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Goldendale , Washington
June 28, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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June 28, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON JUNE 28,2017---5 In last week's news, we taken from the arena after The Glenwood Community failed to mention one other the Bull Bash. This sign is picnic willbe held July 8 from important Ketchum Kalf valuable and needs to be 1 to 5 p.m. There will be fun Rodeo honor. Travis Miller returned to the Rodeo Asso- for all ages, including soft- was selected to receive the ciation as soon as possible, ball at the school at 10 a.m. Hank Ladiges Memorial It is unfortunate that one The kids can enjoy a bounce Buckle at this year's rodeo, person had to cast a cloud on house, and the afternoon This award recognizes the what was a very fun evening, ends with a concert featuring dedication and hard work of Please do the right thing and Roosevelt Road. The Church a Glenwood Rodeo Associa- bring the sign back. will provide hamburgers and tion member and the recipi- There is one last rodeo hotdogs. Please bring a side ent is chosen by past hono- note to share. Sev- dish, salad, or des- rees. Travis has given his eral lost items, sert to share. This full support to the annual including items of GJenwood family fun day will rodeo for most of his life, and clothing, and even a News be hosted by the this honor was well deserved, keepsake item, have Glenwood Pioneer Congratulations, Travis. been turned into the Glenwood Memorial Commu- Sadly, there were two Rodeo AssociationHomemakers nityChurch. empty saddles in the arena and can be claimed The Glenwood at the rodeo this year, in by contactingRoxie Station will be memory of late, long-time Clemmer at (509) 364-3539. serving their famous, deli- rodeo association members We received another cious prime rib dinners the Mel Roberson and Ernie update regardinga Glenwood third Saturday of the months Easley. They worked for High School alumnus. Jona- of July, August, and Septem- many years to help make thon Throop, son of Rachel ber. It's a great opportunity to the Ketchum Kalf Rodeo and Jason Throop, received enjoy a nice dinner out. a success. Another rodeo a degree in Farrier Science Here's a heads up. The member we missed this year from Walla Walla Commu- Goldendale Jaycees Demoli- was Bonnie Harris. Bonnie nity College last year. This tion Derby is Saturday, July lived in Goldendale and did past school year, he has been 1, this year, rather than on not drive, so was not able to attending Blue Mountain the fourth as it has been in come to the many rodeo work Community College in Pen- the past. days. But every rodeo week- dleton, majoring in Agri- The following story was end, she was always there culture Production. He will written by Todd French. It behind the scenes, seeing to receive his degree in that is the first installment in the the restrooms and any other fieldat the end of the2017-2018 story about a newcomer to chores and errands needing school year. In addition to his Glenwood. We think readers attention. Bonnie grew up in studies, Jonathon is a mem- will enjoy this tale, especially Glenwood and loved being ber of the Blue Mountain CC those who knew the "big able to support this rodeo by Rodeo Team. He keeps busy man" well. Thanks, Todd, helping when she could. All with his farrier business, as for sharing this entertaining three of these good people are well as working for various story. greatly missed by the Glen- ranches, to finance his educa- Ten years ago, the owners wood Rodeo Association. tion. He is a young man who of The Big C Grocery decided A metal rodeo sponsor is not afraid ofhard work and to sell. The price seemed a sign for Backwoods Brew- sure makes us proud here in little high for Glenwood but ing, measuring 4 by 8 ft., was Glenwood. it didn't stay on the market long, much to everyone's sur- prise. Everyone wondered who the new owner was. Rumors went around that it was some guy from Seattle. One community member took the direct approach. He saw the new store keeper stand- ing in the road looking back at the building, stopped his truck, and yelled "Get in!" He wasn't asking, he meant it, so the newcomer got in the cab as ordered. The driver put it in gear and started down the road without a word. They rode across the valley in silence. The ride gave the store keeper time to check out his abductor. He was a big, rough look- ing guy and the newcomer had no idea where were they going. The storekeeper was beginning to think maybe he had made a big mistake when the big man looked at him and said, "Alright. Who the heck are you and what are you doing in Glenwood?" The new owner couldn't blurt his response out fast enough. "I'm Claude McKenzie, I lived here when I was a kid, and it has always been my dream to come back and open a general store, (please don't kill me)." The big man said, "Well, sheesh, you mean your dad is Bob McKenzie the DNR Forester and your mom is Ali- cia who used to work at the employment security office? Well I'll be! Welcome home." That is how Claude McKenzie met Big Red Whitmire. Wells graduates from dental school Goldendale's own Dr. Jeffery where he earned a Bachelor of Sci- A. Wells has recently graduated ence in Biology before entering the from the University of Washington University of Washington School of School of Dentistry with a Doctor of Dentistry. Dental Surgery degree. Wells, his wife Christine, and Prior to attending dental school, two-year-old daughter Olivia will Wells spent eight years as an Air- be staying in the greater Seattle craft Maintenance ' echnician area where Wellws plans to prac- in the United States Air Force. tice general dentistry and provide After his time in the Air Force, he services for those in need of a great attended UW for undergrad school, smile. A final reminder: due to competed against big shots its falling on the Fourth of like Boeing in a race to have July, there will be no Senior the first non-manned plane Meals next Tuesday. But the fly the Atlantic--and won! Lions Club First Saturday Since then that once garage breakfast is still on for July location has expanded to sev- 1. Andplease remember to be eral sites scattered around careful with your fireworks, the Gorge. They are far more A grant totaling dangerous than nearly $22,000 has you think. purchased a small The Lyle Corn- bicycle fieet for Lyle munity Garden, located at the Sec- Community School ondary School students' use, as grounds, has well as a trailer to store them, and received many item donations from local curriculum to teach students businesses and hours of vol- safe bicycle use. The bikes unteer workers, and it has and the safety program are been given a great start. A both thanks to OSPI's "Safe small school staffis there all Routes to School: Bike and summer and donates some of Pedestrian Safety Educa- their time, but there is a dire tion" program, which is need for more TLC for the made possible by a grant garden. As the weeds have from the Washington State a hearty desire to crowd out Department of Transporta- the new frail plants, there is tion. OSPI collaborated with a special need to eliminate Feet First and Cascade Bicy- the little bullies on week- cle Club to provide training ends or staffvacations. Don't and materials to Lyle and be one of those shirkers like other funded districts. Other in the book, "The Little Red uses for the bikes are in the Hen" and wait for others to works, including a summer do all the work and then try biking program. It's our job to lay claim to the bounty, now fo stay aware and be Send an email to deb.sten- sure to share the road with or call bicyclists. (509)365-2191. Another neighbor has We can be quite proud of the three Lyle Seniors that passed on: High Prairie's Earl David Kemp passed have been given a great opportunity to expand their away on June 18 at the age knowledge and a boost to of 82. His graveside service their future. Insitu has was on Tuesday, June 27, at selected Zachary Miller, LonePine CemeteryonHart- Max Zeigler and Riley Mills land/High Prairie Road. He for paid internships in the was a much loved and an out- information technology, standing resident ofthe High product training and facili- Prairie area and willbe truly ties departments. Insitu is missed. the growing business that With this heat upon us, began right here in the Gorge keep an eye on your elderly with a few men in a Bingen neighbor and stay as cool as garage. I understand that it the flip side of your pillow! Li'ke The sentine/ ] on Fa ebook. [ Following are the fourth- Emma Olson, Reanna Oswalt, quarter honor roll lists for James Peters, Gracie Schil- Goldendale Middle School ling, Ian Schumacher, Thea fifth, sixth, seventh, and Smith, DemaThayer, Nathan eighth grade students. Mid- Ward, Kali Watson, Abbigail dle school students must have West, Paxton Wheelhouse a 3.00 GPA or higher with at 7th Grade - Brenda least four graded classes and Armenta-Lemus, Faith Bar- no letter grade below a C- to tkowski, Taylor Beam, Ken- be eligible for honor roll. nedy Berry, James Blain, 5thGrade-TalithaAdams, Grace Bland, Trampas Jeslyn Berry, Brooklynn Cahill, Taylor Fahlenkamp, Blain, Addison Bomberger, Justyn Foster, Rachel Gal- Rylie Boyes, Victor Canche', lagher, Ondrayah Gonzalez, Jenna Casey, Emily Cazares, Micaela Gutierrez, James Jasmin Chavez-Thompson, Hastings, Allison Hedges, Ivan Erland, Mara Garner, Sara Hiebert, Reece Holy- Zane Gilmore, Bailey Holy- cross, Natalie Johnson, Cas- cross, Holly Huwe, Hannah sidy Kropf, Myles Lee, Ste- Jensen, Taleah Langfield, phen McCandless, Ashlan Wyatt Lucas, Carver Payne, Payne, Natalie Schroder, Landyn Rhoades, Taryn Ris- ing, Jacob Shattuck, Drake Dimera Shea-Borgman, Pay- ton Sheridan, Leyla Vargas, Shea, Kyleigh Steininger, Logan Telford, Claira Tun- Cooper Ward, Justin Ward, ing, Iliana Vega, Joseph Wad- Alden Williams sack, Cara White, Liberty 8th Grade - Ivan Caz- Wright, Myles Wright res, Mason Conroy, Justin 6th Grade- Aspen Balodis, Demott, Olivia Erland, Eliza- Jorgia Bean, Bianca Belieu, beth Garcia, Emily Harris, Kyden Blunt, Kade Bomb- Delaney Kindler, Kody Kiser, erger, Nickolas Bowdish, Caroline Knopes, Nicho- Maxwell Christensen, Brock las McKune, Taylor Merry, Chubb, Matthew Coleman, McKinley Mitchell, Saman- Alissa Conroy, Angeleena tha Nichols, Dane O'Leary, Fizia, Keegan Gilk, Gwen- Filiberto Ontiveros, Nathen dolyn Gilliam, Elliot Grin- Priddy, Josie Quantrell, Jas- dling, Audry Hill, Libby per Randall, Shyann Rich- Jensen, Brayden Kenny, mond, Beau Smith, Jesse ConlanKerns, JackLindblad, Spillman, Stacey Sullivan, Rees Linder, Athena Little, Kaitlynne Wageman, Zoe Jonathan Lovewell, Katrina Walkemeyer, Tiana Watson, Mason, Ethan Mell, Natasha Annabelle West, Austin Wil- Muzechenko, Aydrin Myra, liams, Luke Winslow+ ACUPUNCTURE SPORTS MI,:I)I('IN I,: :s nanll Students from the Golden- i dale area have been named i to the Dean's List at the University of Washington if or Winter 2017 Quarter. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average i of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Stu- dents are notified that they have achieved this distinc- tion when they receive their grades for the quarter. The students are listed alphabeti- cally by home town. HOME TOWN: CENTER- VILLE Caitlin Thea Nold, senior HOME TOWN: GOLDEN- DALE Nicholas S Dohrman, senior. the Gorge Medical Directory, call The Sentinel. 509-773-3777 Ads start at only $150 Same Day Appointments Available Monday-Friday: 7:30 am- 4:30 pm William Bothamley, MD Michael Garnett, MD Nathan Armerding, DO • Charles Miller, MD Rebecca Nelson, ARNP • Annie Stone, ARNP Kayla Elliott, PA~ • Louissa Gordon, PA-C Alvin iassenburg, PA-£ could be listed here!