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July 4, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldend le, Washington
Page Fiv
Canal Glenwood Thanks
Contract Let Golden, tale Bar.
A government contract for re- __
as ruct an of The Dalles-Celilo[ In behaIf of the olenwood Rodeo
~a to( revert the as" l association and the Camas Prairie
dOUble p sageway from
lock to a single lock was Pioneers organization, Pete Conboy
last week to the 2k~vare last week expressed eLppreeiation to
on company of Stevenson ~oldendale for its cooperation in
Stevenson company's bid we; making the recent Glenwood rodeo
and the government es- a success.
was $137,680.00. ,Special thanks were extended to
'The Canal improvement is part of members of the Goldendale band, the
Chamber of Commerce and the Gold-
program on the upper
endale Meat company for ,their co-
river planned by the U. S.
engineers, Col. John C. H.
division engineer with head-possible t.o deepen the upper lock
in Portland stated, o.bout 11 feet, thus eliminating the
engineers who will su- lower lock. The work will start in
the construction work said 'October in order not to interfere with
BOnneville pool has raised the the heavy summer barge traffic on
level to such a point that it is the upper Columbia.
And If You Buy Here Now.....
Save On All Your Needs!
ake advantage of our low prices on lumber, cement and
shingles to complete that remodeling job. If you
plan to build this summer see us now. We
are equipped to save you money and
at the same time we supply your
needs with qualitybuilding
By Calling 512
The Reliance Creamery is
equipped to supply your home
with real, pure ice at prices
you can afford to pay. Free
delively service in the city.
Serve Reliance
The Ideal warm weather food
for any or all occasions
you ever been on a picnic when the weather was per-
and the food was still more perfect ? You ate and you
when you couldn't eat another bite, you still felt
That's the perfect picnic• We can't do much about
Weather, but you'll get GOLD KRUST BREAD for per-
sandwiches and perfect Cakes, Cookies, pies and rolls
the Goldendale Baking Company.
You'll find our foods are always fresh and always
uniformly delicicus. They have to be that way
because the Goldendale Baking company uses only
the finest ingredients. Always ask for Gold Krust
Bread when you order.
WELTER & SEIBOLD Proprietors
Power Companies EX
Relel se Booklet i ----
g'~_ PAI..__L.'__ &.---__ [ By Laura ;I. Parrott
fill IksOlUliiI$1~ 2"~iV$i~[ Glenwood, July 1--Fortland's city
parks architect inspected the sheet
Designed to fnterest new ce~pital ~ocl~ quarry on ME. Adams last Men-
in development of Columbia re-
sources, a 48-page illustrated book
"River of the West" has just been
released by Pacific Power & Light
company for distribution t.o leading
industrialists and investment groups
throughout the United States, ac-
cording to John Nath, C~oldendale
local manager.
Text of the book was written by
Robert O~'mond Case, nationally
known ,Pacific Northwest author, who
has woven a wealth of factual ma-
terial and historical background in-
,to a swiftly-moving story of the op-
mrtunities that exist in the region.
More than eight months of re-
search and editing went into pro-
duction of the book, which is being
.published as a joint project of Pacific
Power & Light company and its sis-
ter company, Northwestern Electric.
Need For Information
"Need for a comprehensive book
about this region has become more
and more apparent as our industrial
engineers have gone about seeking
new industries," said Paul B. McKee,
president of the Pacific company. "In
the East, a big p(~rt of the job is to
convince industrial capital. Few of
them have and idea of the resources
(lay wl.~il view of using 1LS product
ni the parks o£ tt}e city of ForLlana,
~. E. ttanson, Glenw~od president
of bhe Iirm announced this week.
Mr. Hans'on and Henry Wocnik,
northwest ~aelsman for the firm
were in Forttand, Tacoma and Seat-
c,e for several days last week in-
~erestiug construction iirms in the
use ot their pro(luc~. They report
wldespl'ea(l ln~eres~ ill this natural
~OrlliaLl, on oJ[ st, raLnlud igneous rock
v¥111CII ranges Crone ~Oli,e llalt incll t,
o*x inches of accui'aLe grafluatlons.
.~¢iI'* _~l_aIlson ~as pl'epal'ed a vel'y at-
~l'acLIVe DrOCllUre pl't~s~ntlug tDe fea-
tures Of hlS prodo~i, wilIch repre-
~e~:l t,S an arLIStlC arrailgt~llrent el
~nee~ rock and a view o[ .L$it. ~kdam
oy Guy ~/ade, ot White Salmon.
views of sundials, nreplaces, garden
~acs and ierraces are inclutled
which have been cm~stru~ted by sev-
eral white Sahnon residents. Among
Alo~e are the Harry Card place in
~naerwoou Heights, ]gari S. Cos anu
• :~ad Ho,singLon. AzS0 interested in
~e company are Dr. R. L. Baker,
v~ Mte Sarmou pnys.cian, and Walter
rl,nsaker, both of whom serve as
atrecv0rs of the firm.
Donald Hanson and Charles Hoop-
~r, secretary-treasurer [or the ME.
and productivity of our section of the
Adams sheet rock company, have
Pacific Northwest until the facts are Been in LaCenterthe past week
presented, m completing three rock jobs that
"~Since the first step in getting " - i,lave ,been installed there. Thelarg-
dustries here is to 'sell' our part of ,~st of these wa, s for t~ete Luellen,
the country, we decided to produce
a book that would serve as a 'door
opener' and tell the basic story in an
interesting and convincing manner.
"Each community served by the
Pacific and Northwestern companies
has also felt the need for such a
piece of promotional literature about
the~ region, but none of them has
been in a position to produce it. By
uniting the resources of the two
companies, however, and with the
enthusiastic cooperation of chambers
of commerce and other community
organizations in gathering the mater-
ial, it was possible to do a first class
job, which should result in great
benefit to us all."
Big Investment
The Pacific and Northwestern
companies have an active and direct
interest in stimulating development
of the region because together they
represent an investment of more
than $65,0,00,000 in e~ business whose
progress depends entirely upon the
progress of the territory served, Mc-
Kee pointed out.
"We have an abundance of elec-
tricity in this region and all of us
want to see it put to productive use
in ways that will help everyone,"
said McKee. "Since electricity is a
commodity which cannot be exported
to distant markets, we must develop
the me~rket here at home. The more
prosperous this region is, the better
market it is for everybody, including
Copies of "River of the West" are
now being mailed to a carefully
selected list of men in all parts of
Vhe country. Recipients of the book
are invited to ask for detailed in-
formation about any specific subject
that interests them particuleLrly.
At The Library
" e
~B yond the East the Sunrise, be-
yond the West the Sea, And East and
~,, West the wander--thirst that will
~: not let me be."
" ~tLAVE~L AME~RI,CA YEAR is rep-
i resented at the Library with over o0
booklets, pamphlets and posters des-
cribing places of interest in the Am-
ericas, ~Hawaii end Australia besides
,the following of the newer books:
iLAND, by C. T. Towne. The beauties,
historical scenes and intellectual life
of New England with all its local
color is described by a poet, editor,
i and novelist.
,CITY," by G. W. Seaton is the per-
fect guide for the person who wants
to know what to see for interest, what
.to do for amusement, and what to
buy for remembrance.
"NTEW ORL,gAN~," the American
Guide Series is filled with informa-
ti.on on what to see and do in fas-
cinating and historic New Orleans
as well as ~ description of the city's
history, folkways, social and business
l~ergusson, is an excellent new book
on one of our most colorful regions.
It gives the exciting backgrounds and
customs of the Americans, Mexicans
and Indians, and describes cities, des-
erts and mount{tins.
"D~ATH VALhEY," the American
Guide Series, carries a full history
and description of this interesting
region, whose beauty and tragedy
draws increasing traffic.
retired lumberman of that place
wllo owns the f:ormer Wilson h, ome-
stead where Dan, George and Charlie
Wilson of Camp Draper were raised.
Pete Boski, J. Neils employee sers
ing as brakeman on the logging
Lrain, received a br.oken rib as a
result of a collision by the train
with' a county gravel truck, a week
ago Friday. He was given a t~v~
week lay~off in which to recover,
and went at once to Ihis home in
Washougol. Though the cab of the
truck was badly damaged its oc-
cupants, Leroy Andrews and Nelson
Burgess escaped without injury.
Five tons of field pea~ raised ,on
Underwood Heights by Von W~den-
berg, former agriculture instructor
in White Salmon's Columbia Union
high school, were thres~ed out by
Fred Feller a short time ago, and
shipped to P,~rtland for seed by way
)f the Kuhnhaue.en freight line. The
lbdder was hauled back to Under-
wood for use as fertilizer. 2~his ~vas
a test project to determine the
feasibility of field peas in this sec-
tion and proved quite successful.
Mrs. A. V. Fellers spent a week
in Portland with her brother, Ed
Bollinger, who came for her Dodeo
Sunday and returned her the next
week. M'r. BIollinger'i3 niece, Mrs.
h'coks Livington and iher two
,djoining the Camas ranch ofJune
'ortland where the Misses Phoebe
~,-)d Phyllis anderwent tonsillec-
omies this week.
Ge,:~rge Gilmer has sold his ranch
,¢jjining the Camas ranch of June
Wyers to Frank Lyle. C. E. Cr,ooks
was over from Goldendale Wednes-
day perfecting ~he sale. Mr. Gilmer
xpe.cts to go to Sn,cwden end spend
soroetime with hi,~ son John.
Local men ~'ho assisted with the
oiling of the road be White galmon
last week are this week transferred
to the Snowden road where the
i state outfit and crew are applying
One of t~e n ico~t social affairs of
the ml0,nth occurred Friday when
~Jrs. Henry Hansen, sr., opened he~
home to a group of friends in .h,onor
nf Mrs. LarDy And~,ews, who receiv-
Bible school conducted by Rev. Good
')rances. Co-hosto~s with Mrs. Han-
son was Mrs, Harry DeVice.
More then 40 youngsters have
:~.een attending daily the vacation
Bible sc~cml conducter by Rev. Good
of Trout Lake for the past week.
The sessions will continue through
this ~veek with the exception of
Thursday. Helping him have been
I~etty Akerill, Mrs. Olivia Shockley,
Mrs. Maurice Schneidler and Mrs.
Clarence Lewis.
Miss Pauline Shortwood, of New-
port, Wash., been the guest of
her friend Mrs. Eric Tobert, at the
E. H. Shaw home since Wednesday.
They exepect to return home in mid-
Arriving in Glenwood Friday
from Smith's River, California ~or a
fortnight's visit with relatives, was
Mrs. Maleita Kamp, daug~h.ter of
Mrs. Clara Borde. Saturday Mrs.
Kamp, Mrs. Borde, Mrs. Staack, Mrs.
Jemtegaard and Mrs. B. E. Hanson
were entertained at tea by Mrs. C
M. Babcock, and Sunday the same
families enjoyed a picnic on Bird
creek. Later this week Mrs. Borde
expects as a guest, her son Ernest
and family from Port Angeles. At
the conclusion of hie visit she vAll
return to Smith River with Mrs
tar, Adamay, were in Goldendale Sat-
~.[ -------- ~ Mrs. Ruth Ferguson and Esther
LYLE--- (Special) ---Mrs. R. Cox / HAPPY HOM[E--(Speciao -- Mr. Thompson were in Goldendale Thura-
left Friday for Pasco where she/and Mrs. Aug Niva were business d~Ly.
plans to spend some time visiting callers in Goldendale Thursday. ----------------
her son and family. ] Mx. and Mrs. Alex Randall were W.H. Clark, of Stevenson, former
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Garner are lWhite S~lmon business callers Fri- resident of this county was in Gold-
spending two weeks vacation in day. endale on business last week. He la
Dos Angeles and other places in Myrna and Anna June Ahola were. the son of W. C. Clark who from
California. They then plan to visit
New Mexico bet~ore returning home.
During their absence Mr. and Mrs.
R. Cramer of Yakima, are living in
their home as he has work here.
L. H. Lawson has returned home
af, ter a visit in Minnesota ~'ith rela-
tives. Mr. L~on received a wire
elltng of the death of a brother
there just be~re le~ving for the
callers of M,r. and Mrs. Aug Nival 1880 to 1882 operated a saw mill
and family l~riday. I back of Cooley Butte. W. C. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Aug Nlva and son, I homesteaded in Hartland next to the
also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin were~old Va.nVactor ranch. Mr. and MrL
callers of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Randall W. H. Clark each started to school
and family Friday evening, under the late N. B. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kayser and
~Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davenport were ~,1 t~
business callers in Portland Sunday
M,r. and Mrs: John Erkkile. were
A. BI01hosky, of Portland, was a visitors in Goldendale one day last
b~siness visitor in Lyle Tuesday. i week.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer James re-i Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Niemela, of
~urned home Thursday nigkt after Goldendule, were Sunday visitors of
spendfng three days in "~aKima at
the Odd Fellov~s Convention.
Pat La~mpman was injured quite
badly Monday of last week by be-
ing struck by a board from the saw.
He was rushed to The Dalles hos-
pital where ~ae is getting along
,~i "ely.
Mr. and Mos. V. C. Sorensen were
-'isitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
~s ar M;ogren at Odell, Ore., Sun-
Walter Crane, of Wishram, was a
Lyle visitor Sunday. Mrs. Cran~ is
spending some time in Seattle with
her sister and little son Darrell.
Darrell was operated on for tumor
on the brain in a Seattle hospital
and is seriously ill there.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor ~vent
to Hermi~ton, Oregon, Saturday
~here they visited Mrs. Taylor's
mother, Mrs. Frank Cox. They
brought their two children who
have been visiting their grandmoth-
er for a few weeks, home wit/h them.
Mr. Taylor, who was injured qutte
badly a couple of weeks ago, will
be unable ~X)work ~or sometime.
The small son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter McNeal is quite ill, being
threatened with pneumonia. A doc-
tor ~vas called Saturday night.
A large crowd of ladies and girls
met at the home of Mrs. Briggs at
Kllckit~t Height, s Wednesde~y. A
lovely lunch was served at one
o'clock. Miss Helen Brondt, of Gold-
endale, wa~s a guest at the meeting.
Miss Betty Dean gave a very inter
esting relYort on their 4 H meeting
at Pullman then Mrs. M~N~bb and
Mm. Gregory gave fine reports on
the Woman's clu~b convention in
Yakima. There was also short re
ports by Mrs. Sorensen, Mrs. Strut-
ton and Mrs. Curl who spent one
day at the convention.
Ruddy Demerest is very ill at his
home wi,th infantile paralysis. He is
some impr~.ved and it is hoped he
will soon be well again.
The Ban~berry family of Portland
have been recent guests at the Howe
Markgraff and S. S. Surface homes.
A guest of her consins, Eva and
Roberta Par~rott, for the past week
hm~ been Betty Jane Cole of TDout
Sunday the R. I. Parr0tts, their
house guest, Betty Jane Cote and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeVoe were en-
tertained by the A. M. Yerkes family
at thei,r home in White Sal~on. Mr
and Mrs. Harrison DeVoe, who had
been visiting * parents, returned
on Sunday to their home in MeMinn-
Mrs. Hazel Jeneen and her moth-
er, Mrs. T. A. Leaton, have been
vacationing for a week at t~e hot
wrings. Mrs. Jansen's small son has
been staying with his uncle, Frank
Leat~n while they were gone. A ~ay
loader and a side delivery hake Were
purchased this week by Mr. Leaton
of H. F. Kuhnhausen farm supply
company for use in the coming har-
vest which is beginning to get under
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Van-
Wagoner at the Klickitat General
hospital last week, a seven pound
girl. Mr. Van Wagoner exepects to
hrlng ~ls family back to Glonwood
in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erkklla.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva and Mr.
end M,rs. Jack Tobin motored to
Glenwood and White Salmon Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rainard Rein, of
Horseshoe Bend were callers of Mr.
!and Mrs. John Erkkila one day last
CLIPI~S-- (:Special) ---Mrs. Dudley
Short spent last week at her home
in Cliffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson
visited the M~ryhill Museum of Fine
Ants Sunday afternoon. I*t certainly
Is grand and what a pleasure Samuel
Hill would 'have got from seeing
the many thousands of people enjoy-
ing the museum.
'Clarence Warren was a Golden-
dale visitor Friday.
Mrs. Clarence Brown and daugh-
You lose money if your roofing
isn't in the best of condition.
Better check up see if it is
standing up under the wear.
Our big line of roofing mater-
ials can save you money now!
Nothing Down
Trumbo Building
Goldendale - Washington
IF YOU....
are an American far myouth between the ages of 18
and 25.
IF YOU ....
can qualify as to honestly, sincerity, and willingness to
complete the course of studies.
IF YOU....
regularly live or regularly work on a farm.
IF YOU....
are willing to Work to better your abilities by education.
apply for membership in the National Farm Youth
if accepted, receive the special Foundation Correspend-
ence Course in Farm Engineering and Management,
prepared and conducted by La Salle Extension Univer-
sity. Its ordinary selling price is $136.00.
. . . receive practical training in the operation of farm
equipment for maximum results.
•.. gain practical experience in demonstra tion and sales
work, under the personal direction of a local business-
• . . compete for a Ford tractor and 2-bottom 14" Fer-
guson-Sherman plow for your own farm.
• . . compete, for definite, guaranteed jobs in an indus-
try that offers unlimited possibilities for the future.
® Without a penny of cost!
QUESTION "Doee 'RPM's' mileage
stand up at high temperstures?"
AN$WEI Only oils able to with-
stand extreme engine temperatures
can give good mileage! That's
"RPM's" strongest point--the abil-
ity to take all the sizzling heat that
high-speed engines whip up.