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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 20, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 20, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 12 PUBLIC from page ]1 2004 227.30 Total 928.20 Lienholders: Gedora NOTICES 172.21 77.09 350.00 Business Company; David & Deanna Collins NAME: BROTZMAN, KAREN ADDRESS: 214 HARMS RD. CENTERVILLE, WA 98613 PARCEL NUMBER: Year Principal 2001 89.79 2002 92.12 2003 84.65 2004 86.23 Total 352.79 Lienholders: Gedora 227.30 1,527.50 04-14-3500-0003/00 Interest Penalty Costs Total 32.32 9.87 350.00 481.98 23.17 10.14 125.43 10.46 9.32 104.43 86.23 65.95 29.33 350.00 798.07 Business Company NAME: BROTZMAN, KAREN ADDRESS: 214 HARMS RD. CENTERVILLE, WA 98613 04-14-3500-0001/00 Interest Penalty 162.79 49.74 113.35 50.60 52.08 46.83 Costs 350.00 328.22 1 47.17 350.00 Business Company; David & Deanna Collins PARCEL NUMBER: Year Principal 2001 452.20 2002 460.06 2003 425.75 2004 433.85 Total 1,771.86 Lienholders: Gedora Total 1,014.73 624.01 524.66 433.85 2,597.25 NAME: BROTZMAN, KAREN ADDRESS: 214 HARMS RD. CENTERVILLE, WA 98613 PARCEL NUMBER: Year Principal 2001 1,702.14 2002 2,012.35 2003 2,153.77 2004 1,893.98 Total 7,762.24 Lienhotders: Gedora 04-14-3500-0004/00 Interest Penalty 612.77 187.22 484.45 221.35 252.86 275.00 1,350.08 683.57 Business Company NAME: DIMMICK, JASON L. ADDRESS: 1105 NEPTUNE BENTON CITY, WA 99320-9516 PARCEL NUMBER: 05-16-3161-0141/00 Year Principal Interest Penalty 1999 249.88 149.93 27.49 2000 249.44 119.73 27.44 2001 280.17 100.86 30.81 2002 288.46 72.49 31.75 2003 258.28 32.00 28.37 2004 64.54 Total 1,590.77 475.01 145.86 Lienholders: Ponderosa Parcels Costs 350.00 350.00 Costs 350.00 350.0O Total 2,852.1: 2,718.1~ 2,681 Total 777.30 396.61 411.84 392.70 318.65 264.54 2,561.64 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at ~nnouncement ............ 1-30 Sch0o~ & ................. 34,55 Buskin& ......................... .72 ................. Tr',~l& Trawp0dal~ ............ 109.122 Animals& AFIcultum ............... 289-325 Rentsls ....................... 3,~41S Real F.mts ................. .419.452 Automotive .............. 454-540 Swvlce Directory ................... 348.706 Wrap up hHoUdays .............. 00. 2 Happy Adst 2 Card of Thanks .... 5 Notices .............. 10 Events'--'""" .... "15 Personals ........... 20 Support Groups .... "25 Lost & Found ..... 30 & Con 75 Wanted 75 Help Wanted75 Help Wanted75 Help Wanted General General General General , ,,,,,, ,,,, , , TOP $$$$ PAID NOW For notes and contracts Sldp Fen, 800.637.3677 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted .................. 75 Positions Wanted ......... 80 Volunteers ..................... 82 Job Opportunities ..... 85 In Home Services ........... 89 Child Care Providers ....... 90 Child Care Wanted ......... 95 Diaper Services ........... 100 75 Help Want i General *The Ticket to a dream job might really be a scare.* Govemmant Wildlife Jobsl Great Pay and Benefits No Experience Necessary To protect yourself, call the Federal Trade Commission toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A PuWIc @~ Message from The Dalles Chror~ and the FTC. Amerlcor~ Vista Volunteer BUSlNESSSERVICES ENGINEER'S Office Specialist I: Wasco/ Property Appraiser I1: Wasco SPECIALIST II ASSISTANT Sherman County Public County Assessor's Office, Temporary summer labor Health Dept; P/T, 3 days/ The Dalles, OR. Sal: Mid-Columbia Center for (6) positions in the Klickitat wk, $10.81-$13.14/hr + $2884-$3509 + bene. Req: Living is seeking a full-time County Public Works De- bene. Req: Bilingual Span- BS/BA degree in Business Business Services Spe- partment. Requires ability ish/English, HS diploma, Admin, Agriculture, Engi- cialist-II for our office in The to perform heavy manual preferably supplemented needng or related field w/2 Dalles. This position will be labor in all weather condi- by college or business yrs of appraisal exp; valid responsible for scheduling tions. Requirements: 18 yrs school training & 2 yrs re- OR Driver's License. De- workflow: the ordering and of age or over with proof of sponsible office exp. Per- sire: 2 yrs additional exp in inventory of office supplies; acceptance or enrollment forms clerical duties of lim- real property appraisal; ra- completing client intakes; in a college, university, ited complexity according tie analysis & appraisal set- data entry; and providing trade school or other insti- to standard procedures in- up exp. Ability to be regis- back-up coverage for other tute of higher learning, cluding typing skills, word tered as a Qualified Ap- office staff. This position re- Wage: $10.34 per hour. processing, personal com- praiser by Oregon State quires HS diploma or GED Application deadline May puter, filing, and operating Personnel Div. Obtain ap- supplemented with exped- 21, 2004 at 5:00 pm. Infer- a variety of office ma- plication packet from Was- ence and/or education in mation packets at Klickitat chines. Excellent customer co Co. Employee & Admin. office systems or computer County Personnel Depart- service skills. Clerical Test Services Dept., Wasco Co. science. Must have at least ment, 509-773-7171, 205 required. Obtain application Courthouse, Rm 101, 511 3" yrs. of experience per- S. Columbus, MS-CH 15, packet from Wasco Co. Washington St., The forming business office Goldendale, WA 98620, E- Employee & Admin Servic- Dalles, OR. 97058. or web- functions. Must be corn- mail: es Dept., Wasco puter literate and have the or Courthouse, Rm 101, 511 This position is Open until ability to type and utilize for Washington St., TheFilled. EOE computer software info. EOE. Dalles, OR. 97058 or web- systems, Must have the ability to multi-task and pro- Experienced Investment Close: 6/3/04. EOE vide leadership. Bilingual Consultant has opening for (Spanish/Eogltsh) pre-Service Assistant. P/T, NO ferred Salary range is selling. Must demonstrate $2,001-2,433/mo. + bene- excl admin. & communica- fits. For job description and tion skills, Typing, Open your heart. Open your home. Bea Foster Parent. Whirr the ~Chorry Prult merge=, aerial application for Health Department is look- place, EOE/ADA: ~+"uAm~m,-~.,u , "" I~f~klt~, WiS~O. aft@ Roo~I rv~,=o,,~vvmn,,= River Counties. If you like control (by County Law) wlll ing for someone with BUY'SELL A~ON~10 sign up Oregon.Cher..~, Growers /s working with teens, and comnl@nce It that Ume and strong organizational and fes. No door to dour, ,=~,~,,=vu,,u ¢lHpil~¢lUUtl= /ut h ...... t ......' ~,, ^. . In yv r will be repeated every seven interpersonal communica- Call 1-800-FOR-AVON, the following positions: .............. days until ths end of cherry tions skills, who has the 541-739-2111(Iocelcell) Line Suparvlscr. Qualified home, you could be a Fos- ~Shel~'Sprayere, ln¢. ability to work with diverse applicants must have tar Parent. The Next Door, populations to serve with Co.Wrltem strong supervisory, math, Inc. provides free training, an outreach team that ed- forjoumal article,organizational and com- certification, 24 hr on-call ucates community mere- Popular Science. puter skills, be detailed support, regular respite bers of communicable dis- 509-493-3240. oriented, and possess ex- care, and $1200-$1500 per ABORTION?WHY? cellent decision makingmonth tax free. CONSlDER ADOPTION ease outbreaks and disas- COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS tar planning strategies. The COUNSELORtSUPERVISOR ability. Call Heidi at 541. Warm, secure, loving home position will also become Hood River County Parole FoddiftDrtvem 386-5520x414 available for newborn baby, familiar with the key ser- and Probation. Five years Qualified applicants must Pleasacallattomeyat vices available through the related work experience be 18 years of age, poe- todayl 1-800-606-4411. A-967. health department and plus two years recent man- sess a valid driver's license OREGONIAN CARRIER nesd- DtRECT CREMATION $695. work closely with people of agement responsibilities, and must attend and pass ed, Fuel efficient car required. Columbia Cremationlow income in order to en- Applicants must complete a safety class and driver's 541.296,3600 & Burial hance their utilization of Hood River application, test, and drug screen. 541.296.6699 public health resources. Obtain job packet and re- Cloricei Harvest Staff PART TIME INSTRUCTIONAL PREGNANT~ Need help? This position is provided turn application to Hood Qualifed applicants must ASSISTANT for CGCC's through Clara Barton River County Administra- demonstrate good math, Learning Center Programs Call Pregnancy Resource AmeriCorps VISTA and re- tion, 601 State Street, skills, strong organizational in Hood River. Includes as- Center at 773-5501. Free quires a one year commit- Hood River, OR 97031. abilities, be detail oriented sisting with intake and as- pregnancy testing,ment. A living stipend and a Fax #541-386-9392. Appli- with computer experience sessment and computer- .... cash award for completing cation deadline 4:00 p.m. a plus. assisted instruction. Dem- the program is provided. June 11, 2004. Hood River All applicants must be able onstrated competency in For more information about Countyisan EOE. to work long hours, includ- math, computer, record- our organization please ing weekends. Apply at 1st keeping and interpersonal visit our website COMPUTER LAYOUT position & Madison, The Dalles skills. Equivalent of one- ALCOHOLICS Anonymous open in busy newspaper EEO/Drug Free year post-secondary level Wamic Group, Tues.(open) If you have questions about office. Seeking qualified Workplace. education; knowledge of 7pm @ Wamic Church.the position contact Kathy part-time layout person special-needs learners and Schwartz, 541-5(36-2626. with skills in QuarkXpress UNECOOK instructional practices; 4.1, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Experienced, FT/PT. Call Spanish speaking pre- and Adobe Illustrator 10. Jason at 541-386-4411. ferred. 20 hrs/wk, day and Must be a team player, de- MAIN STREET Countryevening hours. $9.63/hr. tail oriented and able to Restaurant, 120 W. Main. Start date as soon as qual- work under pressure. This Now taking applications for Stied applicant is found. Re- is a fast paced environ- quest application packet ment. Experience a plus all positions. 9-11 am, 3-5 from President's Office, but will train the right per- pro, or cat1773-5700. CGCC, 400 E. Scenic Dr., son. Please pick up an ap- MANAGER, PT, start-up The Dalles, OR. 97058. plication at the front office Guest Home, possible 541-298-3123; or send a resume to: The room exch. 509-493-3240 Dalles Chronicle, 315 Fed- EOE eral St., The Dalles, OR. New Hood River Employer 97058 seeking applications for a PLUMBER FT, new con- variety of manufacturing struiction. Central OR. positions. Ample opportu- area. Benefits pkg, com- nity for growth and ad- petitive wages. 541-475- vancement for those look- 5200 or 541-419-0399. ing for stable, full-time em- PROJECT MANAGER, PT, ployment. Full benefit pack- Book promo and fundreis- age including vacation, hol- iday/sick pay, bonus- ing project 509-493-3240. es,medical, dental, vision, life, and 401K, plus stock options. For more informa- tion please mail your re- sume or apply in person at HOMESHIELD, 910 Port- way Ave, HQod River, OR. 97031. EEOE. ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- endale meetings at the AmedCorpe Vista Volunteer Position Open: The Wasco United Methodist Church; County Commission on Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Children and Families is Fd., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- looking for an energetic way. 1-800-999-9210. self-starter who would like Crystal Math Anonymous the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of "Survivors". Fri 8-gpm, 401 children and families in E 10th, Unit Recovery Wasco County. If you are Foundafion, The Dallas. looking for a position that DEME~riA SUPPORT GROUP allows you to gain valuable work experience in the field Friends, family & caregiv- of early childhood and/or ers of people affected with human services, and would Dementias. 2nd Wed. of like the opportunity to make every month. 10-11am. a positive impact on the fu- Oregon Veteran's Home. ture for children and fami- lies then you should con- Public is welcome. For info sider becoming an Ameri- call 541-296-7190. Corps Vista Volunteer. This position requires a one T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds year commitment and pro- Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 vides training opportunities, a.m. to 10 at Riverview real work experience, a sti- Comm. Bank. 773-0456. bend for living expenses, health benefits, along with T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds a cash reward for complet- Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 ing the program. Hurryl Ap- p.m. at Rivervtew Comm. plicetions are due by June Bank. 773-5301. 27, 2004. For more infer- Women's Cancer Support mation about this position please call 541-506-2672. group. Open to all women For more information about with cancer. Come join us the AmedCorps Vista Vol- the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays unteer Program please visit of the month from 6:30 pm their website to 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer and Center. For more info con- applyonliosl tact: Lyn at 296-7205. ASSEMBLY WORK. Your home or ours. Easy work, good pay, Start immed. 509- 493-3040 or 503-8t 6-9251. Preschools -'" "35 Schoo4s/r ra~nlng "'"--"""40 Tutoring' "'""45 Instruction ....... 50 Health & Fitness ...... 55 Business Opportunttkm-'60 Investments & Loans""'65 Insurance """"""~"""70 Mortgages & Contracts""72 ~: i¸ • 6' coMMERcIAL Spanish ceder Humidor, $1500. 36O-833-9964. COOK+ FT/PT position in Hood Riven Exp. necessary. Fax resume to 541-386-1203. DISABILmES SERVICE COOPJ)INATOR Property Appratssr Ilh Wasco Mid-Columbia Center for Co. Assessor's Office: Living is seeking a full-time $3030-$3683 (effective 7111 Service Coordinator to 04) + bene. Req: BS/BA in work with children with de- Agdcultura, Business Ad- velopmental disabilities and min, Economics or related their families. Ideal canalS- field, or have worked in this date must possess knowl- field at least 5 yrs w/pro- edge of DD case manage.. NOTICE OF VACANCY gressive exp. in supervi- ment and crisis diversion The Roosevelt School Dis- sory skills. Must have standards and have the trict invites applicants to maintained necessary an- ability to implement them within the community. Must apply for the position of nual appraisal technical Superintendent. The posi- hours in approved DOR be familiar with DD OAR's. tton is part-time and will be- classes and be an OR Requires Bachelor's de- gin July 1, 2004. For appli- State Registered Appreis- gree in human service or cation materials, please er. Obtain application pack- related field with 2 yrs. ex- contact Peggy Hanan at et from the Wasco Co. Em- perience or 5 yrs. equiva- 509-384-5462 or Write to lent training and work ex- Roosevelt School, P.O. ployee & Admin. Svc. pedence. Bilingual Box 248, Roosevelt, WA Dept., Wasco Co. Court- (Spanish/English) pre- 99356. EOE. Closing date: house, Rm 101,511 Wash- ferred. Salary range is June 11,2004. ington St., The Dalles, OR. $2,800-3,403/mo. + excel- 97058, Phone 541-506- COLUMBIA GORGE COMMU. lent benefits. For job de- Office Specialist II, Wasco 2550 or website: NrrY COLLEGE In The Oalle=, scription and application County Assessors Office, OR has the following open- contact Shaleen at 541- ~ time w/no bene, $11.31- Close:6/3/04. I ngs: 296-5452. ~5/'2N04.$13.75/hr. Require HS di- Director of Pre,Collogs. Po- Dtogfres~ EOFJADA sition includes program ad- ploma. Prefer: college or Vice Pdncipal for Columbia ministration and faculty EQUIPMENT OPERATORS: business school training; 4 Gorge High School; Wshtonka supervision in the Human- Chemical Waste Manage- yrs responsible office exp; Grade 9 Campus. Qualifica- Sties, Social Science and ment and Columbia Ridge strong data entry skills, tions: Master's in Educe- Human Services programs. Landfill in Arlington, Ore- Exp in reading legal de- tion; posses or can obtain Closes June 7, 2004. gon are seeking equipment scriptions on deeds; exp in Oregon Administrative Li- Director of Math & Science; operators for landfill oper- assessment or tax office ~ cense; previous exped- Business & Technology. Po- ations. Must have valid helpful; type 45 wpm. Clef- ence as elementary teach- sition includes program ad- drivers license, H.S. diplo- ical test required. Obtain er or administrator, Con- ministration and faculty ma or equivalent and ex- supervision in the Math & pedence operating heavy application packet from tract: 220 days; distdct- Science and Business & equipment. Please send or Wasco Co. Employee & paid PERS retirement ben- Technclogyprograms. fax resume to; Personnel, Admin Services Dept, efits. Competitive salary. Request application packet Waste Management, Wasce Co. Courthouse, Application deadline: June from President's Office, 18177 Cedar Spdngs Lane, 511 Washington St,, The 8, 2004, Contact North 400 East Scenic Dr., The Arlington, OR. 97812, fax Dalles, OR. 97058, or web- Wasco County School Dis- Datles, OR. 97058; 54% (541) 454-3312. Posting site:co.wasco.or.ustrict 21, The Dalles, Ore- 298-3123; closes May 21, 2004. Close: 5127104. EOE. Drug gon. 541-298-2796, or 541- Waste Management is an Fme Wodq01ace 506,-2401. EOE M/FN/H HOUSEKEEPER RESTAURANT/ Now accepting applications KITCHEN MANAGER for P/T. $8.40/hr. + bene- Seeking a positive, enthu- fits. Criminal background siastic and energetic per- check & drug testing req. son with pizza production Apply in person. Parkhurst experience. Must be ca- House, 2450 May St., pable of hands on man- Hood River.' agement ~ining and efficiency of kitchen staff, food prepar- ation,inventory manage- ment, and quality control. A team player assisting in maintaining a positive, fun working environment. Qualified applications ac- cepted at Andrew's Pizza, 107 Oak St. Hood River, OR 97031. SCIENCE TEACHER Glenwood School District #401 has a full time open- ing for a 6th-12th grade science teacher. An appli- cant must have a WA State Teaching Certificate or the ability to obtain one. Class- es taught may include Earth Science, IPS, Biolo- gy, Chemistry, Physics, and Math. Glenwood School Distdct is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information and ap- plication procedures, call the school office at 509-364-3438. SUMMER WORK Muliple openings. Excellent starting pay. No experience required. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES Conditions apply: Fun workl NOW INTERVIEWING 360-573-1868 Vanc. 503-595-1765 Poland Technical Assistant. On Call. Mac for Blog, Site work, etc. 509-493-3240. The ticket to a dream job might be a scem High-Paying Po~ll Jobel No Experi~ Requhedl Don't pay for information about jobs with the Postal Service or federal govem- ment. Call the Federal Trade Commission toll free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit www, to leem more. A public service message from The Daties Chronicle and the FTC. Winery Tasting Room Hospitality People. People of all ages who en- joy wine & people. Man- ners, education, & previous hospitality exp. a plus. P/T or F/T, Great job for the right people. Send intro- ductory letter & resume to PO Box 390, Box 782, Hood River, OR 97031. E0undl ! Ch Lost& Found, 77 Help Wanted79 Help Wanted Medicel Seles/$ewice A Passion For Healing? Intemet Sales Position. If helping others heal is Immediate opening at Grif- your passion, we have a fith Motors. Great career place for you! In addition to opportunity. Contact Bodie competitive compensation, in person or by phone. Gnf- we offer comprehensive fith Motors, downtown The benefits and an environ- Daltes. 541-296-2271. merit of excellence. We have the following positions RESTAURANT SALES REPS Fast sales - Hi closing open: ratio. Hi-weekly comm. • Registered Nurse Nationwide opt. Proven • Emergency Nurse sales program & tools. Director wwwz, o Surgery Director For info... 800-460-2995 • RadJolngic Technologi.t/CT For more information,, small at "Beetles Fan" Jewelry" hr@mcmc.nat, or call us at 12 year old boy: No not the Apparel" 541-296-7510. music band- BEETLES, the Furniture Mld-ColumbiaMedicaiCanter bug. I love bugs I want to 1700E.19thStmat be an entomologist when I TheDalles, Oregon grow up. Classic, old cars are cool too. I would love to help work on cars or take a Cameras ride in them. I need a Big Brother that will share my interest in bugs or cars. If Hot TubS, you are interested in sci- The Parkdale ence or love classic cars, Sporting~ call 54 1-298-2173. Exercise Big Brothem/Sistsm of the Columbia Gorge ] lJ Fourth-grade boy: Lookng for someone to spend qual- ity time with. Loves the out- doors and fishing. Looking for a "Big Brother" who is stable, but can be a lot of fun. Lives in Wasco County. If you are interest- DOLCE SKAMANIA LODGE is ed in a fellow nature lover accepting applications for that will keep you young the following positions: call 541-298-2173. Big Brothere/Siators of the Baby ACCOUNTS Columbia Gorge RECEIVABLE CLERK "Handyman Wanted" Responsibilities include the 6 year old boy: Looking for a "Big Brother" who will billing and collection pro- teach me how to fix things cess. We are looking for an just like my Pappy. Colorful organized individual to pre- personality; not afraid to pare, reconcile and distrib- ask questions; will make ute all quests billing and you laugh! Looking for handle quest inquiries, someone who is stable, but Phone etiquette a must. loves to have fun. Can't Prior hotel experience pre- .wait any longer for a "Big ferred. One-year experi- Brother." Please call 541- ence in NR and a working 298-2173 '- knowledge with Excel "" B~ Brothere/Slm of Ihe spreadsheets is required. Columbia Gorge For the ~ Great benefits-vacation, "Old soulseeks a young aoul" readers ' sick & holiday pay, 401K, Two gids: Mature and in- following medical/dental ins., free trospective little sisters will be meal with each shift, free looking for two kind fe- golf, use of the fitness cen- males who knows how to ter and more. have fun! We need two "Big Sisters" who can remem- Apply in person at the HR bet what is was like to be DalleS. office Dolce Skamania seven and twelve. Life has White Lodge, P.O. Box 189, been too senous for us- we Lake. Stevenson, WA 98648 or need a lot more laughter. call 509-427-2514 for more Would like a fnend who en- information.janets@ joys games and books. You need not-be prefect to Legal Sacretsry: Wasco apply. Call 541-298-2173 Big Brothere/Sistsre of the 81 County District Attorney's ColumblaGorge Office, F/T, $2014-$2449 (effective 711104) + bene. ~~ Req: HS Diploma supple- mented by secretarial train- ing, 3 yrs exp in office & Avalon secretarial work, 2 yrs of BE YOUR OWN which are in a public or pd- BOSS... Control hours! vate law office; computer Increasa incomel Free skills, MS Word preferred. CD-Rom 888-202-6361 Works w/considerable in- www.ProvenSucce~ful,¢om dependence in performing ETHICAL. $SK+wk. potential. legal secretarial work of a Be your own boss. Not $$ For complex nature. Clerical MLM.800-690-0792. work test required. Obtain appli- cation packet from Wasco WORK FROM HOME. Put Co. Employee & Admin PC to workl $500-$4500/ Services Dept. Wasco Co. Me. PT/FT, 888-571-5463 Courthouse, Rm 101, 511 Washington St., The Dalles, OR. 97058 or web- 20, site: Closes: 5/27/04. EOE Adult foster care vacancy. Female/semi-pdvate, avail 4 + June 1st. 541-298-4366. ADVERTISING account rep- resentative for the Little Red Book in the Columbia Gorge. Full time position with benefit package. Earn- ing potential $25,000 and up, Outside sales experi- ence required. Goal orient- ed, self motivated, team player with positive attitude & strong communication skills. Responsibilities in- clude prospecting for new accounts (cold calling), growing & managing exist- ing accounts, meeting pub- Iication deadlines, and achieving sales goals. Must have dependable transportation, valid driv- er's license. Send resume to Little Red Book, PO Box 1910, The Dalles, OR. 97058, or smell LRB@eaglenewspapers.c om Questions? 541-296-3645. bth. for .= Car Pools ........... 110 Tickets"'" ....... "''"115 Travel ............. 120 Sat. Free-for-all ........ 122 Itns Call or brl, The b noon