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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
July 29, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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July 29, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 8 PUBLIC from page 7 NOTICES such protest or objection testify for or against the must contain a description following proposals: of the property in which SUB2004-01: Applicant: the signer thereof is inter- Colette Murray requesting ested and the grounds of a preliminary plat such protest or objection, approval for a 5 lot subdi- Joan Fray, Chairman vision, a redivisJon of Lot (3106) 4, SPL2003-17, located within a portion of Section NOTICE OFPUBUC 22, T6N, R10E, W.M., HEARING Klickitat County, WA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Klickitat (Jennings Road and Pokaroba Way, Trout County Planning Lake, WA). Commission will hold pub- ZON2004-03: Applicants: lic heanngs on August t6, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Howard and Cindy Shaw Klickitat County requesting a rezone of 8- acres from Suburban Courthouse, Commissioners Meeting Residential (SR) to Residential-3 (R-3) and Room, 205 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA. Cluster Development THE PURPOSE of said Overlay (CO), and a hearing is to hear all inter- Comprehensive Plan ested parties who wish to Amendment from Medium Residential density to High Residential density The Planning PM, August 18, 2004 to allow future considera- Commission may make The City of Goldendale tion for the development recommendation to the solicits statements of of 20-30 unit subdivision Board of Countyqualifications from engi- for single and multifamily Commissioners toneers.qualified to develop residential structures. The approve, deny, approve plans, specifications, esti- proposal includes Lot 2, with conditions, table, or mates and if performance Hays Subdivision and continue the matter to a is satisfactory, provide Lots 29 & 30, Gorge View set time and place, construction engineering Estates Subdivision, BY ORDER of thefor the foltowing project. located within a portion of Klickitat County Planning Section 33, T2N, R13E, Commission dated this East Collins Street WM., Klickitat County, 19th day of July 2004. Reconstruction Project WA ("D" Street and Third James Dean, Chairman funded by the Street, Dallesport, WA). Curt Dreyer, Planning T r a n s p o r t a t i o n SUB2004-02: Applicant: Director Improvement Board (TIB). Mercer Ranches request- (3107) ing a preliminary plat The work will consist of approvalofa131otsubdi- REQUESTFOR the items as defined vision on 10.83 acres, QUALIFICATIONS below under Scope of located within a portion of CITY OF GOLDENDALE Work. The construction Section 27, T5N, R23E, ENGINEERINGSEn-phase will not be part of W.M., Klickitat County, VICES the design engineering WA (off AIderdale Road, Qualifications due 5:00 agreement. The con- Alderdate vicinity), struction engineenng will be considered when design phase is near completion and will require a separate agree- ment. The Scope of Work includes the following items: Design engineering, development of plans and specifications and evalua- tion of bids for approxi- mately 2,700 feet of street reconstruction, curb/gut- ter, sidewalks, storm drainage, water & sewer improvements along East Collins Street in Goldendale, WA. The City will evaluate all qualifications statements and select up to three engineers to interview. An engineer will be selected based upon qualifications and inter- 1103 S. Columbus/PO licly and view results. Compliance Box 69, Goldendale, nessed with State of Washington Washington, by 5:00 PM by any licensing and registration August 18, 2004. pdmary, taws will be required in Postmark not accepted, appear engineering selection. Any questions regarding election Any utilization of Women this request this request and Minority Business may be directed to Larry DATED Enterprises should be Bellamy, City July, 2004. identified in the proposal Administrator at (509) Diana and will be considered as 773-3771. part of the selection (3108,3205) And process. Elections The engineenng contract PUBLIC NOTICE will be for design of the As required by RCW above-reference project 29A.36.130, a lot drawing with an estimated con- will take place on July 30, struction cost between $1 2004 at 5:05 PM in the million and $1.2 million Klickitat County Auditor's with the time of perfor. Office to determine the mance expected to be order for candidate between September, names on the official pri- 2004 and May, 2005. mary ballot used at the Qualifications must be polling place. The deter- received by City Clerk, ruination will be done pub- Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in : Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dallas Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at pl!s - - ih i ii i i i i f .... .... ....... i i i i i .... ii ,Hi,ll ii ~" hess Opportunities "60Computer Nqdwod~ ~¢blllt, Hood River Distillers, Inc., Nurldng Faculty Position. RESTAURANT/ CT TECHNOLOGIST OFFICE HELP ................ 34-55 B~ F'r, Columbia Gorge located in the heart of the Columbia Gorge Community KffCHENMANAGER Skyline Hospital has an im- ts & Loans 65 su r~e """ """'70 CommunityColleoe Columbia Gorge, is seek- Seeking a positive, enthu- mediate opening for a FT Immediate opening for per- .............. ~9-72 In ra " College In The D~IN/Ho(M Emldoylmmt ................ 74.85 Mortgages&Contracts 72 InfonnationTechnolow ing a Matedals and Produ¢. Rlver, O~LPN4~ elastic and energetic per- CT/Staff Technologist. son with basic office skills InHorreSer~..,.,..,90-105 De~nt UonSchedullngManager. Program son with pizza production Must be ARRT Registered including phones, recep- Travel& 65~ B.S. or industry certification Part-Time: Clinical Instruc- experience. Must be ca- and have (or be able to tion, light typing and com- pable of hands on man- obtain) a current WA li- putar skills. Contact Joe or With extansfve job expert T m T~ ......... 109.122 ence' Mm=mum"" ' ' z~ years r~o-" '" his key, full-ti ,e postion, tor, BSN. req. OR RN Li- agement of a busy, fast cease. Posifion includes Gary at Cliff Smith Motors, Parkdale Ik~.,Ml~ ............. 124.2~ veil 'Ne'cware .... network In .... requires a deta=lref onenteda__ canse, 2 yrs current ours- paced pizzeria kitchen. Job on-cell hours. New grads 541-386-3311. CooldUn, "ll"'io" "n" m-in"-n'-" " person wnn p er Dry an ing practice req (acute care description includes coor- encouraged to apply, Con- R~,,~f,~~i~-~ OtherW~ Anlmab& MAJESTIC Mortgage st=, eL . = u ,, t~, =,.~, 'i • account ng background, pref). Salary dependent on dinating incoming orders, tact Human REsources at. Agdcu~m .............. ~ Servk:es expenence. Excellent trou- .. ....... . .---r ................... Cities"" hl~=hnntinn c ..... i~. uuues mciuce omenng, assignment. Variable start training and efficiency of P H !509)493-1101, FAX Local manufacturing corn- Golden~ Rentab ............... .328415 Private money loans. Any .......... ,. .............. in " tracking aria- inventorying I~Estate ....... ,...41~4..~2 property type. Any credit ton and rout i-task g sk s ' date. Apply to President's kitchen staff, food prepar- ~bu~)t^4~.~bl14=~.,~u UOX party seeking a FT Recap- Caress'" situation. Call nowl Becky For complete job descdp- production supplies; as well Office, Columbia Gorge ation,inventory manage- ~.~'~"~...~" ,,~'' tionist / Admin Asst• Expe- Washo~. .......... ~ Johnson• 503-525-3571 or tion and applications pack- as processing and menag- Community College,'400 E. ment, and quality control. A ~mo/zornrsKy( dance with multi-line Vancouv 503-752-3441. at, contact the Office of the ing customer orders and Scenic Drive, The Dalles, team player assisting in Bazaars/ Dksct0~y .............. .548-70~ President, 400 E. Scenic production planning and OR. 97058; 541-298-3123 maintaining a positive, fun Exp. Carsglver for AFC home, phones, basic APIAR Antiques Wrap~ ~O~ Dr., The Delles, OR. scheduling. Excellent ben- or email working environment, nsedwsekend help, 541.298. knowledge, & assistance Collectibl theHolk~ ......... J00.~2 97058; 541-298-3123; efits package, 401k, and Qualified applications ac- 4366. with attendance / payroll Jewelry~ work environment included. For questions about posi- capted at Andrew's Pizza, ~MI=MI~AL ~'~,~I~/ANI rot processing. Successful Apparel .... candidate will have strong Help Wanted""""'"'"75 Closing date August 16, Wages will depend on ex- tion, cal1541-506-2239. 107 Oak St. Hood River, ousy surg~ce~ omce, aver- d:=f~ ~nf~ ~k'l|~,~ knt'~ Furniture Positions Wanted "N-"--80 age 32-40 hours per week ......, ~,; .... ~ ,.,~.. ApplienC~ Volunteem""""""'"82 L,'uu4 at 5:00 pro. EOE. perience. Pre-employment OR 97031. ,edu,=- ....... u, ,v,,,.,,u=,u," ............. ,.,,,,,..,=," Job Opportunities""'"''65 C~-K-. ---- drug screen and skills test- ~ ~ both back and front office nrofassional nhone eti- Home Ek ' duties. Requires flexibility ~ .... ~ ..^,,,- ...... =.... Compute A~(~j(~(~ In Home Services"""'"89 FT/PT position in Hood ing is required. The closing ~1. Fuel efficient car required. Must have a CDL with two .... qu=.= = ~=,. ,.u~v,=.u.. Satellites anD teamwork onentat=on .... Child Care Providers'"'"90 River. Exp. necessary. Fax date for this position is July 541-29(,-,1600 years experience. Tanker . . . ,Excellent benefit package HappyAds!'"'"-''"2 Child Cam Wanted""'"95 resurne to 541-386-1203. 30, 2004. Please mail re- -- PART'nI~3OK& - endorsement. 32 cents per ability .to WOrk in oepen. & wage DOE. Submit re- Cameras oently m rest paced enw Card of Thanks """''"5 DiaperServices""'""100 ~ sumes to: P.O. Box 240, PARTllMEDIETARYAIgE. mile. Must be able to go " . . - sums & salary history to PhotoSU ronment. Duties inctuoe as- Hnn-- = D"vis In" PO Flrewo~ ---"---'" "--- Hood River OR 97031 Notk:es~10 7~~ 30o3, Ask for Bob SlStlng physicians with gen ing exists at Hood River --~-~-~ flexible. Exp. pref. or will .... Box 405 Odell OR 97044 Events'" "15 Immediate Full-time open- , . Dependable, creative & into Canada. 541-386- . .... ou '= = , ~,., HotTubS . ___ _ , era= patien[ care, omce sur- Please a=~'~ b" '7/30/04 "Swimmin Personals~0 Care Center. Th,s is an Full time housekeer,=,r trein. SaleryDOE. Applyat ~~ genes and endoscoples, ~ Sporting' Support Groups """'-25 a.m./p.m, position. Call ~ for ~=v shi~ ,--Hawks Ridge Assisted Liv- seeking mature, creative, maintenance of inventory Secretary position with ligm Exercise V rg n a at 541-386-2688 or :"'-".-..."T.~ _7." ing Community, 1795 8th enthusiastic people to join and equipment, computer bookkeeping, software ~lbcerdS Lost & Found """"''""30 'The Ticket to a dream job r,i,..~ ,n nr,~i,-=tinn =,t ~mte n~re. P'~:~ upSt, Hood River, OR 97031. the Facility Rental and Cafa scheduling, referrals, char- tools used are Word, Ex- i mightl~llybeascam.*~;"~ "l..~,-n¢l~'~",~r~n'n"Rrl Hcw'trl application at HRCC office Govemment WIIdliteJobsl Ri-vTer'C)-1~'~)~'03--,i' ....... 9,130 a.m. to 5 p.m. ~ team. Management, cus- ing, various clerical tasks, cel, Access, Quick Books. Art ton'mr service, & food prep- Expedense in medical field Job requires good tele- Mu Gr~tP~a~dBen~ - ' ~, ,, ,,, ~ ...... ' .............. days,p~- week for 2904-0~5 arat~m ~ ~e. required. Competitive pay phone technique, excallefit NoEx~ ciallit I (GI$) temporary po- HOOD RNER CARE CENTER cupational Therapist As- sume to Discovery Center, resume, to Mid-Columbia to process and complete EquineTherapeutJc To protect you~s~the Ol~tsbue ~ Spe,L .... ,.,;lr41,sle, lffi01 ..... ~-schoo~ year. Oregon'O¢- ~|npi)~'or~hdre- range and benefts: S~nd organizatioilelskills,&bility ~EE Growth & Learning Center Federal Trade Commission sition (320 hrs) at USGS 729 HENDERSON ROAD sistant License required. 5000 Discovery Dr., ThB Surgical Specialists, ATTN: multiple tasks without over- Invlte you to our 2054 OId toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, Columbia River Research HOOORNER, OREGON 97031 Bilingual/Btliterate in Eng- Dalles.OR.97058. Sandy Lacy, 1810 E. 19th, sight. Person must be a FashlonBamRalslng.Sat. or visit Lab Cook, WA. BS (or "A PRESTIGE FACILrr~ lish/Spanish helpful. Con- Suite 225, The Dalles, OR. willing learner, confident July 31,8-4pro. 55 Lower Spring Creek Rd,, Husum, WA 509-493-2409 A Public ~rvlce ~ The ticket to a dream job from The Dalk~ C~ and tact Region 9 Educational mightbeascam Service District, 541-296- PceU Jo= theFTC,__ 3046, The Dalles, OR, or NoF.xpede Requ dl Medical transcriptions, Hood River Dodge Chrys- Applications: Open until about jobs with the Postal F/r, work delivered. Great AUTO SALES Don't pay for information work fiom home. Work P/T, ....~IT~ON?i ' WHY? ...... lerSALESJeePAssocIA].~,is recruiting for Sled. EOE Service or federal govern- pay. Training available. CONSIDERN)OPTK)N ment. Call the Federal TNI's Jobline, 425-334- Warm, secure, loving home I~ Poll"""""~ Trade Commission toll free, 5978. available for newborn baby. WE WANT YOU IF YOU Mid Columbia Marina is 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit Please call attorney at ,&.RE: looking for a team player www.ftc.govtoleammore. Our new memory care 1-800-606-4411.A-941 with good communication A public service msesege wing @ Flagstone Senior 1. Willing to leam skills, and good sales skills, from The Dallas Chrenlcle end Living is accepting appli- 2. Have Valid Ddvefs Must enjoy motorcycles, ~ FTC. cations. Seeking exp, care- License A'T'V's, PWC's & boats, givers & Mad-aides in the 3. Want Above Average Technical skills are a plus. feid of Alzheimer's & relat- Earnings Please send Resume & ed dementia. For applica- 4. Have a Big Desire to Lattaroflntentto: tion, call 541-298-5656, Succeed P.O. Box 1046, Hood small WE GWE YOU: River, OR. 97031 atanp~sei~ted living,corn or stop by 3225 Columbia View Dr., The 1. $1,500 per Month Dallas. Guarantee per 3 months 2. Full Sales Training 3, Full Benefits Package 4. Fami~ F~nd~ ,~ule 5, Advancement Opportu- nity For personal interview, please cell Tressa Hanson, 641-386-3011. HRDCJ is an Equal Op- portunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace. PREGNANT? Need help? Call Pregnancy Resource Truck Driver needed. Class A Center at 773-5501. Free pregnancy t~. CDL. Doublse, flatbed. Medl. cal, dental, vision, insurance, sefety, fuel & tire bonuses. NW area. MUM have 2 yr exp. m 41 zo , 0 7 7.11 I. ACOA (Adult Children of Molded Fiber Glass Co/NW Travel throughout Skama- Alcoholics) Support Group- is currently looking for pro- nie/Klickitat Counties pro- Goldendale; meet Men- duction workers for the as- viding transportation & days. 6:30 p.m., 124 W, AI- sembly of roof caps. Mold- supervision for family visits. lyn ~treet. For more info ed Fiber Glass Co/NW of- BA/BS preferred in psy- call 7734428. fera full benefits, monthly chology, counseling, social AL-ANON-115 E. Main, and annual profit sharing, work or a related field, or 2 Gck:lenda~ Senior Center and a retirement package years social work exp. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. for all employees. You may Knowledge of child devel- 773-6420. pick up an application at opment & good communi- the Molded Fiber Glass Co/ cation skills red'd. Must be AI.COHOUC8 Anonymous NW front office, located at able to work with minimal Wamic Group, Tues.(open) 30 SE Cascade Ave., Ste- supervision. Reliable trens- 7pm@WamicChurch. veneon, WA 98648 be- portation req'd & rbim- ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- tween the hours of 7:00 bursed. $9.75/hr. Submit endale meetings at the a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Men- resume/appltcatlonto: United Methodist Church; day through Wednesday. The Next Door, Inc., PO Box 661 (212 2nd St), Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p,m.; PROGRAM MANAGER I Hood River, OR 97031 or Fd., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- small: barbara~ way. 1-800-999-(3210. noxtdoorlnc,org AUTO SALES CONSULTANT Apply in person to: Gary Gr~th Crystal Math Anonymous Cliff Smith Motors "Survivors". Fd 8-9pm, 401 3100W, Cascade Avenue, E. 10th, Unit Recovery HoodRiver, OR Hood RIver Do(~ Foundation, The Dallas. C.H. Urne~ Charier Jeep Motor Company Has immediate opening for Qualified Technician, Competitive pay- houdy wages, retirement, medk cat/dental, Call Ron for ap- pointment, 541-296-2284. equivalent work exp.), 1 yr experience managing and LEARNING Ladder Chris- building databases using tian Pre-School is accept- GIS software. Salary $750/ ing applications for Teach- wk. Send cover letter and ing Assistant, pert-time, M- resume to gerald.c.horsk F, beginning 200412005 @jci.corr~ Open untti filled, school year. Send re- sumes, with references to Driver is wanted for our 55 LLCP, P.O. Box 1033, yr old petroleum company, Goldendale, WA 98620 by CDL with HAZMAT, Tanker 8/6/04. endorsement required. Du- ties include delivery, sales LIBRARY ASSISTANT, Parb cells, and limited adminis- Time, Columbia Gorge trative work. The ideal can- Community College Li- didata should have a his- brary. Provide technical tory of exceptional cus- and clerical assistance to tomer service, great work patrons and Director of Li- ethics, strong desire for brary Services. Perform success, and pleasant per- detailed work, assist a va- sonality. Please respond to defy of patrons with library Temple Distributing, 212 Terminal Ave, The Dallas, and electronic resources. OR. Work schedule includes all Saturdays. Requires HS di- DRIVEI~NEEDED ploma or GED, one year Passenger vans, Drug test ciedcal or library exped- Req. The Dalles & ence add one year exped- Wishram area only. ence using Microsoft com. 1-800-799-7433 purer software applications. GOLDENDALE School Prefer candidates with As- District No. 404 has the fol- soclates Degree and Biltn- lowing opening for the gual abilities (English/ 2(X)4-05 schoolyear: Spanish). $9.63 per hour. Heel PSYCHOLOGIaT Non-smoking environment. (Pmt41mePodtlon) Closing 8/03/04, 5pro. Start Application information 9t13/04. Request applica- available at tion packet from Library, or at the Administrafion Columbia Gorge Commu- Office, 603 South nity College, 400 E. Scenic Roosevelt, Goidendale, Dr., The Dalles, OR. WA95620;509-773-5177. 97058. (541) 296-3138. CLOSING: Until filled. EOE. EOE MARKETING, DEMEMrlA SUPPORT GROUP A Pelion For I,k~lng? Fdeods, family & careglv- We are recruiting for If helping others heal is ers of people affected with EXPERIENCED SALES your passion, we have a Dementias. 2rid Wed. of /~SOClATE place for you! In addition to every month. 10~I 1am. competitive compensation, Oregon Veteran's Home. WE WANT YOUU IF YOU: we offer comprehensive Public is welcome. For info benefits and an environ- call541-296-7190. • Want Above Average ment of excellence. We Cannon Bsech Earnings have the fofiowlng positions T.O.P.S. (Take Of f Pounds Hallmad(Inm=&Re=m~l • Want To Advance To open: Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 Sseklng~ngStilfManagement a.m. to 10 at Rtvervlew SummertirneWages ,AbilityTolnterectW'~ RegbtmldNume Comm. Bank. 773-0456. Begin at $8.05/hr to ~,00 + Local Customers B~¢al/~d~mt Based on a~lity Radidog~ Tedmolog~ T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Full or Part time ~ GIVE YOU: C~ ~ Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 Come work at the Beach Software Developer p.m. at Riverview Comm. For more Information, Bank. 773-5301. www,mcmc, net, emall at Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer Center. For more info con- tact Lyn at 296-7205. FOUND set of keys at the Hood River Manne 7/18/04. 541-354-1748. • Full Training To Advance Call 503-436-1566 • FuR Benefits Package Ask for Iolanda • Family Friendly Schedule 1400 S. Hemlock Street • Sign On Bonus Based On Cannon Beach, OR Your Experience CASE P~iAGER For personal interview, call Tressa Hanson Mid-Columbia Center for 541-386-,3011. Living is seeking a full-time case manager to work with Jt, NENILETRACKIER our clinical services team. for Hood River County. This is a new position that Full time position requires will provide services to cit- varying evening, daytime eats in the community and and weekend hours of work closely with the re- gional jail and psychiatric work. Applicants must pos- hospitals. Requires a bach- sess high school diploma elor's degree in social or GED with additional 2 work, psychology or relat- years education and/or ex- ed field and 2 yrs. exped- patience working with de- ence in human services; or llnquent youth. Entry salary high school diploma and 5 $1912/mo. with increases yrs. of relevant training and to $2442/mo. Applicants work experience. Must must request and submit possess knowledge of Hood River County appli- symptoms and challenges cation and supplemental faced by people with men- questionnaire to HRC Ad- tel illness. Salary range is ministration, 601 State $2,864-3,506/mo. + excel- Street, Hood River OR lent benefits. For applica- 97031 by 4:00 p.m., August tion packet, contact She- lean at 541-296-5452. Cles- 18, 2004. FAX # 541-386- 11/t0/04. Drugfree work- 9392. Hood River County ie plsce/EOE, an EOE employer. LOST: Woman's gold ~lko witch w/half-round black face & 2 diamond= on se. side In W.S, are= 3 wks. =go, Senti- m~lal v~ue. If fouM caU Preschools ''"""--35 SchocP, JTraintng m40 Tutodng~45 Instruction "50 Health & Fitness """""'*55 PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Wind River Public Devel- opment Authodty seeks to contract for marketing, planning and administrative services for the Wind River Site~ Wind River Site is a 187 acre complex suitable for economic development. Marketing, project plan- ning, grant Writing & ad- ministrative experience re- quired. Familiarity with state & federal grant & loan programs desired. Request for Proposal Package (RFP) available from Ska- mania County EDC, 167 NW. SBcond Street, PO Box 436, Stevenson, WA 98646. Proposel due by 4:00 p.m. on Wed. August 4, 2004. Call 509.427-5110 or e-mall at scadc(~lmania-edc.~g MECHANICS needed, no exp required. Excl benefits. Must be 17-36 w/H.S, di- ploma or equivalent. 541- 296-1827 MEDICAL Transcdptionist. Work from home. PT/FT. Work delivered. Great pay. Training available. TNI's job line: 425-334..5978. NOW HIRING Clean, dependable, and honest individuals who en- joy the puUic. NOT A SUImF.R JOB Minimum 2 year commit- ment. 16 & over please. Big Jim's Ddve In, 2938 E. 2nd St., The Dallss. Mid-Columbia Center for Living is seeking a Pro- gram Manager-I. Respon- sible for development, im- plementation, administra- tion, and evaluation of as- signed programs and pro- jects. Position oversees and coordinates agency staff training program; and works with management team and community to de- velop new services. Posi- tion may be assigned spe- cific program or projects as identified by supervisor. Requires Master's degree in psychology, social work, or related behavioral health field and appropriate state license or certification as required. Must have 2 yrs post Master's experience In behavioral health which in- cludes management of a program and/or complex projects that involve plan- ning, budget development, implementation, monitor- ing, and supervision of staff; or satisfactory equiv- alent education, training, and expedenca. Must have knowledge of variety of best and evidence based practices. Requires excel- lent written and verbal communication skills. Re- quires travel with quadri- county area. Salary range $4,094-4,7901mo. w/excel- lent benefits. Drugfrae wo~p~E:e/EOE. Clol~: 8110104. Contact She/sen for application packet at 541- 296-5452. Embroidery screen printing business seeking well or- ganized, motivated person for busy wholesale co. Full time. Call 541-386-2399. hr~mcm¢.net, or ~II us at ~t-2~-7510. MId, Columl~ } C~t~ 1700 E. t~h 8truer 97058. No phone calls and personable with a lively please, sense of humor. Send re- sume to Box =D", c/o T.D. Chronicle, PO Box 1910, The Dalles, OR. 97058. RN, LPN or MA Mid-Columbia Health Cen- ter has a full time position open in our White Salmon office for a RN, LPN or MA, Requires minimum experi- ence of 2 years and formal schooling. Send resume to MCFHC, Box 1519, Whita Salmon, WA. 98672, At- tention: Linda McCaulley, RN or call (509) 493-2133. CLERICAL POSITION: Knowl- edge of general office prac- tices. Bt-lingual a plus. Win- dows 2000/XP & Word knowledge required. Quickbooks knowledge de- C.N.A.-C.M.A. sired. Salary negotiable Hood River Care Center DOE. Send resume to PO now has opening in both Box 1607, The Dalles, OR, C,N.A. and C.MA. areas. 97058. Excellent wage and bene- Growing heavy equipment fits choices offenng C.N.A. manufacturing company to- career ladder with oppor- cated near Hood River tuntty for advancement in needs OFFICE MANAGER/ several directions. Each ACCOUNTANT. Successful level has increased re- candidate will have exped- sponsibility, recognition ence with manufacturing and pay. Call Margaret or software, preferably Busi. Kasi at 541-386-2688 for nese Works or MAS90, and more info or stop by 729 general computer ac- Henderson Rd, Hood River counting end payroll expe- OR for an application, dence through financial MEDICAL ASSISTANT posi- statement preparation, tion available in a busy Management position with specialty clinic. Mon-FrL excellent salary and benefit benefits & competitive pay. package. Send resume Send resume to Casc-.~F, da with employment, educe- Orthopedics, 1715 E. 12th tlon, end salary history to St., The Dallas. P.O, Box 405, 3800 Eagle No phone ~ please Loop, Ode,, OR 97044 SecrMary, part-time, Columbia Gorge Community College Of- flce ofthe PrUdent HS Diploma required. AA degree preferred. Related work experience required, Proficient in Microsoft ap- plications. Excellent com- munication and organiza- tional skills. $10.59 per hour. Hours will be Tues- day through Friday, 9:30am-3:30pm. Position closes July 30, 2004. Re- quest complete job de- s(~dptlon and eppllcetlon packet from Offios of 'the President, 400 :E. Scenic Drive, The Dalles, OR. 97058. 541-298-3123 EOE 1-~ N. Bonneville, business to business, exp. preferred, P/T to start, refs required, pay DOE, Knsti 509-427- 7232 OR 866-281-7609. ASSISTANT Office Coor- CARPENTER, 30 yrs, sxped- dinator: Central Washing- ence, all phases, Intsdodex, ton Comprehensive Mental brier.Randy, Health, a progressive com- mun,ty m.nta, hesith cen- ter, is currently seeking a .... ................. candidate with good or- "BomtoFIih" ganizatlonal, customer ser- Fourth-grade boy: Looking vice and clerical skills for for someone to spend qual- our White Salmon office, ity time with. Loves the out- Successful candidates will doors and fishing. Looking have vocational/technical for a "Big Brother" who is training beyond HS and 3 stable, but can be a lot of yrs. office exp., preferably fun. Lives in Wasco in a bealthcare setting. Min. County. If you are interest- $9.00 per hour., 30 hrs. per ed in a fellow nature lover week. Please call 509-575- that will keep you young 3894 to request en appli- call 541-298-2173, in Hood cation. Equal Opportunity River call Ted at 541-386o Employer/ADA. 6565, ext 200. Ar~, Hair Care For the ¢ readerS following will be Dallas. White Lake. 'l.bndymen Wanted" Sale. 8 year old boy: Looking for a "Big Brother" who will teach me how to fix things just like my Pappy, Colorful 814 personality; not afraid to tufa, ask questions; will make you laugh! Looking for someone who ia stable, but loves to have fun. Can't wait any longer for a "Big Brother." Please call 541- 298-2173 Comb Gorm ETHICAL. tL~K+wk, potential. Be your own boss. Not MLM. !100,~0,0~2. Car Pooia "''"'110 Tickets~115 Travel "'""""'" 120 Free4or-all "m""-" 122 301