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May 23, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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May 23, 1940 |
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, May 23, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington
Page Five
For The
E • • •
Gift Any Young Man
Woman Will Use and
Select One Now
our stock of famous
I)- Gunning & Co.
oldendale Headquarters
:For Graduation Gifts
Cricket Bait Glenwood Grange Observes Fiftieth 14 Klickitat
Now Available Anniversary At Big Birthday Party Seniors Will
Poison bait for the control of By ~ura ft, Parrott 1 g~tion i~cl;¢Ite:l;s~l)~.R;ld.iMrBrW:ll Get Diplomas
. . t Glen~vood Grange number 94 ce e- i O son, t e ~: t ,' g , --- --
crickets and gra~.nopsers,m noWlbrated its fiftieth birthday Sunday ]Rowlands and Mrs. Emma Woods; Klickitat high school senior~ will'
avauame to ~ncgltat c o,un~y farm- ] W,i,th a crowd of more than 200 I Trout Lake, Rev. Go,od and Wilsons; stage their commencement exercises
ors L. W. Ternanan agriculturist . .
' . . _ ' [Granger,s: and friends m attendance. I Mountam Brook, the Plank and Friday evening, May 24. The co.m-
announces tansy. [State Lecturer h'a Shea was princi-IPearce families. From White Sal- mencement program will be held in
The bait may be secured by ap-lpal speaker for the day. Will Olson [men came Mr. and Mrs. Degman, the Klickitat school gymnasium and
plying at the county agent's~ office 50 years a Grange member, wasjthe Maurice Bal~igers, Mr. and Mrs. will begin at 8:00 p. m.
in G~oldendale. The bait is free, but present to reminisce of the time he Steve Wnuk, Frank Hunsakers, The Rev. C. J. Hail, Methodist
farmers must distribute it at their helped the then state lecturer/Coehrans, Mr. and Mrs. Marion minister from Goldendale, will de-
own expense. Nevins .organize .Glenwood .Grange Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Courtney and liver the commencement address.
Accordng to Ternahan, crickets May 32, 1890. else.n, himself hasthe younger Courtneys. The diplomas ~vill be presented by
are now causing some damage in served as state Grange lecturer.Special hil of lhe program was i Clem Ulbricht, clerk of the Klickitat
the ~Goodnoe Hills and Sundale IHe exhibited the g.old sheaf certi- The Singing Cowimnd from the Rioschool board.
arenas.. Lloyd Cowden, federal onto- ficate presented him at Lyle May 4. Grande wh