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Goldendale , Washington
June 24, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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June 24, 2004
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 2004 PAGE 5 Seniors -- Candi Kuhn- Williams and Juniors -- Ned Putnam, Honorable Men- Letter and Ashley Bernadette and Stacey Ruland. -- Nathan Eaves and Lupita Lopez. Eighth grade - Devin Dean, Jimmie Smith, Dave'y Lumley, Georgie Kokos and Tim Kuhnhausen. Seventh grade -- Krista Hansen. Those students receiving honor roll pins for the 2o03-04 school year are: Seniors -- Nick Kokos, Candi Kuhnhausen and Stacie Williams. Juniors - Hannah Page, Ned Putnam and Sarah Sinor. Sophomores - Josie Masden. ips and awards graduates for Glenwood sen- during the ;held June Sahtatori- Nicholas Kokos certificates and Kokos, Candi and Stacie State Honors Kokos and Glen- Association Glenwood Dar- de Shnpe Memorial Scholarship, Jason B. Sanchey Memorial Award; Rabanco Regional Dis- posal Scholarship; White Salmon Lions Club Scholarship, and the Glenwood Women's Club Schol- arship: Nicholas Kokos -- James Leaton Memorial Scholarship; Flora J. Murray Scholarship; Pubfic School Employees' Schol- arship; Hugo Johnson Memori- al Scholarship; Eastern Oregon University Scholarship; Glen- wood Women's Club Scholar- ship. Stacie Williams -- Glenwood Women's Club Scholarship. The "Good Joe" and "Good Jill" awards went to Nicholas Kokos and Candi Kuhnhausen. larch Marie Delk Delk was born endale. Michael andPaternal grandparents are Dell She Dickie and Bonnie Ddk of Shel- 11 ouncesand byville, Tenn. Jaren joins her parents at )arents arehome in Memphis, Tenn. Konner L¢¢ Edward Kessinger Ma~lou Greenfield, of Klicki- 3, 2oo4, at Klick- tat. to Tract Konner joins his mother at pounds, home in Klickitat. )arents are of Let Krause Let Krause was at Skyline and Ruth 20-1/2 inch- are of and of Graham. source since 25- June 29, 2004 3:45 6:409:30 (PG) 2303'30 6:309:20 3) 3O 12:01em '~:1S 4:45 7:10 9:30 4:45 7:10 9:30 7:009:30 HYDERS -- 50 YEARS Contributed photo Bruce and Vesta Hyder will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Saturday, June 26, at the home of their daughter, Mary Lou Clark. The Hyders were married June 30, 1954 in Goldendale. Both are long-time residents of the area, with Vesta bom at Blockhouse and Bruce in Wahkiacus. Since their marriage, they have resided on a small farm in Croften Prairie. The couple has two children, Howard Morgan, of Walla Walla, and Mary Lou Clark, of Goldendale. They also have seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Swim lessons to begin July 12 The Central Klickitat County stroke development. Additional Park and Recreation District will information on lessons and price start swhnming lessons on Mon- schedules will be available at the day, July 12. Each session ofles- swimming pool starting on Fri- sons will last two weeks, and will day, June 25. include m half-hour lessons. Those interested may sign up Registration for the swim los- for lessons at the swimming sons will begin Monday, June pool, andpro-payment is 28. required. There will be classes for vari- General questions can be ous skill levels, from complete answered by calling the pool at beginners to more advanced 773-05o6. HIV testing offered Friday, June 25 In observance of National HW Testing Day, the Klickitat Coun- ty Health Departn'aem is offe~ag a walk-in HIV Testing Clinic for persons who would like to get tested for HW infeaion. Tests will be offered at little or no cost, depending on a person's income. Anonymous and confi- dential testing is provided. The tests will be given on Fri- Reach 1.5 million Washington newspaper The Goldendale Sentinel readers for as low as $995 per ad! One 117 W. Main ~#~one call reaches up to 74 markets with Goldendale, WA 98620 incredibly low rates. Ask for free quote (509) 773-3777 an "2x2 SpecialF day, June 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Klickitat County [ Health Department in White Salmon, 17o N.W. IJncoln Street. ?or more information, call i (509) 493-1558. Jim and Susan Wright were hosted to a 3oth anniversau, party, in Kennewick last week. Those attending were Shane and Laura Wright of Great Falls, Mont., dJ. mad Megan Wright of Kennewiek, Ethel and Virginia Read of Pine Creek, logan, Bob and Punk Wright of Henniston, Ore., and Dan and Joyce Brown of Wapato. John and Carol Blakey will soon be moving into their new home near Pine Creek. They have spent a lot of time working on it and will be happy to be mov- ing in. The Tuckers have moved into their new home on East Road. Read and Hannah English of Powell River, British Columbia visited the Max Read family. He is Max's nephew. Eight young women are attending basketball camp at Sea- side, Ore., this week accompa- nied byTom and Melinda Whit- more. John Osborne of Auburn is here msurfacing the gyrn floor in the high school. Several other changes in the building are going On. The new buildings at Roo- sevelt are beginning to look like houses now. The annual River Rat Picnic will be Sunday, July u, at Crowe f End Ada Ruth Whitmore J Elsie G. Tupper, M.D. Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-5:00 AppoinUnents available after hours by request 400 S. Roosevelt Goldendale, WA 98620 (509) 773-4014 Columbia River Women's Clinic, LLC Fulh, certified in Obstarics and Gynecology • Low-risk and high-risk obstetrical care • Registered Nurses crcdenlialed in Ambulatory Womens tlealth Care • State of the art diagnostic ultrasound equipment • Pelvic floor therapy services Jamcs C Faherty, MD, FACOG David A. Mack. DO.. FACOG Diane E. EIIk, MD., FACOG 1810 E. 19th Suite 209 The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-5657 • Fax: 541-298-5199 Cascade Eye Center • Comprehensive eye health evaluations • Treatment of eye disease • Eye surgery, including no-shot, no-stitch, no-patch cataract removal • Laser Vision Correction (On-site in tided River) Low vision evaluations and treatmenl Ophthalmology: John D. WUler, D.O. Board (cOiffed Ophthalmologist) Milch Martin, O.D. Chris Barbeur, O.D., Ph.D. 1805 E. 19th Street The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1101 2025 Cascade Ave. St. 101 Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2402 1-800-548-5487 or Family Practice Clinic Physicians & Surgeons Wallace Newkirk M.D. Anil Rajani, M.D. William Bothamley, M,D. Judy Richardson, M.D. Annie Stone, A.R.N.P. David Tuning, PA-C Carolyn O'Connor, M.D. Michael Garnett, M.D. Lance Petersen, M.D. 711 E. Collins Drive, Goldendale, WA 98620 (509) 773-4017 Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m. Butte. Those lksl:ed in the Alder Creek Pioneer Memorial, from June 14, 2oo3 to June 12, 2oo4, include: Richard T. Breckel (Dick Booz- er), Frances Ruby(Jack) Wether- all, Ek~ Hatch (Lewis) Marrick, Jean Stout (Robert) Schilling, Nina Powers (Ray) Miller, Dona Barton (George) Jerez, Molly lou Jensen (W'$iam) Bedford, Doris McColley (Tom) Zimmerman, Vemice Carter (Harold) Naught, Mary Jensen (Tracy) Lehman, Lois Tmxel (Ed) Null, Olin Jor- dan, Leola Kelley Barns (Jack) Marion, Ronald E. Groves, Larry Thola, Zachary Bruce Anderegg, Marjorie (Chester) Shannon, Phyllis Matsen (James) Spalding (Don) Dillon, Marian C.ass, Lud Perez (Joe) Brewer, Nora (John) Ball, Jim Etheridge (Petersen), George E. Mains, Katie (Casey) Lehman, Leonard Brown, Louise Billy and Raymond "Stub" Man- n'mg. Bickleton honor roll announced Bicldeton School District recently released the names of students making the honor roll. Those listed have maintained a 3.o or above grade point average, for all four quarters of the 2oo3- 04 school year. Freshmen: Stephanie Tuck- er and Orion Yoesle; Sopho- mores: Ryan Bravo, Kirstin Slater, Corryn Raschko and Yese- nia Macia~; ~JuniOrs: Bffan I'e t re~ Drivers Wanted!I Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Specializing in the Aerospace Industry! Owner-Operators [] Teams start .40/mile up to ,46/mile with [] We pay liability & incentives/bonus cargo [] Solo drivers - .34/mile up to .40/mile [] Prepass available with incentives/bonus [] Lightweight Freight, [] Well maintained late-model equipment improved MPG [] Check out our increased pay package [] 100% paid fuel sur- Ask for Beccal 1-800-635-1543 charge, tarps & stops THE AFFORDABLE DREAM S EATTLE/ANACORTES 3 Flexible Use Plans To Choose From • Yacht School • Learn the skills • Power & Sail • 3 days 2 nights aboard a luxury yacht CALL FOR CURRICULUM DETAILS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 Barb Stout Kirk & Lori Giese Jim Cronin Regina Scott TltURSDAY, JULY 1 Bemiece Thiele Jeff Erland THURSDAY, JULY 8 Michael Erickson Theresa Babler Nancy Ogden Barb Thrasher SUNDAY, JuIX 4 SATURDAY, JULY l0 Courtney Savoie Cloe Bellamy Leroy Feilds Leonard & Alice Wilber Marja Chambers SUNDAY, JULY 11 Olga Nordwell Robert Thompson MONDAY, JULY 5 Erin Bimcy James L. Davenport Marc & Hannah McCabe Georg H. Hansen Sara Dyche TUESDAY, JULY 6 MONDAY, JULY 12 Cheryl Davenport Angela Erland Ray Thomas Barbara Fridley Kalisa Hintze TUESDAY, JULY 13 Kelli & Darin Lorton Diana Miraflor Sponsored by K-C PHRRMI:ICY KC CORRAL eGll~ WrapiMugs •StaUonery*Cards 104 W~ MAIN * 77).4,144 Whitmore, Kynzie Arlt, Amber Bennett, Signe Jarvis and Annie Hess; Seniors: Erica Jensen, Ashley Whitmope, Dana Hedge, Jennifer Clingan, Zach McBride and Miguel Macias. DIRECTORY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Ne~, Life Aisembl) of (;old I¢R)2 S ('olunlbu~, ( ioldcndalc Pastier Kevin ~erchak 77~ 4h50 Sunday Schod q 3(I a m Morning Worship Senice 1030 a m. L wnlng Scrucc a~ 6 p t1~, Family Nighl on Wed mght, 7 p m indudas Youth, (;od's Floet (;arden Roy~l Rangers aud Bible Srady 7 pm S#I nigh1 1 V service on channel II BAPTIST Columbu~ A*eNue Bmptbt, S,B.C 815 N Cdulnbux, (}ddendal~. 773.4471 Pastor S~:ott Lo.tbard SuMav School q:45 am, Morning Worship I I a m, Sunday l:~erling Study and Wor~hip, t, p m Team Ki& Suuday 6.7 ~0 Wednesday E~emng Bible Sludy and PrayeL 7 p m Bible Baptist Church of Goldendak 34{) East ('ollins St Ooldeudal~, WA (5(~) 773-4~2q [ Parish Plumblce, P~tol Sunday: Sunday School 10 a m, Momhlg W~,,ship Set, ice I 1 a m. Sunday Fvcning ~rvic¢ 6 pro, Wednesday Service 7 p m N~e~T Service Pn}vi~d "Families W~lking In The Old Palhs " J¢~ 6:16 CATHOLIC Holy TrlnBy Citbolk 307 Schuster~ Goldandaie I ~lher W,liiam Byrtnl, 771'-4516 Sal t-re Mass 6:30 p m ; Suuday Mass 9 aln ; Spani*h Ma~ Sat evening 730 p m Eve of tMy Days 7:}0 pm ; Holy D=ys ~ a.m and Daily M&ss Men - Sat q aI,~ except Toes. 7 pm (~D ('lasses, W~ncsday afternta~ns 2:15 to 330 pm Kiedergar~en through 61h grade¸ Wed Bcmngs 7:30 to ~:~0, 7th through 12th gnada ('cnffessions be~r~ Mas~ Saturdays at taxm - I p.m GRACE BRETHREN Community (;r1¢¢ Breth~n 1180 S Roo~veh. Gregory M Ht~dl. paster 773-3388 Sunday School 9:30 am; Morning Worship I I a rn.; "The ]'hint~ at the Place¸ 1youth group/6 ~0 - 8:00 pm Wednesdays a~ lh¢ tMdandale (Jrange; AWANA h:25 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday Night Connection 7:00 p m "Tbt Bible, the Whole Blbl~ and Nolhlng but the I~bk," LDS GoI~Ile Ward The Church of Jesu~ Chrl~i of Lilter-Dly S~lnls N E:ol~mbu~ aud McKinley: Bishop l.~m B ~ho t: 773- ~S24 t)t 77~-5202 Worship Services s~rl al I(t am. on Sunday Youth mcetil~gs (12, IS ye.a/~) Wedn~ys 7-8:30 pin,, Famrdy Hlsttrry Library open from l0 a.m to 4 pm,~ Tuesday - Thursday,. lmpty Nes~ (all ages) ~ 6 pm 4~ Mt, M=y of ~ Month • potluck al the church LUTHERAN Christ the King Lutheran S Columbus and Simcoe Dr, Goldendal¢. 7734750. Summer hours: Worship Service S~mday I I:00 a.m t:v~'~yone welcome METHODIST tlaited Meth4~lllt (7ohmbu~ ~d Br~slway, P~tstot Pt~t Becman, 773-4461 or 773-4462 Worship 8 ltm & 1030 a.m, Stmday School q:15 am., Ntlr~ery Av~ilable 10:30 em Call the ¢hul~h for ~egularl) scheduled events NAZARENE Church tlf the Nazarene 124 W. Allyn, Golde~le. 773-4216 pastor Jeson Young Sundays; Sunday School 930 am, Worship servit-¢ 1045 am.. Wednesday Adult Bible Study 6:30: Jr. }tigh & St High Bible Studies (Mvs.~ey 630 p.n PRAISE BARN 627 Woodland R(~d. Goldertdale Woody Lo~-¢lg'¢, Pa~tor Worship ',t.'rvlc(:s; Stnld-~y 10:30 a.m, Wedlg~aday m 7:00 773-911q praisebam(~gorge net CENTERVILLE COMMUNITY CHURCH A Church of Christ l'he Dalles MounI~in Road in Centtn'vilt¢, Pastor Ken Akms. Sunday Schedule: ('hlldr~'s Stmday School at 10 a.m Adair Sunday ~hool at I 0:20 a.m Morm~g Worship ~rv~ at I 1:00 a.m "A place yt~u can f~l comtbrt~ble." FATHERS HOUSE FELLOWSHIP 207 S Klick~lal Ave., pastor Steve Johnson. 773-4719 Sunda~ Wash p 10 am. Wednesday Prays* at 7 p.m. Ilome groups avadable "(imwtng togeth~ m the gOCdll~ ot Jesus ('brl~l '" "Visitors cordially wekome at all sen icesY