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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 26, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 26, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6-- JULY 26, 2017 nnal GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CALENDAR OF EVENTS Drug Awareness Team and meeting at various locations. Rescue general meeting and First Saturday Relationship Abuse Preven- For more information, call training at 6:30 p.m. at the • Goldendale Aglow meets at Ongoing Events tion Program) meeting at LeAndra (509)250-0539.KPUD meeting room. (509) 10 a.m. for fellowship meet- Pete's Pizza from noon to 1 Second Thursday 773-4455. ing at the Goldendale Grange p.m. Everyone is invited. • Goldendale Motorsports • Columbia Basin Goat Guild (509) 773-0496. First Kids Stuff .Weight Loss Support Group- Association meeting at the class. Contact Mary to reg- First & Third MondaysFree-at the Water's Edge in American Legion, at 6 p.m. ister for more information, • Rainbow Girls meeting at The Dalles. Please call Jen- for dinner, meeting at 7 p.m. (509) 261-1991. Goldendale Library 210 S. Columbus. Dinner at nifer at 541-993-4853. • Trout Lake hosts Senior Every Wednesday This Week 6:30 p.m. open to the public Meals at noon at the Jerry .SortingPracticeatBCMello July 27 Lunch Community Center. arena--by reservation only. • Computer classes offeredby with meeting following. (509) Community Come and have a great meal 176 Horseshoe Bend Road, the Library 1 to 5 p.m. Free 773-4567 Every Wednesday Every Monday with events featuring music, Goldendale. (509) 250-0726 30-minute sessions of indi- • Community Grace Brethren "Yoga at the United Method- entertainment or guestFirst Thursday vidual instruction. Call the Church has an AWANA pro- ist Church 109 E Broadway, speaker. For more informa- • Columbia Basin Goat Guild library to reserve a spot or gram for children 4th to 6th Goldendale from 6-7:30 p.m. tionpleasecallS09-369-0031, meeting at 2 p.m. Open to any- for more information, 509- Please call Jill Kieffer RN Second and Fourth Thursday one interested in or has goats 773-4487. grade from 3-4:45 p.m. Instructor to pre-register . Columbia Center of the Arts (509) 261-1991. • Annual Ice Cream Social Third Wednesday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by • Learn and Play preschool (541) 490-3704 presents: The Gorge Expres- age older siblings welcome First Monday sion Session Music Jam Sec- the Friends of the Goldendale 2:00 p.m. at Goldendale Pri- " American Legion meeting, ond & Fourth Thursdays of Learning Library. Join us for music and mary School 7 p.m. at the Legion building, each Month6:30-Spm Impro- Tuesday and Thursdays ice cream at this annualcom- First and Third Fridays 108 N. Grant. vised Jam Session Instructed " Family History Center, munity-wide event. • Goldendale morns group/ First and Third Monday by Ryan Murtfeldt $5-10 Sug- located at the corner of N. July 28 play group from 9:30-11:30 " Goldendale City Council gested Donation. Columbus and McKinley is • Born in the Deep Woods: a.m. at Goldendale Commu- meetings 7:00 p.m. at 1103 S Every Thursday open Tuesday and Thurs- Red Yarn Family Show 1p.m. nity Grace Brethren Church. Columbus. • Goldendale American day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., RedYarn's highly interactive For more information, call " Lyle Lions Club Meeting. Legion Bingo 6:30 p.m. Call Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. and and energetic performances Potluck at 6:00 pm. meeting Gary for more info: (509)250- 6:30-8:30 p.m. get everyone singing, danc- Jennifer at (503) 703-1330. at 6:30 pm. Contact (509) 365- 0993 plus more. Appointments ing, laughing, and learning! First and Third Saturdays available outside these hours. Cheer on the puppet critters • Museum Explorers Sto- 2921for more information. First and Third Friday rytimes at the Maryhill Second Monday • Java Talk 8 a.m. at Sod- Open to the public. (509) 250- of the Deep Woods as they Museum! Join us at 11 a.m. "Book Talk book discussion busters Restaurant. 3095 team up to create a brighter for stories, movement and groups for adults at 11 a.m. Every Friday and Saturday Second and Fourth Tues- future. fun, and explore the museum and 6:30 p.m. at the Golden- • Petroglyphs Walking Tour days August 2 while you are here. Free dale Community Library, 131 Now through the end of Sep- " Simcoe Chapter of Toast- • Family Storytime 11 a.m. admission for preschoolers W. Burgen. (509) 773-4487. tember. Journey on the trail masters meets at noon at (ages 3-6) and their fami- " A.B.A.T.E. Legislative of The Lewis and Clark Expe- Christ the King Lutheran Book Mobile Sum- lies. Presented in collabora- motorcycle rights organiza- dition. Well known petro- Church. mer Schedule tion' with Fort Vancouver tion 6:30 p.m. social, meeting glyph "She Who Watches" July 27 Regional Library District, at 7 p.m. at the Goldendale and other significant Native For the Guys Lee 9:45-10:15 a.m. Maryhill Museum of Art and American Legion. Open to American cultural resources First Saturday Pueblo delRio 10:45-11:45 a.m. the Dalles-Wasco County public, are located at Horsethief . Men's breakfast at Colum- Alderdale/Mercer Ranch Library. First Tuesday Lake State Park. To set up bus Avenue Baptist Church, 12:55-1:20 p.m. • Soroptimist International of your tour call 509-439-9032, located at 815 N. Columbus, at Main Office Columbia River Goldendale business meeting you willreach the Goldendale 8 a.m. (509) 773-5075.Country Store 1:50-2:30 p.m. Support Groups 12-1 p.m. Dedicated to help- Observatory who will set up . Men's breakfast at Commu- Sundale Fruit Company 2:45- Every Monday ing women'and youth in our your tour. Bring your walk- nity Grace Brethren Church, 3:30 p.m. • Narcotics Anonymous community and worldwide, ing shoes as you will walk the located at 1180 S. Roosevelt at August 1 meetingin Wishram from 3-4 Guests and new members same paths the Native Ameri- 8 a.m. (509) 773-3388.New Hope Farms 9:30-10:00 p.m. at 425 Main St., across welcome. Location varies, cans walked. Second and Fourth Satur- a.m. (no stop on 6/6 or 8/29) from thepostoffice. Newcom- Call Naomi at 773-6091 for Every Saturday days Cleveland 11:00-11:30 a.m. ers welcome, information. • Goldendale Farmer's Mar- . Men's Breakfast at Gold- Bickleton Post Office 12:15- Mondays thru Fridays First and Third Tuesdays ket from 9-2 at Ekone Park. endale Nazarene Church, 2:30p.m. • Narcotics Anonymous, 7 • Leah Rebekah Lodge 22 at Every other Sunday located at 124 W. Allyn at 8 August 2 p.m., Monday thru Friday at Odd Fellows Lodge, 301 NW • Goldendale Women's Hud- Father's House Fellowship, Second Street, 7:30 p.m. dle 11 a.m. at the Goldendale a.m. Old High Prairie Fire Hall 9:45-10:20 a.m. 207 S. Klickitat in Goldendale. Second Tuesday Chamber of Commerce 903 Lyle Market 10:40,11:30 a.m. ]gvery Tuesday • Klickitat Republicans meet E Broadway. Come join us For the Ladies Dallesport School 12:30-3:00 • Take Off Pounds Sensibly at 6 p.m. Rotating meeting in being pro-active in your First Tuesday p.m. (T.O.ES.) meets in the River- locations. August will be at community and loealgovern- • Soroptimist Internationalof view Bank meeting room at 9 the High Prairie Community merit. You don't have to be a Goldendale business meeting a.m. For more information, Center. womantojoin, ailis welcome, 12-1 p.m. Dedicated to help- Upcoming call (509) 773-5878 Second and Fourth Tuesdays no dues or fees. Next meeting ing women and youth in our July 29 • Domestic Violence Victim's • International Order of Odd- March 26, 2016. community and worldwide. • The Goldendale Farmer's Support Group 10:30 a.m. at fellows meeting at 8 p.m. at Guests and new membersMarket will be open from 9 Programs for PeacefulLiving the Goldendale Oddfellows Hobbies and Crafts welcome. Location varies, a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ekone Park. Call Naomi at 773-6091 for Music will be provided by for more information please Lodge. Second Tuesday information. Jackie Carmack. Michelle call 509-773-3100 Every Wednesday • Goldendale Photo Club Second Wednesday • Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. at meets at 6 p.m. at Golden Second Wednesday Priddy will be doing a food • Alzheimer's Association the Simcoe Cafe in Golden- Photo, 105 W. Main. Anyone • Order of Eastern Star No. demo for the market on bread Caregiver Support Group at dale. with a passion for photogra- 1 Evergreen meeting at 7:30 making. at the Goldendale Masonic • Friends of the Goldendale the Goldendale Senior Center, Every First Wednesdayphy welcome. (509) 772-2717. Lodge 210 S. Columbus Community Library and located at 115 E. Main, from • Coffee and Conversation Every Thursday Fourth Wednesday the Goldendale Commu- 10:30 a.m. to noon. 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Golden- • Bowman Creek Fiber Arts Every Thursday dale Senior Center. Topics of Guild meeting from 10 a.m. to • Order of Eastern Star No. 1 nity Library presents, The Evergreen Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Annual Old Fashioned Ice • T.O.P.S. (Taking OffPounds conversation include aging, 2 p.m. in the basement of the open to the public with meet- Cream Social from 6-8 p.m. Sensibly) meets from 6-7 p.m. travel, fraud, health issues, GoldendaleGrange. Spinners ing following at 7:30 at the at the Goldendale Commu- at the Riverview Bank in Gol- and activities. For more infor- and weavers welcome. Goldendale Masonic Lodge nity Library 131 W Burgen dendale. Phone (509) 773-5878. marion please call Virginia at Every Friday 210 S. Columbus. St. Free cake, watermelon, ice Second Thursday 509-773-3757. • Yarn Benders meets from 10 • Goldendale Community First Thursday a.m. to noon at Sodbusters. Support Group for School • Masonic Lodge, 210 S. Open to all who knit or cro- Food. Anyone interested in Columbus. Dinner at 6:30 chet--from beginners to' the quality of food our public p.m. open to the public with experts. school students get. Meet at meeting following. For more the Goldendale United Meth- information, visit goldendale- odist Church at 6:30 p.m. or call (509) Animals and Out- . Coalition for Preventing773-5785. door Abuse in Klickitat County • Mid-Columbia Public safety Second Tuesday (formerly Klickitat County Activity League (MCPAL) .Klickitat County Searchand EAST DISTRICT COURT July 17, 2017 James A Byers: DWLS Third Degree: (4/1/2017): Guilty Plea: Jail 90 days/90 suspended: Fine/ Fee $795 12 months probation Cynthia Lee Campbell: Theft Three: (6/29/2017): Stricken Marcos Ernesto Delatorre: DWLS Second Degree: (6/23/2017): Stricken Brandon L Gerard: Theft Three: (5/31/2017): Guilty Plea: Jail 180 days/178 suspended 2 days converted to community service: Fine/Fee $729.79 Divinity Starr Gregg: Malicious Mischief-Three Physical Damage: (2/10/2017): Jail 90 days/90 suspended: Fine/Fees $615.50 12 months probation Chad Alan Grimes: DWLS Third Degree: (4/13/2017): Dismissal Chad Alan Grimes: DWLS Third Degree: (6/24/2017): Guilty Plea: 90 days/88 suspended: Fine/ Fee $1130:12 months probation Kyle Joseph Hancock: Theft Three: (10/6/2016): Probation violation: 60 hours community service Ronald Lyle Scherf: DWLS Third Degree: (6/7/2017): Guilty Plea: Jail 90 days/90 days sus- pended: Fine/Fees $812.50:12 months probation Conrad J Weiss: Disorderly Conduct: (6/17/2017): Guilty Plea: Jail 90 days/90 suspended: 12 months probation Kyle Joseph Hancock: 1) Criminal Trespass First Degree 2) Theft Three: (1/29/2017): Probation Violation 60 hours community service July 18, 2017 Charles Lavaughn Blevins: Speeding 26 MPH over limit: (5/19/2017): Committed $259 Raymond Wayne Cich: 1) Speeding 25 MPH over limit 2) FL renew expired reg>2 Mths: (6/2/2017) Both: 1) Committed $218 2) Committed $228 Miriam Carmen Cortez: Op mot veh w/out Insurance: (4/7/2017): Deferred Finding $225 Esmeralda Lupercio Cordova: 1) Speeding 21 MPH over limit 2) Op mot veh w/out insurance: (6/6/2017) Both: 1) Committed $218 2) Committed $350 Juan Carlos Mendoza Alonso: 1) Speeding 10 MPH over limit 2) Op mot veh w/out insurance: (6/10/2017) Both: 1) Committed $125 2) Dismissed Joey Bret Steinfeldt: F1 renew expired reg> 2 mths: (6/2/2017): Committed $150 Stephen Alan Agnew: Speeding 19 MPH over limit: (5/9/2017): Deferred Finding $125 Tommy Wayne Feller: Fail to attend/extinguish fire: (5/6/2017): Committed $500 Tawaualla Patrice Foley: Fail/Refuse to submit to weighing: (4/18/2017): Committed $187 Alisher Keldibayev" Fail/Refuse to submit weighing: (4/26/2017): Committed $187 cream and Root Beer floats. Entertainment featuring Gorge Winds Concert Band. July 29 • Tango Lesson and Dance at the Maryhill Museum. The evening starts with a 45-min- ute tango lesson at 6 p.m. fol- lowed by a tango dance party from 7-9 p.m. All levels wel- come! $5 for members; $10 for non-members. July 30 • Klickltat Canyon Days pre- sents the 23rd annual Ducky Derby! This event helps raise funds for community activities as well as sponsor the Canyon Days Celebra- tion each year. Please call 509.369.4782 for more infor- mation. July 31- Aug. 3 • Pacific Northwest Plein Air Event in the Columbia River Gorge. Drawing on a long tradition of painting in the open air, this event attracts some of the finest painters from the Pacific Northwest and from across the country to capture the stunning light and inspiring vistas of the Columbia River Gorge. After four days of painting, works are displayed at Maryhill with juror-awarded prizes given to the most exceptional works. Paintings remain on view and available for pur- chase in the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Education Center through August 27. Aug. 1 • Lyle senior Meals at noon. Lyle Lions Community Center, corner of 5th Street and Hwy 14. Everyone is welcome! Aug. 2-3 • Centeral Klickitat County Parks and Recreation District and Goldendale Art Guild pre- sents: Adult Art Class: Ceram- ics (hand building) from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a follow up class Aug. 9th with your fired art work. Adults 16 and older. Instructor Charlotte VanZandt King. Fee is $25, scholarships available. Please call, 509-773-0506 for more information. SENIOR MEALS Senior Meals for Thursday Noon July 27 Sweet and Sour Meatballs Senior Meals for Tuesday Noon August 1 Beef Stroganoff Call Mt. Adams Transportation Service for Transportation to meal sites: Goldendale, 509-773-3060; White Salmon, 509-493-4662 WEATHER THIS WEEK .~t.~s. Wednesday: July 26 -t =%i,/~ Day Time: Sunny, High 91 ~t~t Saturday: July 29 "~y~ Day Time: Sunny, High 91 .~t.~t. Tuesday: August 1 -s~i,/i ~ Day Time: Sunny, High 95 Evening: Clear, Low 63 Evening: Clear, Low 61 Evening: Clear, Low 66 Sunrise: 5:39 AM Sunrise: 5:43 AM Sunrise: 5:45 AM Sunset: 8:40 PM Sunset: 8:37 PM Sunset: 8:33 PM _;(~)= ~ Thursday: July 27 ~(~ Sunday: July 30 Day Time: Sunny, High 90 eT% Day Time: Sunny, Evening: Clear, Low 60 Evening: Clear, Low 62 Sunrise: 5:40 AM Sunrise: 5:44 AM Sunset: 8:39 PM Sunset: 8:36 PM High 92 _~ =(~): Fdday: July 28 ~(~ Monday: July 31 Day Time: Sunny, High 91 OT,, Day Time: Sunny, High 92 Evening: Clear, Low 61 Evening: Clear, Low 64 Sunrise: 5:41 AM Sunrise: 5:45 AM Sunset: 8:38 PM Sunset: 8:34 PM Movies at The Dalles Now Playing: War for the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) 142 Minutes (Last Week Showing) SHOWTIMES: July 26-27: 12:10, 3:10, 6:10, 9:10 Spider-Man: Homecoming (PG-13) 124 Minutes (Last Week Showing) SHOWTIMES: July 26: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30, July 27: 12:30, 3:30 Dunkirk (PG-13) 107 Minutes SHOWTIMES: July 26-27: 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:30, July 28-August 2: 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:20 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (PG-13) 129 Minutes SHOWTIMES: July 26-27: 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, July 28-August 2: 1, 3:50, 7:30 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets 3-1) (PG-13) 129 Minutes SHOWTIMES: July 26-27:9:20 Coming Soon: Atomic Blonde (R) 115 Minutes SHOWTIMES: July 27: 7, 9:30, July 28-August 2: 1, 4, 6:45, 9:10 The Emoji Movie (PG) 86 Minutes SHOWTIMES: July 28-August 2:1:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30