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5, 2004
Gorge Classified
ad also appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Carnas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free at 1-888-287-3777
437 Real 465 Canopies & 525 Sport Utility 538Antique &
EstatWWA Campe Vehicles Classic Autos
built 1800+ square foot view
bedrooms, 2 baths, central
i furnace and fireplace, custom
CUstom closet organizers, Jacuzzi
suite, remote control ceiling
marble and slate floors, cedar
car insulated garage, lots more.
one subdivideable acre.
773-3000 or 541-980-1447.
2, 0 sq. FT.
1010 R~ Drive
~ rl:Z)OI.
9rf~. ~-r~em~-~#.
National Water
Before You Drill
beDth. Yield - Quality
I Free 1.877.994.9100
Aviation' '455
RVs & Travel Trailers'"'460
Canopies & Campers "'465
RV Rentals '470
RV Parts & Supplies .... 475
Boats, Motors
& Supplies .......... 480
Snowmobiles ............. 485
ATCs & ATVs .......... 490
Utility Trailers ........ 495
Heavy Equipment .... 500
Miscellaneous ...... 505
Auto Parts & Supplies""510
Autos Wanted .......... 515
4x4s & Off Road
Veh~es ........... 525
Pickups & Trucks""""""530 •
Vans & Utitity Vehicles ""535
Custom Antique &
Classic Autos ""'''538
Automotibles ~"'540
FOR THE PRICE OF ONEI cond. AP, 95K. $13,800. '69 Ford Convertible, '63
Great for hunting season or 541-386-4120. Mercury, '25 Model T truck.
family reunion guests. Fair GMC Suburban, 1988, 350 fuel '60 Ford pickup. 509-493.
condition. Keep one and injection, automatic, 4WD, 2814or541-490-1318
sell the other? Co-joined power windows/locks, tilt PONTIAC Tempest
twins - take both or don't wheel, stock condition, clean Lemans, '62. Original, 4
take either. $450/takes interior. Runs & drives, needs cyl., 4 barrel, trans axle.
both. 509-493-2231 transmission work. $2500. Runs & ddves. Nice paint.
541-980-1447 or 509-773-3000. $2500,541-386-5157.
475 RV Parts
& Supplies
GMC Suburban '97. Leath-
er, 3rd seat, rear air, AM/
RBW 5th wheel hitch.18K lb. FM cass., CD, tow pkg.,
$150. EASYLIFT hitch running boards. Only 75KI
s~tem.$50. 541-387-2529. $11,000. 360-281-4486.
540A b//es
'00 BUELL M2. Flat black.
Runs good. Lot's of fun.
$3500 OBO. 208-284-4266
'00 KTM SXC. Serious off
road sportcycle with Corbin
seat. 1,250 Mis. Older rid-
er. $3700. 509..637-0732.
'02 KAWASAKI KX85, Hen-
thai bars. Exc. cond. Out
grown, must sell. $1750
one. 541-806-3405.
'89 Goldwing GL 1500.
Excl cond. 59K. $5500.
McCIoud, 541-296-1881
1972 Honda Classic 350
CL excl cond, L0 mS.
$1000. 54%298`6728
ElectraGlide . Classic
FLHTC. Sierra red. Custom
exhaust w/Screaming Ea-
gle air intake. $19,3K. 509-
493-1597 (7-9pm)
Honda Rebel, 1986 with
windshield, saddle bags, Io
mS. $1600. 541-540-8669.
KTM '00. 400 SXC. Sedous
offroad sportscycle. 1250
mS, Beautiful bike, $34001
OBO 509-637-0732
Vehicle Sale
3255 Hwy. 142,
Friday, Aug. 13, 2~4, 12 p.m.
View 3 hrs. prior to sale.
'84 Ford Futura
WA 949 MHF
HONDA Accord EX, '92.
Auto, loaded. White. New
JEEP: 2000 Wrangler SE. FORD Ranchero GT PU tires. Exc. cond. $3850
4~la~l~ol~o~, Red, 40,000 easy miles. '78 w/canopy. Runs great. OBO. 541-806-0945.
SMileS $10,000. See at Wamic $1000, 541-490-6296,
Auto, Wamic, Oregon. 541- INFINITI '96. J-30T. Loaded.
'87 YAMAHA 9.9, 4 stroke. 544-3161. 540A~I~)HeS $8500/OBO.100K mS. New509.493-1623tires/brakes.
Runs great, small oil leak. MAZDA Navajo Ford, '91, 5
$850OBO, 509-427-5925. spd, white. Good cond. '01 CHRYSLER Sebring MITSUBISHI Spyder '01
16' Fiberfoam boat. Lots of $2500.541-806-0016. convt, nice car, exel cond. Red convert. 5 spd, 4 cyl.
KBB $15495. ask $13500. $10,900, 541-386-6393.
extras. EZ load trailer w/ ~l:~'ups OBO541-296-4695 PONTIAC Bonnevil~e-SE.
new 6 ply tires. $2900. 541-
'76 VOLKSWAGEN super- '92. AT, AC, power. White.
386-1758 or 509-629-0288. i~ Truck3 beetle, sun roof, $1800. 131K, runs well, clean.
1440 Barker, HR. 509-773-6510. $2100. 541-387-3179.
1976 Century 21' w/I-O, DODGE: '75 Power wagon
$3700. one. excl cond. club cab,m 4x4 pickup. AT. '88 OLDS Cutlass Ciera. PONTIAC Firebird '97.
541-296-5551. $1400.541-298-284763,000K, Great gas mile- 70K. Loaded. $7000 + take
age, dependable. $1600. overpmts. 541-806-2290.
27' Catalina Sailboat. Roller- FORD '02 Ranger 4WD. 541-296-10306:00pmPONTIAC Sunfire'02.
furler 5 sails, 5 winches, radio, Ext. cab. Exc. cond. 29K
auto pilot, solar panel, much mS. $13K. 509-395-2558 2003 FORD FOCUS32K. Exc. cond. $8500
ZX3 2dr, 5spd, low miles. A/C, OBO. 541.490-4473.
much more. $9000, 541-993- FORD '79 F250. Rebuilt460 crulee, AM/FM/CD/MP3p/ayer, Porsche 914, '73 in excl
3947or993-1047 w/7000 mS. 4x4. Tow pkg. foglights, liquid grey metalllc, cond. Met. lime green, CD,
MARLIN Ski boat, 1977, $5000/OBO. 509-773-3999 Greatstader(lst)car. hard top convert. $6900.
16' fiberglass runabout, FORD F-250 '01. Super duty 541-296-536~541.993-5369, OBO. 541-340-8669.
115 HP Evinrude outboard ext. cab wl3rd dr. 4WD, Triton ACCORD. LX, '00. 5 spd. RERNANCE YOUR CAR
w/power trim, ski pylon, V10, PW, PL, AC, CD, 17,5K. AC, CC, power. 60K hwy. at the lowest rates in years!
finder,Stainless speedometerSteel prop, depth& $20,995.G°°d 541-3,54-1011,c°nd" Dark blue, $12,000. 541.490-8044. Save money & lower pay-
tach, swivel seats, clean BUICK Regal, '97. White, ments. Call Gary at 541-
upholstery, EZ loader trail- FORD F250, '86. 3/4 ton, loaded. Almost new cond. 386-3311
er w/new tires, needs en- 4x4, 4 spd. Super cab, 1 $4850OBO. 541-806-0945 SUBARU '83, Lots of new
gine work. $1,250. 541- owner. Good running gear.
980-1447or509-773-3000. 7.3 diesel. $2500. 541-308- HONDASffoom$500! parts,4 snow tires, CD.
6300. Police impounds!For listing Runs greatt $800 OBO.
SMALL boat trailer. 800-749-8167 x2964. 541-386-5402.
Almost New. $99. FORD Ranchero '72, 351
509-538-2397. Cleveland. Runs great. CHEV: '78 El Camino, AT, SUBARU GL wgn. 32.
$1000 or trade. 360-835- nice body, good runner. New tires. 1.8. Runs good.
4~ ~y~,% 2538 or 360-241-4903. $975. Rufus, 541-739-8298 $800 OBO. Trade for boat-
FORD Ranger '95 4x4. CHEW Corsica, '90. AT, same $. John 360.&33.2044.
ATCa &ATW 5 spd manual transmission, all power. Runs good. $950
97K, well maintained. Mini- OBO, 541-354-3250wee. SUBARU Wagon, '90. AC, roof
recks, hitch. 180K. Runs great,
mum bid: $3,100. Mail CHRYSLER LeBaron '90. $2500.541-806-0957.
sealed bids to East Fork V6, AT, 70k. Fully loaded.
Irrigation District, P.O. Runs & dnves great. SUNNY '92 Tracker con-
Box 162, Odell, OR g7044 $1250.541-374-8778. vertible. Great in sun or
or hand deliver to 3500 snow, 4x4, 87K+ miles.
Graves Rd., Odell, OR. CUTLASS '93 Convertible. $3000. 541-296-6846 or
Bids accepted until August Loaded! Leather. Heated 541-296-2948.
18, 2004, 12 noon.seats. CD. ABS. Exc. cond.
541-354-1185 $4700/OBO. 509-493-3950 WIFE SAYS CARS MUST COt
FORD, '01. Offroad 4x4, DODGE '91 Caravan SE. '85 T-Bird; new eng., trans
AT, AC, loaded. Blue, 28K. Everything works1 $700.& tires. $2950. 33 Lincoln,
$23,000. 541.490-3453. 509-369-3331 $1495. '59 Ford w/312 eng,
" $595. '47 Dodge 2 dr,
FORD: '76 F250 Camper DODGE Coronet, '76. AT, $495. '73 Ford, Couder,
Special 3/4T, runs great. 318. Runs great! Straight
AT. $1500, 541-298-2847 body, great interior. $495. '87 Chevy Caprice,
---~ .... $,950 ~OBO~, NJ~UST, BUY! $495. 541.478-9324.
long box, 3/4T. Runs
good.S1200.541-296-5986 DODGE: '97 Intrepid. 112k,
excl cend. $3700. 541-395-
GMC S15 4x4 '87. Extra 2563or541.490-8213. Pro Window Cleaning &
cab. Runs great. $3000 Housekeeping. 10 yrs exp. Lo-
OBO. 541-352-7895 HONDA Accord '92.4 dr, 5 eal ref¢ 541.296-5560.
spd. 157K. Good cond.
NISSAN Frontier, '02. crew $3500 OBO. 509-493-4625.
cab, LB, V6, 4x4, t5K mL,
lots of extras! '$19,500.
54 1-352-7408/490-6243.
gas fur- 460 RVs ~1
' ClOset or- Tra//ets YAMAHA '02 TTR 125L. CHEW '79 1 ton Crewcab.
tub in Exc. cond. Warranty, 5/05, 454, AT, 97K. CD. Runs
Con- '00 Jayco Qwest Trailer $2200/OBO. 509-493-4784 well. $2500. 541-490..6837.
marble 29'. FSC, exc. cond.
cedar $10,000. 541-386-1025 495 U~y Tr~i~rs TOYOTA: '79 pickup 2WD,
insulated ......... Long box, 5-spd, runs &
dnves great. $650. 541-
On ap-'80 LAYTON Trailer, 15',
SUbdivid- self-contained. $150012' tandem ax;e flatbed. 1 ft 993-0113.
sides, will hold 2 ton of hay,
OBO. 541.490-4181.bark dust, rock, misc.
'95 DUTCHMAN 26' tnwal trlr. $500.541-298-7840.Ip--'--~"_"~""~--~--~l
bd,, 2 Loaded!. FSC, Exc, cond. ~, Heavy | ~[~]~}~[~.~ .I
'HOME $9000obo. 541-490-7152. duty, reinforced axle &tail- : ACC]~]pI,~]~ I
~~m~. gate, 170/16 8 ply tires. 9
tier leaf springs. Bed meas-
Stora le slide. Q-island bed. "IV, ures 67"x77". $250 firm ]y'99Chevy l/2T, 4x4
)P, 4.5 1 d. fireplace. Loadedl Sleeps 541-386-2504. .= XCab 3rd dr, 5 spd, -=
;00. 5[ ]. 6, REDUCED from $13,900 to ac/cruise/ult, 64k.
0. ma, I$"" I
= ~"0l Toyota Sienna Van., •
• .
V6/auto/cruise/tdt, power I
| I~lrm. q AC, 2 drs., outside shower ........ ,,, ....: windows/locks. $14,995. i
Ve, ran awning, 2 skylights, w/'88 CAT-TD7G. Dresser, 4200 hre, ~. '00 Volkswagon Beetle, I
~ate ya Chevy 1 ton Dually, 4 spd. 6-way blade, runs great, new ~ au~.Jti]t,~d-, moon roof, ;
3E, All! Like new. $20,000 OBO or engine, undercarriage, tracka ;air dram, 13k ...LOADED, ;
separate. 541-980-4255. 50%. Hood River, $t6,000, i$t2,~. I
b f~ ~1,~ Jeff', 503-705-1266~' 98 Jeep Cherokee, lim-
~ItS, 8 ft slide-remodeled, excl I ~ted ac/cruise/tilt power I
1,72~ cond. The Dalles. $7900. ~S~ ! win~lows/locks, 68k, CD.I
, 503-806-5281 ; tow package... LOADED! ;
~ ~ N~e--ewew FIBERGLASS tool carder ;$10,495. I
cap w/racks for shortbed ; ;~'93 Chevy Lumina, 2- I
motor, 39K, loaded. High pu. Former phone Compa- dr., ac/croise/dlL cassette, I
Blue Book $16,000. ny's. $350. 509-493-8733 : 8Ok original $2,995 I
541-4oo-oo95. ' I
~,. 0l Ford Crew Cab
$4500 cash. or $3500 + sm 4 wheelers 50 cc :
pickup. 541-993-3996 : $24,995.
Buy, sell, Comdgn 15" MaeterCraft Nelson. : &|00co _ :
541. .r 1 ti . $200 OBO. H C Suf ss
541. 3370. I I
or 2P- tire I(509) 773-2222 :
tega NS P185/70R 14, S~ ~ (~ d~ web at:
bdrm, good tread left. $40 OBO. : :
fplce,, 360-835-5974.
IL m mlm m m•j= m m Im JI
Toyota Tacoma pickup.
$2500BO 541- 2325
Set of 4, TOYO Proxes S,q" -'''~
285-60R-17-114V, mount- - ,
ed on 5-135 17" Decata 87 Dodge conversion van,
106 Chrome Wheels. Bolt TV, frig, sink, runs good,
pattern for a 'g8-'02 FORD new tires, Ig dent on ddvers
F-150 and Expedition. 35K side. $1500. 509-767-
+ of rubber, wheels look 1539.
new, contact Wayne at ~rgoVan~2
509-427-3452 or 541-953- -- PS10,000 miles. NC, ,
8534, $750 OBO, must sell tow pkg. $15,000 OBO.
($2490 new, have receipt). 541..386-3148.
Motor homes, Trailers &
5th Wheels wanted for
consignment. Call Geoff
at Cliff Smith Motors,
541 ..386-3311.
NOMAD '03 Late. Loaded.
Like new/must sell,
$12,850. 509-637-0812
'80 PILGRIM cab-over
camper. 3.burner stove,
oven, sink, perfect cond,
Must see. $700 one.
8' SIX-PAC furnace, stove/
oven, ice box, sleeps 4.
$9500BO. 360-835-5604.
YourCamper for small truck.
Overcab queen bed, pro-
TOOL BOX for Toyota Ta- FORD Aerostar, '90. Exc.
coma pickup. $250 OBO, runnning cond. New brakes
541-296-2325. & tires. Slight body dam-
age. As is. $1000. 509-
T-~ ~ ~ ~ 427-4337 After 5 PM.
dition. $695, For details ~ Club Wagon Van
509-427-8452 '83. Does not start,
pane stove/heater, ACICC
hookup, TV/cab!e tv hook- 541~76,
ups & outside antenna, fdg, Needs work. $500 One.
curtains. $1000 OBO. , ,,, ,' -
541-352-8724. 2000 JEEP GRAND
GEM TOP full size blue CHEROKEE UMITED --
White, leather, totally 1955 CHEVY 4-Dr. Needs
canopy. Good cond. $700.
509.395-2030 loaded, low miles, gdll floor boards. Pnmered.
guard, tow package, very $750, 509-748-9118
Small pickup canopygoodcond. Newtires, CHEVY '64 Impala. 4-dr.
$75 OBO. Call Jeremy regular oil changes, post. Straight 283, Lo mS.
541-387-3531. 541-296,96t3 EVENINGS, $6250. 509-493-,3715
541-993-5494. 0CB135417
WA- KiwiFC*999DN
Just Askl
Affordable rates, all repairs;
interior/ext, concrete/ma-
Moving, Storage
Hauling, Landscape Mainte-
nance, Debris Removal, etc,
Horse Drawn
field, pasture, vacant lot,
ditchbank. 54 1-478-2025.
yard maintenance; schrub,
mowing, trimming. 541-
993-6934, 541-298-6934.
Professional tree & shrub
pruning. Now Ig area, red
rock and bark dust for sate
MARQUEZ Lawn Maintenance
Gardening, lawn maint. &
general dean-up.
& Shipping
Let Us Take Care of
Shipping your PACKAGES!
UPS shipping
is available at the
Hood River News,
419 State Ave., HR
Plenty of Parking
Tree Serv/ces
Treeman Tdmmlng Service
Complete tree service with
60 foot bucket truck. Most
affordable in the Gorge.
~ WA#602342167
Buy land, they ain't making any more of it.
- Will Rogers
650 Llama Lane
800 799-4687
301 $. WASHINGTON -- Older home, tastefully
remodeled, 1,822 square feet of living space, Full
basement, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fully fenced yard.
Reduced to $109,900. 1-685
Dividable, mountain views, 62 acres of farmland in CRR
9 ten acre parcels, abundant wildlife, secluded $225,000
j:J.~_, 2400 sq ft home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath; shop with
apartment. Great mountain views. Secluded 4 miles to
town. Only $349,950 (1-687)
CENTERVILLE AREA: 920 Randall Road. Country
home on 20 acres, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, low-maintenance
exterioc Tastefully finished inside. Lots of country living
appeal. $145,000. (1-721)
A 152+ Acre cattle ranch. Bungalow-style ranch house,
3 wells, 7 ponds, feeder barn, shop, 2-car garage, 15
acres of alfalfa ground. $339,000. (1-815)
~, 1554 Hwy 97.4 bd 1,5 ba. farm house.
In-ground pool, gazebo. $250,000 (1-683)
I N C O R P O R A T E D ...........
NEw I~'n~l Looking for the perfect home site? Look no further. 4.86 acres in Rimrock estates
with PUD water available. To top off the deal, there is even a well on the property, but there is
no information on it. Great investment as well. Incredible views, a fantasic neighborhc