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10, 2004
team sending 2 to Gillette, 3 to Fallen
SAM LOWRY rodeo, held in Ellensburg last
Ferguson, of Centerville, also
won herself took second overall in barrel
first in goat- racing and third in pole bend-
State ing. She will compete in all
championship three events at the national high
site will
release treated
the Columbia River
Use of bleach.
wastewater sys-
Upgraded before
While upgrading
water system,
added a second
had the existing
extreme exmnple
where every sewer
from each house
new during the
of the proposed
treatment center
by KPUD in
ease has settled a
against the
the Columbia
a group dedicat-
quality of the
Brent Foster,
said the
the suit
"agreed to take
the violations
money to solve
many felt that
money paid in
.$21,ooo per day
was better
the problem.
has the plan far
to satisfy the
a sticky point with
Operation. "I hope
1oo percent
Reynolds. She
ever done a
on grants
going to try.
sYstem's expected
and Tebb
money has
for the budget.
the col-
and build a re-
filter system
remodel is in the
are drawn for the
project and the
R/rom page 1
funds are coming from a mix
of zero-interest loans and
grants. The Lyle treatment
facility is a 6o-4o split of
grants and loans. Money to
pay back the $496,8oo loan
will come from a rate
Reynolds said every system
in the nation has*to be
changed. Large cities were
first, then smaller and small-
er, "now it's our turn to fix it,"
she said. Grant and funding
sources are under pressure as
communities all over the
country go after the same
With 14 budgets to oversee,
Reynolds said capital costs
and utility rates are complex•
KPUD must keep each indi-
vidual system autonomous;
money from one cannot be
transferred to another.
The Lyle project should go
out for bid this fall, with con-
struction soon after, said
The final wastewater plant
in the defunct system handles
Glenwood's sewage.
Reynolds said Glenwood is
another matter entirely; the
EPA will have to be involved
because of border issues with
the Yakama Tribe.
The wastewater collection
system is made up of concrete
pipes and Miller said they are
the roots of Glenwood's prob-
lem. The collection pipes let
water leak in during big rains
and summer melt-off. Miller
said the surrounding water
table is quite high. The extra
water treated along with the
normal flow overloads the
lagoon spray-field technology
used on the site. Last year
KPUD had to build a system
of dykes around the
Glenwood Sewage lagoon.
With two systems rLxed
and two rebuilds in .the
works, KPUD has Glenwood
on the back burner. Reynolds
said, for the moment the
KPUD has stopped contami-
nating federal waters, and
Glenwood, "is on the radar
for the future."
school championship rodeo in
Gillette, Wyo. in July - a
return appearance for
Chase MacRae of Centerville
placed third at state in his two
main events, calf roping and
steer wrestling, and will also
make the trip to Gillette.
Fellow Goldendale High
School Rodeo Club members
12eslie Bradley and Cody Tobin
competed in Ellensburg, both
placing among the top eight
finishers in their roping events.
That's not enough to make
nationals - only the top four go
to Gillette. But Bradley and
Tobin will be heading to
Fallen, Nev., over the Fourth of
July weekend for the Silver
State Rodeo, where fourth-
through-eighth place finishers
Ferguson and MacRae
earned enough points in
Ellensburg to hold their posi-
tions in state overall
cowboy/cowgirl competition,
MaeRae finishing third,
Ferguson second (reserve
Ferguson competed in five
events, including team roping,
with Bradley, and breakaway
i'oping. In Friday's competition
she was second in barrels
seconds), first in goats
(8.2), and fourth in poles
(2o.9); Bradley was fifth in
breakaway (5.37)-
On Saturday, the state
reserve ehamp was first in
poles (2o.4), second in goats
(8.6), and she and Bradley
WINE frompagel
Gorge with wineries in mind.
Goodwillie said there is
noticeable growth in the last
few years.
One home vintner from
Texas switched to grapes
grown in the White Salmon
valley. Phil Watters of
Houston, Texas, dropped his
California source and switched
to the Gewurztraminer grapes
grown in the CGVA.
Extending the credibility of
tourism dollars, Watters
brought more than winemak-
ing money to Kliekitat County.
He and his family spent their
2003 vacation touring area
The winemaker wanted to
see the region and vineyards
producing his grapes. "Even
my wife drinks my wine, so it
must be pretty good," said
Erdman Funeral Home
& Cremation Service
3oo W. Broadway, Goldendale
My wishes are for a simple cremation.
At Erdman Funeral Home and Cremation
Service, we can arrange for this request or
any other type of service a family may have
in mind. It isn't necessary to go out of town
or join a society to have your wishes carried
out. All of our services are performed local-
ly and we offer what no one else can:
Affordabili integri digni trust and
familiarity. After all, we have been taking
care of the Goldendale community for
more than mo years. Call us, 773-4646. We
are here to help.
- Erdman Funeral Home
and Cremation Service.
were eighth in team roping
In Sunday's short go
(finals), Ferguson was first in
barrels, fourth in goats, and
third in poles. In addition to
her other honors, she had the
best average in goats, good for
a buckle, and was all-around
winner for the weekend. She
brings home a Mid-Columbia
Veterinarians' college scholar-
ship, and her horse was cho-
sen AQHA horse of the year.
To win her goat-tying sad-
dle, Ferguson had to pass
Jessiea Nygard, the state
leader coming into the week-
end, which she managed by a
handful of points.
MacRae, a GHS junior, will
be making his first trip to
nationals. In calf-roping, he
said, he "took care of busi-
ness," entering third and end-
ing up third. In bulldogging,
he entered second and ended
up third. "I missed my steer
on the last day or I might have
won a saddle," MacRae said.
Bradley and Tobin each get
to pick a second event for
Fallen. Bradley, whoql com-
pete in breakaway roping,
plans to add pole bending and
Tobin, a calf roper, will add
team roping. He will take
Ryan Bradley as his partner.
MacRae said that the Rodeo
Club may be doing some more
fund-raising this month to
help pay for travel to the two
national rodeos.
Photo by Sam Lowly
Mark Sigfrinius, at Saturday's road event in Goldendale.
"ng for summer
"Another successful
event," said co-organizer
Terry Campbell of Saturday's
ninth annual Quest for
Summer Cruise•
183 drivers and passen-
gers from as far away as
Arizona navigated the 105.2-
mile course from CarQuest
Auto Parts in Goldendale to
Kliekitat, Lyle, Dallesport,
Centerville and back.
Twenty-six trophies and
more than 2oo door prizes
were awarded, thanks to
local businesses. William
Sullivan of Goldendale was
the overall winner; other top
awards went to David
Nelson, Mesa, Ariz. (male
driver), Hazel Still,
Goldendale (female driver),
Shon Kartes, Goldendale
(motorcycle), Hannah
Knopes, Goldendale (pas-
senger), Randall Jones,
Goldendale (oldest Vehicle -
'32 Plymouth), William
Kershaw, Goldendale (oldest
driver - 8o), Kimberly
Weber, Goldendale
(youngest driver - 16), and
Glen Fritts, Goldendale
(hard luck trophy).
Darrell Ellingsworth of
Goldendale won the
Edelbrock letterman's jack-
et. "The event has grown
every year and we expect to
set new records next year,"
said Campbell.
-- Sam Lowry
Little Klickitat River Park Aquatic Center
401 North King Street, Goidendale Washington
(509 773 050 )
Short hedule openmg on June 5, 2004 3:00pm to 7:30pm
(Until School is out)
Opening on Full Schedule on June 15
Admissbns: Per Seuiou Anuuai Pan
I CUdrmt _.ton s .oo sgo.oo-
* Families iudude Two Adults ud related children.
Week Days
Adult Swim
Swim Schedules
,,,j, ,
..... OpeuS,,~, ' --
,6: :3o N,0,/l:00 s: 6:3o ..... N0o, ig:00
Opeu Swim
9:00/11'30 1".30/S:00 7:000:00
Prices ud Schedule subject to change.. Meeting Room Available, eall for price and schedule.
moned 'to appear within
sixty (60) days after the
date of the first publication
of this summons, to wit,
within sixty days after the
a Sin. 13th day of May, 2004,
and defend the above-
titled action in the above-
titled court, and answer
the complaint of plaintiff
serve a copy of your
answer upon the under-
signed attorneys for plain-
~um. tiff AS AGUIRRE, at
their office below stated;
and in case of your failure
to do so, judgment will be
rendered against you
according to the demand
of the complaint, which
has been filed with the
clerk of said court. The
object of this action is the
residence you and ELIAS No. 26378
AGUIRRE co-own in Davidson Law Offices
Klickitat County, 707 W. Margaret St.
Michael J. Davidson, Pasco, WA 99301
WSBA No. 12494 (509) 544-0724 -- phone
John C. iger,
This week in Public Notices:
. Advertisement for Bids, Re-bid, re: Goldendale Senior
Center -- City of Goldendale
• Determination of Non-Significance re: Amer -- Klickitat
County Planning Dept.
Wishram School District
94 has completed the
budget process and has
placed the same on file in
the school office. A copy
heal to
any person who will call
upon the district for it. The
Board of Directors will
meet on June 16, 2004 at
6:00 p.m. at the Wishram
S chool for the purpose of
fixing and adopting the
budget of the District for
the ensuing fiscal year.
Any person may appear
Project: Goldendale
Senior Center Remodel -
115 East Main Street,
Gotdendale, WA
Owner: City of
thereat and be heard for P.O. Box 69, 1103 South
or against any part of Columbus Avenue
such budget. Goldendale, WA 98620
(2309, 2402) Date & Time: July 1, 2004
at 2:00 PM
Two separate sealed bids
for Building Remodeling,
and Roofing, as required
to complete the remodel-
ing of the Goldendale
Senior Center will be
received by the City Clerk
at the Goldendale City
Hall, 1103 South
Columbus, Goldendale,
WA 98620 at the time and
date indicated above.
Each bid will be separate-
page 6