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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 18, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 18, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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f Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington . Thursday, July 18, Californians I Virginia Montgomery Bride !Blockhouse Bus Sentenced To t Of James Snow In Ceremony Resumes Trips MontD0mery-"~daugh--'--~- Byron Brown, Clifford Dugger, Jack This Thursday Walla Walla r'Tl: n MR W. A. Mont- M0n omory and Mr. and Mrs W. After pleading guilty to charges of lgomery' af Goldendale, became the second degree assault, Robert Proth-lbrlde of James W. SnoW, ~on of Mr. ere, 27, and Joe Slayton, 28, Califor-/ and Mrs. W. C. gnow, of Spokane, nit fruit pickers were sentenced to/Wash.' Thursday, July 17, at 3:00 10 years in the state penitentiary att p. m. in the parish house of the Walla WalleL by Judge Howard J.l.I-~ly Trinity Catholic ,church. The Atwell in superior court last Thurs-I Rev. Father Patrick Lyons officiated day. ]at the ceremony. The two men were arrested in For her wedding Miss Montgo- June by county officers. Prothero and mary wore an afternoon lave frock Slayton were accused of assaulting of aqua marine and white turban. two Western1 Klickitat county youths Jack Ramsby and "Toot" Crews. Clyde Redrawn, 26, arrested with Prothero and Slayton, was not charg, ed. Both Prothero and Slayton re- quested that tbey be sentenced to Walta Walla rather than to the state reformatory ~at Monroe• Edgar H. Canfield, county p~-osecuting attor- ney, signed the informations charg- ing the two men with second degree assault. Read and Use the Want Ads. t! Hatchery Dedicated c,T wrr ~. "-----..~f"~- I Laine Walker, 14-year-old son of • "rom J~•lrst ~'age Mr• and Mrs• Henry Walker of amount the state has invested in itI Spring Creek, received .treatment now," he decl~Lred. I Monday for a severe knife wound in Her corsage was of rosebuds and sweet peas. Mrs. Marie Johnson was ~matron-of-honor and wore a blue crepe dress with a small hat to match. Jack M~ntgomery, brother of the bride, served as best man. Follow- ing the ceremony a reception was held for relatives and near friends at the home of fhe bride's parents• Those present ~ere: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Harri- son Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKilllp, George and Joseph Dressel, A. Montgomery. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Snow, parents of the ;bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. William Hennessy, George Fuller and J~ohn Uld, all of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. James Snow will make their home in Spokane• They will be at home to their friends at 1420 East 16th Avenue. Held For Sarah Childers, County Because of a special meeting of Mrs. Sarah A. Childers, 90, Works Progress Administration of- neer resident of Klick'itat ce ficials in White Salmon, the Lions died July 9 at the home of club sponsored swimming program daughter, Mrs. Fred Yeackel was not held Wednesday of this Centerville. Mrs. Childers came week. The regular bus trips will be will be enlarged, this county in the early 1870's resumed today, Thursday, Harry Bennington declared that the for a number of years lived Lefever, driver said. state's decision to build the Spring Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jepson, of Centerville. Hereafter we trips will be made Creek hatchery had n~thing what- Petaluma, Calif., spent t'he past Funeral services were held to Blockhouse on Wednesday morn- ever to do with politics• A plant was week in Goldendale visiting at the Thursday from the Hamilton ing. This change was necessitated added in this section of South Central home of Mr. and Mrs. A~fred Ander- neral home in Vancouver. Mrs. G. A. Jacroux, jr., began by a conflict in Lefever's schedule Washington and the department built son. was in the P~ose City cemetery working at the Island Lunch last,at Camp Goldendale where he con- it where the water conditions were Among those from Klickitat who Portland. wee~ suets a woodworking clmss, attended the Young Democratic or- Mrs Childers moved from ~:" u ....... ~'~i~'-r of the Mt ! Because of the necessity of eltml- most suitable. A(L~ S~nll~ ;i;i:n~.=was in Gold" Inating the Wednesday morning trip COllnty Speakers I ganization me~tlng here Tuesday ,,,~,• .................. , - Bernard Pollard,of VVhite Sal-[Mght were A1 Henry, Gene Brlggs,lived there and in Vancouver ~ endale Tuesday night for the Y°ung/thealternatePrimarYon andwednesdaygrade groUPSafternoonsWilll representative of ~be Mt. AdamsFish l ~- daughters,Mrs. Eva 01dham, Democratic club organization meet-I men, spoke at the dedice.tion as aI rle Studley and George Masks. that time. She is survived by t I durlng the balance af the year, Le- eng. • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fenton and ] fever said• Next Wednesday after- and Game club. A1 Henry, of Klick- itat, represented the Klickitat Rivert son, state senator from Pasco; A• C. Vancouver, Mrs. Hattie Hornibr, . "t~]].o~ nf WLqhrnm are sn noon the bus ~vill take grade school Fish and Game club. ttugb Cam-] dale Chamber of Commerce; Bob of Centerville; one son, Re, bert £ so ......... , ~_ .. ........... ._end- Keefh~ver, president of the Golden-of Aberdeen, and Mrs. Fred Yea~ ing the week in GoTdendale visiting lchildren on i~ 1:00 p. m. trip. The eron, of Centervilie, aud president' York, hatchery superintendent; PhilI ders, of Vancouver; 14 grand( following weunesday afternoon pr~ dren and 23 great giandch~ld at the home of his father, FrankI " "', of the Klickitat County Hunters a~d Hancock, game department offlcial;I " " ~mary children ~¢111 be taken Feuton. Ralph is convalescing from I " I Anglers club spoke as the represen- Marion Sexton, of Vancouver; Dr. H. She was bern in Pennsylvania • "" n for .........1 The Goldendale Lions club is still ~ tative of that organizatio~L H. Hartley, of Goldendale; and El- 1850 and came to Washington a recen~ operable t'ne remuv~t i of a 22 bullet from his leg accepting contributions to its swim- j • " I ming program fund to be used in udge J. E. Stone, of Kelso, spoke win K. Bu~tler, congressional candi-Iher girlhood. during the dedication ceremonies, date from Staxbuck, Wash. trips.financing the pool tickets and bus Judge Stone recalled that 45 years IMartin Lumijarvi, secretary of the Ca Se McDOWELL This week the following contribu- ago he attended the dedication of the Hunters and Anglers club, introduc- Republican Candidate for ~ell, if you ere an average family of four, spending a~;out $40.00, month for food, you would save at least S50.00 ennually by buying ell your foods at Safewey. Sa~ewey prices ere extremely lOW consistently. You save every day~ and tk~ money you save at Sa~ewey can be spent for other things you neec[. SPECIAL VALUES FRI. thin MON. IUL¥ 19-22 HARVEST BLO OM 49-1b. 24 -1b. sack ack CASTLE CI~IgST F~CY RED No. 1 can Get Acquainted Offer! SU-PURB SOAP (~et an 8-as. Trier pk¢. with purch. ase of a regular ~o~ pkq. 32.oss. only 17¢ . Money NOB HILL Bxtra ib'ch 2-lb. ]:~q 311' back i[ not pleased Airway Coffee, lb. bag 12c, 3 lb. 35c Edwards Coffee, lb. cn 21e.; 2 Ib 39c Canterbury Tea, 0. P., Vz Ib pkg 2Sc Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb can 39g CfiICO Shorten/hi 3 lb. can 48c Spry Shorteninl[ lb. cao. 48¢ Deviled Meat, Lil ys V4's | tins It)c Cheese, Mild Cream, lb. 19c Julia Lee Wrlght's Bread.. I t's Fresh ! ¢ 23c Sandwich Spread Pt. Jar 2le Ovaltine, Pl. or Cho . 14-oz. S9c Hormel's Spare, | 2-oz. tin 25c Cut Beans, Garden Side 2's 3/23c Jar Rubbers, New Stock 3 pkg 10c Wax Paper, 125-ft 12¢ Peas, Sugar Bell, 2's 3 cans 33c Pears, Harper House, : Vz's 19¢ Tom. Juice, Sunny Dawn 46oz 17¢ Spinach, Emerald Bay, 2 :) V 's 23¢ Cookies, loose /iles, I J;¢ Sierra Pine T. Soap 3 cakes 19¢ Ivory Soap, Med. Size Cake 5¢ Large Ivory Soap | cakes Comfort Tissue, Pkg. 4 rolls 23c Zee Tissue Pkg. 4 rolls GUARANTEED PI ODUC Garden Fmb! "Sunkist" Valencies 50 for ........... 49c in FREE SHOPPING BAG LEMONS, dozen ......... 23c Fancy "Sunkis " Onions, 3 pounds ...... 10c Walls Walla Sweet Yellow Lettuce, each .......... 5c Large, Solid Heads Cantaloupes, 3 for ..... 25c By the Piece Jumbo Del no Cucumbers, 3 for ...... 10c 4's and 5's We Feature 1940 IPRINB L.~Mm LUNCH MEAT, pound ... 23c HAMS, lb. ............ 23c Morrells Pride. 10 to 14 lb. average 17 DIFFERENT VARIETIES Pork Liver, 2 lbs. ..... 15c Picnics, pound ........ 17c Swifts Boned and Tied BRANDED STEER BEEF SALE Pork Roast, lb. ........ 13c Picnic Style Pork Steak, lb. ........ 17c Pure Lard, 41bs ....... 29c Dry-picked Hens, lb.... 15c Sliced Halibut, lb. ..... 18c Veal Steak, lb. ........ 15c Ground Beef, 2 lbs .... 29c Short Ribs, lb ......... 7c Sirloin Steak, lb. ..... 25c Morrells, by the piece A new low price tions were received: O. K. Tire Weld Shop ............ $5.00 Sue~ Morehead .......................... 2.00 Archie Averill ........................... 2.00 James Gray ................................ 1.00 Grand Jury flrs~t state fish hatchery ever con-ed A. M. Matsen, the master of cere- COUNTY COMMISSIONER structed in Washington. This plant monies. Music was played by the was erected on the Kalam,a river in Goldendale band under the direction Cowlitz county he said. I of Marion Hudson• The public ad- Band Plays dress system for the dedication was Other speakers on the program in- furnished by the Ooldend~Lle Meat eluded: Earl S. Coe, state represen- company. Third District Primary Election, SePtember 10t Too Late to (2] I~OR SALE--White Rock pullet months old, fine l~Lying st~ain. ton Russell, Phone 3085. (From First Page) officer," Judge Atwell said, "and I. believe it will create a healthy situa- tion to have a thorough investiga- tion of Klickitat county's local gov- ernment." Praises Work In commenting on the work of grand juries, Judge Atwell p~aised the results obtained by a recent grand Jury investigation in Cowlltz county. "I believe the Cowlitz coun- ty grand jury was well worth its cost to every taxpayer of the coun- ty," he said. According to records in the county clerk's office the last grand jury in Klickitat was called in January, 1893 by Judge Sol :Simpson. Foreman of this jury was Willi~Lm VanVactor,! pioneer Klickitat county sheriff. G. W. Smith served as secretary of the jury. Union Local Will Install Newly elected ofl~icers of Gold- endale local 9-58 of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers union will be in- stalled at the organization's meet- ing Friday evening, July 19. New officens to be installed include: G. A. Jacroux, treasurer; Art Niemela, warden, Roy McDonald, Floyd Geary and Roy Walters, trustees. Culver Weiss, re,tlring business agent for the union, will give a re- port on the district council meeting held in Portland last Saturday and gunday. Weiss attended both days of the session. Mrs. Claire Rich, of San Francis- co, is visiting at the h,ome of Mr. and Mrs. Martin LumiJarvi this week. Mrs. l~ich is an aunt of Mrs. several weeks in Centerville. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bond, of Wish- ram, were in Goldendale on business Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Scott, of S~eridan, Oregon, is spending a few ~¢eeks at the home of her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vinton in Pine Forest. James McCabe, president of the Yakima Young Democratic club, ~vas in Goldendale Tuesday evening for the party meeting here. Bob Ctmmiyottt, of Lyle, was in Goldendale for the Young Demo- crati~ meeting Tuesday night. Miss Janet Lum ljarvi, of Seattle, is spending the week in Centerville visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lumijarvi. Miss Lumi- jarvi is employed in the game de- partment office in Seattle. Elmer Nelson and Stanton Gan- ders, of Bickleton, were in Golden- dale on ~business Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Robinson, of Vashon Island, spent the past week in Goldendale visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bates. Mrs. Robinson is a sister of Mrs. Bates. Mr. Grace Mannix, of Vancouver, was also a guest at the Bates home. Friday Mr. and Mrs. l%obinson, Mrs. Mannlx and Mrs. Bates drove to Bend, Ore., where they visited rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson re- mained in Bend for a few days while Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Mannix returned to Goldendale. Mrs. Man- nix left for her home in Vancouver Tuesday. John Jones, proprietor of John- nie's Place of Bingen, was a Gold- endale business visitor Wednesday. VALUES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY White King SOAP POWDER Triangle Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs. 25c and 1 71/2 inch plate only __ MACARONI, 5 pounds _25c Star TOMATO JUICE, 15-oz .... 5c 1 lb. Sunshine Graham Crackers and ! large play ball. S & W COFFEE, lb. 25c; 2 Ibs. 49c Ida Dell CORN, 3 for ........ 25c Lindy PEAS, 3 for 25c Sunshine Clove Leaves, lOc pkg._5c Sun. Hydrox Cookies, lOc pkg.__5c Seaport Oval SARDINES, 3 for_25c Staley CORN STARCH, 3 for __23c Staley GLOSS STARCH, 3 for__25c Chase & Sanborn COFFEE, lb.__25c Monopoes SYRUP, 2 lb. jug ___27c Fancy Napkins to match your pottery • MEAT Side Bacon, lb.. ..... 12c Cottage Cheese, pt... 10c Frankfurters, 2 lbs .... 25c Beef Roast, lb ........ 17c Fancy Choice Steer Beef Potato Salad, pint ... 15c Delicious FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1152 SERVICE GOLDENDALE THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS Im I Goldendale Meat Co. Quality, Guaranted Inspected Meats Sugar mm mm Jowl Bacon, lb ........... 7c Pork Steak, lb. ......... 15c Salt Pork, lb. ............ 7c Minced Ham, 2 lbs ...... 25c Steer Beef Short Ribs, lb. 12c Young Mutton Chops, lb.. 8c Mutton Stew Calf Brains Pure Lard, lb. ........... 7c FRESH DRESSED POULTRY... FRESH FISH and LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINEST LUNCH MEAT PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY! FRUITS and VEGETABLES LETTUCE, each ..................... CELERY, each .................... ORANGES, 200 size, 2 dozen ......... ONIONS, Sweet Yellow, lb ............ GRAPEFRUIT, Large Arizona, 3 for.. CANTALOUPES, each ............... "Home of Kliekitat VaHey's Finest Inspected Me ts"