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encouraged to "Register" in documents; with the ability ere Exchange of Washington 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code suant to such Act, hereby afforded full opportunity to
order to receive automatic to: download, print to your at 425-258-1303 should you of Federal Regulations, De- notifies all bidders that it submit bids in response to
email notification of future own printer, order full / par- require assistance, partment of Transportation, will affirmatively ensure that this invitation and will not be
addenda and to place them- tial plan sets from numer- The Klickitat County Pub- subtitle A, Office of the Sec- in any contract entered into discriminated against on the
selves on the self registered cue reprographic sources lic Works Dept. in accord- retary, Part 21, nondiscrimi- pursuant to this advertise- grounds of race, color or na-
"Bidders List." This on-line (on-line print order form), ance with Title Vl of the Civil nation in federally assisted ment, disadvantaged busi- tional origin in consideration
plan room provides Bid-and a free on-line digitizer / Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. programs of the Department ness enterprises as defined for an award.
ders with fully usable on-line take-off tool. Contact Build- 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d toof Transportation issued pur- at 49 CFR Part 26 will be (2411,2503)
DO YOU HAVE OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS DYSON vacuum. Model Beautiful, brand new, tan, LARGE upright auto-de- PROFORM folding treed-ACS~V Gun Show
HURTS, Meets every TuesdayDC-25. All Floors-ball type. leather armchair, never frost freezer, $195. 541- mill, lots of options, under 5 Buy, Sail, and Trade
habits, hang-ups? 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm 2 on-board attachments, used, paid $1000/sell for 298-2687. yr warranty, run, walk, jog. 2nd Saturday of every
Attend Celebrate Recovery Immanuel Lutheran Get your Spring Cleaning $500. Elegant and perfect ~d~ontloa-a~ $425.541-399-4661 month; 8am-lpm;
a faith-based 12 step Church done right! Great deal at for any room.
program, every Tuesday 9th & State St; (305 9th) $225. Call Jim 541-296- 609-892-8115 RetailsHydr° atShield$699.99.gas Pleasedryer" ~, FFLonsite.clark CountyL°catedsquareat
night at Hood RiverAIIisnce Hood River, OR. 2141 x111, M-F, 10 a.m. to ~ contact 541-980-7029 to ...... ....... ' .... ' Dance Center in
Church st 2650 W. Montello Contact Liz 541-386-7160 5 p.m. never used, solid white text pictures or request 12 THOMAS Kincade 1998 Vancouver, WA; message
(off Rand Rd). ~ ~ wood, captains chair w/ viewing. $350 ORe. Simpler Times collector number: 360-263-7511 ;
Dinner provided at 6:15 pm Group: 1st Wednesday of bed w/bookcase head-olive green & striped ~ with plate holders. $100.
and large group meeting every month, 2pm @ We- board, frame & mattresses, upholstery, perfect for any plates, pristine condition
LOOKING FOR A at 7:00 pm. ter's Edge, 551 Lone Pine very good cond, $300 or room. $495. 360-210-5003 fared1500PP.6heater,HOM,model$50. 541-LS- Dan, 541-490-8075. ~Y~A~,~
X48. Whitewater play mod-
VENUE Childcare is provided. Blvd., 2nd floor. For more reasonable offer. ~ 298-2687. ~ el. Warner paddle. $600.
FOR INDOOR OR For more info. call information, please contact 541-296-3424. sle USA Trail, 2, 570 - 818
OUTDOOREVENTSlN 541-436-0852 Chad@541-340-0142. ~ high speed boat trailer ~ Airplane, $175. 541-298- 541-352-4188.
THE COLUMBIA RIVER ~ ~ shreader. Haecksel Max tires, tubeless, brand new loader gas dryer. Just 2687. ____
TheGORGE?underwood mentia Support Group: NEVER been on the missing a paddle but in ~ NOTICE
Community Center and family members and of the Gorge Children 1500 by Steinmax. $40.ground, retail $170, sell for very good working order, Heads, slight blemishes,
Park is just 5 minutes friends caring for individu- and Teens Grief works well. Easy to $120. 509-493-2663. $80. 541-980-7029 for pic- $250. Smugger, Paddy,Certain laws and re-
from the Hood Riverale with Alzheimer's dis- Groups sharpen. 530-708-2699. tures. Karim, Tyrolean, Pierre, strictions, as well as
~~ ~ Old Salt. 541-490-8075. registration require-
Bridge in Underwood, ease or a related dementia for families that have ~ case, front end, rear end, ments, apply to the sale
Washington. The are invited to participate in expedenced the death of a Chevy PU. Excellent con- from 1987 Chevy Subur- ~ ~~ of firearms. Formorein-
historic Underwood our Dementia Supportparent or sibling,dition. $250. 541-490-4391 ban. Asking $300. 509- tater clothes washing me- file, artograph projector,
School gymnasium Group. Come and gainFirst and Third Thursdays formation, contact the
building is located on support and insight from 6-7 PM in Hood River. ~ ~ 365-3607 Men-Thurs. chine, $175. Can deliver, large stretcher bars, new Seattle Field Division of
Schoolhouse Road inothers who are going thru Pizza dinner and gas cards $150. ~ ~an~e ~ ~ 541-298-2687. canvas, assorted frames, the Department of AI-
Underwood. The facility or have gone thru this jour- provided. 541-921-3230 bears; 1 Mark McGuire, 1 WHIRLPOOL clothes dry- best offer. 541-386-4477. cohol, Tobacco and
offers the gym with a ney. Join us monthly in a Contact Colleen Ballinger FRONT & REAR chrome Nolan HyMn, $50/pair. 541- er. 30 day warranty, can CHRISTMAS VILLAGE, 13Firearms at 206-204-
stage, restrooms, and a caring environment to dis- 541-296-3228 to register, bumpers off '68 Chevy Ca- 399-9317 deliver (Dalles area) and lighted assorted buildings, 3205. This field division
separate meeting room cuss your challenges and RECOVERING COUPLESmare. Good condition, $50 TWO orthopedic dog pads. remove your old machine, lots of extrasl $150. Text is responsible for
with kitchen. For questions. Meeting held the ANONYMOUS each. 541-490-4391 brand new. $20/both.$165. 541-298-2687. for pics. 541-490-8075 Washington, Idaho,
outdoor events, you'll third Wednesday, every Meets 2nd & 4th ~yc~e,, 541-298-6250. ~ ~ Oregon, Alaska and Ha-
find a covered picnic month, at 3:00 pm at Flag- Sundays at 10 am. 10 speed, pink, $85. 541- ~~-aftsmanan oven/stove, $225. Can de- Machine with Stand. Mer- wail. You may also go to
area with barbecue,Stone Senior Living at 3325 216 Cascade St. Ste. 26
playground, tennis Columbia View Drive. ForHood River 399-9317. electric, 4.0 amp, 12 volt, liver. 541-298-2687.cury MZ20 with manual, for FAQs
court,basketballhorseshOecourt,pits, group,mere informatiOncontact Karenab°Utwil-°ur S~ ~' $25. 541-387- $350.Sews leather tOFirm. 503-812-6959.1ace" Cash and information.
baseball/soccer field, son at 541-298-5656. All Daily Support Groupsern World Encyclopedia
gazebo and horse Welcomel Money Management: 6pm Britannica 1952. All 54 vol- ~~e~. ~
arena. The facility is Fam~v~-- Alcohol: 7pm umes. Excellent condition. Size small to medium. Hel-
Abortion: 8pm $450. 541-352-4188. met, bib, jacket, pants, life BUCKETS full of hardened WHEELCHAIR BIKE SALE
handicap accessible preserver. $200. 541-352- cement with augers in- With battery, INVACARE Sat, June 17,9am-3pm
with ample parking. For Support Group Narcotics: 9pm. ~: 4188. stalled, (9), $50/all obo. Pronto M51, original value 1750 12th St.
information on renting 323 W. Darland, Golden- torcycle helmet, Carbon ~ 541-490-8075 $5700, asking $1700. Very Hood River
visit the website: Are you caring for a dale. Kevlir, medium siZed, used nice condition. Across the street from
underwoodcommunity parent, Bring your own beverage, little, $150. 541-921-3230. Frame, 8' long. Comes with ~ 541-490-5435 Rosauers.
3 Carlisle 8.5' oars and 2 sheets particle board. All in
• org.Addltlonalinfo: spouse, or adultchild? ~~ ~ paddles. $350. 541-352- good shape. $20. The ~ Adult&kid's bikes.
300-972-6400/ Who is caring for you? Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. model # HRR216VXA, lawn 4188. Dallas541-993-6127. Eight custom-made office W~t. ....#
at Riverview Comm. Bank. mower, $225.00. Call 509-
This peer support group 509-773-5301. .369-2090. Chainsaws work stations; 88 inches by Size small to medium. Hel;
will help you learn about in color, 39.5"Lx19.5"W, 88 inches with four AC plug met, bib, jacket, pants, life
Married, handicapped caregiving, how it impacts ~ ~ excellent condition, not a electrical power junctions preserver. $200. 541-352-
couple looking for HUD you, and how to cope with Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 with table, fully electric, scratch on it. $30. 541-387- CORDLESS lithium battery with each station. Four-foot 4188.
approved 1-2 bedroom the challenges of caring for p.m. at Riverview Comm. never used, $500/CASH 3684. Greenworks 8 ft. polehigh oak dividers with dark
chainsaw, barely used, green laminate counter ~-~dR~aff
Mosierrental inarea.HOOdReferenceRiver or another adult. Bank, 773-5411. ONLY.(Glenwood) 509-364-3423. tiques $195. 541-298-2687. tops. $50 each. 541-386- Frame, 8' long. Comes with .,
available. 3rdThursday of the month Vo/ut)teers 1234. 3 Carlisle 8.5' oars and 2
~ paddles. $350. 541-352-
Call 541-288-8830. 10:30am - 12:00noon~ 4188.
Hood RiverAdult Center X48. Whitewater play mod- drums, $10 each or 2 for
InstructionLeSs°ns& 2010 Sterling PlaCeHood River Big Brothers Big Sisters of 541-352-4188.e1' Warner paddle. $600. ernGREAT Books of the WeSt-world Encyclopedia comesSONY TV,with 42",silverflatstand.and would$15' 6e OrgoodSOforenCloSedliquids. AN/MALS~
Britannica 1952. All 54 vol- Very good condition. $100 541-298-2687.
the Columbia Gorge, a pro- K~~ ureas. Excellent condition.
Cal1541-387-6404or small gram of The Next Door, is GF[ICULTURE
CLAWHAMMER anna.williams3@providen looking for volunteer no box spring. 8 yrs old, a $450. 541-352-4188. ORe. 503-997-7739.
BANJO CLASS to learn more. mentorsl Youth in the pro- bit lumpy. Quite comfort-
gram come from everyable. Hood River. Take it sewing machine, with in-
struction book. $300 ORe. A=ll/mal
Love the sound of old time
banjo? Learn clawhammer ~EET~- community in Hood River, away FREE! 541-436-0615 541-~,90-7711.
banjo, includingtunes, Family &Friends Klickitat, and Wasco~ ~ 1970 Belgian Bar 308 Call- Sorvl(~s
songs, chords, and Support Group Counties. These youth are scooter, good condition, bar Rifle, exc. cond. $950.
tunings. Any age, pretty St. Mark's Eplsoapal Chumh between the ages of 6 and $450. 541-296-4023. Colt 1911 45 auto, 1943
easy, comfortable, and fun 11th & Eugene, Hood
to learn! River
Saturday momlngs Mondays
10:30 - noon 6:30pm-7:30pm
$100. for six clams.
Starts July 1st In Cascade
Locks. 509-699-0842.
14 and would benefit from
having a consistent, poeM-
tive adult role model. If you
would enjoy spending
about 8 hours a month be-
ing a friend to a child, you
can be a mentorl For more
information contact Kateel
in Wasco County at
(541)399-0259 or Emily in
Hood River and Klickitat
Counties at (541)490-
GRIEF and Loss Group
meets monthly at Klickitat
Valley Hospital. Come and OUR VENDORS JUSTIN HILL
learn ways to heal and help HORSESHOEING
others heal from loss, HAVE BEEN OUT 509"261-1508.
Sponsored by Klickitat Val- SHOPPING JUST
ley Hospice. Call 773-0380
for further information. FOR YOU
Free pregnancy self-tests,
pregnancy and parenting GRIEFSHARE MARKETPLACE
education and supplies, a special help seminar and
post-abortion support,support group for people
Center Hours: Monday and experiencing grief and
Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.- loss, $500 orLess
3:30 p.m. will be held on , , , , ,
Tuesday noon - 5:00 p.m. Saturday mornings 12 THOMAS Kincade 1998
120 W. Altyn, 509-773- 10am-12:00pmat
5501. Tucker Road Baptist Church Simpler Times collector
1455 Tucker Rd. plates, pristine condition
LOOKING for grandpar- Hoed River, OR. with plate holders. $100.
ants who were turned down Beginning MAY 20th. Dan, 541-490-8075.
by DHS for caring for their For more information call 17' CANOE by Pelican. No
own grandchildren for poe- the chumh at seats. $400 ORe. 541-
Bible class act law suit. 541-386-1049 218-9773.
Please call 541-993-3473. 2 SOLID oak night stands,
~blicNotices NA MEETINGS dresser, $400/OBO for all.
; ,,,, , Goldendale 541-296-4476.
Father's House Fellowship
207 S. Klickitat 21 SPEED K2 BIKE. Men's
Monday: 6-7pm med. frame, new 1 1/4"
Wednesday: 6-7pm wide knobby tires/tubes &
Friday: 6-7pm tune-up by Dirty Fingers.
Open to non-addicts. $150. 541-354-1505
For moreinfo, 6 BOSSONS Character
call Kathy S.@ 360-850- Heads, slight blemishes,
8832 or $250. Smugger, Paddy,.
Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. Karim, Tyrolean, Pierre,
Old Salt. 541-490-8075.
NA Meetings every
Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at
the Case Guadalupe
House, 1603 Belmont,
Hood River, OR.
He scale. Call for meeting
times and location.
National Alliance on
Mental Illness
12 Noon, St. Joseph's
Catholic Church, 240
NW Washington Street,
White Salmon, WA
SUNDAYS: 8 p.m.
Umpqua Bank, 73 NE
Fetes Avenue, White
Salmon, WA
(support for family and
friends of alcoholics)
meets Mondays at noon
New location:
Community Church
317 State St.
Ruth Wells Room
Tuesdays at 7pro
St. Mark's
11th & Eugene
Hood River
For family & friends of
Every Thursday from
6-7pro, at the United
Methodist Church, 109 E.
Broadway, Goldendale.
NAMI is the largest
education, support and
advocacy organization on
mental health in the nation.
The Mission of NAMI
Oregon is to improve the
quality of life of persons
with mental illness and of
their families through
support, education and
The Dalles.
1st Thursday of every
month from 6 to 7:30 pm
at One Community Health
Center, 1040 Webber
Hood River.
4th Saturday of every
month from 10 to 11:30 am
at Hood River Public
Library, 502 State St.
Working to establish a
NAMI Oregon affiliate
in the
Gorge. We welcome you to
join us for education and to
share your thoughts and
Any local questions call
NAMI Oregon Support
Line: 800-343-6264
24 Hour Hot Line
Mid Columbia Mtg. Info
meeting-Tuesdays &
Thursdays, from 7-8pm at
Father's House Fellow-
207 S. Klickitat.
Come join us for meetings -
Alcoholics Anon. Golden-
dale meetings at the United
Methodist Church; Men., 8
p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8
p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1-
LUMBER 25 8 ft. long
sheets particle board. All in
good shape. $20. The
Dalles 541-993-6127.
benches (2) $50/each.
day's medical assist clinical
admin, procedures & work-
book. 2013 step by step
medical coding. $95 ORe.
MOTOR for 1996 Acura In-
tegra, 4 cyl. not V-Tech,
139K miles, AT, $450. 541-
NEW wood horizontal slid-
er, low E 47,, x 35 3/4 $80.;
Vinyl Low E, slider with grid
48x36 $80. 541-340-0874
OARS, wooden, 8 foot, with
oar locks, $50. 509-493-
OFFICE Desk with drawers
& 3 chairs. One executive
chair, 2 others with arms.
Very nice condition. $100
OBO. 503-997-7739.
OUTDOOR plastic covers
for chairs etc., (4) Cover 4
small chairs or 1 large.
Never used, SlOg/all or
$25 each. 541-354-2661
PFAFF 130-6, heavy duty
sewing machine, with in-
struction book. $300 ORe.
6HP JOHNSON outboard, PRESSURE cooker, All
low hours, stand, 1 314 gel- American, never used. 24
Ions 2 cycle oil, $275. 541- pint jars, $230. Instruc-
544-2030. tions, recipes, video. 541-
AIR Conditioner, fits in win- 386-2391, 541-806-2108.
dew, Frigidaire brand, BTU PRINTER, HP PhotoSmart
5000, 11.0 gears. Only Aft-In-One, prints B&W
used for about 2 months.
$1O0cash. 541-387-3684. only, new cartridge, $60/
ORe. 719-251-8723.
ANTIQUE Armoire. Small, (White Salmon)
42"w x 20"d x 61"h. Walnut,
mirrored doors & 6 draw- PREFORM folding tread-
ere. $185/firm. mill, lots of options, under 5
541-769-0166. yr warranty, run, walk, jog.
$425. 541-399-4661
rolltop cover for 2013 ROLLAWAy Bed with mat-
Dodge Pickup. 6.5 ft box. tress. $50. 509-493-3124.
Also fits 2009-2016. $300. SAMSUNG 32" flat screen
military $1050. Ruger 41 EQUINE bodywork, Sport
Cal w/box of ammo $550. CASH for beaver, bear, & Therapeutic massage,
541-420-4772 wolf traps and other old acupressure, aroma ther-
traps. I collect all sizes and apy, low level (cold) laser
Firewood& trapping equipment. 541- light. Connie Anderson,
n rmg-ea'" Fuel CEMP 641-340-0270.
Size 6. Marquis andFOR SALE
baguette cut diamonds
set in 18K gold. Seasoned Oak
Rings are soldered Delivered
Great condition. 541 "993-2106
Paid over $2,700. L77 Ranch, Lyle, WA
Asking $700 obo.
Call 425-308-9582
Jewel Lace A-Line
Wedding Dress
With Beading
Style #WG3755
(you can look it up
on their website)
Size 14
Brand New, never worn
$850 obo.
Can ship for small
additional charge
Call or Text
541-490-9424 for
509-637-0568, TV, excellent condition, information or
~ of hardened very little use, $80 OBO. photos
cement with augers in- 541-354-2661.
stalled, (9), $50/all obo. SMALLER upright refriger- BRACELET. 14K yellow
541-490-8075 ator, 5 ft. tall, older model, gold tennis bracelet with 44
CHEST FREEZER, 6 ft. $85. 541-739-2900 please "Anthill Red Pyrope" gar-
nets. 3.5 ram, 4 prong, 7 1/
2 SOLID oak night stands,
dresser, $400/OBO for all.
If you are local and
have not been in - come
see what travelers are
saying is one of their fa-
vorite stops when they
come through our awe-
some Historic Down-
town The Dalles, We
have been here over 4
years now and still hear
surprised comments
from folks that didn't
know what we are all
ANTIQUE Armoire. Small,
42"w x 20"d x 61"h. Walnut, "PRINCESS"
mirrored doors & 6 draw-
ers. $185//irm. Six-year.old, female, black
541-769-0166. and white tuxedo. Sweet
BALDWIN and very loving. Spay, cur.
chiming grandfather clock, *Great metal office desk rent on shofs/wormad and
$500. Glass china cabinet for your shop, now only Luk check. Indoor only
$100. Call 509-314-0415. $50, adult home.
*Set of four NIB older Sub- Call Bonnie
COFFEE table, rectangu- am Outback floor mats,
,Mr, with semi-gloss top, now only $50. 541-386"3776
sturdy, 48" x 32" x 20", *Like new SuPam Outback BE MINE
$85 obo. 503-997-7739. rear area mesh cargo net,
KING size mattress only, Only$25. CAT ADOPTION
no box spring, 8 yrs old, a *Set of four NIB older bemlne,
bit lumpy. Quite comfort- model Honda (?) floor
able. Hood River. Take it mats, now only $75.
away FREE1541-436-0615 *Snell Icon Mote helmet FANTASTIC
with day ride tented CATS
ROLLAWAY Bed with mat- shield, size L, only $89.95. Young adult. Females/
tress. $50. 509-493-3124, *Pair of Field Sheer Phos-
STEREO-TV Cabinets (2), lite heavy duty touring males. Grey tabbies, black
and white tuxedo and all
one is French Provincial. motorcycle pants, size 3X,
$30 each. 509-493-3124. retailed $300, due to side black. Sweet and playful!
waistline elastic pulled up Neutered, Felv tested. Vac-
WOOD office desk, brown too roughly, only asking cinated, Indoor only.
in color, 39.5"Lx19.5"W, $75,
excellent condition, not a MORE
scratch on it. $30. 541-387- • • • • • • •, • • • •
AIR Conditioner, fits in win-
dow, Frigidaire brand, BTU
5000, 11.0 gears. Only
used for about 2 months.
$100 cash. 541-387-3684.
lots of extras! $150. Text
for pics. 541-490-8075
long, older model, $125. leave message. 4" in length. Only worn SMALL Sentry document
541-739-2900 please leave SONY TV, 42", flat and once. Looks brand new, re- safe. Doesn't lock, useful
message, comes with silver stand, ceiptavailable. Paid$1000, for document fire protec-
CHRISTMAS VILLAGE, 13 Very good condition. $100 but asking $700 ORe. 541- tion, $53. 541-298-2687.
lighted assorted buildings, ORe. 503-997-7739. 490-9424.
MENTS le-ather motorcycle
COFFEE table, rectangu-
lar, with semi-gloss top,
sturdy, 48" x 32" x 20",
$85 obo. 503-997-7739. great, $140/OBO. U-HAUL padded back protection.
COMMERCIAL Sewing 360-609-5253. (Trout Like new condition. Similar
Machine with Stand. Mar- Lake) jackets retail for $600-
$300. Asking $150. Call or
cury MZ20 with manual. SUBARU OUTBACK Be- text 425-308-9582. Locat-
Sews leather to lace. Cash rles,'97, ed in Hood River OR. Pho-
$350. Firm. 503-812-6959. Leather seats, all electric, toe available.
STEREO-'rv Cabinets (2),
one is French Provincial. jacket. Joe Rocket, size 42,
$30 each. 509-493-3124. black and yellow leather EZ GO gas powered utility
with silver stripe down each golf cart for sale. 4 Years
STOVE, Whirlpool, self arm. All zippers and snaps old and in excellent condi-
cleaning, white, works work. Has elbow armor and tion. Rear folds down for
1930s CAST IRON pedes-
tal sink with
APPLIANCE sales and ser-
brass fixtures. As seen on vice. All brands. Service
American Pickers sold for calls. Appliance pick up
$130, selling for $50. and removal. 541-296-
360-335-1233 Washougal 8970 or 541-980-1537
hauling. Model#
STSPORT2+2. Paid $7500
new, sell for $4500 or best
offer. Mike 503-805-4116
INVAcARE electric hospi-
tal bed with mattress, $425.
benches (2) $50/each.
CRAFTSMAN Rotary pow-
er-propelled lawn mower
with grass catcher. 6.75
HP. Good cond. Paid $400.
Now $100. 509-493-3124.
DOUBLE action exercise
bike. Very good condition.
$50 obo. 541-298-4681.
Great Quality
For a Low Price
Antiques, Collectiblas,
Office Decor and So
Much More Store
Call Elizabeth
0 0
---,,, ---,,
CHANCE CATL,N needs homes for
RESALE & MORE LLC barn cetsl All oats are spayed/
409 East 2nd Street oauteradJvacclnstad. The usu-
The Dallas, Oregonsl adoption fee Is waived for
509-261-1296 adopters willing tO provide
food and shelter for 2 or more.
HOURS: lOto 6
Monday - Saturday Call 509.365.0083.
OLD CHAINSAWS & AKC Male Pomeranians, 1
POLE SAWS, Black and White Parti
working or not. $1000, 1 Pure White $1200
Text or call 503-960-7817 Born May 2, 3 weeks to go.
Any Time - Day or Night Reserve your puppy now.
Breeding rights included if
you are over 150 m,es
away. Dogs weighed 11b 2
21 SPEED K2 BIKE, Men's oz. and lib 4 oz. at 4th
med. frame, new I 1/4" week. Parents are both on
wide knobby tires/~ubes & site and can send pictures.
tune-up by Dirty Fingers. Serious Inquiries only. 509-
$150. 541-354-1505 634-6036.