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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 15, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 15, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 15, 2004 PAGE 7 AT'S APPENING THURSDAY, JULY 15 at the Goldendale Church of the Sunday morning from 9:3o a.m. to 22. Many activities and lots of on Aug. 29. Contact the for more information• Picnic on the courthouse lawn. puppet show, men's quar- and other music• Bring your own dinner or make new ones• For more tContact the Community Grace Brethren or Steve Wall, at 773-o333. FRIDAY, JULY 16 ~Fund Benefit for Klickitat School school A.S.B. is raising Donations contact the school at (509) International Dance at the Featuring For more library at 773-4487. SATURDAY, JULY 17 Trout Lake Festival of the Arts, lo a.m. - 7 t).m., Sunday lO a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at The Farm B&B, 49o Sunnyside Road, Trout Lake. For more informa- tion contact the Arts Council at (509) 395-2294. Widowed Persons' Service monthly potluck meeting, 1 p.m. at the Columbus Ave. Baptist Church. MONDAY, JULY 19 Vacation Bible School, '~I'all Timbers Take Me to Christ," from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., through July 22 at Goldendale Bible Baptist Church, 34o E. Collins Street. Call 773-5739 or 773-4929, for more informa- tion. TUESDAY, JULY 20 Song Circle Coffee House at the Goldendale Community Library from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Teen karaoke until 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. For more information contact the library at 773-4487. SATURDAY~ JULY 24 TacMing Sensitive Subjects workshop by Klickitat County A to Z from 9 a.m. to noon,.at the Goldendale Community Library'. for more informa- tion, call 773-4487. ESCAPING THE HEAT WAVE Lowry The Little Klickitat River Park Aquatic Center's pool in Goldendale has been booming since it opened in early June - particularly on Saturdays, when there are lots of kids, according to Tiffany Ferch, who answered the phone on Tuesday. A lot of family passes were sold early on; for those who waited, the price is now reduced since the summer is one-third over. There is also no 9:30 a•m. to noon open swim, due to swimming lessons running through August, but the pool is still open 6:30 a.m•-9 p•m•, Monday-Friday, and noon to 9 p.m. on weekends. DISTRICT COURT BRIAN ALTMAN contact with victim. JUNE 2 JUNE 10 Cyr: Pass of Miguel Vargas Leon: No Contact ~. of Drug Paraphernalia Order Violation (5/31/1999); Dismissed Not guilty, per states motion. Poss. of Marijuana Holt: Driving While (5/31/1999); bail forfeiture, $250, $100 Plea - guilty, wk. ),, 24 mos. bench pro- Jacob Wesley Shenefield: No susp., $102 TPC. Contact Order Violation (6/7/2004); Minor Pass and/or motion by victim to extinguish NCO, 5/2004); plea - guilty, denied, def. pr'd. mos. bench probe- JUNE 14 Susp, $200 DUI cost. Melvin Cart Lucei: Criminal Trespass Driving While 1 (12/10/2003); Def., picked up on war- (511312004); plea - not rant for prob., violation, admits to alle- gations, 15 days credit, remain active Moskovita: Driving probation, $100 cc. 3. (5/24/2004); plea - Daniel Kristopher Phillips: Protection p.,TDC Order Violation (10/21/2003); def. probation, before the court on failure to pay war- Robbings: Poss. of rant, def. allowed comm. service, must (5/20/2004); WDC work straight thru., $100 w/c added. JUNE 15 Minor Pass and/or Jimmy Bruce Frank Jr.: DV Assault plea- not 4, Interfere w/reporting Domestic Violence (6/14/2004) plea - not guilty, Thomas: Poss. of bail set $30,000. of Drug Paraphernalia Victoria L. Allais: Criminal Trespass guilty, 90 days/85 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff susp., J/C $250, motion, complied with conditions of 18 mos. bench probe- mo. deferred prosecution. Walter Viet Allais: Criminal Trespass James Winslow:Assault 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff 2 (5/23/2004); motion, complied with conditions of 18 mo., deferred prosetution. Huerta: No Valid Oper Dick D. 8onillo: Crimnal Drespass 2 Identification (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff motion, complied with conditions of 18 Negligent mo. deferred prosecution. committed $200. Jacqualine Ann 8onillo: Criminal JUNE 3 Trespass 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per Hyer: DV Assault 4 plaintiff motion, complied with condi- tions of 18 too. deferred prosecution. birthday party. Jerome Kenneth Brownstein: JUNe 7 Criminal Trespass 2 (9/7/2002); e: No ContactDismissed pe? plaintiff motion, complied plea - not with conditions of 18 too. deferred pros- pr'd w/conditions, etution. Law: DWLS 2 Karen Jane Dully: Criminal Trespass not guilty, found indi- 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff motion, complied with conditions of 18 JUNE 9 mo. deferred prosecution. Oil Chinn: Criminal Annie Laurel Florow: Criminal -not guilty, Trespass 2 (9/712002); Dismissed per conditions, no plaintiff motion, complied with condi- newspaper The Goldendale Sentinel as $995 per ad! One 117 W. Main to 74 marke~ with Goldendale, WA 98620 for free quote (509) 773-3777 gsentinel@gorge,net JlJried art live m u s i c ::~;'t:.~;7'.T,;';,;:t,7.&~k".";,;..,... SatUrday, july 17th 10am-7pm SUnday, july 18th 10am-4:30pm at THE FARM a B&B ?Side road, trout lake washington tions of 18 mo. deferred prosecution. Suspended 3 (3/27/2004); dismissed Lauren Amanda Grube: Criminal with prejudice per state motion pur- Trespass 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per suant to WA Supreme Court ruling. plaintiff motion, complied with condi- Martin Ray Carlson: Protection tions of 18 too., deferred prosecution. Order Violation (7/12/2003); Protection Julie Ellen MacCannell: Criminal Order Violation (7/12/2003); dismissed Trespass 2 (9/7/2002) Dismissed per per plaintiff motion pursuant to plea plaintiff motion, complied with condi- negotiation, no contact order extin- tions of 18 too., deferred prosecution, guished. Protection Order Violation John Mark Patten: Criminal (10/22/2003); fined $1,000/$500 susp, Trespass 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per no contact order remains in effect, no plaintiff motion, complied with condi- firearms allowed, 365 days/365 susp, tions of 18 too., deferred prosecution, active prob. until completement of treat- Valerie Ann Rullman: Criminal ment. Assault4 (7/10/2003); change of Trespass 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plea to guilty, fined $5,000/$4500 susp., plaintiff motion, complied with condi- no contact order remains in effect, dv tions of 18 too., deferred prosecution, treatment program, 364 days/359 susp, Edward Mitchetll Schulmerich: ct. 5 1 yr. active probation or until cam- Criminal Trespass 2 (917/2002); pletes program, no firearms, def. to Dismissed per plaintiff motion, complied obtain evaluation and follow treatment. with conditions of 18 mo., deferred Harassment, Violation of Civil Anti- prosecution. Harassment Order (7/10/2003); dis- Richard M. Scott: Criminal Trespass missed per plaintiff motion pursuant to 2 (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff plea negotiation, no contact order extin- motion, complied with conditions of 18 guished. too., deferred prosecution. Mark Stephen Davids: DV Assault 4 Carol Jean Smith: Criminal Trespass (1/26/2002); def. incarcerated in prison 2 (9/7/20020) Dismissed per plaintiff until 5/18/04 and not able to respond, motion, complied with conditions of 18 quash warrant per defense motion. mo., deferred prosecution. Brian Keith Floyd: Driving While Jean S. Yates: Criminal Trespass 2 Suspended 3 (1/11/2004); dismissed (9/7/2002); Dismissed per plaintiff with prejudice per state motion pur- motion, complied with conditions of 18 suant to WA Supreme Court ruling. too., deferred prosecution. Lesia Pauline Hamilton: Assault 4 Jose Concepcion 8autista: No Valid (7/21/1993); def. failed to appear, Oper. License with Valid 1D (3/19/2004) $5,000 warrant. $250 bail forfeiture. Donald Mark Lepak: Driving While Andrew Richard Bowman: DV Suspend~;~ 3 (5/31/2004) in custody, Assault 4, Obstruct Law Enforcement dismissed with prejudice per state Officer (4/3/2004); In custody, def. motion pursuant to WA Supreme Court enters admission to 2 pv's, found cam- ruling. Pass of Drug Paraphernalia mitted, 12 days ea pv count (2) concur- (5/31/2004) In custody, dismissed with rent w/WDC sentence, work crew prejudice. Driving While Suspended 3 allowed on financial balance of $765. (5/21/2004); in custody, dismissed with David Michael Burke: Driving While prejudice. Joe Edwin Mason: Criminal Trespass 1, Struck Bench Trial on 5/28/04 (2/05/2003); change of plea to guilty, $1,000/$750 susp., $130 CAA fees, 90 days/90 susp., 24 too. bench prob., NSV. Mark Larry Morantes: Driving While Suspended 3 (12/31/2003); dismissed with prejudice per state motion, refund bail posted pursuant to WA Supreme Court ruling. iI J '\ W/) GOLDENDALE SENIOR CENTER LUNCH MENU THURSDAY, JULY 15 Seafood Salad Joaquin Guadalupe Sabedra: Assault 4 (10/11/2003); def. failed to appear, $2,500 warrant. TUESDAY~ JULY ~0 Tatar Tot Cassarole THURSDAY, JULY ~2 Baked Chicken Meals are served at noon. Home-delivered meals are available to shut-ins. Call Senior Services at 773-3757, for an assessment. , SEVEN DAY LOCAL FORECAST THURSDAY~ JULY 15 Sunny High 90, Low 53 FRIDAY, JULY 16 Sunny High 89, Low 54 SATURDAY, JULY 17 Sunny High 8o, Low 51 SUNDAY, JULY 18 Partly Cloudy High 80, Low 46 MONDAY, JULY 19 Sunny High 80, LOw 49 TUESDAY, JULY 20 Sunny High 81, Low 47 WEDNESDAY, JULY all Sunny High 84, Low 48 Courtesy of The Wgather Channel at 773-3265 or 773-4695 Local, fresh Medications and High and Low Blood Sugar ~ corn onthe cob Qualified Diabetes Educators will discuss and dialogue with you. Bring your meters, logs, and questions ~ ~~. ,/~]oo t ~ August 2nd, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.~ Blueberries, Klickitat Valley Health Service Conference Room A ~!~Y Blackberries, Plums, 310 Roosevelt, Goldendale Peaches, Apricots, Open To The Public ~) Walla Walla Sweets and Family and friends are welcome We willbillyourinsuranCeQuestions? m°; liA;: &lhcal Je;mS' • Call Pare Johnson 773-4017 ~ Maryhill Bridge on Hwy 9 7 - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ~ _~ 65 Maryhill Hwy - 7 a.m. - 7p.m. ertles @ hpttcotr @ delivery Renee Lewis, DDP Soda/Sciences Graduate, Cure I.aUde Financial Services Director, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia, Washington for online q career,- Offered through WSU College of Education and Distance Degree Programs, _. Teacher Professional Certificate Program -- online k on-site courses Elmer ordeal ,~ ~e~ HAS THIS HAPPENEDT0 YOU? If you have trouble hearing the loved ones , in your life, we can help! 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