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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 1, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 1, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 10 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the CamasANashougal Post-Record or toll free at 1 ........... 1-,10 School=& b'mtruc~W~ ............ 34.55 Busl~=m & l=Wmndal ............... ~-'/2 In Home ~m4cm ....-90-I05 Tm~& T~ ............ 10g-122 Adr & A=dculmm ............ Rm#ab ........... .3~1415 RmWEWm ............ .41~452 Automo~m ........... 454-540 Happy Adsl "'""""2 Card of Thanks """""5 10 Events 15 Pereonals~ '2O Support Groups """"""25 Lost & Found """m--"~oO i i ,, i i 2 Jack Johnson concert tickets for Sept 25th. $50. 541-386-6715 ABORTION? WHY? CONSIDER ADOPTION Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please cell attorney at 1-800-606-4411. A-95g. PREGNANT? Need help? Call Pregnancy Resource Center at 773-5501. Free pregnancy testing. ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) Support Group- Goldendaie; meet Mon- days, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. At- lyn Street. For more info call 773-4428. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Wamic Group, Tues.(open) 7pro @ Wamic Church. ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- endale meetings at the United Methodist Church; Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fd., 8 pro,, 109 E. Broad- way. 1-800-999-9210. 7SHWp Wm d 7SH W=n TSHelp Wanted W=nted Genera/ Genera/ Genera/ "Tha Ticket to a dream job might really be a scare.* Govemment Wiklllfe Jobst Great Pay and Benefits No Experience Neceesery To protect yourself, call the Federal Trade Commission toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A Public Service Message from The Dalles Chronicle and the FTC. Americorps position at Mosier School. August- December. Duties: Com- puter lab, PE, reading groups. Fax resume to Mosier Community School, 541-478-2536, or go to www.northwsstserviceace for complete application. AN INCREDIBLE OPPORUTNITY LEARN TO EARN $100k+ /YR. P/T Not MLM Free Info 1-800-547-8623. AUTO SALE-S Hood River Dodge Chrys- ler Jeeo is recruiting for SALES ASSOCIATE. WE WANT YOU IF YOU ARE: 1, Willing to learn 2. Have Valid Driver's License 3. Want Above Average Earnings 4. Have a Big Desire to Succeed WE GIVE YOU: 1. $1,500 per Month Guarantee per 3 months 2. Full Sales Training 3. Full Benefits Package 4. Family Friendly Schedule 5. Advancement Opportu- For personal interview, please call Tresse Hanson, 541-386-3011. HRDCJ is an Equal Op portunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. Billr~lual IrmtructJonal Assistant: HS grad or equivalent & 2 yrs college required. Prefer exp w/kindergerten. Must be bilingual in Spanish/ English. View web page @ Crystal Meth Anonymous httpJ/www.hooddver. "Survivors". Fd 8-gpm, 401 for E. | 1Oth, ,~niL Rec~yery ~norp info or obtain distdct Fodndatk~, The Dalles. 'application at !020 .... ~-=~= ~=~7,~-~- ~ ,; B-~ ~-~~ Montello, Hood River. Deadline is 7/2,'04 at 4 p.m. GROUP Fflends, family & caregiv- ere of people affected with Dementias. 2nd Wed. of every month. 10-11am. Oregon Veteran's Home. Public is welcome. For info cell 54 1-296-7190. T.O.P.S (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. to 10 at Riverview Comm. Bank. 77"3-0456. T.O.P.S (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-5301. Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at C, eliio Cancer Center. For more info con- tact: Lyn at 296-7205. FOUND kayak on Dee Highway Sunday, June 20th. 541-352-4180. ....... ........ ; ; Preschools "35 Schools/Training """'--40 Tutoring ~ "45 I@ "''------"50 Health & Fitness "'"55 Ly Business Opportunities "60 Investments & Lcans"'65 Insurance 70 Mortgages & Contrects"'7~ 6' COMMERCIAL Spanish cedar Humidor, $900. 360- 833-9964. C,O LETELY equipped es- presso trailer. $12K. For details call 509-493-3910 MAJESTIC Mortgage ~s Private money loans. Any property type. Any credit situation. Cell now! Becky Johnson. 503-525-3571 or 503-752-3441. TOP $$$$ PAID NOW For notH and contraots Skip Fo~, 800-¢17-.~77 He~# Wanted 3'5 Positions Wanted """--80 Voluntaers~82 Job Opportunities "--'--85 In Home Services""'~89 Child Care Providers Child Care Wanted ""-"~5 Diaper Serv~es'"'100 BUS DRIVER: Centerville School District is accepting applications for a bus driv- er. The position is 4 hours per day. Applicants must hold a valid Class B CDL li- cense, first aid card, and undergo fingerprinting and background check. Appli- cations may be obtained at the school or call 509-773- 4893. The position will close on Aug. 2, 2004. Training help, beyond the CDL may be available this summer. Centerville School District is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. BUY-SELL AVONI $10 sign up tee. No door to door. Call 1409.FOR.AVON. 541-739-2111 (local call) CASE MANAGER: Central Washington Comprehen- sive Mental Health in White Salmon, is recruiting for a Case Manager. This posi- tion provides case man- agement in home and field along with intake/evalua- tion services; crisis inter- vention and coordinating treatment plans. The goal of this position is to main- tain the individual within the community and reduce or minimize dysfunctional be- havior. Bachelor's degree in related human services field. Please call 509-575- 3894 to request an appli- cation. Please include re- sume when returning your appllcetion. ADA/EOE Certified Operator Waste- water Collection, City of The Dallee Public Works Dept., f-t, $2550-$30481 me. + bene. Performs skilled & semi-skilled task assignments necessary to the operation & mainte- nance of the Utilities Ser- vices Dtv in the area of wastawater collection systems. Require: High School diploma or equiv, OR Class I Waste Water Collection Cert.;CDL w/ Tanker & Hazmat (w/in 6 months of hire). Desire: Addtn'l training in water/ wastewatar technologies & wastewatar systems oper- ations & maintenance; 2 yrs expr in wastewater col- lection operations, Class II Wastawatar Collection Op erator or equiv & deval- oped skills in the operation of construction equipment necessary to this job. Ob- tain application packet from City clerk @ City Hall, 313 Court St., The Dallas, OR 97058 or websita: Close: 7/23/04 EOE COMPOSITE LEAD POSITION available now. Experienced in molding carbine tubing, responsible for Q.C., pro- duction scheduling, training and cost control. Good pay, great benefits. Cas- cade Locks. dan@cblnookseiling .corn orfax 541-374-5006. COOK FT/PT position in Hood River. Exp. necessary. Fax resume to 54%386-1203. COACHES Trout Lake School District is accepting applications for the following extra-cur- ricular positions for the 2004-05 school year: Head Varsity Soccer coach, As- sistant Varsity Soccer coach, ASB Advisor, Mid- dle School Volleyball coach, Head Varsity Base- ball coach. Those interest- ed in these positions & oth- er extra-curricular positions that may become available, must submit a letter of interest with a completed distdct application to: Trout Lake School District, 2310 Hwy. 141, Trout Lake, WA 98650, (509) 395-2571. Open until filled. EOE Delivery Ddvere needed. Must be at lsest 21, gcod phys- ical cond, No CDL req. Ap- ply at Gem Ice Company, 3003 E. 2nd St, The Dalles. 541-296-5386. DRYWALL hangers, finish- & painters wanted. 740-263-1492 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Due to the award of Systems of Care (SOC) federal grant funding for children and families, the Mid-Columbia Center for Living (MCCFL) is seeking to fill the following posi- tions: Program Evaluator (fulHime): Responsible for develop jnent, coordination, and im- plementation of applied studies pertaining to the performance and evalua- tion of agency's programs. Required a Master's in psy- chology, social work, or doctoral candidate in a re- lated field and 4 yrs. exp. with applied research in- cluding the design and im- plementation of research projects ( Le., sample se- lection, procedures, statis- tical analysis and reporting including publications); OR a Ph.D. in psychology, so- cial" work or related field and 2 yrs. exp. as indicated above. Expedence in be- havioral health preferred. Must have extensive knowledge of the principles of systems analysis and design, and knowledge of performance indicators and outcome measures for mental health and addic- tions services. Excellent verbal/written communica- tion skills required. Salary .range (711104); $4,094- 4,790/mo. for Master's/ doctoral candidate; or $4,838-5,660/mo. for PhD. Evaluation A~slatant (part- time): Three part-time po- sitions available. May be possibility of combining two of the position into one full- time. Responsible for data collection utilizing stan- dardizing evaluation ques- tionnaires as required by the SOC grant. Works with children and families to schedule interviews and collect information. Per- forms data entry of infor- mation collected and en- sures integdty of evaluation process. Applicants who are a parent or other family member of a child or ado- lesce~t with a sedous emo- tional disturbance, and who has received services from the public service related field preferred. Requires HS diploma/GED; Bache- lor's in human services or related field preferred. Ex- perience or knowledge of research and/or data col- lection preferred. Must have excellent communi- cation skills and must be computer literate. Travel required with some even- ings and weekends. Hours 18-19 per week at $12.50/ hour. Bilingual (Spanish/English) preferred. MCCFL is a community behavioral health agency covedng Hood River, Wasco, Sher- man, and Gilliam counties. Travel required. Contact Shaleen at 541-296-5452 for an application packet. Clos~ 7/7/O4. E~ workplace. Englneedng ~ The City of The Dalies PW Dept; f-t, $3154-$4150 + bend. Entry level engineer position; performs project inspection of public works capital im- provements; coordinates & assists in project develop ment, performing surveys, drafting & preparation of construction plans, bid doc- uments, & instruments as directed for capital im- provements. Require: As- sociates degree. Pre- fer:Bachelor's Degree in civil engineering or related field from an ABET ac- credited curnculum or equiv., + appropriate con- tinuing ed; Intern/Engineer- in-Training Certificate; 1 year prior expr in civil en- gineering field relating to the design of street, water & westewater utilities systems. Must have:established skills us- Ing spread sheet, ward pro, ceasing, Auto-CAD & GIS; valid Ddver's license. Ob- tain application pkt from the City Clerk at City Hall, 313 Court St,, The Dalles, OR 97058 or website:,us Close:7/23/04. EOE. Handy pemo~ or houeehold helper. Exchange for courP try B & B room. Couple weeks only. 509-493-3240. ee.eral MARKETPLACE HOMESHIELD is seeking a full time Maintenance work- er for 2nd shift (3:30 to midnight). Successful can- didate will possess a work- ing knowledge of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical systems along with the ability to do general ma- chining and mechanical work. Full benefit package including vacation, holiday/ sick pay, bonuses, medi- gel, dental, vision, and 401K, plus stock options. Please mail resume or ap- ply in person at 910 Port- way Ave, Hood River, OR 97031. EEOC Hood Rlver Dodge Chrysler Jeep We are recruiting for EXPERIENCED SALES ASSOCIATE WE WANT YOU IF YOU: • Want Above Average Earnings • Want To Advance To Management • Ability To Interact W~ Local Customers WE GIVE YOU: • Full Training To Advance • Full Benefits Package • Famtly Friendly Schedule • Sign On Bonus Based On Your Experlense For personal interview, call Treese Hanson 541-386-301 I. Hood RIver Dletlllers, II1¢. Job Opening elsctric mechanic: seeking a full time electrician with PLC experience to work as part of a maintenance team supporting 4 bottling lines and the facility. Mechanical & welding experience is re- quired. Must be able to work all shifts. Pre-em- ployment drug screen and skill testing. Starting rate $19.75 per hour. Closing date for this position is July 2nd. Mail resume to P.O. Box 240, Hood River, OR 97031. HOOD RIVER DISTILLERS,INC Job opening for a PART. TIME JANJTOR. This post~on will be resgor~jl~e in~ as- sisting the custodian in the cleaning of the facility, The hours will vary from 4-8 hrs/day. Rate is $10.71/ hour, Drug test and skill test mandatory. Please send your resume to: P.O, Box 240, Hood River, Or, 97031. No calls pleese. Immediate openings for camp ground hosts Mt Hood Nat'l forest. Couples & singles needed, must have RV. 541-328-6326. MENTAL HEALTH OPEN- INGS Mid-Columbia Center for Living has the following po- sitions available with our Clinical Services Team in The Dallas: Mental Health Specialist I- Will provide counseling, case management, and cri- sis services to a wide va- riety of clients with mental illness in an outpatient set- ting. r~luires a Master's degree in social work, psy- chology, or related field, and two years experience in mental health counsel- ing. Must have Oregon State licensure as an LCSW or LPC, or have the ability to work towards li- censure, Mental Health Speclaliet I- Will provide alcohol/drug and mental health screen- ings, assessments, con- sultabon, and case man- agement services to fami- lies. This position will work closely with the Depart- ment of Human Service (DHS) self-sufficiency and child welfare teams to pro- vide a wide array of ser- vices to identified clients. Requires a Master's de- gree in social work, psy- chology, or related field, and two years experience in mental health and alco- hol and drug counseling. Must have Oregon State li- censure as an LCSW or LPC, or have the ability to work towards licensure. Must have certification as a CADC I or II or equivalent certification. Both positions are full-time and require successful ap- plicants to be computer lit- erate. Bilingual in Spanish/ English preferred. Salary range (711104) is $3,351. 4,054/mo. w/benefits. For application matadals, con- tact Shaleen at 541-296- 5452 Closes: 7/~B4. Drug- free workplece OE. Merchendlllng part-tln~. Servicing local grocery stores with non-food Items. Hood River & The Datles. Must be available eedy mornings and have reliable transportation. %800-287- 1604. ext. 706 OFFICE MANAGER for HRC Health Dept. Po- sition responsible for man- agement of nine staff, pre- paring and monitoring 1.7 million dollar department budget and act as County Registrar. Qualified appli- cants should have three years recent experience with personnel manage- ment and a full range of ac- counting and budgeting background. Applicants must complete a Hood Riv- er County application and may submit with resume to Hood River County Ad- minstration, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031. Fax 541-386-9392. Application deadline is 4:00 p.m., July 8, 2004. OREGONIAN CARRIER need- ed. Fuel efficient car required. 541-296-3600 PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Goldendale School District No. 404 has the following opening for the 2004-05 school year: Primary School Pdnctpal Application information may be obtained at the Administration Office, 603 South Roosevelt, Golden- dale, WA 98620; 509-773-5177. CLOSING: July 12, 2004 at 3:00 p.m., or until filled. Probation Officer:, Gommu- nity Corrections Div. of Wasco Co. Sheriff's Dept., f-t; $2865-$3482 + bend. Performs duties as a Pro- batlon Office, including supervising offenders sen- tenced to parole, probation & post-prison supervision. BA/BS degree w/ major course work in criminal Justice or related field & 2 yrs expr in the delivery of services to Court-mandat- ed clients preferred. Must be Oregon DPSST certified or certifmble, valid OR Driv- er's license w/in 1 me. of hire; no criminal convic- tions on record. Obtain ap- plication pkt from Wasco County Employee & Ad- ministrative Services Dept, Rm 101 Wasco Co. Court- house, 511 Washington St., The Dalles, OR 97058 or website: Close: 7~1/~ EOE. RE~T/IdJRANTI KITCHEN MANAGER Seeking a positive, enthu- slastic and energetic "per- son with pizza production experience. Must be ca- pable of hands on man- agement of a busy, fast paced pizzeria kitchen. Job description includes coor- dinating incoming orders, training and efficiency of kitchen staff, food prepar- ation,inventory manage- ment, and quality control. A team player assisting in maintaining a positive, fun working environment. Qualified applicationa ac- cepted at Andrew's Pizza, 107 Oak St. Hood River, OR 97031, STYLIST Expenenced stylist wanted. 509-493-3995 TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT Klickitet School District has three positions open for the 2004-05 school year. First position is a 112 time Music Teacher opening for Grades K-6. Applicants must have a WA State Teaching Certificate with a music endorsement or the ability to obtain one. Sec- ond position is a 1/2-time Spanish/History teacher for grades 7-12. Applicants must have a WA State Teaching Certificate with a Spanish and History en- dorsement or the ability to obtain one. Third position is a 1/2 time Elementary In- struotional Assistant. Ap- plicants must have two years of study at an insti- tution of higher education, or an Associates Degree, or meet the standard of the ETS Paraeducator Exam. Individuals interested in ap- plying for either of these positions should send letter of interest and resume to Klickitat School District, P.O. Box 37, Klickitat, WA 98628. For more informa- tion contact Tandi Cleve- land. (509) 369-4145. Klickitat School District is an equal opportunity em- p er. NOW HIRING Clean, dependable, and honest individuals who en- joy the pubic. NOT A SUMMER JOB ' Minimum 2 year commit- ~ ment. 18 & over please. Big Jim's Dnve In, 2938 E. 2nd St, The Dallss. Teen Court Coordinator (20 hrs/wk) - Coordinate all aspects of youth diversion program. Work with youth offenders from initial inter- view through court ap- pearance & follow-up case mgmt. BA/BS & 2 yrs axp in human services related field desired. Bilingual skills required. Wage $12-$14 hr., DOE. Please submit re- sume and application to: Jenny Hareanyl, The Next Door, Inc., 212 2nd St, PO Box 661, Hood River, OR 97031: TEMPORARY Field Me- chanic, Job duration 5 to 6 mths RABANCO, Regional Disposal Company an Equal opportunity Employ- er M/F/ON has immediate job openings (4) for quali- fied female or male job ap- plicants. Perform all as- pects of repair & mainte- nance to Landfill, Con- struction, & Container han- dling equipment. Caterpil- lar, Hyster, etc. 13.5 hour shift nights. High school di- ploma or equivalent, 3 years full time expenence with heavy equipment re- pairs & maintenance. Valid drivers license. Must have own tools. An equivalent combination of education, experience and certification may be considered. $19.12/hr. Base rate, Clos- ing Date: Saturday July 3 ,2004- 5:00pm. An Allied Waste application may be obtained and completed at Regional Disposal Com- pany, 500 Roosevelt Grade Road, Roosevelt, WA on weekdays between the hours of 8am-5pm. Contact Cindy Mains if you have questions at 1-800-275- 5641, extension 204. Full job description is posted on the Washington State Worksource Website. The ticket to a clream job might be a scem High-Paying Postal Jol~l NO Experience Requtredl DENTAL FRONT OFFICE/ RECEPTIONIST Oral surgery practice. Full-time, benefits included. Requirements in- clude excellent patient re- lations and phone skills, team player, proficient den- tal and medical billing, den- tal office expedence pre- terred, medical office ex- perience ok. FAX resume to 541-296-7690. Exp. Caregiver for AFC home, need weekend help. 541. 298- 4366. LOOKING for a great team environment? Welcome to Evergreen Health Care where residents and staff are treated with dignity and respect. $2500 sign on bo- nus for Resident Care Manager. Must be an RN with competent knowledge of MDS process. Team player. LPN: $2500 sign on bonus for 1st 2 nurses hired. Please apply in per- son at Evergreen The Dalles 1023 W. 25th St. The Dalles, OR 97058 541-298-5158. RN, LPN or MA Mid-Columbia HeaJth Cen- ter has a full time position open in our White Salmon office for a RN, LPN or MA Requires minimum exped- ence of 2 years and formal schooling. Send resume to MCFHC, Box 1519, White Salmon, WA. 98672, At- tention: Linda McCaulley, RN or cell (509) 493-2133. Senlom & People with Die- abllitie~ ~rvlce is seeking a contract registered nurse. Experience in community based care preferred. $28.00 per hour. Contact 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit CLERICAL POSITION: to/sam more. Knowledge of general office A public service message practices. Bi-lingual a plus. from The Dallee Chronicle Windows 2000/XP & Word and the FTC. knowledge required. Quickbooks knowledge de- TRUCK DRIVER for North sired. Salary negotiable Central Oregon based bulk DOE, Send resume to PO commodities hauler, re- Box 1607, The Dalles, OR. Auctions ................. 125 BUY Hood River ................ 126 Qn sz matt & The Dalles ............... 127 Kenmore 21 White Salmon/Bingen ""128 Odell ......................... 129 Garage/Yard Sales ...... 130 Other Oregon Cities .... 131 Parkdale ............... 132 CooldUnderwood ........... 133 Other Washington Cities .................. 134 Goldendale .......... 135 Camas ...................... 136 Washougal ....................... 137 Vancouver """ ............. 138 Bazaars/Flea Markets""'139 Antiques & Collectibles .............. 140 Jewelry ................... 145 Apparel ............. 150 Fumiture .............. 156 Inc. Appliances ..................... 160 Home Electronics ............... 165 Computers ............. 170 Satellites ............... 175 Cameras & Photo Supplies .......... 180 Firewood & Stoves ...... 185 FORMICA Hot Tubs, Spas, ette set, Swimming Pools .......... 190 Sporting Goods ...... 195 Exercise Equipment"""200 FREE Sailboards & cond. you Accessories ......... 205 Art & Leisure ........... 210 Musical Instruments ........ 215 FREE Lawn, Garden & get & Equipment ......... 220 couch Building Materials ....... 225 cloth TImber Buy/Sell .......... 226 Hand & Power Tools .... 230 et doorS, Miscellaneous shape. Equipment ..... ""~'--235 5775 Health Care Equipment ................ 238 Arts, Crafts & Hobbies"""240 Baby Items .......... 250 Hair Care & Beauty Aids ........... 255 Books' "260 Office Equipment ........ 265 cliner, 2 Restaurant Equipment ""270 suede Miscellanecus for Sale ................ 275 Misoellansous Shaker Wanted ~280 coffee, Free/Give Away ...... 282 otic Swaps & Trades ...... 285 Lon McCanna for more in- I,&,,,,~Dk~, formation. 1-541-386-9080 or 1..800-368-6209. CITY ABBREVIATIONS For the convenience of our readers & advertisers the following city abbreviations will be used to identify garage & yard sales in the Columbia Gorge (all others will be spelled out): HR~ood River. TD.--The Dalles. PK---Parkdsle. WS-- White Salmon. TL~Trout Lake. CL.--Cascede Locks. NB---North Bonneville. reel Washer, @ $50 & quidi~ ~ ~r.ll~lght atays. air brakes, HAZMAT, & doubles endorsement, clean driving record, re- quires minimum 2 years ddving experience. Bene- fits. 541-442-5300 for more information. Truck Driver. Class A CDL. 2 yr exp. Flatbed, doubles, N.W, area. Good benefits. 800-541-2201, 509-767-1161, Wanted: Certified Tech with electronic diagnostic experience. Apply in per- SALES-LOVE son at 1800 W. 2nd St, The CANDLES? Dailes. 541-296-1330. Consultants wanted for WAREHOUSE positions home party business. No available. Must have High Investment,inventory. School diploma or proof of Profitable & fun. Over 18 GED. Positions are full- yrs. cell 360-210-,5051. time-temporary. Starting pay m,n,mom wage , p,y at Dakine 221 Webber Rd, ,Dalles WELDER Local manufacturing com- pany has an opening for an experienced structural steel welder. Expedence with automatic burning equipment also helpful. GOLD--Goldendale. , 'W~NGL; .... ~ your NEEDED: Summer help- -Washougal. old part time. Ideal for high repair school student or college "r~. it for student interested in work- , , , , 6001. ing in busy office environ- FinalSalesJollysTaxee ment. Reply to Box "L", c/o 6/29 to July 5, 421 E.I Ith, lot~ TD Chronicle, PO Box Office equip, refdg, desks, 413 1910, The Dalles, OR. jewalry, dolls, etc. , ;, , ,,, .... BRAUN YARD Sale 204 W. Collins. chop- Fri. 7/1 & Sat. 7/2. 9-4. per, HOUSE SITTER/Cat sitter wanted for a few weeks tn eady fall. Live in our home, outside Goldendale, & care for affectionate cats. Daily stipend, ref, req'd. Contact Great benefit package, Margaret at 509-773-5375. must pass physical and d.,g see. A ply in per- son at Hogg & Davis, Inc, , "Born to Fish" Fourth-grade boy: Looking for someone to spend qual- ity time with, Loves the out- doors and fishing. Looking for a "Big Brother" who is stable, but can be a lot of fun. Lives in Wasco County. If you are interest- ed in a fellow nature lover that will keep you young call 541-298-2173, in Hood River call Teri at 541-386- 6665, axt 200. Big BrotheraP31~em of the Columbia Gorge 3800 Eagle Loop Odell, OR 97044. Mon-Fd 8:30am- 4:00pm, Salary DOE. A Passion For Healing? If helping others heal is your passion, we have a place for youl In addition to competitive compensation, we offer comprehensive benefits and an environ- ment of excellence. We have the following positions open: "Handyman Wanted" 6 year old boy: Looking for a "Big Brother" who will teach me how to fix things just like my Peppy. Colorful personality; not afraid to ask questions; will make you laugh! Looking for someone who is stable, but loves to have fun. Can't wait any longer for a "Big Brother." Please call 541- 298-2173 Big Brothem/Slatem of the Colombia EXPERIENCED VOLUNTEER ~SBES needed for the Theatre Company of The Dallas' fall musical. Sarah (509)395- 2674 or Angelr~ 993-4088. YARD Sale: tools, table saw, planer, lumber, old barn beams & planks, com- puter parts, office equip- ment, file cabinets, boxes of stuff. 142 String Street, Centerville; July 5-8, 8- noon only. 773-6364. • Registered Nurse • Medical Almlatant • Certified ~k:;rub - Technologist • Accounts Payable Clerk • Print Shop Clerk For more Information, www.mcmc.nat, emall at hr--,nat, or call us at 541-296-7510. Mid-Columbia Medical C, en- t~r 1700 E. 19th ~treot The Datlu, Oregon 137 $100 MOVING SALE Ent. ctr. $550, qn. sz. bdrm, set $400, couch & chair $500, console TV $300, dresser $75, "IV $100. 360-835-3753.$75. /%~t&~. clean, ........ $75. ANTIQUE white provincial dresser w/mirror. 60"x21". Includes matching bedside table. $250. 509-493-2110 MAGIC CLEM'S ATTIC Antique Mall Men-sat- 10-5 Bacond Now Buying 9000 sq ft of merchandise 541-296-4448 2937 E. 2nd The Dallas * $149 FULL SET*. Double plilowtop. Brand new, still in plastic, full warranty. Lists $479; will sacrifice, can deliver. 503-612-85.96. er. USED $100. * $229 KING SET *, Dbl. ptllowtop. Brand new, still in plastic. Full warranty. Can deliver. 503-612-8596. $1200. q~lttreee Sat=.* Quality pre- owned mattress sets In great cond. @ affordable pdces. Futon mattresses also avail. Gorge Bedquarters, 224 Terminal Ave, The Dalles. 54%2964341. Tuas-Fri 10:30-5:30 Sat, 10:30-2:30 11 piece "BRAND NEW" Cherry Wood Dining Set Hand crafted quality. Cost $5850. Sac. $1825. Can deliver. 503-612-8596. I : 4 pc. sectional sofa. 9'X6', ETHICAL,$SK.~ potential. L shape. Pastel colors. Be your own boss. Not Textured fabric. Exc. cond. MLM 800-890,0/112, $350. 541-308-0330. Car Pools ~110 ~ets' 115 Travel"'''"'" 120 Free-for-all ""'N"122 6 CHAIRS, maple honey/ teak color. Air wood. Thai- lee, d. $100. 360..834-1278. 8 piece CHERRY WOOD brand new bdrm. set. All hardwood construction. Cost $4850. A Will ==ell $1279, A Can daliver. 503-612.8596. :!