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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
June 13, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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June 13, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper Oz Earth IP rABLISHED 1879 Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, June 13, 1940 Vol. 61. No. 24. ' -'l ...... i MARYHiLL MUSEUM ![ A ][ w f) 1CENTERVILLE PIONEER rT l * J * 1[ At t 111 Kl(le VISITED BY 10,000 LUL/ L HONORED ON BIRTHDAY I lnlr[le[n Annu PEOPLE IN 22 DAYS ' _ ....... A ...m i ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY • • a Rodeo Although aryhlll WILL VOTE Theodore of Center , Cleveland PIt lC L# tl ' - , i ' - - I ~ scum has been open for only 23 t ~lv #~m~ww~w=lI ville, observed his eighty-eighth 1 ..1 _ _ ~ .... J .... I days, 10,707 people have al- ~ I~J ~'l'~|~'l birthday last,Sunday at the home 1 ~l~'t~ I~,~ d ~ 1 ~'~ ~'~ " ~ ~ ~ " T ~y ready signed its register, 2L O. [ ~ b~ J~ l~]l~J=J! of his son, August Jackel, where / *.DtSllt~Utll~U [ltltl~ ---- ~ ~ ~UHU ~, . Brook~ secretary of the lnstl- ~ ! a family party ,was held in hon- ........... "-- .--'-~ . ~., '~ ........ ] tution's I~oard of ~rustees an- I('-olaenaal Lumber A-a Sawmill l or of the Centerville pioneer. I Annual now will Attract trust Riders in racine l orm- / nounced toda~.~/' ..... i "~ .~..'~ "~ ~ -. ~" ...... One of the oldest nioneers in ] Crowd Of More Than 3,000 Anticipated; Mack Barbour Will Supply West- Arran ements For Event" WorKers onion re rmio anoz • , Frank Lenten In Charge Of g , • . " • • . I Broncs For Afternoon Rodeo" Goldendale Band Will Play; l~i . T~ • I T~llS 1S beheved to be a na- [ . .,. I the entire Klickitat Valleo, Mr. ~ , oneer Lunch Saturday Noon, Dance tn mvenmg tional attendance record for a ] June II t Jackel came to Centerville in/ James G. Fowler, Of Tacoma, Will Deliver Morning Address q~.. l- " ~ "~I ~ ............... ~-~.~:..-- v..-I privately o~vned museum. Sev- I Officers of Goldendale local 9 58 1877 and hes resided there con- / -~ gangs Item art par~ oI me ~sv~vnw~ axe n~aumg xw ttblic museum ' - [ tinuousl since that time Those] " ..... eral years.ago a p ' lot L robe nd S mill Workers, Y • More than 3,000 people will gather at the Cleveland park four w " , and r the u r a aw / l at Wenatc e Y ' t,nis week nodnea union me~lbers ~ P Y p Y mIle~ west of Blekleton thls Fmday for the ~hlrtl~th annual Alder ~l this week to compete in the seventh annual rodeo h e was visited b ...... resent for the birthda art • . ..... • days, o and 16celebrati°ncattle haveSCheduled thereaireaay DeenSaturdaYrounaea and'Sunday' lup rom 11,000 people during the courseth ', a str,ke vote 'will' be taken Monday, included Mr and Mrs. August |]Creek Pioneer picnic. Every effort is being exerted by members, &clams ran :es to be used in the two da-rodeo Frank Leaton, t of a year. This figure at at June 17. W,he decision to hold the! Jackel a! d daughter Miss Zilla of the Eastern Klickitat organization to make this year s Cleve [,L.~., .... ~ ....... _._~__ __.. a , [ time was haile~ as a new at- Istrike vote received unanimous up-] BaKer, lvir. and Mrs. George lland picnic t, he most successful ever staged. ~',~ oI ~ne ~xlenw.o~l. a s~ocu~vion ~u. I tendance recordB.rooks said. I ...... ~ -* ...... i ...... ~... ~ h~ I Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Connie I -~ I James G. Fowler, of Tacoma, son- ............... .~__vn a [ 1 states and Jackel and son Bobby all of m la~ of W G Faulkner and the ~rodeo b-,h .~ ..... a ....a ~,,nda~ I A|~w~ ~m~w I Visitors from 3 , i Friday evening, Ed Schwader local, ' ' ' I Work btartea i - • • • ~-- -"~." ...... ~ ..... . "'!r'aJmaavaa a'~g~a~a~"a~ ) at least5 ~oreigncountries ! ..... ~,~* ~,i,~ I Centerville, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 _ i son of a former publisher of the ,.ru ann improvement have veen . • - • "~ " .............. -= 1 ]~z~~ ~e~tffiw ] sWned the Museum register In-1 ........ [ M.E. Potter of Portland. Mrs.i ~e~z't Planer At Bickleton News, will be the principal ~n the grounds to provide even Ka~aa~,a ,~,aL~ y ......... " .^ The umon ousters, ~n a s~gn~o I ~ ........ ' ...... I ~Jaa a a~**-v i ............. ,,, l~aclli*tao ,ho,~ ~,~ ,~o,~, vau~ [ mm z , ~. ~ cm.aea in this tota~ were ~ [-tatement appearing belowaeclar~ !~arner ttnu ~urs. lt'o~ter are [ • ._~ ~.~z --!speaKer. The aaaress o~ welcome w*** ....... ~ from Idaho 13 from New York i daughters of Mr Jackel l'lant be delivered by R Ai Ferguson of sal ............ t Merchant, uze I , i';hat it is their opinion the 'Klickitat I " I Pme Box , • , . ~ -- [ 31 from Montana, and .12 from ~ Pine Box company will not bargain! The party also honored Aug- [ -----=----- t Blckleton, premdent of the A der ~r~ay noon the Camas PrairieI Almon Baker, 84, pioneerGolden-! Canada. fin good faith unless forced to do so. I ust Jackel, whose birthday is the I Its opening somewhe,t delayed byICreek Pioneer associ~ttion. E.F. Will sponsor a nasKet lunch. / dale merchant and residen~ of this[ The following attendance by i The union officers say ~he company ! day following his flather's. I th~ lack of dry lumber, the factory I Flower will have charge of the mem- ~bOy, of Glenwooa, lS m! county for nearly 63 years, died atI ci~ies wa~ recorc~ed: Portlandhas ,~.talled negotiations for two -- of~the Kltckltat Pine Box company ortal service. ~--~,- tae p~oneer program ~ - . ~,~ ......... ". _ "lhis home here last Thursday even-]1 440 Seattle 386, Spokane 114, lyears. :]~ ...... | ][~-&--J Ilast Thursday began operation withI rrhe morning program will begin -venmg toiiowmg the nrst nay ' ' on 1" tlll~[/[:tJ[~altt~$ • " ie re .......... ling. fMr. Baker had been ill for sev-I Pendleton 74, Salem 65, Oreg Under the by-laws of bhe Lumber a full crew of men. The factory wflll at 10:00 a. m., and will be held at ueo a uence Will De nelo In ' 2 ~ ' 1 WOod "" " "- "-" d n e willleral weeks prior to his death. ] City 34, Bend 33, Astoma 3 , ~and Sawmill \Vorkers union a 51 I ~-~l,,~ ~"~v, ~-,,,.]~,~ Icontlnue to operate through the bal-~ the picnic grounds. Music for this iralshedr#husl:~:°r~ra::~,?M,~evvl ,~uneral services for the Golden-I Vancouver 197, Walla Walla iper cent majority is required befortI "£~;;~ ~_~_!~Jtill|t'ttg'y lance oftheboxshook see,son. [program will he furnished by2he " -" -- 114 I~on wew 31 Kelso 58 ~ Bickleton school band The ltev ~rs,, - - ~ ............ ]dale pioneer were held from the/ , g " , ' ia strike may be legally called. For W ,~t. |m~|~ Two full shifts are now employed . • • • ~ . . ~.,.o,,,,.A,~, n f B k w Bellin ham 17 lames 1~ Verno o ic leton, ill te ......... [Phillips chapel ~aturday afternoon.] g " I The o'fficial signed ,statement of l [at the Klickitat Pine Box sawmill. I .... moneer lunch Wlll oe serveu rnt owners and ~ ~ deliver the invocation During the te .......... I Interment was in the Goldendale I.~ Local restau a I the local 9-58 officers follows" i ......... ~ ~ . !The night shift was added, company l • ~nool house ann co~ee Will| ......... iV_.~] " " " tion o-craters report 1 " I Willlam .~.ioert Imrie ~ ploneer ........ ~...~.~ .... aa~,l...~1 program special music will be fur- ~1~,.- ..... [ u. u,. ~'. cemetery, r,e m surv ~u| serwce s~a p t 'L~cal 9 58 Golde~a~l,~ Washin~ ..... ' ' I Oiilcials sala tO uu.*u ~p auu.~ v.,. I ~,-eu oy tne ploneer assocla-~ .... . ......... ~ ..... ~nted tourist trade ~-~ - ..... ~,-lor tne ~ooun~oe I~lls community I. _ '--*~-,~-,~ ¢~tnrv In|shed by the Bickleton school gle~ ,v~ ......... I Dy nls WlUOW, ~nran; two sons, erea! an unpr~cvu~ ],~- o* their regular .~¢i-~ Frida- ~ ...... • ..... ' i lUlnDer reservvu ~u. ~, ....... ,. • lie uance ~aturuay nlgn~ win :a:tt vi~bM~eCdh :: ~h .............. a~ea a~ ~a~s nome In Aloerwood liking, boys calf riding, stuntst Por,l^n.~' ...... 1'-'-- B| ,,.~.~~.~ = , [ , , : i ago. He moved from Goodnoe HillsI" g ' _ . ~ ' I Gladys Faulkner and Stanton Oand- trick riding Some of the best l.~ ..~ a.~'._ .... ~n ~,y, ,, .1 Ull lreatmenz /za~l~ hall. in 1925 manager, will be used to nouse a neW lers • ~'aus, ~aano; gnu ~names ~a[er, o~ • . " • • l I " Cys in v s • The Umon claims that the Khck ,planer rail , the Northwest ha e a "]Snencerville ,Canada- and two sis-[ ~-zffi,~,~ 111,. l hl,,e I " -I Survi~.ors ,include the widow,, " ~. . ] Real Rodeo (~lenwood rodeo officials they],i~,~ ~o "~ ~ ~,,~,~o, .., ~o **~o [ ~l~a¥~;;~g • IZ avaaa~,v itat Pine Box Co. for two years has Arvtlla, five daughters Mrs. Grace Because of the ~uropean war, poxI LI)uring the afternoon a real rodeo e Present for the showGood stalled negotmtmns It ~s the behef ta tor owners anticipate a poor fruit • I and Mrs Edwin ~n-lo~ -f ~'i~ni ! nf C,t~ Street l I Rice, Grants Pass, Ore.; Miss Ben- , c y I will be staged with calf roping, bronc • s hay -. ,,~, ..... va v...j, of the Unmn that the Company will t in the Northwest this yea~ , e been set up to go to thel~e~, ~.anaa-. | I i trice Imrie, Hollywood, Cal.; Mrs. Im~'ke "'!riding ~a.nd horse races. The sports i~gperformers ['~ ...... | ~ _lnot bargain in good faith unless~)Ethe~ Co~nw-~eh,,r~, Or~- ~i .... ] European countrles that in peace time { ~.,.,. :--..,-^.~..,^..,.... ,~n.. ~ ~,~+~ | , Baker was born in Prescott, More than a mile and one a • • .... e O forced to do so Umon By Laws call [ Oldendale band will attend/.~._. " .............. r . .......... I . • - !Lillian andJuanita lmrle Alder. ~parchased large shipments of PacifiC la boy's flag parade and an Indian r ~atarm, June u, lao~.. In ~a'lb ne tit streets receiveo Oll surtace tre~t-~ - - . i ' . • . eden Sunday and will supply[ mov~a *- ~q*-*~ -~,o- o~*e --*.^-^[ Y .............. a ..... t ~an [for a 51 per cent ma]omty Ibefore a[wo.od Manor, Wash.; four sons, Jesse I Northwest fruit are now spendingI parade. The sports program commit- for the a ow r Klein stroke can be legally called a flf ~thelr money for airplanes munitions h . Geese ']h'e worke;-u~tl:'';-''~-:='''~'*'~a°~'"~lment~'astwee~an-~t ..... lucil-s'st'~'eetI ' "" [ nd W" ord, Goodn~e Hills; An- ~ ' ]tee includes' ,C R McCredy A M • ~,su~ u~ xo,~ son, cnairmau o~ tne couu ' ~ ' • " " " ' ' " Goldendale Meat company, will~ ...~..~., h .............. ] .......... I S~gned, i drew Roseburg" and Clifton Imrte, t and other war supphes. ] Matsen Carl Carter D O Sh~ttuck . _ ~ ,.uvu uv ,~,~u,. ~ ~olaenaale ~o worKI mlt~ee announcea touay, in anal-I . .,.ah,,TC-b'wada. Pro- i ' ' I | ' ' " " ann corn ~t, ~ / (I for the rodeo both Satur-/ ........ I ............. ~ .............. ..... ~Alderwo~d Manor. I ~Phe new planing mill addition to/1 Van Nostern Lowell Shattuck, .I ......... | in me general mercnanulee store op-ltion to the 8 ~vo leer o~ gravemal (~1.~.~ ~ D o-~an.~ Fin Sec , ...... ; ' ' ~u ~unaay enu wHI zurnlsn a| er~t~d hv hi~ u~l,~ ,~h^~... ,2~._ [ ......." ....... ,.~ ~m.~letel u,~ ......,,,, ~ .. . I Fifteen grandchildren, two broth-]the Kllckitat Pine Box pleilt Will De| Vernon Hooker, Earl Lasley and ~.~.~..... ] ..... ., ........ , xu~m~a~ ,~uu-lCl[y s~reets tua~ rvc~•vvu ~,, ~, , M Weiss Business A enu ~ I ......... ~ . • ,uuress system ~ree o~ charge.| son I~rln- *he -^--" " ....... .~,_ I ......... chin- work[ C. . g I ers and a sister at Tilson~burg On- ] used m the manufacture o~ nmsneat ~rancis Naught. 0~j ,~ . _! • 5 t u~At *~w yv~ru MI-. I Oll surIace ~rea~ment pal S / ~, i : • • [ : :: :,, m ~eattle W~)odlandparz ~ ~ ~ turin Canada and a sister in De lumber Last yeaz the Klickitat Pine Horses for the Cleveland rodeo will _ . . . [ Baker acquired a farm neer Center-] was ca-ried out throughout th~ city.d ~ v.~~ ~ ~1 ! ' _ ' . . _ "I " " ' ._ " . . _ ~ : ' go,rouno will be se[ up at the l ... I " 111-41~ll /a /~drlls~e I t~oit Mich amo survive lcunePal /Box company soia several camoaas[be furnished b'- M~dk Barber and i^~ ....... |vnte. I All work was done by a state high- [ • JL111 a~ K-~aa ~.,o~ t ' "' . .... " . .~ [ ........... | ~' ,m rosen grounus gnu wzu ~e| ............. | I -- ~. ~services were nela ,~unaay ~rom vne|o~ specm~ nnmnea pine tum~er tO|Rock Richmond ~eorge Metsen will ,~ i,n 1~5~ #lr. ,tsaKer marrleu Miss artment crew sentto this i | throughout the two day show. | ............. lway dep Democrat Grouu ,Cburch of Ohrist in Goldendale.,eastern markets. The addltior~al|su....l..alltheeattleusedintbeshow ..... ! ~aran ~nappeu. ~V~llow~ng tne~r~ ~.~.. of Klickitat to oilcounty ~ s- i ........... I ....... I vP ~, • ,~rry-go-rouna was purcnasea! ................ /~ ...... . . t • • ~ ~ IOt~uriai was in tne~teasant vauey lequipment m required ~o nandle m-lHighlight of the afternoon rodeo will )r marr~a~;e taey m0vea ~o l~imnsvurg roads, The oil was applies over a~ n ,June |el ' ge Klein ofGoldendale for/ ....................... / • ! rlere u ~ cemetery. |creased demands of these markets. | be the bronc ridin" contest A "ur"^ ~nw.,~a ~..a.~.. | wuerv ue .yea unu~ ~. In ~n~t| surface 16 feet in width on all I t ...... 1 ........ | ~ • P .......... |year th~.v re* ..... a ,,. ,~..~a^...~-,^ ^..~! .' ........... ~ --'-"---- I He was ~orn in Tils0n)nurg, on-] The planing lnlli Wlit ~)e completed|of $60 plus entrance fees of $3.00 __ , | ~-----[ ..... ,,, ........... u,~.~ ,~auj streets. The alley nor~n oz zualnt Knute Hill United States repres-I,o~ ~ ~o ~ a, *h,* ~e of 19 }.,~a ~a~ en. ,~no.~H ..... ~.. ~../ 1- , .... -, ~- o, ..... Sni,~- Count,, ~::r::fe~=::7:r:::hes~ch:h?ndiset :tl::etabsetil~dni::~e:nd C°lulnbUSi entat,ve from th~s d,s~uct wfl} ad:! he left his home in Canada :rid came i July, Hi~:gst0n said. ~e bui;din;~ ~h:L =nnl:g s:::b:;2.°" zu to rue ][~'~,*~, ,3| [ dress a meeting o~ L~emoc~ats at ! . sd:Ys!tO California and then t~ Washing construction is under the supervision (o~ b s oneer, Will Be '' l :i a: r 21cda: lenfi;ete°f- 0:kt~a:°Tt5:°At?ustt~a::on°~slaii: Mac's caf:n,nlGOldh:dal:etT:e ton. In 1886 ,he was married to of R. V. Blinn.. This bron: :Ydi[: ::dge:t will he ~__ .I ~qrq| lJ est in the W. M. Mflllcan store |w . "'~-" 'In ........ "l evening' J ~ 8. m ... g . i Arvilla Jane Becks. In 1936 the " " Judged by the cowboys themselves. • " Streets oliect lnc (tet~ Lne iollowmg-~called bv l~oren Tripie~ county • • - - • - , idLlrle |l tur aav|shortly after that his brethor *~ .... "l ~ , couple cemoratea t~mr golden ~ea-I A ~ ~Jl~f~zffi~ Some of the Northwest's best riders I • " I ........ ..... | C street from Cha~neld ~o r~oosevelt; 1 Democratic chairme,n di~g anniversary ~ g'~o Ivio ava~,o~aa I a--~ear at th- "~ .......... [ ~te ~eorge ~rleroert l~aKer purchas-|- ......... ..-, .......... . ~ • ~ ~.~, e ~,evwana snow. Tae ~nl Maln stree~ IrOnl IklICB.1La~ l:O Mlll, I 1 ~ • • .'pes, 84, Klickitat county ed Millican's interest and the store[ ................. This meeting will beg'nat 8:00 p. W,il ~!i~ ~11~ [calf roping contest will feature a t since the earl-- sixties died I ...... i Court street ~rom l~llCKltat to wash- ~ ~.!! ~ | vv aaa ~, ~v, ~ purse of ~4 ..... ' r ~ , operates unuer the ~rm name of I- Wlll lake l ~ . [nus entrance ~ees o[ hit, Salmon Tuesday follow-]Baker Brothers for 33 years until it ~'* C nator[$3 00 each to split three ways to the ~ort illness. A you.nger broth-[was sold to Ledbetter & Wallace .Co. Over Nordbv Mill wi nors ~en ~n~pes, ~ermuomal aay[ .~ ~ne remy race winner will receive of the pioneer Washington riders. Snipes has been a resident of area of Klickitat court- of his life. In his youth h( range ~ider for his brother Snipes. the early day~ of Wasthington Ben Snipes ran the larg- er cattle in the Pacific His cattle herds ranged ~te Colum~bia river at Dalles- the Fraser river valley of king, Mr. Sn~ipes was one of A.M. Matsen, of Bickleton, county a purse of $30 and the second place The Bingen plants of the Nordby commissfoner for Eastern Klickitat, winner will receive $1~{~. rPhe Cleve- this week announced he would be a Will Lum,ber and Box company are sched- land track is three-eights of a mile. uled to close in a few days it wae candidate for the Republican hem[n- Entries for the afternoon sports pro- announced today following the sign- ation for state senator in the stx-gram will close at. 11:00 a. m. O. ing of a formal order of foreclosure teenth district. This district in- R. Gochnour, of Sunnyside, will serve Ray E. Miner, formerly of Van- 'by Ju(tge Howard J. Atwell, of the cludes Klickitat, Skamania, ~enton as officiel starter at all races. eouver, this week announced plans Kiickitat county supertor oourt, and Franklin counties. Goldendale Band of open~tng a tire recapping and re- The Nordby company has been in .Matsen, who is serving his sixth In addition to the contests already pair shop in Goldendale. This shop, the hands of a receiver for more year es county commissioner, under listed a three-eights mile race and a to operate under the name of "The than a year. Earl S. Coe, court up- state law would not be eligible to six-eights mile race will be run with O. K. Tire Weld" will be open for [pointedre,eiDer,wiI1 remain in relection to that office. Matsen said pttrses of $25 and $30 respectively. business in bhe near future, Miner he ha~ decided to file for state sen- A cowboy race, an Indhn Squaw race, said. ator ~t the request of ~riends. an Indian war bonnet race and a cow Equipment is now being installed The present state senator from this riding contest will be held. Largest was a descendant of at 106 East Main street in one of district is Charles F. Stinson. of race purse of the day will go to the Oarolina revolutionary ~,ar the buildings formerly occupied by Pasco. At this time Matsen is the winner of the one mile event. A $5 I-Ie was one of the last real the Dean ~illenwatersplumbing only man who has definitely announc- entrance fee is required for this on early day ~tsbory in shop. ed his intention to file for, the post event and the first prize is $50. 0ounty. The shop will be equipped to re- of state senator. The Goldendale band will play duro funeral services held at c~p aH slzes and types of automobile • lng the day. The public address sy~- 8almvn, interment will be in tiros. A modern system of rubber tern for the day will be supplied by I. O. O. F. cemetery welding is used in therecapping the Goldendele Meat ~company. P. m., Thursday, procese, checks, Mrs. McKee said• ('xeorge Klein will have charge of the announoing for both the morning and Funeral Rites Auditor a'ternoon programs. Nearly~ 200 former or present the past year was read: VanHoy, Mrs. R. C. Lefever, Roy John A. Miller, this week announc- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kloker, of Short resldents of this county met at "Dearest friends you have left us Chapman. ed his candidacy for the Republican Number Six, are the parents of a Peninsula park in Portland last And your l.oss we deeply feel, Vancouver-L-Dudley Mattson,Mr. nomination for the office of county daughter born Sunday evening. Funeral services were held Wed- Sunday for the twenty-first annual But 't~ God who bereft us:and,Mrs. B. R. Knal~, W. J. Hernio auditor. Miller, who received the ap= Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~tultz moved nesday for M~rril J. Short, of Kllckltat picnic. A total of 180 per- He can all our sorrows heal; brook, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Harding, pointment of county auditor from the this week into the Bledsoe residence Yak|ms, former resident k)f Cliffs sons si'gned the picn~ic register and Yet again we hope to meet yiu Mrs. Violet Wynder~>, Mr. and Mrs. board of commissioners in May, 193'9, at 305 South Wilbur. They formerly and a native of Klickitat county, a number of o~hers present failed When the day of life is fled Ira Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. has served Klickitet county as treas- occupied one of the Presher houses Mr. Short d~led at St. Elizabeth's hos- to sign, Ira Henders,o,n, president of And 4n heaven with joy to greet you, Fields, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wheaten, urer, clerk and state legislator, on West Broadway, W~here no farewell tear is shed."Mr and Mrs. 0~car Anderson, Gor- The county auditor's post and the .. liIAIN 8TRE~T pital in Yakima Monday" follow[n] Ithe organization said. __ • - • •a paralytic stroke suffered at aI Officers elected by the association l tntes Listed don Anderson, ChaD. Anderson, Mrs. positions as county commissioner for - Johnson asking Archie reunion held in B~ardman. Ifor the coming year ,include: E.E.The list that follows records are Edd E. Benett, Chas. Colleary, H. Western Klickitat and Eastern Klick- COUNTY CAL£NDAR about his recen~ wedding. Oregon Sunday. Montgomery, Goldendale, presiffent; names .o.f persons ~vho signed the W Goude, Delpha Lefever :Goude,,ltat are the only courthouse offices Mr. Short is survived by two H. M. Mulligan, Portland; first vice- Klickitat picnic registerSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arbhur Thompson, Mr. up for election this November. TheFriday----Wome~,s Golf, clubhouse announcing the birth ~on. Jack Dressel back frombrothers, Clarence and Dudley, both president; F. L. Bunnell, Vancou- The namesare grouped by ad- and Mrs. R. C. Allyn, Ida L. San- county auditor will be elected this 12:45. of t~ls ~ounty, and two sisters, Mrs. ver, second vice-.president; and dresses, ders, Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Beherns, fall to serve the remaining two years at Bloeklmmse. fair in San Francisco. Will McDonald, of Boardman, and Mabel Johnson, Vancouver, reelect- Goldendale---Mrs. Grant Clarence, Mar.guerite Beherns Ost, Donna Lee of the unexpired termof GeOrge M. Sunday~urch servite~. a~ulden Just arrivimg from Mrs. Jim Bullack, of Pendleton. ed secretary. Mrs. Angle Warren, Mr. and Mrs. 0st, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bunnel], Baker. Sunday--Q~ftball, doubleheadm, at John Trumbo leaving Funeral services were held from The announcement of the death Earl Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Coop, Mr. and BrOoks field. ,, of Commerce meet- the Phillips chapel ~vith V. T. of Almon Baker 1.ate last week Mm. R. M. OMe, Victor Cole, A.H. Dr. Gerald Turley left wednesdayMemlay -,,Lumber & ~a~mlll Worke~ loeal meetly. ] Jacolm back in town at-Smith, pastor of the' C~Idendaie brought a note of sadness to the V anHoy, Mrs. W. A. Chappelle, Mr. for Seattle where he v~ill attend a .--' I)emoel~tJe ntee~u_...~ | in fPop~enlsh. TomChurch of Christ officiablng. Inter- picnic gathering. The following me- and Mrs. Joe Johnson, Donald John- attend a t~hree day ~onference ofTuesd,a~. with his sleeves rolled up. ment was in the Goldendale L O. morlal quotabion- in honor of ~hose t~hree day conference of county Mac s c~fe 8:00 p.m. I O. F. cemetery, Klickitat residents who died during (Continued on Last Page) health officers. . ...... .~. , SON BORI all ready to rearrange the oounty prosecutor's o'ffice room for a new deputy to- young man, Russell Higgs arrived Tuesday evening at River hospltal and weighs: l~ounds and nine ounces. The Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I-E Can- are Iboth doing well