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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
June 6, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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June 6, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pap Two THE GOLI).ENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ---i Klickitat Clubwomen Visit Yakima For Annual Convention June 10-13 o Delegates from all the federated delegation from the Goldendale clu,bs in I~lickitat county will be traveling to Yakima next week for the annual convention of the Wash- ington State Federation. The four- dab" meeting opens Monda~y', June 10, with registration and a golden Jubilee dinner et the Hotel Com- mercial, and .closes Thursday after- noon. Mrs. E. C. Trost, president of the Mid-Columbia federation, aml Mrs. G. F. Neils of Kllckltat will repre-i sent the district. From the Golden'i dale Woman's A~soclation will goI Mrs. J. J. Fry, prosldent, and Mrs. J. H. ~bshier. Mrs. Trost will leave here Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Fry, Mrs. A'bshier, and the two White Salmon delegates, Mrs. C. F. Breneman and Mrs. WeSley Gilman. The group will return Thursday. Junior Day, which will be Thur6. day, June 11, will draw a large LET US FIX YOUR HAIR TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOU! Haircuts, waves, and perman- ents shaped to your head and your features. Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber Beauty. Mucrada club. The Jun r program opens with registration at 9 a. m. at the Women's Century clubhouse, fotlowed .by the regular ,business meeting. On the program will be Mrs. F. F. Fenton, new president of Mucrada, who will present a talk on the two club magazines, OY'~WC and The Washington Clubwoman. Mrs. Herman Rauscher is the other Mu- crada delegate. A full day of entertainment for Juniors will include luncheon at the Hotel Commercial, a program and institute at the Century club, tour of the city, a dinner sponsored by the American Home department, and a Fireside Hobos party at the N. O. Belllngham home on Terrace Heights. W00LGROWERS GUEST DAY PICNIC Klickitat Woolgrowers Au~i.liary is having their annual Guest Day picnic Sunday, June 9, at Brooks Memorial park on the Satus high- way. All members, their families and friends are invited to pack a regular picnic basket and come out for a day of fun and visiting. The picnic lunch will 'be served about one o'clock, the dessert and coffee be- ing furnished. In the afternoon there will be games and contests and other en- tertain.m~nt. The committee in charge are Mrs. William F. Horni- brook, Mrs. George Klein, Mrs. M. R. Davies, Mrs. H. H. Hartley,, Mrs. Earl Baker and Mrs. Earl Dooley. State Woolgrowers Auxiliary Officers Visit Woolen Mills A trip which proved to be instruc- tive, as well as enjoyable, was taken by four Woolgrowers Auxiliary ladies last week. They visited woolen mills in Portland and vicinity. The foursome included Mrs. Harry Roberts, state president and Mrs. at 8 p. m. All members are urged to attend. Each lady is asked to !bring one dozen cookies, Earl Dooley, ma~ter, announced. i iii GOLF LUNCHEON Mrs. Charles Dudley will ~be hostess at the women's golf club h, ostess at the women's golf club begin at 12:45. 3-B SEWING CLUB The 3-B Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. He,yard Norris last Will Roberts, national vice-president, Thursday. Everyone spent an enjoy- both of Yakima, Mrs. Clell Lung, a~ble afternoon and enjoyed a dell- president of the Presser unit and cious lunch. This Thursday, June 6, Mrs. Jesse Imrie, president of the looal unit. Every firm seemed anxious and willing to have their plants inspect- ed and a guide was provided, who explained all the processes. In some of the plants, a great deal of mach- inery is idle, due to the condition of the wool market ~nd "the season. No two mills seemed to be concerned about competition for one mill speci- alized in blankets, another in woolen goods and another in yarns. The ladies spent three days visit- ing woolen mills, carding and mat- tress companies, weavering and dy- ing companies, storage plants and stores where woolen articles were sold. They followed the process that wool is taken through from the raw state to the finished article. They watched girls make the little woolen animeJs that were sold by the local unit last year during Christmas sea- son. In another mill they saw the weav- ing of beautiful blankets with de- signs woven in by a pro~ess compar- ed to the way a player pl~no oper- ates. I.t was an educational trip and the ladies considered their three days well spent. GRANGE TO MEET oldendale Grange number 49 w'ill meet in regular se~ion June 8 the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Schuster. EASTERN STAR Evergreen Chapter number one, Order ~f Eastern Star,will hold a stated communication %Vednesday, June 12. Thi~ will be (~bserved as Adah's night. Our present Adah and past Adahs will be honored. May Root, Sec'y. P. E. 0. CHAPTER VISITS Members of the Yakima chapterI of the P. E. O. will be guests of the Goldendale sisterhood F~iday after- noon. The group will visit the Mary- hill Museum. Following the trip throug.h the Museum they will be served tea at the Meadow Lark Inn. ill LADIES AID PLAI BIG RUMMAGE SALE Members of the Ladies Aid of the Goldendale Methodist church will hold a rummage sale in the annex Friday and Saturday of this week. All proceeds from the sale will go into the organization's church fund. Mrs. Bruce Spalding is in charge of arrangements f.or the sale. LATTER DAY SAINTS R R. Harem, Superintendent Kllckitat, Washington Sr,nday school 10:00 a. m. club rooms at Klickttat. In HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor Save on Wizard S : EETS 50c wh~ally low price[ Snowy Ite. 81" x 99"..Jl~ Big Savings On Stock up on sturdy Belle Isle muslin at this saving price! 36" Bleached. 39" Unbleached. For Fireside---Vanity Tables 1.00 You'll find these colorful, sturdy hassocks perfect for living room, bedroom, porch and beach. They axe covered in washable, long-wearing simulated leather, and are 11" high. Round or square A real value at this low price! ! Nation.Wide Sturdy, firmly wov- en sheets of smooth soft texture. wash beautifully! 81" x 99" 81" x 108". ........... 79e Cases Durable l~ation-~gide ! w~ve Soft firm Value! Terry Bath TOWELS Brighten your b~tthroom!~ [m Colorful, thick tow-~r~[[ sis in block patternslg-I~lF Large ! Embroidered Pmow Cases Lovely, smooth white pillow cases with the words "Mr. and Mrs." or "His and Hers" carefully em- broidered on them in color. Kitchen Towels Brightly hued cotton kit- chen towels that will" make your dtshes shine! Long wearing! J. 0. PINNEI~ O4P., lNe. Venco Smooth sheets f o many washings real hard wear! Cases .............. 22¢ Belle Isle lOc Very low priced --- yet sturdy end durable! Large creamy laceI cloths in gay designs, l'O0 Big Bargain Low Priced! Bright, easily washed A/I cotton crash 35" x 35"~I ~C cloth with 4 matching-l'~ napkins. Schedule of Messes First, Third and Fifth Sandays 9 a. m. St. Mary's E~hurch, Wishvam, First, Third end Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m. GRACE LUTHERAN :CHURCH Klickitat, Washington Eugene R. Schr~mm, pa~tor Sunday school ........................... 9:30 a. m. Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. "We preach Christ and Him Cru- cified." CHURCH OF CHRIST V. T. Smith, minister Bible study ............................................. 10:00 Sermon ......................................................... 11 : 00 Imrd's Supper ...................................... 11:50 Evening service .................................... 8:00 Wednesday evening service ......... 8:00 Ladies Bible study Friday ............ 2:30 "And to you who are troubled rest with u~, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengence ,on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 These. 1: 7-8. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH v. J. Gardner, pastor Sunday school ........................ 10:00 a. m. Morning worship ................. 11:00 a. m. Missionaries from Poland will be in charge of the morning and eve- ning service. Evangelistic service ............ 7:45 p. m. The missionary services are con- tinuing every night this week..Mov- ing pictures ~vill be shown of .their work in Poland. Everyone is wel- come to these meeetings. The meet- ings will close Sunday night, June 9. Don't mlsu the ,opportunity to hear these interesting speakers and also to see the pictures. "You're always welcome!" CHURCH OF CHRIST Centerville, Wash. Opal B. Wiidanen, pasbor Lord's Day Services 10:00 Bible school. 11:00 Lord's Supper and Sermon. 7:15 C. E. societies meeting 8:00 Song s~rvice and sermon We~ek Day Service 8:00 V~redneaday Bible study un- less otherwise announced. Beginning next Sunday Vernon Becks, a student pastor from the ' NorthWest Christian College in Eu- gene, will supply during the leave of ab~sence granted; the present pastor until the first of September. "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the custom of some is." Washington Thursday, June 6, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C. E. Hanes, pastor Church Vacation Bible school openu Monday, June 10 and closes Friday, June 21. Bible study, sing- ins, craft work, picnics, games, all combined to make a happy and profitable time for all who attend. Any and all boys and girls are wel- come. Ages five years to 14 years. School sessions 9:00 to 11:45 Mon- days to Fridays. 10:00 a. m. Sunday regular Bible school session. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship and preaching service. Note--It is ex- pected that Mr. C. L. Ledbetter of Elleneburg, dean of the Mountain Air B. Y. P. U'. Assembly will be present t,o address both the Bible school and church congregations on ~Sunday, June 9, relative to this years mssembly. 7:00 p. m. The B. A. U.; B. Y. P. U. ; and Junior-Intermediate r Union will meet in separate sessions i for dev.otional meetings. 8:00 p. m. An evangelistic service ill ,~ong and sermon. 8:00 p. m. Thursday, prayer meeting. THE METHODIST CHURCH C. J. Hall, minister SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a. ] m., Sermon; a request sermon-- [ "Green Pastures and Still Waters."i 7:00 p. m., Young People meet. Thi,~ is "Homecoming" day for the i church--everybody out! [ WEI~KDAY ACTIVITIES: Tuesday, 8:00 p. m., Prayer meet- ins; Wednesday, 2:30 p. m., Ladies ~_id meeting. 8:00 p. m., Choir prac- tice, special. Friday, Women's Mis- sionary meeting at the home of Mds. Davies; Topic: "The World Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chri,stian Family and Adult Educa-San Francisoo, arrived in tion." __ _ dale /vIonday to spend two Read the classified ads. tf vacation here. SU 50c PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC TWO BOTTLES FOR ........................ 10c CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 3 BARS and LOTION ....................... 25c TEEL LIQUID DENTRIFICE Plus 10c BOTTLE TEEL . : .................. 20c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE TWO TUBES .............................. CASHMERE BOUQUET TALCUM TWO LARGE TINS .......................... | 25c PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM TWO LARGE TUBES ....................... 75c NOXZEMA CREAM FOR ONLY ................................ 50c PABLUM FOR ONLY ..... : .......................... 5c COLGATE PERFUMED SOAP 6 BARS FOR ............................... $1.00 MARVELOUS MATCHED MAKE-UP KIT .............................. Always a Registered Pharmacist in Charge The EXTRA pennies you save here, there, everywhere throughout our market are like interest added to a savings account. Our method of op- eration assures them to you. We buy many foods direct, eliminating in- between profits, and we pass the sav- ings along to you! See how much YOU can save this weekend by taking your pick of the big bargains in our mam- moth displays of quality foods. Standard Oil FLY SPRAY, pint can 25@; qt. TOMATOES, Emporium s. p. gt. 2 Vz can ..... KERR LIDS, 2 dozen ..................... Cream White SHORTENING, 3 lb. can Seaport KRAUT, fancy large can .......... DEVILED MEAT, 3 cans ................. BROOMS, Special ........................ PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 bars ............... CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, regular size bar .... CUDAHY. And BREAKFAST ,SAUSAGE SUPER SUDS, concentrated, blue ..... PEETS GRANULATED, ]ge. pkg ..... Kelloggs CORN FLAKES, lge. pkg ..... 9¢ Dependable FLOUR, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.,49 Sunu Gold FLOUR, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.29 Bell Ripe OLIVES, tall cans, 2 for ..... North Star Filet SARDINES, can ..... White King Granulated SOAP, lge. pkg. 27' Reliance PECTIN, bottle ............ JELLY GLASSES, tall or squat, dozen West Best COFFEE, 2 lbs ........... 45¢ Big Value COFFEE, 2 pounds ....... :as - ns = Seaport, Silco and Seaport, 303 cans C m White King Granulated SOAP, giant . White King Toilet SOAP, 3 bars ..... POWDERED SUGAR, 3 lbs ......... TOMATOES, Puree No. 2 can ........ 1 PKG. FREE WITH 2 PKGS. RED COLOR, 1 oz. bottle ............ Almond EXTRACT, 1 oz. bottle ....... CANDY BARS, 3 for ................ Fairway COFFEE, 2 pounds ......... PURITAN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONL Fresh, Tender BEETS, 3 bunches ......10c Small Green ONIONS, bunch " .. Ic Large, Crisp RADISHES, bunch ...... lc Improved Clark Canning STRAWBE ,RI crate 1.29 PHONE 272 Cottage CHEESE, pt .... BOLOGNA, lb .......... STEAK, lb ...... SIDE BACON, Ib ........ lb ..... $2 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE WITHII CITY LIMITS OF GOLDENDALE