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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 20, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 20, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. ( t t ,I o t t t PAGE 14 Your Gorge Classified ad a/so appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Carnas/Washougal Post-Record ,, I or toll free at 290 Livestock325 Farm & 340 Apatt nt 340 Apar went340 Apatlment340 Apartment 420 Acreage380 Mobile Homes/ & Supplies Orchard Equip.Rentals/WA. Rentals/WA. Ren s/WA. Rentals/WA. & Lots Washington MUSTSELLI 15AQHAhors- r""--------1 es to choose from. Year- ~j~ tings, 2-yr. olds, brood |v~,l'~wJ~ | $500. 509-773-4299 for de- tails. 13 PT WAngle Blade, 6 if.. $310 l NEW 15"-western--sac/cl~e, a3PTRJAngleBlade, 5ft.. $237II $350. For more details call 113 PT 25 Gal. Sprayer, boom &ll 509493-3510 ................ ihandgun ......................... $838 I Nubian/boer doe wean- ==3 PT Box Scrapers w/Riperm lings. $100, |Shanks, 4-8 ft.,. $314 to $71711 541-386-6729. ADORABLE Lab puppies: 6 BIk, 1 Choc. Avail 5/21, Shots & wormed. $65 ea. IIFinish mower 3 PT Right sideI and rear discharge, 4 ft. to 7e I, ....................... $801 to $2 t I IRotery Mowers, Post HoleI Oigger, 6" to 12"," 113PT. .................... $497 to $5301 I Plus ............ Tractors, Loaders, II Cultivators, Pine Straw Racks" & Motet II 5O9-427-4O48 KC--0o,den Ret--%e%r I ,O"Otk ' I pups. Quality breeding I~ Bq~p=0ntI from OSA-CERS parents. 5-21.$400"360-695.1899,Limited regs.903.7472Ready I i509) 773-2222 I ........ kmmmmmmJ BORDER Collie pups, born 5/11o4. 9-773-3883 ..... RENTALS BULLDOG pups. 6 weeks, ' ' $150 & under. 7M + I"F Business Rentals ........... 330 509493-2723. Apartment Rentals/Oregon ............ 335 FREE TO GOOD HOME. 8 Apartment wk. M rottweiler pup. 1st Rentals/WA ........... 340 shots, docked. 541.386-1985. Condo Rentals ....... 350 ............ Duplexes, Gorge Mobile Equine 4-Plexes/OR .................. 355 Veterinary Services Duplexes, Emphasis on quality pre- 4-Plexes/WA ............... 360 House Rentals/OR ...... 365 ventive health care, den- House Rentals/WA ........ 370 tistry & nutrition at your Senior Housing ........... 372 home/farm. Led R. Heir- MobileHomes/OR ...... 375-.~ man, DVM 509-427-0055. Mobile Homes/VVA ........ 380 ............... Mobile Home Spaces ""'382 Jack Russell puppies. Rentals Wanted ........ 385 7 weeks old. $400 ea. Rentals to Share ......... 390 Room Rentals ........ 395 541-354-1743. RV Site Rentals"""""--'397 Vacation Rentals ......... '400 Julia's Specialty Gifts Bed & Breakfast ....... "405 46 breeds of pet ornaments Storage Space .......... "410 available. Benefits the Mor- Misc. Rentals ................ '415 ris Animal Foundation. 1016 SW Mordson St., 330BUS/heSS Portland. 503-274-9308. R(|~lle ............. i ,i,, , , ,, ,, ,, ,,, , The Dalles office suite avail, located downtown. $225/ me, end utilities.541-296-9331. The Dalles Office space, 450 sq ft. WlS/G/eleclheat/ ac incl. $350. Street level. 541-298-4O93 335 Apa Rentals~OR. *The Oallee Ig studios, Fum & unfurn.W/S/G pd, HUD ok. $365. 541-296-8805, 54 1-993-8805, Cascade Locks 2 bdrm. available to qualified individuals. 54 1-935-0913. Equal Housing Opportunity, CASCADE LOCKS. Tidy, well managed 2-bdrm apartments available for rent in a small apartment community. Affordable housing. Rental Assistance available, Section 8 appli- cants welcome. Income Limits apply. Stop by or call Columbia View Apartments 40 Wasco Street Cascade Locks, Oregon 541-374-0019, Professionally Managed By The NeelManagement Team, Inc. Equal Opportunity House & wheelchair legos HOOD RIVER. Great location 1 bdrm, $465. Avail. now. I st/last/clean dep. No smoking/pets. 541-386- 4506 after 5, 541-386- 9462. HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, secluded, close to town, Lg. deck w/views, W/D, no smoking. $675. 509-460-1735. HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, W/ G pd. Available 6/1. 1st/last DON'T BE FOOLED BY IMITATORS! + $250 dep. 1 yr lease. KITTENS, litter-box HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? $540mo. 509-493-1507. trained. Need good home. Get results fast by placing Call evenings, 773-6545. your ad in the Gorge Clas- Hood River heights, Ig. 1 -Quiet Neighborhood Bedroom Units On-site laundry A United Builders Rental Property Golden Sands Apartments are the place to level Golden Sands ADartments Fantastic Value! 1 Bdrm., 1 be., $280/mo., $150 dep. W/S/G paid; laundry; extra storage; HUD vouchers accepted, Close to Shopping Ask About Move-In Specials/ Inquire at: 509B E. Main, Goldendale, WA 98620 Phone: 509-773-5828 Fax: 509-773-3153 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 for hearing impaired Gk Equal Housing Opportunity Sun Castle Properties 2 bdrm. A/C, on-site laundry. W/S/G pd. Quiet, clean, spacious. 773-3816 or 773-3269 350 Dup xes, Four.Plexes/WA 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth., dishwasher, carport. $460/ me., $300 dep. 773-2218. Wishram Heights, WA 1 Bdrm apt for rent. $275. 509-748- 2333 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. full basement, fenced yard, dbl garage, no pets. $050 + dep. Open house weekend of 5/22. 1O-3pm. 1904 W. 10th St, The Oallee. 360- 576.0244 for info. HOOD RIVER. 1 & 2 bdrm apts. starting at $500. 541-386.-6476/386-1310. HOOD RIVER. Unfurn. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, DW, garage, no smoking/pets. 1st last, $500 dep, 1 yr. lease. 1328 Lincoln St. $850. 541-386-6326. HOOD RIVER, Commeri- The Oalles 3+ Bdrm, 1 BA. large country home on 5 acres. View of Adams/Riv- er. Pellet stove, W/D, fenced with barn. NO HUD/ Smoking. Pets case by case. $950 + dep. 541- 298-7840 or 541-298-6739. 370House Rentals/WA 2 BDRM, 1 bth., garage, W/S/G pd., W/D, gas heat. $450/mo., $300 dep, No pats. 509-773-3372 eves. 3 BDRM., 1.5 bth., W/S/G pd., W/D. $450/mo., $300 dep. No pets. 509-773- 3372 eves, Goldendale 4 Bdrm, 2 BA. 2000 sq ft. Extra lot, fruit trees, natural gas & elec. T-shape garage w/fire- place, underground spnnk- lers. HUD approved. 503-851-4849. HOUSES for rent in Wishram. Call Jimmy, 5O9-773-45OO. LYLE. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Nice yard. W/D hookup. All $425. 509-365-6863. this to the 390 Rentals vertise tO Sh~"e limitation 0 based on n LYLE 3bdrm furn. No smoking/pets. Neat, quiet, $275/mo. 509-365-2545 MOSIER ROOMMATE to sham 2 bdrm. Views. $450. 541-490-1623. an such or status under the with todians, 395 ROOIm Ren~ and ted, HOg0 RIVER. Quiet w/view. This Share kitchen/laundry. Day/wk/mo. 541-386-5905. vertising which is Mosier room for rent. W/D, law. Our n intemet, Ig yd. $375/incl by utils. 541-806-2084. ings 397mls an To corn Renta/s TYGH VALLEY 1/2 Ac. lot, pad, hook-up, view. Free LYLE. 2 bdrm: $435rant for work. 530-953- CARSON. 3 bdrm: $725 9516. $360/mo. WS. 4 bdrm: $1100 stream, t Windermere GTRE. Toll W.S. on I free 1-866-299-1093. Percs ok. White Salmon. 2+ bdrm. FOURAceaMInlStsrage White Townhouse. W/D, garage. Spaceavallable lots. No smoking/pets. $800. Contact Jim at 541.490-2480 509-493-4552. WHITE SALMON Bluff , , ,, house. VIEWS! 2 bdrm, 2 Acreage & Lots ....... '420 bath. No smoking/pets. Commercial Property''"425 $850 + util. 541-387-4345. Orchards, Farms, Ranches 430 1930's WHITE SALMON. Beautiful Real Estate ....... 435 2 Bdrm. relaxing country home. Real Estate Wanted """440 model. Caretaker. Office potential. Manufactured Homes"'445 nyl wil $2200 me. 509-493-3240. Condos "450 cal/residentiaL Cute, 2 WISHRAM 2 Bdrm, $350, bdrm, 1 bath. New roof, 1st, last+clap. fresh paint. $.700 + dep. 509-746-2392 509-493-1352. HOOD RIVER. Newly re- modeled 2 bdrm. Excellent utilities on site. Beautiful Heights location. $700 plus SlMCOE MANOR APTS., a view of valley & Mt Hood. deposit. 541-490-2286. complex for seniorlbandi- $48,000. 541-993-7000. HOOD RIVER. Charming 2 capped/dleebled, has 1 & 2 bdrm, 1 bath. $850. 1012 bdrm, apte. Rent based on In- age, $85,000. 2 HOMES, , i ,,,,, , view, 100x100 city lot in Dufur. All each hon~ 1027 slfieds, your ad will appear bdrm above commercial State St. 541-490-1322. come. WISlG pd. Laundry & 20 ACRES 10 me. E. of Gold- Lab/Retreiver pup. 4 rags. in every paper in the gorge bldg. 1808 Belmont. w/Mtn, rec. room on site. Appllca. endale, Everything is In but Black/white. To good home area, reaching over view, gar, W/S/G, all appl- ] HOOD RIVER westside 3 tlens available at 305 Simcoe your house. $85,000, possible w/fcd.yd. 509-493-2914. 115,000 readem each ces, W/D $550, 541.386.254& THREE MOUNTAIN VILLAGE APARTMENTS I bdrm., 2 ~ bath w/family rm. Dr., Goldendale, WA 98620 er tenm509-355.2097. week. Call us at the Gold- H00-I)-~VER~I stands alone in providing quality, affordable hous- IdbL gar., fncd yd. No smok- call509-773-425& EHO ing, pet considered. Avail 71 lid ~ ~ A+ View MAGGiEnN-ds~a-a h0me~ AKC endale Sentinel, 773-3777 1 bdrm. 814 Cascade St. ling for the area in and surrounding Goldendale. I 1 Lease. $1100. 787 St. or toll-free at 1-888-287- Yr. lease. 1st/ast+dep. I Our community offers a quiet, safe, well-main-I Charles. 541-386-4011. (,,,.~,1~ ~ endale city limit. County road & Dam, BR/2 BA, Golden Retriever, 1 yr. old. 3777. mt,,~m frontage, pwr. close, peru test- W/D, & fri $!00'509"773"41~0"H~Z)~D-RivERH~hts- $425ing75~'1-4(~C°25:~_ts/nO I tained housing environment second to none! I ~ . ed. $18,500. 350-691-223& age. rnaff cottage in serene location, tras. Beat ...... Reta Vo e2359 ft. I We offer residents a family atmosphere with a I 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1300 sq.ft. 375 Homes/ r Animal~Parld~g'$1100/m°' den, 1 batch. NQ smoking/ Iplayground, NC, W[SIGv~ paidl onsite laundry facil- I $115o me. Jim McNeeley : ..... :~ ~o: .... u'lding Lots for sale in $141,000. .... ~ ,.~i ~:~le~S~ . :|-ity~and a. terr~¢i "w .~au\w~.r.U~lt-i ~