Byron Go]dendale Monday evening after a Baker, Ray Gately and 8. F..Oanaers [game came in the third when Lewis, ]of and when the afternoon was over J! ~ ~ ] ~:0n -_" ""~ "+~..~'.~+.~. ~" +~ +. i Bro~n Golden, dale high school stu- brief'visit in Portland ]members of the county SOil conser-[Goldendale left fielder ran deep in-I 25 club runs had crossed the plate tl M" 1 I ! ~t+~; .............. ft A marriage license was imlued by, Ito the outfield to make a sBnsational,The Camp used three pitchers to no++ ~ " i'~ qlry'~l~ I r dent voters next Frldey will select, +xation committee wore in Pendlsto + oz ~naplaln a. t;. ~££er o • nee ttond/n ~-~lHted States Army who will beta student body premdent to serve[the Klickitat county auditor's officelTu~day,and. .Wed. day a g[catch of a hard hit fly near the avail despite the fact that their out-[ ~ 1 ~t~ ~~ [ " durin ~he comin ear ~ ' a amtrlct AAA session. I[ llillil~ ~i~p ~'~oldendale on his regular visit _ g .... g Y+~ ". .... ito Roy Baille and Edith Ferguson,I ............. ~ ~,^.+a ++od+,erslfence" field gave them fine support. + ~ J~ I +'ms CCC camp I O+aBr canulua+es [or stuaen.~ ~ooUY]both of The Dalles, last Wednesday. i ofr~W::htu:;:'a~+~R'+;~l;; s;;nt] Rlchards wlth three for flvo hits+ To date the club has scored 52i+ = gv I [#~?:+0 n m Thu'rsdav nraver meet- I officers at Gol, dend~IB high schoolI Don't forget the blg Klickitat ] ........... and Weiss with two for two led the[ runs to their opponents 14 in four]+ i ~ ~,.'~ " . . = " " .. . fareCordon Vand+eVantor,June;,. ....... ,~. ~+ ..... ~ ~...~.~. aerie~tone n~gnt last week a~ trio some o~ ~Oaks at the nlate Carev Ellensbur~, / ............ li I t~+2 -v£[owec[ Oy ChOirpractice at i - I ~'~"~ ~u-~,, ,~.u ~-a,~,~ ,.,~ " ! ~ • ,~ .~..-. ,,h~, o~o,, o,+~nded 1 " • -, ~ t games, wttn a long naru scneoute I I ~ I l~,~0 P. m [ Hector,. rIarriet ,CrooKs, and Charles at Blockhouse Saturday, ,May 28. [ :'~arl.e ~ran~:'i. ~:.~'n:;~:.~:%"~ "~h. [shortstop Who finlnshed the game on ahead it is very doubtful that they ] D~f~';¢~"~'~'~ m~ I [~l:00 ~. m. Pride" the Men's~ Beggarly, mr VlCe-preeluent; anuI Thompson's orchestra. . lt--- ] ~,~ v ......... " :"."".' .... ~.'~ ~'~." [ the mound, led the Invaders with I will be able to continue with the ii ~.,--a,~.,g~u.~u~a ~ I t~"ell =eeting for ;;llowship, in-] Howard Lawson, Jim McKenzie and i Edna Layman, daughter of L. ~I. l+~m? .svenJng: ..a,~ rorm e.rly :dltwo hlts for four times at the plate. I same ratio !] . 1 1 ~ Larry Lawler for yell leader+ , tenses SChOOl in uontervllm a " I ~tlon and business The eleeton I ' • , Layman, is In St Elizabeth s hospl- . .......... I Get Your Kits } ~ox Score H R E .] . .. 4. I l&~eors is to be ,held at the buBi-[ .Retiring president, of the ,h~gh tel at Yakima recovering from av [=h::ls :o:2 rememnerea to nls om[ Richardson held the Ellonsburg1 20-30 16 4 10 15 7x 18 253 ]] I SChOOl stuctent body is ttoDert Imrle l team to two hits in the six innin ~ ~emsion A full attendanc-e of[ ' + • append'citls operation, i .. - ~'~ .............n[ gSlCamp 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 6]~ rq /1. /, 19 ] I~ Ill desired i ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cleman, of Ija~r" anL'u~S';or~,~'e:ta::v:;;llhe toiled. Whlle the Kittitas ninel Winning pitcher Williams; Los-i] Plasnllgnt m , ~s , , c , of , P I @ ~ ~e V,~orshi" and Serve with us ~b~,,~! V~.~=,o^ qoppenlsh were In Goldendale Tues-[ ............ collected two more for their day's l. ~, ,, ' ,, o ]] @l ] ~. P ., .... • .= .. n. ~;la- -- =~-'- ~ ' ~ ,~a~-o ,,, ,--,,£na,~a£e cast week VISit- ~ ~ tn~, vitcher, Lofttn; Um,,ire, M n- ,~ ~.~ , =. , t+ ~ is a Welcome Here l day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. O. ] ............ [total off Reins. [roe I[ | |rd~r ~k | • Dr,+" A t,! ling at the home o[ ~r. ano ~rs. • va~F . . . . . . . . . . I O. Cleman. 1 to Friday evening the Oaks Will • -.ecelpS cce ,.a..e vie o.K. Hill. The Gillls family p an , I ~v~ %,.=o.u,~= .,: t ~ . .... ' ...... Isail for the Orient June 19.Mr.I ......... IDtJn.t~Jabkl~ ~x~ II ~ II ~., / ~wrrv~ ~r~r~ 0~ Dr. Kirk Brown of Grand w,+ ]meet the Edwards Furniture com- n.+n~..n~ ~.mmr~r~ ]] .'r~..,~m + was at UIOCKnOUSe sun(lay VllnUng/ ............ party nlne Iron ~'ortmnu at tsrooxs t I~l~ i • ~-~g~x The Lawrence Warehouse Corn- UllllS is a teacher in a mmslonaryt =~,a,,~ 0pal I Benedict Minister t ...... with his wife Who is reeovtng treat- / ............ el field. The game Is scheduled to be- CENTERVILLE SHOPI ¢11 | " ' i pany o~ t'ortland uregon largest .... i SChOOl there. Mrs. tmt~ was a scno .......... i n ~l ,, --._.__ ~ . . . ' . ' mon~B ~nere. ~ ....... rs "illi l gxn at ~:~o p. m. Their next league t ---------- /I D| . 'l I ~t , operators o[ nela warehouses in the ma~ o~ Mr. ana m . L, s, . ~ b 8 DAY SERVICES • . + . . K.C. Langfield, of the Unted~ .................. game will be played at Yakima Sun- CEN'PBRVII~E---(Special to T~]J .. Kal:es ......... JL I ~19.^- IUni~ed S'ta~es, nas complies with ......... ul rl Clyae ~c~'alt an om time ~t~c~-i ......... +sentinel) Some one ,broke a wind~)w~ -- ~ ~ '~o B.ible School Supt Bertha . t~tates [crest service dfflce in ~ e ! ............ I say against the Gascaae ~un~Der +.~--~ ..... __ '.~ 11 ! [++14+.- ' • I the reqtnrements of the Commodity ........... /~ater, now o[ t~lnenul~t, wash., m + ..... ] OUt Of t~n~ Dl~Kemttn ~op ore nlg.n~ II ~ ! ::mQ~l ! was a business visitor in t~oiaenaa~e ! ........ f lcompanyrime The uascauos are llas~ week ~nd stole several d~llars~1 & 11 1111. ml / '41. " • Credit Corporation and has been ap- spenalng a low aays at tne nome o , ,00 Lord's Suppdr and sermon, [ . _ last Friday. • ~ ......... [rated one of the strongest olubs In worth of drills. +I ~.laaam tl I [~ ,~ ...... I proves and licensed by that Govern- ~-- '~---+ x'^~'o-.-'us and Mrs | t~arle t~ranam, resting so to speaK, ] the leo- I Mrs. Henry I#~uterb~ch and ktddles|l vi I ~-0"ure mmcuo.n. ,.... I ment lending agency for the storage ,~,f~':°',~":?~'~.=~."~=-",~.o And,else' ~after 21 years as offer in one of the Be- S'core came up from_W:hl~e Salmon S~.tur-~] ~rL ..... D_~i__! I ~:~ v U. E Toplc, '~emg popumr [ ........ "~ ................. ,* ' ! ~arg .... m. ,,~ rover,,** Wa.h I ~ : /say anu ettenoea tne oanu testlwtl ~l lll¢l'lllg,~ Dg~[l[.l~a | t ::n;iflsie::IcHeig:ndId::rlSm'on, iil;i2!:!u~id bi~hlhC:cP~i:Y2;ii!~ ::~::°rltnhei~}°hld::dS:id~l~t°t~r i OID"~B:RBER C~;~ IEallre:yi'b;~gss AB4 R H ~ l~)~mlrd~ncno~t:!ieMush~):i~, l~mwUe~:aedI ] ~'~ ~ooi, , ~,,,~ +hi ........ +,el' .mother Mrs Mary Rankn and other1 Huggins, c 5 0 0 0 given to Mr and Mrs Elba Kerr at t~ ~ . ~pl~n 7" .... . ....... %° ...... iCredit Corporatlon from any worn relatives. " i RECALLS EARLY ]Woodward, m 1 0[the home Mrs ~ma ZahelmanlJ tunas water $1 | ~o usa two accorumna, a Tuesda aftmnoon ~°;att organ and a xylophone tolgr°wer w.h° wishes to^take+.advan- Mrs. J. w. Fuller arrlved Sua-I DAYS IJasper, lb 4 0 0 0[ l~r ~Y~+Mr~ Za. Mat on motor-tl 1 1 liege el ~ae +by ouo,uuv ou ~overn .__._---- nmi m ther to Th ~ s ~ a on busi ~ .... ~l~tS mak,~ m,nio ,n*~ th, I.,~Pd ] ' " -day evening to be with her o ,1 ]Johnson, ss, 2b 4 0 0 2led " e lie esd y -]] ........ / ................. the 12th ~%ne Is invited to come to this sent loans to growers in Mrs. J. A Morrill and to attend the/ Still resplen~lont in cec~ plush, [Feroglia, 2b rf 3 1 0 1 ]U~r end Mrs J Cam bell of!] [ kwti~ as well as all services during IFe.deral Reserve .District, .which will funeral of her uncle. ! despite its dingy storeroom sur- I Schille, Sb ~ ~ 0 0/Kennewie Mr "and W, tet[ 1 _e e o__~ Ill | take inall WOOlgrowninuregon f~rd's Dav and durin,- the week I . . ' Miss Claire ~piggel of White l roundings, a .he,l~ century old [Hearth, If 4 0 0 0 [Te.ylor of Presser called on Mr. audit I ~ei[ O[ O ~ ~11 [ ~+~Rr~. _ ~ ~ ' ~ Washington and Idaho• Loans will Sal---n ...... kend --~'~" ~- I ~---~.- --~.-,- probably the first [ ~, .... .w _ o . . ., |Mrs. z, enas n~.attson Sunday a~ter-II Vl / ~0~ ,, ¢~ ~ERVICES00 p m Blblo study of PC. mo, apen+C" L " ~ .e we+ ......... ' Iu ........... ' " "Whltner,....... , "+ " o""•s+e n°°n Isi'l°''---'+ whoi.+ Sac ....... : .... _l. l+~ay 8. b+ t~:R +rough the Portland offlee and Mrs. Winter. Miss Sp+ggel + +rticle of ibs kind ever ,brought 2b 1 0 0 +haMiSs E I~.~ Financing The'Church " ] ' " " Is a teacher in the White Salmon I into Golde~ndi~le, was rediscover- I Total $3 5 ~ 3~ .... be~ .vi ~g . +~ ts..forthe!| | • ~---- , |pm~ weeK, went ~0 l~elSO ~Un(le+ i i!tt~.r1~.aY 7:30 p. m. Campfire seng-[fer the success of the meeting, schools, i ed here this week. IOaks +A.~R H E,where she,will visit with her unc~'| .... | + llervlce on t e Li l K Ic+ "Pra without ceasln " for ra er Mr, and Mrs Pred Janke and+ The ~be.rq~r ohatr, now stored [ Stel++er SS 2 1 0 0 'Rndl aunt Mr..e~d Mrs. Embert Mat-+l l~osevdle vases i h tt e I kitat y g P Y i ' ~.ginnlnglast Monday and con ~ispower, dauErterGrace, andJamesandEllis, lntheP. D. Pros rb ldng, ~Rlchards, 3b, as 5 , $ 0x~ Ral-h .... =±'- ................ ~l ,= ' " • he ui i tson ann z~mny • ! L~ql~ - ' i p wuu n~w~ru ~u~r~ . I~ u all of Portland spent the weekend w~ brought to ]ighrt in the pro Kennell ~b 3 2 0 0 s i%;. ntll and through the evan-I June 12a community basket din- , : . " I Y, l-P.+ t a few d+ays week vism.++l Several metes "I I ~?~e meetings beginning" Juno 5 t her will be held at the church fo]- in Ooldendale vlsIUng at the M. C. I cogs of disman,Uemg the old J Dahler, m 5 2 2 I ] rela~ives a.n?. Irmn.d.s: .... t] r " "~ I ..'m o o I + i ~r. ~na ~r~ ~uea~ra voters ~na+ ~e i o structure on t)he corner of Grant ~t-, nnethandMarthaKnox, thellowingthemornlngworshipservlce. BgbY hme. . ~ . 1Austin, c 2 ~ 1 2[iRtleeonofPortlandspentovertheI[~" i-+ [ ]~'f~ s sponsoring daily Cottage fAll famllles in the community are i Fred Stockli, of Goodnoo Hills, and Main streets. According to I Lewis, If 4 0 2 0|weekend visttlng .her mother, Mrs.!| | |ILr~t .~r^ "ill / ~ meetings at 9•00 a m. [i~vited to come and take part in I was in Goldendale on business Men-; l~resher the chair ts he property [Olson, lb 3 0 0 1[ 'Mr and Mrs +or-en'V-r'--lm,elan~ ! ' ~ / p~ t.~r yau are s~hle to meet in]the fun and fellowship. Further an-iday. He reported an unusually fine of Mcs. Georg~ Brown and was I Hoetor, rf s 0 0 0 land .on of Kelso visited ov+r tbe!l ~ __ , *1 / it, 'Silowsht .... ,++, ....... + 1,,,, ........ men, ~tll be found In next crop of cherries at Goodnoe Hills.. first used+' in Coldendale by Oeo. / Richardson, p 3 1 1 1 / weekend ~'it'h Mr. and M+rs. Win. I .asserom .... .it / " o tB"timB each day ]week's church notices. Judge and Mrs. Howard Atwen, Of t Brown more than 50 year~ ago. ]Weiss, Sb 2 2 2 0 t Nth~ele~.iazel Kahkmaen and friend t/ / --~ I Keiso, were in attendance at the I Pot more than 2O years tt h. I Reiss, p 1 0 0 0 I Horman l~hodes, motored, up fro~ I q / / _..m | I+ ]Kllckitat County Hu~ters and ARgd-I been adhered In Presher's ware- ] Total 33 1211 5 +K else_and visited over the.weekend+ ~ poe. aKe-serve.= I ii" I'~ . #.~..- -- -- ~,~ + + I+ ers club picnic at Blo+khouse Sun- honse ge~er|ng d+ust. Once oc- +Oaks S 0 0 0 S I 0 ~ --111~t~k~n%~a+~e;~;oan~te~n~d~en • • +II | I fred Ultmann av$..... I I day. i cupying e ~lace of honor In the Imlensburg 0 1 0 0 0 I 3 0 0-- 5 I fish feed+ at Blockhouse Snnday. ! R..a,la I I I x'_...--... _ " ....... II Judge and Mrs J E Stone, ofj barber chop located whore She Isummary" }...Mr. and Mrs. p~nd N.iemel.e of+ ..... "~b .... + • ".lh I • • • . ! r~e~so were weoKena Vmltors here : / ~m e to pain.t and! l[Kelso, were at Blockhouse Sunday Gold~ndale hotel now stands, I Two-bass hits, Carey, Woodward,|wlth :hems folks. "1~ey took in the ... .,.~ I l~asonable place to _bnng |Iattending the annual Hunters and 1 bhe chair has been almost for- ]Lewis+; Sacrifice hits, Huggins; |~sh .~ and a+ttvittes at Blockhouse 3 17.=fnlat , | ~unaay. i --- ----" - ~p i t and paper problems I[Anglers picnic, l gotten. [Stolen bases, Woodward, Schillo,/ A. J. Niva went to Waahtucna • -1 ~ [ 1 ~~"~,"^"_+.- II E E Brashear, and Wll~.?~IdI Despite its ag+ tpo oh:Ir pad l,ich d.. 2. Dahler, Aus-ISunday' where he Will spen