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Wi= hram plant
ogy award for cl
If wastewater treatment Wishram's plant was a first- reviewed every treatment
plants were students, time award-winner, plant's tests, reports and on-
Wishram's would get an A- The awards honor operators site inspections to determine
plus. of treatment plants that had no which facilities met all condi-
The Wishram plant, operat- spills into Washington's waters tions of their permits.
ed by the Klickitat Public during 2003. Award winners Last year, 31 treatment
Utility District (KPUD), was also passed every environmen- plants were recognized.
one of 35 plants that received tal test and analyzed all san> However, Ecology also
an "Outstanding Wastewater ples according to requirements issues reports on wastewater
Treatment Plant" award from laid out by Ecology. plants on the other end of the
the state Department of "Managing a modern waste- performance spectrum. Two
Ecology in April. water treatment plant every Klickitat County wastewater
Ecology issues the annual day of the year is tremendously plants -- those in Lyle and
awards to plants that had per- complicated, yet these folks did Klickitat -- are currently under
feet compliance with their it perfectly," said Dave Peeler, notices of violation, according
wastewater-discharge permits, who manages Ecology's water- to Reynolds. Those and other
Washington has 3o5 waste- quality program. "The winners area plants are slated for repair
water treatment plants, of this award deserve our or replacement under a KPUD
Representativesfrompraise and our thanks for campaign to overhaul aging
Ecology will present the doing such a good job of pro- wastewater systems. The
awards to plant operators at tecting Washington's waters." KPUD has gathered $11 mil-
public events over the next In addition to treating the lion from grants and low-inter-
couple of months. No date for water, plant operators must est loans in the past three
the Wishram award ceremony conduct up to thousands of years to help finance the cam-
has been set, but it will likely be water-quality monitoring tests paign.
late this month or in July, said during the course of a year.
Lorraine Reynolds, KPUD's They also must assure that no -- Staff report
water/wastewater manager, waste water is spilled. Ecology
Klickitat man charged with Trail assault
Brent DeWalt of Klickitat photographing cows in the of controversy between advo-
was released on his own rec- Klickitat canyon for a high cates and public managers of
ognizance Tuesday morning, school senior class project, the trail on the one hand, and
after pleading not guilty in and alleged that DeWalt local landowners on the
Klickitat County Superior threatened them with a shot- other, some of whom object
Court to charges that he gun. to the public access the trail
threatened two Vancouver Deputy Ken McDonald and affords.
teenagers near his home in two other deputies respond- "We've responded to other
Kliekitat canyon, ed, arresting DeWalt at his incidences of harassment and
DeWalt's May 16 arrest andhome seven miles north of threats," involving DeWalt,
subsequent release on Lyle, Mace said. DeWaR was Mace said.
Sin,Odd bail resulted from a charged with two counts of Goldendale attorney Ross
call made to the Sheriff's second degree assault and Rakow, who is representing
office by the two juveniles, harassment, according to DeWalt, said of his client, "He
according to Sheriff Chris court documents, is not guilty and we intend to
Mace. DeWalt's land adjoins the prove it."
The pair said they were Kliekitat Trail, long a subject -- Sam Lowry
Photo I1
On Tuesday morning, local members of the international group Take
Sensibly (TOPS) joined others throughout the state for a two-mile walk.
many weight-loss activities scheduled throughout the year. TOPS is a
support group with 300,000 members in Canada and the USA. Anyone
mation about morning or evening groups can call Debbie Mutton at
VISTA program
Any Klickitat Count3, non-counties in southwestService. Mq
profit, school or municipal Washington: Clark, Cowlitz, modest
organization with a year- Wahkiakum, Skamania, and during their
long service project to help Klickitat. term and an
reduce local poverty could Turner said that VISTA stipend.
get a Volunteer in Service to volunteers from her center Turner said
America (VISTA) t6 make it had worked this past year on has funding
happen, economic development, volunteers this
The volunteer center at health care and education Any
southwest Washington's projects. "The year before, ed in
Human Services Council in we had an excellent proposal materials
Vancouver has issued a from the Extension office in Volunteer
request for proposals for Goldendale." 694-6577, or
VISTA projects to begin in Known as the domesticto vistahsc
November. Peace Corps, VISTA places original and two
"We want to get geograph- volunteers in one-year full- the application
ic diversity," said the cen- time service positions the center by 5
ter's manager, Anne Turner. through the Corporation for Monday, July 12,
The program covers five National and Community
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