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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 26, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 26, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~-JULY 26, 2017 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON After two biting editorials in The Sentinel against wanton incidents of racism committed in Golden- dale against a pastor of a church here, feedback continues to be overwhelmingly supportix/e of our stand. Calls, drop-in visits, and emails are still pouring in expressing appreciation, and it is very gratifying to see how outraged so many people are that such blatant demonstrations of racism have oc- curred here. There has been some outrage reported against The Sentinel from the recent editorial, and it bears a brief comment. The outrage was not against our stand against racism. It was against our use of the word "retarded." The reaction stems from an inexact reading of what we wrote and a kneejerk reactivity to a word without regard for the totality of how it was used. Here's the sentence in ques- tion from last week's editorial: "That means the spiritually retarded people in this town who practised that racism are vastly outnumbered." How dare we call anyone retarded, went the criticism against The Sentinel. Many of the comments weren't merely chiding; they were venomous and foul-mouthed. Some announced a campaign to end The Sentinel's existence because of their fury over our use of the word "retarded" and the cruel insensitivity it demonstrated. After all, one commenter reminded her readers, this is the same paper that compared the late Edwin Charge to Saddam Hussein. It's possible that some people actually thought we were calling our local racists retarded and thereby demeaning them, or perhaps the developmentally challenged who might not appreciate being painted with the same brush as racists. Just in case that's true, let me point out the term "retarded" was not used in isolation by itself. Very pointedly, the word was used together with the word "spiritually" The full term was "spiritually retarded." That's an entirely different thing than just calling someone retarded, as reason will readily make clear. More than one reader took that complete two-word term as an abundantly accurate description of anyone who abhors people because of the color of their skin; we know because they told us so. And I stand by that description--honestly, I don't know a more dogent term for such an attitude. Let me circle back to the comment about us com- paring Edwin Charge with Saddam Hussein. We tpok a 10t of from people whoapparently didn't read the story with comprehension, given that every supposed fact referenced with horror in our story about Charge was entirely inaccurate, as was this new statement. (Charge, you will recall, is the young man who accidently lept to his death while fleeing police after being caught shoplifting at the Walmart in Hood River.) Our story never compared him with Saddam Hussein. What did wesay, then? We'll invite anyone with that question to review the story again, very carefully. Back to Goldendale racism: it could be that our sources have been scared off, though I have no idea why that would happen. One in particular Who promised to provide much more information on condition of anonymity (which we granted) has not returned. The person was so anonymous that we didn't get contact information. Please come back. You are safe. The town is with you 99.9 percent. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLICKITAT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHED 1879' PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM OFFICES AT 117 W. MAIN STREET' GOLDENDALE, WA 98620' TELEPHONE: (509) 773-3777' FAX: (509) 314-4201 EDITORIAL: Lou MARZELES, EDITOR & PUBLISHER JARYD CLINE, SPORTS EDITOR BRANDON CLINE, REPORTER MAX ERIKSON, REPORTER EMAIL: NEWS@GOLDENDALESENTINELCOM (NEWS, EDITORIAL, OBITUARIES, LETTERS) CALENDAR @GOLDENDALESENTINEL,COM (EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES) ADS @GOLDEN DALESENTINEL.COM (DISPLAY ADVERTISING INFORMATION AND INQUIRIES) CLASSIFIEDS @GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM (CLASSIFIED ADS INQUIRIES) LEGALS @GOLDENDALESENTINELCOM (LEGAL AND PUBLIC NOTICES) BUSINESS AND OFFICE STAFF: LESLIE GEA¢CHES, CO-PUBLISHER, AD DESIGN KARIE ELLIS, CIRCULATION MANAGER AMY REEVES, AD SALES ANNE ANDERSON, BOOKKEEPING JOEL JENNINGSS, BOOKKEEPING .corn :¢ :: ~ IIUW/~I/hI2~/llIY IN/-~lt¢lW ¢ RUNS FASTER! TT IT Put out 'Burn Out' Last night my husband and I watched a film called "Chasing Coral." This film documents in visual terms the die-offs world- wide of coral reef ecosystems (it is currently streaming on Netflix). Coral reefs are essential to the ally getting our freedom as true Court. But the Republican-elected Americans and working together judge, after research, ruled neg- to make this a better country. We ligible fraud, though more by need the National Guard working Republicans than Democrats, with the police to clear our coun- and boosted Gregoire's winning try of these horrible miscreants, margin to 133 votes. Chastened by Best regards and keep up the his party's own judge, Rossi aban- good work. doned his expected Washington State Supreme Court appeal. life cycle of species in the oceans. Herb and Sherry Renner Oceans without life will have dev- Master Chief, USN, Retired, Norm Luther astating, irreversible impacts on and proud Navy wife Spokane all life on land. It is a fact that climate change Gotdendale is happening and one of its many State tax system a disaster manifestations is the rapid increase in the water tempera- .lobs finally coming ture of oceans worldwide. It is The Washington State tax sys- confirmed that the increased It is encouraging to see a new tem is the worst in the country. water temperature is causing the business (and jobs) coming to Gol- It is the most regressive, which massive die-off(bleaching) ofcor- dendale--Auscrete Corporation. means the lower income families als. Whether or not you agree that Hopefully the city will ensure pay a bigger percentage of their human activity is causing climate that the new facility's lighting is income in taxes than the wealth- change, the accumulation of car- dark-skyfriendly, helpingto main- ier. Low- and middle-income boa from human activity in the tain dark skies for the Goldendale households pay up to seven times atmosphere is making it worse, Observatory. In recent years we've more in state and local taxes as a much worse, seen the County upgrade the light- share of their incomes than those Shouldn't we as a community be ing around the Courthouse, and at the top. in solidarity with efforts by others have seen our PUD plan for LED The top richest 1 percent of worldwide to reduce or eliminate lights that are considerate of dark Washingtonians (greater than our activities that contribute to skies. With the exciting upgrades $500,000) pay 2.4 percent of their the ever increasing carbon lev, coming to the Observatory, let's income in state and local taxes els in the atmosphere? Aug. 18, make sure we continue this trend, while the lowest 20 percent (less 19, and 20 is the weekend for the than $21,000) pay 17 percent of annual Goldendale Festival of Jim White their income in taxes. The Washington State legisla- Wheels, when the town will host ?'rout Lake ture just passed the 2017-19 state an event that is sure to produce a operating budget. They came up mega load of carbon from an activ- with about $1.6 billion this cycle ity that serves no useful purpose. Is Trumpsuppressing voters7 to pay for schools as required by I'm referring to the "Burn Out" the Washington Supreme Court to event. The following Monday, Is suppression of Democratic ensure fair pay for teachers across Aug. 21, is the total solar eclipse, voters the goal of President the state. and the town and the region will Trump's Presidential Advisory Too bad they did it by making. be flooded with visitors from all Commission on Election Integ- the tax system worse. Beginning over the world to witness that rity? Prior voter fraud claims by in 2018 the State's share on our event. Many of them will be in the commission's activist vice- property tax bill will increase to town for the weekend before that chair and early Trump supporter, pay for schools and local school Monday. Wouldn't Goldendale like Kansas Secretary of State Kris levies will decrease. Households to be seen as a town that is proac- Kobach, prompted the nonparti- living in areas of the state with tive in its efforts to join with the san Brennan Center for Justice to high property values will see a big world community that is working respond (5/11/17): "Kobach could spike in their property tax bills, to curb our carbon emissions? have a platform for his exagger- even as their incomes don't go up. Shouldn't the community recon- ated and debunked claims. His Our legislature is equally sider the "importance" of the record in elections and voting divided. Democrats control the Burn Out event and cancel it? reveals that...he has spent the last House and Republicans control decade pursuing policies that are the Senate. Progressive revenue Deanna Kentharmful to many Americans -- options proposed by Democrats, Wayne Kent particularly those Americans who including a capital gains tax on Goldendale are not white, who are elderly, or the sale of high-value stocks and who are low-income. Americans bonds and a progressive realestate should be that Presi- excise tax were flatly refused by Racism has to stop dent Trump has chosen to put Kob- Republicans. ach in this role." A good thing is that several tax With a very sincere heart, we This triggers memories of loopholes were closed including thank The Sentinel for the past bogus Republican-alleged voter on bottled water, big oil and the two weeks of explaining the rac- fraud in Washington's close 2004 out-of-stateinternet sales tax. Gov. ist activity against our Pastor Pat gubernatorial race between Dem- Inslee rightly vetoed a tax exemp- of the UnitedMethodist Church ocrat Chris Gregoire and Repub- tion for manufacturers. But in a here in Goldendale and the possi- lican Dino Rossi. Initial machine state that has the most unfair tax ble continuance against others in count favored Rossi by 261 votes, system in the nation, these steps the community, machine recount by 42, but final forward were simply not enough. Our German ancestors arrived manual count elected Gregoire by as indentured servants at the 129 votes. Rossi filed suit to over- Ray Klebba same time that African slaves turn the result in Republican- White Salmon were being imported, eventu- friendly Chelan County Superior lh ni a enhnet Deadlines: News and letters: Noon Monday Display Advertising: 5 p.m. Friday Classified Advertising: Noon Monday Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Friday Subscriptions: 1 Year, Goldendale Carrier: $32 2 Year, Goldendale Carrier: $52 Same prices within Klickitat County. Outside Klickitat County: $45, $75 USPS 2213-6000 WEEKLY. Periodical postage paid at Goldendale Post Office, Goldendale, WA 98620. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Goldendale Sentinel, 117 W. Main Street, Golden- dale, WA 98620-9526.