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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 11, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!i: i i~, U !i Page [--- soczAt, cr vITms --- ! E lEllen Hoct.or - ' I june Bride Of lldred VandeVanter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. marl Jackson, of Gold- L'~I • TT/'o!l. endale, bece~me the bride of Leo! neryl WilliS Jackson, of North Bend, Wash., early[ GOI~F BRE.~KFAST The Women's Golf club will serve breakfast at the clubhouse Friday morning at 8:00 o'clock. This is theHOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC second breakfast scheduledby the CHURCH club this season. Rev. Patr, ick S. Lyons, Pastor BABY BOY BORN TO Schedule of Messes MARYHILL PARENTS First, Third and Fifth Sundays MARYHIIJ_,--(Special)---,Mr. anda. m. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL G01dendale, Washington KLICKITAT ENJOYS FIREWORKS DISPLAY KLICKITAT, July 7--Greetings folks! You've probably all heard that old adage about no news being good news. As far as we can find out nothing spectacular has happened 9 this week except that one of the town pranksters put one of those this month in a marriage ceremony Back early this week from a wed- performed at the home of Mr. and ding trip to Oregon where Mr. and Mrs. Loris Baker in North Bend. Mr. Jackson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Jackson, of the Wood- land community. He is employed by the Weyerh~user lumber company of North Bend. Both the bride and bridegroom are well known in Goldendale. They l were members of the Goldendale high school senior class of 1930. Mr• and Mrs. Jackson are now at home to friends in North Bend. GETS APPOINTMENT Virginia Norris, president of the Goldendale Business and Profession- al Women's club, this week received notice t~aat she has been appointed chairman of state publications by the B.P.W. organization. In this position she will have charge of pro- motional work for the club's state and national publications. PICNqC ON ]FOURTH The annual Finnish picnic was held on Bowman creek last Thurs- day, July 4. Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and fam- ily, Mr• and Mrs. Peter Anderson,, and Leona and Virgil, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson and family, 2¢Ir. and Mrs. Wal,ter Ahola, Mr. and Mrs. ,Herman .Hotkka and family and John Lahti. KEEP YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL... It's Your Duty! • • . And our duty to make you beautiful! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT St. ~ary's Church, Wishr~m, First, Mrs. Wintfred Geer are the parents Third end Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m. of a baby son born June 25. Mrs. Sheryl Willis, whose marriage] Mary:hill people who attended the was an event of Wednesday morn-] weddin~ of Hugo Wedgwood and GRACE T,UT]~ERAN CHURCH ing, June 26, in ~he Holy TrinitY[Helen Plassas were Mr. and Mrs. Klickitat, Washington Catholic church of Goldendale. The] Goes and children, Mrs. Clair Blan- Eugene R. Schraa~m, praetor bride is the former Ellen Hector, l chard and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William[Lester Robison, Mr. and Mrs. A~her Sunday school ........................... 9:30 a. m. Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. Hector of Number Six, and the bride- and Stanley Mr and Mrs Bates groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mrsl I)olph and family "We preach Christ and Him Cru- cified." J. H. Willis of Goldendale. Father Patrick S. Lyons officiated at the morning service. Given in max- riage by her father, the bride wore a long gown of White silk net trim- have moved to the Museum• Mrs. A~her took her grandson-to his home in Vancouver Friday ant returned Monday• Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robison spent Sunday on a fishing trip. Mrs. Hugo Wedgwood has been quite ill the past week. She is stay- Ing at the Pla~sas home until she is able to be about. CHURCH OF CHRIST V. T. SmitJh, minister THE MFdrHoDIST CHURCH C. J. Hall, minister SUNDAY ~ERVICES: 10:00 a. m., Church school. 11:00 a. m., Sermon reed wit~ matching ri~bbon• Her floor- length veil was caught to her head with a halo of white sweet peas and her flowers were pink Ophelia rose- buds and white sweet peas. Mr and Mrs Early and family .Miss June Hector, cousin of the • • "He Leads Me in the Paths of Righte- were up from Portland for a few bride, wa~ her only attendan,t, wear- ousness•" The Intermediates go to Mountain Air Institute next week. days at their farm ing a floor length gown of powder • Tl~MPERANCE INFORMATION: blue crepe with a juliet cap of silver, Miss Muss Geer, of Goodnoe Hills, r ink and white visited her brotherBert Geer and Some suggestions for modern, n, stu- and a co sage of p i" ,.t w re Saturday dots; sweet peas. ~eorge Willis, brother or ..... The families o£ Goes Ba~bcock, (1) What is the e'ffect of alcohol the orlaegroom, was vest man. " h r~s or, McCann, McDonald Peck on the efficiency of l~bor, on insur- Following the church., service. ',/Dol-hp ann ....... ~rs• ~ert ~eer :nan'" picmc~' ance rates, and on taxation? friends and~ relatives of the coupte lunch on ........ (3) The sociologist schould study i ~ne sen.el lawn tne ~'our- were bidden to a reception ~t the Jth The oun folks s-on~ ~h "" the relationship between alcohol and • Y g p ~ t e azter- home of the bride's parents, where ~, noon swimmin buffet luncheon was served on the[ Mr an-'" g'-- crime, poverty, degeneracy, family • u ~ars. y'rank Bowman vie- life, religion, recreation, public lawn. They are now at home to their [ted Mr. and Mrs. Loyd McDonald at health and a bank account. friends at the M~Klllip ranch "in the Junction Mondoy evening. (3) How much of PWA wages in Mrs. Charles Cries, of Vancouver Washington ~o for liquor? What per was a caller at the Asher :home be- ;ent of the traffic accidents in tween trains Tuesday. Klickitat are alcol~l induced? HoW ~rhe Aahers bought an 01dam, bile rain°re get their liquor? Number Six. ~Several showers and parties have honored the bride, who is widely known in (~ldendale. She attended school here and was gredua, ted from Goldendale high school. GRANGE WILL MEET G~ldendale Grange No. 49 will meet in regular session Saturday, July i3 at 8 p. m. Reports from the State Grange convention will be given at this time. Each lady is ask- from Kaiser-Rob[son of Goldendale. (The WaShington Temperance Mr. McDonald was a business Asociation, Inc., Seattle, Wmsh., can visitor in The Dalles Monday. help the student find the answer to A lady anti her two daughters these questions.) arrived last week from Seattle to Fourth of July bon~bs that you wire onto spark plugs in your reporter's car. The thing acted acoording to the results promised on the package. We, of course, d~splayed our usual aplomp in a situation of that type. You, no doubt, are palpitating to know where everyone went for the holiday so we ~on't leave you in suspense another minute ..... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertch and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chamberlain went camping up in the Mount Adams country. You must see the nice sun, burn Mrs. Berteh bpought home! Lud Monroe, A1 Zeulsdorf and Harold Cox went camping in the Mount Adams district as did the Chuck Coolidge and Ray Gardner Bessie, Bob, Douglas and Howard Bratton, Ralp;h Hallyburton, Alvin 0veracre and Ruth Mcgee all spent the holiday at the ~allyburton ranch, picnicking. We d,on't know whether the Neils, gchmidt or Rathert families should get the credit for t~he grand display of fireworks up on the hill the eve- ning of the Fourth, but they cer- tainly did brighten up tl~ings f,o; the "stay at homes." Mr• and Mrs. V. F. Toomey and l the Lester Jones' of W~hite Salmon, t went camping over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, of Mowich, Oregon, spent several days in flick[tat visiting with their I friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Huntington f spent several days visiting with ' Rem Huntington. Mr• and Mrs. Paul McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Monroe spent Thursday in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs• W. C. Hubbord, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and Elms Heiser also spent Independence Day in The Dalles. (We are getting tired of calling it "the F.ourth," you notice.) families. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Craft and family, Mr. and Mrs. Inor Westlund and and Mr. and Mrs~ Herman Wichman family went to Chiloquin, Oregon,all ~oasted to ll~e beach for that Mr. and Mrs. Verne Modin to Portlday we've been speaking about. land and the Carl Coolidgesto Miss Eva Millerop did a very com- Hillsboro, Oregon. mendable turn of baby minding for Some folks don't think the grass several days this week. on the other side of the fence isSo long, folks, we'll send you a greenest. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharpe, sea shell from the beach. Maybe! TODAY ! Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber make their home at the Alvau farm CHURCH OF CHRIST Gone Alvau ~ent to Vancouver Centervllle, Wash. over the l~ourt'h. Vernon Becks, pastor Mrs. V. J. Gardner, of Goldendale, ed to .bring one dozen cookies. S~ARTS BARBER SHOP Martin Cahill, formerly of Golden- dale, this week leased the CheWer Kincaid shop at Lyle. Cahill plans ¢o start operation of his barber shop Frid6y. He is the son of Mr. and visited at the Plassas h~,me Tuesday. Bible school 10:00 a. m. The 4-H club boys met last week Sermon, The New Testament at the home of Richard Goes. MissChurch (It's Divine Officials). Brondt, of Goldendale, attended andEvening service, 9:00. Sermon, Mrs. James Peck was appointed "The Intermediate State." leader for the boys. This Monday Mid-week Bible study, Thursday night they met at the Dolph home 8:00 p. m. home and next Mon~lay's meeting "And even if our G~ospel is veil- Mrs. Eel Cahill, of Goldendale. will be at Mrs. Peck's home. ed, it is veiled in them that perish; in whom the god of this world hath inng." II C~r. 4: 3,4. Be sure and listen to Arehie Word Sunday evening at 9:30 over KWJJ. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C. E. Hanes, pastor 5 Year Guarantee Against Moth Damage! J Buy NOW at LOW July Prices! Ask about our Blanket Lay-Away Club---you can take longer to pay at NO EXTRA COST! Come today ! All Wool! BLANKETS Soft, springy wool Firm, strong under" 10:00 a. m. Bible school. Clinton Groves, supt. Separate class rooms; departmental work for beginners, primary, junior, intermedi~te and young peoples classes. Consecrated teachers, who are seldom absent f~om the class sessions. Can you think of a better way to spend an hour on Sunday morning than to attend one of these class sessions? If not, come join us in Bible study. 11:00 a. m. Morning worhip and preaching service. 7:00 p. m. Three separate groups consisting ¢,f adults, young people, and a combined junior-intermediate age, which meet regularly each Sunday evening with a total aver- age attendance of about 50 present. You are invited to find a place in one or other of these groups• 8 p. m. Evangelistic service in song and sermon. 8 p. m• Thursday prayer meeting. Remember Mountain Air B. Y. P. U. assembly meets July 30 to Aug. 6. Come worship and serve with us. There is a welcome here• ICE OREAM SOCIAL The Methodist Epworth League is You don't nave to search for Savings at DEPEND- ABLE STORES. The biggest bargains are right at hand.., on every hand.., displayed for quick, easy selection. Just take your pick . . . choosing exactly what you need.., filling your entire food order for less. It's a grand way to shop--pleasant •.. practical.., profitable. Thursday, July 11 Values Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday CHEESE, pound .......... 18c Cascade. Pancake Flour, 9 8 10 lb. bg. 49c Sperrys GRAPENUTS, 2 pkgs ..... 25c POTATO CHIPS ......... 29c Nalleys, 16 ounce package Large Tilton APRICOTS, ap. box. 65c Young, Boysen, Logan BERRIES, crate .... $1.19 Local Red Skamania P. U. D. Seeks RASBERRIES, cte. $1.49 Substantial assistance would given Public Utility District No. in Skamania county by the Projects Administration through WPA project approved yesterday Carl W. Smith, state WPA istrator. Smith informed I~rr~ Card, chairman of the board of missioners, that the project had forwarded to Washington, D. C. final review. Under the prop.sea project crews would clear 26 miles of of-way, dig pole holes, place and string wires. The project for clearing .38 acres, placing poles" and installing 33 and 85 meters. The district to | served by the new transmission is at present without electrical vice. ! WPA would allocate $20,475 labor on the project ~nd the Utility district would provide $~ 316 in materials, equipment ORDERS TAKEN FOR FUTURE DELIVERY In spite of rising costs.., the same low 1939 price! Fluffy, virgin wool ! Lovely solid colors--bath deeptones and pastels l Rich binding of 4" rayon satin[ Size 72" x 84"! You must see these to believe them! Fruits and Vegetables Firm Ripe Tomatoes, pound ........ 5c Large 36 Jumbo Cantaloupes, each ..... 7V2c weave for durabfl, giving an ice cream social Saturday, Large Arizona tty! 5" rayon satin July 13, at 7:3~0. eDlicious home- 3 for 1 0c oo.o...~"~ ca. made ice cream, cake and coffee will]! .. ave,ru,, .. ...... be served• The public is cordially in-I~ Large Juice Lady Illington* vlted to attend. Please order in ad- Oranges, each . . lc re.nee the pints or quarts of ice • • Pure Wool! Reversible cream, for delivery after six p. m. WARMTH AND BEAUTY UNSURPASSED AT 'THIS PIUCE! Not less than 2~ wool! Rich colors! Jacquards! Size 72" x 84". 4" rayon satin blndingl BLANKETS quard designsl Solid colors! ~-pr. BLANKETS Saturday. rim place your order please call Ida Louise Vincent or Frances Lawson. pervision. I. O. O. F. M~EETING Members of the Goldendale I. O• F. lodge will meet Saturday ning, July 13 for specie,l d work. Initiatory work will be during the evening. Palmolive SOAP, bar • Peets GRANULATED, lge. pkg... SUPER SUDS, Blue con., large ... North Star DOG FOOD, 2 lb. pkg. Kel. CORN FLAKES, giant pkg. Kelloggs SHRED WHEAT, lge ..... Std. Oil FLY SPRAY, gallon ..... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Font.n, Ernest Roe and Mrs. Ralph Fenton returned Tuesday from Yakima wher they spent the day with Ralph Fenton who is now convalescing from an operation on his leg for the removal of a .22 bullet. His condi- tion is reported to be good. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fry will leave ~aturday for Seattle Where they will take passage on a ship for a two weeks cruise ¢o Juneau and Skag- way, Alaska. ~erald Robertson left Thursday morning for .Ohio where he will take delivery on eL new school bus. Reed and Use The Sentinel Want Ads. They get results, tf BACON, lb ...... 16c COTTAGE CHEESE pt. 10c Sanitary Waxed Cartons Heifer Beef ROAST, lb.. 19c Choice Blade Cuts Gerber's BABY FOOD, 2 cans .... Gerber's DRY CEREAL ........ PABLUM, large pkg ............ 39d West Best COFFEE, pound ...... Big Value COFFEE, 2 lbs ........ Fairway COFFEE, 2 lbs ......... Dependable SPINACH, can ...... DILL PICKLES, quart jar ...... Sup. SALAD DRESSING, qt ..... Sup. SANDWICH SPREAD, qt.. Snowflake SUGAR, 100 lb. Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs... 17c Kerr Jar Lids, 2 doz ..... 17c Mason Jar Caps, doz .... 19c Reliance Pectin, 3 for.... 29c BLANKETS Doles Crushed PINEAPPLE, No. 10 can Doles Crushed PINEAPPLE, 2 ½ can .. 195 Reliance FRUIT COCKTAIL, 2 for ... FLAVOR AID, 3 pkgs ............... Dep. FLOUR, 24 ½ lb. sack .......... Sun Gold FLOUR, 24 Vz lb. sack ....... 63@ White King GRANULATED, gt. pkg...4$ Van Camps TOMATO SOUP .......... PEANUT BUTTER, Seaport, 2 lb. jar.. Silk TOILET TISSUE, 3 rolls. Bright.Hued Indian 4.98 Designs and Color. ful Plaids ! [ ea. A coast-to-coast favor• ire ! ~rith flower. basket design in cent. or! *Exclusive with Penney's Hard-to-Equal Values! Soft n~p! Strong A weave! Rayon taffet~ l binding! ~ wool! HAM, Ib ...... LARD, pound ......... 7 /f Assorted Lunch Meats PRICED RIGHT