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Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in :
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dallas Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll
300 Pasture RENTALS
Business 335 355Duplexes, 420 Ac.-reage
Rentals Remls/Og Four.Plexes/OR & Lots
,,, ,, , , ,, ,,,,
The Dalles 1 Bdrm, area for The Dailes 2 Bdrm 1 BA. w/ The Dallss 2 Bdrm, newly
plants, ground floor, well lit garage, hook-ups, W/S/G remodeled. Close to High
off street parking, safe, pd. 1 yr lease. $525 + dep. School. Lease $695. 541-
next to manager's apt. 360-521-5767 467-2440or993-5582
someone will always be The Dalles 2 Bdrm triplex. THE DALLES: 3 bdrm, 1022
home, walk to library and $400/mo $300 dep. HUD E 9th. Avail 7/31. $750/mo.
clinic. Storage unit. Cats ok. No pets. 541-298-7015. Call for info 541.478-2027.
ok. No smoking indoors.
We pay heating, hot water, UNDER NEW IKa~AGEENT Wasco 3 Bdr, 1 BA. Lg
WSG. HUD ok. $465/mo. ODEPOSITS, OFEESonyard, $900/mo. avail 8111
Terrace View Apartments, 2 & 3 bdrm townhouses 04. 541-442-5840.
Esther, 541-2962247. located in nice quiet area.
5 STALL barn w/5 acres of Business Rentals .... 330
pasture. $200/mo. 541- Apartment
354-1846. OdelL aft. 7 Rentals/Oregon'"""""335
305 ~ & RentalsANA ................ 340
Condo Rentals ...... 350
Ket)n~s Duplexes,
4-Plexes/OR "''""'"355
FUN IN THE SUN Duplexes,
Fundraiser Open House 4-PlexesNVA .... 360
July 31 & Aug. 1 (all day) House Rentals/OR"""365
House Rentals,WA "'="""370
Healing Winds Therapeutic
Riding Center held at:. Senior Housing ..... "372
Mobile Homes/OR ...... 375
Crosswinds Stables, 12414 Mobile Homes/V~A'"'--'380
N.E 212th Ave. Brush Mobile Home Spaces ""382
Prairie, WA. 360-254-5387; Rentals Wanted .... 385
360-944-9969. Rentals to Sham ...... 390 Room Rentals ...... 395
healingw~nds2001 RV Site Rentals"""""'397
Vacatton Rentals ..... 400
Bed & Breakfast ...... 405
310 Hay, Feed,Storage S ce .... 410
Misc. Rentals""""--"415
GOOD Grass hay. Horse 330~
quality. 1st cutting. Call for R~J~
details. 541-352-7614. ' ' ' ' ~' ' '
CARSON, 2500 sqft office,
TSOYBUILT 8HP chipper/ 8000 sqft manufacturing.
shredder. $500/OBO. Call $.25/sqft. Dividable. John
509-493-1384 at 509-427-5484
All real estate advertising in
this newspaper is subject
to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to ad-
vertise "any preference,
limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, relig-
ion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or
an intention, to make any
such preference, limitation
or discrimination." Familial
status includes children
under the age of 18 living
with parents or legal cus-
todians, pregnant women
and people securing cus-
tody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not
knowingly accept any ad-
vertising for real estate
which is in violation of the
law. Our readers are here-
by informed that all dwell-
ings advertised in this
newspaper are available on
an equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimina-
tion call HUD toil-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The toll-free
telephone number for the
hearing impaired is 1-800-
CASCADE LOCKS. 800 ~Off'¢e
315 Food, J~ sq. ft. of prime Commercial 5,000 sqft Stavenso~
i~ ~ space. 541-308-0988 waterfront. 5 offices, view
" ' ~" COMMERClALPROPER13' con/ rm, kitchen/lunch rm,
APRICOTS 400-402.406 E, 2nd St, fiber optics, John 509-427-
50)/lb. 2335 Mason Rd. The Dallas. 5484,
Call541-386-2003. Retail space, 2500 to The Dalles Office space.
........... 10,000 sq n.
APRICOTS. Tree ripened,
U-Pick. 8264 Hwy 30 W,
Mosier. 541.478-3502.
APRICOTS: Frank Polehn
Orchards 7-11am daily.
5164 Imai Rd., Hood River.
daily, Fruit & vegetables.
Sun-Fri, 10:00-5:00.
Closed Saturday. 2416 E.
2nd, The Dalles.
Fresh brown chicken eggs,
free range, $1.50/doz. 541-
LOCKER Beef for sale:
Naturelly finished,
NO a~,
NO hen.ore
NO feed supplemsnts that
contain animal by-products.
G-2 Cat/is Co,
50o Tr .8437
gies, & gift items. Located 8
min. from Hood River
bridge. 509-493-2358. Call
for directions & info.
Peaches, Apricots. Daily
10am-6pm, 4410 Mill
Creek Rd, TD
325 &
3000 GALLON above
ground fuel tank. $950
OBO. 541-352-6836.
IH TD 9 cat with blade.
Very good. $3995
MF 235 tractor, 42 HP
diesel. Edwards HD front
In. $8500. 54%386-.4157.
N.H. 1045 self propelled
harrow bed. Runs good.
NH479 MOWER Condi-
tioner. Ready to mow.
$1500. 360-835-8858.
SC Case, Rebuilt
Very good. $1995.
Small Crawler with blade.
Five-acre homesites. Panoramic views. Seasonal
creek. Underground utilities,/ndividua/d#//ed wells.
Land/Home financing.
From $36,300. One mile east of Goldendale
on Bick/eton Hwy. 509-773-5134
20 ACRES 10 ml. E. of Gold.
TheDelles. 541-298-1076. 370 endale. Well 25 gpm, pump,
3~~ W~,~LM~0~. 1 ~ preuurs tank, septic, pano-
+ office, 1 bath. W/D hook- Rem/s 'A rsmtc view, paved road. $55k,
............ ,,ups, large deck w/fiver .......... .... ''' Iwml~7,
view. Includes W/S/G. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bth.
1-2 BDRM, all util. pd., no $600. 541-386-2645. house, wood & electric
deposit. $490-$600/mo., heat. W/S/G IXI. 773-3638.
inc. cable. 509-773-4325. WHRE SALMON. Large
remodeled 1 bdrm, 1 bath. 3 BEDROOM, 2 be., in
2 BDRM: W/S/G paidNo Includes W/D & WISIG. Goldendele.$650/mo.
pets. Clean, great view, $550.541-386-2645.GetRealEststs.773.2212.
BINGEN Nice 2 bdrm, 1
bath. Pet nego. 1 yr lease.
$625 + utlls. 541.490-2403.
Sun Castle
2 bdrm. A/C,
on-site laundry,
W/S/G pd.
Quiet clean,
.......... , ....... CLEAN 3 bdrm, 2 be., 1-
1 BEDROOM duplex w/att, car garage, $600/mo,
,~rage, W/S pd., HUD ok. $400 dep. No pets/smok-
10/me. 773-3105 or ing. 773-5092, 773-3327.
2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth.,
dishwasher, carport. $460/
me., $300 dep. 773-2218.
duplex w/garege, W/D
hookups, W/G pd. $400/
rno. 773.4750-horns;
Murdock (Oellesport) 2 Bdrm,
1 BA. $525, $400 dep. WlS Ixl.
GOLDENDALE, 3 bdrm., 1 bth.
plus 8x30 office, bedroom or
family room, extensively re-
modeled, energy efficienL on 5 acres, bordering
Spring Creek. 123 Olson Rd.
plu= dep.
GOLDENDALE: 2 bdrm., 1
bth., full basement. $500/
me. ls~ast/dep. 773-3911.
450 sq ft. W/S/Glelec/heat/
Also small office space ac incl. $350. Now$300,
avail. 541-296-5944 Stoat level, 541-298-4093 50~.767-1762 or 541.290-17e2. HOUSES for rent in
WIshram. Call Jimmy,
FOR LEASE: Light menu- The Dallss htstodc downtown 2 BEDROOM apt., W/S/G WASHOUGAL brand new 509..773-4500.
factufing space w/loading 330.0+ sq ft. $9001mo. 541.993- pd., $400/mo, 509-773- 3 bdrm., 2 bath with AC.
dock. Prime White Salmon ~. 3816. Garage. Yard maint, incl. KIIckltat ~ Lgg 2 B-drm, 2
location. Approx. 900sf. AVAILABLE immediately, $800mo. 360-835--8672. decks, fenced yd, wrap-
$.50sf.Wired 509.493-9214f°r electric kilns, space.WHITE SALMON Commercialstorefront, office or many 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. unitSin Goldendele. Contact ~1~ $400aroundsecPOrCh'dep. $475/mo.503.481.
8843, 503. 493-
retail space. Central White Brenda, at Columbia Crest
HAV~ ~ Salmon. Approx. 1,200sf. PropertyManagement,
Get results fast by placing Mt. Hood view. $600/mo. "'" ............ "~--'---" "~ 3 ~r-rmm cl~sese
your ad in the Gorge Clas- 509-493-2857 BINGEN. Remodeled 3
to Hood River. Bright,
sifieds, your ad will appear CRESTVIEW Apts. is now bdrm 2 bath on 5 ac wood- cute, hrdwd floors, yard.
taking appUcetions for 2, 2, ed lot W/d hookup. $700. $450, Al, 503-248-6314
in every paper in the gorge & 3 bdrm. apts. Energy ef- 435-645..6078.
area, reaching over writemrbond@yahoo, corn
115,000 readers each ficient, excellent place to
week. Call us at the Gold- '' ' ' ....... ' live! Starting at $335/mo. HOOD RIVER. 1 & 2 bdrm LARGE 2 bdrm. w/den.
endale Sentinel, 773-3777 Caroulsel Apts, The Daltes. Must meet income eligibility apts. starting at $500. New floors & paint. 320 N.
or toil-free at 1-888-287- 1 Bdrm, W/S/G pd. $360, requirements. Please call 541-386-1310/386-6476. Columbus #5, W/S pd.
3777. $150 non-re/ dep. Frig, 773-5436 between noon-6 New range,/ridge & wash-
HOOD RIVER Heights stove, AC. 805 Court St. p.m. HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 ertdryer hookup. Pets neg.
Retail/of~¢e2380sqft. 541-298-1882. _p ~ bath, garage. No pets/ $525/mo. 541.490-6012.
Parking. 541-386-2864. GOOD Hood River Ioce-(,,j~, ~ smoking. 1 yr. lease. $725. NEW 3 bdrm., 2 bth., on 10
Hood River 675 sq ft. Co- tion. 2 bdrm., lst/lasU 3~gBam~509493.M,81acres near Goldendale.
lumbia Street office space cleaning dep. No smoking/ HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, $900/mo,, plus util. Min. 2
re/. req'd, $500 dep. & 1st
w/river view. $660./mo. pets. $530. 541-386.4506/ LYLE. 2 bdrm. Nice neigh- Avail Aug 1, 1st/last, $550. month. 206-634-1056,
541-296-1865. 541.386-9462after5pm. borhood. Avail 7/15. $350
HOOD RIVER.MarketHOOD RIVER. River view me + dep, 509-365-6863 S~ll, LL 2 bdrm w/garege, 320
Burdock (Dallesport area) HOOD RIVER. 4 bdrm, 2 N. Columbus #9. I450/mo.
studio. W/S/G, no pets. bath on 807 Park St. d~, w/ll~L ~0.T/3-70~
$325 + $200 dep. 541-298- $950. 831-239-2730.