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Pa e Four
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington
Thursday, July 4,
The Goldendale Sentinel
.~. -- - -- -- = Z JU LA L ~ L[I [L Jill ~-
Help The Swimming
ect Along
WHILE EVERYONE SEEMS to agree the Lions club spon-
sored swimming project to provide free transportation for all local
school children to and from Blockhouse is a fine idea, it is going
to take more than praise to pay the bill. Since no charges are made
to the children for either the transportation or the swimming pool
tickets, the sponsors must meet certain operating expenses.
These expenses, even with the cooperation of the Blockhouse
pool management, the school district and the Works Projects Ad-
ministration, will probably amount to more than $200 for the
Compared to the cost of operation of a municipal pool this
figure is small. Divided among Goldendale's more than 400 families
the cost would amount to less than 50c per family. A certain
amount of the money has already been raised through substantial
private contributions.
The sponsors of the swimming project do not wish to collect
from parents who feel they cannot afford to aid in this worthy
program. Children of all parents, those who aid as well as those
who do not, are urged to take advantage of the swimming project.
It is hoped sufficient funds to carry out the project will be
forthcoming voluntarily. Surely if the people of Goldendale can
w ngly contribttte $244.00 in two days for relief work in Europe,
as they did in the recent Red Cross drive, they can afford to invest
a like amount in the health and happiness of the children of their
own community.
Don't delay. Turn in your contribution to the Lions club
swimming project fund today. Whether it's a dime or a dollar it
will be appreciated.
America Had Real Problems
TROUBLED AND UNCERTAIN as world conditions are to-
day we in America, on this, the one hundred and sixty-fourth anni-
versary of our nation's independence, are facing neither the first
nor by any means the most serious crisis in our national history.
Those of us who are inclined tto become hysterical with alarm
over present conditions would do well to read again America's
Declaration of Independence. This declaration severed 13 thinly
pop ated, poor, unorganized American colonies fro m the powerful
and thoroughly dictatorial British empire.
Regardless of what our metropolitan newspapers may head-
line and our campaigning statesmen may say, the situation facing
those Colonial p triots 164 years ago was many times more critical
than America's position today can possibly be.
KIA©KITAT----(,Special) ---~r. and
Mrs. Oscar Lehto, Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Old haan and ~etty Lou abtended
the Eagle's picnic on the Status last
M,r. and Mrs. Carl Ooolidge attend-
ed ~ehe Eagle's pot luck dinner at
Bingen last Wednesday evening.
The last meeting for the club year
was held by the Waun~ club Mon-
day evening, June 24. ,The conven-
tion delegates, Inez Drexel, Mrs. Ray
Ward and Mrs. H. Wichman, gave
the convention reports and presented
the gavel that had been awarded the
club by the ~Stcte Junior President
for being 100 per cent on the score
sheet, and for their year:s program.
Two new officers were elected; Mrs.
Martin Millsap, ,treasurer and Mrs.
Be~'yl l~binson, recording secretary.
Inez Drexel was the hostess. She
served delicious home made ice cream
with fresh r~spberry tol~plng.
Mr. and Mrs. IZ~orace /.~ird, Mr.
Richm-dson and Lei~ Graham were
in Goldendale on business Tuesday.
Lois Graham has moved in wRh the
Horace Laird family.
~Doris Anne and Julia Belle Shurtz
are home after a short vacation spe~t
~t Apple(ton.
George Richardson and Leona
Durkee were married ~t Goldendale
Mrs. ~Pred Gustal~ason, of Portland,
spent last week in Klickttat visiting
wtth her daughter, Mrs. Bob Mc-
Ewen and fiamily and her brother, i
A. J. Berglund, and family, i
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schurtz andt
family and their guest, Miss DorothyI
SyverCsen, of Willow Ranch, Oalif.,I
Miss Margaret Nagel, of Appleton,I
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bullock, of
t~axkdale and Mr. and Mrs. William
Gregory, of Appleton, spen~ Sunday
at Cloud Cap Inn near M,t. Hood.
Twelve little friends helped Bev-
erly Monroe celebrate her third
birthday last Wednesday.
Fred Ogden broke his right arm
in ,an acciden~ that accurred at the
mill last Tuesday.
IAttle Marvin Laird has been saree
ously ill .the p~st two weeks.
q~ne Wichman family held a three
star celebration at Northwestern
I~ake Sunday, the oooasion being Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Wlchman's and Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Wichman's wedding anniver-
saries and a family reunion.
'Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hallyburton,
Inss Drexel and Tel Br~tton spel~t
day visiting in The D~lles with Mr.
Hallyburton's father, H. L. Hally-
bur,ton. Ralph Kallyburton returned
to Klickltwt with them for a visit at
the Hallyburton home.
Mrs. Roscoe I-~mm and Mrs. Ray
Gardener were hostesses at ~ sur-
prise party in honor of Mrs. Roy
GreenJield last Monday evening.
Pinochle was played. Mrs. tester
l~ichardson was the winner of the
first prize, Mrs. Johnny Monroe re-
ceived the consolation prize. Mrs.
Greenfield received a number of love-
ly gifts.
T. A. Taw and Mrs. Laura Briggs
were nmxried at RanG, Nevada, on
June 14. After the wedding they
went to San Francisco, where they
visited relatives a~d a~tended the
f~ir. AIter the wedding trip they
returned to Klickitat for several
days. Monday .they left for Portland
where ,they will make their home at
9816 ~. E. Powell. Mr. and Mrs.
Taw have purchased a lunch room
and service station in Portland.
Mrs. Herman Umlauff entertained
her bridge club Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Allan ~I(~Eweu was the prize
Please have Four news items ready
Saturday install of ~onday for this
coming week. ff~hank you.
Mrs. Conklin gave a birthday dinner
for Lawrence on his seventh birth-
day to which the Yohey family war6
Mrs. Briggs entertained the Lyle
Federation club and the 4-H club
girls wibh their mothers last Wed-
Verne Cimmiyotti has opened a
radio business at Baker, Oregon.
Mrs. Loila~ Crapper, o~ Hood
River, ~istted her parents, the Clm-
miFottis, on Sunday.
Miss Naomi Johnson drove up
from Lyle Sunday afternoon to visit i
at Mrs. Pearl Johnson's.
Mrs. George Bradford enjoyed a
surprise vhsit from her sister and
niece of Portland, on Sunday.
Mrs. Oimmly~tti, Mrs. Henry Leis,
Mrs. ~t~arvey Cra01~er , and Mrs.
Minton ~'ere Sunday afternoon call-
ers at Mrs. Pearl Johnsons to see
her daughter Myrtle, and little
daughter w~o are here from College
Place, Washington.
Stegman Tells Of
R.E.A. Program
Centerville, Washington,
June 19, 1940.
I have prepared the following arti-
cle, and hope you will give it space
in your paper. I feel that it is time
some of the facts concerning the R.
E. A. were brought before the people.
The Rural ~Electrification Admin-
istration was brought into being by
act of congress, some six years ago.
It started with an annual appropria.
teen of forty million dollars. Its pur-
pose, aside from furnishing use for
labor and materials, at a time when
unemployment was worse th~n now,
was to bring electric service into re-
mote areas that were too thinly
peopled to show a profit for the pri.
vats companies. It was a success
from the start, and now there are
hundreds of R. E. A. groups, oper-
ating, or being formed. Ours in
Ktickitat county is one of these. The
R. E. A. does not enter the field as
an operating body, it is purely a
lending agency. It loans money on
20 to 25 year terms, in our case prob-
ably 25 year, at the low rate of 2.73
per cent. It is a direct federal loan,
money appropriated by congress each
After a project is approved, and
the money granted, the district has
no interest payments to make until
30 months later. From this time,
until the end of the fifth year, o~ly
the interest is asked, and from then
to the end of the seventh year, the
amortization charges gradually reach
their full size This scheme allows
the district ample time to get their
revenue built up, as it takes several
years for the customers to get full
equipment for best use. The R. E. A.
asks a mortgage on the line, and the
revenues and on nothing more, and
will not lo~n to a district unless they
~re sure that the venture will pay
Users Pay
Anyone can plainly see that the
consumers of energy in the district,
alone are paying for the system, and
then only as users, not as taxpayers.
This should clear away many doubts
,~nd fears tbat have been expressed
by many, especially the heavy tax.
The job now before us, is to get
the county signup completed at the
earliest possible date. To date we
have over 450 applications on" file.
We will have over 600 when the
drive is complete. After the signup,
the subscribers are dotted on a le.rge
map, and the It. E. A. engineers use
this as a picture to determine if the
proposal is feasible, also to deter-
mine how many miles of line, and
where to build them. Many have
said to me: "I will wait 'tel the line
is in here." I very positively do know
tha.t some of these will wait a lot
longer before they get "juice." The
engineers will try to reach every one
on the map, and if you are not on the:
map, and your neighbor is, he will:
get the call. It will be, of course,
impossible to serve everyone, but if
you sign you have a chance, and if
it cannot be worked out, the $5.00
meter deposit will be refunded. Also,
if the engineers find that the custom-
er will be more than a thouse, nd feet
from the line, they will correspond
with him, and tell him what the
charge will be, and if the price is too
high, or the patron, for any reason
wishes to withdraw, his deposit will
be refunded.
No Obligations
No one need fear that they are
taking a cha,nce of getting involved
ed in a position that will have an
unhappy ending. The basic difference
between this set up, as I, have out.
lined it, and the private operators,
is this: R. E. A. exists only to serve,
they exist for profit.
The Commissioners axe very anxi-
ous to get this application off to
Washington, early in July. The mon-
ey will be available then, but when
it is exhausted, the later applications
will have to wait until next year. So
it behooves everyone to get in and
help. this thing ~long.
Volunteer committees are in the
field in White Salmon, Goldendale,
l~oosevelt and Btckleton, getting sign.
ers, and collecting the deposits. Any
who have signed previously may send
their deposit to the writer, and a
receipt will be sent promptly. Some
have wondered what becomes of
these deposit~. They are depleted
with the County Treasurer, in the
R. E. A. Meter Deposit Fund, .and are
h~d ~s a guarantee that the bills
will be paid, for two months at least.
The field workers do not get the $5
as a commission. In fact I know of
four different field men who advanc-
ed deposits out of their own pocket
to help along.
The rates, tentative, and subject
to approval by R. E.. A. are as fol-
Minimum, $2.50, 40 kwh.
~ext 60, kwh, at 4c.
Past ] J. W. Tilden returned Thursday
• • • • • • • •from Kansas, where he shipped a car.
BY W. F. BYARS load of horses. Mr. Tilden reports
0 an excellent prospect for a crop in
JUNE 11, 1881 more stock to his iivery barn. He has that state, but horses are dull sale.
Herbert Baker has gone to Seattle now quite a number of excellent Mr. Tilden brought a fine young geld-
to attend sessions of Gr~nd Lodge[ teams and buggies.
A. F. and A.M. t As W. F. Chatfield and Dave Har-
Judge O. P. Kreps and his father, i rell were coming from the coal fields
S. P. Kreps were over from Camasilast week, they surprised a party of
bears and killed four of them, the
other two escaped.
Alimus Lodge I. O. O. F. at its last
meeting elected officers as follows:
C. M. Duvall, N. G.; H. C. Phillips,
V. G.; W. R. I~idler, R. S.; Daniel
Cram, Treasurer.
Prairie on Saturday last.
The machinery for the Goldendale
Milling company will be here in about
two weeks. The pipe is here now.
Two sisters of A1 Madson arrived
Monday from Denmark. They will
make their homes here in the future.
Next 100kwh at 2c.
Next 2~0 kwh at lc.
Next 600 kwh at ~c.
All excess of 1000 kwh per month
at three quarters of a cent.
Concerns All
If a user is located beyond a thous_
and feet from the line he will be
asked to beer an additional month-
ly charge. This will be added to the
$2.50, and will be 1~ per cent each
month for five years, of the cost of
the excess line. He will get electri-
city for every cent paid, however.
The county_wide application is in
two parts, the one for Project A,
(:Glenwood-Trout Lake) and Project
B, the rest of the county. The ap-
plication for the A group was sent
off six months ego, it was delayed,
first by the fact that no money was
available, and second by the loss of
some legal papers. These obstacles
have both been met and overcome,
and we are expecting action very
soon, ~s the signup is complete. It
is to the interest of everyone to help
this thing along. Whatever concerns
600 families in one county, should lye
of interest to the rest of the citizens.
We all need electric service. If
we are to keep our American stand_ :
ard of living, we must keep going
forward, we should look homewardi
rather than across the sea. We should
equip ourselves with every tool and
device ~t our command, to make life
easier and better. We should join
the United States, and cooperate with
those who already have put their
shoulder to the wheel.
HENRY STEGMAN, Co-ordinator.
Klickitat Co. P. U. D. No. 1.
ing back with him.
rGreat improvements are being
made on the property of the Golden-
dale Milling Co. Roller processes will
be put in consisting of five sets of
double rollers, scalpers, purifiers,
etc., manufactured by the J. I. Case
Co., of Racine, Wis. The capacity
of the mill will be 100 barrels per
!doy. With the exceptions of Spokane
~and Sound cities, there will be no
larger mills in the state.
The Armory building was hand.
somely decorated fn honor of the
meeting of the State Grange held at i
are cutting hay on the Columbus side
of the mountain now and that the
yield is fair.
Miss Ann~ Wheelhouse, who has
camp on the old celebr~Ltion
on Mill Creek. Rev. Warner and
en other ministers are in attendan~
They have already added several
converts to the church and
add many more. More than five
dred persons were on the
lest Sunday and twice that
will be there next Sunday if it
favorable day. Miss Dollie
or had charge of the young
prayer meeting last Sunday and
Shoemake led the young men's
er meeting. There ere quite a nut*
bar of tents on the ground beSide
the one which holds the tabernacl~
Royal and Underwood
at The Goldendale Sentinel.
down payment and easy terms.
this place last week. The Spring Creek i Political
and No. 6 Grange departments were NOTE" Political
especially nicely decorated but to listed un~ler this heading will b~
S,r ,~v,~ *h,~ ~o,~o~, ,,~, +he i continuously until the Primary
-;in~'~r ................... I teen. All announcements must
p g C eek G-range was the nicest I for in advance.
been a~tending school at the Waits. of alt. Mrs. We R. Neal and Mrs. M. I .....
burg Academy, came ,to her home atiB. Putter worked unceasingly for i John A, Sanders
,Columbus last Thursday. I several days ~o prepare their depart- I Republican Candidate for
The contract for building the Col-]ment for the meeting. COUNTY CO~LMISSIONER
umbus school house was awarded to[ ........ I Third District .
- me M E ~'nurcn nave gone in,el0tl~
James Wheelhouse & Son for theI " • ' Primary Election, September 1 '
sum of $1,995.Blakeway & BennettI - ~ ~ -----
bid $2,274.50. I
O. D. ,Sturgess and wife and J. G.
Maddock and wife left Tuesday for
~he sound. Mr. Maddock and Mr.
Sturgess will attend the Washington
State Bankers Association at Seattle. I
The cities of Portland, East Port-
land ~nd Albina have by popular vote
became one great city at the mouth
of the Willamette. Portland is now
the second largest city on the coast.
We have good evidence that a rail.
road will be built from Vancouver by
Goldendale ~to Presser F~lls. We also
have good evidence that the graders
will be in the field by September 1.
A1 Graham came up from Sllverton
on a business ¢rip a few days since.
He expects to return to this county
with his family some time this fall.
We shall welcome him back to old
John J. M~rshall returned Thurs-
day from a trip to the Sound and
British Columbia. Mr. Marshall says
customs are qui¢e different in the
British province from here.He does
not talk of moving there.
James Crawford informs us that
salmon will run up the Big Klickttat
if the obstructions at the f~ls is re-
moved, thousands of the celebratedI
~food ;fish will come swarming up the
L little streams into this valley.
deluxe model, NEW
• You'll enjoy ,,11 these features
usudly found only in higher
priced dectdc nmge~:
• New Cah'od imits (5 speeds)
• 6.mmt thrm c er
• 3 laqe atility Ih'awm
• Top mid condiment set
• 3 cuts of Drc k enamel
See this beauty today, at
Ahvays at Your Scrvi~
Another half hour wasted.., while that
pesk~ ~ot water tank gets ]~ot again. Why, olt
vl~, can't I ]~ave all t]~e hot water I want?~
:Get an electric water heater.., and Fou
will have plenty of 1~ot water.., and w'/t/'wut
[iring up under oId-fasl~ioned ~tove coi/z,e
Yes, washing and all my housework is ever so
much easier now that I can merely turn a faucet
and get oceans of piping hot water. And with
my automatic electzic water heater I don "t waste
time waiting for the tank to get hot."
...£or Pacific Power&
Light Company O~S
a special IOW rate O~
only 8/IO o£ 1 a kilo-
watt-hour ~or water
heating ....Electxiait
here is cheap !
You, too, can sPeed up your work
if you let an electric water heah r
supply you with all the clean hot
water you want. You'll save work,
too, an electric water heater
gives of~ no smoke or grime to
dirt up walls and curtains. It's u
clean as electric light.
Put your automatic electfio
water h ater in the kitchen, if you
wish, for a thick blanket d insu-
lation holds heat in the water and
out of your home. And, of course,
an electric water heater is stream-
lined and attractively finished jtist
your ~d~zic range and refrig.
erator. It's the truly modern, car@-
way to heat water.
Electric Water Heater Prices are Lowest In History...
Convenient Terme...See any Dealer in Electrical Appliances or
Always at Your ,. rv ce