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July 25, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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July 25, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--GDldend le, Washington Page Five
A nOtice of establishment of the
Creeks-Box Springs road was
this week by the board of
commissioners. This road,
connects Blckelton with the
highway, has already been
and three and one half
on the west end have been
high~-ay when completed
be. 17~ miles in length and
Provide a nearly straight
HAPPY HOME---(Special) -- Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. St. Lawrence and
daughter .of Hartland were gunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Randall and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mattson~
moved to their new home in Elgin,
Oregon last Sunday.
Tom Heyl, White Salmon, was a
caller around the community Wed-
Mrs. John Harms entertained the
ladies of the sewing club last Thurs-
Without adverse gradient be-] Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mattson and
Goldendale and Bickleton. I family called ~on Mrs. Alex Randall
Proposed highway would run lSaturday evening.
of the present Rock Creek
and would cross that streamI Let The Sentinel classified ads be
it enters the canyon, your salesman, tf
l)on't let them wear beyond the saving stage. If you have
:a tire that has a break, get it repaired before the break be-
COmes too large. Don't allow it to go until dirt works in be-
tween the cords.
from $4.95 to $6.95 on your tire
$eCtion repair on average size car tire $2.00. Outside spot
elds for less. We can do section repair work on any size
Third Large Cable
To Be Installed
The Bonneville Power Administra-
tion opened bids recently on the con-
struction of a third tr~tnsmission
cable crossing over the Columbia
River between the power house a.t
Bonneville Dam and Nor,th Bonne-
ville, Washington.
Low bidder was Fritz Ziebarth,
Vancouver, Washington, with an
offer of $64,166.40.
Other bids: White City Electric
Company, Chicago, 1.11inois, $70,-
526.70; R. E. Campbell, 711 Cent~.l
Building, Los Angeles, California
The new crossing will be simila]
to two other structures completed
last December. It will be used to
carry power to the North Bonneville
switching station, now under con-
struetion as terminus for the Bonne-
ville administration's lines to Grand
Coulee and Vancouver, Washington.
When completed, it will comprise
three spans with ~n overall length of
4,300 feet. Steel towers will range
from 321 feet to 82 feet in height
and will be equipped with airway
beacons. The tower will carry heavy
conductor cable capable of transmit-
ring electricity at 230,000 volts.
Work will begin within 10 days
after the successful bidder receives
offici,a.1 notice of award. Construction
is scheduled for completion within
six months thereafter.
Court News Given
For Week's Period
truck tire.
On All OK Rubber Weld Work
Next Door to Goldendale Bakery
1. New White Enamel Wood Range
Action for divorce is filed by
Mildred Halgedahl against her hus-
band, Edward Halgedahl. The parties
were married on Feb. 4, 1936, and
one child is the issue of the mar-
riage. The complaint alleges that the
defendant has wilfully neglected to
:provide the plaintiff with the neces-
sities of life; that the defendant has
been guilty of cruel treatmenht of the
plaintiff and of conduct toward the
plaintiff rendering her life burden-
some; that property interests have
been settled between parties.
In a petition filed by the State of
Washington against John Weingart-
ner and wife and John Weingartner
as administrator of the estate of
William Meyer, et al, the petitioner
asks the court for an order of ad-
judication of public use of, and to
condemn and appropriate cer,tain
lands of the respondents for a right
of way for the extension of State
Highway No. 8-D, north of Husum
rrr~e superintendent of the Eastern
Washington State Hospital has filed
notice that Nile Gaston, committed
to that institution for Klickitat coun-
ty, has been discharged as improved.
The State Tax Commission has
filed its warrants which show that
judgmen.ts have been entered against;
the following parties: Richard Leet,
Bingen, in the sum of $12.20; Earl
S. Cue, receiver, Bingen, in the sum
of $33.32; E..M. McBride, Appleton,
Intensive courses of not more than in the sum of $9.18, and Zelbert
three months in various service Thompson, (~oldendale, in the sum of
schools for enlisted men were started $7.10. The said Commission also file
Satisfaction of Warrants which show
the War Department on July 1. that judgments against the following!
Key soldiers will thus be trained to
take their places in newly formed parties have been fully paid ~nd
units. Men who qualify as specialists satisfied: B. H. Howard and Roy
may secure ratings that bring addi- LaPier; A. C. Hester; Lloyd G. Han-
tional compensation, son; Murray I)odson and Goldendale
Logging Company.
'The Secretary of State files a cer-
tific~te which shows that the follow-
ing parties have received their final
discharge from the State Reforma-
in Monroe, Leon W.
Kelley and Bob Burdett.
In the case of J. H. Blunt against
School District No. 35, the plaintiff
has filed notice that he appeals from
the decision of the Superior Court
to the Supreme Court of the State.
In the case of First National Bank
of Portland, Oregon, vs. Earl S. Cue
et ux, the sheriff has filed his return
on Order of ,Sale which shows that
the mortgaged premises were sold to
the plaintiff for the sum of $3,307.19.
Inform,~tion has been filed which
charged Robert Prothero with the
crime of Assault in the Second De-
gree when he did wilfully, unlaw-
fully and feloniously make an as-
sault on one Jack Ramsbey with in-
tent to commit the crime of robbery.
Upon being arraigned the defendant
pleads guilty, whereupon it is order-
ed by the court that he be Punished
by imprisonment in the S.t~te Peni-
tentiary for not more than 10 years.
I,nformation h~s been filed which
charged Joe Slaton with the crime of
Assault in the Second Degree, when
he did wilfully, unlawfully and felon-
iously make an assault on one John
Doe Crews with intent to commit the
crime of robbery. Upon being ar-
raigned the defendant pleads guilty
whereupon it is ordered by the court
that he be punished by imprisonment
in the State Peni£entiary for a term
i of not more than 10 years.
American Legion
To Cooperate In
Fire Campaign
OLYM'PIA, Wash., July 22--Ac-
tive participation of 176 American
Legion posts in the Keep Washington
Green c¢.mpaign was assured today
when Governor Clarence D. Martin
accepted the offer made by Gene
Mahoney, Seattle chairman of the
Legion's emergency relief commis-
sion. In every post, according to the
plan worked out by the Governor and
Mahoney, a forest marshal h~.s been
appointed. The marshals will work
with the Legion's local emergency
committees to prevent forest fires
i highways and other vulnerable
The Legion's short wave network,
headed by key station W7~CKJ, and
with 76 other stations, will be used
for deporting fires, assembling help
when needed, and also to keep shor,t
wave enthusiasts conscious of the
critical conditions now present in the
forests of the state.
In his proffer of cooperation to the
Governor, Mahoney said ~h~t the re-
cent test mobilization of the Legion's
commission showed the.t 16,000 Le-
gionnaires were ready for any emer-
gency, [orest fire or otherwise. The
Legion can also muster, at drop of a
hat, 4,269 automobiles; 1,608 trucks;
43 sound cars, and much other equip-
men,t, he said.
Sell it through the Want Ads. tf
not less than its present listed value
on the open me,rket.
Order is entered in the matter of
the estate of William Harry Pitzer,
deceased, which sets aside to the sur-
viving spouse all of the property of
the estate, in lieu of homestead andl
exemptions. [
The court upon considerationr of
the petitions for citizenship of ~h al-
ter Fredric Janke and Hugo Gottfred
Edevert Johnson, orders that the
peti,tioners be, e.nd hereby are admit-
ted to become citizens of the Unit-
ed States of America.
In the case of Klickitat County vs.
William Richardson and wife, it is
ordered, adjudged and decreed by
the cour:t that the contemplated use
for which Che lands of the defend-
ants ~re sough~t, is actually and
necessarily a public use of Klickitat
county, to-wit: is ~n integral part of
the county road system.
Interlocutory decree of divorce is
en~tered in the case of Eleanor Bur-
ton vs. George R. Burton. It is fur-
ther ordered that the property set-
tlement made between the parties
be, and the same is confirmed; thet
the plain.tiff have judgment against
the defendant in the sum of $910.00,
payable in installments.
In the case of E. L. Monzingo and
wife vs. T. A. Hildenbrand and L.
A. Crocker, it is ordered and e~djudg-
ed that the ~cemporary injunction en-
tered on June 5, be allowed to re-
main as it was made originally until
the final determination of the action.
It is further ordered thwt the bond
given herein be raised to $100.00.
.Order is entered which a.ppoints
Charles Glover as administrator with
will annexed of the estate of Ella M.
Glover, deceased, and fixing his bond
in the sum of $10!ff0.00.
H. B. Bennett, E. H. Canfield and
E. C. Allison are appointed to ap-
praise the property of the esbate of
E. E. Morgan, deceased.
Bingen Man To
Head Red Cross
Clarence Johnson, Bingen business
man, was named chairman of the
Klickitat County Chapter of the
American Red Cross, at a meeting
held recently in Klickitat. Johnson
served the past year as secretary of
the organization.
Other officers elected were J. C.
Phillips, vice chairman for Golden-
dale; Mrs. C. F. Breneman, vice
chairman ~or White Salmon; Leon
W. Berry, of Bingen, was named
secretary and Mrs. L. W. Jones, of
Bingen, treasurer.
A repor.t on the recent war relief
drive showed that the county chap-
ter was about $50 shout of reaching
the $600 goal, which was set by the
national cheLpter. With donations
still coming in from different sec-
,tions it is e~pected that the quota
will soon be reached. Goldendale ex-
ceeded the quota set for the town
in its war relief drive, which was in
charge of J. C. Phillips.
A notice of formation' of partner-
ship was filed at the Klickitat county
clerk's office Friday by erie Kreps
and Jack Deherty, both of White
Salmon. Their firm name will be the
Wyers Trading Compe,uy.
To Investigate
County Orchards
L. G. gmith, extension entomolo-
gist, of the state college extension
service, and L. W. Ternahan, county
agent, spent the first of the week
in the pear orchards near White Sal-
mon, in an effort to find out
whether or not the Pear Psylla, an
insect that attacks pears, is work-
ing in that cares.
According to Ternahan, the Pear
Psylla (pronounced Sills) is one of
the most injurious insects to be
found. The insect was first discover*
ed in this state during July, 1939,
and since that time has done great
damage to pear and fruit growers in
and near the Spokane area. Several
of the Spokane orchards and berry
farms have been quarantined, it
was reported.
If they find that the Psylla ~
working in the orchards in the west
end of the county, steps will be tak-
en to keep the insect from spread-
Royal and Underwood Portable
typewriters. *Small down payment,
balance in small monthly payment.
Inquire at The Sentinel. tf
A Sentinel Wan~ Ad will ~ll
tk~se unused a,rt~clu you may have,
Staple Groceries
Specials Every Wednesday And
Free Delivery in Town ... Phone 992
Goldendale Baked Bakery Goods
Baked in Klickitat county's Own
Goldendale Baking company ovens
Is baked flesh the day you buy it
Try Goldendale Bakery Pies, Cakes, Cookies and Pastry
Specials ...... youT1 find them equally good.
And they're priced so low you can'¢
afford to bake at home.
Order is entered, in the matter of Order is entered which appoints
'" . .......... ,~ ~ John R M(~l~wen as administra~tor
tile es~a[e oI D. ~. r~orm accesses, " O
........... g with will annexed of the estate of
2. h New Breakfast Set wn,cn se~s asme [o me s urv,vm John Thorn,ton Wilson deceased, and
spouse art o[ tne proper~y oz ~ne es- .s
to serve without bond C H Knosher,
tate in lieu of homestead and exemp- H B B ," ' " [ ~" •
WOULD"TABLEsELLANDFoRFOUR$13.50CHAIRSANY DAY ttons " . . ennett and F. A. Smith are W]~ & S~ ~BO~.aD, Pro~l~
. .~_" ......... i appointed to apprise the proper~y
Joseph Nesbitt, decee.sed, has filed / " 1
The executrix oI ~ne estate Otlof the estate
her final accoun~t and petition for ~
3..._One NeWsetofCOngoleumv CoziesRUg ~i*~l fore the court on July 30th. I
distribution, which will be heard be--------
.... 91x 12 SIZE, WORTH 6.45
:~ Order is entered in the matter of IWlll Ill IR
the estate of Phoebe Houghton, de- If I VRV l l
ceased, which approves the final ac- -- --
i count as filed by the administrator ll[&ll, l~& '
4, New no.-er and makes distribution of the resi- I~• • •i H L"
due of the este,te to those entitled nil Ill[ IRt_'% i
READY TO INSTALL. A REAL thereto. I • I@' I • I
$4VALUE " i C.H. Estes, Roy Heaman, and R.
J. Bates are appointed by the court
to appraise the property of the SCIENCE NOTE--A motor oil
tlly R guardianship of Ella Swartz, anin- ~ completely refined that it [l've~otormo,
competent person ........... | those watches
In the matter of the estate of • - J Shell has lubri-
II ~1 mnr~cmes ue~care watches
. . now amazes engineers by its
Relph E. Bradley, deceaseu, order ~s - -. ] cared with 25~ a
I ~ I ~ I M r°ugtmess
entered which appoints rs. Eneth I " " [ quart Golden
n a 1940 automobile en
m~ d . Miller as administratrix and fixing . - iShellMotorOil"
of 500 gme run at h~gh s eed the
her bond in the sum $ .00. " - P / Come in and~
Order is entered in the matter of equal of a round-the-world | it/---Your
the estate of John Thornton Wilson, trip, Golden Shell Motor Oil
deceased, which sets aside to the sur-performed as follows: I Shell Dealer
Engine wear scarcely
If Interested in Ranges See This Range Sale TODAY! viving spouse, all of the property of " "
the estate in lieu of homestead and measurable---no thinning of :~ "'
oil--gasoline mileage at rec-
In the matter of the estate of
James Willard, deceased, it is order-
ed by the court that the executrix
be, and she is authorized and direct-
ed to sell to certain parties, specified
shares of stock of the Pacific Power
& Light Co., owned by the said
estate, for cash and for a sum of
ord high--oil consumption
averaged I pint per 1000 miles ~ carbon,
sludge only 1/10th normal expectancy."
Try this tough and fast-flowing Golden
Shell Motor Oil in your precision-built
automobile[ See your Shell Dealer today.