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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 8, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 8, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 2004 PAGE 5 AT'S APPENING THURSDAY, JULY 8 Sale at the Goldendale nity Library through July lO. by Friends of Goldendale Library. Friday lo-6 and lo-4. FRIDAY, JULY 9 [ng Adventure at 1 p.m. at the Library. Games and fun on the awn. For more information con- Goldendale Library at 773-4487- Community Days, Goldendale. Friday and Discovery, Community painting during the booksale Library. SATURDAY, JULY IO Show 'n Shine Car Show oil Main Street. Registration begins at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Travis Gray at 773-3677 or Larry Lenoir at 773-7137. Baseball Fundraiser on the court house lawn. Dunk booth and parade. Northwest MX Nationals, P.R.O. racing. MX practice, MX track only at Eddieville. Saturday and Sunday. Community Bicycle Ride 9 a.m. at the Goldendale Library. Helmets are required. Everyone welcome. For more information contact Glen at 773-6o91, Tom at 773-3380 or Michael at 773-6414. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Recent heavy rains kept the grass green and tall for these area farmers who cut their hay, a higher crop rating. Photo by Greg Skinner horses, but have cost the T ISTRICT COURT BRIAN ALTMAN MAY 28 Palmer: Assault 4. Conduct. (7/29/2002): to guilty, count 2 dis- motion/plea neg., susp, $350 CAA 5 days credit time )rob., NSV. Assault 3. (10/27/2003); per plaintiff motion change of plea to Malicious Mischief 3, susp., pay $61.85 ;, 90/83 susp., served, 2 yr. active prob., Arrest. (10/28/2003); plaintiff motion pursuant Luna Salazar: DWLS 3 City amended to NVOL ;250 bail forfei- John: DUI, Driving (9/01/2003); 1 plea not guilty, found Rick Hansen appointed (bondable) monitoring. Protection Order plea-not guilty, atty. Rick Hansen Bail at 2:30 p.m. Scherf: DUI (7/13/2002); PV, 30 days jail, served on EHM, report to at 9:00 a.m. at JUNE I FTA 6/1/04 (7/13/2002); 10 litment, total DV Assault 4 not guilty, Atty. Rick NOA, no pr w/conditions. Lepak: Driving While Poss. of Drug (5/31/2004); plea- not Atty. Rick Hansen Trent North: DUI Amended to Negligent Driving I, 46.61.5249, fined $1000/$250 susp, 90/90 susp, 24 mos bench prob. NSV. Manuel Antonio Rosales-Penaloza: Driving While . Suspended 3. (5/28/2004); plea - not guilty, found indi- gent; Atty. Joy Duggan appointed, $2,000 bail set. Mitchell A. Stone: DV Assault 4. (5/30/2004); plea - not guilty, not indi- gent; def. to hire own attonrey, no con- tact with victim, $5,000 bail set. Trampas Gabbed Fahlenkamp: Minor Poss and/or Consumption. (9/1/2002); dismissed per city motion pursuant to complaince w/cond, of soc. Joenah Ray Hyer: Criminal Trespass 1. (2/23/2004) plea- guilty, fined $1,000/$750 susp, pay $75 CAA, $50 court costs, $250 GIF, 90/90 susp., 2 yr. bench prob., NSV. DV Assault 4. (3/211004); 2 yr. stimpulated order of continueance, $100 CAA fees, pay $100 court costs, $250 GIF, 24 too. active prob., NSV, obtain DV perpetra- tors evaluation and treatment, attend 8 hr. parenting class, motion to ext. NCO. Derek Shane Johnston: Allow Unauthorized Driver MISD (2/212003); change of plea to guilty, fined $1,000/$750 susp, pay $50 court costs, $250 GIF, 15 days suspended, 24 mo. bench prob., NSV. Donald Scott Linebeck: Poss of Drug Paraphernalia (10/25/2003);set 6/11/2004 at 1:30 for suppression hear- ing. Poss of marijuana, PV Denial entered 2/2412004. (12/13/2002); track with cr 1712 on 6/11/2004. Melvin Cad Lt~ei; Cfimioal Trespass 1~ (12/20/2003) Def FTA $2,500 war- rant. Alicia Don Mclnturff: Theft 3. (10/29/2003); fined $1,000/$750 susp., pay $100.32 restitution, $100 warrant fee, $50 court costs, $75 C,~ fees, $250 GIF, 90 days susp., 24 mo. bench prob., NSV Luis Ruvalcaba: DV Assault 4. Failure to Remain Drug Abstinent (7/29/2002); def admits PV, PV found committed, pay $100 prob. fees, def to enter back into and successfully com- plete a relapse prevention program, 15 days jail time converted to 120 commu- plea to guilty, no fine, pay $75 CAA nity service, continue/complete DV fees, $250 jail fees (work off on own), treatment program, continue active 90/60 susp., credit for in-patient treat- prob. ment (if applicable), obtain drug/alcohol Lloyd Lewis Smith: DWLS 3. evaluation and treatment, 24 too. active (31612003); in custody, plea changed to prob., NSV. guilty, fined $1,000/$500 susp., pay Jason Oliver Nunn: Protection Order $500 GIF, $50 CAA fees, $102 TPC, Violation. (5/27/2004); in custody, pr'd 90185 susp., credit 5 days served. $100 with explicit conditions of not being in warrant fee, 24 too. bench prob., NSV: city limits except to go to court hearing. Malicious Mischief 3 (3/24/2003); chg. Joenah Ray Hyer: Minor Poss of plea to guilty, fined $1000/$750 susp, and/or Consumption (4/19/2004); fined pay $50 court costs, $50 CAA, $107.85 $1,000/$750 susp., pay $50 court restitution, $250 GTF, $50 CAA fees, 90 costs, $50 CAA fees, $250 GIF, 90/90 days jail time with 90 susp, 24 too. susp., 2 yr. active prob., NSV, obtain bench prob., NSV: DWLS 3 (2/7/2003) drug/alcohol evaluation and follow rec- change of plea to guilty, fined ommended treatment if any; alcohol $1,000/$750 susp., pay $50 court information school. costs, $500 GIF, $50 CAA fees, 90189 JUNE 2 susp., credit 1 day jail, 24 mo. bench Julie Ann Scherf: DUI (7/13/2002); prob. 1st appearance on PV, found indigent, Charles Eugene Stalcup: DUI, Poss Atty. Joy Duggan appointed, PV found of Marijuana. (10/18/2002); Amended to committed, 30 days additional jail 46.61.5249, Negligent Driving 1, chg of ordered, total 65 days with no good plea to guilty on Negligent Driving, fined time for 40 days. $1000/$750 susp., pay $50 court costs, Kenneth Rick DeVries: Speeding 10 $150 CAA fees, $350 GIF, 90/90 susp., MPH Over Limit (5/2/2004); committed, 24 mo. bench prob., NSV. Count 2 dis- $91. missed per city motion/plea negotiation. Sean Michael Cairns: Speeding 10 Jay Antony Willett: Minor Poss mph Over Limit (4/2/2004); committed, and/or Consumption. (4/912004); chg of $60. IReach 1.5 milFmn Washington newspaper The Goldendale Sentinel I readers for as low a.s $995 per adl One 117 W. Main I phone call reaches up to 74 markets with Goldendale, WA 98620 incredibly low rates. Ask for free quote on "2x2 SpecialP (509) 773-3777 S ' Now offeringpump service! 173 Cahill Road Goldendale • WA (509) 773-4147 Jessica Ann Campbell: Speeding 14 mph Over Limit. (5/11/2004); commit- ted, $61. Marvin Jay Chadwick: Speeding 4 mph Over Limit. (5/5/2004); committed, $35. Clinton Saxton Cummings: Failure to Wear Safety Belt (5/13/2004); commit- ted. Charidie Marie Frost: Falure To Wear Safety Belt. (5/19/2004); commit- ted, $50. Roena Mae Kennedy: Speeding 10 mph Over Limit. (5/13/2004); commit- ted, $45. Deven K McBride: Speeding 16 mph Over Limit. (4/16/2004): commit- ted, $80. Lisa Lynette Oliver-Martin: FLD GOLDENDALE SENIOR CENTER LUNCH MENU THURSDAY, JULY 8 SalisbuD' Steak TUESDAY, JULY 13 Chicken Patties THURSDAY, JULY 15 Seafood Salad Meals are served at noon. Honii~-delivered meals are available to shut-ins. Call Senior Services at 773-3757, for an assessment. Signal Stops/Turns-Unsafe Lane. (5/1/2004); committed, $60. Crystal Galtegos Sanchez: Speeding 15 mph Over Limit. (4/30/2004): committed, $65. Toni Jeanne Troh: Speeding 15 mph Over Limit. (5/16/2004); committed $65. Michael Patrick Brosnan: Poss of Marijuana, Poss of Drug Paraphernalia. (5/21/2004); plea- not guilty. SEVEN DAY LOCAL FORECAST THURSDAY, JULY 8 Partly Cloudy High 76, LOW'44 FRIDAY, JULY 9 Sunny High 8o, Low 46 SATURDAY~ JULY 10 Sunny High 82, Low 48 SUNDAY, JULY 11 Sunny High 83, Low 48 MONDAY, JULY 12 Sunny High 82, Low 47 TUESDAY, JULY 13 Sunny High 83, Low 49 WEDNESDAY, JULY t4 Sunny High 84, LOw 50 Cou rlesv of The Weahher Channel at Jur,~, HI 20O4 Tu~29 You may qualify for berets through Wad'ingt~ .b'~te labor & IndusW. P Iga,.~ ce[ll fore[ free consult~ion 541.385-1666 KLCK A.M. 1400 • 773-3300 MORNING TALK SHOW SCHEDULE 8:35 a.m. to 9 a.m., Mondays through Wednesdays / Jui 9- o \ I July 12: Julia Vance, Domestic Violence I Ix July 13: Julie Vance, Domestic Violence /J ~ly 14: Maryhill Museu~ Talk show suggestions? Comments ? kick@gorge, net The family of KARL MOORE SR., would like to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all who expressed their love and sympathy with cards, phone calls, food, plants, flowers, and memorials at his recent passing. Your care and concern these last few months have helped us all through a difficult time. .-.The Moore Family- We pIIntlni hOldlilfllil Best look palllll by De It Bolt, / have I Um imiml INTERIOR PAINTS Flat Wall $14 Satin Enamel $17 Semi-gloss Enamel $18 EXTERIOR PAINTS Flat Latex House $16" Satin House & Trim $17 Semi-gloss House & Trim $18 Prices geed through July 31 while SuPPlies lest Allyn's Building Center Come In and talk to us. 773-4796 • 517 N. Mill St., Goldendale Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5 & Sun. 9-3 www. allyns, d oitb e s t. corn