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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
June 3, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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June 3, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 10 PUBLIC NOTICES from page 9 funding sources; and (c) prepanng an assessment of the current emergency operations center (EOC) and presenting a plan for upgrading the EOC. Interested parties must submit a proposal no later than June 25, 5 p.m. - no postmarks. Proposals shall include a description of services to be ren- dered, a description of rel- evant experience, and desired salary/compensa- tion. Proposals shall be delivered in a sealed envelope/package with the words "Sealed pro- posal--EM 2004-1" clear- ly marked on the outside. Deliver proposals to: Klickitat County Emergency Management, c/o Glen Chapman, 205 S Columbus Rm 103, MS- CH-28, Goldendale WA 98620. Questions about this RFP or Emergency Management in general may be directed to Glen Chapman, Interim Director, (509) 773-2331. (2213, 2305) PUBLIC NOTICE Klickitat County Fair Box Seat Bid Notice The Klickitat County Fair Board is accepting bids for box seats in the grand- stands for the 2004 fair and rodeo. Each box will be furnished with six (6) chairs. The minimum bid is $50.00 Prospective bid- ders can contact Kay Carr at (509) 364-3325 or (509) 364-3438 to get the number of the box a bid- der would like to bid on. Wntten sealed bids are to be mailed to Kay Carr at RO. Box 91, Glenwood, WA 98619 postmarked by June 10, 2004. Bids will be opened and awrded at the regular June Fair Board meeting Tuesday, June 15, 2004, held at the Klickitat County Fairgrounds at 7:00 p.m. (2214, 2306) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Klickitat County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on June 21, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Klickitat County Courthouse, Commissioners Meeting Room, 205 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA. THE PURPOSE of said hearing is to hear all inter- ested parties who wish to testify for or against the following proposals: ZON2004-02 Applicant: James Dean (Landowners: James Dean, James Fritchey, & Klickitat County) request- ing a rezone of 26.5 acres from Resource Lands (RE) to Aggregate Resource tAR overlay) to allow for future expansion of an existing use. Conditional Use Permit No. CU-95-16 allows for the current mining opera- tions. The property Ioca- Training, 120 S. 3rd lion is within a portion of Street, Suite 200-A, Sections 10 & 11, TJN, Yakima, WA. R10E, WM., Klickitat The Tri-County Workforce County, WA (MP 5.5 SR Youth Council is holding 141, White its quarterly meeting on Salmon/Husum vicinity). Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at The Planning 11:30 A.M at the Commission may make Ahtanum Youth Park in recommendation to the the Youth Barn (1000 Board of CountyAhtanum Rd. Yakima, CommissionerstoWA). approve, deny, approve The General Public is with conditions, table, or encouraged to attend and continue the matter to a participate. set time and place. (2308) BY ORDER of the Klickitat County Planning NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Commission dated this FY04-05 25th day of May 2004. Wishram School District James Dean, Chairman 94 has completed the Curt Dreyer, Planning budget process and has Director placed the same on file in (2307) the school office. A copy PUBLIC NOTICE thereof will be furnished The Tri-County Workforce to any person who will call Council is holding its upon the district for it. The monthly meeting on Board of Directors will Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at meet on June 16, 2004 at 4:00 P.M.atthe6:00 p.m. at the Wishram Department of S chool for the purpose of Employment andfixing and adopting the budget of the District for the ensuing fisca~ year. Any person may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of such budget. (2309, 2402) NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Estate of: Darrel Grant Brumbaugh, deceased Petition for Distribution (RCW 11.68.100 and 11.76.040) Probate No. 034-00036- 4 In the Supenor Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County Notices given to all per- sons interested in the above estate that: Diana Brumbaugh, as personal representative of the above estate, has filed with the clerk of the above court the Final Account and Petition for Distribution of the Estate, requesting the court to settle the Final Account, distribute the property of the estate to the heirs or persons entitled thereto, and discharge the person- al representative. The Final Account and Petition for Distribution will be heard in the pro- bate department of the court at 9:30 a.m. on July 7, 2004, at which time and place any person interest- ed in the estate may appear and file objections to and contest the Petition and/or Final Account. Date of Publication: June 3, 2004. Michael L Gangle, WSB 27903 Opton & Galton 1440 American Bank Building 621 SW Morrison Street Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 226-0368 Attorney for Personal Representative (2310) MEETING NOTICE The Klickitat County Port District 1's Board of Commissioners' first regu- lar monthly meeting scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 1, 2004, HAS BEEN RESCHED- ULED to be held on Tuesday, June 8. Attest: Dianne Sherwood Executive Director (2311) KLICKITAT COUNTY DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that Klickitat County issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS) on May 28, 2004, under SEPA Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAG) and the Klickitat County Environmental Ordinance Number 121084 for the following proposal: SEP2004-14: Applicant: Klickitat County proposing an update of the trans- portation standards in Title 12 -"Roads and Bridges" and repealing portions (Klickitat Plat After pleted checklist mation County Official that these I not have cant the of the DNS at the Planning ing hours• appeals be Klickitat Main, Goldendale, until June 5:00 p.m. Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronic~e; and the Camas/Washougai Post-Record or toll free at II~ .................. ,34"5511 Claim over $100 in FREE CafeSoispsopeningJuly, in COMPUTER LAYOUT position GOLDENDALE School OMAPBrokersgelntske TruckDdver. CtassACDL. 2 Columbia Gorge Community health & nutritional samples downtown The Dalles. Sub- open in busy newspaper District No. 404 has the fol- yr exp. Flatbed, doubles, College has openings for Join the II ~ ..................... 7~)'7~ Ii mat resume to Healthy Hab- office. Seeking qualified lowing opening for the Spedallst,.Pad~111.75Hours N.W. area. Good benefits, the following secretarial po- teanwe araat.'q .............. 7,,~ I1 tteatl07E.2nd, part-time layout person 2004-05 schoolyear:. Transl~xtatkmNetwork 800-541-2201, sitions. All positions start at ExecutiVe class? Call 541-296-3454 ~-Ifl~t~ with skills in QuarkXpress MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINGIPAL TheDallu, Omgon509-767-1161. $10.59 per hour with an in- ethic an( IITra~& II or541-506-0070 Treatment: City of The 4.1, Adobe Photoshol~ 7.0, Application information Assist in the OMAP II "r~ ............ 109.122 II De/lee Public Works Dept. and Adobe Illustrator 10. may be obtained at the Ad- (Oregon Medical Assis- n creass after six months, areas of ............... 1 Wicks Water Treatment Must be a team player, de- ministration Office, 603 tance Program) Call Center • Campus Services secretanj- marketing, ....... " 11"11 Plant. $2500-$3344 + tail oriented and able to South Roosevelt, Golden- operated ny MCCOG ~ Full Time. Provides support business bene. Serves as =Direct work under pressure. This dale, WA 98620; 509-773- Transportation Network, to the Campus Services Di- be respO~ Responsible Charge" shift is a fast paced environ- 5177. EOE Performs computer data APassionFerHeallng? rector. HS diploma and one The Dsl Market. 11 II ........ ,m,m II Business Opportunities"'"60operator in the Wicks We- ment. Experience a plus entry, compiles accurate, If helping others heal is year experience required, plicant wil II Real E=lle ......... 4t~L,~2 II Investments & Loans ..... 65 tar Treatment Plant as- but will train the right per- CLOSING: June 23, 2004 at complete documentation your passion, we have a The preferred candidate on popula I1~.......... ~ II ......... ,o signed to shift schedules, son. Please pick up an ap- 3:00p.m, oruntUfllled, for rLde requests within pro- place for youl In addition to will have an Associates De- suchasC Mortgages & Contracts""72 Performs chemical/physi- placation at the front office ~~1 gram guidelines; perform client interviews to assess competitive compensation, gree, Spanish speaking USA and~ I! .......... += II ' ~)BusIr~' necessaryCal laboratoryto theanalySeSopera- or sends resume to: The District No. 404 has the fol- eligibility according to pro- we offer comprehensive abilities and experience in mcest Spc tional control of water treat- Dalles Chronicle, 315 Fed- lowing opening for the gram regulations; provide benefits and an environ- project management, con- petitive c~ LLtheH°MaYs"""-"ll00"M2)) 'i~ ment processes in a Class eral St., The Dalles, OR, 2004-05 school year: clerical assistance to Di- ment of excellence. We struction management and excellentt 4 conventional water treat- 97058 SPEECH LANGUAGErector and staff. Field in- have the following positions plant engineering,medical, PATHOLOGIST coming cells, schedule dde open: 401(k) w/I 6' COMMERCIAL Spanish ment plant, Performs C~-~K~-- Application information requests, assign ride re- • Hood River Center secretsry- ing, and t cedar Humidor, $1500.chemical/physical water Full "rims. This position sup- Please sul 360-833-9964. quality analyses. Red: High FT/PT position in Hood mey be obtained at the Ad., quests tmr~d transfer infer- • Noulekeeper P,~kI~E~ N~ & ~ School diploma or equiv w/ River. Exp, necessary, Fax ministration Office, 603 mation toappropriate , PhammcyTech ports the efficient operation to Friday, additional training in water/ resume to 541-386-1203. South Roosevelt, Golden- transportation provider. • Phlebotomist of the CGCC Hood River Sting dale, WA 98620; Considerable knowledge of • Vlaltlngl,,leal~ N~ Center, Requires HS di- Drug • video game store for sale Happy Adsl "'"""'"'''''"2 "9 """+ .......... " wastewatar technologies, Environment 509-773-5177, EOE Card of Thanks "'""""'5 ~ ,~U. :~1-~-~U~U or water Systems operations interviewing techniques; • Pa~mrod Nurse ploma, one year secretarial ~,~,~,...==,,..,.. .......... 1n i ;~+~Y+ ~:, '; : +':+ :& main~nence,,2 yr8 prior ~www,, . ' " word processing; modem .~nllt I~1~£ CLOSl~Untilfllled " computer da~,entry er~ ;P/~lk~ ' experience and one year Personals ................... "~"""20. S/YR. pet industry. Learn boratory examinations & dures, Performs related du- " software applications, the SOpport Groups ........... 25 the shocking truth about testing, + exp in operations Northwest Service PROGRAM MANAGER ties as assigned. Request For more Information, preferred candidate will Lost & Found ...... 30 ' commercial pet foods. & maintenance of water Mosier Community School Work from home. FT/PT, treatment plant equip de- is looking for a cook to de- application from Mid-Co- www.mcmc,nst, emall at have an Associates degree Income potential-Excellent! sired; OR Class II Water velop a healthy food pro- lumbia Council of Govern- hr~mcm¢.net, or call us at and the ability to read, If you love your pet, you will Treatment Certification, or COORDINATOR II- gram, incorporating a corn- ments, 1113 Kelly Ave., 541-296-7510. write, and speak Spanish. ing love this workl For more reciprocal equiv is desired; munity garden, following The Dalles, OR, 97058. MId.CalumblaMedlcalCentet • Student Servlcas Secretary. up. WASHOUGALHIGH info:541-308.0688or490-0815 valid drivers license req. IndMdualPlacement USDA guidelines in food 541-298-4101. Return ap,- 1700E.19thStrset PartTime. This position pro- ence CLASSES1960-62. heaRhypotn~com/tolxkig Must be able to qualify for preparation required. Be- placation to Personnel at TheDallm, Orsgon wades support to the Dean ed, Oregon VVT4 exam w/in 6 An exciting career oppor- ginning Wage, $10/hr, 32.5 same address. Closing Looking for interest in a pic- LEASE yrs. Obtain application tunity for the right individual hrs per week. Send re- Date: Friday, June 4, 2004. NURSE, PUBLIC of Students and the Stu- nic for the '61 classs & TO PURCHASE packet from City Clerk, 313 to be a part of Northwest sume to MCS, P.O. Box Equal Oppertonlty Employer HEALTH DEPARTMENT dent Services Department. & for Hood River County. The hours for this position skills. ciude friends 'to be held next Owner to retire after 25 yrs. Court St., The Dalles, OR. Service Academy, 307, Mosier, OR 97040. OREGONIAN CARRIER need- Applicants must be ti- will be 10am-2pm, Monday accountS summer.nagoljanQcablespeed.comlf Inter~ted e-mail ing10"2 aaoperation.With 9 aC.Potentialin farm- de/lee.or.us97058 or website ci.the- (NWSA)program dedicatedan AmeriCorpSto pro- Deadline: June 7, 2004. ed. Fuel efficient car required, censed as RN in State of through Friday. Requires growing gross income $20-25W Closes: 6/25/04. EOE wading life experiences and Information Service= Technl. 541.296-3800 Oregon and possess a vel- HS Diploma, one year sac- year. Modern 3bdrm/2ba service-learning opportu- clan: Wasco Co. Employee home (1800 sq.ft.) 2 trg. nities through team-based & Administrative Services sheds, 2 wells. Fabulous placement in Trout Lake, Dept., Information Services Mt Hood & mountain views. Washington. Direct, coot- Div.; F/T (effective 7/1/04), $950/mo, includes all util. dinate and monitor Amen- $2493-3029 + bene. Req:~ Additional benefits: 1/3 me. Corps members service, HS diploma; Valid OR Ddv- rant applies to down pay- Solicit and develop part- er's License, Prefer: AA de- ment; may participate in nerships, conduct sponsor gree in Computer Science, current farming operation; training and orientations for Information Systems or members. The ideal canna- Data Processing; or 2 yrs crop sales agreements are date will possess a BA de- exp in Information systems lransferrabie; farming items gree in a related field or or related field; Microsoft included In sales arrange-, equivalent work exped- Certified Professional; exp ment (est.. $45K). Current ence, experience directing wNoiceover IP Phone estimated value $425K incl. team based programs, and Systems. Performs a we- equipment. Purchase at- be computer literate, 20 rlety of computer & tele- rangement must be corn- hrslwk, may increase to 40 phone system design, pleted within 2 yrs. Quail- hrs/wk in September. Start- maintenance & support ac- fled potential purchasers log monthly salary range tivities. Ability to pass pre- respond with background $1,289-1,441 with ad- employment drug screen- information, proposed pur- vancement to $ 1,760. Po- ing. Obtain application pkt chase arrangements, etc. sitlon open until filled. For from Wasco Co. Employee to P.O. Box 2187, White complete job description & Adman Svc Dept, Wasco Salmon, WA98672. and application materials Co, Courthouse, Rm 101, pteasacontact: 511 Washington St., The Dalles, OR. 97058. Close: 6/4/04, EOE ABORTION? WHY? CONSIDER ADOFnON Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please call atton-~y at 1-8~11. A-958, DIRIECT CREMATION 561)5. ' Columbia Cremation & Burial 541.2~.e~)g PREGNANT? Need help? CaiT Pregnancy Resource Center at 773-5501. Free pregnancy testing. ALCOHOUCS Anonymous Wamic Group, Tues.(open) 7pro @ Wamic Church, ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- endale meetings et the United Methodist Church; Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fd., 8 pm., 109 E. Broad- way. 1-800-999-9210. Crystal Meth Anonymous "Survivors", Fri 8-gpm, 401 E. 10th, Unit Recovery Foundation, The Dalles. DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP Friends, family & caragiv- ere of people affected with Dementias. 2rid Wed. of every month. 10-11am Oregon Veteran's Home., Public is welcome. For info {Jail 54%296-7190. T.O~P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Tuesdays 8:30 a.m to 10 at Rivervtew Come Bank. 773--0456. TOP.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p,m. at Riverview Comm• Bank. 773-5301. Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Celiid Cancer Center. For more info con- tact: Lyn at 296-7205. FOUND May 12, on Wood- land Rd.: 2 baby goats: Call to identify, 773-6763, leave message. Preschools "" " -'35 Schools/Training """""""40 Tutoring ...... ""'"'"""45 Instruction ~"""50 Health & Fitness 55 Help Wanted ...... 75 Positions Wanted "'-'"'80 Vok~teers """--"'""'82 Job Opportunities """-'"65 In Home Services ....... 89 Child Care Providers ..... 90 Child Care Wanted ...... '95 Diaper Services ...... 100 "The Ticket to a dream job might really be a scare.* 6ov~nment 1MIdlife Jobs/ G.,,t pay= Nor~ N=~uy To protect yourself, cell the Federal Trade CommiSsion toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A Pul~l= Ser~ M~ from The Daliss Chronicle snd the FTC. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Klickitat County Public Works Department, Gold- endale, WA is accepting applications for full-time re- placemant position. Duties include office accounting tasks, data entry and cleri- cal, Requirements: high school diptoma/GED and two years of clerical/cost accounting experience. Wage: $11.05 per hour. Application packets at Klickitat County Personnel Department, 509-773- 7171, 205 S. Columbus, MS-CH 15, Goldendale, WA 98620, E-mail: or for info. Application Deadline June 4, 2004 at 5:00 PM Postmarks not Accepted. CUNICAL SUI~.RVlSOR OPENINGS Mid-Columbia Center for Living (MCCFL) has the fol- lowing openings: * Clinical Supervisor: For our Clinical Servtces Team (mental health, alcohol, other drugs, & community support services) in The Dalles. This position will be required to provide super- vision to assigned staff and perform clinical services. The ideal candidate will have knowledge and ex- perience working in a dual diagnosis environment, Re- quires a Master's degree in social work, psychology or related field, and 3 years experience in the behav- ioral health/additions field with at least 1 year of supervision of clinical pro- fessionals. Must have Ore- gon State licensure as an LCSW or LPC and CADA (or equivalent), Must have tJle ability to provide guid- ance and leadership to staff. Clinical Supervisor: For chil- dren's services, This posi- tion will be r,e,qgired to pro- vide supervision to staff providing services for chil- dren and families under the System of Care grant and MCCFL Requires a Mas- ter's degree in social work, psychology or related field, and 3 years experience in the behavioral health field working with children and families. Must have at least 1 year of supervision of clinical professionals. Must have Oregon State ticen- sure as an LCSW or LPC. CADA certification (or equivalent) is preferred. Must have the ability to pro- vide guidance and leader- ship to staff. Travel re- quired, All positions are full-time with excellent benefits. Bi- lingual (Spanish/English) preferred. Salary range is $3,975-4,650/mo. MCCFL is a community behavioral health agency covedng Hood River, Wasco, Sher- man, and Giltiam counties. Travel required. Contact Shaleen at 541-296-5452 for an application packet. Close~ 6/11/04. EOE/Drug- free workplace. Dietary Aide Taking appli- cations. Apply at Flagstone 3325 Columbia View Dr. No phone calls please. An EOE ................................ DRIVERS NEEDED BUY-SELL AVONI $10 sign up Passenger vans, Drug test No do=' to door, Req. The Dalles & Call 1-80G,FOR-AVOK Wtshram area only. 541-739-211t(Iocalcall) 1-800-932-7433 Ext, 812 Academy Educational Service Distrlct 112 2500 NE 65th Ave Vancouver, WA 9~I.6812 1.~00-775-7142/360-750-7508 An Equal Opp~muniby Emp~yer FLAGGER/LABORER Seasonal position with Hood River County Public Works road crew. Prior flagging experience is pre- ferred, Applicants must be 18 years or older and pos- sess a valid driver's license. Wage is $9.79/hr. Applicants must submit a Hood River County appli- cation by 4:00 p.m. June 10, 2004. Request job packet and return to Hood River County Adminstra- lion, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031. Hood River County is an EOE, FURNITURE MOVER Valid li- cense req. Able to do heavy lifting. Start@ $9.50/ hr. 541454-11t3/877-228-1113. GOLDENDALE School District No. 404 has the fol- lowing opening for the 2004-05 school year:. HIGH SCHOOL HEAD FOOTBALL COACH Teaching to be determined. Social Studies/Physical Education possible options; other coaching possibilities include Gins Basketball and Baseball. Apptlcatto~ Infom~ may be oMalned at: Admlnl~-atto~ Office ~03 South Noceevelt Geldendab, WA ~e620 r~1./73.5177 EDE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Klicldtat County Pubtio Works Department is am cepting applications for two (2) full-time replacement positions in Goldendale, WA. Performs a variety of unskilled/semi-skilled rou- tine and manual road main- tenance/construction work. Operates a variety of hand/ power tools and Various vehicles/equipment to ac- complish work. Require- merits: High school diplo- ma or GED; valid Wash- iogton State Commercial driver's license Class A combination with tank ve- hicle endorsement and no air brake restriction. Wage: $14.13 per hour. Application packets at Ktickitat County Personnel Department, 509-773- 7171, 205 S. Columbus, MS-CH 15, Goldendale, WA 98620 E-mall: lynnc.@co, or for info. Application Deadline: June 11, 2004 at 5:00 PM. Postmarks not accepted. An EOE. Rental Technlcisn. Sawer's True Value is accepting appl for a rental tach. in our "Just Ask Rental" Dept. Ap- ply at 500 E. 3rd, The Dalles. SUMMER " WORK Muliple openings, Excellent starting pay, No exper',ence required. FI.EXB~ ~.~HEDULI~ CondiUons apply. Fun workl NOW INTERVlEWIN6 360-573.-1868 Vanc, 563-595-I 765 Portland PAINTER'S HELPER 20-40 hrs/wk. Wage DOE. Need own transportation & tools. Will be drug tested. Send resume to: twooding@columbiagorge palnfingcom PH Nurse Supervisor: Was- co/Sherman Co. Public Health Dept. F/T, $3564- $4334 + bene. Req: Bach- elor's degree in Nursing from 4-year college or uni- versity; Prefer: MPH or oth- er graduate level health ad- man ed. & management exp. Assists the PH Ad- ministrator in exercising supervision over all clinical staff & programs. Supervi- sory Responsibilities; di- rectly supervises all PH Nurses & specific pro0ram staff in the Public Health Dept; cerdes out supervi- sory responsibilities in ac- cordance with the organ- ization's policies & appli- cable laws, Obtain Appli- cation Packet from the Wasco Co. Employee & Adman. Services Dept,, Rm 101, Wasco Co. Court- house, 511 Washington at., The De/lee, OR, 97058 or wedsite: Open until filled. EOE RESTAURANT/ KITCHEN MANAGER Seeking a positive, enthu- siastic and energetic per- son with pizza production experience. Must be ca- pablB of hands on man- agement of a busy, fast paced pizzeria kitchen, Job description includes coor- dinating incoming ordBrs, training and efficiency of kitche~ staff, food prepar- ation,inventory manage- ment, and quality control. A team player assisting in maintaining a positive, fun working environment, Qualified applications ac- cepted at Andrew's Pizza, 107 Oak St, Hood River, OR 9703 I. St Mary's Acadsmy is looking for a full-time PK & K teach- er. We offer small classes with a Christian education. Salary based on exp. Ptaasa pick up an applica- tion at 1112 Cherry Heights Rd, The Dalles. The ticket to a dream job might be a seam High.Paying Postal ,Jol~l No E.+,qm~ mmm~I Don't pay for information about jobs with the Postal Service or federal govern- ment. Call the Federal Trade Commission toll free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit www,ft~:gov to learn more. A pub~ ~rvlco moi~go from The DaIIN Chronicle end theFT& Id driver's license• The main emphasis of this po- sition will be on Communi- cable Disease. Applicants must submit a completed Hood River County appli- cation. Obtain and return job packet to Human Re- sources, 601 State St., Hood River, Oregon 97031 by 4:00 p,m., June 11,2004, Hood River County is EOE. ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS ASSISTANT Apply knowledge of human resources in suplSort of personnel; develop and maintain databases and spraedhsaets. Must be able to accurately type 40wpm. Salary starts at $26,699 or $29,761 per year, depending upon qual- ifications. Located at U.S. Geological Survey, Cook, WA, 25 rain. from Hood River. Apply on.line at: http:ll www.mRs.govlohr/oars be- fore 9pro June 7, 2004, vacen- cy ennouncemsnt number: WR.2004.0242, retarial expenence and one lication year experience using achieving compbter softwere appli- Must cations. The preferred can- tra didate will have an Asso- to Little l ciates degree and the abil- 1910, " Sty to reed, write and speak 97058, Spanish. • Smell Business Development om Center secreta~'-Full Time. This position supports the Small Business Develop- ment Center in The Dalles. Requires HS Diploma, one year secretarial experience and one year expenence using computer software applications. The preferred candidate will have an As- In sociates degree, the ability wanted. to read, write and speak care. Spanish, experience work- 2822. ing with databases and ex- perience arranging work- shops, classes and semi- naps, Request applicetiog packet from President's Office, 400 East Scenic Dr., The Dalles, OR, 97058, 541- groW 298.3123; Environmental Services Manager Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital is seeking an individual to develop, implement, direct and coordinate all Environmental Services. Extensive knowledge of housekeep- ing practices, policies and procedures, working knowledge of equipment used in institutional cleaning of large facilities, working knowledge of supply and distribution of linen services, knowledge of management, budget and busi- ness practices. Bachelor degree preferred or four or more years working within an Environmental Services related function. Current driver's license required. Please apply on-line at For more information call (541) 387-6453 EOE A caring difference you can feel Jl ] l lllH'r l')l 1111) I THE GORGE CLASSlREDS get results! today 1-888.287.3777 I II~ II III I H fide in Brother interest