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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
May 27, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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May 27, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT• REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED• PAGE 14 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at RENTALS 335 335 Apadment 350 Condo 365 House 370 House 420Acreage 420Acreage Rentals/OR. Rentals/OR. Rentals/OR Rentals/OR RenBIs A & Lots & Lots Business Rentals ...... 330 Apartment Rentals/Oregon ....... 335 Apartment RentalsNVA '340 Condo Rentals ......... 350 Duplexes, 4-Plexes/OR ...... 355 Duplexes, 4-Plexes/WA ....... 360 House Rentals/OR""''365 House Rentats/WA ..... 370 Senior Housing ......... 372 Mobile Homes/OR .... 375 Mobile Homes/WA""'380 Mobile Home Spaces """382 Rentals Wanted ""'""'385 Rentals to Share ..... 390 Room Rentals .... 395 RV Site Rentals"''"""'397 Vacation Rentals ~""400 Bed & Breakfast'"--""""405 Storage Space ..... "m~"410 Misc. Rentals .... 415 330Bus/neu RenB HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? Get results fast by placing your ad in the Gorge Clas- sifieds, your ad will appear in every paper in the gorge area, reaching over 115,000 readers each week. Call us at the Gold- endale Sentinel, 773-3777 or toll-free at 1-888-287- 3777. HOOD RIVER Heights Retail/office 2380 sq ft. Par'~ng. 541-386-2864. HOOD RIVER. Great location Studio unit avail w/all util- 1 bdrm, $465, Avail. now. ities pd. 541-296-1152. The 1 st/last/clean dep. No Dailes. smoking/pets. 541-386- 4506 after 5, 541-386- The 0alias 1 Bdrm, W/S/G 9462. pd, $395/mo, $250 dep. No pets, HUD approved CASCADE LOCKS. Tidy, 541-298-7015. well managed 2-bdrm apartments available for The Dallas 2 Bdrm town- rent in a small apartment house $495/mo $300 dep. community.Affordable No pets 541-298-7015 housing. Rental Assistance ......... available. Section 8 appli- The Callas 1 Br basement cants welcome. Income furn studio apt. No S.DD., Umits apply. Stop by or cell no pets. $375 + $200 non- ref. dep.541-298-7190. Columbia View Apartments 40 Wasco Street Cascade Locks, Oregon 541-374.@) 19, Professionally Managed By units avail now w/most utils The NeelManagement Team, Inc. pd• 541-980-3039. HOOD RIVER 2 bdrm, 2 bath, Frplce, W/D 1 yr lease No pets, $650 + dep 541-386-6066. Dup/exes, Four.P es/OR DUPLEX Possible triplex. 1 bedroom units. $99,000. 814 Court. The Dallas. 509493-3631 HOOD RIVER. 2 Apts near dntn. views, dw, w/d, decks. No smoking. 3 .... bdrm, garage, pets nego. The Daltes 1 Bdrm, W/S/G $850:2 bdrm, no pets pd. 511 Liberty. $400 + $750.541-387-3609. dep. 541-296-8123. -- -- HOOD RIVER. Avail 611, The Dallas 1 & 2 Bdrm New 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, W/ Waeco 3 Bdrm, up- GK I~ stairs,very nice, no smok- ing, no pets. $400 541- 442-5262, leave msg Hood River heights, Ig. 1 bdrm above commercial bldg. 1808 Belmont. w/Mtn. view, gar, W/S/G, all appl- ces, W/D $550.541-386.2546. HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm/ den, 1 bath. No smoking/ pets. Lease. $875, 541-386-1415. HOOD RIVER. Affordable rent, Hud Accepted. In- come restrictions apply. Please cell 541-386-6607. HOOD RIVER. Retail/office Move In Special. The Dalles space. 600+ ft. Off St, 1 Bdrm apt.W/S/G pd. No parking, deslreable Heights pets. HUD okay. 509-395- location. Ddve by 1010 2772. 12th St. Unit "D", $395/mo. 541-386-1662. PARKDALE 3 apts. avail. Incls. all utils. No pets. OFFICE/retail for rent. Ap- $450-$600. 541-352-6304. prox. 475 sq.ft. $350/mo. 1313 Belmont, Ste. C, Hood River, OR. 541-922-5933. 2 BDRM: W/S/G paidNo pets. Clean, great view. 509-767-1449. 2 BEDROOM apt., W/S/G pd., $400/mo. 509-773- 3816. Kllckltat, 1 Bdrm, furnished. $400.+ dep. 509-359-2905 PREMIER Goldendale of- rice/retail space on Broad- way. Several sizes from $300. 509-355-2197. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing ACt which makes it illegal to ad- vertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, relig- ion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an~, to rr-,ake any~, such preference, limitatidn or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cus- todians, pregnant women and people securing cus- tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad- vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are here- by informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. DIDW/FP/2car garage. $1050+util+$50Odep. 503-492-6176/319-6517 HOOD RIVER 2 bdrm near Safeway, deck, WD hookup No pets/smoking $700 541-386-3820. 34o t ........... ~L~- HOOD RIVER. 3 bdrm., DW, gar. fenced yard. W/D hookup, no smoking, pets neg. W/G pd. $850• 541-806-1125. LARGE furnished 1 bdrm. apt., W/S/G pd., $325/mo. -- 509-773-3816, LYLE, 2 bdrm apt. Nice neighborhood. $350 too. + dep. 509-365-6863. THE DALLES 2 Bdrm, very clean , AC, $465.541-395- 2561~ or 541-993-4836. The Dsllss 2 Bdrm, Eaat & weatslde.W/G pd. HUD okay. $450 & $475 + $200 dep. 541- 340-9379, 541-2964207. To complain of discdmina- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT O DEPOSITS, O FEES on 2 & 3 bdrm townhouses located in nice quiet area. The Dalles. 541-298-1076. MT ADAMS apt. 2 bdrm, I vvv~,.* ~,=~,~/"tU~4'~v~, bath units avail /mined. Four-P/exes4qA $465/mo. For information or tour call 509-773-3290. WHITE SALMON. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. W/S/G incld. $575. 54 1-386-2£>45 340 Renta Golden Sands Apartments are the place to livel Golden Sands .&.~Yanents .,; ..... " Fanta~ic Value! 1 Bdrm., 1 ba., $280/mo., $150 dep. W/S/G paid; laundry; extra storage; HUD vouchers accepted. Close to Shopping Ask About Move-In Specialst Inquire at: 509B E. Main, Goldendate, WA 98620 Phone: 509-773-5828 Fax: 509-773-3153 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 for hearing impaired GK Equal Housing Opportunity iin~,,ll~lm tion call HUD toll-free at 1- ~ " II ......................... 800-669-9777. The toll-free -- j m ......... -, telephone number for the r~~coe Hll~- headng impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. I ~Da~o~cesuiie avail, I 'APARTMENTS =r " ! uUlities.541m°'incllOcated downtown..296.9351. $225/ I i~~ | . ii I 450 sq ft. W/S/G/etec/heatJ ....................... >Quiet Neighborhood 2 Bedroom Units On-site laundry A United Builders Rental Property ac incl. $350. Street level. 541-298.4093 *The Dslln Ig studios, Furo & unfum.W/S/G pd, HUD ok. $365. 541-296-8805, 541-993-8805, HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, Wl G pd. Available 6/1. lsUlast + $250 dep. 1 yr lease. $540 too. 509..493-1507. 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth., dishwasher, carport. $460/ mo., $300 dep. 773-2218. 365House Ren sOR **3 Bdrm, 1 BA. New car- pet, paint, in The Dallas. 296-1152. OUFUR RENTAL. Available now. Newly remodeled old style two story house. 3 Bdrm, 2 BA. $725. Ref. 541-467-2601. No inside Pets! Enjoy the view from the deck of our 2 Bdrm 2 BA home located in The Dallas. 980.3039. HOOD RIVER, t & 2 bdrm apts. starting at $500. 541-356-6476/386-1310. HOOD RIVER, Unfurn, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, DW, garage, no smoking/pets. 1st last, $500 dep, 1 yr. lease, 1328 Uncoln St. $850. 541-386-6326. HOOD RIVER. Commeri- cal/residential. Cute, 2 bdrm, 1 bath. New roof, fresh paint. $700 + dep. 509-493-1352, HOOD RIVER. Newly re- modeled 2 bdrm. Excellent Heights location. $700 plus deposit. 541-490-2286. HOOD RIVER westside 3 WISHRAM 2 Bdrm, $350, bdrm, 2 ~( bath w/family rm dbl gar, fncd yd No smok- ing, pet considered. Avail 7/ 1 Lease $1100 787 St. Charles. 541-386-4011. HOOD RIVER Roomy cottage in serene location 3 bdrm 2 bath, 1300 sqft $1150 mo. Jim McNeeley RE. 503-292-8125. MT HOOD 2 bdrm, W/D. Yr lease Rm for horse, nego $800 541-490-4287. ODELL. 3 bdrm, 1 bath. 4085 Bartlett Rd. $500 dep $850 mo. 386-795-6022. PARKDALE. 4 bdrm, 2 bath garage. No smoking/ pets. lstJlast/sec. 1 yr lease. $750. 541-352-6836 Rowena 2 Bdrm, MH. No pets, no HUD. $350 mo $550 clean/sac, dep. 541-298-4881 ROWENA Overlook wind- surfing area. 3 bdrm, 2 bath $850 541-478-2163. The Oalle$ Houses & apart- ments available starting at $375 54 1-296-2292. THE DALLES. Clean 2 bdrm, W/D hook-ups, stor- age building, Long term. HUD approved. No pets/ smoking. 2014 W. 9th. $555 too. 541-386-5131 The Dalles 3 Bdrm, newly remodeled. Nice yd & gar- age. $850/mo. 541-298- 7015. 1st, last + dep 509-748-2392 Sen/or Hous/ng SlMCOE MANOR APTS., a complex for senior/handi- capped/disabled, has 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Rent based on in- come. W/S/G pd. Laundry & rec, room on site. Appllca. tions available at 305 Simcce Dr., Goldendale, WA 98620 or call 509-773-4255. EHO c,K 375 Mob#e Homes/ RUFUS 2 Bdrm, DW, W/D hk-ups. AC, fenced yd. gar- den, carport & storage, riv- er view No pets. $500 + dep. 541-739-2307 The Dalles 2 Bdrm, 1 BA. No pets, HUD okay. 509-395-2772. THE DALLES, 819 Rich- land Court single wide 3 Bdrm, 1 Ba. $625/mo. 1st, last, $200 clean dep. W/S/G pd No appliances. No smoking, no pets, not HUD approved. Ref req. Avail 7/1/04.541-296-2373. THE DALLES. Tidy, well managed 2-bdrm apart- ments available for rent in a park like setting. Affordable housing. Section 8 appli- cants welcome. Income Limits apply. Stop by or call Sundse Apartments 2700 West 7th Street The Dallas, Oregon 541-506-1718 Professionally Managed By The NeelManagement Team, Inc. The Dalles sm 1