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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 1, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 1, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Thursday, August 1, CRADLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION I Photo: Washl~toa State Progre.~ Co~l~l aud Wasklagt~ N~l~r l~Ibllshexs' Association Whitman College, In Walla Walla, bears the name of Marcus Whitman, who came to Washington as a result of the visit of Indians to St. Louis in 1831. This photograph is of the Memorial building. WhitmaR College was founded by Cushing Eells. BICKLETON GIRLS STOP AT GLENWOOD By Laura J. Parrott GLENVVOOD, July 29--An eight pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew, Thursday in White Salmon. The young fellow is a great grandson of Mrs. R. V. Feller. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nleveen of Portland drove through Glenwood last Monday on their way to Block- house and stopped for a short while to call on a few of their friends. Mrs. Nieveen has been elected to a position in the Washouga,1 sch~)ols. Mr. Nieveen due to poor health is taking a leave of absence from his position .at Roosevelt high in Port- land. Nell Neilson, mechanic for H. F. Kuhnhausen, is vacationing this week in Canada. He was accompani- ed by other members of his family. Mns. T. A. Lenten is enjoying a visit f~oln her (laughter Hazel and small grandson of Bickileton. On Sun- day eve of last week she ,had as guests her daughter Mrs. Ethel Jon- son and her sister-in-law who had taken five Bickleton girls to the Scout camp at Peterson Prairie for encampment there and were return- lug to their h,omes Monday by way of White Salmon and a short stop there at the Jack Duus home. A~bin Berglund began work Wed- nesday in tbe App~leton section on the Grand C,oulee-Bonneville po,wer line for the Department of the In- terior. Faye Dean enjoyed a week Of vis- iting at the iI~utchenson home in Klickitat ~vhere she was the guest of her friend,s Dorothy and Jean. Velma Lane expected to go home with them for a stay this week. Ruth Kuhnh~.usen was hostess this week on Friday to the Craft and C~oking 4-H Club. Dollar dinners were discussed and the proposed campin~ trip to Peterson Prairie August 7-8. Aid met at the Lloyd Hlckey home last Thursday will meet in two weeks at the M. K. Hathway home. The woolgrowers association are featuring their annual dance and picnic here August third and fourth. Posters are out announcing the affair. Mrs. B. E. Hanson is a me]n- ber of the committee on arrange- merits. Jesslmine and Horace Clarke of Tleton, Washington are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell this week. Henry Ladiges and Claude War- nor drove to ~oldendale on business FrM;:andl,t,v Mrs. A. M. Yerkes, their daughter Marion, and their house guest .Miss Frida Hebrad who was visiting them from California, were in Glenwood ,Saturday cMling on people, Miss Hebrad remembered from their residence here. ghe is a neice of Mrs. Yerkes. The Henry Restorff family of Washougal and Chris Restorff were recent guests at the Peter Troh and Adeline Howe homes. A~ber,t Booher #and son Floyd Harry of Wapato were at the ,I-tarry Booher home over the weekend. Mrs. Harry Booher has been keeping her three Gangle grandsons and the two Brangazi boys for the summer. It is reported that Ben Hoibrook and Lorenz Jeakel are both very ~ll in hospitals at Portland and Steven- son. Not a great deal of hope is held out for either one. tMr. and Mrs. Jake Pierce were in White Salmon on Monday. Grasshoppers of a variety smaller and darker than our garden specie have denuded al~l vegetation in the r~on of Potato Hill. Sunday they fled in waves ahead of ones feet as you walked. Royal and Underwood Portable typewriters. Small down payment, balance in small monthly payment. Inquire at The Sentinel, tf Hay Production Costs Figured It costs the average Western Washington farmer $7.08 to raise a ton of hay and put it in the barn. This figure was developed as the result of a study conducted by Arth- ur J. Cable, assistant extension econ- omist of the State College of Wash- ington, and James A. Johnston, as- sistant extension ag, ent in King County. FLgures obtained tby the two men sh, ow that cos~ per ton range from $11.86 to a low figure of $4.11, showing a great diversity of condi- tions and other factors. The most important factor in- fluencing the cost was the yield per acre. The hay that cost $11.86 per .ton to produce averaged only 1.3 :tons per acre, compared to 4.4 tons per acre for hay that cost $4.11. Land values, labor costs, methods of harvesting and type of hay rallied were other facbors which influenced production costs. LIKE TO SEE THE UNUSUAL Spokane, Wash., July 29--What do tourists like to see? "The an-: usual," said J. R. Eyerman, color photographer for the Washington State Progress Commission, who is 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in Block 28, all in First Addition to the Town of Lyle, Washington, according to the plat of said addition now on record in the office of the County Auditor of Klickitat county, Washington. Date of first publication being August 1, 1940. McDWE,N & BROOKS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office ~nd P. O. Address: ,McEwen & Brooks, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. Aug l~Sept 5-6t-- Notice of Hearing of Final Account and Petition for Distribution P. 1900 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kiickitat County. In the matter of the estate of Sus- anna Anderson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Anderson, administrator with will annexed of the estate of Susanna An- derson, deceased, has rendered and presented for settlement to and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state, his final accoupt and report and petition for distribution, e~s such administrator with the will annexed, and that Wed- nesday, August 21, 1940, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the C~)urt room of our said Superior Court at Goldendale, in said County, has been duly appointed by our Superior Court for the settle- ment of the Final Account, at which time the Count is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons entitled to the s~me and discharge the adminis- trator with will annexed. WITNF2SS the Hen. Howard J. At- well, Judge of said Superior Court and the seal of said Court affixed this 24th day of July, 1940. R. M. SPO[ON, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court. M~EWF_3q & BI%OOKS, Attorneys for Estate. Jul 25-Aug 15-4t-- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitut County. Wesley H. Wilson, Plaintiff, VS. Annie W. Gillenwaters, Cinderella Proctor, if living, and the ~n- known heirs of Cinderella Proctor, deceased, if deed; Jennie Harris; Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. STATE OF WASHINGq~N to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty days after the date of first publication of this Summons, to-wit: Within sixty days from the 25th day of July, 1940, and defend the above entitled action in the court above named, and serve a copy of your answer on the undersigned, at- torneys for plaintiff, at their address hereinafter set forth; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be taken ageLinst you according to the demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the above named Court. The object of said action is to ob- tain a decree of the above named court decreeing plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the herein- ~fter described real property and quieting title thereto in him and for- ever barring and permanently en- joining you and each of you from , now touring the eastern and central claiming any right, title, interest, lien, or estate in or to said real prop- part of the state securing pictures erty adverse to plaintiff. for the Progress Commission's ed- i vertising in the coming season, "at ,least tourists enjoy most the experi- ence or scene which is not duplicat- ed in their own community." "The Sunken Gardens of Manito ,Park in Spokane are a case in point," l~r. Eyerman added, saying that these g~rdens are not only a suc- cessful subject for beautiful color photography, but something that vis- itors remember because of their in- d ivid u ali~ty. A refrigerator cannot work effici- ently if it is so crowded the air c~n- not circulate. Also, it will use more ice, electricity, gas or kerosene if it must chill extra containers, hot Said real property being described as follows: Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 4 North, Range 14, East of the Willamette Meridian in Klicki- tat County, Washington. McEWE~N & BI~OOKS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address: Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. Jul 25-Aug 29-6t-- Notice of Hearing Petition for Deter- minatlon of Heirs, Distribution of property to those entitled there- to, to Determine Inheritance Tax and Discharge the Ad. ministrator No. P. 2143 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for ,the County of Klickitat. In the matter of the estate of Kate Rayburn, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVF~N That C. O. Garmire, administrator of the estate of Kate Rayburn, de- M. Coate, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executrix of the estate of Frank M. Coate, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said deceased ere required to serve the same on ¢he executrix at her residence, Harrisburg, Ore., or upon McEwen & Brooks, attorneys of record for said estate, at Golden- dale, Wash., and file with the clerk of the tbove named Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or the same will be forever barred. Date of first publication: July 25, 1940. ANNA BEI~ COATE, Executrix of the estate of Frank M. Coate, de- ceased. M eE:WEN & BRO(OS, Attorneys for Estate. Postoffice address, Golden- dale, Washington. J 2:5-A 15-4t-- SU~E~IONS BY PUBLICATION No. 6169 In the ~uperior Court of the State of Washington, for Klickitat County. Eunice Fenton, Plaintiff. VS. John C. Fenton, Defendant. ~State of Washington to the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty days after July 25t~, 1940, exclusive of the date of publication, and defend the above entitled suit in the above en- titled Court and serve a copy of your answer or other appearance up- on the undersigned at~:orneys for the Plaintiff at their office and post of- rice address below stated and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be taken against you according to the demands of the complaint, which is on file with the Clerk of the above Court. The object of ~his suit is to secure a dissolution of the marriage relation existing between the plaintiff and the defendant. WARD & W~P~D, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and post office ad- dress, Goldendale, Washington. Jly25-A29t6-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. P. 2149 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. In the matter of the este~e of Mar- garet Sarsfield, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the es- .tote of Margaret Sarsfleld, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same on the executor, Frank L. Sarsfield, at his residence, Centerville, Wash., or upon Ward & Ward, his attorneys of record for said estate, a.t Goidendale, Wash., and file with the clerk of the above named C~urt, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or the same will be for- ever barred. Date of first publication: July 18, 194~0. I~RA~K L. SARSY~ELD, Executor of the estate of Margaret Sarsfleld, deceased. WARD & WARD, At.torneys for es- tate. Postoffice address, Golden- dale, Washington. J 18-A 8-4t-- NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 6~ah day of August, 1940, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Goldendale, county of Klick- itat, Stwte of Weshingon, by the Coun.ty Auditor of said county, the following described state lands, to- gether with the improvements situat- ed theron, will be sold at public auc- tion to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: NOTE----~o one except cRizens of the United States, or persona who have declared their intention to be- come such, can pui'chase sta~e lands. APPLICATION NO. 16583. Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 3 in Burford's Addition to the Town of Centerville, Klickitat County, Washington, appraised a~ $700.00. The above appraisal includes both dishes or foods that do not need re- caased, has filed in ,the office of the the land and improvements. clerk of said court his petition ask- This sale is intended to convey frigeration, ing the court to distribute the prop- only that tale obtained by the State Royal and Underwood typewriters erty of said estate to the persons through escheat proceedings, being entitled thereto, to determine the Cause No. ,P1757 in the Superior at The G~)ldendale Sentinel. Small heirs of the flecedent, to determine Court of Klickitat County, Washing- down payment and easy terms, tf inheritance tax and to discharge the ton. . . said administrator; and that said Said lands will be sold for not less ........ ~------ • "petition will be heard on the 21st than the eppraised value above stat- | ~ E~. A | [~ [~11 [-'|~'~[ • day of August, 1940, ~t the hour of ed and upon the terms and condl- ,~ag'~ a ~ .a ~,,~ # 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the tions following: _._...__ court room of our superior court, in Not less than one-tenth of the pur- .~.~n~..,~ n.~ ,,~,,,. ~'~ATION the Town of C~oldendale, Klickitat chase price must be paid at the time Cou y, Washington. of sale The purchaser, if he be not ..... "-=----7 ...... f WITNESS The Honorable Howard J the owner of the improvements, must in the ¢~upermr cour~ oI the ~'tate o Atwell one of " '~ w~..~.,...+.... ~ ~+,+ r,,,,n+,, " , the Judges of sald! forthwith pay to the officer making • ,,~-,-s~,,~ ~,,- ~,,~,~,~,-~ ~ .... ~. court and the seal +h .... • ~'-~-~ +~-'- ~^ +~-~ *'-11 .... ,"+ "f the a,,- r,t,u=v~ ~=~v ~,~-=, . .~ this 23rd day of July, 1940. !praised velue of ~21e improvements, claiming an.y right, title, interest. In the Superior Court of the State ofi sent of the Commissioner of Public ~mn. or esta~e~n or to ~ne real W.a.shington for ¢he County of[ Lands, untdl the full amount of the ~..~~.~.~..+~ ........ . r~!ickitat. - [purchase price has been paid and vm .................... . .. ~n zne matter of the este, te ell deed issued The State of Washington to me Richard Fritzgerald, Deceased. I All sales'of state lands are maue above namea ae~enuants: Noq~ICE IS ~u~uv ,~xr~,~ .... :- - .... v ......~ .~, ~.¢ ,,^,, or~ h~r~b,, _ ~ ..~ ~. *~'~ '-wv~"~,IsuDJec~ ~o tne reserve.tlon~ oI oils, xuu, ~,~ .~-¢,~ ,-- ~,,,, y..,~ ~ .~_: 'Punt t~. U.t~armlre, administrator lgases coal, ores, minerals and fos- summoneu .to appear wl}nln s~x~y of the estate of Richard Fitzgerald, isils of every name, kind and descrip- (60) days after me ua~e ot nrst paD-deceased has fil~,~ -. +~-^ ~'ce of .............. ........ ns and def nd , ~. .. ~,,= u,. uon, ann ~o me auatuonal ~erms anu hearten oz tins summo e the cle]k of said 'q~ ...... ' "; ........ r" -" "-- court his petitioni conditions proscribed in seotion 3 of the above enzltleo acuon m the cou t~ asKlnn " " ..... g t e court to distribute the chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. above names, ann serve a copy o~ re ert of s .... ~ a~ i p p y aid estate to the per-i Said land will be sold subject to your answer on unaers~gne~ t-sons entitled thereto to determine! the terms, conditions and reserve, torneys zor pialnur~ a~ mew auuress the heirs • . el of the decedent, to deter-[ tlons of chapter 312 of the ~esslon hereinafter set forth, anu m case oz, mine inh r . . ~' . ..... e itance tax and to dis-Laws of 1927, relating to easements your failure so to so, juugment wm char ' ge the said administrator; and!for rights-of-way and the carrying of be taken agai5st you according to that said petition will be heard on timber, stone, minerals and other the demands of the complaint which the 21st day of August, 1940, at the[ products over the same. has been filed with the clerk of the hour of 1:30 o'clock in the after- ALBERT C. M~RfrI~, Commissioner e.bove named court. if'he object of said action is to obtain a decree of the above named court, quieting title to the herein- after described real property in the plaintiff and forever barring you, and each of you, and all persons cle~lming under, by, or through you from claiming any right, title, interest, lien or estate in or to said real prop- erty ,or any part thereof adverse to plaintiff; said real property being de- scribed as follows: Lots 1, 2, end 3 in Block 21; and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in Block 24; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 2~5; and Lots 3, 4, noon, at the court room of our su- perior court, in the Town of Golden- dale, Klickitat County, Washington. WIq~li~SS The Honorable Howard J. Atwell, one of the Judges of said court and the seal thereof affixed this 23rd day of July, 1940. R. M. SPOON, Clerk of the said Court. C. O. GARaM~IRE, Attorney for ssad esbate. Jul 25-Aug 15-4~-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS I,n the Superior Court of fine State of Washington for Klickitat County. In ,the matter of the estate of Frank of Public Lands. Jlyd-AltS-- SUMMONS B~ PURIACATION No. 6156 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kiickltat County. Lenore Paul, Plaintiff. VS. Delbert Paul, Defendant. ~State of Washington to the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the first date of publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (6.0) days after the 27th day of June, 1940, BUY, SELL OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS... QUICK RESULTS SMALL COST. All ads listed for this column must reach our office before uesday evening lowing date of publication: RATES: Minimum charge of 25c per insertion; three " the price of two. 5c per line, count five words to the line. All ads cash, unless you have a charge account at this office. Turn those unused article into cash.., sell them with a $825.00; 1935 1~ ton Internation- al $2~50; 1931 Studebaker sedan $50; 1926 Dodge sedan $45; 1925 .Dodge touring $35. Benny's Auto l Service, Goldendale, Wash. 311[ FOR SALE--John Deere (model D'I tractor and Killifer disk plow, i FOR RENT--160 acres of inquire J. A. Wilson, Wash., Route one. FOR RENT---Furnished ~part Phone 1994. Frank Fenton. FOR KENT--~Six room house, furnished. Call Hotel I~ll. STRAYED---Three months old ford heifer calf. Branded left ribs. Reward. Everett parentage, subject to registration, wood, Phone 302K. A bargain at $75. See A. J. Lenoir, "----"- Cedar Valley road, eight miles northwest of Goldendale, R. 2. 303 A-I condition. Will sell cheap._ ............. Gee. Kraus, 3 miles west of Block- W&~Tr~--~WOrK Dy the hour. ~rs. house on highway. 303 Brashear, 127 Eest Oour, t ~t. 293 FO~ ~."-~- VtANTED---Small furnished house to ~otinn l~ rnll.1='' phnn,°q2~ 3111 rent in Goldendale to be available ........................ ] middle of August or ,thereabouts. FOR SALE--Deering groin binder 71 Fred Taylor, The Sentinel. 293 ft., $100.00. Might trade for sheep. } Wish to buy few ewes. G. V. Hicks, WE WANT--Hogs, .beef, lambs and Lyle, Wash. 303-- veal, and feeder pigs. AI@o hides. We p~y highest cash msxket prices. FOR SAI~--White Rock pullets 2~ months old, fine levying st~ain. Des- ton Russell, Phone 3085. 293-- FOR SALE---Team of logging horses, 7 and 8 old. Gentle and well broke, weight 3800. Will sell reas- onable. H. W. Freer, Bickleton, Washington. 293 FOR SAI,E--1930 Model A Ford, good tires, good paint, A-1 condi- tion. Priced to sell. Bobby Byars, Goldendale..Phone 3154 or call at John Coffield place. 293-- exclusive of the date of publication and defend the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court and serve a copy of your Answer or other ap- pearance upon the undersigned at- torneys for the plaintiff at their of- fice and post office address below stated and in case of your failure so to do Judgment will be taken against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which is on file with the Clerk of the above Court. The object of this suit is to secure a dissolution of the marriage relation existing between the plaintiff and the defendant. WARD & WARD, Attorneys for Goldendale Meat Co. 50tf--- WANTED--Fat ~h~>gs, cattle, and sheep. Highest m~rket prices peid for feeder pigs. M. M. Hector, phone 316Y5. April 1940 MUST SELL OR TRADE for lowland on account of health, 160 acres See, 5-6, Twp. 8, Range 14 E. Chris Pedersen, c-o Route 2, Box 303, Enumclaw, Wash. 311 WILL TRADF,---Gray enamel Mon- arch range, good condition will trade for a good milk cow. Inquire Cliff's Harness Shop, 115 E. Main Street. 293 FOR RENT--Furnished house, avail- able first of 'Sept. or Oct. for win- ter months, or for on,tire school year. Edna Mulford, 330 West Main. 313 tiff, office and post office address, Goldendale, Wash. J27=A1t6-- N()TICE~-4 have at my ranch saddle pony, branded DA on hip. Owner may have same by l ing adv., pasture and feed bill. ( Jarls, Bickleton. CAPTAIN TOM BOYD'S Columbia B~ch, Whidby One hour from ~eattle via tee ferry, hourly service. fishing, swimming, clams, new rate modern cabins, weekly and monthly rates. AT STUD---~Purebred Billy goat for service, $1 for son. Bring your Nannies 4 on Bioodgood road; b mile Timber. James A. Johnson, 2, Goldendale. KI.JCKITAT KAREFUL ]g]~. l~none 102. Suits order--Royal "Pallors and City Woolen Mill lines. prices. West of Ford Garege, endale. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our for their many expressions of hess and sympathy in the loss brother, Nicholas Ward. -- Ward, Thomas F. Ward, and C. Ward. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deeP preciation ~to our neighbors friends for their kind words of pathy. ,l~specially do we thank our friends for the offerings. -- ,Florence Jean Mason, Helen M:ason, Be] son, Ralph 'Mason and family, M. Faulkner and family. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 6162 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat Coun'ty. Charles Carlston and Mary Carlston, husband and wife, Plaintiffs. VS. The United Trust, Limited, a corpor- ation; the unknown heirs of Wm. Cumming and of D. Cram, both deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, ¢itle, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the herein, Defendants. The State of Washington to the above named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within 60 days a~ter the date of first publication of this summons, to- wit: Within 60 days after the llth day of July, 1940, eLnd defend the above entitled action in ¢he above named court and serve a copy of your answer or other pleading on the un- dersigned, attorney for plaintiffs, at his address hereinafter set forth; and in ease of your failure so to do, judg- men,t will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... in Pine Fir Exquisitely surfaced our modern, high-speed planers DRAINBOARD STOCK J. NEILS Klickitat - Washington MARYHILL FERRY Connecting Link for U. S. 97 and Columbia River Highway NEW LOW TRUCK ItAT]l~ the clerk of the above named court. The object of said action is to ob- tain a judgment and decree of the DR. MILTON R. DAVIES above n~ned court decreeing the plaintiffs to be the owners of the DENTIST hereinafter described real property Home Phone 1464 Office 1172 in said county and state, and quieting Goldendale, Washington title thereto in plaintiffs aud forever barring you, and each of you, from DR. WILLIAM H. WEST any right, title interest, lien or es- bate in and to said real property, or DENTIST any part thereof adverse to plaintiffs, Office phone 722 Res. 342 said real property being located in Goldendale, Washington the County of Kliekitat, State of Washington, and/ particularly des- cribed as follows, towit: The ee~t half of the southwest ATTORNEYS.AT.I~W quarter of section 32, township 4 O~e Door North of Postoffice north, range 15 east Willamette Meridian. ' Goldendale, Washington F. A. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiffs. J.R. McEWEN Z.O. BROOKS Office and l~ostoffice Address: Goldendale; Klickitat County, C.O. GARMIRE Washington. Jlyll-ASt6~ ATTORNEY.AT.L~W Franchise Application No. 1224 Brooks Bldg. Office phone 372 NOTICE OF HEARING Oolden~ale, Washington matter applice,tion ofI~.W WARI~ ~b qP ~. ~DI~ In the U. S. Department of the In,teriar (The Bonneville Project) for a ATI~OI~NEYS'AT-I~kW franchise to construct, operate and /)arch Building maintain an electric transmission line crossing S.S.H. No. 8-D in Goldendale, Washington Kllcklt~ t County, Washington F. A, SMITI I W~EREAS, U. S. Department of the I.nterior (The Bonneville Pro- A~RNBY.A~-I~W Ject) ,he~, under th~ provisions of One Door North of Postoffice Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, filed with "~he Director of tIigbways of the Goldendale, Washington State of Washington an application for a franchise to construct, operate RAMSEY and maintain an electric transmls- A~ffI~ORNEY.AT.LAW sion line crossing S.~S.H. No. 8-D in ]:)arch Building Klickitat County, Washington, fro" a period of 2,5 years, to-wit: Ooldendale, Washington Crossing S.S.H. No. 8-D es now located and of record in the office of EDGAR H. CANFIELD the Director of Highways at Olympia, I Washington, eli a location in the S~ A~J~ORNEY.ATJ~AW of NE~ of SWt of Section 11, Town- Brooks Building ship 3 No~th, Range 10 E. W.M., Goldendale, Washington between highway engineer's stations 13 plus 66.66 and 14 plus 26.51. NOW, THEREFOR~E, NOTICE IS HER~B Y GIVEaN .That a hearing will be held on application by the Director of ways of the State of his office in the Tremsportation Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 27th day of August, 1940, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 9th day of July, 1940. JA~. A. DAVIS, Assistan,t Director of Highways. July 25-Aug 8-3t--- DEAN GILLENWATBRS PLUMBING and BUILDING ATERIAI General Contractor Phone C. H. KNOSHER REAL ESTATE Phone 162 C. E. CROOKS R aL ESTATE. INSURANC . State Bank Bldg. Phone $$z Goldendale, Washington PION EER STATE BANK INSURANCE DEPARTMENT . Goldendale, Washington, phone 7~ & A. M. NO. 31 Stated Communications Ever1 First and Third Thursday C. H. KNO, S~ER, Secretary FRATERNAL ORDER 0 EAGLES AERIE NO. 2115 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. Meets Every First and Third Monday Eack Month Legion Hall, Goidendale~ HERMAN C. ROLOFF LIVESTOCK AUCTIONJ~I~ Used Furniture and Farm inery Bought, Sold and Goldendale, Washington PHILLIPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1502 - 1503 Goldendale - Washing